insert-on-duplicate statement in MySQL example detailed _Mysql_ script home

Description of insert-on-duplicate statement in MySQL

Updated: Jun 08, 2024 10:28:13 Author: Charge8
This article mainly introduces the relevant information about insert-on-duplicate statement in MySQL, and introduces the usage of insert-on-duplicate in detail through illustrations and code examples. It has certain reference value for your study or work, and you can refer to it if you need it Pass an examination

1. insert-on-duplicate statement syntax

Note: ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is a MySQL specific syntax, not a standard SQL syntax!

INSERT INTO … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is a syntax in MySQL for inserting data and handling duplicate key conflicts.

This syntax applies to insert, if the insert data will cause a unique index (including the primary key index) conflict, that is, the unique value is repeated, the insert operation will not be performed, and the subsequent update operation will be performed.

The basic syntax is:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... ; INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,...) INSERT into table_name (column1, column2,...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE column1 = VALUES(column1), column2 = VALUES(column2), ... ;


  • table_name is the name of the table into which data is to be inserted.
  • (column1, column2, …) Is a list of column names to insert.
  • (value1, value2, …) Is a list of values for the corresponding column to be inserted.
  • The ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause specifies the update operation that needs to be performed in case of a conflict.
  • column1 = value1, column2 = value2, … Is the column to update and the corresponding new value.
  • column1 = VALUES(column1), column2 = VALUES(column2), … Is the column to be updated and the corresponding new value (the value in the insert section).

insert-on-duplicate statement processing logic:

The statement determines whether a record is duplicated based on a unique index. When the insert operation is performed, if the unique keys do not conflict (no record exists in the table), the insert operation is performed. If a unique key conflict is encountered (there are records in the table), an update operation is performed to update the columns in the conflict row with the given new value.

  • If no record exists, insert it, and the number of rows affected is 1.
  • If a record exists and the field can be updated, the number of rows affected is 2;
  • If a record exists and the updated value is the same as the original value, the number of rows affected is 0.

Note: If the table has multiple unique indexes, only the first column unique index with the corresponding value in the database is checked by duplicate.

2. Example table operation

t_user table structure: The table has a primary key id and a unique index idx_name.

CREATE TABLE 't_user' (' id 'int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT' primary key ID', 'user_name' varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'user name ',' age 'int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT' age ', 'height' int DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Height cm',' type 'int(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT' type ', PRIMARY KEY (' id '), UNIQUE KEY `idx_name` (`user_name`) USING BTREE, KEY 'idx_type' (' type ') USING BTREE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT=' user table ';

1, there is no record, insert the case

INSERT into t_user(user_name, age, height) VALUES("lisi", 17, 180) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = 18;

2. Records exist and fields can be updated

INSERT into t_user(user_name, age, height) VALUES("lisi", 17, 180) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = 18;

3. Records exist and fields cannot be updated

INSERT into t_user(user_name, age, height, type) VALUES("lisi", 18, 180, 1) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = 18;

4. When there are multiple unique indexes

If the table has multiple unique indexes, only the first column with the corresponding value in the database is checked by duplicate.

1) The record with id = 2 in the database does not exist and the record with user_name="lisi" does, so the duplicate judgment is made according to the second unique index user_name: update operation is performed.

INSERT into t_user(id, user_name, age, height, type) VALUES(2, "lisi", 27, 280, 0) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = 28;

2) The record with id = 2 and user_name="lisisi" does not exist in the database, so there is no duplicate key conflict: Perform insert operation.

INSERT into t_user(id, user_name, age, height, type) VALUES(2, "lisisi", 27, 280, 0) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = 28;

3) There is a record with id = 2 and user_name="lisisi" in the database, so the duplicate judgment is made based on the id of the first unique index: the update operation is performed.

INSERT into t_user(id, user_name, age, height, type) VALUES(2, "lisisi", 37, 380, 1) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = 38;

4) Record with id = 2 exists in the database and user_name="lisisi2" does not. Therefore, the duplicate judgment is made based on the id of the first unique index: update operation is performed.

INSERT into t_user(id, user_name, age, height, type) VALUES(2, "lisisi2", 47, 480, 0) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = 48;

5. VALUES(col_name) are used

The normal Update clause can obtain the VALUES of the insert section using VALUES(col_name). It is also the most used method in the project.

Note: The VALUES() function is used only in INSERT... The UPDATE statement makes sense, other times it returns NULL.

INSERT into t_user(id, user_name, age, height, type) VALUES(2, "lisisi", 57, 480, 0) on DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = VALUES(age) + 100;

6, batch operation

The data in the table before batch operation is as follows:

The batch statement is as follows:

INSERT INTO t_user(user_name, age, height, type) 
("lisi", 71, 701, 0),
("lisisi", 72, 280, 1),
("zhangsan", 73, 703, 0),
("wangwu", 74, 704, null),
("laoliu", 75, null, null)
user_name = VALUES(user_name),
age = VALUES(age),
height = VALUES(height),
type = VALUES(type);

After the batch statement is executed, the data in the table is as follows:

Reference article:

  • The official document:

Sum up

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