Victor Hugo

The representative writer of romantic literature
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Victor Hugo (February 26, 1802 - May 22, 1885) was a French activist of the early 19th century Romantic literature Of the representative writers, humanitarianism The representative figure of France Remarkable in the history of literature bourgeoisie Democratic writer, known as" France the Shakespeare ". He wrote many books in his life poesy , novel , SCRIPT A variety of prose and literary criticism and political articles, in France and the world has a wide range of influence. [1]
Hugo was born on February 26, 1802 France Besancon There are two brothers. At the age of 13, he entered a boarding school with his brother, both of whom became student leaders. By the age of 16, he was able to compose outstanding poetry, and by the age of 21, he had published a collection of poems and achieved great fame. In 1845, the King Louis Philippe Hugo was given a seat in the House of Lords and has since devoted himself to politics. The year 1848 February Revolution in France It broke out. Louis of France was abdicated. During this period, Hugo went around propagating the revolution, contributing a lot to the people, winning the respect of the new Republic, becoming a count, and being elected a national representative and a member of parliament. Three years later, Napoleon III Declaring himself emperor, he attacked it so much that he was exiled. For the next 20 years, he traveled from place to place, during which time he wrote the novel" Les Miserables ". In 1870 the Republic of France was restored ( French Third Republic Hugo returned to France from exile. Hugo died on 22 May 1885 and was given a state funeral in Paris.
Hugo's creative process spans more than 60 years, including 26 volumes of poetry, 20 volumes of novels, 12 volumes of plays, 21 volumes of philosophy treatise , total 79 volumes. He is best known for his novels Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris "" '93 "And" Les Miserables His short stories include "The Wreck of the Normandy".
Chinese name
Victor Hugo
Foreign name
Victor Hugo
Hugo , France the Shakespeare
Place of Birth
France Besancon
Date of birth
February 26, 1802
Date of death
May 22, 1885
Major achievement
A representative writer of positive romantic literature in the early 19th century
Have faith in
liberalism , humanitarianism

Character experience


Early experience

Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo was born on February 26, 1802 France Besancon (Besancon) a family of military officers, the father of Bruttus Hugo Napoleon One of his generals. [2] From the middle school age, Hugo loved literary creation, developed a strong interest in literature, and began to write poetry. His literary activities began when he wrote for the Literary Conservative magazine. His first novel, Han Israel, won the praise of the novelist Nothier. The relationship with Naughtier prompted Hugo to turn to Romanticism and gradually become the leader of the Romantics. [3]
In 1819, Hugo and poet Vinnie and others founded the "Conservative Literature and Art Biweekly". Due to the influence of his family from a young age, Hugo's initial works were mostly praises of royalism and religion. In 1822, he published his first collection of poems, Odes, which received an annuity from Louis XVIII. Later, he published "New Ode Collection" and "Ode and Long Song" successively, which made a breakthrough in content and form. During this period, he also published two novellas, "The Devil of Iceland" and "Bug Jaerga".
In 1823, with the increasing rise of liberalism, Hugo's political attitude changed, he and the romantic literary youth Musset, Alexandre Dumas and other people formed the "Second literary Society", began to explicitly oppose pseudo-classicism. [4]

A sharp edge is emerging

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
In 1827, Hugo wrote a long preface to his play Cromwell, i.e romanticism Manifesto on literature and Art. In the preface Hugo objected classicism The artistic point of view, put forward the romantic literary proposition: insist not formulaic but concrete representation of the plot. In particular, he preached the principle of the contrast between the grotesque and the sublime. The preface became a denunciation of classicism An official call to arms , Romantic movement The important manifesto and the classic of romantic literary theory occupy an important position in the history of French literary criticism.
In 1830, there was an outbreak in France. July Revolution ", feudal restoration Be turned over. Hugo warmly praised the revolution, praised the revolutionaries, and wrote poems mourning the heroes who died in street battles. July Revolution Later, Hugo also moved further to the left in politics.
In 1831, Hugo's novel" Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris The Hunchback of Notre Dame is Hugo's most romantic novel. Novels by depicting good gypsy Maiden Esmeralda The tragedy of being destroyed and persecuted under the feudal autocracy in the Middle Ages reflects the darkness and reaction of the authoritarian society Church The rampant and brutal judicial system highlighted the anti-feudal theme.


Hugo's letter to the poet Gautier in 1841.
In 1841, Hugo was elected to the Academie francaise.
In 1843, Hugo's mystic play "The Garrison" was booed by the audience and failed.
In 1845, Hugo was created a peerage of France by Louis Philippe A surname And became a member of the House of Lords.
The year 1848 February Revolution After that, Hugo gradually moved towards a republican stance. In the presidential election, Hugo voted for it Napoleon III .
In December 1851, Louis Bonaparte staged a coup d 'etat and declared the monarchy, and Hugo was forced into exile for 19 years. During his exile, Hugo never stopped writing literature and continued to create literary works to fight against Napoleon's dictatorship.
In 1852, Hugo published a book of biting derision Napoleon III He also wrote a political pamphlet, The Little Napoleon, and a History of Crime, which revealed the course of the coup d 'etat.
The year 1853
In 1853, a collection of political satire Penalty set "Came out. " Penalty set Full of revolutionary momentum, it became an inspiration for patriots to fight against Nazis during World War II.
In 1856, Hugo published a collection of poems called Meditation set The poem summarizes Hugo's thoughts and feelings between 1830 and 1855.
On November 25, 1861, Hugo wrote" A letter to Captain Butler concerning the Anglo-French expedition to China This letter has been selected into several versions of Chinese middle school textbooks. [5]

Peak of old age

In 1862, Hugo's novel Les Miserables The book revealed the sharp contradictions and wealth disparity in capitalist society, described the painful fate of the lower class people, and raised three urgent problems in society at that time: poverty makes men out of poverty, hunger makes women degenerate, and darkness makes children weak. He lashed out at the hypocrisy of bourgeois law. The novel was welcomed by people all over the world.
In March 1870, Napoleon III After the collapse, Hugo returned Paris , receive Paris A warm welcome from the people. in Franco-prussian War During this period, Hugo threw himself into the struggle with impassioned patriotism, making speeches to encourage the people to fight, and signed up The National Guard .
1883, late Hugo
In 1871, Hugo was elected a deputy to the National Assembly.
In March 1871, Paris Commune At the time of the uprising, Hugo did not understand the revolution. But when the commune failed and the reactionary government violently suppressed the commune members, Hugo angrily denounced the reactionaries' barbarism, he called for the pardon of all commune members, and announced in the newspaper that he would resign himself Belgium capital Brussels The house was provided as a refuge for exiled commune members.
In 1872, Hugo published a diary of poetry, "The Murder Year", expressing the right Franco-prussian War And at Paris Commune Thoughts and feelings of the period.
In 1874, Hugo's last major work, '93 "Came out. Hugo began his work in 1862, completed it in 1872, and finished it in 1793 French Republic The army's suppression of the counterrevolutionary rebellion in the Wangdai region is a major historical event, which shows the thrilling historical content of the bourgeois revolution and the law of struggle that does not depend on human will. The fierceness and cruelty of the feudal aristocracy in the book, Jacobin The revolutionary atmosphere of the dictatorship and the heroic fighting of the Republican Army are vividly depicted.
In 1876, Hugo was elected to France senator .
A portrait of a deceased person
In 1878, Voltaire On the 100th anniversary of his death, Hugo gave a speech effusive praise Voltaire And was warmly welcomed by the public. In The same year, The International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) was founded. [6] .
In 1883, Hugo completed the Legend of the Century. Hugo began writing the Legend of the Century in 1859 and completed it in 1883. The book consists of three volumes, based on biblical stories, ancient myths and folklore.
On May 22, 1885, Victor Hugo died in Paris. The French people held a state funeral for Hugo, and Hugo's body was buried in a special burial for great men The Pantheon . [1]

Personal life



In April 1819, Hugo and Adele Fouche fell in love. [7] On October 12, 1822, Hugo married Adele in Paris. The couple had two sons and two daughters: on 16 July 1823, Adele gave birth to a son who died. On August 28, 1824, Leopoldina was born, and in 1843 she and her new husband drowned on their honeymoon. On November 2, 1826, Charles Hugo was born. His second son, Francois-Victor, was born on 21 October 1828. Her second daughter, Adele, was born on 28 July 1830. [2]

Fall in love

In 1832, 30-year-old Hugo and 26-year-old actress Juliet Drouet Met and fell in love, Juliette Drouet wrote Hugo a love letter every day until her death at the age of 77, for more than 50 years, and wrote nearly 20,000 letters, nearly 18,000 of which are preserved in the National Library of France. Their love story has become a romantic story of the French people. [3]

Major work

Year of publication
Text name
" Icelandic badass The Devil of Iceland.
Han D'slande
Les Orientales
Poetry anthology
" Honani "
Text for a play
Notre-Dame de Paris
Autumn Leaves
Les Feuilles d'automne
Poetry anthology
Twilight Songbook
Les Chants du crépuscule
Poetry anthology
" Lubras "
Ruy Blas
Les Chatiments
Poetry anthology
Les Contemplations
Poetry anthology
Les Miserables
Les Travailleurs de la mer
" joker "
L’Homme qui Rit
Legend of the Century
La Legende des siecles
Poetry anthology
" '93 "
The Art of Being a Grandfather
L'Art d 'etre grand- pere
Poetry anthology

Publish a book

  • Author name Victor Hugo
    Work time 2019-5
    Notre-dame de Paris is a novel written by French writer Victor Hugo, first published on January 14, 1831. "Notre Dame de Paris" wrote a story in France in the 15th century with bizarre and contrasting techniques: Claude, the archdeacon of Notre Dame de Paris, was preachy and sneaky-hearted, loving first and hating later, persecuting the gisト girl Esmeralda. Quasimodo, the ugly and kind-hearted bell ringer, sacrifices his life to save the girl. The novel exposes the hypocrisy of religion...
  • Author name Victor Hugo
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    Les Miserables is a novel by French writer Victor Hugo, published in 1862, covering the Napoleonic Wars and the decades that followed. The story follows the personal experiences of Jean Valjean, a torturer from Toulon, and incorporates French history, revolution, war, moral philosophy, law, justice, and religious beliefs. It has been adapted for film and television many times.
  • '93
    Author name Victor Hugo
    Work time 2020-1
    "Ninety-three" is the last novel written by French novelist Hugo, first published in February 1874. In the novel, Hugo shaped the three central characters of the Vendai rebel leader Marquis Landnac and his nephew Guo Wen, the commander of the anti-rebel Republican Army, and Guo Wen's tutor, Simulden, the commissioner of the Public Security Committee, and launched a complex plot around them, depicting the deadly struggle between the bourgeoisie and the feudal forces in 1793.
  • Author name Victor Hugo
    "Sea Labour" is the work of the great French romantic writer Victor Hugo. "Sea Labor" is an important novel written by Hugo during his exile on the island, mainly describes the hero Gilliat's deep and pure love for the ship owner Lettieli's niece Delusst, the bravery and talent he showed to save Durande's machine, and the self-sacrifice he made to fulfill the marriage between Delusst and Father Bernazir Cordelet. It shows the hero and the prejudice...
  • Victor Hugo: Selected poems
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Creative features


Theme of the work

Hugo was a prolific writer as well as a prolific poet. His early works basically stood on the side of the bourgeoisie humanitarianism From its standpoint, it sympathizes with the people's sufferings and hopes to solve contradictions through social improvement. There are some realistic factors in the later creation. [7]
Creative theme: Praise the true, the good, the beautiful, lash out at darkness, ugliness, brutality. [8]

Artistic technique

Hugo's creative career can be divided into four periods:
Hugo's early works were first influenced by negative romanticism, and then gradually escaped from it. Hugo completed his qualitative change of thought in 1827, turning to democracy and raising the banner of positive Romanticism.
< Cromwell The Prologue marks Hugo's entry into the second period, in which he formally breaks with negative Romanticism. Around the time of the July Revolution of 1830, Hugo's democratic ideas gradually grew. On the other hand, this kind of thinking is not thorough. In the late 1930s, Hugo's thought and creation began to have a crisis, which did not end until the February Revolution of 1848.
In Hugo's third creative period, realism is more obvious, and it is also the period when the author's criticism reaches its peak.
Victor Hugo statue [1]
In Hugo's last period, creativity was still dominated by patriotism and humanism, on the one hand, they played a certain role in the revolutionary cause, on the other hand, negativity became more obvious. [9]
Poetry: with magnificent colors, full of unrestrained imagination, and excellent musicality, many aspects of the use of words and clever rhyme method, to achieve elegant, exquisite, majestic, simple very state.
In terms of novels: most of them write social novels to describe the various aspects of life, integrating realism and romanticism, with vivid plots, bizarre structures, surging emotions, imposing momentum, shocking people and winning universal praise.
Drama: Breaking Greek tragedy Three unities ", the founding of the tragicomic romantic drama. The use of rich imagination, strong emotions, boundless spirit, beautiful poetry, to create a strong and contradictory dramatic effect.
Paintings: Works include classics inset , Figure painting , Landscape painting . Depict the plot of the work, show the inner thoughts, and to Wash painting Western landscape. During his nineteen years in exile, the sea became the subject of Hugo's paintings. [8]
Les Miserables cover
Hugo's work is lengthy, and in his huge works, some are digressive, repetitive, useless plays, such as" Les Miserables He intended to write six volumes, but ended up writing ten. It is also characteristic of him to take everything into consideration. In language, descriptors are often unexpected, either Hugo combines concrete adjectives with abstract nouns, or vice versa, or adjectives take on new meanings, and the person is the creator of that meaning. Nouns take on a new role that detracts from the role of verbs: abstract nouns are used to describe; In turn, ideas and concepts are expressed through the medium of comparison and concrete imagery. Resulting in new double characters and unheard of connections. This kind of word has become entangled because it forms the basic vocabulary of writers and is used repeatedly. [10]
One characteristic of Hugo's artistic technique is that he describes exaggerated, extraordinary characters and extraordinary plots. His protagonists either do extremely heroic acts, or they do extremely cruel and despicable acts. Their character traits are exaggerated. The plot is also remarkable. Contradictions come one after another, and make full use of coincidence, Run into And other methods, twists and turns, fascinating. Hugo's creation is the practice of his aesthetic insights on contrast. He likes striking contrasts. The environmental description of the work cannot be separated from this principle.
Hugo is good at writing about huge scenes and huge events, for example Battle of Waterloo Let's wait. At the same time, the author likes to stand out and write his own subjective feelings in the work, and he is full of passion to express his love and hate, so as to arouse the resonance of readers.
Positive Romanticism uses extraordinary words, exaggeration, and strong contrast to construct the plot, which is fundamentally different from negative Romanticism. Hugo's works reproduce in extraordinary images and practices the socio-historical essence of typical characters and real phenomena. It essentially reflects the reality and the author's progressive ideals.
Hugo skillfully combined the two approaches of realism and romanticism. In his vast romantic works, there are real typical characters, sometimes using both realistic and romantic methods to create a character.

Character evaluation

Hugo was "one of the very few writers, probably the only one, who is really popular" in France. (Commentary on Sartre, French philosopher and litterateur) [10]
"Of all the great men of literature and art, Hugo is the only one who lives on in the hearts of the French people." (Commentary by Romain Rolland, French writer) [11]
"Hugo is a genius who transcends borders." (French poet Baudelaire Review) [2]
"Hugo was the embodiment of power, and it is enough to measure his value to consider the poets who appeared around him and had to find a way to stand firm beside him." (Commentary by Paul Valery, French poet) [2]
"Hugo's creative technique is so extraordinary that it doesn't hinder his genius." (Commentary by Hule Renard, French writer) [2]
Hugo was one of those rare people who always believed in freedom, as if freedom were the source of all good things. (Commentary by Alain, French writer) [2]


France designated 2002 as the "Year of Hugo" and set up the "Hugo National Memorial Committee", and the French Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will work together to hold commemorative activities throughout the year. [1]