
Cloud computing and artificial intelligence technology companies
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Founded in 2009, Alibaba Cloud is a global leader Cloud computing and Artificial intelligence Science and technology corporation We are committed to providing safe and reliable computing and data processing capabilities in the form of online public services, so that computing and artificial intelligence become inclusive Science and technology . Alibaba Cloud services manufacturing, finance, Government affairs , transportation, Medical treatment , telegraphy Companies in many fields, such as energy, including China Unicom , 12306 , Sinopec , China National Petroleum Corporation , Philips , BGI Such large corporate clients, as well microblog , Zhihu Such as star Internet companies. in Tmall Double 11 Global Carnival, 12306 In challenging application scenarios such as buying tickets during the Spring Festival travel rush, Alibaba Cloud has maintained a good operating record [1] .
In 2014, Alibaba Cloud helped users defend against the largest global Internet attack in history DDoS attack Peak traffic reached 453.8Gb per second. In Sort Benchmark 2016 sorting competition CloudSort project, Alibaba Cloud broke the record of $4.51 /TB held by AWS with a sorting spend of $1.44 /TB. In Sort Benchmark 2015, Alibaba Cloud used self-developed distributed Computing platform ODPS, 377 seconds to complete 100TB data sorting, a new Apache Spark world record of 1406 seconds. On June 11, 2019, Alibaba Cloud was selected as" 2019 Forbes China's Most Innovative Companies list ". [4-5]
On November 16, 2023, Alibaba Group's financial report disclosed that, in view of various uncertainties, it would no longer promote the complete spin-off of Cloud Intelligence Group [125] . On January 26, 2024, Alibaba Cloud's core sales business level was adjusted, and the hybrid cloud division was renamed the government and Enterprise Division. [138] On April 8th, Ali Cloud official announcement: overseas markets across the price [146] . On May 23, Alibaba Cloud announced that it would invest in new data centers in five countries around the world. [151]
Company name
Ali Cloud Computing Co. LTD
Foreign name
Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd.
Establishment time
September 10, 2009
Legal representative
Zheng Junfang [6] [117]
Headquarters location
Business scope
Cloud computing
Type of company
Other limited liability companies
Company slogan
For incalculable value
Affiliated company
Alibaba Group
Official website
Registration authority
Hangzhou Xihu District market supervision Administration
Registered capital
101,010101 yuan

Business scope

manage Telecommunication service ; Services: Computer hardware and software, Electronic product Digital products Technology development , Technical service , Enterprise management consulting Consulting with computer information technology; Design, production, agency, and release of domestic advertisements, non-cultural education and training for adults, and non-certificate labor and vocational skills training for adults (except for projects involving pre-approval); Wholesale and retail: Computer hardware and software, electronic products (except special control), Digital product ; Conference service , hosting exhibitions, exhibitions Display design ; Intelligent design consulting and transformation. [7]

Brand slogan

For incalculable value
In 2015 Cloud computing conference On, Ali Cloud released a brand new Brand slogan And brand advertising - "Creating value beyond computing." (" Creating Value beyond Computing. "), in-depth explanation of Alibaba Cloud brand positioning and brand value . [8]
In the traditional perception, the word "computing" is too distant and cold for most people, it is the world of code that must be cracked with effort, and the intersection with daily life seems so small.
Alibaba Cloud believes that the ultimate meaning of computing is to exert the power of numbers to solve problems and create value, so that numbers are more than numbers, and give numbers the joys and sorrows of people.

Alibaba Cloud logo

Alibaba Cloud new LOGO It starts with calculation. "[-]" comes from the symbol commonly used in the code, representing the calculation; The "-" in the middle indicates flowing data. As the infrastructure of modern society, computing and data are running anytime, anywhere.

Cloud computing value

Alibaba Group Zeng Ming, chief strategy officer, has systematically summarized the value of cloud computing to enterprises.
1. Move + Cloud computing IT has realized the "online" of IT services, so that the threshold of technology is greatly reduced.
2, cloud computing is a public service, is a variable cost, can be used on demand, is no longer a fixed asset investment, the cost pressure of startups has dropped significantly.
3. Cloud computing turns data into a means of production and enterprise assets.
Cloud computing is the use of sufficient low-cost, commercial models to solve large computing problems. In the past, we only thought of supercomputers, its operating costs are high, and the reaction speed is still very slow, when these large Internet applications really develop, such as Taobao, hundreds of millions of merchants put forward the purchase needs, real-time information matching behind, is the calculation of big data. Therefore, cloud computing is a solution that uses a distributed method and computes large amounts of data. If there is no computing power, we can't talk about the era of big data, let alone the efficient application of massive data [9] .
Ma Yun put forward five new ideas at the 2016 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference: "New retail, new manufacturing, new finance, new technology, new energy", Ali Cloud is becoming the "five new" economic infrastructure, its self-developed super-scale general computing operating system Feitian, can connect millions of servers all over the world into a supercomputer, to provide computing power to the society in the way of online public services [10] .
President of Alibaba Cloud Hu Xiaoming In the next 3 to 5 years, cloud computing and big data will not only change in the Internet, but also in the Internet Industrial manufacturing , agricultural operations, Urban traffic , and genetics , medical imaging, education and entertainment and other fields. "Cloud computing and big data will change the basic ecology of all walks of life. Alibaba hopes to export its existing capabilities to more innovators, entrepreneurs, government agencies and domestic and foreign partners." [11]

Development course



On January 17, 2024, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB Developer Conference was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Ali Cloud released a new version of PolarDB. This is the industry's first cloud-native database to support a three-layer separation form, which can help users save up to 50% of database costs. At the same time, access to a large language model, greatly improve the level of database intelligent decision-making, IO dependent query performance improved by 10 times. [135]
On January 22, 2024, the large model application GPT-BI built by China FAW and Alibaba Yuntong Yiqianwen landed . [137]
On January 26, 2024, Alibaba Cloud's core sales business level was adjusted, and the hybrid cloud division was renamed the government and Enterprise Division. [138]
On February 7, 2024, Alibaba (NYSE:BABA, 09988.HK) released its financial results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2024 (quarterly results for December 2023). Alibaba Cloud's revenue increased by 3% to 28.066 billion yuan, and adjusted EBITA profit soared by 86% to 2.364 billion yuan, hitting a new fiscal year high. [139]
On February 29, 2024, Alibaba Cloud announced the largest price reduction in history, with the official website prices of more than 100 products and more than 500 product specifications reduced by an average of 20% and up to 55%. [140]
On March 3, 2024, according to the official website of Alibaba Cloud, due to the adjustment of product strategy, Alibaba Cloud will stop trademark agency services on March 29, 2024, and adjust to platform business, that is, Alibaba Cloud will select third-party service providers as trademark agencies to directly provide customers with trademark agency business. Alibaba Cloud only acts as a platform operator to supervise and manage the service quality of each service provider; At the same time, Alibaba Cloud will continue to provide functions such as the delivery of intelligent trademark registration products and order management. [141]
In March 2024, Huawei's self-developed Hongmeng operating system was adapted to the real person certification products jointly developed by Ant Digital and Alibaba Cloud. [142]
In March 2024, according to Alibaba Cloud news, in 2024 Worldwide Developer Pioneer Conference Ali Cloud Magic community announced the "ModelScope-Sora open source program." [143]
In April 2024, Ali Cloud is fully implementing AI programming internally, using Tongyi spirit code to assist programmers to write code, read code, check bugs, optimize code, etc. Ali Cloud also assigned a formal employee ID to the Tongyi Ling code - AI001. [144] On April 7, Ali Yuntong Yiqian open source 32 billion parameter model Qwen1.5-32B. [145] On April 8th, Ali Cloud official announcement: Overseas market price cuts across the board, covering the core cloud products deployed by 13 regional nodes in the world and more than 500 product specifications, with an average decline of 23% and a maximum decline of 59%. [146-147]
On April 22, 2024, Alibaba Cloud announced full support for the training and reasoning of Llama3 series models, and provided free computing power resources. [148]
In May 2024, Alibaba Cloud announced that its GPT-4 main model Qwen-Long reduced its price by 97%, directly pulling the price down to 0.00005 yuan/thousand Tokens, that is, 0.5 percent/thousand tokens. [150]
On May 23, 2024, Alibaba Cloud announced that it will invest in new data centers in five countries around the world, located in South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Mexico. [151]
On June 7, 2024, Alibaba Cloud released the open source model Qwen2-72B Alibaba Cloud said that the performance exceeds the strongest open source model in the United States, Llama3-70B, and also exceeds many Chinese closed-source large models. [152-153]
On June 14, 2024, the "China Financial Cloud Market (the second half of 2023) Tracking" released by International Data Corporation (IDC) showed that Alibaba Cloud continued to maintain the first place in the overall financial cloud market in 2023, and the overall revenue reached 11 billion The overall market share was 17.6%. [154]
In June 2024, series of large models such as Yi-Large officially landed on Aliyun Bailian platform. [155]
On June 27, 2024, Alibaba Cloud announced that it would shut down its regional data center services in Australia and India. Alibaba Cloud India Regional Data Center will cease service after 24:00 Mumbai time on July 15, 2024, and Australia Regional Data Center will cease service after 24:00 Sydney time on September 30, 2024. [156]


On December 7, 2023, at the 2023 Alibaba Cloud Hubei Cloud Summit, Alibaba Cloud's "cloud work open matter" plan announced that it will continue to provide free computing power support for teachers and students of more than 130 universities in Hubei to provide a cloud server for each college student. [131]
On March 27, 2023, Ali Cloud and Autonavi released the "Vehicle road collaborative navigation and industrial service" solution in Beijing, bringing the integration of perception, multi-level cloud control of the road network, digital twin simulation, inclusive vehicle road coordination and other capabilities to upgrade, so that smart travel becomes more inclusive, and will be promoted in high-speed nationwide within the year. [103]
On April 7, 2023, Alibaba Cloud announced that the large model "Tongyi Qianwen" began to invite testing. [105]
On April 10, 2023, Ali Cloud announced that it will bring "Tongyi thousand questions" related blockbuster news at the 2023 Ali Cloud Summit held on the 11th. [106]
On May 4, 2023, Ali Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. underwent an industrial and commercial change, and the legal representative was changed from Zhang Jianfeng to CAI Yinghua. [107]
On the evening of May 18, 2023, Zhang Yong, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group and Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, sent a letter to all employees of Alibaba Cloud: In view of the huge difference between the business model, customer characteristics and development stage of Cloud Intelligence Group and most of the consumer Internet businesses of Alibaba Group, it is planned to completely split Cloud Intelligence Group from Ali Group and complete the listing in the next 12 months, and form a new company completely independent from Ali Group in terms of equity and corporate governance. [108]
On May 23, 2023, Ali Cloud Intelligence was exposed to personnel optimization, with an overall ratio of about 7% and a compensation standard of N+1+1. Ali Cloud intelligence responded that it is a normal organizational position and personnel optimization. It is understood that the time of the personnel adjustment is in May, and it was launched after the year-end award was issued at the end of April, the overall optimization ratio is about 7%, the compensation standard is N+1+1, the annual leave not taken, the annual leave is not taken. Company leave etc. can be discounted. [109]
On June 1, 2023, the 2023 Alibaba Cloud Summit · Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was held in Guangzhou, Zhou Jingren, chief technology officer of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, announced the launch of the latest product of the Tongyi family - work and learning AI assistant "Tongyi Listen to", which relied on a large model, can be used for meeting discussions, teaching training, research interviews, video watching and other scenes. [110]
On August 7, 2023, Ali Cloud Serverless application engine SAE2.0 was officially launched. [113]
On August 25, 2023, according to the Alibaba Cloud domain name price adjustment notice, due to the increase in the cost of registration bureau and the impact of exchange rate factors, after careful consideration, it is decided that at midnight on September 1, 2023, English domain name will be adjusted to: the first year registration price of 78 yuan, the renewal price of 85 yuan, and the transfer price of 75 yuan. [115]
On August 25, 2023, Alibaba Cloud launched Qwen-VL, a large-scale visual language model, and directly open source it. Qwen-VL is developed based on Qwen-7B, a 7 billion parameter model of Tongyi Qianwen, and supports graphic input. [114]
In September 2023, Alibaba Cloud launched a new video generation large model I2VGen-XL. The person in charge of the development of the model said that the model can be applied to short video content production, film production and other scenes. [116]
On the afternoon of September 25, 2023, Ali Cloud announced the open source Qwen-14B parameter model and its dialogue model QWEN-14B-chat, free of charge Fees are commercially available. [118]
On September 26, 2023, FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd. and Ali Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Changchun. [119]
On September 28, 2023, according to Alibaba Cloud official micro message, Alibaba Cloud and Isoftstone Information Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. recently signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement in Beijing. According to the agreement, the two sides will carry out industrial new towns, urban renewal, industrial parks and other phases Business cooperation. [120]
In October 2023, the China Information Industry Information Security Evaluation Center released the latest evaluation results, and Ali Cloud Feitian Enterprise version passed the latest version of the Quantitative Evaluation Rules for Commercial Password Application Security Evaluation with high scores, becoming the first cloud manufacturer in the mainland to pass the standard. [121]
On October 31, 2023, Aliyun, together with the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and the Institute of Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University, released the White Paper on the development of "DNS+". [126]
On November 16, 2023, Alibaba Group's financial report disclosed that, in view of various uncertainties, it would no longer promote the complete spin-off of Cloud Intelligence Group. At the same time, Alibaba will resolutely increase its continued strategic investment in Ali Cloud, ensure that Ali Cloud focuses on the "AI+ cloud computing" development strategy, and create a technology-leading cloud computing service in the AI era. [123]
On November 23, 2023, Ali Cloud ushered in a new round of organizational structure adjustment. At the commercialization level, Ali Cloud has set up a special public cloud business unit, and also established a hybrid cloud business unit. Alibaba Cloud has also set up an infrastructure division and a Product architecture and stability department at the production and research level. [127]
In November 2023, according to the latest "China Financial Cloud Market (First Half of 2023) Tracking" released by International Data Corporation (IDC), Alibaba Cloud continued to maintain the first place in the overall financial cloud market in the first half of 2023, with an overall market share of 18.5%. [128] In November, at the Tongyi Qianwen conference, Alibaba Cloud open source Tongyi Qianwen 72 billion parameter model Qwen-72B, 1.8 billion parameter model Qwen-1.8B and audio large model Qwen-Audio. [129]
On December 1, 2023, Alibaba Cloud issued a notice on its official website that since January 02, 2024 Beijing time, the Chinese name of Alibaba Cloud ChatApp messaging service product will be changed from ChatApp messaging service to ChatApp messaging service. The English name is changed from ChatApp Message Service to ChatApp Message Service. After the change, all related products will use the new name. [130]
On December 22, 2023, the results of the first official "Large model standard compliance evaluation" in China were announced. Ali Yuntong YiQianwen has become one of the first four domestic large models to pass the evaluation, and has reached the relevant national standards in the dimensions of versatility and intelligence Ask. [133]


On January 27, 2022, Alibaba Cloud's wechat public account released a message saying, Beijing Winter Olympics It will be broadcast globally through Alibaba Cloud. Up to now, Ali Cloud has completed the last round of global network testing of "rebroadcast cloud". [84]
In February 2022, the "East Count West Count" project was officially launched. Ali entered the bureau in advance, Ali Cloud Zhangbei data center and the Xuanhua data center under construction belong to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei hub in the "East number and West calculation" project. Among them, Zhangbei Data center was put into operation in September 2016, which is the first data center cluster of domestic enterprises to adopt three-point layout, vigorously adopt green energy such as wind power and photovoltaic, and deploy the largest submerged liquid cooling cluster of domestic cloud computing data centers. In addition, Ulanqab is also an important hub node in the west, and in June 2020, Alibaba Ulanqab Data Center opened. [86]
In March 2022, the "Suoxinda Intelligent Financial Platform" solution jointly launched by Suoxinda Holding and Alibaba Cloud was officially launched. [87]
On March 30, 2022, Alibaba Cloud announced that its first data center in South Korea was officially put into use. Alibaba Cloud first entered the Korean market in 2016, and in the coming year, Alibaba Cloud will train more than 2,000 IT professionals in South Korea. In the past year, Alibaba Cloud has opened three data centers in Indonesia, the Philippines and South Korea, and the number of availability zones worldwide has grown to 82, covering 26 regions. [88]
In April 2022, the media reported that Alibaba Cloud China president Ren Geng Will leave the position by Alibaba Cloud China Vice president Huang Haiqing He took over control of 16 war zones in China. [89]
On June 13, 2022, President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Zhang Jianfeng At the summit, Cloud infrastructure Processing Units (CIPU) were officially released, which are dedicated processors designed for new cloud data centers that will replace cpus in the cloud era IDC The processing core of the cloud can accelerate computing resources, and the flying operating system can be deployed to control cloud resources. [91-92]
On June 13, 2022, at the 2022 Alibaba Cloud Summit, Zeng Zhenyu, vice president of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence and head of industry solution research and development Department, released "Alibaba Cloud Industrial Intelligence OpenTrek", which "encapsulates" the industrial intelligence capabilities of Alibaba Cloud over the years in multi-industry practice. It enables government and enterprise customers to fully tap the value of industry data and drive digital transformation efficiently and effectively. [93]
On July 21, 2022, Alibaba Cloud officially launched its hyper-converged digital twin platform in Beijing. The platform has been widely used in highways, urban traffic, terminals and airports. [94]
On July 28, 2022, the regional service center established by Alibaba Cloud in Porto, Portugal, was officially opened. [95]
On August 30, 2022, Alibaba Cloud announced the full opening of its intelligent computing platform "Feitian Intelligent computing", and officially launched two ultra-large scale intelligent computing centers in Zhangjiang and Ulanqab. [97-98]
On September 21, 2022, the World Manufacturing Conference Industrial Data Intelligence Innovation and Development Forum hosted by Anhui Provincial Economy and Information Technology Department and hosted by Alibaba Cloud was held in Hefei. At the meeting, Ali Cloud and Wan Neng Group jointly released the smart energy carbon dual control management platform, and announced the new progress of Anhui medical insurance information platform, Suzhou City Brain, Conch cement and a number of Anhui digital transformation benchmark projects. [99]
On December 15, 2022, Alibaba Cloud announced the opening of its third data center in Tokyo, Japan. [101]

The year 2021

In 2021, IDC released the "China Public Cloud Service Market (Fourth Quarter 2020) Tracking" report, showing that in the fourth quarter of 2020, China's IaaS market size was $3.49 billion, and Alibaba Cloud still occupied the first position in market share . [80]

The year 2020

On July 31, 2020, Alibaba Cloud announced that it is located in Nantong, Hangzhou and Shanghai Ulanqab The three super data centers were officially completed and opened one after another, and will add over one million servers to radiate Beijing-tianjin-hebei region , Yangtze River Delta , Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Three economic belts. In the future, Ali Cloud will also establish more than 10 super data centers across the country to support New infrastructure Development. [12]
April 17, 2020 Alibaba Cloud IoT and Tmall Genie resources integration opened the "Genie partner Program" [13]
April 13, 2020 Alibaba Cloud helps Shanghai build a new economic benchmark city. [14]
April 3, 2020: In the Image Classification on ImageNet list, Alibaba Cloud has won the first place in training time, training cost, reasoning delay and reasoning cost, breaking the record held by Google and other enterprises for more than a year. [15]
On March 19, 2020, Ngari Cloud announced that during the epidemic, hospitals around the world will be free to open the novel coronavirus pneumonia AI diagnostic technology, which can be completed in 20 seconds suspected case The accuracy rate of CT diagnosis is more than 96%, which can help overseas areas with severe epidemics significantly save medical resources. [16]
On the evening of September 27, 2020, Alibaba announced a new round of adjustments, mainly involving the Dingding Division. It will work with Alibaba Cloud video team, Alibaba Cloud Teambition team, enterprise intelligence Division team, government and enterprise cloud division, digital government affairs Middle desk division, and part of the team of Blackturd Technology to form a new big Dingding division [17] .


On June 18, 2019, Ali Dingding entered the Ali Cloud intelligence business group, and Chen Hangxiang, CEO of Dingding Alibaba Group CTO and President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Business Group Zhang Jianfeng report [18] .
September 26, 2019, in Cloud computing conference Vice President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence and general manager of Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Computing Platform Division Jia Yangqing Announced that Alibaba Cloud and Facebook reached a partnership. PyTorch, an open source deep learning framework owned by Facebook, will move to Alibaba Cloud Machine learning Platform. [19]
On October 11, 2019, Alibaba Cloud confirmed that it intends to fully acquire Changting Technology, and after the acquisition, Changting Technology brand and team will remain independent. [20]
On October 25, 2019, IDC announced the ranking of China's financial cloud market: Alibaba Cloud first. [21]
On October 31, 2019, Alibaba Cloud intends to acquire a wholly-owned company Beijing Jiuzhou Yunteng Technology Co., LTD . [22]
On December 3, 2019, Alibaba Cloud and Tridium announced a partnership to connect the Niagara 4 architecture to Alibaba Cloud's AIoT platform. [23]
On December 3, 2019, Alibaba Cloud's digital government market share was the first, with a year-on-year increase of 102.57%. [24]

The year 2018

On November 26, 2018, Alibaba Group Announced that Ali Cloud upgrade Ali Cloud intelligence, strengthen technology, intelligent Internet investment and construction. [25]
On September 22, 2018, 2018 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference Alibaba Cloud announced the establishment of a global delivery center. [26]
In July 2018, Shandong Zi Mining Group and Ali Cloud Computing Company signed an agreement to jointly promote the transformation of old and new momentum cooperation projects

The year 2017

On December 20, 2017, Alibaba Cloud officially launched the ET brain integrating urban management, industrial optimization, auxiliary medical care, environmental governance, aviation scheduling and other global capabilities at the Yunqi Conference · Beijing Summit to comprehensively layout industrial AI. [27]
In January 2017, Alibaba became the official partner of "Cloud Services" and "E-commerce platform Services" for the Olympic Games Cloud computing And artificial intelligence technology. 28 - [29]

The year 2016

In November 2016, Alibaba Cloud broke the CloudSort world record, reducing the computing cost of sorting 100TB of data to one-third.
In November 2016, Alibaba Cloud launched services in Europe, the Middle East, Japan and Australia successively, achieving global Internet market coverage.
In November 2016, apsaras It was selected as the 15 most representative scientific and technological innovation achievements of the world Internet in 2016.
In October 2016, Ali Yun and National Astronomical Observatories Cooperate and work together astrophysics Research.
In October 2016, Hangzhou and Alibaba Cloud released the City Brain, Artificial intelligence ET Help with traffic.
In August 2016, Alibaba Cloud's brand image was upgraded with a new dynamic logo.
In May 2016, Alibaba Group And Japan's SoftBank announced a partnership to expand into Japan Cloud computing The Market.
In April 2016, SK Group, the third largest multinational enterprise in South Korea, and Alibaba Cloud cooperated to expand the cloud computing market in South Korea.
In April 2016, Alibaba Cloud released a proprietary cloud (Apsara Stack) to support enterprise customers to deploy the flying operating system in their own data centers.
In April 2016, Alibaba Cloud artificial intelligence ET was based on Neural network Principles such as social computing and emotional perception successfully predicted the champion of "I am a Singer".
In January 2016, Alibaba Cloud released the one-stop big data platform "Number Plus", opening Alibaba's ten years of big data processing capacity, and the first 20 products were unveiled.

The year 2015

In November 2015, Alibaba Cloud supported the "Double 11" transaction volume of 91.2 billion yuan, and the peak transaction creation per second reached 140,000.
In October 2015, in the Sort Benchmark2015 Sorting competition, Flying completed 100 terabytes of data sorting in 377 seconds, breaking four world records.
In October 2015, Alibaba Cloud obtained the 2015 evaluation standard of "real technical capability and social influence" Telecom World Outstanding Enterprise Award, becoming the only Chinese enterprise to win.
In September 2015, the East China Data Center was opened, using urban landscape water cooling. In July, Alibaba Cloud united Chinese Academy of Sciences Set up a lab, develop Quantum computer .
In July 2015, Alibaba Group Alibaba Cloud strategic capital increase of 6 billion.
In June 2015, after a year and a half, Alibaba and Ant Financial completed the "moon landing plan" and migrated all data storage and computing tasks to the flying platform.
In May 2015, Alibaba Cloud won the Customs "Golden Pass Project Phase II" big data cloud project order.
In May 2015, Dubai's leading enterprise Meraas Holding Group partnered with Alibaba Cloud to establish a new technology-based enterprise. In April, Sinopec Carry out technical cooperation with Alibaba Cloud and upgrade the business service model.
In March 2015, Alibaba Cloud's West US data center was put into trial operation and provided to users in North America and even the world Cloud computing service . In January, 12306 deployed its ticket inquiry business on Ali Cloud, diverting 75% of the traffic during the Spring Festival rush.

Before 2015

In December 2014, Alibaba Cloud helped a gaming company resist the largest DDoS attack in the history of the global Internet.
In August 2014, Alibaba Cloud released a cloud cooperation plan to recruit 10,000 cloud service providers and build Cloud ecosystem . In July, Alibaba Cloud released MaxCompute, a big data computing platform that allows small and medium-sized companies to start analyzing massive amounts of data for a few hundred yuan data .
In May 2014, Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong opened its service, becoming the first Chinese company to provide overseas service Cloud computing service The company of...
In December 2013, Alibaba Cloud Computing Get the world's first cloud security International certification Gold Medal (CSA-STAR). In November, it launched financial cloud services and opened the fast channel of Internet finance. In September, all core systems of Yu 'e Bao were transferred to Alibaba Cloud. Tianhong Fund It is the largest monetary fund in China.
In August 2013, Alibaba Cloud became the first company in the world to provide 5K cloud computing services corporation . In January, Alibaba Cloud merged the domain name and other businesses.
In November 2012, Alibaba Cloud was the first to obtain ISO27001 information security management system international certification.
In June 2012, Alibaba Cloud fully supported CCTV's network broadcast of 24 games of the European Cup.
In July 2011, Alibaba Cloud official website was launched and began to provide cloud computing services on a large scale.
In May 2010, Alibaba Cloud was publicly tested.
In April 2010, Ali Finance order loan product "Shepherd" took the first step and successfully launched on the Feitian platform.
In September 2009, Ali Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. was officially established.
In February 2009, the flying team wrote the first line of code in Beijing.
In October 2008, the Flying team was formally established.
In September 2008, Alibaba determined the strategy of "cloud computing" and "big data" and decided to independently develop a large-scale distributed computing operating system "Feitian". [30] .

Flying operating system

Flying operating system structure diagram
apsaras (Apsara) was born in February 2009. It is a large-scale general computing service independently developed by Alibaba Cloud and serves the world Operating system For more than 200 countries and regions around the world to provide services for innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises, governments, institutions, etc. Flying Sky hopes to address the scale, efficiency and security of human computing. It can connect millions of servers around the world into a supercomputer, providing computing power to society as an online public service. [31] The revolution of Flying is to integrate the three directions of cloud computing: to provide sufficient computing power, to provide universal computing power, and to provide universal computing power.
Feitian manages an Internet-scale infrastructure. At the bottom are dozens of data centers around the world, hundreds of PoP nodes. The physical infrastructure managed by Flying Sky continues to expand.
The flying core runs in each data center, which is responsible for unified management of the general server cluster in the data center, scheduling the computing and storage resources of the cluster, supporting the deployment and execution of distributed applications, and automatically performing fault recovery and data redundancy.
Security management is rooted at the very bottom of the flying core. The authorization mechanism provided by the flying kernel can effectively implement the "Principle of least privilege". At the same time, an autonomous and controllable full-stack security system has been established.
Monitoring alarm diagnosis is one of the most basic capabilities of the flying kernel. The flying core provides detailed, uninterrupted monitoring data and system event collection for upper layer applications, which can be traced back to the moment of the problem, helping engineers find the root cause of the problem.
On top of the basic public module, there are two core services, one is called Pangu and the other is called Fuxi. Pangu is a storage management service, Fuxi is a resource scheduling service, and the storage and resource allocation applied on the flying core are managed by Pangu and Fuxi.
Flying structure
Next to the basic public module, there is another service called Space-based. It means "the foundation of flying." Skybase is the automated operation and maintenance service of the flying machine, responsible for the deployment, upgrade, expansion and fault migration of the various subsystems of the flying machine [32] .
Feitian core services are divided into: computing, storage, database, network.
In order to help developers easily build applications on the cloud, Feitin provides a wealth of connection and orchestration services, which can easily connect and organize these core services, including: notification, queue, resource orchestration, distributed transaction management, and so on.
The flying access layer includes data transmission services, database synchronization services, CDN content distribution, and hybrid cloud high-speed channels. [32]
At the top of Feitian is ------ Cloud Market, the first platform for software trading and delivery created by Alibaba Cloud. It is like the "App Store" of cloud computing, and users can open "software + cloud computing resources" with one click on the official website of Alibaba Cloud. There are thousands of products on sale in the cloud market, which supports software and service access such as images, containers, orchestration, apis, SaaS, services, and downloads.
Feitian has a global unified account system. The flexible authentication and authorization mechanism enables cloud resources to be securely and flexibly shared within or among tenants.
Seven years of practice, Feitian has established a sound cloud product system. It also provides Internet-level tenant management and service support services.

Artificial intelligence ET

Ali's Artificial Intelligence ET has the world's leading artificial intelligence technology and has Intelligent voice interaction , image / Video recognition , traffic prediction, sentiment analysis and other skills.
ET brain
ET Can be incarnated as the city brain, court clerk, film and television investment manager, Guangzhou traffic police, intelligent takeout personnel and other identities, in Urban governance , Traffic dispatching Industrial manufacturing, health care, justice and other fields to become a powerful assistant to mankind. Based on the powerful computing power of Alibaba Cloud Flying operating system, ET's perception and thinking ability is constantly evolving in many fields. (Note: The predecessor of ET is Ali Cloud Ai)
The Ali Cloud image recognition technology behind ET adopts the world's leading Deep learning Technology, functional accuracy of more than 93%, can detect the specific items in the picture and the location of the picture, now has supported fruit, vegetables, common daily users, food, sports equipment, transportation, plants, animals and other more than 100 kinds of object recognition and detection capabilities [33] .
Based on Alibaba Cloud's mature face core technology, ET's face recognition has covered multiple directions such as face detection, organ contour positioning, portrait beautification, gender, age recognition, 1-to-1 face authentication and 1-to-1 multiple face recognition, combined with Alibaba Cloud's mass storage data, using industry-leading machine learning methods, including Convolutional neural network Supervised Descent Method, supervised Descent method, etc., realizes high-precision and efficient technology, and the detection accuracy of face detection is 92.7%@100 false alarm on the industry standard test set FDDB, which is in the leading position, and the recognition rate of face recognition on LFW is 99.2% [33] .
Based on speech recognition, speech synthesis, Natural language understanding ET has an intelligent human-computer interaction experience of "listening, speaking and understanding you".
In terms of speech synthesis, ET has long learned to speak in a common male voice, and has been used in many fields, such as self-service telephone customer service, voice navigation, intelligent assistant, etc., where there is voice playback, voice synthesis technology can be used.
With the integration of Alibaba Cloud's real-time prediction of road conditions prediction system, ET can provide the prediction of road congestion with an accuracy of up to 92% from 5 minutes to the next 1 hour, which can provide real-time support for traffic departments, and provide intelligent travel planning guidance for individuals [34] .
The technical support for ET is based on Ali Cloud distributed computing engine Machine learning algorithm Platform, the platform provides a wealth of components, including data preprocessing, feature engineering, algorithm components, prediction and evaluation, all algorithms have been tempered by Alibaba Cloud's internal business big data [35] .

Cloud practice


Hangzhou city brain

Hangzhou government and Alibaba Cloud announced the "Hangzhou City Data Brain" plan
On October 13, 2016, at the Hangzhou · Yunqi Conference, Hangzhou Municipal government Alibaba Cloud announced a "crazy" plan to install an artificial intelligence hub - Hangzhou City Data Brain - for the city, which has a history of more than 2,200 years.
The core of the city brain uses Alibaba Cloud ET artificial intelligence technology, which can conduct global real-time analysis of the entire city, automatically deploy public resources, correct bugs in the city's operation, and eventually evolve into a super artificial intelligence that can govern the city.
In September 2016, the Urban Brain traffic module was put into use in Shixin Road, Xiaoshan District. Preliminary test data show that through intelligent adjustment of traffic lights, the speed of road vehicles has increased by 3% to 5% on average, and there is an 11% increase in some sections, which really begins to explore the use of large-scale data to improve traffic. [36]

On January 16, 2014, Alibaba Cloud confirmed that it had indeed provided technical assistance to the 12306 train ticket website and was responsible for undertaking 75% of the remaining ticket query traffic of the 12306 website.
Public data shows that the peak day for ticket sales during the Spring Festival travel rush in 2015 was December 19, 2014. 12306 website visits (PV value) reached a record-breaking 29.7 billion, with an average of more than 300,000 PV per second. A total of 9.564 million train tickets were sold on the same day, of which 5.639 million were sold on the Internet, accounting for 59%, both reaching a new high in the Spring Festival travel rush in previous years.
12306 Spring Festival peak traffic is dozens of times the usual. If the traditional IT solution is adopted, a large number of hardware devices need to be purchased according to the peak traffic volume for the annual Spring Festival travel rush, and then these devices will be idle, resulting in a huge waste of resources.
In addition, if the Spring Festival peak traffic exceeds expectations, the website will face paralysis, because large-scale server procurement, shelf, deployment and debugging, it takes at least one or two months, there is no time to temporarily add the server. Using elastic expansion Cloud computing Can solve this problem.
The use of cloud computing itself is lower than the cost of buying their own hardware, in addition to all resources are "pay-as-you-go", from National Day Golden Week In the process of Spring Festival, 12306 has done two large-scale expansions on the cloud, and the delivery of resources for each expansion is completed at the minute level. After the peak period is over, unnecessary resources can be released to recover costs.


On April 1, 2015, Alibaba Cloud assisted Sinopec The industrial products e-commerce website "easy payer" was officially launched.
As the first e-commerce platform with Internet architecture of Sinopec, it only took 3 months from project establishment to launch, relying on Alibaba Cloud enterprise Internet architecture, the order center, user center, payment center, logistics center, call center and other major modules of EPAI Ke were completed in a short period of time.
Alibaba Cloud tailormade a "decentralized" distributed application service framework for Sinopec's electronic shopping mall, providing enough linear expansion capability at the business logic level, capable of handling 200 to 300 billion call services, 2 trillion service call chains, and managing 4,000 linear expansion and reduction.
After 120 days on the line, there are more than 100 units to carry out procurement business on the e-Pai e-commerce platform, involving more than 100 subcategories of materials, including more than 8,000 kinds of goods, with a total order value of 380 million yuan. As of the end of November 2015, the total transaction volume has exceeded 5 billion yuan. [37]

Xugong Group

On May 7, 2016, Xugong Group Signed a strategic agreement with Alibaba Cloud to jointly build China's first "industrial cloud" platform ------ "XCMG Industrial Cloud" (XCMG Cloud). As early as 2009, Xugong started the overall information improvement project, has formed a complete research, production, supply and marketing service value chain information system, accumulated 150T Industrial big data And used in intelligent manufacturing, remote fault diagnosis, post-market services and other links, the deep integration of information technology and industrialization has been achieved to provide fertile soil for the growth of "Xugong Industrial cloud" and build a "basic cloud platform".
It is reported that on the "basic cloud platform", Xugong Group and Ali Cloud collaborate on the middleware platform Shared service center Including user center, algorithm center, trading center, evaluation center, logistics center, etc., to achieve modular development management; In the software platform to achieve collaborative design cloud, e-commerce, global Internet of things, smart supply chain, smart factory, social services, crowdsourcing crowdinnovation and so on. Finally, all groups in the industrial chain can enjoy the benefits and convenience brought by the "Xugong Industrial Cloud" through the open APP.
"Xugong Industrial Cloud" is a platform, Xugong can be paid to solicit "suggestions conducive to enterprise development", has more than 20 countries, nearly 300 ideas concentrated on the industrial cloud platform. For example, Xugong will use a detailed "dynamic diagram" to analyze the composition of a product and parts, and if you have your own suggestions for this part, you can get a return once the solution is proved to be feasible.
At the same time, Xugong can also open enterprise resources through the "industrial cloud" to serve the world. For example, if there is a project, then according to the software provided by Xugong, fill in the specific index data such as earth and rock, address quality, geographical data encountered in the project, and provide the construction worker with "what kind of machine, how many units each, how to connect before and after", so as to achieve a most cost-effective construction plan.

State Administration of Taxation

On August 26, 2016, according to the announcement of the Chinese government procurement website, State Administration of Taxation Gold tax Phase III cloud platform project bid opening, the winning bidder is China Software and Technology Service Co., LTD The winning product is Ali Cloud, and the winning amount is 39.988 million yuan.
It is reported that this is also the first large-scale application of Alibaba Cloud's proprietary cloud in the tax core big data platform. Judging from the public bidding information, Zhongsoft organization took the lead in obtaining the project. The products and services provided by Ali Cloud cover products and services from cloud computing to big data and security, including cloud server ECS, cloud database RDS, object storage OSS, big data computing, stream computing, and other fields. Data visualization More than 10 kinds of products and services such as cloud shield. [38]

General Administration of Customs

On May 22, 2015, Alibaba Cloud won the bid for the "Jinguan Project Phase II" big data cloud project with 85.68 million yuan, which will support data access and analysis capabilities of 8PB unstructured data and 160TB structured data.
The platform will be used to improve the customs system's ability to process unstructured data, such as video data. With the help of Alibaba Cloud big data analysis technology, real-time analysis of video surveillance on more than 1,800 major customs clearance sites across the country can be achieved, and the amount of data processed will be PB level, while the original customs data business will handle TB level Structured data Main. National customs clearance integration, tariff forecasting, and fast passage based on enterprise credit are also likely to adopt big data cloud platforms.
The Jinguan Project is the first batch of "gold" projects proposed by The State Council. Second phase adoption Internet of Things Cloud computing and other new technologies, focusing on the construction of a national customs monitoring and command system, import and export enterprise integrity management system, customs logistics monitoring system. [39]

National Astronomical Observatories

At the 2016 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference, the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ali Cloud announced a strategic partnership, the two sides will jointly carry out cross-field cutting-edge scientific research and application cooperation, Ali Cloud will cooperate with the National Astronomical Observatories of China Guo Shoujing telescope harmonfast Radio telescope Handle massive amounts of data.
The contents of the cooperation between the two sides include: the establishment of the "National Astronomical Observatories - Aliyun Astronomical Big Data Joint Research Center"; Complete together China virtual Observatory On the cloud project, to create a full life cycle astronomical big data management and open sharing platform; Develop astronomy application software and services on the cloud; Promote data-driven astronomy science popularization education, and share the digital universe with the public through the Internet; For optical astronomy, radio astronomy, Numerical simulation And data mining and other fields of big data technology and application to carry out in-depth cooperation.
As the first step of the virtual observatory, the Guo Shoujing Telescope (LAMOST) survey data will be used as a pilot to take the lead in cloud and sharing data. LAMOST surveys the spectrum of tens of thousands of objects every night, and has obtained more than 5 million celestial spectra, making it the largest astronomical spectrum library in the world. [40]

China Unicom

On January 17, China Unicom's first fully service-oriented, distributed, and fully adopted Internet cloud-based enterprise architecture cBSS2.0 centralized number card system completed the rapid launch in Guangxi, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang provinces. This is the first key project of cloud transformation of the core business system in China's telecom industry, and it is also the first large-scale application of cloud computing distributed technology in the telecom core system.
As the first pilot of "China Unicom Group's new generation of cloud-based business support system", cBSS2.0 centralized number card system will be promoted to cover the whole country, forming a "card number cloud" benefiting 300 million users across the country, which is used to manage users' SIM card and mobile phone number information.
40,000 concurrent transactions per second - this is the "cloud speed" of the cBSS2.0 centralized number card system after a comprehensive cloud upgrade. China Unicom requires that the system pilot needs to be able to complete 40,000 transactions per second when hundreds of thousands of candidates are selected. At the same time, the system also needs to be flexible to expand to cope with the sudden emergence of a large number of marketing activities.
After the completion of the cloud upgrade of the system, the problems of difficult number selection, inconsistent status and low success rate of each channel and business hall will become a past tense, replaced by a "fast" and "quasi" number selection experience. Based on the "card number cloud" platform, China Unicom has ended the "divide and rule" situation of IT systems in 31 provinces and autonomous regions, and achieved the opening up and cloud upgrade of internal IT systems. [41]


As the world's most influential Chinese social media platform, Weibo has faced several times of server load pressure caused by traffic peaks.
In the Spring Festival of 2016, in order to better respond to the massive elastic demand from core businesses and red envelopes and other businesses on New Year's Eve, Weibo chose to cooperate deeply with Ali Cloud, and quickly borrowed external computing power for its own use through the hybrid cloud architecture, giving full play to the elastic scalability of cloud computing.
With the support of Ali Cloud, micro Boli use Cloud server ECS and CDN realize the server upgrade from early expansion to real-time expansion, greatly improving the opening speed of pictures and videos. In addition, after the traffic peak on New Year's Eve, the computing resources are quickly released to avoid idle waste after the peak.
During the broadcast, the number of Weibo posts discussing the Spring Festival Gala reached 51.91 million, and the number of interactions among netizens reached 115 million, a sharp increase of 76 percent. The total number of views on topics related to the Spring Festival Gala reached 18.2 billion times. As of 24:00 on New Year's Eve, netizens had grabbed red envelopes on Weibo more than 800 million times, of which more than 100 million netizens had grabbed red envelopes. Thanks to the technical support of Alibaba Cloud, Weibo runs smoothly, ensuring the smooth experience of hundreds of millions of users, allowing more people to spend another unforgettable night on Weibo to welcome the New Year. [42]

Quantum computing

Following Google, IBM and Microsoft, Chinese technology companies have also started to dabble in quantum computing. In July 2015, Alibaba Cloud united Chinese Academy of Sciences Set up a brand new lab to work together in Quantum information science domanial Prospective study To develop quantum computers.
Quantum computer is a physical device that follows the laws of quantum mechanics to perform high-speed operations, store and process quantum information, and once implemented, it means that the computing speed will be increased by billions of times. This leap in computing power will go far beyond the evolution from the abacus to modern supercomputers. Judging by Ali's recently launched "face recognition", the processing speed that quantum computing can achieve is unimaginable. If this quantum computer is used in the field of surveillance, it can instantly scan the faces of 6 billion people on Earth in a database and identify a person in real time. The lab will combine the technical advantages of Alibaba Cloud in classical computing algorithms, architecture and cloud computing, as well as the advantages of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in quantum computing and simulation, quantum artificial intelligence and other aspects to explore the next generation of ultrafast computing technology beyond classical computers. [43]

Gexin Light

In August 2016, Suzhou GCL and Ali Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. reached a cooperation to build GCL photovoltaic slicing smart factory with big data analysis technology.
In the production process of photovoltaic slicing, there are thousands of production parameters that will affect the yield of slicing, such as the upper mortar temperature, the lower mortar temperature, the upper guide wheel temperature, the lower guide wheel temperature, etc., and the slight change in any one variable will directly affect the production result. Through Alibaba Cloud's big data analysis algorithm, all variables collected in the production process of Suzhou GCL can be analyzed to find the key variables most relevant to the yield rate.
On February 8, 2017, Suzhou Xexin Light Volt Technology Co., LTD The person in charge told reporters: "Since the introduction of Alibaba Cloud's big data analysis capabilities, our photovoltaic production rate has increased by 1 percentage point, which is only the first stage of cooperation between the two sides." [44]

Tianhong Fund

Tianhong Fund Cooperated with Alipay to launch the "Yu 'e Bao" financial payment product in June 2013. After the "Yu 'e Bao" was launched, in just a few months, the fund scale of Yu 'e Bao exceeded 100 billion, and the number of users exceeded 30 million. It became the first fund in the history of Chinese funds to exceed 100 billion.
Yu 'e Bao Phase I is a new direct selling system jointly developed by Tianhong Fund and Jinxin, relying on the traditional IOE architecture (IBM minicomputer, EMC storage equipment, Oracle database After the first phase of the system went online, the business volume and the number of users increased dramatically, according to the growth rate of the business volume, the first phase of the system will encounter a bottleneck in October. After two months of project migration, Tianhong Fund successfully went to the cloud on September 26, becoming the first fund company in China with its core system on the cloud.
When the system is in the cloud, performance exceeds expectations, real-time request processing can reach 11,000 per second, complete 300 million transactions can be cleared in 140 minutes. It takes only 30 minutes to complete what used to take eight hours to clear.
On November 11, 2013, Yu 'e Bao made a total of 16.79 million payments worth 6.125 billion yuan. 5.56 million users from 31 provinces and more than 2,000 cities and counties used Yu 'e Bao to make payments on "Double 11". Among the various payment methods of "Double 11", Yu 'e Bao has the fastest payment speed and the highest payment success rate, up to more than 99.9%.
Yu 'e Bao's innovation in business model and technical architecture has generated a huge response to the financial industry and has become a benchmark case of Internet finance.

Ant Weidai

Through the Internet data operation model, Ant Micro Loan provides sustainable and GSP e-commerce financial services for small and micro enterprises and individual entrepreneurs on e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba, Taobao and Tmall, and provides pure credit micro-loan services of "small amount, short term, borrow and repay". Let integrity really become wealth.
Relying on big data and cloud computing, Ant Microloan has built a complete data model through the credit and behavioral data accumulated on the platform. As of March 2014, more than 360,000 people borrowed from Ant Microdai, with a minimum loan amount of 1 yuan, and achieved 3-minute application, 1-second loan, and zero manual intervention. To do this, Ant Microdai has to process 30PB of data every day, including 80 billion information items such as store ratings, collections, and evaluations, calculate more than 100 data models, and even assess the extent to which small business owners cover up and lie about hypothetical scenarios. The cost of each loan of Ali Xiaodai is 30 cents, less than 1/1000 of ordinary banks.

Zhongan Insurance

On November 6, 2013, Zhongan Insurance To announce the opening, Internet insurance The curtain officially begins.
Zhongan Insurance is the first Internet insurance company and the first financial enterprise to move its entire business system to the cloud computing platform. Zhongan Insurance only spent 5 months before opening to realize the disaster recovery deployment of two places and three centers, and the construction cost was reduced from the original 3000W to 500W. With the support of Ali cloud computing technology, Zhongan can support the expansion of Internet business with low-cost and flexible computing power. Zhongan will break through the domestic existing Insurance marketing Model, no branches, completely through the Internet for sales and claims, to achieve comprehensive business innovation.

Water Department typhoon system

Every summer, typhoons from the South Pacific frequently visit Zhejiang. This very dangerous weather has put all the residents of the east coast under threat, and also Zhejiang Water Resources Department The system gathers the forecast data of 5 meteorological departments in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and the United States, and quickly follows up the progress and path of typhoons at an hourly rate, which is one of the important bases for anti-Taiwan disaster prevention command and citizens' daily travel. Websites that usually have only tens of thousands of PV will rise to several million PV in a few days during the typhoon season, traditional IT systems are easy to crash, and if a large number of servers are configured according to the peak access, 99% of the resources and inputs will be idle and wasted.
In June 2012, Zhejiang Provincial Water Resources Department moved the real-time release system of typhoon path onto Alibaba Cloud platform, and realized the optimal allocation of resources by cloud computing.
On August 8, 2012, the landing of the transit of super typhoon Haiqui, for example, on August 5, the system visits were only less than 100,000, 8 hit 3.5 million visits, and the number of visits in 3 days increased by dozens of times, creating a new record in the history of the system since the line. And for the use of SLB load balancing, Cloud server The new platform of open storage of these three products not only has no pressure on the surge of visits. Cloud computing, a general-purpose technology developed from Internet technology, has become a reality of productivity.

Mango TV

New Year's Day 2016, Mango TV In deep cooperation with Alibaba Cloud, the core live and on-demand services of the 2016 New Year's Eve party are placed in the cloud to build a hybrid video cloud. New Year's Eve concert in the face of massive audience access, can be said to be Mango TV "Double 11". Mango TV chose Ali Cloud to solve the problem of elasticity of IT resources, and thus obtained the same technical capability as Ali Double 11.
In the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve party in 2016, Mango TV performed well with no lag and no delay, which was well received by fans. The audience can not only watch the HD live broadcast, but also open the video barrage online interaction, regulate the scene of multiple camera positions to watch idols, and interact closely with the super sky group, popular fresh meat, strength singers, and popular actors. The 6-hour live video of the New Year's Eve party can be smoothly transmitted to the world through the network without delay, and the picture quality is clear, the difficulty is not to be taken lightly ------ The uploading, processing, playing and distribution of the video should be completed in a very short time. The accompanying risk during this period is the sudden occurrence of online traffic, which requires the idea of cloud computing to rebuild the business system.
As early as the beginning of November, Mango TV and Alibaba Cloud team discussed a personalized solution for live broadcast escort, using cloud products including servers, databases, storage, CDN, Internet middleware and even big data computing product MaxCompute (formerly ODPS). On the night of December 31, Alibaba Cloud also sent a team of full-time escort engineers to escort the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve party in Changsha, Hangzhou and Beijing to ensure the smooth broadcast.
Alibaba Cloud CDN has a bandwidth throughput capacity of 10,000 GBPS, and uses first-class nodes of backbone network and SSD disks to ensure service quality. Compared with the CDN system of other manufacturers, the live broadcast system developed by Alibaba Cloud also has "unique weapons" such as intelligent scheduling, intelligent stream prefetching, back source acceleration, mobile acceleration, and TCP protocol stack optimization, so the playback is smooth and the delay is very short.
In addition to the broadcast process without delay, Mango New Year's Eve party another highly praised innovation is the interactive link, fans can speak in the bullet screen, control the camera position, etc., this live interactive platform is based on 7 years double 11 "torture" Alibaba Cloud Internet middleware products quickly built.
Data show that Alibaba Cloud carried the majority of mobile traffic, setting a record year. [45]


"CCTV5"APP is the only APP that can broadcast the Brazil World Cup live. During the World Cup, the number of visits to the CCTV5 APP will increase dramatically, with tens of millions of fans pouring into the app at the peak. If you follow the traditional IT architecture model, it not only costs a lot of money, but also has to re-purchase the server, build the environment, shut down maintenance, etc., which requires a long cycle. After the peak of the World Cup, idle IT resources will form a huge waste. Cloud computing The features of rapid deployment and elastic expansion avoid such waste. As the world's most secure and high-speed cloud computing platform, Alibaba Cloud can easily meet the needs of processing massive video content access during the CCTV World Cup.
Guizhou Public Security Traffic Police Corps
Guizhou Public Security Traffic Police Cloud, the first provincial traffic data cloud platform running on the public security Intranet in China, was put into use on July 6, 2015. Platform base Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department traffic police corps Adopt Ali cloud based Cloud computing technology It can conduct full database association, intelligent association, automatic research and judgment, and deep mining of massive traffic data, and provide support for public services, traffic management, and police combat.
"In the past, to seize a fake or duplicate car, it relied on the accidental discovery of the road traffic police and the public's reports, and..." According to Wang Bin, head of the traffic police command center of the Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department, "By structuring the vehicle pictures and comparing them with the original real vehicle pictures, you can instantly determine whether the car is a fake or a set of brand cars."
Previously, Guizhou Province has set up a relatively perfect monitoring system on the road. The total amount of real-time data collected by the network monitoring system alone has reached 100 terabytes per month. At the same time, all kinds of data from the internal system of the public security and from the society continue to pour in like a flood. A seemingly simple traffic data query needs to cross-compare multiple databases, and the query response is slow. In addition to being able to realize the second check of a set of brand cars, through the integrated supervision system of key vehicles running on the cloud, Guizhou Traffic Police will incorporate the province's 53,300 transportation enterprises, 599,000 transport drivers, 1,755 key regulated enterprises, 53,000 key regulated vehicles, 4,341 leasing enterprises, and 35,000 rental vehicles into dynamic supervision. In the country took the lead in realizing the accurate detection of the "red-eye bus" that does not travel according to the specified time in the early morning.
Zhejiang Department of Transportation
With the help of Alibaba Cloud's big data computing power, Zhejiang Department of Transportation realized the accurate prediction of road conditions in the next hour through the analysis of high-speed historical data, real-time data and road network conditions. The prediction accuracy rate is stable at more than 91%. The project is expected to open to the public around the Spring Festival in 2016, covering nearly 1,300 kilometers of high-speed sections in Zhejiang province. Han Hna, director of the Zhejiang Provincial Traffic Information Center, said that through the prediction of future road conditions, the transportation department can better conduct traffic guidance, and users can also make better route choices. The application value of road condition prediction is very high, but accuracy is crucial. Only the more factors and dimensions analyzed, the more abundant the data, the more accurate the prediction results will be. External factors such as road network relationships, upstream and downstream events, and even weather should come into play. However, when these massive data are incorporated into the spatio-temporal evolution model of the whole network road conditions, high requirements are put forward for the big data computing capacity of the cloud platform. Alibaba Cloud Big Data Computing Service (ODPS) provided analytical support for the project, and several senior data scientists participated in the joint research and development. Aliyun Min Wanli The powerful computing power of the ODPS can complete historical data analysis in 20 minutes and real-time data analysis in 10 seconds.

Video rendering

In April 2015, Ali Cloud and Ruiyun Technology reached a strategic cooperation to build a vision for the world Cloud computing Platform. Cloud Render The platform Render cloud can speed up video rendering by thousands of times, and small production teams can achieve "Hollywood-level" special effects. The Render cloud jointly built by Ali Cloud and Ruiyun Technology has been put into trial operation. For a 2-hour movie that might take half a year at traditional rendering speeds, Render cloud takes less than a week, and saves 40% of the cost. Through this cloud-based self-service platform, film teams in different countries can collaborate to produce a film. Based on Alibaba Cloud's computing power of more than 100,000 cores, the cloud rendering platform can complete ultra-fine and artistic images in a short time. President of Alibaba Cloud Hu Xiaoming This will break through the technical bottleneck brought by traditional IT, making it possible for "small teams to make big movies," and "using China's computing power, you can also make Hollywood giant films like Kung Fu Panda."


BGI BGI Online, the world's largest genomics company, integrates and collects resources from all sides to build data centers and analysis platforms for genomics and promote the development of precision medicine industry. If BGI provides various means of analysis for genomic data, then the "logistical support" problems of genetic data transmission, data storage, data security and computing resources need to be solved by Alibaba Cloud, and the combination of the two makes the powerful BGI Online platform.
In the "Thousand Genomes" project, BGI Online processed a total of 1,000 copies of human whole exome data, totaling 2 terabytes of data. The entire analysis process was unattended and command free, and more than 11,000 analysis tasks were started with just four mouse clicks. And in 21 hours, 47 minutes and 12 seconds, we completed the analysis of 1000 human whole exome data." 40 years ago, if we wanted to do something about Esch E. coli proceed Whole genome sequencing It would take 1,000 years.
"Before 2020, the whole process of sample processing, sequencing and data analysis of a person's whole genome will be completed in 24 hours, and the cost will be controlled within 2,000 yuan." This is BGI and Alibaba Cloud's Gene 2020 plan." At the 2016 Cloud Habitat Conference Xiamen Summit, BGI CEO Yoon Yeop Revealed the explosive news of the gene sequencing industry.

Huashan Hospital

Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University The introduction of Ali cloud computing technology is mainly to use big data to simulate human clinical trials in scientific research, in order to accelerate the pace of new drugs.
Huashan Hospital A large amount of valuable clinical data is generated every day, and data modeling such as disease analysis and drug metabolism need to be carried out from time to time. This requires a large number of computing resources to be called in a short period of time for rapid operations, and after the completion of the operations, these calculations must be quickly released to save costs.
For this reason, Huashan Hospital introduced Cloud computing technology Through Alibaba Cloud's batch computing services, a large number of clinical data can be quickly and efficiently calculated, and the metabolism of drugs in the body can be accurately simulated and analyzed. In the process of research and development of innovative drugs, the study of drug metabolism in the human body is very important, and it is an important part of the drug pre-clinical, which often requires a large number of time cycles. Through advanced technologies such as cloud computing, digital models can be used to replace some clinical trials, and even live experiments on mice, in order to speed up the pace of research and development of special drugs and accelerate the solution of human medical problems.

Main products and prices

Ali Cloud official website for new users have subsidies for new people's special benefits, [1] Help individuals and small and medium enterprises get started.

Elastic calculation

Cloud server ECS: Scalable, secure, stable, easy-to-use computing services
Block storage : Scalable, high-performance, highly reliable block-level random storage
Private Network VPC: Helps you easily build logically isolated private networks
Load balancing: A load balancing service that distributes traffic to multiple cloud servers
Elastic scaling: Automatically adjusts elastic computing resources
Resource orchestration: Batch creation, management, and configuration Cloud computing ASSETS
Container service: Application lifecycle management of Docker services
High Performance Computing (HPC) : GPU physical machines that accelerate deep learning, rendering, and scientific computing
Batch computing: An easy-to-use massively parallel batch computing service
E-MapReduce: Big data processing and analysis service based on Hadoop/Spark


Yumoto Relational database PolarDB: PolarDB is a new generation of cloud-native relational database independently developed by Alibaba, compatible with three database engines: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and highly compatible Oracle syntax. The computing power can be expanded to more than 1000 cores, and the storage capacity can be up to 100T. [55]
Cloud-native distributed database PolarDB-X: PolarDB-X is a cloud-native distributed database independently developed by Alibaba, which integrates distributed SQL engine DRDS and distributed self-developed storage X-DB, focusing on solving database bottlenecks such as massive data storage, ultra-high concurrent throughput, large table bottlenecks and complex computing efficiency.
Cloud database RDS MySQL: RDS MySQL is based on Alibaba's MySQL source code branch, and has excellent performance after the test of high concurrency and large data volume on Double 11. RDS MySQL supports basic functions such as instance management, account management, database management, backup and recovery, whitelist, transparent data encryption, and data migration. In addition, RDS mysql also provides enterprise advanced functions such as dedicated cluster MyBase, read-only instance, read/write separation, exclusive proxy, and autonomous service DAS. RDS MySQL supports both InnoDB and X-Engine storage engines.
Cloud raw data warehouse AnalyticDB MySQL Edition (ADB, the original analytical database MySQL edition) : It is a new generation of cloud-native data warehouse that supports high-concurrency and low-latency queries. It is fully compatible with MySQL protocol and SQL:2003 syntax standard, which can conduct instant multidimensional analysis and perspective and business exploration on massive data, and quickly build enterprise cloud data warehouse. Product specifications can be selected on demand, the basic version has the lowest cost, suitable for BI query applications; The cluster version provides high concurrency real-time data writing and query capabilities, which is suitable for high-performance applications. Elastic mode applies to scenarios where more than 10TB of data is deployed in the cloud. [58] 56 -
Cloud-native data warehouse AnalyticDB PostgreSQL edition: Support standard SQL 2003, compatible with PostgreSQL /Greenplum, highly compatible with Oracle syntax ecosystem; It has the characteristics of storage and calculation separation, online elastic smooth expansion; It not only supports online analysis and exploration in any dimension, but also supports high-performance offline data processing. It is a competitive data warehouse solution for Internet, finance, securities, insurance, banking, digital government, new retail and other industries. 59 [60]
Cloud Native Data Lake Analysis DLA: Cloud native Data Lake Analytics (referred to as DLA) is a fully resilient architecture, providing one-stop data lake analysis and computing services, supporting ETL, Machine learning , stream, interactive analysis; Can analyze and integrate data from object storage (OSS), database (PostgreSQL/MySQL, etc.), NoSQL(TableStore, MongoDB, etc.) data sources; Functions include: data into the lake, metadata management and automatic discovery, supported Twin engines : SQL (compatible with Presto) and Spark.
Cloud-native multi-mode database Lindorm: The cloud-native multi-mode database Lindorm is suitable for cloud native database services of any scale and various models, supports low-cost storage and processing of massive data and flexible pay-on-demand, and is compatible with HBase, Solr, SQL, OpenTSDB and other open source standard interfaces.
Cloud Database MongoDB version: Fully compatible with MongoDB protocol, ApsaraDB for MongoDB version is based on Alibaba Cloud Feitian-based distributed system and highly reliable storage engine, providing multi-node high-availability architecture, elastic capacity expansion, disaster recovery, backup and recovery, performance optimization and other functions. Supports multiple architectures such as single node, replica set, and fragmented cluster. MongoDB3.4, 4.0, and 4.2 are also supported, and WiredTiger storage engine is supported.
Cloud Database Redis Edition: Cloud Database Redis Edition (ApsaraDB for Redis) is compatible with open source Redis protocol standards, provides hybrid storage database services, based on dual-system hot backup architecture and cluster architecture, can meet the high throughput, low latency and elastic provisioning requirements. Alibaba Cloud database Redis Enterprise edition (also known as Alibaba Cloud Tair), is based on the internal use of Alibaba Group Tair product research and development of the cloud hosting key value pair caching service, since 2009 officially carried the group's caching business, after Tmall Double 11, Youku Spring Festival Gala, Cainiao, Autonavi and other business scenarios honed. Is a true enterprise caching service product.
Cloud database cluster MyBase: MyBase is a customized and optimized solution of Alibaba Cloud for enterprise users, supporting MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Redis databases. It has the features of exclusive cloud resources, support resource overallocation, independent operation and maintenance, and open some databases and OS permissions. A dedicated cloud database cluster is more secure for customers to exclusively use cloud resources. Users can enjoy convenient and flexible cloud database services and meet enterprise requirements on database compliance, security, and high performance. [61]
Database Autonomy Service DAS: Database Autonomy Service (DAS) is a cloud service that realizes database self-awareness, self-repair, self-optimization, self-operation and self-security based on machine learning and expert experience. [62-65]
Data Transmission Service (DTS) : Data Transmission Service (DTS) supports data transmission between data sources such as relational databases, NoSQL, and Big Data (OLAP). It is a data transmission service that integrates data migration, data subscription and data real-time synchronization. Data transmission is dedicated to solving the problem of remote and millisecond asynchronous data transmission in public cloud and hybrid cloud scenarios. Its underlying data flow infrastructure is Ali Double 11 remote multi-live infrastructure, which provides real-time data flow for thousands of downstream applications and has been running stably online for 6 years. You can easily build a secure, scalable, and highly available data architecture using data transport. [66]
Data Management DMS: Data management DMS is based on Alibaba Group The cloud version of the database service platform for more than 10 years provides a web database management terminal that is installation-free, O&M free, out-of-the-box, and unified with multiple database types and multiple environments. It can quickly copy and build the same safe, efficient and standardized database DevOps R & D process solution as Ali Group for enterprise users. [67]
Database Backup DBS: Database backup (DBS for short) is a low-cost backup service that provides continuous data protection for databases. It provides robust data protection across multiple environments, including enterprise data centers, other cloud vendors, hybrid clouds, and public clouds. [68]
Cloud database OceanBase: Highly reliable, high-performance, distributed self-developed database of finance


Object storage OSS: massive, secure and highly reliable Cloud storage service
File storage: Unlimited expansion, multi-share, standard file protocol file storage service
Archiving storage: Long-term archiving and backup of massive data
Block storage: Block level random storage with elastic scalability, high performance and high reliability
Table storage: High concurrency, low latency, unlimited capacity Nosql data storage service


CDN: Network acceleration services that cover the entire network across operators and regions
Private Network VPC: Helps you easily build logically isolated private networks
High-speed channel: provides high-speed and stable VPC interconnection and private line access services
NAT gateway: specifies the VPC gateway that supports NAT forwarding and bandwidth sharing
On June 20, 2018, Alibaba Cloud announced that it would jointly provide IPv6 services with the three major operators. [69]

Big data

MaxCompute: formerly known as ODPS fast Fully managed TB/PB level data warehouse solution.
Quick BI: Efficient data analysis and presentation platform, through the connection of data sources, and the creation of data sets, data analysis and query. And via spreadsheet or Instrument board Function for visual presentation of data by drag and drop.
Big data development kit: provides visual development interface, offline task scheduling operation and maintenance, fast data integration, multi-person collaborative work and other functions, and has a powerful Open API to provide a good reproduction ecology for data application developers
DataV Data visualization: Specializing in big data visualization of business data and geographic information integration, easily build professional visualization applications through graphical interfaces, to meet your daily business monitoring, scheduling, exhibition demonstration and other scenarios requirement
Relationship network analysis: Big data visualization analysis platform based on relationship network enables data intelligence reconnaissance scenarios, such as combating false transactions, hearing insurance fraud claims, case recovery research and judgment
Recommendation engine: Recommendation service framework, used to predict users' preferences for items in real time, support A/B Test effect comparison
Public trend analysis: using semantic analysis, emotion algorithm and Machine learning To analyze the trend of public perception of brand image, hot events and public policies
Enterprise graph: provides multi-dimensional enterprise information query, which facilitates enterprises to build enterprise-level services such as risk control and market monitoring based on enterprise portrait and enterprise relationship network
Data integration: Stable, efficient, elastic and scalable data synchronization platform, providing offline (batch) data access channels for various cloud products of Alibaba Cloud
Analytical database: Instant multidimensional analysis and business exploration for hundreds of billions of data at the millisecond level
Streaming computing: Streaming big data analysis platform, providing users with real-time streaming data analysis tools on the cloud

Artificial intelligence

Machine learning: a distributed computing engine based on Alibaba Cloud Machine learning algorithm The platform, which allows users to experiment by dragging and dropping visual operational components, provides a wealth of components, including data preprocessing, feature engineering, algorithm components, prediction and evaluation
Speech recognition and synthesis: Based on speech recognition, speech synthesis, Natural language understanding And other technologies, for enterprises in a variety of practical application scenarios, give products "can listen, speak, understand you" type of intelligent human-computer interaction experience
Face recognition: Provide online services for face analysis in images and video frames, including face detection, face feature extraction, face age estimation and gender recognition, face key point positioning and other independent service modules
Printed text recognition: Identify the text in the picture, including ID card text recognition, store sign recognition, driving license recognition, driver's license recognition, business card recognition and other document type text recognition scenes

Cloud security

Server security (Ann Knight) : composed of lightweight Agent and cloud, it integrates detection, repair, and defense, and provides functions such as website backdoor investigation and killing, general Web software 0day vulnerability repair, security baseline inspection, and host access control to ensure server security
DDoS High defense IP address: Cloud Shield DDoS high defense IP address is a paid value-added service launched when Internet servers (including non-Alibaba Cloud hosts) are unavailable due to heavy DDoS attacks. Users can configure a high-defense IP address to divert attack traffic to a high-defense IP address to ensure the stability and reliability of the source site
Web Application firewall: A necessary security protection product for websites. By analyzing website access requests and filtering abnormal attacks, it protects website service availability and asset data security
Encryption service: A data security solution that meets the requirements of data encryption, key management, encryption and decryption operations on the cloud
CA certificate service: Issue Symantec, CFCA, and GeoTrust SSL digital certificates on the cloud, which is simple to deploy, easy to achieve HTTPS for all sites, anti-monitoring and anti-hijacking, and present users with trusted websites to visit
Data risk control: Ali embodies many years of business risk control experience, professional, real-time fight against garbage registration, brush library bump library, activity cheating, forum flooding and other serious threats to Internet business security risks
Green network: Intelligent identification of text, pictures, videos and other multimedia content violations Risk Such as pornography, violence, terrorism, politics, etc., saving 90% of labor costs
Security Manager: Based on Alibaba Cloud's many years of security practice experience to provide cloud users with a full range of security technology and consulting services, to establish and continuously optimize cloud security defense system for cloud users, to ensure user business security
Cloud Shield Hybrid Cloud: Build a comprehensive Internet security attack and defense system covering network security, application security, host security, and security situation awareness for users in a variety of business environments such as user-owned IDC, proprietary cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud
Situational awareness: Security big data analytics platform, through Machine learning Combined with the whole network threat intelligence, discover network threats that traditional defense software cannot cover, trace the source of attack means, and provide actionable solutions
Prophet: The world's top white hat and security company to help you find vulnerabilities, the most private security crowdtest platform. Comprehensive physical examination, early detection of business loopholes and risks, pay according to the effect
Mobile security: provides detection services for mobile apps such as security vulnerabilities, malicious code and counterfeit applications, and can enhance the security of applications to improve anti-cracking and anti-reverse capabilities.

Internet middleware

Enterprise-class distributed application Service EDAS: Application-centric middleware PaaS platform,
Message Queue MQ: Apache RocketMQ Commercial Edition Enterprise-class Asynchronous communication middleware
Distributed relational Database Service DRDS: horizontal splitting/read-write separation online Distributed database service
Cloud Service Bus CSB: an open platform for enterprise-class Internet capabilities
Service implementation Monitoring Service ARMS: an end-to-end real-time monitoring solution

Data analysis

E-MapReduce: Big data processing and analysis service based on Hadoop/Spark
Cloud Database HybirdDB: MPP data warehouse based on Greenplum Database
High Performance Computing (HPC) : GPU physical machines that accelerate deep learning, rendering, and scientific computing
Big data computing service MaxCompute: TB/ petabyte data warehouse solution
Analytical database: real-time high-concurrency online analysis of massive data
Open Search: Structured data search hosting service
Quick BI: Impromptu analysis and visualization of data by connecting to data sources.

Management and monitoring

Cloud monitoring: indicator monitoring and alarm services
Access Control: Manage multi-factor authentication, subaccounts and authorizations, roles and STS tokens
Resource orchestration: Batch creation, management, and configuration Cloud computing ASSETS
Operational audit: Details console and API operations
Key Management Service: Secure, easy to use, low cost key management service

Application service

Log service: Collects, stores, queries, and analyzes logs service
Open Search: Structured data search hosting service
Performance testing: The performance cloud test platform helps you easily complete system performance evaluate
Email push: Transaction/batch email push, verification code/notification SMS service
API Gateway: A high-performance, highly available API hosting service with low-cost open apis
Iot Suite: Help you quickly build stable and reliable iot applications
Message service: Large scale, high reliability, high concurrent access and super message stacking capability

Video service

Video on Demand: Secure, flexible and highly customizable on-demand services
Media transcoding: A transcoding computing service for multimedia data
Live video: Low latency, high concurrency audio and video live service

Mobile service

Mobile Push: Mobile app notification and message push service
SMS service: verification code and SMS notification service, three-in-one fast arrival
HTTPDNS: Mobile application domain name anti-hijacking and precision tuning service
Mobile security: Provides full life cycle security services for mobile applications
Mobile Data Analytics: mobile application data acquisition, analysis, presentation and data output services
Mobile acceleration: Mobile application access acceleration

Cloud communication

SMS service: verification code and SMS notification service, three-in-one fast arrival
Voice service: Voice notification and voice verification, supported Multiparty call
Traffic service: easy to play mobile phone traffic, iot card for iot terminal use
Private line: number isolation to protect the privacy of both parties
Mobile Push: Mobile app notification and message push service
Message service: Large scale, high reliability, high concurrent access and super message stacking capability
Push Mail: Fast delivery of transaction mail, notification mail, and batch mail

Domain names and websites

Alibaba Cloud's Wan domain name has ranked NO.1 in the domain name market for 19 consecutive years, with nearly 10 million domain names registered in Wan, providing domain name registration, Cloud server , web hosting, corporate email, website construction and other related services. Provide domain name protection services to protect your domain name. In July 2015, Alibaba Cloud official website and Wanwang website were merged into one, Wanwang's domain name, Cloud web hosting The business of enterprise mailbox and website construction market is deeply integrated into the official website of Ali Cloud, and users can complete the first step of network entrepreneurship on the website. [30]

Industry solutions

New retail solutions: Quickly build a new retail platform to support seckill, live video and other businesses
New financial solutions: meet the needs of Internet finance/securities/banking/insurance business
New energy solutions: to help new operators and service providers quickly build standardized business platforms
New manufacturing solutions: Provide rapid establishment of one-stop equipment access, management capabilities
New technology solutions: provide "mass storage, efficient distribution, Superfast network "Other services
Big Game solution: Provide deployment solutions for mobile/page/terminal game developers
Big government solution: to meet the business needs of government/transportation/public security/tax bureau
Big health solutions: Integrate traditional medical advantages, and strive to build an intelligent medical cloud ecosystem
Big Transport Solutions: Use Internet of Things The technical advantages of big data help transport enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency
Big media solution: Based on the high-performance basic foot bone, it provides rapid news production, program production, professional live broadcasting and other business scenarios for the media industry
Big video solution: one-stop to provide "mass storage, efficient distribution, high-speed network" and other powerful services, easily enjoy CCTV-5, Sina Weibo, Zhihu and other levels of communication capabilities.
Real estate solutions: Real estate + Internet big data, to help the real estate industry unlimited innovation
Website solution : According to different development stages, provide one-stop station construction solutions
Mobile app solutions: Easily cope with the explosive growth of mobile apps
exclusive Cloud solution : Helps customers evolve smoothly to a hybrid cloud architecture
Enterprise Internet architecture solution: Through the test of Alibaba e-commerce, help enterprises quickly build distributed applications
Central enterprises procurement e-commerce solutions: to provide enterprises with a trinity of procurement solutions integrating business flow, logistics and capital flow
Intelligent distribution scheduling solutions: Efficient and high-quality output transportation solutions significantly reduce transportation costs
Grade protection security compliance program: Establish the protection compliance ecology and provide one-stop protection compliance program
Security solution: Multi-layer protection + cloud big data, providing a complete set of security products and services
Cloud storage Solution: Solve the problem of mass data archiving/backup, processing, accelerated distribution and so on
Application delivery Network solutions: Help traditional hardware load balancer users quickly and smoothly migrate to the cloud
VR application development solutions: convenient 3D model import, ET voice interaction [30]

Major competitor

Top American investment bank Morgan Stanley According to the report, in 2016, Alibaba Cloud dominated the public cloud market in China, and its market share was the sum of market followers such as AWS, Azure, Tencent Cloud, Baidu Cloud, and Huawei Cloud. According to the data, Alibaba Cloud occupies 50% share in the public cloud market in China, and Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Azure, two other international cloud computing service providers Amazon AWS The total market share is about 10% to 15%, while other local service providers have not formed effective competition in terms of market share. With its absolute leadership in the public cloud market, Morgan believes that Alibaba is stirring up the traditional enterprise IT market and rapidly growing into an IT giant in the Chinese market. [54]
Alibaba Cloud growth rate has maintained triple digit growth for seven consecutive quarters, Goldman Sachs research report pointed out that AWS's real competitor is not in the United States, but from China's Alibaba, AWS and Ali Cloud will become the world's two largest infrastructure technology companies.
IDC data show that as of the first half of 2015, the global public cloud computing market share of the top three named: Amazon, Microsoft, Ali cloud, these three names are beginning with the letter A (AWS, AliCloud, Azure) cloud computing companies have formed the first camp of the global public cloud market. With Ali Cloud becoming the next six Olympic Games Cloud computing service Providers, "3A" competition in the international market will also intensify.


From the first day of its birth, Alibaba Cloud has made security a top priority. Every day, Alibaba Cloud helps 37% of all websites in China (mainland) defend against 2,000 DDoS attacks. [30]
From January 2016 to October 2016, Alibaba Cloud Shield helped users repair vulnerabilities (0DAY) 470,000 times, defended against a total of 1.28 million DDoS attacks, and accumulated 2.5 million malicious IP addresses.
In October 2015, Aliyun Cloud Shield recorded 477G Gbps (peak traffic, from a game user) against DDoS, equivalent to 200,000 people online at the same time. [46]
In addition to continuously consolidating the security of the cloud platform, Alibaba Cloud also actively participates in the network security guarantee work of international conferences, including the G20 Hangzhou Summit and Wuzhen Summit World Internet Conference Provide technical support.
In the past 7 years, Alibaba Cloud's accumulation in compliance has been recognized by multi-party regulatory and audit institutions, such as the world's first CSA-STAR certification gold medal [47] The first cloud service provider to pass the data security audit of the global authority, the highest certification of Singapore MTCS T3, the first to pass Central Cyberspace Administration Cloud service network security review enhanced the level of government cloud platform, the first cloud platform through the Ministry of Public Security cloud level 4 assessment [48] . Alibaba Cloud has become the most complete compliance and certification in the Asia-Pacific region Cloud computing Platform.
Protection of customer information: Alibaba Cloud launched a data protection initiative
In July 2015, Alibaba Cloud took the lead in launching the "Data Protection Initiative" for the whole society and the whole industry, and defined the industry standard ------ for the first time
1, any developer, company, government, social organization data running on the cloud computing platform, ownership absolutely belongs to the customer, the customer can freely and safely use, share, exchange, transfer, delete these data.
2, the customer has the right to choose a secure service to run the data, the cloud computing platform shall not transfer the data for other purposes.
3. Just as banks have an obligation to defend their customers' money, cloud computing platforms have an obligation to defend their customers' data. The cloud computing platform has the responsibility and obligation to establish a strict control system and internal audit system, and should make unremitting efforts to improve the capabilities of security protection, disaster recovery and backup, so as to help customers ensure the privacy, integrity and availability of their data. [49]
Global authority recognition and relevant certificates
On November 15, 2019, Alibaba Cloud was awarded by BSI, an internationally renowned standard certification body ISO /IEC 27701:2019 Privacy protection certification, which is the most authoritative privacy management system construction guidance standard in the industry, once again reflects Ali Cloud's commitment to user data privacy protection. Alibaba Cloud has passed more than 100 compliance certifications and third-party audits, and is the most authoritative cloud service provider in Asia with the most complete compliance qualifications. [50]
ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Privacy protection certification
Alibaba Cloud has obtained all the "Grand slam" certifications on privacy protection standards, including ISO/IEC27701:2019, ISO/IEC 29151:2017, ISO/IEC27018:2014, BS 10012:2017. [50]

Internationalization process

In the future, Ali Cloud is still here Dubai Opened new data centers in Europe, Japan and other places to export China's high-tech services. Alibaba Cloud has opened data centers in 13 regions including China (North, East, South, Hong Kong), Singapore, the United States (East, West), Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and Japan. [51]
In Singapore, Alibaba Cloud is the first Chinese cloud service provider to set up a data center in Singapore, and Alibaba Cloud's international business headquarters is also located in Singapore, radiating billions of Asia-Pacific Cloud computing The Market. At the same time, Singapore is also an important gathering place of international optical cable, IT basic design is relatively mature, is a strategic place for the development of international business. [52]
For the ten ASEAN countries, Alibaba Cloud also takes Guangxi as the center to provide the cloud computing foundation for the ASEAN Information Port, and on this basis, radiates the ten ASEAN countries to provide cloud computing big data services.
Further west along the Belt and Road, Alibaba Cloud has set up a cloud computing joint venture in Dubai with local giant Meraas, and will set up a data center in Dubai. In Dubai, Aliyun will work with partners to provide services for Dubai's transportation, communications, Urban infrastructure Services are provided in six pillar areas: electricity, economic services and urban planning.
Closer to China, Alibaba Cloud has partnered with Japan's SoftBank and South Korea's SK Group. Alibaba Cloud and SoftBank set up a cloud computing joint venture company in Japan to integrate Alibaba Cloud Cloud computing technology The brand of Alibaba Cloud and Alibaba Cloud will be brought to Japan, changing the pattern of one-way technology export from Japan in the past, and exporting technology with China's independent intellectual property rights to Japan [53] .
In the United States, Alibaba Cloud has set up data centers in Silicon Valley and the East of the United States, going deep into the cloud computing base camp and directly competing with international companies such as Amazon and Microsoft. [51]
Companies such as DJI Innovation, Philips, Schneider, and Dana Technology are using Alibaba Cloud's worldwide cloud computing infrastructure network to develop their global business.
On Alibaba Cloud, enterprises can use a single account to manage cloud applications in the United States and China to achieve unified deployment and operation.
In the future, Alibaba Cloud will continue to invest international resources in the "Belt and Road", with the goal of providing 70% of the global computing power.

Related event

On August 3, 2018, released the global IP address analysis report for the first half of 2018, which showed that the world's largest AWS ranked first with 8.1 million active IP digits, accounting for 41% of the market, and Ali Cloud followed with 2.6 million, accounting for 13.2% of the world. Microsoft accounted for 8.73 percent with 1.71 million. Compared with the data in the second half of 2017, the largest increase among the world's top five service providers is Alibaba Cloud, Google, and Azure, while the global share of AWS has declined. [70]
On August 23, 2018, it released its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2019 as of June 30, 2018. Alibaba reported first-quarter revenue of 80.92 billion yuan ($12.229 billion), up 61% from a year earlier. Excluding US General Accounting Principles (Non-GAAP), net profit was RMB20.01 billion (about US $3.038 billion), unchanged from the same period. [71]
On September 3, 2018, Tongling Municipal Government and Ali Cloud Computing Co., LTD Strategic cooperation agreement The signing ceremony was held in the city's Smart City Operation Management Center. [136]
In the early morning of March 3, 2019, Ali Cloud failed late at night, [2] It lasted about three hours, [3] After emergency investigation and treatment, it gradually recovered.
In the early morning of March 3, 2019, Ali Cloud failed late at night. [2] The IT operation and maintenance personnel of a number of Internet companies located in North China found that a number of apps and websites began to get stuck, and the accident lasted for about three hours, and the ECS server in the C part of the Availability zone of North China 2. Cloud server Such instances as IO HANG (IO does not respond), the area is one of the first Ali Cloud services in North China, and ECS server is one of the most core IaaS (infrastructure as a service) of Ali Cloud, the impact should be relatively large. [3] In this regard, Ali Cloud official reply, North China 2 regional availability zone C part of the ECS server and other instances appeared IO HANG, after emergency investigation and treatment gradually recovered. [2]
The Network Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology notified that Ali Cloud Computing Co., LTD. (referred to as "Ali Cloud") is a cooperative unit of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's network security threat information sharing platform. In December 2021, after finding a serious security vulnerability of Apache Log4j2 component, Alibaba Cloud did not report it to the telecom authorities in a timely manner, and did not effectively support the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to carry out network security threat and vulnerability management. After research, Ali Cloud is now suspended as the above cooperation unit for 6 months. After the expiration of the suspension, according to the rectification of Alibaba Cloud Company, study and restore the above cooperation units. [82]
On December 23, 2021, Alibaba Cloud released a note on the log4j2 vulnerability of the open source community Apache, saying that because it was not aware of the severity of the vulnerability in the early stage and did not share the vulnerability information in a timely manner, it will strengthen vulnerability management, enhance compliance awareness, and actively cooperate with all parties to do a good job in network security risk prevention. [83]
At 17:50 on November 12, 2023, Ali Cloud failed, and the affected cloud products were restored at 21:11 [124] .
On the evening of November 12, 2023, Taobao again collapsed, idle fish collapsed, Ali cloud disk collapsed, nail nail collapsed and other keywords on the microblogging hot search, according to the reporter learned that the Ali cloud product console access and API call abnormal, Ali engineers through batch restart component services, most of the regional console services have been restored access. [122]
On January 16, 2024, the first successful judgment appeared in the domestic large model anti-counterfeiting rights protection. Aliyun and Alibaba won the first instance lawsuit against the APP publisher, and Feiyou Technology company was ordered to compensate for relevant economic losses and rights protection costs due to infringement of registered trademarks and false publicity, and issued an apology statement on the official website for 15 consecutive days. [134]

Honor received



In April 2024, he was selected as the 2024 Forbes China Employee Intelligent technology enterprise. [149]


On March 31, 2023, it won the honorary title of "Zhejiang May Day Labor Award" [104]
In June 2023, it was selected into the "Top 30 Industrial Internet of China" Top 10 intelligent manufacturing. [111]
In July 2023, it won the British Standards Institute BSI Digital Trust Titanium Gold Medal. [112]
In December 2023, he was elected to the ninth Zhejiang Provincial People's Government Quantity award. [132]


In February 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms in 2021, and Ali Cloud was selected. [85]
On April 15, 2022, Gartner released 2021 global cloud computing IaaS market share data, and Alibaba Cloud ranked third in the world and first in the Asia-Pacific market. [90]
In July 2022, at the first China Computing Conference, Aliyun Panjiu liquid cooling solution and Chendan heterogeneous computing platform were selected as outstanding achievements in the low-carbon category and system category respectively. [96]
On November 9, 2022, at the release event of the World Internet Leading scientific and technological Achievements in 2022, Alibaba Cloud's "ODPS: a data-driven mega-scale and multi-scenario integration big data computing platform" was selected as the list of the World Internet Leading scientific and technological achievements in 2022. [100]

The year 2021

In 2021, it was selected into the "China's New Economy Unicorn Enterprise Ranking 2021" released by iiMedia Ranking. [81]

The year 2020

On the morning of January 10, 2020, Alibaba Cloud obtained State Technological Invention Award Two national awards, the National Science and Technology Progress Award. This is an Internet company For the first time Won both majors National Science and Technology Award Also realized the Internet company on the National Technological Invention Award Zero breakthrough . [72]
January 19, 2020, 2019 (18th Edition) China software The top 100 enterprises in business revenue ranked third. [73]
On June 17, 2020, "AI enterprises with outstanding performance in science and technology support in the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic". [74]
In June 2020, it was selected into the 2020 Forbes China's Most Innovative Companies List. [75]


On June 11, 2019, it was selected into the "2019 Forbes China's Most Innovative Companies List". [4-5]
TOP100 Smart Retail Potential in 2019. [76]
On July 22, 2020, it was ranked first in the "TOP20 List of China's New Economy Unicorn Enterprise Services in 2020" released by iiMedia Ranking. [77]
On December 14, 2020, Chinese Institute of Electronics Officially announced the list of Science and Technology Awards of the Chinese Institute of Electronics in 2020, the "cloud native" led by Alibaba Cloud distributed The relational database PolarDB project won the first prize for scientific and technological progress. [78]

Business partner

Jiangsu Dingfeng cloud Computing Co. LTD [102]

Managerial personnel

Executive Director and General Manager: Zheng Junfang [117]