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The third partition of Poland

Historical events that took place in Poland in 1795
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In 1794, after the national liberation uprising of the Polish Noble Republic was suppressed by the army of Suvogev sent by Russia, Catherine the Second Decided to divide it up again Poland . In 1795 Poland was partitioned for the third time by Russia, Austria, and Prussia. Russia has annexed Republic of Lithuania , Courland West Belarus and West Warren, pushing the border to Neman - Bug One line; The Austrian occupation included Krakow , Lublin governorate All of Poland and part of the Mazosher region; Prussia captured Warsaw, the rest of the western territories, and part of Mazosher. At this point, Poland was partitioned, the Polish Aristocratic Republic no longer existed as an independent state, and Poland was destroyed. Later, according to Congress of Vienna The decision of (1814-1815) stood Kingdom of Poland , as Russian Empire Part of it. The lands divided between Prussia and Austria in the third partition of the Polish aristocratic Republic were incorporated into the Kingdom of Poland. [1 ]
Chinese name
The third partition of Poland
Occurrence time
The year 1795