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Palestinian state
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State of Palestine ( Arabic : The installation of the steel bridge is: ‎‎, English : State of Palestine, Palestine), referred to as "Palestine", is located in The Middle East A country of western Asia divided chiefly between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip: Gaza Strip With an area of 365 square kilometers, West Bank It covers an area of 5,884 square kilometers, and its actual control territory is 2,500 square kilometers. According to a map drawn up by the Palestinian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in October 1997, the West Bank is divided into eight provinces, the Gaza Strip is divided into five provinces, and the capital is Jerusalem (statutory), Ramallah (Actual). As of June 2022, the Palestinian population is about 13.5 million, of which 5.23 million are in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (end of 2021), and the rest are refugees and expatriates. [1]
Palestine Canaan , including the present Israel , Jordan , Gaza and West Bank . Historically, both Jews and Arabs have lived here. On November 15, 1988, the 19th special session of the Palestinian National Council adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring its acceptance of the United Nations General Assembly resolution 181 and the establishment of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. In May 1994, under an agreement between Israel and Palestine, the Palestinian side granted limited self-rule in Gaza, Jericho and other places. Since 1995, in accordance with the agreements signed by the two sides, the Palestinian control area has gradually expanded, and now includes the whole Gaza Strip and part of the West Bank, with a total area of about 2,500 square kilometers. [1]
The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid and its economic development is constrained Israel The Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to pose serious constraints on the development of the Palestinian economy. Key economic figures for 2021 are as follows: Gross domestic product (GDP) : $15.027 billion, GDP Growth rate: 7.1%, Gross domestic product per capita : About $3,655. [1]
Chinese name
Palestinian state [1]
Foreign name
State of Palestine [1] (English)
ف ل س ط ي ن ‎ ‎ (in Arabic)
Abbreviated form
Jerusalem (statutory), Ramallah (actual)
Major city
Jericho , Jenin , Bethlehem , Gaza Etc.
National Day
November 15, 1988
National song
" My redemption "
Country code
PSE [18]
Official language
New Israeli shekel (New Shekel)
Time zone
Political system
A semi-presidential republic
National leader
Mahmoud Abbas (President)
Population number
About 13.5 million (as of June 2022)
Population density
847.4 people/km2 [17] (2020)
Major nationality
Major religion
Islam (Sunni)
Land area
5884 km² [1] (Gaza Strip 365km ²)
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$15.027 billion [1] (Year 2021)
Per capita GDP
That's about $3,655 [1] (Year 2021)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the right
Climatic type
Mediterranean climate
Leading institution
Najach University

Historical evolution


Early history

Gaza and West Bank (Palestinian national map)
Palestine Canaan .
Semitic, circa 20th century BC Canaanite Settled in the coastal and plains of Palestine.
In the 13th century BC, A Philistine Build states on the coast. At the end of the 13th century BC, Hebrew tribes invaded Canaan and settled there.
From 1020 BC to 923 BC, the Jews established the Hebrew Kingdom, which was followed by Assyria, Babylon, Persia And other foreign nations have occupied Palestine.
In the 1st century BC, Roman Empire Intrusions, most of them Jew To all parts of the world.
In 622 AD, the Arabs defeated the Roman Empire and took over Palestine as Arab Empire Part of it. As Arabs moved in and assimilated with the indigenous population, the modern Palestinian Arabs came into being.
From the 16th century, Palestine became part of the Ottoman Empire.
In 1920, the United Kingdom began Jordan The border divided Palestine into eastern and western parts, with the eastern part called TransJordan and the western part still called Palestine the British mandate. At the end of the 19th century, under the instigation of the "Zionist movement", a large number of Jews moved into Palestine and the local Arab There were repeated bloody clashes.

History of founding the country

Borders established by the United Nations in 1947
After the Second World War, with the support of the United Kingdom and the United States, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 181 in 1947, which stipulated the establishment of the Jewish state (about 15,200 square kilometers) and the Arab State (about 11,500 square kilometers) after the end of the British mandate in 1948, and the internationalization of Jerusalem (176 square kilometers).
Israel supported the resolution and established the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. The Arab states opposed and rejected the resolution and declared war on Israel on May 15, the day after the establishment of Israel. As a result, the Arab States lost the war and occupied most of the land of the country stipulated in the above resolution. In addition, Jordan occupied 4,800 square kilometers of the West Bank; Egypt occupied 258 square kilometers of the Gaza Strip.
Map of the region after the Third Middle East War
In May 1964, the First Palestinian National Council meeting in Jerusalem decided to establish the Palestine Liberation Organization.
On June 5, 1967, The third Middle East War In this war, Israel occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, that is, all of Palestine. Many Palestinians were forced to settle as refugees in neighboring Arab countries and around the world.
In 1969, Arafat became chairman of the PLO Executive Committee.
In September 1978, Egypt, Israel, and the United States signed the Camp David Accords, which granted Palestinians in the occupied territories limited autonomy, which the PLO rejected.
Held at Algiers on 15 November 1988 Palestinian National Council The 19th Special session adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring the establishment of the capital in Pakistan as Jerusalem A Palestinian state. The Declaration made it clear that Pakistan accepted Resolution 181 (Partition Resolution) adopted by the General Assembly on November 29, 1947. The border issue between Pakistan is to be settled through negotiations later.
In December 1988, Arafat Recognizing Israel's right to exist, secret negotiations led to a peace agreement and a plan for Palestinian autonomy.
On May 4, 1994, Israel and Palestine met Cairo Historic agreements on limited self-government in Gaza and Jericho were signed. On 12 May, the Palestinian National Authority was established. On July 12, Arafat returned from 27 years in exile Gaza .
In May 1994, according to the agreement reached between Israel and Palestine, the Palestinians in Gaza, Jericho Limited autonomy is practised in other places. Since 1995, under various agreements signed between Israel and the Palestinians, the Palestinian autonomous region has gradually expanded, and the Palestinians have gradually recovered and controlled about 2,500 square kilometers of land, including Gaza and the West Bank.
On 12 May 1994, the Palestinian National Authority was established.
The Palestinian-Israeli peace talks have failed to reach agreement on thorny issues such as the status of Jerusalem, Jewish settlements, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the demarcation of the Israeli-Palestinian border, and the conflict continues.
In June 2007, Hamas In the same place Al Fatah The conflict took over the Gaza Strip. Since then, the two factions have operated separately. Hamas controls Gaza, while Fatah rules the West Bank Palestine Liberation Organization Supervision.
On 14 April 2019, a new Palestinian government was sworn in, boycotted by Hamas. [3]
On February 26, 2024, Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmud Ashtiyeh announced the resignation of the Palestinian government in the West Bank city of Ramallah. [38]

Recognition of statehood

In 2015, the Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine. [60]
On April 1, 2024 local time, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez told the media during his visit to three Middle Eastern countries, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, that the Spanish government plans to approve the recognition of the State of Palestine in the first half of 2024, that is, by July 2024. [46]
On April 19, 2024, Barbados Announced its decision to officially recognize Palestine as a state. [48]
On May 2, 2024, Trinidad and Tobago decided at a cabinet meeting to officially recognize the State of Palestine [50] . On May 7, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas announced that the Bahamas had decided to officially recognize the State of Palestine [51] . On 22 May, Norway, Ireland and Spain announced their recognition of the State of Palestine [58] . Prime Minister of Spain, 28 May Sanchez Spain recognizes the State of Palestine, including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital [64] .
On June 2, 2024, at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Ukrainian President Voloska Zelensky said that Ukraine recognizes Palestine as a state and called for an end to the Gaza conflict. Zelensky also mentioned that Ukraine is ready to provide humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. [66-67]

Associative history

At the United Nations headquarters, Mr. Abbas received congratulations from delegates.
Beginning in November 1974, Palestine became an observer entity of the United Nations. At that time, Palestinian activities at the United Nations were characterized by Palestine Liberation Organization In the name of the PLO.
After the establishment of the State of Palestine on November 15, 1988, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on December 15 of the same year, deciding to officially replace the name "Palestine" in the United Nations [2] .
Although Palestine's declaration of statehood has been recognized by the vast majority of UN member States, it is not a full member of the UN and has no voting rights, only observer status. Since the establishment of the State of Palestine, Palestine and Arab countries have repeatedly requested the UN General Assembly to upgrade Palestine's observer status to the status of a member state, but Israel and the United States have been firmly opposed [2] .
In December 1997, in light of new developments in the Middle East peace process, Arab countries formally submitted a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly, calling for Palestine to be upgraded to a non-voting member of the UN, second only to full member states.
In July 1998, the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution by an overwhelming majority of votes [2] . Although the resolution does not fully meet the requirements of the above draft resolution, Pakistan's status in the United Nations has been enhanced [2] .
In early September 2010, the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks broke down shortly after the Palestinians decided to seek membership in the United Nations as a diplomatic strategy to promote the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
September 23, 2011 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon It submitted an application to become the 194th full member State of the United Nations, but failed to win support from the Security Council due to opposition from the United States and Israel [2] .
The Palestinian state has never been formally recognized by the United Nations since World War II. However, Pakistan has always adhered to the national movement, and has actively promoted its membership in the United Nations since 2011.
2011年6 month Pakistan's permanent observer to the United Nations Mansour said that nearly 120 countries have expressed support for Pakistan to join the United Nations as an independent country.
To join the United Nations as an independent country, the relevant proposal must first be passed by the Security Council and recommended to the General Assembly, and then it must be approved by two-thirds of the General Assembly member states. According to the current 192 members of the General Assembly, Pakistan needs the support of at least 128 countries to become a full member of the United Nations.
On October 31, 2011, UNESCO The Assembly voted to adopt the proposal for Palestine to join the Organization as a member state. This is the first time that Pakistan has been admitted to a United Nations body as a member state, and it also provides a favorable factor for Pakistan to eventually join the United Nations [2] .
In September 2012, Pakistan announced that it would seek observer status at the United Nations during the 67th session of the General Assembly. On November 29, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution by 138 votes in favor, 9 votes against, and 41 abstentions, to grant Palestine observer state status in the United Nations [2] . Germany As in... World War II The attitude of the state that persecutes the Jews primarily is abstention. Britain, which helped the Jews return to Palestine to establish the state of Israel, also abstained. Its reason for abstaining was that it would only vote yes if the Palestinians promised in the future that it would not take Israel to the International Court of Justice. And Israel, led by the United States, still has some Nauru And other small countries in the South Pacific, including the only European Union nation Czech Republic They voted against it. [4]
In the West Bank city on November 29, 2012 Ramallah People took to the streets to celebrate Palestine becoming United Nations observer state .
The General Assembly decided to grant Palestine observer state status at the UN. Hope The Security Council Actively consider Palestine's application for full membership in the United Nations submitted on 23 September 2011. It also urged all States and the specialized agencies and organizations of the United Nations system to continue to support and assist the Palestinian people in the early realization of their right to self-determination, independence and freedom. On the same day, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas led a delegation to the meeting. [5] Before Pakistan, the only observer state was Vatican [6] .
On April 1, 2014, Pakistan resumed its application for membership The United Nations The agency's procedures resumed to seek further recognition from the United Nations.
On September 30, 2015, the Palestinian flag was raised for the first time at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
On December 13, 2017, in Istanbul, Turkey, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation announced its recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine. [7]
On April 8, 2024, the United Nations Security Council began discussions on the admission of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations and referred Palestine's application for full membership to the Security Council's Admission Committee for New Members. [47]
On May 10, 2024, the tenth Emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by 143 votes in favor, 9 votes against, and 25 abstentions, recognizing that the State of Palestine is in line with the provisions of the UN General Assembly. United Nations charter It recommended that the Security Council should re-examine Palestine's application for membership in the United Nations as a member State "from a favourable perspective". [52] [55]
On May 28, 2024, Spanish Prime Minister Alexis Sanchez announced that Spain recognizes the State of Palestine, including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital. [63]

Geographical environment


Regional location

Palestine (grey) Gaza and West Bank
Palestine consists of two parts, of which Gaza Located in the southwest of Israel and northeast of Egypt, the Gaza area has a coastline of 40 kilometers long, and the Gaza area covers 365 square kilometers and a portion of it West Bank It is located in the east-central part of Israel and the western part of Jordan and covers an area of 5,800 square kilometers. Palestine is now made up of the Gaza Strip, which is fully controlled by Hamas, and the West Bank, which is effectively controlled by the Palestinian Authority. After the Madrid peace talks, the Palestinian side gradually reclaimed about 2,500 square kilometers of land through peace talks with Israel. [1]

Climatic characteristics

Palestine subtropics Mediterranean The climate is hot and dry in summer, the hottest month is July-August, and the temperature is up to about 38℃. Winter is slightly cold, wet and rainy, with an average temperature of 4-11 ° C, and the coldest month is January. The rainy season is from December to March of the following year, with a wide difference in rainfall between the north and the south, with an average precipitation of 900 mm in the far north and only about 50 mm in the far south.
Palestinian state

Administrative division



Map of Palestine
Palestine is divided into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. According to a map drawn up by the Palestinian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in October 1997, the West Bank is divided into eight provinces and the Gaza Strip into five provinces.
Population density
The capital
West Bank
583 square kilometers
509 people per square kilometer
246 square kilometers
605 square kilometers
593 square kilometers
The city of Jericho
335 square kilometers
659 square kilometers
997 square kilometers
City of Hebron
Gaza Strip
Northern Province
5,203 people per square kilometer
74 square kilometers
Gaza City
Deir Baylech
58 square kilometers
Deir Baylech
108 square kilometers
64 square kilometers
Note: Population and population density data are derived from the results of the third Palestinian Population, Housing and Infrastructure Census, 2018
Above data sources: [26-35]


All Palestinian government institutions are now located in the city of Ramallah (or Translate" Ramallah " [20] But the Palestinians want their future capital to be located Jerusalem (Jerusalem), it is Christianity , Islam and Judaism Holy city of the three religions. In November 1988, the 19th special session of the Palestinian National Council adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring Jerusalem the capital of the State of Palestine. [1] The Palestinian presidential Palace and other major government departments are located Ramallah . [8]
Ramallah It is the political, economic, cultural and commercial center of Pakistan, and the administrative center of the Palestinian National Authority in the West Bank, with Arafat's residence, branches of the autonomous government, headquarters of the Palestinian Committee (legislative body), official television and radio and other important departments in the city. Several national offices accredited to the PA are also located here. [8]

Important city

Jerusalem ( English : Jerusalem; Hebrew : Ease the oblique oblique oblique oblique oblique oblique oblique latinization : Yerushalayim or Yerushalaim; Arabic : : Yan Yan profile, Hu Hu, Hu Hu, Hu Hu, [19] Latinized: al-Quds, Hanized: Gudis, or Latinized: Bayt-al-Muqaddas) is a historic city in the near Eastern Levant, geographically located in the Judea Mountains, between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.
Gaza (Gaza)
A city of western Palestine (now controlled by Hamas), Gaza City is located in the northeast of Gaza. Gaza City is the administrative center of Gaza. It is connected to the coast through a gap in the sand dunes near the border with Egypt and between the Mediterranean Sea. It is an important sea gateway to southern Pakistan. Once the main port of Pakistan, there are pottery, food and textile industries. Hamas has repeatedly clashed with Israel there.

National symbol


Country name

The State of Palestine. [9]


Flag of Palestine
Flag of Palestine Rectangular in shape, the ratio of length to width is 2∶1. The left side of the flag is a red isosceles triangle, and the right side is a black, white, green three colors of equal width horizontal bar.
There are different interpretations of the flag, one of which is: red symbolizes revolution, black symbolizes bravery and tenacity, white symbolizes revolutionary purity, and green symbolizes faith in Islam.
There is also a saying that red represents the homeland, black represents Africa, white symbolizes the Islamic world of West Asia, and green symbolizes the flat terrain of Europe. Red and other three colors are connected, marking the characteristics of the geographical location of Pakistan and its importance.
The Palestinian flag is very similar to the Jordanian flag, except that the Jordanian flag has a white seven-pointed star on top of a red triangle The Koran . The above four colors are pan-Arabic.

National emblem

Coat of arms of Palestine
Coat of arms of Palestine The emblem is similar to the emblem of the Palestinian National Authority, its government organization, and similar to the emblem of the surrounding Arab countries. It is the unofficial national emblem. The golden and black Saladin eagle is used to express faith in Islam. It symbolizes victory, bravery and loyalty. At its center is a white-rimmed shield with the red, green, white, and black colors of the Palestinian flag, which are the colors of pan-Arabism. The eagle claws hold the curved plaque, on which the general name of the State of Palestine is written in the Arabic script of the official language of the State of Palestine: "Palestine" (Arabic: the official language of the state of Palestine: ‎, transliterated: Filas? n).

National anthem

"Fida'i", in Arabic: the innumerably included Kyrgyzi... ‎ Fid ā ʼ and , Chinese translation of My redemption ".
The national anthem of the Palestinian Authority. In accordance with Article 31 of the 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence, the Palestinian National Assembly adopted the anthem in 1996.
The gist of the song: My country, my country, my land, my land, the land of my ancestors, my redemption, my redemption, my people, the eternal people, by my determination, my fire and my volcano of resentment, by the thirst in my blood for my land and my homeland, I have climbed the mountains, I have fought many battles, I have conquered the unconquerable, I have crossed the front lines, By the determination of the wind and the fire of arms, and the determination of my people, in the land of struggle, Palestine is my homeland, Palestine is my fire, Palestine is my hatred and my resistance, by my oath, by my people, and the fire of pain, I will live by salvation, I will always be a redeemer, I will exhaust my salvation - until my country returns, My salvation.


The main ethnic groups in Palestine are Jew and Arab .
About 13.5 million people, of whom 5.23 million are in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (end of 2021), and the rest are refugees and expatriates. Arabic is spoken and Islam is the main religion. [1]
As of October 2023, according to demographic website Worldometers, the Palestinian population is as follows:
Number of population
Annual percentage change
Immigration (net)
Median age
Fertility rate
Density (p/ km ²)
Percentage of population %
Urban population
Population of a country as a proportion of the world's population
World population
Global ranking
- 5000.
- 5000.
- 12369.
81.4 %
- 22904.
- 26350.
- 28157.
0.05 %
- 11501.
73.9 %
0.05 %
0.05 %
- 476.
- 31640.
- 15067.
64.8 %
- 11596.
-0.53 %
- 6055.
- 31405.
- 36419.
- 17662.
1.08 %
- 16930.
136 [25]
As of October 17, 2023, according to demographic website Worldometers, the population by region is projected as follows:
City name
Number of population
East Jerusalem
Khan Younis
Deir Bala
Beit Lahia
Beit Hanoun
Old town
Bani Suhaila
Az Zahiriyah
Ar Ram wa Dahiyat al Barid
Bani Naim
As Samuel
'Abbasan Kabila
Beit Jala
15591 [25]



Spiritual leader

The first Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization
Yasser Arafat
One of the heads of the PLO and the first Chairman of the PLO. His life is full of legendary Palestinian pride, the king of children since childhood, personally experienced the baptism of four Middle East wars, and devoted his life to fighting for the restoration of the Palestinian people National rights The cause of... In life, his love story with three women is also widely spread. Arafat died on November 11, 2004.
From the King of the children to the Chairman of the PLO: Arafat often imitated the actions of soldiers when he was a child, and did some children's games with military colors. In 1959, when he was only 30 years old, he and his comrades founded the" Al Fatah "And" Storm Force." He fired the first shots against Israeli aggression in 1965 and became chairman of the PLO in 1968.
Hamas founder
Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yassin (1937-22 March 2004) was the spiritual leader and founder of the Islamic fundamentalist militant organization Hamas, who founded the Islamic organization Hamas in 1987. A sports accident as a teenager left Yassin a quadriplegic, dependent on a wheelchair, and nearly blind. Killed by an Israeli helicopter missile attack on 22 March 2004. He was replaced as the leader of Hamas by former Hamas spokesman and Hamas hardliner Saad Rantisi.
When Yasin returned to prison, he was paralyzed in bed. In September 1997, the government abruptly announced the release of Yassin, citing "a significant deterioration in his health condition." Yassin was released on 1 October that year. Eight years of prison life made Yassin's physical condition further deteriorated, and his eyesight and hearing were severely damaged. After his release from prison, Yassin continued to lead Hamas in its struggle against Israel, insisting that armed resistance was the only correct option to end the Israeli occupation.
Abdul Rantisi
Abdul Aziz Rantisi
Abdul Aziz Rantisi (October 23, 1947 - April 18, 2004), after the outbreak of the anti-Israel intifada in the occupied Palestinian territories in 1987, Rantisi and a total of seven people, including Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, co-founded the "Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)", which quickly developed into one of the most influential Islamic militant organizations in the occupied Palestinian territories. Rantisi was arrested several times for his active involvement in anti-Israel activities and spent seven years in prison. Rantisi became well known to the international community as a spokesman for more than 400 other Palestinian resistance fighters who were expelled to southern Lebanon in 1992. A year later, Rantisi returned to Gaza, where he became Hamas's main spokesman and was considered the No. 2 man behind Yassin. Rantisi belongs to a radical faction within Hamas that advocates an Islamic Middle East without a Jewish state. After the Israeli military assassinated Yassin, Rantisi took over as the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip on the night of March 23, 2004, and was killed by an Israeli missile attack on April 18, 2004.
Mohammed Zahar
Mohammed Zahar graduated from Shams University with a Bachelor's degree in Medicine. After completing his studies, he returned to Gaza to become a doctor. He joined Hamas in 1987 and soon became its spokesman before joining its political bureau. Zahar was the personal physician to Hamas spiritual leader Khalid Yassin. In 1992, he was deported to southern Lebanon by Israel. In 2004, after Hamas leaders Yassin and Rantisi were targeted by Israel, Zahar became the real power of Hamas in the Palestinian areas. [10]
Ismail Haniyeh
Ismail Haniyeh
Ismail Haniyeh Ismail Haniya (Arabic: Haifa Haniya), one of the political leaders of Hamas, was appointed Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Unity Government by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on 21 February 2006.

State leader

Prime Ministers of Palestine
Mohammed Mustafa Born in Palestine in 1954, he led the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip after the 2014 Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Earlier, Mustafa also worked as an economist at the World Bank, bringing with him expertise and experience in economic affairs. On March 14, 2024 local time, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appointed his economic adviser Mohammed Mustafa as the new prime minister and authorized him to form a new Palestinian government [42] .

Organs of political power

Palestine Liberation Organization (Palestine Liberation Organization) : PLO for short. It was established in Jerusalem in May 1964. He was recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people at the 7th Arab Summit in October 1974. In November of the same year, he was invited to attend a United Nations conference as an observer. In August 1976, he was admitted as a full member of the Non-Aligned Movement, and in September of the same year, he was admitted as a full member of the League of Arab States. The PLO used to Lebanon , Jordan To carry out anti-Israel struggle as a base.
Palestinian National Council (Palestine National Council) : The highest authority of the PLO, representing all Palestinians in and outside Palestine. There are 669 members, including representatives of Palestinian resistance groups and other mass organizations, and the current chairman is Rawhi Fattouh.
Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee (The Executive Committee of the PLO) : Permanent Leadership of the PLO. The Chairman of the Executive Committee has been Yasser Arafat since 1969. Mr. Abbas succeeded Mr. Arafat after his death in November. On 4 May 2018, Abbas was re-elected Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee at the 23rd session of the PLO National Council.
Central Committee of the PLO: A supervisory body between the PLO National Council and the PLO Executive Committee, responsible for overseeing the Executive Committee's implementation of the PLO National Committee's resolutions and PLO policies. Elected by the PLO National Council, the PLO has more than 100 members, and the Central Committee directs the work of the PLO when the PLO National Council is not in session. Since 1970, Arafat has been chairman of the Central Committee. After Arafat's death, Abbas took over as president. [1]


It was established in May 1994 by a PLO resolution Palestinian National Authority (Palestine National Authority), as a phased and transitional authority. In June 2007, following the outbreak of fighting between Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appointed the former finance minister Salam Fayyad (Salam Fayyad) to form a transitional government.
In May 2012, the transitional government was reorganized for the third time.
In January 2013, Abbas signed a decree to change the title "Palestinian National Authority" used in laws, documents, documents, etc., to "State of Palestine." In April, Mr. Fayyad resigned. Abbas was appointed in June Rami Hamdallah Rami Hamdallah was appointed Prime minister of the new interim government, but Hamdallah resigned shortly afterwards. In September, Abbas reappointed Hamdallah as prime minister.
After the formation of the National Consensus Government in June 2014, Hamdallah remained in office. In July 2015, Hamdallah made a minor reshuffle of his cabinet. [1] On June 2, the coalition government in Pakistan Ramallah The inauguration of the presidential palace marks the end of a seven-year split between the two main political factions, Fatah and Hamas.
On March 14, 2024 local time, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appointed Muhammad Mustafa as the new Palestinian Prime Minister and established a new Palestinian government. [41]
Local time on March 28, 2024, according to CCTV News, according to the Palestinian News Agency, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has approved the submission of Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa on the same day Plan for the formation of a new government. [44]
2024 local time [45] On the evening of March 31, the new Palestinian government led by Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa was officially sworn in in the West Bank city of Ramallah.


Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine : Mahmoud Abbas (Mahmoud Abbas). Born in 1935 in Safad, northern Palestine Moscow University PhD in history. In 1959, he assisted Arafat in the establishment of Fatah, the main faction of the PLO. In the early 1990s, he attended the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference as the chief negotiator of the Palestinian side, presided over the Palestinian-Israeli Oslo negotiations and signed the Oslo Accords on behalf of the Palestinian side. He was elected General Secretary of the PLO Executive Committee in 1995. He served as the first Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority from April to September 2003. After the death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004, he became Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee. In January 2005, he was elected President of the Palestinian National Authority. In November 2006, Al Fatah The Revolutionary Council elected Abbas as its supreme leader. In November 2008, the PLO Central Committee elected Abbas President of the State of Palestine. He was elected chairman of the Fatah Central Committee in August 2009. He is married with three children.
Prime Ministers of Palestine : Rami Hamdallah (Rami Hamdallah). Born in 1958, he earned a doctorate in the United Kingdom and is now president of Najach University in Palestine. Since 2002, Hamdallah has served as Secretary General of the Central Election Commission and as a member of the Constitution Drafting Committee. He became Prime Minister of Palestine on 6 June 2013. He resigned on June 23. On 2 June 2014, Rami Hamdallah returned as Prime Minister and formed a coalition government. On 17 June 2015, Hamdallah submitted the resignation of the government to President Mahmoud Abbas, who accepted the resignation but then appointed Rami Hamdallah to form a new government. [11] On January 29, 2019, Rami Al-Hamdallah submitted his resignation to Palestinian President and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas. However, the current government will remain in office until a new government is formed. [12] On February 26, 2024, Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmud Ashtiyeh announced the resignation of the Palestinian government in the West Bank city of Ramallah. [39]
Aziz Salim Duvik
Palestinian Foreign minister : Ziad ABU Amulu . Born in Gaza in 1950. Graduate from Damascus University He holds a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Language, and a master's degree and a doctorate in comparative politics from Georgetown University. He has been a member of the Center for Palestinian Political Studies in Washington, a member of the Center for Palestinian Studies in Nablus, Chairman of the Palestinian Foreign Affairs Committee, Deputy Secretary-General of the Palestinian human rights organization Miftah, and a member of the PLO Central Committee. 1985 Political Science, Birzeit University, Ramallah, culturology He has also taught in Bahrain, Oman and Syria. In 1996, he was elected to the Legislative Council as an independent from Gaza and served as Chairman of the Political Committee of the Legislative Council. He became Minister of Culture in the 9th Government of Bardi in 2003. In January 2006, he was re-elected to the Legislative Council. On 17 March 2007, he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government (11th Government). He is married with four children.
Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council : Aziz Salim Duvik . He was born in Hebron in 1948. He received a master's degree in education from Nagah University in Palestine. Cairo University Master's degree in Urban Planning and Regional Planning and PhD in Regional Architectural Planning, University of Pennsylvania, USA. In 1980, he taught in the Department of Geology at the University of Nagah and was the head of external relations of the Palestinian Doctoral and Master's Association. He was arrested and imprisoned several times by Israel for his involvement in Hamas. In late 1992, he was deported to southern Lebanon. In 1994, he returned to the University of Nagah as head of the Department of Geology, member of the Scientific Research Committee, and Chairman of the Higher Education Committee of the "Hamas" charity. He was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council in January 2006. In February, he was elected Chairman of the Legislative Council. He is the author of several books, the most famous of which is Palestinian Society. Married with three sons and four daughters.
Salim Zanon
President of the Palestinian National Council: Salim Zanon . Born in Gaza in 1933. From 1956 to early 1957, he led the people of Gaza in their struggle against British, French and Israeli aggression. He was elected Vice President of the National Council in 1969. From 1975 to 1990, he was a member of Fatah Kuwait And representatives of the Bay Area. Member of the Fatah Central Committee, elected president of the Palestinian National Committee in 1996. [1]


The Palestinian Legislative Council is the Palestinian legislative body. Elected on 20 January 1996 under the Oslo Accords, the Council consists of committees for Law, Jerusalem, Budget and Financial Affairs, Economy, Natural resources, Territory and settlement, refugees, Internal Affairs and Security, education, Politics and oversight, which meet twice a year. In January 2006, the second Palestinian Legislative Council election was held, and Hamas won 74 seats, becoming the largest party in the Legislative Council. Aziz Dweik (affiliated with Hamas) was elected chairman of the Legislative Council. Since then, the legislative Council has been de facto suspended due to internal Palestinian divisions. On 22 December 2018, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced the dissolution of the Legislative Council in accordance with the decision of the Palestinian Supreme Constitutional Court, which Hamas considers null and void. Since 2019, the Pakistani side has repeatedly said that it will hold legislative council elections as soon as possible, but it has been unable to hold them. [1]


The Palestinian judiciary consists of courts at all levels, including one Supreme Court, 18 conciliation courts, eight primary courts, one appeals court, one criminal court and two central courts. The main body of Pakistan's procuratorial organs is the procuratorate at all levels, and currently has a supreme Procuratorate, composed of the Chief prosecutor, several deputy procurator-general and prosecutors, under the five procuratorial branches and 10 general prosecution offices. [1]

Political affiliation

For short
Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Palestinian National Liberation Movement)
In the late 1950s, it was gradually formed by Palestinian patriotic youth and became the mainstream faction of the PLO after 1969, which was widely recognized and supported by Arab countries. The permanent leadership of Fatah is the Central Committee, which consists of a revolutionary committee, all of which are elected by the Fatah Congress. After Arafat's death, Farouk Al-Kaddoumi took over as chairman of the Fatah Central Committee. In November 2006, Abbas was elected Supreme leader of Fatah. In August 2009, Fatah held its sixth congress and Abbas was elected chairman of the Central Committee. In December 2016, he was re-elected at the seventh Congress of the Fatah Party.
Islamic resistance (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Composed of three Arabic abbreviations of the words "Islam", "resistance" and "movement", it was founded by Imam Yassin in 1987 as the "Islamic Federation" and has branches in Iran, Syria, Lebanon and other countries. Hamas claims the Koran as the constitution and stresses that "jihad" is the only means to achieve its goals; Strongly opposed to the Middle East peace process, advocating the elimination of Israel and the liberation of all occupied Palestinian territories. Hamas currently controls the Gaza Strip. In May 2017, Ismail Haniyeh was elected chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau. In May 2017, Hamas released a new policy document, adjusting its position on organizational attributes and territorial claims, and publicly expressing its willingness to join the PLO for the first time.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine)
"Popular Front"
It was formed in December 1967 by the merger of the Palestine Liberation Front, the "Avenged Youth", and the "Returned Heroes", and is the second largest organization in the PLO. He is a left-leaning politician who opposes the Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine. The Central Committee is the leading organ of the "Human Front". The current General secretary is Ahmed Sa 'adat.
Islamic Jihad (Islamic Jihad)
In the late 1980s Muslim Brotherhood The radicals grew up, and their aim was to pass jihad finish Israel The occupation of Palestinian territories. The goal is the liberation of Palestine and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. General Secretary Ramadan Abdullah Shalah.
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine)
"Democratic Front"
It split from the PLO in 1969 and was the third largest organization in the PLO. He is a left-leaning politician who opposes the Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine. The current General secretary is Nayef Hawatmeh.
Palestine Liberation Front (Palestine Liberation Front)
Plo (PLO)
In 1976, it was separated from the "Human Front (Headquarters)" and officially established in April 1977. In 1983, it was divided into two groups. In 2003, the party's general secretary, Mohammed Abbas, was in the party Iraq War He was captured by American forces. He died in an American prisoner-of-war camp in early 2004. The current General secretary is Wasel Abu-Yousef.
Reference material [1]




Palestine is dominated by agriculture, while others include construction, processing, handicraft, commerce, and service industries. The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on Israel, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to severely restrict its economic development. At the end of 2010, the World Bank reported that the Palestinian economy has reached the level of the establishment of an independent state. In 2012, Palestine faced serious financial difficulties due to the delay in the delivery of external financial assistance and the continued blockade imposed by Israel. [1]
The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid and its economic development is constrained Israel The Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to pose serious constraints on the development of the Palestinian economy. Key economic data are as follows:
Key economic figures for 2021:
Gross Domestic product (GDP)
$15.027 billion
GDP growth rate
Gross domestic product per capita
That's about $3,655
Inflation rate
Unemployment rate
Reference material [1]


Industrial level is very low, small scale, mainly processing industry, such as plastics, rubber, chemical, food, stone, pharmaceutical, paper, printing, construction, textile, clothing, furniture and so on.
According to the information provided by the Ministry of Industry of Pakistan: there are 4000 various industrial enterprises in Pakistan. Pakistan's industry is mainly processing industries, such as leather, plastics, rubber, chemicals, food, stone, marble and artificial SLATE, pharmaceutical, paper, printing, construction, textiles, clothing and furniture.


Palestinian agriculture
Palestine has four distinct seasons and abundant agricultural products, and agriculture is the pillar of the Palestinian economy. Fruits, vegetables and olives (oil) are an important part of foreign trade exports, accounting for 25% of exports. The arable land is 166,000 hectares. The labor force engaged in agriculture accounts for about 20% of the total labor force. In 2012, the total agricultural output value of Pakistan reached 330 million US dollars, accounting for 5% of GDP. [1]


Ba pleasant climate, there are a large number of historical and cultural monuments, known as HolyLand, its tourism resources are rich. There are 74 travel agencies, 69 restaurants and 106 hotels in the autonomous region, with 4,708 rooms and 10,063 beds. The main tourist cities are: Jerusalem, Ramallah Bira, Bethlehem, Jericho, Nablus, Hebron, Gaza.

Financial institution

The Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) was established at the end of 1994. As the reserve institution of the Central Bank of Pakistan, it plays a leading role in determining financial policy, regulating and supervising the activities of the banks. According to the information provided by the Pakistani financial institutions, there are 22 banks in the areas controlled by the Palestinian National Authority. There are 9 Palestinian banks, 11 Arab banks and 2 other foreign banks. Palestine does not have its own currency, but uses Israeli (shekel) and Jordanian (Shekel) currencies. dinar ).

International aid

International aid is one of the Palestinian government's main sources of revenue. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNRWA is the main international aid agency to Pakistan, with an average annual total expenditure of about $1.2 to $1.3 billion, with the United States and the European Union being the largest donors. In early 2018, the United States announced that it was cutting off aid to Pakistan and UNRWA, and UNRWA was in financial trouble. The United States and others have put forward demands such as abolishing UNRWA, reducing the size of UNRWA staff, and not renewing UNRWA's term after it expires. In December 2019, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution approving the renewal of UNRWA's mandate. In November 2020, after being elected president of the United States, Joe Biden said he would restore aid to UNRWA. In April 2021, the United States announced that it had provided $150 million in aid to UNRWA. In July 2022, during his visit to Pakistan, US President Joe Biden announced an additional US $316 million in various types of assistance to Pakistan. [13]




The official language of Palestine is Arabic.


Palestine is a multi-religious country, mainly within the country Islam , Judaism , Catholicism , Orthodox Church , Protestantism .


Time and introduction
Founding Day
November 15th
Independence Day
August 14, 1947
National Day
The 23rd of March
Martyrs' Day
January 7 commemorates the thousands of martyrs who died on the battlefield fighting for the freedom, independence and honor of Pakistan.
Day of Calamity
On May 15, 1948, the state of Israel was proclaimed. The next day, it broke out The First Middle East War Large numbers of Palestinians fled from Israel to other countries to escape the fighting. Later, Pakistan will May 15 as the national "disaster Day" to commemorate the war and national misfortune of the year.)


Ba was established in the early 16th century Ottoman Empire Under the rule. In the second half of the 19th century, the Pakistani people began to revolt against Ottoman rule, and literature began to revive. After World War I, Pakistan became a British mandate. Since then, many important events have occurred in Pakistan, and the social life is full of contradictions and struggles, which are reflected in literature. Helil Bedes (1875-1949) The novel "The Heir" (1920), the short story collection "The Stage of Ideas" (1924), the short story collection "The First Journey" and "From the Crowd" by Saifuddin Irani, the short story collection "The Sad Sisters" by Naijati Sudeji, Musa Husseini's novel Memories of a Hen (1943), which describes the lives of people from all walks of life and expresses dissatisfaction with the colonialists, is also innovative in form. POEMS Abdo Kareem Karmi The poems of ABU Salema (1917-1980), Ibrahim Tughan (1905-1941) and Abdu Rahim Mehmud, among others, are full of life and add fresh artistic features to traditional Arabic poetry. After May 1948, a large number of Palestinian refugees fled their homes. Since then, Ba literature has been divided into occupied region literature and exile region literature.
Literary masterpieces of the occupied territories include the long poem "The Palestinian Lover" by Mehmood Darwish (1941 ~), "Never" by Taufig Ziyad (1936 ~), "The Song of the Road" by Semiha Kasim (1939 ~), and so on.
Literary masterpieces of the exile: The Exiles (1953), Ode to the Fatherland (1959) by Abdu Kareem Karmi (ABU Selema), the novella People in the Sun by Kelsang Karafani (1963), the short story "The Question of Little Muhammad" by Mehmud Rimawi, etc.


Women go out with red powder during the New Year, greet relatives and friends first, and then apply the red powder on each other's foreheads in order to look up and see happiness. Great fortune .
The Ba people are very warm and friendly, and when they are invited to festivals and banquets, they usually have the habit of sending wreaths.
Most of the Pakistanis believe in it Islam Is an Islamic country, mainly hand rice or flatbread with curry mutton, chicken and so on. Ba people like to eat spicy food, they use pepper, turmeric and other curry food famous in the world. Ba cuisine, whether it is meat, fish, beans, or vegetables, is mostly spicy, and kimchi is also spicy. They do not have the habit of cooking, whether it is beef, lamb, fish or a variety of beans, vegetables, are cooked thoroughly.
Paka Islamic state More than 95 percent of its residents practice Islam. Because the religious law stipulates that drinking alcohol is a crime, believers are not allowed to drink alcohol, but can drink tea. As in China, "guests come to offer tea" is also a kind of courtesy for the Pakistani people to receive guests. To the Ba people's home guest, the host immediately cooked black tea reception, often also sent sandwich cookies, cakes and other snacks.

Military affairs

Under the Oslo Accords, the PA can establish a police force to ensure public order and internal security in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Pakistani police force is currently about 60,000 strong. Their main weapons are light weapons such as submachine guns, no artillery, but some armored personnel carriers; The armed forces also have no air force, only a few aircraft are used for leadership visits and relief, and the navy of several hundred men has only a few gunboats, so it is only symbolic.




Transportation in Palestine is mainly by road, with 5,146.9 km of various types of roads. Since 2000, due to the continuous Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Palestinian transportation construction has stalled. After 2009, the construction of roads and other infrastructure has been restored and developed to some extent. [1]


The Palestinian civil Aviation Authority was established in 1996, and in October 1998 Gaza International Airport was put into operation, with flights to Egypt and Jordan. After the 2000 Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Gaza airport runway was destroyed by the Israeli army. Palestine Airlines is owned by the Palestinian National Authority, headquartered in El-Arish, Egypt, and has two regional jets. [1] Gaza International Airport is the only airport in Pakistan, which can take off and land Boeing 747 Large aircraft, annual inbound and outbound passenger design capacity of 700,000 passengers.




Affected by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the education situation in Pakistan is generally backward, and the illiteracy rate in Pakistan is about 2.6%. The education system is six years in primary school, three years in middle school, three years in high school, and four to five years in university. In the 1999-2000 school year, there were 1,767 schools in Pakistan with 865,540 students. There are 34,088 teachers. Major universities Najach University (also translated as "Chenggong National University"), Arab American University Eight universities, including Birzit University, Al-Quds Open University, Bethlehem University, and Al-Azhar University in Gaza, enrolled 19,548 students and had 1,869 faculty members in 1999-2000. [1] [37]

Medical treatment

Due to the long-term conflict in Pakistan, Pakistan's medical facilities are relatively old, and the supply of medicines is insufficient, tourists to Pakistan need to bring their own commonly used medicines. Nuemu held Israel, the United States and Europe responsible. At the same time, the relevant international agencies and humanitarian organizations are requested to provide medical equipment and medical services to the Pakistani people.


There are 13 newspapers and 33 magazines in Pakistan, most of which are monthly and quarterly. The main newspapers are Al-Quds, Al-Ayyam, and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida. [1]
The official news agency is" Palestine News Agency PALESTINENEWSAGENCY (PALESTINENEWSAGENCY) is short for "WAFA". The agency was established by the PLO in 1971 Beirut Created.
There are 11 radio stations in Palestine, "Voice of Palestine" is the official radio station, founded in 1964, the other 10 are commercial radio stations. " Palestinian television Launched in September 1995, it is the only official Palestinian television station, with only two channels, one is a satellite channel, broadcasting 12 hours a day, covering the West Bank and Gaza Strip. "Voice of Palestine" and "Palestine Television" are both subordinate to the "Palestine Broadcasting Corporation". [1]
On May 13, 2024, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said that Iran has launched a "virtual embassy" in Palestine within its diplomatic network system. [53]

Physical education

In 1928, the Palestinian Football Association was formally established and officially joined in the second year of its existence FIFA (International Football Association) .
In 1934, World Cup qualifiers It became the first Asian team ever to appear in a World Cup qualifier. [14]
In the 1930s and 1940s, new players and clubs emerged, and friendlies and matches were played throughout Palestine.
From 1967, when Israel occupied the Palestinian territories, until 1973, football was a dead silence.
On December 31, 2014, Asian Football Confederation The Palestinian team was officially announced Asian Cup In the 23-man squad, the Palestinian team, which has entered the Asian Cup for the first time in history, has six returnees. [15]

Public security

Security is poor in the Palestinian society, and under the Israeli-Palestinian agreement, the Palestinian National Authority has a police force to maintain internal security. But clashes and exchanges of fire between Palestinians and Israeli forces still occur.
In the further escalation of the Palestine-Israel conflict, the Israeli side stipulated that, in addition to diplomatic personnel, the rest of the personnel entering the Palestine-controlled area must be subjected to strict inspection, and signed the disclaimer, which mainly includes: guarantee not to impede Israeli military operations, not to go to dangerous areas and military restricted areas, otherwise it will bear all the consequences caused by the failure to comply with the above provisions.
According to the Palestinian-Israeli agreement on Palestinian autonomy, the Palestinian National Authority is mainly responsible for managing all civilian affairs in the Palestinian autonomous region except for diplomacy and security.

People's livelihood

The average Palestinian population Engel coefficient That's 36.6 percent. The living standard of Palestinian people is basically normal distribution, and the annual living consumption of households with Engel coefficient greater than 45% is generally less than 4,752 US dollars, which is basically consistent with the situation of the poor population announced by the Palestinian Autonomous Government (17.8%), that is, in Palestine, the population with Engel coefficient greater than 45% is the poor population.



Foreign policy

After the founding of the PLO, get Arab country And wide support from many countries around the world.
The seventh edition was held in Rabat in October 1974 Arab League The Summit resolution recognized the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. In November of the same year, the PLO participated in the meetings and work of the UN General Assembly as an observer.
In August 1976, the Fifth Conference of Non-Aligned Countries admitted the PLO as a full member, and in September of the same year, the League of Arab States admitted it as a full member.
The State of Palestine was proclaimed on 15 November 1988 and is now officially recognized by 138 countries.
On 15 December 1988, Palestine became an observer entity of the United Nations. On 29 November 2012, the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution granting Palestine observer State status in the United Nations. The 10th Emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to grant Palestine more rights as an observer state in the United Nations. [54]
Palestine pursues an independent foreign policy and takes statehood as its cornerstone. It stands for an end to Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital through peace negotiations with Israel on the basis of international law, relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.
After the Madrid Middle East Peace Conference in 1991, Palestine, through negotiations with Israel, successively signed the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (the Oslo Accords), the Agreement on Preliminary Self-Government in Gaza and Jericho, and the Agreement on Expanding the scope of Palestinian self-government in the West Bank. And limited self-rule in parts of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip. However, due to differences in the positions of Palestine and Israel and changes in the international and regional political climate, the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks have not made substantive progress since the late 1990s. In 2000, the Palestinian people launched the second intifada, and since then, peace talks have been restarted and interrupted repeatedly. At the end of April 2014, the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks once again stalled and have not resumed since. [1]

External relations

Relations with China
In May 1965, the PLO established an office in Beijing with diplomatic status.
On November 20, 1988, China announced its recognition of the State of Palestine and the two countries established diplomatic relations. On December 31 of the same year, the PLO Office in Beijing became the Embassy of the State of Palestine in China, and its director became the Ambassador of the State of Palestine in China.
Since July 5, 1990, the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia has served concurrently as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the State of Palestine. In December 1995, China set up an office in the Palestinian National Authority in Gaza after the establishment of self-rule in Palestine, which was moved to Ramallah in May 2004.
In May 2005, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian National Authority paid a state visit to China. June, Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing Visit Palestine. Head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee in September Wang Jiarui Visit Palestine. December, Leading member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Qiao Zonghuai Visit Palestine.
In May 2006, Pakistani Foreign Minister Zahar came to China to attend the ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Friendship and Cooperation Forum. In December, Assistant Foreign Minister Zhai Jun visited Pakistan. Director of the Chinese Office in the Palestinian National Authority: Guo Wei [22] Ambassador of the State of Palestine to China: Fariz Mahdawi [23] .
Since June 2008, the Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia has no longer served as Ambassador to Palestine, and the Director of the Office of the Chinese Ambassador to Palestine (the title of ambassador) is fully responsible for exchanges with Palestine.
On September 21, 2016, at the invitation of the Palestinian Government, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang He paid an official friendly visit to Palestine, attended the welcoming ceremony held by Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and held talks with him. Zhang Dejiang reiterated China's commitment Palestine question China will, as always, support the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights and support Pakistan's accession to more international organizations. He thanked Pakistan for its recent public statement supporting China's position on the South China Sea issue. [16]
In 2023, the bilateral trade volume was 165 million US dollars. [21]
Relations with Arab countries
(I) and Egypt The relationship. Egypt was an early supporter of the PLO Arab country It was the main base for the PLO's political activities. I hereby sign Camp David accords After that, the PLO broke off relations with Egypt.
In November 1987, Egypt announced the reopening of the PLO office in Cairo. Gulf War Later, due to the different positions of the two sides, relations cooled. Since then, with the progress of the Middle East peace process, the two sides have normalized relations. Abbas has visited Egypt many times since he was elected president of the Palestinian National Authority. In recent years, Egypt has actively mediated on such issues as Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire, prisoner exchange and intra-Palestinian reconciliation.
In 2011, through the mediation of Egypt, the Palestinian factions signed a reconciliation agreement in Cairo in early May. In October, the Israeli side facilitated a successful prisoner exchange between Hamas and Israel.
In November 2012, after the outbreak of the Gaza conflict, Egypt clearly supported the Palestinian side and actively mediated to promote the ceasefire.
In January 2013, the Egyptian-brokered leaders of Fatah and Hamas met in Cairo to discuss national reconciliation. After the dramatic change in Egypt at the end of July, relations between Egypt and Hamas deteriorated sharply, and the Egyptian military tightened control over the area bordering the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, shortened the opening hours of the Rafah port, and destroyed most of the tunnels leading from Gaza to Sinai.
In March 2014, the Egyptian side decided to ban all Hamas activities in Egypt, which Hamas condemned.
In early 2015, an Egyptian court declared Hamas a terrorist organization. In June, Egypt's Emergency Appeals Court revoked an earlier ruling that listed Hamas as a terrorist organization, citing a lack of judicial authority.
(2) and Syria The relationship. Syria used to be an important base and rear area for the guerrillas of Pakistan. Some important Palestinian organizations are headquartered in Damascus. Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal has also settled in Syria.
After 1983, the relations between the two sides deteriorated due to political differences over the settlement of the Middle East issue.
Relations between Pakistan and Syria have eased since 1988.
In 1999, with the encouragement and support of Syria, the Palestinian opposition groups in Syria began a dialogue with the Palestinian National Authority.
In December 2004, Abbas visited Syria after taking over as chairman of the PLO Executive Committee.
In 2006, after Hamas came to power, Syria expressed support for the government independently chosen by the Palestinian people, opposed the blockade against Palestine, and encouraged various political factions in Palestine to resolve their differences through dialogue.
In November 2007, Syria attended the Annapolis Middle East Peace Conference.
In July and October 2008, Abbas visited Syria. After the unrest in Syria in 2011, the Hamas leadership left Syria and publicly demanded the Syrian president Bashar Step down.
(3) and Jordan The relationship. Pakistan and Jordan have a special relationship in history, geography, blood and so on. Jordan is the only country in the Arab world to grant citizenship to Palestinians, who now make up 60 percent of the population. It was once the headquarters of the PLO.
In 1970, the relations between the two countries deteriorated and the Pakistani armed forces were forced to withdraw from the country. After the beginning of the Middle East peace process, Bayo formed a joint delegation to attend the Middle East Peace Conference.
June 2003, King of Jordan King Abdullah II Presided over a meeting attended by the heads of state of the United States, Israel and Palestine Aqaba Summit, announced the official launch of the Middle East peace "road map" plan. Since Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian National Authority, he has visited Cairo many times. After Abbas dismissed the unity government, Jordan stressed that Palestine should maintain internal unity and restore order. King Abdullah II has repeatedly called on the international community to promote the peace process, support Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, and urge the United States to play an important role in the Middle East issue.
In early 2012, Jordan and the "Quartet" on the Middle East issue promoted a number of contacts between Palestine and Israel in Amman on the resumption of peace talks.
(4) and Saudi Arabia And other Gulf Arab relations. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait The Gulf Arab States were the PLO's main financial donors. In 1990, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states attacked the PLO Gulf War China's position was dissatisfied, and relations with the PLO deteriorated. Original existence Gulf states Most of the half million Palestinians left. On March 31, 1991, Gulf Cooperation Council Announced the suspension of financial aid to the PLO. However, after the PLO decided to attend the Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid, relations between Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries began to ease, official exchanges gradually resumed, and Saudi Arabia also partially resumed aid to Pakistan. Since 1993, relations between the PLO and the Gulf countries have been improving. On April 25, 2002, during his visit to the United States, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah presented an eight-point proposal to President Bush to resolve the Middle East issue. In December 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the PLO Executive Committee, visited Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and apologized for Palestine's wrong position in the Gulf War. Relations between Pakistan and the Gulf countries have improved significantly.
In February 2007, a Saudi-brokered agreement was reached between Hamas and Fatah. Mecca Agreement ". In March, with the promotion of Saudi Arabia and other countries, the 19th Arab League The Summit reaffirmed that" Arab peace initiative And determine the relevant working mechanism. Emir of Qatar, October 2012 Hamad He is the first Gulf head of state to visit Gaza since 2006 and is offering $254 million in aid to support the economic reconstruction of Gaza. In April 2013, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad Al-Hamad led an Arab delegation to the United States and expressed their willingness to achieve a "two-state solution" based on the 1967 borders with a small amount of land swaps, which was welcomed by the United States and Israel. King of Saudi Arabia in July 2015 Salman bin Abdulaziz Meeting with Chairman of Hamas Political Bureau on Hajj trip to Saudi Arabia Khaled Meshaal . [1]
Relations with Colombia
On October 19, 2023 local time, Colombian President Petro met with the Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors to Colombia in the capital Bogota. Later, Petro announced that he would open an embassy in Ramallah, Palestine. [36]
On May 22, 2024 local time, Colombian Foreign Minister Maurillo said that Colombian President Petro has ordered the establishment of the Colombian embassy in Ramallah, Palestine. [62]
Relations with Israel
Between 1993 and 1995, Israel and Palestine signed the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (Oslo Accords), the Agreement on Preliminary Self-Government in Gaza and Jericho, and the Agreement on the expansion of Palestinian Self-government in the West Bank. In January 1997, Israel and the Palestinians signed an agreement on the redeployment of Israeli forces in Hebron, which provided for the withdrawal of 80 percent of Hebron. In October 1998, Israel and the Palestinians signed the agreement on the second phase of Israel's withdrawal from the West Bank. Wye agreement ". On November 8, 1999, Israeli-Palestinian final status negotiations were officially launched. The July 2000 Camp David summit between the leaders of the United States, Israel and Palestine ended inconclusively.
In September 2000, as a result of The Likud Party leader Salon Force entry Al-aqsa Mosque That triggered more than four years of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since Abbas became the Supreme leader of Palestine in 2005, the Palestinian-Israeli relations have improved significantly. In February, the leaders of Israel, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan were in Egypt Sharm el-Sheikh Hold a summit. In September, with the promotion of Egypt and other parties as well as the active cooperation of the Palestinian side, to complete the withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West Bank Jewish settlement And the army's "disengagement plan." In November, under the mediation of the United States, Palestine and Israel reached the Agreement on Movement and Access in the Gaza Area.
In 2006, Hamas After taking office, he demanded that it accept the "three conditions" (recognition of Israel, renunciation of violence, and compliance with agreements reached between the two sides), and imposed political isolation and economic blockade on Palestine. In June 2007, Abbas dissolved the unity government to resume dialogue with Abbas and set up a negotiating working group. On November 26, Palestine and Israel participated in the Annapolis International Conference on the Middle East hosted by the United States, at which they issued a "joint understanding document" and began negotiations on final status issues. In 2008, the two sides continued negotiations but failed to reach a peace agreement. In December, Israel launched a large-scale military operation against Hamas and other armed factions in the Gaza Strip, and Israeli-Palestinian peace talks were suspended.
In March 2009, after the establishment of a new government, Israel expressed its willingness to negotiate with Pakistan in accordance with the "road map" plan. In May 2010, indirect negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel began under the auspices of the United States, and direct negotiations between the two sides resumed in early September. However, because of Israel's insistence on building Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, the Palestinian side announced on October 8 that it would suspend peace talks with Israel.
In early 2012, the Palestinian and Israeli sides engaged in contact on the resumption of talks under the auspices of the "Quartet Mechanism" on the Middle East issue and Jordan, and leaders of the two sides also exchanged letters with Prime ministers in April and May Netanyahu And for the first time publicly expressed support for the Palestinians to build a "territorially coherent" state. But the two sides remain deeply divided on key issues such as Jewish settlements. From November 14 to 21, in retaliation for Hamas and other Palestinian armed organizations continued to fire rockets into Israel, the Israeli army launched large-scale air strikes on the Gaza Strip, causing serious casualties and property losses. On November 29, the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly granted Palestine observer State status in the United Nations. Israel strongly opposed this and immediately took retaliatory measures such as building new settlement houses and stopping the transfer of customs taxes to the Palestinian side. Since March 2013, under the impetus of the United States, the two sides have been in contact to resume peace talks.
At the end of July 2013, the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks resumed under the promotion of the United States. Israeli-palestinian relations deteriorated sharply in late April 2014 after peace talks again stalled. On July 8, Israel launched a military operation code-named "Protect the Border" against the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, which lasted 51 days, causing heavy casualties and property losses on the Palestinian side.
Since mid-September 2015, sporadic clashes between Palestine and Israel have continued in many places, resulting in a large number of casualties. [1]
On October 7, 2023, a new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict broke out. [56]
On March 22, 2024, the Israeli Ministry of Finance declared 8,000 Duna acres (about 8 square kilometers) of Palestinian land in the West Bank as "state land." Israel could use the land to build hundreds of Jewish settlement housing units, as well as industrial and commercial facilities. [43]
On June 3, 2024, Palestinian officials filed an application with the International Court of Justice on behalf of the State of Palestine to join a case brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. [68]
On June 11, 2024, according to the Qatar-based Al Jazeera television, Israel attacked a home in Gaza City, Palestine, causing many casualties. [70]
Relations with the United States
The United States had long refused to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization. In December 1988, the PLO announced its acceptance United Nations Security Council After resolutions 242 and 338 and the public condemnation of terrorism, the United States and Pakistan began a dialogue. In September 1993, Israel and Palestine signed the Washington Declaration, and the United States recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. On June 24, 1994, the United States upgraded the Pakistani office in the United States to an official mission and made use of the U.S. presence Jerusalem The Consulate-General is in contact with Pakistan. In December 2002, the US-led "Quartet" on the Middle East issue formulated the "Road map" for Middle East peace and actively promoted its implementation.
In 2006, after Hamas won the election and formed a government, the United States reacted strongly, reaffirming that Hamas was a "terrorist organization", saying that it would not have contact with the Palestinian government, and asking the international community to isolate Hamas until it changed its position, accepted the "three conditions" and stopped direct aid to Palestine. In June 2007, after Abbas dissolved the coalition government, the United States lifted the economic blockade on the West Bank, promoted the Palestinian-Israeli dialogue, and held an international conference on the Middle East issue (namely the Annapolis Conference) on November 26, putting forward the concept of "two states" of peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel. In January 2008, US President George W. Bush visited Palestine and announced the launch of the mechanism of the Tripartite Committee established at the Annapolis Conference to monitor the implementation of the "Road map" plan between Palestine and Israel. Us Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has visited Palestine and Israel many times to promote peace talks.
In 2009, Obama After taking office, the government actively promoted the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks. In May, Abbas visited the United States. In September, US President Barack Obama facilitated a meeting between the heads of state of the United States, Palestine and Israel on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. 2010, Vice President of the United States Biden Special Envoy to the Middle East Mitchell and other frequent visits to Palestine eventually led to Palestine accepting the resumption of indirect peace talks with Israel under the auspices of the United States in May, and the resumption of direct negotiations with Israel in September. The talks were suspended after Israel refused to extend a freeze on Jewish settlement construction.
In May 2011, US President Barack Obama, in his Middle East policy speech, proposed that the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines through mutually agreed land swaps. The Pakistani side welcomes this. However, the United States firmly opposes Pakistan's recourse to the United Nations for the issue of independent statehood. In March 2012, Obama called Abbas to reaffirm his commitment to moving the Middle East peace process forward. In November, the 67th session of the UN General Assembly voted on a draft resolution granting Palestine observer state status in the UN, and the United States voted against it.
In March 2013, at the beginning of his second term, Obama visited Palestine, Israel and other regional countries, reaffirming the "two-state solution" as the basis for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. Us Secretary of State John Kerry has visited regional countries many times to promote the resumption of peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel, and put forward ideas such as strengthening the Palestinian economy, improving the lives of the Palestinian people, and setting up a US $4 billion aid fund. At the end of July 2013, with the strong promotion of the international community, especially the United States, Palestine and Israel resumed peace talks. Peace talks stalled in April 2014. At the end of 2015, when the sporadic conflict between Palestine and Israel continued to escalate, US Secretary of State John Kerry visited Palestine and Israel to mediate. [1]
Relations with EU countries
The PLO attaches importance to the development of relations with EU countries and has representatives in more than 10 EU countries. After the Gulf crisis, European Union countries accused the PLO of supporting Iraq in the Gulf crisis. On 6 February 1991, the 12 EEC Foreign ministers announced a freeze on contacts with the PLO and Arafat. After the end of the Gulf War, relations between the EU countries and the PLO gradually recovered. After Palestine and Israel signed the Palestinian autonomy agreement, EU countries began to set up representative offices in the Palestinian Autonomous region or communicate with the Palestinian autonomous government through the Consulate General in Jerusalem, and provided a lot of assistance to the Palestinian National Authority.
In 2006, after Hamas won the election and formed a government, the European Union demanded that Hamas accept "three conditions." In June 2007, after Abbas dissolved the unity government, the European Union expressed support for Abbas. Since 2010, Abbas has visited Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Greece and other countries many times to seek EU support for the independent statehood of Palestine. Since 2011, Britain, France, Spain, Italy and other countries have announced that the level of Pakistan's representative office in the country has been upgraded to a diplomatic mission. But the EU is divided over Pakistan's membership in international organizations such as the United Nations. In July 2013, the European Union issued new restrictions on Israeli settlements, that is, since 2014, institutions located in settlements can not receive EU grants, gifts, financial instruments and other funding. In October 2014, Sweden recognized Palestinian statehood and upgraded the Palestinian representative office in Sweden to an embassy. The parliaments of France, Britain, Belgium, Italy and other countries voted to support the government's recognition of the status of Pakistan. In June 2015, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius visited Palestine and Israel. In July, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi visited Palestine and Israel. In June 2016, France organized a meeting of foreign Ministers in support of the Middle East Peace Initiative. [1]
On March 9, 2024, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez of the PSOE announced at a conference in Bilbao that Spain would officially recognize the State of Palestine "during the term of this parliament." [40]
On May 22, 2024, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez and Irish Prime Minister Harris announced their recognition of the State of Palestine. [59]
Relations with Russia
The PLO and Former Soviet Union Close relationship. Arafat visited the Soviet Union several times.
In 2007, after Abbas dissolved the unity government, Russia expressed support for Abbas's legitimate status and called on the Palestinian parties to resolve their differences through dialogue. In April 2008, December 2008 and January 2010, Abbas visited Russia. Russia proposes to hold an international conference on the Middle East issue in Moscow in order to comprehensively promote the Middle East peace process.
He was president of Russia in February 2011 Medvedev During his visit to Palestine, he publicly expressed support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. After the reconciliation of the Palestinian parties in May, Russia invited the Palestinian parties to hold consultations in Moscow on the implementation of the reconciliation agreement. President of Russia, June 2012 Putin Visit Palestine. In November, the 67th session of the UN General Assembly voted on the draft resolution granting Palestine observer state status in the UN, and Russia voted for it. In March 2013, Abbas visited Russia. In April 2015, Abbas visited Russia for a meeting Putin The President, Medvedev The Prime Minister and other Russian leaders. [1]
Relations with the Vatican
In 2015, the Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine. [60]
Relations with Jamaica
On April 22, 2024, the Jamaican Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement officially recognizing the State of Palestine. Foreign Minister Johnson-Smith said Jamaica continues to support the two-state solution as the only viable option to resolve the long-running conflict, guarantee Israel's security, and preserve the dignity and rights of Palestinians. [49]
Relations with Trinidad and Tobago
On May 2, 2024, Trinidad and Tobago decided at a cabinet meeting to officially recognize the State of Palestine. [50]
Relations with the Bahamas
On May 7, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas issued a statement officially recognizing the State of Palestine. [51]
Relations with Norway
On 22 May 2024, Norway announced its recognition of the State of Palestine. [57]
Relations with Ireland
On 22 May 2024, Ireland announced its recognition of the State of Palestine. [61]
On May 28, 2024, the Irish Government issued a statement announcing that Ireland's recognition of the State of Palestine had come into effect, subject to the approval of the Cabinet meeting. [65]
Relations with Ukraine
According to the Russian satellite news agency, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore that Ukraine recognizes Palestine as a state. [66-67]
Relations with Slovenia
On June 4, 2024, the Slovenian National Assembly recognized the State of Palestine. [69]
Relations with Barbados
On April 19, 2024, Barbados Announced its decision to officially recognize Palestine as a state. [48]
On June 12, 2024, according to the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA), Palestine and Barbados signed a joint communique establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries. [71] The two sides also signed a memorandum addressed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, formally informing him of the signing of the joint communique and requesting that it be distributed to other diplomatic missions. [72]


The ancient ruins of Jericho
Jericho City is located in the West Bank, east of Jerusalem, 1993 Palestinian autonomy, is the capital of Jericho province. Jericho is one of the oldest cities in the world, having been settled here more than 9,000 years ago. Jericho is known as the "lowest city in the world" and is located 300 meters below sea level.
The birthplace of Jesus
Bethlehem Church of the Nativity
Jesus Birthplace: Bethlehem Church of the Nativity and Pilgrimage Route was the most recent addition on June 29, 2012 World cultural heritage Due to the damage caused by water seepage to the heritage, this heritage is also listed in the" List of World Heritage in Danger ".
Akisa Mosque
Akisa Mosque
masjid It was built in 709 AD in the time of King Walid until the end of the 13th century Mamluk The period was renamed Akisa Mosque . The marble columns were donated by Mussolini and the ceiling was given by King Farouk of Egypt. The mosque has also been the site of two major events, one of which was the King of Jordan on July 20, 1951 Abdullah Assassinated in the doorway, the current king Husson miraculously escaped with his chest protector and medal, the bullet marks still visible on the column. Another incident occurred in 1969, when crazed Australians set fire to the temple, the damage of which is still being repaired.
Wailing wall
Wailing wall
towards Jew For your part, Jerusalem The holiest place in the Old City is the one dedicated to Solomon over 3,000 years ago. decalogue " Ark of testimony the temple The temple has been successively Babylon and Roman Destroyed. All that's left is the exterior walls. The lowest cornerstone on the west side of the wall is Herod The rocks on the mountain were added by Byzantium and Islam. The Western Wall was originally Occidental, meaning the wall of Europe. At the beginning of the European era, Jerusalem was considered the end of Europe, and this wall was the dividing line between Europe and Asia.