Detail Lua meta table and meta method _ LuA _ Script home

Detail the meta table and meta method in Lua

Updated: September 11, 2023 08:40:04 Author: Jiang Pengyong
Metatable and Metamethods in Lua are important concepts in the Lua language, they allow us to customize objects and operations, this article gives you a detailed introduction to Lua metatable and metamethods, need friends can refer to the next

First, meta table

The meta table can modify the behavior of a value in the face of an unknown operation, and Lua uses table as the meta table bearer.

Metattables can only give the behavior of a predefined set of operations, which is more restricted than classes and does not support inheritance.

Each value of Lua can have a meta table:

  • Each table and user data type has its own meta table.
  • Values of other types share the same meta table to which the corresponding type belongs.

Second, the setting of the meta table

1, the type of the original metatable

In Lua, the meta table can only be set for table, and other types cannot be set.

The initialization metatable of the table is nil, that is, no metatable is set, only setmetatable can be set, multiple tables can share atable as a metatable (of course, it can also use itself as atable)

Lua initializes the metatable only for string, and that is for all strings, that is, string is the same metatable. The other types are nil.

print(" initial value of table ", getmetatable({})) --> Initial value of table nil print(" initial value of integer ", getmetatable(10)) --> Initial value of integer nil print(" initial value of floating point ", getmetatable(10.0)) --> Initial value of floating point nil -- print to see that the mettable of both strings is the same print(" initial value of string ", getmetatable(" Pengjiang ")) --> Initial value of string table: 0x600000b14640 print(" initial value of string ", getmetatable("jiangpengyong")) --> Initial value of string table: 0x600000b14640 print(" initial value of Boolean ", getmetatable(true)) --> Initial value of Boolean nil print(" initial value of nil ", getmetatable(nil)) --> Initial value of nil nil function sayHello() end print(" initial value of function ", getmetatable(sayHello)) --> Initial value of function nil

2. Set the meta table and obtain the meta table

2-1. setmetatable(table, metatable)

Sets the metatable for the table table


  • table: The table to be set
  • metabale: Meta table. If the value is nil, it indicates that you want to delete the original meta table of the table. If the original meta table has__metatableField, you cannot set the meta table, otherwise an exception will be throwncannot change a protected metatable

__metatable is shared in the Table Dependent Methods section below

Return value:

Returns the table in which the meta table is set, which is the parameter table

2-2. getmetatable(object)

If object does not have a metatable, nil is returned

If the Object object has a metatable and the metatable has a "__metatable" field, the associated value is returned. Otherwise, the metatable of the given Object object is returned

2-3. Give an example

local oriTable = {}
local metaTable = {}
print(setmetatable(oriTable, metaTable), oriTable, metaTable)       --> table: 0x600001ac0840	table: 0x600001ac0840
print(getmetatable(oriTable), metaTable)                            --> table: 0x600001ac0900	table: 0x600001ac0900

For atable with a __metatable field, setting a new metatable raises an exception (see figure below)

t2 = { c = 1 } t2.__metatable = { a = 1 } s1 = {} setmetatable(s1, t2) print('getmetatable(s1)["a"]', getmetatable(s1)["a"]) --> getmetatable(s1)["a"] 1 -- an exception is thrown here: cannot change a protected metatable print(setmetatable(s1, {}))

Third, metatable method

1, have the meta method

The metatable method method is much like the operator method in kotlin

1-1, arithmetic operator

Metatable method implication
__add addition
__mul multiplication
__sub subtraction
__div Division method
__floor floor division
__unm negative
__mod stripping
__pow Power operation
__band Bitwise and
__bor Bitwise OR
__bxor Xor by bit
__bnot Invert by bit
__shl Shift to the left
__shr Shift right
__concat Define the join operator

1-2, relational operator

Metatable method implication
__eq Equal to
__lt Less than
__le Less than or equal to

Note: ~ =, a > b, and a >= b have no corresponding meta-methods and are converted as follows

  • a ~= bWill be converted tonot( a == b)
  • a > bWill be converted tob < a
  • a >= bWill be converted tob <= a

When the relational operator encounters two objects of different types, it simply returns false without searching for any meta-methods

1-3, library related methods

Metatable method implication
__tostring When calledtostringIs checked to see if the value has a meta method__tostring, will be used first.
__metatable The meta table can be protected by using this meta method. Users cannot obtain or modify the meta table. When a mettable has a __metatable field set, getmetatable returns the value of that field, and setmetatable raises an error
__pairs Starting with Lua 5.2, when a meta table has a __pairs meta method, the pairs call that meta method to complete the traversal

1-4. Table related methods

Metatable method implication
__index Once a non-existent field in the table is accessed, nil is normally returned. If this metatable method is set, the __index metamethod corresponding to its own metatable is called, taking the called table (in this case, table, not the metatable) and the key as arguments. It is also possible to set a table to __index, so that the query is directly in the table, which is slightly faster than the method. Can passrawgetGet the raw data, regardless of the meta table.
__newindex When the table is called for index assignment, if the meta table method is set, the called table (that is, table here, not the meta table), key and value are used as parameters to invoke the method. It is also possible to set a table for __newindex to which values are stored directly. Can passrawset(talbe, key, value)Amount totable[key] = valuePerforms a direct assignment to the table, regardless of the meta table.
__len When obtaining the length of the table, this method is invoked to obtain the length

__index__newindexSimilarities and differences

  • Similarities: Both functions are triggered when there is no corresponding key in the table
  • Difference: Called when the index currently required does not have a corresponding value__indexIs called if table is set to a value__newindex

2. Meta method search

If two variables are added, the search rules are as follows:

  • First check whether the first value has a metatable and whether the required metamethod exists. If so, use the metamethod. At this time, the metamethod of the second value is ignored. Otherwise proceed to the next item
  • See if the second value has a metatable and if the required metamethod exists, and use it if so. Otherwise enter article 3
  • Throw exception

3. Give me an example

There are more meta methods here, so don't paste the code, otherwise it will make the article very lengthy. It is recommended that you move to github clone code to run it yourself will be more profound understanding.

The code related to "arithmetic operator", "relational operator", "library related method" can be viewed as follows:



Code associated with Table Dependent methods

Table dependent meta method lua:

4. Write last

The above is a detailed explanation of Lua meta table and meta method details, more information about Lua meta table and meta method please pay attention to other related articles Script home!

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