Irena Joliot - Curie

French scientist, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Curie
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Irene Joliot-Curie (September 12, 1897 - March 17, 1956), born Irene Curie, France Paris Man, The Curies My daughter.
One species was discovered in 1932 penetrability Strong radiation, later determined to be neutron (Neutron is British Chadwick Found); In 1934, artificial labor was discovered Radioactive material , and match fission Phenomena are studied. Awarded in 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry He also led the establishment of France's first in 1948 Nuclear reactor .
Chinese name
Irena Joliot - Curie
Foreign name
Irène Joliot-Curie
Date of birth
September 12, 1897
Date of death
March 17, 1956
Scientist, chemist
Major achievement
Artificial radioactive material was found
a Nobel Prize in Chemistry
He built France's first nuclear reactor
Place of Birth

Personal biography



Irena Jolio Curie (1897-1956) (Foreign women usually follow after marriage Husband's surname And the couple took husband and wife in honor of the great surname Curie Compound surname The Way of Unity) was born on September 12, 1897 Paris , Father Pierre Curie , Mother Marie Curie Famous scientists, yes The Curies Her eldest daughter, born Irene Curie. Although Irena started school at the age of 12, she was disciplined by her mother from an early age Science education . Marie Curie set up a cooperative group with her colleagues and friends to take responsibility for their own children Natural science The responsibility of education. Where Marie Curie taught physics, Pauli , Langevin Teach math, J. Eupatorium eupatorium Teach chemistry. In 1909, Irena entered the secondary School of Severine, World War I Got a bachelor's degree before the outbreak, then got in University of Paris Learn. After the outbreak of World War I, Irena served as a nurse in the army. At first she assisted her mother in her work, and a few months before the liberation of Paris, Irena and her children were arranged for her safety Switzerland . To one's husband Jorio Curie The collaboration discovered one in 1932 penetrability Strong radiation, later determined to be neutron ; Discovered in 1934 Artificial radioactive material , and match fission Phenomena are studied. 1935 Husband and wife Nobel Prize in Chemistry .

Hold a post

In 1946, Irena became director of the Radium Institute, and from 1946 to 1950 she was also a director of the French Atomic Energy Commission. 1947 quilt Soviet Academy of Sciences Elected a corresponding academician. The couple also led the establishment of France's first in 1948 Nuclear reactor . Due to lack of protection, long-term X-ray and Gamma rays Iraina's health was seriously damaged by radiation exposure, making her ill Acute leukemia He died in Paris on 17 March 1956. [1]

Scientific achievement

The main achievement of the Joliot-Curies was the discovery Artificial radioactivity . In 1934, they used polonium Alpha ray bombard Aluminum foil Found when Alpha source When removed, the aluminum foil has radioactivity ; Its strength also decreases exponentially with time. This radioactivity is caused by Alpha particle Hit one on aluminum-27 neutron Phosphorus-30 is formed, and phosphorus-30 is unstable and radiates positron And formed. In fact, they've discovered a new one Radioactive material Phosphorus-30:
This is the artificial radioactivity that Curie discovered. They also found a number of other causes caused by alpha particles Nuclear reaction Generated labor radioisotope . As a result of this discovery, they were obtained in 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry . Later, F. Joliot Curie due to radiation isotope The application of research in medicine while elected for France Academy of Medical Sciences Academician.
The Jorio-Curies are in Positron annihilation , photon conversion into Electron pair , from Radium D Polonium was extracted from 210Pb and bombarded with alpha particles Light element He also contributed to the research of nuclear reactions, the discovery of artificial radioactivity, and the production of radioactive products after neutron bombardment of uranium.
Couples synthesize new ones radionuclide They shared the 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.


The care of the elders
When Irena was born, they were living in a rented house outside Paris. In the winter in Paris, fresh fruit is hard to come by, and the mother wants to buy little Irene's favorite food Apple and Banana Always on the streets, looking everywhere. Madame Curie She often held children's parties in her own home to overcome her shy and lonely personality. Irena loved to go for walks with her mother, to be in the arms of nature, to breathe in the fresh air of the field. Pierre's father, Dr. Curie, was little Irene's closest friend and mentor. The kind old man with blue eyes is very fond of little Irene, who resembles his own son. He explained to her botany and zoology He planted all kinds of plants with her in the courtyard, read articles to her, and told her about his thoughts on French writers Hugo A sincere desire. "Her insistent pursuit of truth, her opposition clericalism And pair Party politics I get my sympathy directly from my grandfather." Her sister Eve wrote in 1937. Irena was born with caresses, and she grew with caresses. From the time she was sensible, she was brought into the scientific garden, inspired by science, and attracted by the scientific research that her parents were committed to. In 1906, when she was nine years old, Irena lost her beloved father. She was considerate enough to comfort her mother. She often followed her mother to the lab and stayed by her side. It was here that Irena became interested in chemical experiments and theories. Madame Curie loved Irene, but she did not spoil her. Under the strict education of her mother, Irene gradually became a bold and fearless girl. She and her Cousins often used their holidays to travel and study in less frequented places Equestrian skill . At night they stayed in the huts of the mountain people. She was bold, but she didn't take risks. She is imaginative and does not dwell on sad memories. Although she was born in Paris, she loves her mother's country very much Poland Always thinking of winning glory for his mother's motherland.
Special "primary school"
1925 with his mother
in Child education On this issue, Madame Curie has her own unique views. She opposed the traditional practices of her predecessors and advocated the cultivation of students' independent understanding and ability to analyze problems. When Irene reached school age, Madame Curie and her friends had a discussion about the children's education. She thinks that children are too tired in school, their age is the period of physical growth, long knowledge, to shut them in the air all day long in the classroom, expend too much energy is barbaric, children should be allowed to increase the outdoor free activity time. Her teaching principle for children is: to be less and better, do not know half. Madame Curie's idea was appreciated and supported by her friends. In the end, they worked out a novel educational partnership. Madame Curie and her friends (all Sorbonne University He created a children's workshop, where the children were organized and taught in turn by these talented scholars, each of whom taught a subject in which he excelled. At the time, there were about a dozen children, including Irene. This kind of Educational method It keeps the children excited and interested. In this class, children learn languages, literature, history, natural science, sculpture and painting.
It was Madame Curie's that most excited the children Physics class . On Thursday afternoons, Madame Curie taught basic physics to the children in her laboratory. She replaced tedious textbooks with vivid experiments, turning abstract and boring concepts in books into vivid and interesting language. Madame Curie not only guided them to explore the magical world of science, but also passed on her persistent pursuit of science and rigorous academic style to the children. Iraina accepted it from a young age, so to speak Science education .
Irena does something every day in addition to her lessons Manual labor . She learned to mend clothes, to work in the garden, to cook, to play on the swings, and to make music. Her education, which lasted two years, laid the foundation for her to dabble in further science. Later, Madame Curie and the parents of the other children were too busy at work; The children will attend middle school in the future General examination Official courses must also be taken. Irena was just sent to a place called Severinier Private school Go to school and be accepted at this wonderful school Secondary education .
Frederick Jorio
Jolio's family did not have a learning atmosphere, but he loved reading from a young age, especially studying Natural science . Jolio did small experiments in the bathroom without telling the adults, often making trouble, not breaking the porcelain basin of the face wash, or smashing the tiles on the floor. So in the eyes of adults, Jolio is a very naughty and naughty child. In fact, they had no idea of Jolio's scientific ideal. He has a great reverence for France Great scientist Pasteur (1822-1895) and the Curies, not only read their biographies, but also imitate their scientific lives. On the wall of his bathroom he put up a large photograph of the Curies at work in the laboratory. In 1915, Joliot attended high school at the Lacana School in Paris. In 1918, Joliot was admitted to the Paris School of Physics and Chemistry, where the Curies discovered radium, and was first in every subject. Soon, Jorio was called up for military service. After the war, he returned to Paris to work at the Ecole Physicochemistry while working in Langevin Study under the guidance of a professor. Joliot's interests were in physics and chemistry, and he asked Professor Langevin to accept him to work in the laboratory, beginning at Langevin because he was not accepted at an institution of higher learning Formal education And refused. Later, Jorio repeatedly asked, moved Langevin, and finally accepted his request.
The beginning of a career
World War I After the outbreak, Irena's family is also involved in the whirlpool of war, they want to contribute to their adopted country. When the mother is ready to take the second time to get Nobel Prize And what little gold there was, including Gold medal When Irena was consulted as an automatic contribution to France, Irena firmly supported her mother's action. Like all brave French women, Madame Curie closed her laboratory and went into battle. Her handle X-ray machine Installed on the car for easy mobile use. Irena also began to study nursing and became proficient with the X-ray machine. She often drove to various fronts Medical station Perform tasks independently. By the end of the war, French government Irena was presented with a medal.
By this time, Irene, who was twenty-one, was as tall as her mother. She is quiet, firm, and never wavers from the path she has chosen. She was eagerly looking forward to working with her mother in the laboratory. While studying hard at Salburn University, she also volunteered to work as an assistant in her mother's laboratory. She hopes to devote herself to the study of radioactivity after graduation. In 1918, Irena was appointed "commissioned assistant" of the laboratory. Madame Curie was very pleased to see that of all the students in the laboratory, Irene was one of the most talented. For the elderly Madame Curie, Irene was a great comfort to her.
Like-minded partner
At the Radium Institute in Paris, Irena met the young scientist Jorio. He was the brightest and liveliest scholar in the institute. In common Scientific research At work, the two became good friends. Jolio admired Irena, not because she came from a family of scientists with a glorious tradition, but because of her indomitable independence, her decisive and confident work style, her rich knowledge, and her knowledge of poetry Appreciation ability As well as her attractive looks and talent in sports. in radiology In the field, Jolio felt that there were many aspects to learn from Irena. Irena, on the other hand, was fascinated by Jolio's enthusiastic and inspiring talk and by his assiduous and meticulous science enterprise Be impressed.
One morning in 1926, the quiet Irene confided to her mother and sister that she was engaged to Frederic Jorio. On October 4 of that year, Irena and Jorio met Fourth arrondissement of Paris The wedding was held in the town hall. At first, Madame Curie felt a little sad, fearing that she would lose her daughter's company and assistance. Later, in daily work and constant contact, she had a deeper understanding of Frederick, especially when she found that he was full of enthusiasm, dedication to hard work and other excellent qualities, she felt sincerely satisfied with her daughter's choice. Madame Curie had a high opinion of this lively and encouraging young man. She felt more comfortable with her work. She had two assistants instead of one. The two young scientists discussed various problems with Madame Curie in the laboratory anytime and anywhere. Frederic Joliot was also very proud to be a member of Madame Curie's family. After marriage, he joined his family names together and changed his name to Jolio-Curie.
Irene and Frederic carried on the work of radioactivity begun by Madame Curie and Pierre. Like the Curies, they worked side by side in the laboratory.
After having her youngest daughter Helen, Irene, like her mother Madame Curie, had a way of managing the house and taking care of the children. She arranged her housework and scientific work well and never stopped working in the laboratory. As Madame Curie's health continued to decline, Irene and Frederic took the initiative to undertake various research tasks. Soon after, they each passed their doctoral dissertations and received their doctoral degrees.
Found artificial radioactivity
The Joliot-Curies found through their experiments that not all elements are nucleus Can be destroyed by alpha particles. some Atomic weight The nuclei of heavier elements have so much charge that they repel the bombardment of alpha particles that they do not break apart. The discovery was so significant, in fact, that it opened the door to the discovery of neutrons.
In 1930, it was discovered that bombarding beryllium, lithium, and boron nuclei with alpha particles produced a mysterious reaction Penetrating power Very strong rays. However, at that time, people could not explain this phenomenon correctly, and they all thought that this was a kind of Electromagnetic wave . In 1931, the Joliot-Curie couple discovered from their own experiments that this mysterious ray broke Hydrogen atom Nuclear, which has an effect that electromagnetic waves cannot have. So they assumed that it was something new Elementary particle Its mass is similar to that of a proton, but it has no charge, so it has a high degree of penetration. This research result of the Jolio-Curie couple has played a great role in the discovery of the neutron. 1932, scientist Chadwick The experiment of bombarding boron and beryllium with alpha particles confirmed the hypothesis of the existence of this new particle and identified it as a neutron publish Come out. Well, Atomic physics One of the most important achievements was the discovery of the neutron.
The impact of scientific achievement
Since the Joliot-Curie couple made their momentous discovery in 1934, physicists have studied and developed their methods. More and more, bigger and bigger Particle accelerator Since then, scientists have been able to make radioisotopes of almost every element. Of the more than two thousand known radioisotopes, most are man-made. Radioisotopes have been widely used in industry, agriculture, commerce and agriculture National defense industry It has also had a significant impact on the promotion of research in some disciplines, especially in chemistry, biology and medicine. This has made the peaceful use of atomic (nuclear) energy a reality, greatly benefiting mankind. At the same time, the discovery of man-made radionuclides was also the first Atomic bomb The manufacturing of the company provided important insights. Human history On the first Atomic bomb The manufacturing principle is Fermi Proposed. However, Fermi's procedures for building the atomic bomb followed exactly that of Irena Artificial radioactive element The theory and practice to orchestrate. Irena Jolio-Curie's contribution as a pioneer in the discovery of man-made radioisotopes will forever be remembered Human civilization The annals of history.
Madame Curie was delighted and relieved to see with her own eyes that Irena had achieved such amazing things. She had told her younger daughter, Eve, that she was sure Irene would be obtained by the discovery of man-made radioisotopes Nobel Prize Yes. Unfortunately, she did not live to see this day.
The Joliot-Curies have achieved another welcome result. They are famous for Einstein's" Mass-energy relation The formula brings reliable evidence that certain energetic radiation is composed of specific particles, and Atomic mass The reduction can also release energy accordingly. The result they achieved was immediately spread all over the world and became a sensation.
To fight for world peace
in World War II During the occupation of France by the German invaders, Irene and her husband Frederick remained in France. In that difficult time, they always bravely cooperated with the French underground organization, fought side by side, and contributed their own strength to the fight against the German invaders.
The couple in 1940
Like the Curies, Irena and Frederic were partners who shared the same principles of life and were diligent collaborators in the field of scientific research. In the post-war years, they presided over the establishment of the French Atomic Energy Commission, of which Irena was one of the leading members. As first, second and twice World war They are well aware of the evil that unjust wars bring to mankind. Especially as a brilliant scientist, when warmongers take advantage Nuclear weapon They feel even more responsible when there is a new threat of war against humanity. As Frederick solemnly declared, "It is the vocation of scientists that we should continue to strive for the complete disclosure of the mysteries of nature, the mastery of which will benefit mankind in the future." But at the same time we should resolve to participate Social labor Together with the people, we will ensure that our discoveries are used only for peace." They are actively committed to the cause of world peace in order to ensure Scientific invention To promote the prosperity and happiness of mankind and strive.
The dedication of the Jolio-Curies to the cause of peace for mankind infuriated a small reactionary group. At the time, Frederic was president of the French Academy of Sciences and France Atomic energy The chairman of the Committee offended the French authorities by his courageous and outspoken opposition to the development of nuclear weapons. In 1950, the French authorities dismissed Frederick from all his posts on the pretext that he was suspected of being a Communist. In 1951, Irena was forced to resign from the Atomic Energy Commission. Because of Irena's political views, that same year, American Chemical society And removed her membership. This provocation to the cause of peace has provoked an outcry from the impartial public opinion of the world. These sudden blows affected them to achieve greater academic achievements.