
Sassafras of the camphor family
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synonymCatalpa wood(Bignonia labiata) generally refers to Sassafras
Sassafras Sassafras tzumu (Hemsl.) is a tree of the camphor family Sassafras. bark Yellow-green, smooth when young, grayish brown when old, irregular longitudinal split; Leaves ovate or obovate, apex acuminate, both surfaces glabrous or sparsely hairy along veins below; Peduncle and axis densely brown pilose; Fruit subglobular, blue-black coated with ash powder; The flowering period is from March to April and the fruit period is from August to September. [6]
Sassafras originated in China, where it is now distributed in the Yangtze River basin and mountainous areas to the south. Sassafras likes light, warm and humid climate, and rich acidic soil with good drainage. The propagation method of Sassafras is sowing. [7 ]
Sassafras bark and leaves have the effect of dispelling wind and dampness, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. The wood is light yellow, the material is long and durable, and it is used for shipbuilding and making first-class furniture. The seeds contain oil, which can be used to make paint. [8 ]
Chinese name
Latin name
Sassafras tzumu (Hemsl.) Hemsl. [4]
The door
The outline
Belong to
Kind of
Namers and years
Hemsl., 1907
International endangered rating
No risk (LC) [5]

Morphological characteristics

Deciduous tree The height is up to 35 meters and the diameter is up to 2.5 meters. The bark is yellowish-green and smooth when young, and becomes grayish-brown and irregular when old diastema . The terminal bud is large, oval, 1.4 cm long, 0.9 cm in diameter, the bud scales are nearly round, and the outer bud is densely covered with yellow silky hair. Branches stout, subcylindrical, more or less fusiform, glabrous, reddish at first, turning black after drying. Alternate leaf Apex, ovate or obovate, 9-18 cm long, 6-10 cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, entire margin or lobed, lobes apex slightly obtuse, hard papery, green above, dull or slightly bright below, glabrous on both sides or below especially along vein network sparsely covered with short stiff veins, pinnately vented or trivented from base, midvein, Lateral vein Two sides of the branches are slightly obvious, the bottom pair of side veins opposite, very developed, to the edge of the leaf side to produce most branches, branches to the edge of the leaf arc network; petiole Slender, (1) 2-7 cm long, often reddish, ventral flatback convex, glabrous or slightly short stiff hairs.
inflorescence Terminal, first open, 4-5 cm long, floriferous, pedicellate, pedicellate less than 1 cm long, densely sepia puberulent with ordinal axis, base bearing late alternate involucral bracts; bract Linear to filamentous, 1-8 mm long, longest at lowest inflorescence. Flowers yellow, ca. 4 mm long, dioecious; Pedicels slender, 4.5-6 mm long, densely brown pilose. Male flowers: perianth tube very short, perianth lobes 6, lanceolate, subequal, ca. 3.5 mm long, apex slightly obtuse, outer sparsely puberulous, inner surface nearly glabrous; Producing stamens 9, arranged in three rounds, nearly equal, about 3 mm long, filigree Flat, pilose, first and second stamen filaments glandless, third stamen filaments have a pair of short stalked glands near the base, anthers are oval oblong, 4 compartments, upper 2 compartments are smaller, cells are inward, stamen 3, 1.5 mm long, triangular subulate, petiolate; The pistil is obvious. Pistillate flower : Stamens 12, arranged in four rounds, morphologically resembling male flowers, capable of producing stamens and stamens; ovary Ovate, ca. 1 mm long, glabrous, style ca. 1.2 mm long, equal thick, stigma disc-shaped. Fruit subglobular, up to 8 mm in diameter, blue-black with ash powder at maturity, on shallow cupped receptacle, pedicel 1.5-2 cm long, upper end thickened, glabrous, red with receptacle. florescence March to April, fruit May to September. [1] [9]

Growing environment

It is often found in open or dense forests, 150-1900 m above sea level. [1] Sassafras prefers warm, moist, abundant rainfall, with an average annual temperature of 12-20 ° C, and forestland is generally below 800 meters above sea level on sunny slopes. It is suitable to grow on acidic soil with deep soil layer, ventilation and good drainage. It is suitable for sassafras planting in places with loose soil, deep soil, sufficient water and good drainage, such as red loam, yellow loam, sandy loam, black sandy soil and other types of fill soil. [2]

Distribution range

It is distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and regions of China. [1]

Propagation method

The propagation mode of Sassafras is Seeding and propagation . [7 ]
Sassafras is generally based on seedling afforestation. However, in some places, under adverse climatic conditions (drought, freezing), sassafras germination ability is strong, using dry afforestation effect is also good. Sassafras germination stage is early, in the winter without serious frost damage areas, as far as possible after sassafras leaves, winter afforestation. [2]

Cultivation technique


Select the land to prepare the land

The forested land is generally below 800 meters above sea level, on the sunny slopes. It is suitable to grow on acidic soil with deep soil layer, ventilation and good drainage. It is suitable for sassafras planting in places with loose soil, deep soil, sufficient water and good drainage, such as red loam, yellow loam, sandy loam, black sandy soil and other types of fill soil.
Sassafras land preparation is done by means of big hole or horizontal trench. The cave is large 50 cm x 50 cm x 30 cm or 40 cm x 40 cm horizontal encircling the mountain trench. Where there are conditions, apply base fertilizer first, put 0.25 kg of superphosphate and other potassium fertilizer in each hole, mix it with the soil, and prepare for afforestation. [2]

Planting and fertilizing

Sassafrasafras plantation is generally dominated by seedling planting. Under adverse climatic conditions (drought, freezing), sassafras germination ability is strong, and the use of dry afforestation effect is good. Sassafras germination stage is early, in the winter without serious frost damage areas, as far as possible after sassafras leaves, winter afforestation.
Sassafras can grow 7-10 m tall at 5 years old. Therefore, it should be lightly planted. In the 13-year-old sassafras plantation on the low hill red soil, there are 107 sassafras trees planted per mu, and 66 sassafras trees have been preserved. The average DBH is 13.9 cm, the average tree height is 12 m, and the stock volume per mu is 5.98 cubic meters.
Sassafras is suitable for mixed planting. The use of interspecies relationship can not only give full play to the excellent characteristics of Sassafras, but also promote the growth of mixed tree species. The effect is better than that of pure forest. According to the Paishan Forest Farm of Nanjing County, the mixed experiment of sassafras and Chinese fir (48 sassafras and 82 fir trees per mu) was carried out at the age of 13 years, and the stock volume per mu was 12.37 cubic meters. Among them: sassafras has an average DBH of 14.6 cm, tree height of 14 meters, standing stock of 6.69 cubic meters, Chinese fir has an average DBH of 12.7 cm, tree height of 8.7 meters, standing stock of 5.68 cubic meters. It can be seen that Sassafras, fir mixed is feasible, in the soil, water and fertilizer conditions are better flat or gentle slope planting, for the "four side" greening, are growing well. [2]
Sassafras woodland, generally belonging to acid red soil and yellow soil. This kind of soil is relatively barren, heavy viscosity, water storage and fertilizer retention performance is poor. Therefore, fertilization, tending management is very important. During the young forest, it is necessary to dig deep and bury green, or to plant beans and green manure by ploughing instead of planting. To achieve loose soil, enhance soil permeability and water retention performance, conducive to root extension, promote the growth of young forest.


Sassafras is a strong positive tree with obvious natural pruning and does not require plastic pruning. Sassafras bark is prone to sunburn at high temperatures and direct sunlight after damage to shoots or shoots. bough Broken, bacteria with rain from the wound into the heart of the tree, often cause heartwood deterioration.
Good ventilation of root system, fear of waterlogging and soil layer compaction. The taproot cut is not easy to recover, but can promote the development of lateral roots. Sassafras mixed flower buds, flowers first in early spring and leaves later. The seedlings are not tolerant to cold and frost, and the seedlings are often withered by frost. [2]

Care management

The care work should do a good job of planting, removing the eruption, opening the ditch to drain water, righting the soil, Weed control Soil loosening and other work.
After sassafras forest is closed, the growth of sassafras forest has shifted to the peak of high coarse growth, requiring sufficient sunlight, water and fertilizer. For 5-year-old sassafras trees, the growth of the tree was 70.5 cm in the first year without reclamation, but decreased to 27 cm in the second year, and increased to 117.5 cm in the third year after reclamation. It is best to arrange the rearing period before the two growth peaks of April to July and September to October. In order to create conditions for the rapid growth of sassafras trees in later stage, the methods of fertilizing and fertilizing sassafras trees in ditches and planting winter green fertilizer can be adopted.
In the high density of 5 to 6 years old stands, the degree of cover is above 0.7, and the natural pruning is obviously prominent, in line with the principle of retaining good and bad, leaving thin and dense, and uniform distribution, it can be divided into one to two times thinning, and finally 40-50 trees are retained per mu. For plantations of more than 10 years, the density should be adjusted appropriately according to the specific conditions such as the purpose of management, the growth of the stand, and the site conditions, but the branching should be avoided. [2]

Disease and insect control

The main pests and diseases of sassafras sassafras are Sassafras Sassafras: Sassafras Sassafras Sassafras occurs mostly on the shoots, branches and leaves of 1-2 years old in the middle and upper crown of pure forest. At the peak of the infestation, the insect population is dense, and the insect part is like having been frosted and brushed with lime water. The bark of the affected branches is uneven, the leaves are green, and the curls shrink. The light affects the growth of trees, and the heavy causes the death of trees. The insect is easy to occur in warm and humid, air circulation, sunlight is not easy to direct in the pure forest, mainly through the wind, insects and other animals to spread.
Control method: Build mixed forest. Use 50% marathon, 40% dimethoate 1000 times liquid, or 50% fenazon 800 times 25% of thiophosphorus solution in late May to early June to control the first generation of hatchling nymphs. [2]

Primary value

Economy: This kind of wood light yellow, fine material, fine, durable, used in shipbuilding, water wheels and first-class furniture; Fruit, leaves and roots still contain aromatic oil, the oil content of the root is more than 1%, the main component of oil is safrole. [1] It can be used to make paint. [8 ]
Medicinal: The root and bark can be used as medicine to promote blood circulation and disperse blood stasis, dispel wind and remove dampness, treat contusion and lumbar muscle strain; [1] Leaf medicine has the effect of dispelling wind and dispelling dampness, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. [3]