Wang Changling

Frontier poet and minister in Tang Dynasty
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Wang Changling (698-757), [20 ] The word Shaobo, Jingzhao Chang 'an (present Shaanxi Province Xi 'an People (said Taiyuan people) [34-36] Tang Dynasty frontier poet, minister. [22 ]
In the fifteenth year of Kaiyuan (727), Wang Changling ascended the rank of Jinshi and served as the secretary of the provincial school. In the twenty-second year of Kaiyuan (734), he was also awarded a county lieutenant in Xishui (now Xingyang Xishui Town, Henan Province). In 27 years (739), he was banished from Lingnan for his crimes. The following year, he returned to Chang 'an from Lingnan and was appointed county magistrate of Jiangning (now Nanjing, Jiangsu Province) in the winter. In Jiangning for several years, he was defamed and destroyed, and was demoted to Longbiao (now Qianyang, Hunan Province) county lieutenant. After the rebellion of An and Shi, Wang Changling went to Jiangning from exile, and was killed by Luqiu Xiao, the governor of Haozhou. [21]
Wang Changling's poetry is vigorous and expansive, and has a unique style. When Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty talked about the seven wonders of the Tang Dynasty, he thought that only Wang Changling could compete with Li Bai and was listed as "divine goods". [23 ] Wang Changling's frontier fortress poems are generous and heroic, imposing and lofty in style. [22 ] He wrote a large number of frontier fortress poems, and later called Wang Changling as the founder and pioneer of frontier fortress poems. [24 ] It has the reputation of "poet Master Wang Jiangning" and is also known as "seven holy hands" by later generations. Wang Changling poetry Xu and think of Qing, and Highly suitable , Wang Zhihuan In the same name, there are six volumes of anthologies and four volumes of poems. The main representative works are "From the military", "out", "Girlfriends" and so on. [22 ]
Chinese name
Wang Changling
Wang Shaobo , Wang Longbiao , Wang Jiangning
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Date of birth
Year 1 (698)
Date of death
Emperor Su of the Tang Dynasty (757)
Major achievement
Poetry creation
Work style
The language is refined and the meaning is rich
A surname



Songshan learned

Tang Wu Zetian almanac Wang Changling was born in Shanxi in the first year (698) Taiyuan .
Emperor Xuanzong of Tang The eighth year of Kaiyuan Gengshen (720), 23 years old, is around the year, once lived in Songshan to learn Taoism.
Tang Kaiyuan eleven years Guhai (723), twenty-six years old, about the year before and after, guest river east and state, Lu state.

Leave a name on the border

Kaiyuan twelve years A son (724 years), 27 years old about about the year, to go Helong County Get out of Yumen. His famous frontier jam poem was written about this time.
Kaiyuan fourteen years Bingyin (726), 29 years old. Secluded in Shimen Valley, Lantian County, Jingzhao Prefecture. Is the year has "from my brother sales south Zhai play moon memory Shanyin Cui Shaofu" work. "Shanyin Cui Shaofu" namely Cui Guofu.


Kaiyuan fifteen years (727), Jinshi and awarded secretary provincial school book lang (official Si Shui Wei, school book lang).
He was thirty-four years old at the end of the nineteenth year of New Century (731). In Chang 'an, with erudite grand Ci, then moved Henan Xishui county lieutenant.
Kaiyuan 21 year GUI You (733 years), thirty-six years old, in April that year, in Chang 'an to participate in a banquet, there are "Summer moon and Calyx House feast system" poem.
In the twenty-second year of Kaiyuan (734), Wang Changling chose the learned Hongci branch and excelled the group Lun, so he was appointed as a Sishui county lieutenant and then moved to Jiangning Cheng.

Make friends by moving from place to place

Twenty-six years of Kaiyuan Wuyin (738), 41 years old, because of the crime, banished to Lingnan.
Wang Changling
Kaiyuan twenty-seven years MAO (739 years), forty-two years old, meet the north also.
In 740, in the 28th year of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, Wang Changling returned to the north and visited the famous poet Meng Haoran in Xiangyang. Meng Haoran When Meng Haoran died from recurring boils caused by eating some seafood, Wang Changling became acquainted with the great poet Li Bai. Baling sent Li 12 "Poem. In winter, Wang Changling left Beijing to serve in Jiangning, at this time with a famous poet Censhen County Met, Cen Shen has a book Send Wang Dachangling to Jiangning Poems, Wang Changling also have poems left. Passing through Luoyang, and with Qi Wuqian, Li Qi and other poets outing, also have left poems. [3]
Tianbao Sanzai Jia Shen (744), 47 years old, appointed in Jiangning. In April, he went to Chang 'an temporarily due to business, and visited with Xin Jian, Li Bai, and Wang Wei.
Tianbao seven years of Wuzi (748 years), fifty-one years old, so far, the official Jiangning Cheng before and after a total of eight years. In the same year, Changling was demoted from Jiangning to Longbiao Ensign. Changling from Jinling first way to Longbiao, is basically to go up the river, had a side trip to Nanling, there is "to Nanling answer Huangfu Yue". [4-7]

Jealousy is what gets him killed

Tianbao 15 years, Emperor Su to de yuan (in July, Emperor Su ascended the throne Lingwu, changed yuan to De) Bingshen (756), 59 years old. About this year, he left Longbiao and returned to his hometown. Its go to Longbiao, Chen Xi, by Wuling, boat along the river east, about in July and August this year, there are "leave the division Matthew Shou" "Leave Wuling Yuan Cheng" and other poems as evidence. [8]
Ding You (757), 60 years old. Between the winter of 756 and October 757, Wang Changling passed through Bozhou Haozhou governor Luqiu Xiao [21] Killed.

Literary achievement


Achievement review

Wang Changling has 181 poems, mainly in the Five ancient and seven unique genres, and mainly in the themes of separation, border jams, palace grievances. In terms of quantity, system and subject matter, Wang Changling's poems are not as good as those of Li Bai, Du Fu, Gao Shi and Cen Can, but his poems are of high quality. Border fortress poetry can be compared with Gao Shi, Cen Can three, four great poetry, there is almost no border fortress poetry in the poetry circle. After Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty changed the military system to the recruitment system, the literati set off a hot pursuit of military merit. In the thirteenth year of Kaiyuan, Wang Changling wandered the northwest frontier, had a deep experience of frontier life, and created a large number of frontier poetry. Cen Shen was 11 years old at this time, and Gao Shi had not yet started the frontier life.
Wang Changling's frontier fortress poems are good at capturing typical scenes, with high generalization and rich expression. It not only reflects the main theme of the Tang Dynasty, but also gives a detailed description of the frontier scenery and frontier battlefield scenes, and can capture the delicate inner world of the soldiers. The poetic conception is wide, the language is mellow, the tone is graceful and harmonious, and it has high attainments in lyric, landscape and freehand. However, Wang Changling's palace resentment poems can compete with Li Bai, and his poems have their own unique meaning, the beauty of landscape painting, the cutting of Bixing and the strangeness of language creation. Wang Changling's female complaints poems write the sorrows and grievances of those concubines who have long been closed in the deep palace with a compassionate spirit, and show their lives and emotional world in many aspects with delicate brushstrokes, revealing their tragic fate under the cruel palace funeral system, objectively criticizing the evil of destroying women in the feudal society. This tendency of thought laid the healthy tone of his works, washed away the filth of the court poems of the Six Dynasties, and effectively reversed the bad style of Qi Liang's singing. On the other hand, in terms of artistic expression, Wang Changling carried forward the gorgeous, beautiful and elaborate expression techniques of the Six Dynasties, inheriting its formal beauty. Therefore, Wang Changling is praised as the first person who successfully wrote palace Ci with seven words. [1]

Poetic form

Strict in the Five ancient times
The Five ancient books of Wang Changling are basically written with solemn solemnness, high ancient vigor and strong character. In his lifetime, he was famous in the Tang Dynasty poetry circle with this style of poetry. However, it is not difficult to see that Wang Changling's five-character ancient poems have distinct characteristics, diverse styles and different aesthetic features. First, vigorous and bold. Second, Qingli Youxiu, super relaxed. Hu Yinglin divided the development of the Five ancient dynasties from the early Tang Dynasty to the high Tang Dynasty into two schools, namely, the so-called "the source of elegance" and "the school of brightness", and classified Wang Changling into the former. Third, sorrowful, deep and melancholy. The heroic picture is gradually replaced by the sombre and desolate picture, which is closely related to Wang Changling's life experience and personal experience. And this deep and tragic style is also prominently reflected in the poet's description of witnessing the side curtain of desolation, darkness and political career, bumpy poems. Fourth, fresh and lively, natural and clear. What is commendable is that although Wang Changling called "the slander boiling, the two flutterings", he was depressed and sad. However, the poet is not always in pain, always sinking in depression, but from time to time out of affairs, put down the desolate, so as to create some quite fresh and natural, lively and chipper style of the five ancient poems. [9]
There are seven perfections in beauty
There are only 77 masterpieces in the early Tang Dynasty and 472 in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, of which 74 are by Wang Changling, accounting for almost one sixth. Wang Changling was a long poet in the Tang Dynasty and had a long time to write the seven absoluties. He was the "holy hand of Seven absoluties" who wrote the seven absoluties earlier in the Tang Dynasty and got excellent achievements. Because of his efforts and those of Li Bai and others, the seven masterpieces gradually became a popular genre in the Tang Dynasty, so he was equal to Li Bai in the seven masterpieces. In the middle and late Tang Dynasties, the number of seven wonders was only inferior to the five Rules. It can be seen that the seven absolute to Wang Changling and the system is set, the expression technique is fully mature, and it has a great impact on future generations.

Poetic content

Theme review
Wang Changling's seven-character quatrains can be divided into three categories in content, which all have their own characteristics. Among them, the frontier fortress poem is the first, the boudoir complaint poem is the second.
The first type is the border jam poem which follows the old title of Yuefu. The poets of frontier Sai in the flourishing Tang Dynasty were always led by Gao Shi and Cen Can. Both of them are good at singing long, high and vigorous, Cen for magnificent magnificent. Wang Changling has a different way, in the form of short verses, to express the feelings of the people, both "do not break Loulan eventually do not return" (" military line seven "four) and" have been reported alive capture Tuyuhun "(" Military line seven" five) the joy of victory, but also before the desert wind, the Great Wall under the moon to miss the grief of their loved ones, are written subtle and deep, scene blend, With the soothing nature of the style, the sound of the syllables, it has become a famous masterpiece.
The second category is the boudoir and palace poems that express the feelings of women in court. On the other hand, Wang Changling showed his high artistic ability in depicting women's inner feelings under the feudal system in his works Palace Ci and Boudou Dou. From the appearance, the court life is so quiet and charming: "The night of the West Palace quiet flowers" (" The West Palace Spring Complaints "), "lotus less than beauty makeup" (" the West Palace Autumn complaints "), but in the beautiful scene, the poet is delicate and subtle to describe their profound inner pain, their longing for happiness, their disappointment, in the disappointment is still interwoven with the complex psychology of hope. The beauty of these works, the concentration of language and the depth of sentiment made it difficult for later writers to win.
The third category is farewell poems. Wang Changling's life is very wide, and many literati, officials, hermits and monks have contacts, especially in his twice banished, long exile in the case, how much he needs the comfort of relatives and friends and the warmth of friendship. He also gave his loyal and deep friendship to those honest friends. He wrote more than 40 farewell poems in his life, which are unconventional and extraordinary. His farewell poems can be divided into the following four types in terms of expression techniques: First, using different artistic ideas to express sincere and profound friendship. Second, break the routine of farewell poetry, do not focus on writing the current departure, but focus on writing the scene after parting. Third, do not write injury away, and comfort for the "idea" fourth, no compliment, no social, lyric, write people.
The border is called the world
Wang Changling is a famous frontier frontier poet, and in the future generations is known as the frontier Frontier poetry. The artistic characteristics of Wang Changling's frontier fortress poems are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
its one, Wang Changling is good at using psychological description to express delicate and changeable feelings. Wang Changling was one of the earliest poets to express the soul of Zheng Fu in his poems, which laid a foundation for the delicate depiction of the character's psychology in Song poems. He may describe the beating heart of the husband through the psychological changes of the moment; Or through the singing and dancing in the camp, to express the inner pain of the husband; Or with the help of the special life scene of the border pass, write the sorrow of the husband's heart; Or use the war to write about the heroic spirit of the soldiers guarding the border to defend the dignity of the country. It can be said that the expression of feelings is very delicate and real. [10]
Second, Wang Changling's poems are in good harmony with the situation, meaning and environment. Wang Changling has been to the frontier jams, and really saw the desert, Xiongguan, lonely city, long cloud, snow mountain, beacon fire, Qiang flute and other scenes, so in his frontier jams poetry, formed a very magnificent natural scenery group map. These images are attached to the feelings and meaning of the frontier fortress soldiers, which are specific objects in a specific environment, that is, natural objects and the feelings of the soldiers intersect. The poet also uses the artistic technique of transforming the intangible into the tangible to form the artistic realm of Wang Changling's Frontier Fortress poems. He used a variety of methods to create the beauty of the mood blend. First, select some characteristic scenery, inject strong subjective emotions, and promote the integration of scenery and emotion, and the truth, goodness and beauty are highly unified. Second, it not only uses the style, describes the real scene, but also skillfully uses the way of straight and contains the song to obtain the infinite implication. Third, with painstaking and solitary atatments, expand the wings of image thinking, transform the intangible into the tangible, transform the abstract into the concrete, so that the artistic conception is very deep. [11]
Third, the content of Wang Changling's poems is concise, bright and implicit, and he has a high achievement in language art. Wang Changling's frontier fortress poems pay great attention to the refinement of language, and truly achieve the full meaning and infinite meaning. Or concise, or bright, or implicit, let the reader taste endless. In addition, Wang Changling in the art of excellence, every sentence is carefully handled, no idle pen, the beginning of the sentence is often sudden sound easy to clear, with a thunderous force to open a situation, such as: "Qin Mingyue Han Guan", "desert dust sun faint", "Qinghai long cloud dark snow mountain", "Pipa dancing for a new sound", etc., are straight into the point, but the most wonderful place is not in the sentence, but in the third sentence. In general, the quanta has to create a new environment in the third sentence and bring out new ideas, so the first two sentences should be gentle to facilitate the next level. Wang Changling tune is already high risk, but also in the third sentence on the potential to shake up, thoughts and feelings further further, it is really the need for superb artistic skills. [11]

Artistic characteristics

Poetic conception
In terms of artistic style, Wang Changling's seven masterpieces are mainly characterized by euphemism and implicativeness, with twists and turns and profound artistic conception. Many of them express the poet's exposure and secret grievances to the reality by means of Bi xing and sustentation, which is in line with Qu Yuan's Li SAO in spirit. Wang Changling's poems also make good use of allusions. His "poetry" put forward that "poetry has six forms", the fifth is "use things" : "say that if you will and with things." Wang's poems do not use many classics, but they are often used artfully and aptly, without showing signs. Wang Changling attaches great importance to the realm of poetry, his "poetry" proposed that "poetry has three realms" : "one is the physical environment, the second is the situation, and the third is the artistic conception." He opposed the separation of meaning and scene: "If you always say meaning, poetry is not good and tasteless." If there are many scenes, it is not tight with the meaning, although the reason is also tasteless." He attaches great importance to the combination of emotion and scenery, and believes that: "Where poetry, it is good to find a combination of ideas." If there is a search, there is no interest, and there is no use for it."
Language style
Wang Changling's poems reflect the poet's pursuit of elegant and vigorous language art style from three aspects: language image selection, sentence pattern application and sentence combination. In the aspect of language image selection, Wang Changling mostly chooses large numerals, powerful verbs and accurate adjectives to express imposing big scenes or imposing big minds, which reflects the beauty of power and momentum of language. In terms of noun selection, Wang Changling chose elegant and typical language images. Wang Changling used short sentences, deformed sentence patterns and condensed compound sentences in his poems. Make the language powerful, economical and concise. The combination of sentences in Wang Changling's poems also reflects his concise and clear language style. To sum up the three major features of Wang Changling's poems are: concise language and rich connotation; Plain language but sentence meaning precipitous; The mind is in harmony and the mind is in harmony. [9]
Rhetorical technique
First, layers of in-depth interlocking, Wang Changling is good at using layers of in-depth techniques, repeatedly rendering the atmosphere, to highlight the theme of service. Such as "Long letter autumn Ci five."
Second, the typical scenes are vivid, Wang Changling is very good at capturing and summarizing the typical scenes, giving people a real image and vivid sense of the picture, such as "Military Travel", Wang Changling to the border jams as the theme of the seven wonders, its pictures are thick color, dignified, rough strokes. In the palace, Boudoir, Wang Changling has changed the style of painting, and is not oil painting, but the combination of meticulous and heavy color of the official woman map and golden wall brilliant boundary painting.
Good use of Bixing deep in sustenance Good use of Bixing, deep in sustenance, such as "Long letter Complaint". [1]

Historical evaluation

Shaobo genius is beautiful, the sound sings estranged.
Don Yin Fan
The representative of "character". ... Wang Wei, Changling, Chu Guangxi and other 24 people, He Yue Ying also. (" River Yue Yingling collection ") [1]
Don Siguntu
At the beginning of the country, a good article, a special sheng, Shen Song Shixing, outstanding Jiangning, Hong thought in Li Du.
Song · Liu Kezhuang
Tang Dynasty "Glass Hall Map" to Changling as the son of poetry. (" Houcun Shihua ") [1]
Clear - Wang Shizhen
Seven words, little uncle and too white to win the very fine, all are divine.
Clear - Lu Shiyong
Wang Changling had a lot of intention but used it more, Li Taibai had little intention but used it less. Changling temper, too white out of nature, but Changling image deep. (General Introduction to Poetic Mirrors)
Clear - Jiao Hong
Longbiao, Longxi, really seven masters, foot called even the wall. (Poetry Review)
Clear - Hu Yinglin
Li sketched the scene into the spirit, Wang made the extreme. Palace words Yuefu, Li can not be, Li Risheng Ji travel, Wang can not do. ... Yu tasted that after ancient poetry, Yuefu, but Taibai is close; After the national wind, Li SAO, only the few are absolutely near. [12]
Clear - Wu Qiao
Wang Changling five ancient, or quiet show, or heroic, or sad, or broad, or upright, or elegant, can not be found. ... Wang Changling has seven wonders, just like Wang Ji of eight stocks. From then on, the law of carrying on and combining is determined for the Tang style, and all descendants are descendants of it. (" Poetry around the stove ")
While thinking clear. [1]
Clear - Pan Deyu
Seven wonders first, its king Longbiao? Right cheng to light and to thick, dragon mark to thick and to light, all holy hand also. (" Raising a zhai poetry ") [9]
Recent · Wen Yiduo
Wang Changling is one of the two writers (the other being Meng Haoran) with "the most remarkable personality" in the poetry circle of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. [9]

Anecdotal allusion


Give up the pen and join the army

Kou Heng works Wang Changling from the military line poetic painting
Around the age of twenty, Wang Changling left his hometown and began an experience of learning Taoism. During the Kaiyuan period, it was the heyday of the flourishing Tang Dynasty. Wang Changling praised the flourishing scene with all his strength and loyalty in his poems. The belief in the prosperous times is the source of the most solid confidence, strength, hope and ideal of Wang Changling's life, and it is difficult to change the situation in which he will be in vain and abandoned for a long time in the future. In the hot era, ambitious young people like Wang Changling just took learning as a curiosity. Soon he went to Chang 'an to seek development, did not see any results, so he went west to Chang 'an, write a pen to join the military, from then on set foot on the west Chang 'an, set foot on the road. [13]

A sheet of ice

Wang Changling after persistent pursuit, extensive and careful study, and finally in the fifteenth year of Kaiyuan, should be promoted to the first, was awarded the secretary of the provincial school book Lang. Wang Changling heart after all is unwilling, he in Kaiyuan twenty-two years should be learned macro Ci examinations, and once again. However, he was still not promoted after his second official post, and was only awarded the Sishui Lieutenant. The field is quite proud, but obviously frustrated career, Wang Changling was hit. After five years of doing the Si Shui, that is, Kaiyuan 27 years, he was far banished to the desolate Lingnan, Kaiyuan 28 years as Jiangning Cheng. Frustrated after is crazy, is unrestrained. From Chang 'an to Jiangning office, he deliberately delayed to report, lived in Luoyang for half a year, every day to borrow wine to sell worries. After Jiangning, he went to Taihu Lake and Zhejiang to visit. Three days fishing, two days drying. This kind of obvious passive work as a means of resistance, too emotional is also easy to give people a handle.
" Furong building send Xin gradually two first "Made in Wang Changling to the day of Jiangning Cheng, when he was slandered, farewell friends travel, when the sad mood can be imagined. Parting order, but with the jade pot bing xin self clear mind. "Cold rain into Wu night, Pingming sent guests Chu mountain alone. Luoyang relatives and friends such as phase ask, a piece of ice heart in the jade pot ", the poem of the south of the rain and the proud lonely peak, both scenery language is also the sentiment language. Wang Changling takes loyalty and faith as a kind of moral confidence and transcendent power in the predicament of life, and also shows that he has not lost faith in the justice of The Times. [13]

Flag pavilion painted wall

One day, Wang Changling, Highly suitable , Wang Zhihuan The three poets went together to the restaurant and had a drink on credit. Suddenly there was a pear garden in charge of music officials led more than ten children boarded the building banquet. The three poets avoided, hiding in a dark corner around a small fire, and watched them perform. A moment later, there were four beautiful and charming pear women, wrapped in pearls and jade ornaments, Swaying posture Come upstairs. Then the music began, and all the famous songs of the time were played. Wang Changling and other private agreement: "The three of us are well-known figures in the poetry world, but we have not been able to separate the level." Today is a chance to quietly listen to these girls sing, and whoever has the most lyrics in their poems will be the best."
A singing girl first sang: "Cold rain night into Wu, Pingming to see visitors Chu mountain alone." Luoyang relatives and friends such as phase asked, a piece of ice in the jade pot." Wang Changling painted a line on the wall with his fingers: "One of my quatrains." Then a girl sings: "Opening a suitcase with tears, see you before the day book." The night table is not lonely, still is the son cloud house." Gao Shi stretched out his hand to paint the wall: "One of my swan words." Another singing girl appeared: "Feng-broom Pingming golden hall open, will force the group fan wandering." Jade is less than jackdaw color, still bring Zhaoyang sun shadow." Wang Changling reached out to draw the wall again and said: "Two quatrains."
Wang Zhihuan thought he was famous for a long time, but the singing girls did not sing his poems, and the face seemed a little difficult to come down. He said to Wang and the senior two: "These few singers are not famous girl films, singing is only 'people down' and other low-grade songs, that 'spring snow' and other elegant songs, which they can sing it." Then he pointed to the prettiest and best of the singers, and said, "If it were not my poem when this little girl sings, I should never have competed with you all my life; If you do sing my poem, you are welcome, and you will prostrate yourself before your seats and honor me as your teacher." The three poets waited, laughing and talking.
After a while, it was the turn of the most beautiful girl with a double bun to sing, and she sang: "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city is a mountain." Qiang flute why blame the willow, the spring breeze does not degree Yumenguan." Wang Zhihuan was extremely proud, teasing Wang Changling and Gao Shi said: "How, bumpkin, I said it right." The three poets laughed heartily. [14]

Lose a Meng and give a Li

Wang Changling met Meng Haoran in Xiangyang, and Meng Haoran died of a relapse of the old disease. Wang Changling was therefore very sad on the way to leave, and did not expect to meet Li Bai accidentally in Baling. The two of them hit it off like a friend, on the boat beside the river, singing wine while boating, and talking about the communication story in the literary circle. Before parting, Wang Changling wrote a poem "Baling to send Li twelve" to send Li Bai: "Swaying Baling island Zhu, Qingjiang will be heard. The mountain is not long autumn city color, at night the reeds empty water clouds." Li Bai is also obsessed with Wang Changling's friendship. Later I heard that Wang Changling had been demoted to the rank of Longbiao Lieutenant, and specially wrote a poem and sent it to comfort him. Li Bai's poem Smell Wang Changling left to move Longbiao remote have this mail "Yang Hua fell to the end of the Zi GUI cry, smell the dragon biao five streams." I send my sad heart and the moon with the wind until Yelangxi." [15]

The son of the poet

"Liulitang" was originally a place where Wang Changling and others gathered in Nanjing to chant. In the late Tang Dynasty, more than a hundred years after Wang Changling, there was a popular poem mixed with "Liulitang Moketu". This book has been lost, and the remnants are in the Ming manuscript "Yin Window Miscella". The book calls Wang Changling the "son of poetry." This title has been passed down to later generations. Liu Kezhuang, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, said in the New Collection of Houcun Poems: "The Tang Dynasty's Liulingtang Diagram takes Chang Ling as the son of Heaven. Song Luo in the Qing Dynasty in "Mantang Shuoshi", also praised "Taibai, Longbiao, incomparable escape group, Longbiao has the" son of poetry "". However, Xin Wenfang in the Yuan Dynasty in the biography of the talented Son of the Tang Dynasty, but there is a word change, he said, "Chang Ling work poetry, careful and thought clear, called 'the poet master Wang Jiangning'". [33]

Death and justice

755 years The Rebellion of An Shi In 756, 59-year-old Wang Changling was on his way back to his hometown, passing through Bozhou and was Bozhou governor Luqiuxiao Kill. [29] There are few historical records about why Lvqiuxiao killed Wang Changling, but Yuan people Xin Wenfang " Biography of the Talented Son of Tang Dynasty Volume 2 "Wang Changling" has a thought-provoking sentence under his name: "He returned to his hometown at the time of sword and fire, but was killed for the sake of Lvqiu Xiao, the governor." 757, Chancellor Zhang Hao Take up the post of Henan Road Dispatches, called east Zhejiang, west Zhejiang, Huainan, Qingzhou four degrees and the then chief magistrate of Qiao County Luqiu Xiao together rescue A surname (Refer to Battle of Suiyang When the reinforcements arrived in Suiyang, the city had already fallen for three days, and Zhang Hao ordered the execution of LV Qiuxiao for the crime of delaying the military aircraft. When the execution was carried out, Lv Qiuxiao begged Zhang Hao to let him live: "There are relatives, begging for a life", meaning that the family had an old mother to support and hoped to keep him alive [25 to 26] At that time, follow Zhang Hao rescue Suiyang Huainan governor Highly suitable [27] Is a good friend of Wang Changling (see "under this entry") Flag pavilion painted wall "), he has Wang Changling's grievances to Zhang Hao [28] [30-32 ] So Zhang Hao put Lvqiu Xiao back in a word: "Wang Changling's relatives, with whom do you want to raise?" [26]

Native dispute

Wang Changling's native place, there are Taiyuan, Beijing Zhao two said. " Book of Tang This transmission cloud Wang Changling for Beijing trillion Tang A surname Chang 'an, today's Xi 'an City, Shaanxi Province); At the same time, some government websites say that Wang Changling was a native of Chang 'an (today's Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province). [16] The New Tang Shuwen Yuan Biography called it Jiangning People, or for misunderstanding. Yin Fan "He Yue Yingling collection" also known as "Taiyuan Wang Changling". Many Shanxi poets in the Tang Dynasty visited Chang 'an and Luoyang because they were the cultural centers at that time. [17] Some have even lived in the capital of Chang 'an for many years, but just because they live in the capital does not mean they are residents of the capital. " River Yue Yingling collection For the Tang people Yin Fan A collection of Tang poetry compiled by Wang Changling, a native of Taiyuan, Biography of the Talented Son of Tang Dynasty It is also believed that Wang Changling was from Taiyuan. [13]

Relative member

Younger brother on the paternal side
Younger brother on the paternal side
Wang Yue [2]

Individual works

Wang Changling wrote nearly 200 poems in his lifetime, of which 181 remain. Among his few poems, there are fifty-two farewell poems, accounting for about a quarter. Seventy-four verses of the Seven perfections account for one-sixth of the quatzas of the flourishing Tang Dynasty. There is a collection of Wang Changling left to this world, a collection of six volumes, and now four volumes of poems.
List of genres of Wang Changling's poetry
The five ancient dynasties
The Seven ancient dynasties
A poem with five characters to a line
A four-line poem with seven characters to a line
A surname
A surname
Five rows
Six songs
Two songs
181 pieces
( Reference sources are: [1] )

Historical records

Song Dynasty
"New Book of Tang" series No. 128 · Literature and Art
The Five Dynasties
The Book of the Old Tang Dynasty - The biography of 140 · Wen Yuan Xia
Biography of the Talented Son of the Tang Dynasty, volume 2 [15]

Posterity influence

  • Middle Tang Dynasty
Wang Changling's poetic style and poetic environment first influenced the middle Tang Dynasty's Jiao Ran, he after Wang Changling, and the study of artistic conception is a step forward, his discussion on artistic conception is many aspects, the study is quite in-depth, he inherited Wang Changling's "environment" of poetry, put forward such as "borderland", "beyond the meaning of the text", "take the environment" and other important propositions.
  • Late Tang Dynasty
The second is Sikongtu in the late Tang Dynasty. Inspired by the concept of artistic conception put forward by Wang Changling, he made a comprehensive summary of artistic conception, and put forward the views of "image outside", "scene outside", "rhyme outside", "taste outside" and so on.
  • Song Dynasty
In the theory of artistic conception in Song Dynasty, Yan Yu of Southern Song Dynasty is the most successful one. He put forward the theory of "interest" in response to the tendency of some Song poems to win by reason rather than emphasizing artistic conception. This is seen in his book "Canglang Poetry".
  • Qing Dynasty
Wang Guowei at the end of Qing Dynasty is the last summer, terminator and integrator of the development history of artistic conception category. On the basis of exploring the creation gains and losses of Ci writers in the past dynasties, his work "Human Ci" proposed the theory of "realm", which is the center and essence of Wang Guowei's art theory, based on the discussion of the category of "artistic conception" by Wang Changling and other scholars in the past dynasties, combined with the author's own experience in art appreciation and art creation. [18]


Furong Tower, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
Furong Tower, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
Furong Tower is located in the shadow of the tower of the first spring in Jinshan lakeside It was originally built in the ancient Zhenjiang city of three mountains (Sun Jing Mountain, moon Hua Mountain, Shou Qiu mountain) in the moon Hua Mountain. It was built by Wang Gong, a historian of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and still exists in the Tang Dynasty. In order to develop scenic resources and develop tourism, the historic building site was rebuilt in 1992. The general building consists of hibiscus Tower, ice pavilion, moon pavilion and three stone towers on the lake.
Hunan Hongjiang Furong building
Hunan Hongjiang Furong building
Furong Tower Hunan is located at the confluence of Yuan and Mushui rivers Hongjiang City Qiancheng Town It is a classical garden building, covering an area of 4250 square meters, with the north border of the river and the forest occupying the mound. It is known as "the first place of excellence in the upper reaches of Chunan" and is the place where literati of all ages compose poems and paint paintings. Furong Tower one color tile roof, roof clay sculpture colorful, rich local flavor.
In June 1956, Hunan Provincial People's Government Announced "Furong Tower" as a key cultural relic protection unit in Hunan Province. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party, the state appropriated funds for several times to restore and maintain the "Furong Tower", and expanded the west Garden of Furong Tower to build a root carving room, displaying a diameter of 1.98 meters, 1.54 meters high, a total weight of about 800 kilograms of superlarge camphor tree root carving, engraved with more than 30 folk legends and allutions. More than 100 legendary characters and more than 150 monsters and beasts are actually rare items. [19]