
A state of northeast Germany
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synonymBrandenburg(Brandenburg) generally refers to the state of Brandenburg
Brandenburg (German: Brandenburg, Sorbish : Bramborsk, Low German : Brannenborg), yes Germany A state of northeast Germany, part of the former East Germany. The state capital and most populous city is Potsdam Other important cities are Cottbus , Brandenburg an der Haver and Frankfurt an der Oder .
Chinese name
Foreign name
Subordinate region
Area product
29,479 km2
Government premises
Potsdam [5]


State emblem
The state of Brandenburg is surrounded Germany capital Berlin Together they make up Berlin-Brandenburg, which has a population of about six million Metropolitan area . More than a third of Brandenburg is covered by nature reserves, forests, lakes and other waters.
The founding year of Mark Brandenburg is believed to be 1157. In the year of the Ascani family Albrecht the First Retaking Brandenburg and bringing it into the fold Holy Roman Empire The map of... From 1415 to 1918, this area was The Hohenzollern family Rule. From 1701 to 1946, the Brandenburg region became Kingdom of Prussia It was part of the Province of Brandenburg from 1815 to 1947, after which the state of Brandenburg was first established, and was divided into different regions in East Germany. The year 1990 Reunification of Germany and Germany , as Federal Republic of Germany It was part of the present-day state of Brandenburg.


The state of Brandenburg is located in the northeast of Germany. It's in the south and Saxony Border, west is Saxony-Anhalt , northwest and Lower Saxony Adjacent, north and Mecklenburg-former Pommery Oblast Adjacent, east of it Poland . Brandenburg has a total area of 29,654 Square kilometer It is the fifth largest state in Germany; With a length of 291 km from north to south and a width of 244 km from east to west, it is also the largest state in the former East Germany to join the Federal Republic of Germany. From Brandenburg Core area It is also known by its historical name Mark Brandenburg (German: Mark Brandenburg).
Berlin Canton and Brandenburg form the Berlin/Brandenburg metropolitan area in terms of economic geography. In the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Area, there are about 6 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area. The densely populated area of Berlin has about 4.4 million inhabitants, and its core area, known as the "Speckgurtel" (suburb), includes all of Berlin and part of Brandenburg. The infrastructure setup in Brandenburg is very typical and fits the characteristics of this metropolitan area, for example expressway and Main railway line It is distributed in an island pattern, radiating around the federal capital of Berlin.
Except for a few big cities, like in the west Brandenburg an der Haver , Frankfurt an der Oder Second only to Potsdam the Cottbus Outside of Brandenburg Population density It's relatively small. The southern part of the state forms the lower Lauziz (German: Niederlausitz), and a small part of the Upper Lauziz (German: Oberlausitz) and Elbe Elst regions. In the west of Brandenburg lies Havelland, in the south of Berlin lies Teltor, and in the northeast lies Teltor Barnim County . On the northern border of the state is Upper Havre County (Ober havel (Until 1950, it was part of Mecklenburg under the name Furstenberg-Werder (German: Furstenberger Werder), and the northwest border was Plychnitz County (Prignitz), the northeast border is Ukmak County (Uckermark), the eastern border is Oderbruch (Oderbruch), the southwestern border is Fleming (Flaming).
Geology and land
Brandenburg is in the lowlands of northern Germany, in Ice age Pushed and eroded over and over again Scandinavia mainland Ice sheet Fennoskandischer Eisschild (German: Fennoskandischer Eisschild) for the state of Brandenburg Surface morphology Had a decisive effect. So there's an almost unique Ice age And post-ice Age sediments. The farthest carried are Glacial deposit marl (Geschiebemergel) and (Schmelzwassersande). The surface structure is typical of a glacial system (glazialen Serie).
Because Brandenburg is extremely rich in ice age sediment species, from which Land type Bodengesellschaft is also varied. The soil in this area Productive capacity From a desperate lack nutrient And barren to extremely fertile. However, in areas where poor sandy soils predominate, especially in central and southern Brandenburg, there are also distinctive marks and features.
The state of Brandenburg, especially its southern part, is considered to be the "state of Germany". Raw material warehouse ". Along the Lausitzer Border mountain range (German: Lausitzer Grenzwall) exists a large brown soot Layer. Deep layers were found in the southeast around Sprenberg Copper mine . There are pockets of oil in the state.
The state of Brandenburg is considered to be the densest in German waters Federal state . The state has more than 3,000 naturally occurring lakes, in addition to countless man-made ponds, Artificial lake And similar waters. In addition, there are more than 33,000 km of rivers, the largest part of which are man-made aqueducts and other channels. The other is due to Brandenburg precipitation Less, groundwater regeneration is slow. The water is in the water Residence time So it's very long.
The administrative divisions of Brandenburg are shown in the following table: [4]
Administrative divisions of Brandenburg
Constituency name
Area (km) 2 )
The capital
Brandenburg Brandenburg
Potsdam Potsdam
The city of Brandenburg an der Haver Brandenburg an der Havel
Cottbus City Cottbus
Frankfurt an der Oder Frankfurt (Oder)
Barnim County Barnim
Dame-spritwald County Dahme-Spreewald
Lübben (Spreewald)
Elbe - Elster County Elbe-Elster
Herzberg (Elster)
Haveland County Havelland
Melkisch-oldland County Markisch - Oderland
Potsdam-mittelmark County Potsdam-Mittelmark
Bad Belzig
Plychnitz County Prignitz
Spry-neisser County The Spree - decide Nei e
Forst (Lausitz)
Teltto-fleming County Teltow - Flaming
Ukmak County Uckermark

Development history

In 1952, Local administration Institutional reform The state system was abolished and established Cottbus County, Frankfort County, Potsdam County. In 1990, Reunification of Germany and Germany The state of Brandenburg was restored. Brandenburg is one of the five new German states. In 1995, the Brandenburg state government and Berlin An agreement to merge the municipalities into "Berlin-Brandenburg" was rejected by a referendum in 1996.


Placek 2007
in Bundesrat Brandenburg received four votes out of 69.
Once part of East Germany, Brandenburg is one of Germany's most left-wing political regions, with the most influential political parties German Social Democratic Party (SPD), Die Linke (the left) and Christian Democratic Union (CDU). The current governor is Matthias Placek (SPD).


In the beginning Potsdam It belongs to Brandenburg Education province . The year 1541 Elector of Brandenburg When Joachim II introduced the Reformation, Potsdam was renamed Protestantism Lutherans are the majority, and a few belong to Reformed religions.
In 1817 the two sects merged, King of Prussia Frederick William III Be its leader. The Brandenburg began in 1918 Protestantism Church become German Protestant church From 1947 it was part of the East German Protestant Church and from 2004 it was part of the East German Protestant Church Evangelical churches in Germany Part of the Evangelical Church in Geryman. There are several churches in Potsdam in addition to those belonging to evangelical churches Independent church .
After Potsdam became a barracks city, there were also Catholic soldiers in the city, and from 1722 there were Catholic organizations in the city. Since 1821 Potsdam's Catholic Administered by Catholic institutions in Berlin. World War II Potsdam was then administered by the Bishop of Berlin, who was elevated to the rank of Archbishop in 1994, and Potsdam was part of this archbishopric province.
Today, 17.1% of Brandenburg's population belongs to the German Protestant Church; 3.1% of the population are Catholic and 79.8% are non-Catholic Religious belief Compared to Berlin and other parts of Germany, the Muslim population here is very small.
There are two more in Potsdam Judaism One belongs to the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, which has 350 members, and the other is an independent organization. Potsdam is also home to the Abraham-Geiger-Kolleg Institute of Progressive Judaism, the only one of its kind in Germany Ravvy The College.

Tourist attraction

Sans souci St. Grubbs Monastery, Beske Castle, Sprenberg Palace, Oladin Castle
Brandenburg and the metropolis Berlin Together they form the capital region of Germany. Uniquely dense Scientific research institution Network, extremely modern transport and communication infrastructure, as well as adjacent Eastern Europe marketable Geographical position Making Brandenburg attractive to investors from all over the world.
In addition to traditional industries such as automotive manufacturing, energy and chemicals, biotechnology, media, telecommunications and aerospace are also becoming increasingly important. The ideal combination of economy, culture and nature gives Brandenburg the best for investors Investment environment . [1]
Since 1990, there have been about 280 Foreign enterprise Have settled here, many of them from innovative Future technology Areas such as aerospace . The state is located in a unified central European location with outstanding Market strategy Meaning, here gathered many professional medium-sized parts suppliers. Brandenburg is one of the most dynamic regions in Europe with many attractive profits for businesses. in Eu enlargement In the process, the role of Brandenburg and Berlin as Bridges to Eastern Europe will be strengthened. Cooperation with neighboring Poland is already offering many business opportunities. [2]
In this area is 30,000 Square kilometer The largest of the new federal states, visitors can see extremely beautiful natural scenery. It provides a quiet retreat. Grasslands, pine forests, hills, lakes, and lake-filled plains all show off their best.


Brandenburg is Germany COVID-19 Highest incidence Federal state One of them.
On December 13, 2021, the governor of the German state of Brandenburg, Joachim Wodek, declared an "epidemic" in the state State of emergency That means the state will adopt further rigor Epidemic prevention measures In response to the current coronavirus outbreak. [3]