
Durian of the mallow family
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synonymdurianDurian (Durian of Kapok family) generally refers to durian
durian Durio zibethinus Murr. Also known as "durian". It is a giant tropical mallow of the mallow family Evergreen tree The leaves are long round, the tip is pointed, the cyme is light yellow, the fruit is the size of a football, the skin is solid, dense triangular thorns, the flesh is composed of arils, the flesh is light yellow, sticky and juicy, is a fruit of great economic value. [5]
Durian is one of the famous tropical fruits Malaysia . Southeast Asia Some countries grow more, among which Thailand The most planted. China Kwangtung , Hainan (Province) There is also planting. Durian is famous in Thailand and is known as the "King of fruits". Its smell is strong, and those who love it praise its fragrance, and those who hate it complain about its odor.
There is a legend, ancient China Ming Dynasty When the naval fleet arrived in present-day Southeast Asia and tasted the local fruits, Zheng He This fruit is greatly appreciated, but the fruit can only be ripe once a year, so it is named nostalgia, and later generations take its homophony, called durian.
Chinese name
Latin name
Durio zibethinus Murr. [4]
The door
The outline
Belong to
Kind of
Distribution area
Southeast Asia

History of botany

There are two theories. One is that it was originally from Malaysia , Ocheng Dynasty Era introduction Thailand . Malay Calling durian "good", Thai It has always been called "durian" in Chinese. Another way of saying it is from Burma From Tawai, Mari and Danaushi.
The first is that the Siamese army attacked Burma in 1787 with the intention of capturing Tawhai, but was unable to take it. During the siege. Due to the difficulty of transportation and the lack of food and grass in the army at that time, the general could only order the soldiers to look around for wild fruits to feed their hunger, and the soldiers found a large and prickle fruit in the forest. When they managed to cut it open, it was surprisingly sweet and delicious. Later return to the army Bangkok Many soldiers took durian seeds with them and planted them around their houses. It is said that in the past, in the Bangkok area, there were 100-150 years old durian trees growing in the courtyard of the descendants of soldiers who had been to Myanmar, but due to two major floods in 1871 and 1942, these durian trees died out.
The second is that it was introduced into southern Thailand by merchant ships traveling between Thailand and Myanmar, and later from Surat Thani Province to Bangkok and other places.
On July 20, 2022, according to the US Yahoo News report, durian is sought after for its delicate and sweet taste and rich nutritional value, but some people can not stand the smell of durian. To this end, Thailand has introduced a special "odorless durian". It comes from Thailand Korat The "odorless" durian in the northeast is a variety of Golden pillow durian and has been certified by the Thai government as a Geographical indication (GI) product. This "odorless" durian was officially launched at the local Durian Festival. [3]

Morphological characteristics

Evergreen tree to 25 m tall with scaly tops of young branches. Stipules 1.5-2 cm long, leaf blade oblong, sometimes obovate oblong, short acuminate or sharply acuminate, base rounded or obtuse, both surfaces shiny, smooth above, abaxially attached scales, lateral veins 10-12 pairs, 10-15 cm long, 3-5 cm wide; The petioles are 1.5-2.8 cm long, and the cymes are slender and drooping, clustered on stems or large branches, with 3-30 flowers per sequence. The buds are spherical; Pedicellary scales, 2-4 cm long.
bract Prop up calyx Calyx shorter than calyx, calyx tube shaped, 2.5-3 cm high, base swollen, inner densely puberulous, with 5-6 short, broad calyx teeth; Petals yellowish-white, 3.5-5 cm long, twice as long as calyx, oblong-spatulate, late ectropion; Stamen 5 bundles, each bundle has filaments 4-18, filaments base united 1/4-1/2; Capsule elliptic, pale yellow or yellow-green, 15-30 cm long, 13-15 cm thick, seeds 2-6 per chamber, arillus White or yellowish-white, with a strong odor. Fruit period 6-12 months. [1]
Durian is a conflicted fruit, considered a religious fruit in some places but banned because of its pungent smell Public place . Durian is the size of a football. Its skin is rough and its juice is light yellow. It has an odorous smell but a delicate and sweet taste. But this fruit is called the "king of fruits" because it is extremely rich in nutrients. But many foreigners can't stand his smell.

Proximate distinction

Black thorn durian
Elliptic, 15-30 cm long, with conical coarse spines, pale yellow or yellowish green, seeds 2-6 per cell, arils white or yellowish white, with a strong odor.
The tip is black, flat, and there are no thorns at the base.
Black thorn durian

Growing environment

Durian is a pure tropical crop, durian phenology Characteristics The average daily temperature of the growth site is above 22℃. Frost-free areas can be grown in China Hainan Province And parts of Yunnan Province can be developed. Because durian needs a hot climate all year round to grow and bear fruit, even in equator In the highlands above 600m, durian cannot be planted or cannot bear fruit due to falling temperatures.

Propagation method

Seeds are commonly used to propagate durian, but durian Genetic variation Sex is large, each seed may grow ten different quality of fruit, and good and bad, poor durian can produce very good varieties. Similarly, good durians can also produce inferior varieties, and some live durians do not bear fruit for life. In order to cultivate excellent varieties, ensure varieties pure, early bearing and high yield, more use Grafting propagation To cultivate durian.
Except for monocotyledonous plants and some plants with irregular cambium, almost all dicotyledonous woody plants are fine budding Breed. stock Cut two 0.7cm wide and 3 ~ 4cm long slits from top to bottom at the root of the stock stem 10cm from the soil. Make a flat cut at the top of the two slits and pull up the skin. The length is consistent with the bud. At the lower end of the incision, a small amount of peeled skin is left to support the bud. The process of obtaining the bud is the same as that of the anvil water slit skin lifting method. After insertion, the bud is tied tightly with a 1cm wide plastic film tape. Graft mouth should not contact rain for two days.
Note that other fruit tree budding methods can completely bandage the buds, with the exception of durian, because the buds on the buds tend to fall off. We'll know if you're alive in two weeks. After survival, cut off the upper end of the stock about 30cm from the bud to stimulate eye Grow fast. In the future, the stock will grow a lot of anvil branches, these anvil branches can not be completely removed, must be turned down one or two to help the bud to absorb nutrients, but the remaining anvil branches should not be allowed to grow too much, need to be pruned frequently to avoid hindering the growth of the bud.
Cleft grafting
Seedlings that have not yet opened leaves or become woody are best used as rootstocks. Cut the stock 6-7cm away, and make a straight cut about 1cm deep into a "V" shape in the middle of the flat anvil pile; A shoot with two or three shoots equal in diameter to the stake is obtained scion With a length of about 8 ~ 10cm, cut off 3/4 of the leaves, flatten the lower end of the scion into a wedge, insert it into the slit of the anvil pile, and tie it tightly with a film tape. Afterwards, use a transparent plastic bag to cover the whole seedling to prevent the scion water from evaporates out, and put it in a cool place for about two or three weeks, if the scion leaves will not fall off, it will be successful.
Inapproach grafting
Suitable for only a small amount of breeding, seedlings planted in plastic bags can be used as rootstock at about six to seven months of age, the scion tip size is equal to the anvil, and the ideal is the upright nutrition technique.
The branches used are about 15cm long and the diameter is about the size of chopsticks. There should be several leaves and buds, and two thirds of each piece should be cut off to prevent water evaporation. Cut the bottom end of the branch skew or cut 1 cm from the bottom to the top, apply a layer of hormonal rooting agent, insert it into a damp sand cup, put it in a greenhouse with low light, water it, after seven or eight weeks if the leaves do not fall off and the young roots grow, it can be transplanted into a plastic bag.
The branches are ventrally joined
Stock size can be, as long as it has grown into wood, the cortex is easy to peel, the height of the insert is optional, the incision process is similar to budding. The shoots with a length of 10cm and no open leaves were selected scion The diagonal cutting length of the scion is slightly shorter than the cutting length of the stock, insert the cutting length of the stock, tie it with plastic tape, and then wrap it with transparent plastic paper, and place it in a cool place. Two weeks later, cut the adhesive paper, but the tape must not be removed until the branches grow.
Air layering
There is no season for air layering, choose a branch larger than a pencil, and peel the circumference of about 40cm from the end to about 3cm. After peeling, use the back of a knife to cut off the cambium layer at the incision, otherwise the incision cortex will recover and not take root. Wrap a lump of wet dirt around the incision, the size of a duck's egg. Wrap three layers of plastic paper, tie the two ends tightly, and cut off the mother after about three months of new root growth. will plastic Cut the paper, plant it in a black plastic bag of fruit seedlings, put it in a cool place, and it can be transplanted in about one or two months. On account of Survival rate Low, durian is rarely used when breeding.

Cultivation technique


Fixed seedling height

Durian seedling
30~40 cm can be planted, plant row spacing 3 meters x5 meters is appropriate, apply Organic fertilizer Soil fertilizer and appropriate amount lime As a base fertilizer. It can be planted all year round, preferably with soil seeds.

Fertilizer management

The bearing tree should focus on fertilization once a year, that is, spring pumping fertilizer, summer fruit expansion fertilizer and pre-harvest fertilizer, especially to apply good fruit expansion fertilizer. Deep application of organic fertilizer after fruit picking.


Due to strong germination, it is necessary to pay attention to plastic surgery 1 to 2 years after planting, and prune in time after picking fruits to maintain a good tree shape.

Species classification

There are 200 varieties of durian in Thailand, but 60 to 80 varieties are commonly cultivated. Among them, the most famous are three types: light species: Yiluan, Jiaolun Tong, Chunfu shi, Jin pillow and Chaoni, which bear fruit after four or five years; Medium species: long stalk and valley, bearing 6 to 8 years; Heavy species: Kampung and ina, eight years results. They bear fruit once a year, with a maturity difference of one or two months.
Some of the more familiar ones are:
(1) Golden pillow, (Monton), is a very popular one, meat and sweet, golden flesh, often one of the larger, called "main meat", because the smell is not too strong, very suitable for the first taste of "entry" to eat this smelly and fragrant fruit. Golden pillows can be eaten all year round, but the price varies with the season, the price is cheapest in the peak season, and it is also the best time to eat.
(2) Green Ni, which has small leaves and small size, more meat and small pit is more popular, and the flesh is dark yellow.
(3) Long stalk: because the stalk of this durian is longer than other varieties and named, the stalk of this variety is long and round, the whole durian is also round, the flesh and the core are also round, the skin is green, the thorns are many and dense, the core is large, the flesh is less but delicate and strong.
(4) Grain night set: The meat is particularly delicate, it is sweet as honey, and the core tip is small and welcomed by "eaters", which is the highest price of a kind of durian. Durian is grown widely in Thailand, from the central province of Nuanburi to the east Rayong Province The durian from Pakenburi Province has won the championship. Southern Thailand durian is inferior to central and eastern durian, the core is large and the meat is small, but due to the late ripening, after the other durian season, it is "scarce".

Primary value


Nutritional value

Durian hot, can promote blood to dispel cold, ease dysmenorrhea Especially suitable for women suffering from dysmenorrhea; It can also improve the symptoms of abdominal cold, can promote the rise of body temperature, is the ideal tonic for people with cold constitution. Durian has high nutritional value, regular consumption can strengthen the body, spleen and qi, kidney and Yang, warm the body.
Durian pulp contains a lot of sugar, high calories, protein about 2.7%, fat about 4.1%, carbohydrate 9.7%, and rich in vitamins, such as Vitamin A , Vitamin B , Vitamin C , and rich in mineral elements, among them potassium , calcium The highest content, durian amino acids are also very complete, there are Glutamic acid , Aspartic acid Etc., containing plant active ingredients such as flavone , anthocyanin And so on [2]

Economic value

Among the many fruits exported by Thailand, the export volume of Thailand's durian has always been in the top position of export fruits. The main origin of durian in Thailand is in the east and south of Thailand, and the area of durian production is growing at a rate of 4.63% per year to meet the demand for Thai durian from all over the world.
There are four main markets for Thai durian: the local market (in the eastern part of Thailand), the other provincial markets, Bangkok Markets and export markets (foreign markets). According to different markets, Thai durians have different marketing structures.

Medicinal value

It is the whole grass of durian in mallow family.
Nourishing Yin strong, dispersing wind and clearing heat, gallbladder retreating yellow, killing insects and relieving itch, tonifying the body.
Durian has a special smell, different people feel different, some people think it stinks like cat poop, some people think the aroma Strong fragrance . The smell of durian has the effect of appetizing and promoting appetite, and the dietary fiber in it can promote intestinal movement.
Functional indications
Durian skin - nourishing Yin, with durian skin meat cooked chicken soup to drink, can be used as a nourishing soup for women, can go to stomach cold. Durian skin is only eaten inside the white part, with durian white skin meat add lean meat or chicken together to make soup, taste very sweet, and very clear heat, in the summer can play a role in reducing fire, with blood tonifying qi, nourishing Yin and so on.
Durian seed - gentle kidney tonic
Durian core also has a certain medicinal value, the folk use durian core soup practice. Compared with durian pulp, durian core quality is relatively mild, dried and boiled soup has the role of tonifying the kidney and spleen.
Be available for Essence and blood Deficiency deficiency, early white hair, aging and other diseases. Be available for wind-heat Equal symptoms. Available treatment jaundice . Available treatment mange , pruritus Equal symptoms.
Compendium of Materia Medica It is recorded that "durian can be used for medicinal purposes, sweet and warm taste, non-toxic, treating dysentery and abdominal cold air". Durian can be used for deficiency of semen and blood, premature white hair, aging, wind heat, jaundice, mange Skin itching and other symptoms.
Sex and taste return to the classics
Hot, sweet, hot. Into the liver, kidney, lung three channels.
Usage and dosage
Orally: 6 ~ 9 grams, decocted.
External use: fried water or bath.
Textual research
Originally published in Outline of Xinhua Materia Medica .
Medical research
Modern medical research shows that it is extracted from the juice and skin of durian Proteolytic enzyme After oral administration, it can strengthen the hydrolysis of fibrin in the body and can Blood clot Dissolve, improve the local circulation of body fluids, so that inflammation and edema are eliminated, and can be used clinically as anti-edema and anti-inflammatory drugs. Durian protease and antibiotic The use of chemotherapy drugs can promote the penetration of drugs to the lesion, and can be used for inflammation, edema and thrombosis caused by a variety of reasons, such as bronchitis , acute pneumonia, mastitis Retinitis, etc. It is reported that durian skin has a good curative effect on senile scrapie.
Nourishing Yin and strengthening Yang
Durian has high nutritional value, it contains high sugar, and contains 11% starch, 13% sugar, 3% protein, as well as a variety of vitamins, fat, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Weak friends can eat durian, durian can supplement the body needs energy and nutrition, to achieve health, Nourishing Yin and reinforcing Yang The efficacy of... After illness and postpartum women can be used to nourish the body.
Boost immunity
Durian fruit Amino acid In addition to tryptophan, it also contains 7 kinds of essential human amino acids, of which glutamic acid content is particularly high. Animal experiments have further proved that glutamate is an important precursor of nucleic acids, nucleotides, amino sugars and proteins, and can participate in their anabolism, improve the body's immune function, regulate the acid-base balance in the body, and improve the body's ability to adapt to stress. The reason why durian fruit has a strong and beneficial effect on the human body is that in addition to containing more beneficial elements such as zinc, it should also have a synergistic effect with its aroma components and other nutrients.
Treatment of dysmenorrhea
Durian has many nutritional benefits and can also relieve menstrual cramps. Because durian is a hot fruit, it can play a role in promoting blood circulation, dispelling cold and relieving menstrual pain after consumption. Durian's heat can improve the cold situation in the abdomen, promote the rise of body temperature, which is very helpful to friends with cold physique.
Whet the appetite
Although the specific taste of durian is very controversial, this rich smell makes one of the benefits of durian, is to stimulate appetite.
Relieve constipation
Durian contains very rich dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and treat constipation. However, it should be noted that eating durian for constipation can drink more boiled water, otherwise, the rich fiber can not suck water, will suck the water in the intestine.
Prevention and treatment of hypertension
The physiological function of vitamins in durian fruit and the curative effect on some diseases can not be ignored. Durian fruit also contains essential mineral elements. Among them, potassium and calcium are particularly high in content.
Durian fruit is rich in vitamins, Vitamin A , Vitamin B and Vitamin C Both are higher. A large number of studies have proved that vitamin A is an important essential micronutrient for the human body, which has the physiological functions of maintaining normal growth, reproduction, vision and anti-infection.
In addition, vitamin A also has the activity of anti-promoter genes that can inhibit tumor formation and play a role in cancer suppression and anticancer. Vitamin B is an indispensable part of various oxidase systems in the body, involved in REDOX reactions and energy metabolism. Vitamin C has a wide range of physiological functions in the body, it can enhance the human immune function, prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia and scurvy, promote collagen formation and steroid metabolism, is conducive to maintaining the normal function of bones and teeth, anti-aging, inhibition nitrite Nitrosamines are synthesized with amines and have anti-cancer effects.
Chemical composition
Fruit aroma components are Hydrogen sulfide ethylhydrodisulfide, several dialkyl polysulfido, Ethyl acetate 1,1-diethoxyethane and ethyl-2-methylbutanonate. The fatty acid components of fruits (including skin, pulp and seeds) are: Palmitic acid , Arachidic acid (arachidicacid), palmitic acid.

Edible value

Durian has a great tonic effect, especially after the sick and weak and postpartum women, more appropriate to eat more. In addition, durian has the effect of promoting blood circulation and dispelling cold, which has a relieving effect on women with stomach cold and dysmenorrhea.
Durian stewed chicken
Durian stewed chicken
Durian 50g, 1 chicken, ginger slice 10g, walnut meat, red dates 50g each. First clean and peel the chicken, put it in boiling water, cook it slightly, cut large pieces; Walnuts soaked in water to remove oil flavor; Red dates washed and pitted; Durian removes its tender skin, leaving a large outer skin. Take the flesh and cut the skin down. Put the chicken pieces, walnuts, dates, durian skin and durian meat in boiling water, add ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, change to a simmer for 3 hours, add salt, a small amount of MSG seasoning. This soup tonifying blood qi, nourishing Yin and other effects, suitable for people with different constitutions to drink, autumn and winter eating the most suitable.
Durian core in crucian soup
Durian core in crucian soup
Durian core 5-6, 2 crucian fish, 3 pieces of ginger. Wash the durian core, clean up the crucian after slaughter, slowly fry until both sides are yellowish. Then put the ginger into the tile pot, add the right amount of water, boil with high heat, then change to a gentle boil for 2 hours, add the right amount of salt and a little raw oil. This soup is moist and not greasy, and has the effects of invigorating spleen and dampness, and medium appetizer, activating blood and clearing collaterals, and warming middle and lower qi.
Suitable population
Durian is suitable for cold people. After illness and postpartum women should use it to nourish the body. No more than 100 grams per day.
Edible contraindications
The Cantonese say, "One durian, three chickens." Ci Hai And "Compendium of Materia Medica" said, this is not an exaggeration. The pulp contains very high sugar, protein, starch, fat, vitamin A, B, C, calcium, potassium, etc., which can improve human immunity, inhibit cancer and fight cancer. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that regular consumption of durian can strengthen the body, spleen qi, kidney Tonifying Yang . Durian heat can promote blood to dissipate cold, relieve menstrual pain, improve abdominal cold, is an ideal supplement for people with cold constitution. But one can not eat more, because of its rich nutrition, the stomach can not be fully absorbed when the fire. It can even cause sudden death in people with certain diseases. The Thai health Ministry advises the public not to eat more than two cloves of durian a day.
If you accidentally eat too much durian, resulting in hot sputum trapped, breathing difficulties, red face, stomach distension, should eat a few immediately mangosteen Resolve, because mangosteen is a cold thing, can restrain the durian heat. Only the Fruit Queen can surrender King of fruit . It can also be fried with durian skin and salt water.
1, dry throat, dry tongue, sore throat and other fever constitution and Yin deficiency constitution beware of eating.
2. diabetes People with heart disease and hypercholesterolemia should not eat it.
3, durian can not be eaten with wine: because wine and durian are hot and dry things, such as diabetes patients eat both, will lead to blood vessel blockage, serious blood vessel explosion, stroke, should not be eaten.
4, hot air constitution, sore throat cough, cold, Yin deficiency constitution, sensitive airway to eat durian will worsen the condition, is not good for the body, should not be eaten.
5, traditional Chinese medicine believes that durian is warm and hot, if you eat too much, it will cause dry fire to rise, and there are wet toxic symptoms. To relieve discomfort, drink kelp mung bean soup or chard soup.
6, durian contains high calories and sugar, so obese people should eat less.
7. Durian is high in content potassium Quality, so kidney disease and heart patients, should eat less.
8, durian should not eat more at one time, if you smell the cooked durian with alcohol, it means that it has deteriorated and cannot be eaten.
9, the elderly should pay special attention to durian juice sticky, easy to block the throat, trachea and cause suffocation, so the elderly must eat less, eat slowly.
1. Durian that naturally cracks after maturity can not be stored for too long and can not be eaten more than once.
2, when you smell the cooked durian with an alcoholic smell, it means that it must be spoiled, do not buy to eat.
3, because durian taste thick knot, easy to accumulate in the intestine, drink more water can help digestion.
4, although durian is rich in cellulose, it will absorb water and expand in the stomach, and too much consumption will block the intestine and cause constipation.

Plant culture

Zheng He, the Sanbao eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, led his fleet to the South Ocean three times. Due to the long time at sea, the sailors were homesick, homesick and eager to return. One day, Zheng He found a kind of strange fruit on the shore, so he brought some to taste with us. After eating, many sailors praised the fruit so much that their homesickness was diminished for a while. Zheng He was asked what the name of the fruit was. He replied casually: "Linger." Durian is synonymous with linger, and later people called it "durian".
The Chinese in Southeast Asia eat it, and "linger (durian) forget to return" to the mainland of the motherland, and express a kind of homesickness.

Selection method

The most reliable method:
1. Pinch the prickles, the two adjacent prickles can easily pinch together, indicating that the skin has become very soft, but also means that the flesh inside has matured, so that the durian can be opened and eaten.
2. Look at the "body", at the same time, choose durian, it is best to choose those well-proportioned fruit, which means that each fruit petal is well developed, the flesh of each room is relatively full, overall is the best choice.
3. Smell, durian in the storage and transportation process, the smell will be lost, but also because of fat oxidation odor, so in the domestic supermarket and market to buy durian have some strange smell.
4. Consumers who have difficulty identifying durian by smell can choose: buy customized (expensive), buy liquid nitrogen frozen cold chain transport (expensive), buy frozen durian pulp (worry).
Unreliable methods and reasons:
1. Yellow skin is good, not reliable. Because some varieties of durians are not yellow after ripening;
2. Natural cracks are good, unreliable, and basically only more effective for golden pillow durian. For other varieties of durian, it will not crack after ripening; In addition, natural cracks may be overripe and may even be corrupt. [7]

Main producing area

Thailand is one of the world's leading durian producers and exporters, with a large number of durians exported to China every year. [8]

Relevant provisions

In October 2023, the latest version of the list of precautions for train luggage was released, and durian can be carried on board, but it is required to be sealed and cannot be eaten in the car. [6]