Millions of tons of light

Songs by Li Chen, Angelababy (Yang Ying), Zheng Kai, Zhu Yawen, Wang Yanlin, Huang Xuxi and Song Yuqi (송우기)
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"Make Billions of Lights," by Li Chen , Angelababy (Yang Ying), Zheng Kai , Zhu Yawen , Wang Yanlin , Huang Xuxi (Lucas), Song Yuqi (송우기) sings a song written by the group of Let's Run and composed by He Xian, which is included in the album of the same name "Make Billions of Lights" released on April 22, 2019, as part of the variety show "Zhejiang TV". Run! The third season, the fourth season, the first season of the Yellow River, the fifth season, the second season of the Yellow River theme song.
Chinese name
Millions of tons of light
Millions of tons of light
Song length
0:03, 43 seconds
Original song
Li Chen , Angelababy , Zheng Kai , Zhu Yawen , Wang Yanlin , Huang Xuxi , Song Yuqi
A big/ Let's Run
Music score
He Xian
Issue date
April 22, 2019
Song language

Song lyrics

Make billions of tons of light - Li Chen, Angelababy (Yang Ying), Zheng Kai , ZHU Yawen, WANG Yanlin, Huang Xuxi (Lucas), SONG Yuqi (송우기)
We Run for the dream
From day to night
I don't need to stop
We run
We run never stop
Just wanted you to know
I was running in the rain, too
Li Chen:
To the young heartbeat
Zheng Kai:
And a taste of happiness
Zhu Yawen:
Like a sunflower
Wang Yanlin:
Always in the direction of the light
AB/ Kai Zheng:
With the power of spark
Song Yuqi /Lucas:
Ignite a piece of hope to grow up
Li Chen/ZHU Yawen/WANG Yanlin:
Let the ordinary can shine
Say no sorrow to the whole world
Ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao
Wu wu wu wu wu wu wu wu wu
Hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu
Zheng Kai/Li Chen/ZHU Yawen:
I have my ease
AB/ Yanlin Wang /Lucas/ Yuqi Song:
Tell the world I love you
We Run for the dream
From day to night
I don't need to stop
We run
We run never stop
Just wanted you to know
I was running in the rain, too
Yanlin Wang /Lucas:
Ideal it is not necessarily in the distance
Gold does not necessarily shine by itself
Zhu Yawen/Song Yuqi:
I have my faith in not being framed in the bathtub
Be your own sun
Song Yuqi:
Bite the apple out in one bite
A whimsical idea
Zheng Kai /AB:
Beyond oneself is not
Yawen Zhu /Lucas:
By mysterious force
Li Chen:
Water your goodness and build your strength
Millions of tons of light
Ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao
Wu wu wu wu wu wu wu wu
Hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu
Zheng Kai/Li Chen/ZHU Yawen:
I have my ease
AB/ Yanlin Wang /Lucas/ Yuqi Song:
Tell the world I love you
We Run for the dream
From day to night
I don't need to stop
We run
We run never stop
Just wanted you to know
I was running in the rain, too
We Run for the dream
From day to night
I don't need to stop
We run
We run never stop
Just wanted you to know
I was running in the rain, too
Keep keep running running
Keep keep running yeah
Keep keep running running
Keep keep running
Male marriage:
I have my ease
I ran wild in the desert under a rainstorm
Resist the dimness of the years
I walked through the noise in glory
You got a big move, you got a big move
Prove you exist
Life is shining
Millions of tons of light
The power of the hand
Ignite my dreams
Life is shining
Millions of tons of light
Millions of tons of light [1]

Song appreciation

As a new theme song after the replacement of members, "Make millions of tons of light" continues the positive energy of "Running" at the same time, but also because the new lineup of running men's group has become more young and energetic. The ear-grabbing melody with cheerful drums and a very rhythmic rhythm can easily bring every listener who listens to this song into a cheerful atmosphere. [2]