Region of Brittany

First divisions of France
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Brittany ( The Breton language : Breizh , French: Bretagne , Welsh : Llydaw ) is a region of France in northwest France The Brittany Peninsula , English Channel and The Bay of Biscay Between. The capital is... Rennes .
Chinese name
Region of Brittany
Foreign name
Breizh (Breton)
Bretagne (in French)
Llydaw (in Welsh)
Administrative category
First-level administrative region ( region )
Subordinate region
French Republic
Geographical position
Northwest France
Area product
27200 km² [1]
Subordinate area
Four provinces
Government premises
Population number
2,972,700 persons ( 2003)
The Breton language (Breton language West), Gallo language East)

Development history

Geographical position
The Breton people have a complex origin. Some people are primitive Gaul The descendants of the other part is Great Britain southwestern Welsh and Cornish The descendants of... As the English invaded, they moved south, across English Channel He settled in Brittany. And the islands that migrated here from Britain Celts The language of Breton is very similar to that of the local people, and after a long time of integration, it has become modern Breton people. In French, Great Britain "Grande Bretagne" means "Great Brittany," and the word "Brittany" means "great Bretagne." Little Britain This shows the relationship between the people here and the island of Britain.
Until the 15th century, Brittany was a completely independent duchy, under the influence of two great powers, France and England.
In 1499, Duchess of Brittany Anna of Brittany ( The Breton language : Anna Vreizh) married King of France Louis XII After that Brittany was lost Right of autonomy .
In 1532, The Duchy of Brittany Officially part of France.
in French Revolution Previously, Brittany was divided according to the episcopal jurisdiction (French: eveche). In 1790, during the French Revolution, Brittany was divided into five provinces, i.e Department of Morbion (Morbihan), Northern Coast Province (formerly Cotes du nord, renamed Cotes d'Armor in 1990, i.e Amor Sur Mer Province ), Finistere Province (Finistere), Province of Ille-Vilaine Ille et Vilaine and Loire-Inferieure (renamed Loire Atlantique in 1956) Atlantic Province of Loire ). As at the time Administrative system The province is the largest Administrative unit . French government To divide Brittany into provinces, without recognizing the historical and cultural links between these provinces, is to deny the existence of Brittany as a region.
In 1956, the French government created a new administrative unit: a Region, each consisting of several departments. The region of Brittany consists of the departments of Morbion, Amor-Sur-mer, Finistere, and Ille-Vilaine, while the department of the Atlantic Loire is divided into another region. Many Bretons resent this and believe that the province should be returned to Brittany.
To this day, there are still nationalists among Bretons who believe that the region should be granted full political independence. A few radicals chose Violent struggle A typical example is the Armee Revolutionnaire Bretonne (ARB), which French police believe took place on April 19, 2000, at a house in the Brittany region McDonald's The group is likely responsible for the bomb that went off near the restaurant. A woman was killed in the blast.
Brittany is also divided into Arvor (" Coastal region ") and Argoat (" forest region ") because Coastal area There are many differences in culture and lifestyle between the residents of the mainland and those of the mainland.


For nearly 20 years, the cloth district Economic growth rate Both are above the French average, and agriculture and industry have been greatly developed. [1]
(1) Convenient Traffic facilities . There are 1,000 kilometers of distribution free of charge expressway . take High-speed train From Rennes, the regional capital Paris It only takes about two and a half hours; There are nine airports with direct connections London , Brussels International flights to major European cities; There are five Commercial port The annual commodity handling capacity is 8.3 million tons. [1]
(2) Dense small and medium-sized Enterprise network . There are 10,560 small and medium-sized enterprises with 10 or more employees. These enterprises have the ability of skilled technology and innovation, and are highly competitive in the market. [1]
(3) Strong scientific research force. The region has a French research and development (R&D) system: there are 5 high-tech zones, with the National telecommunications Research Center, television and telecommunications joint research Center and other famous research centers; There are 15 new technology transformation centers, respectively engaged in feed, information, electronics, biomedical engineering and other aspects of research and development. The area is occupied by researchers Total population 4.5 percent. Every year, companies invest more than 600 million euros in the research and development of new products. [1]

Pillar industry

The distribution area has developed agriculture and agricultural sideline products Processing industry There are advanced Automobile manufacturing industry And communication Electronics industry Etc. Advantageous industry . [1]
(1) Agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery. The agricultural output and output value of the region account for the first place in France. grainy Planting area It occupies a third of the total area of arable land, especially corn and Oil crop (rape) mainly. The production of livestock products in the region also ranks first in France. 55% of all France Pork 50% poultry , 20% Dairy product , 15% beef Products are made in the area. With 5,000 people engaged in maritime fishing and about 2,000 vessels, it is the largest fishing area in France. 45% of the seafood consumed by the French comes from the region. Agricultural products are also important export products in the region, accounting for 40% of the region's export products. [1]
(2) Automobile manufacturing industry. The automobile manufacturing industry of the district is concentrated in about 22,000 Employed population , Citroen The car company is cloth district Number of employees The largest number of businesses are also the main ones in the area Export enterprise . Driven by it, the cloth area has built a number of automotive equipment production and spare parts manufacturer . [1]
(三) Agricultural and sideline product processing Karma. Agricultural and sideline product processing is the most developed industry in the region, engaged in Livestock and poultry Feeding, slaughtering, Feed processing The famous enterprises are "Du" company, BOURGOIN company, Gyuemar company and so on. Meat processing industry is the dominant industry in the cloth region. [1]
(4) Tourism. Bouillon is one of the most developed tourist regions in France, receiving 10 million tourists every year, of which foreign tourists account for 20%-30%. Bu District has 3000 kilometers of coastline, 310 national scenic spots, 8 historical and artistic cities, 18 characteristic urban areas, 1000 historical buildings. The area's tourism industry is characterized by "green, beaches, cultural facilities", with unique characteristics Tourism project There is: Sea bath Recuperate, Golf ball Sports, etc. [1]
(5) Electronic communications industry. The telecommunications industry took root in the region in the 1960s, when research centers and conglomerates were reorganized. Rennes , Ranion and Brest The three cities are home to 40 percent of the researchers in the electronic communications industry in France. [1]


Education is well developed, with 300,000 adolescents enrolled in 396 public or private junior high schools and 197 public or private senior high schools for general education. Senior high school certificate examination The pass rate ranks first in France. There are famous universities in Cloth district Wren Daiichi The University of Rennes, the University of Western Brittany and the University of Southern Brittany, along with eight others Technical college 25 schools Higher institute . The level of vocational training is high, and according to regulations, enterprises with more than 10 employees must come up with it turnover 2.55% is used for staff training. [1]
Main city: Capital Rennes It is the seat of the parliament of Bu District and the political, economic and cultural center of Bu District. The city of Rennes focuses on the development of industry, scientific research and international trade, with 93% of the employment. Rennes is a leading city in communication, food, Medical and health care Three areas of research in the forefront of France, has a lot of these fields Scientific research institution . The world's first liver transplant and the use of information to diagnose disease were both successful here. The other cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants are: Brest, Lorion, Saint-Brieux and Camper. [1]

Administrative division

The region of Brittany includes the present Amor Sur Mer Province , Province of Ille-Vilaine , Department of Morbion And Finistere Province.

Friendly exchanges

On October 22, 1985, Shandong Province Friendship relations with the French region of Brittany (Bouillon for short) were concluded. [1]
In the past 21 years, the two sides have exchanged high-level visits, and the former leaders of Shandong Province Liang Buting , Li Changan , Li Chunting All of them have visited the cloth area; President Bourget, Druon, Jean-yves Le Drian Both have led government delegations to visit Shandong. [1]
In order to promote the exchanges and cooperation between the two provinces and regions, strengthen the contact and communication, in 1997, Buqu set up an office in Shandong Province, and sent two representatives to Shandong Province. The office for Shandong Province and Bu District in multiple fields especially in Animal husbandry The exchanges between the two sides have played a positive role. Through its coordination and contact, Shandong Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau and the relevant parties reached an agreement, from 2003 to 2004, 12 people will be selected by Shandong Province every year Animal husbandry technician Study in the region for one year. Buqu Gyuemma Feed Company also established a joint venture with Shandong Province Shandong Gyuemma animal nutrition Company, after which the company again in Qingdao Set up a branch factory. [1]
Since the government and education delegation led by Druon, Chairman of Buqu District, visited Shandong in 2001, the exchanges between Shandong Province and Buqu District in education have become increasingly frequent. Shandong University , Ocean University of China , Qingdao University Shandong Foreign Language School and Provincial experimental high school All of them have established friendly and cooperative relations with relevant French universities. [1]
From October 2003 to July 2004, Shandong Province held "Shandong Year" activities in Brittany region, including the holding of Shandong style photo exhibition, kite show, Shandong Folk handicraft Through these activities, the influence of Shandong Province in the region has been further expanded, and the mutual understanding and cooperation between the two provinces and regions have been promoted. [1]
The year 2005 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of friendly relations between Shandong Province and Brittany Region. At the invitation of Governor Han Qunqun, Jean-Yves Le Drian, President of Brittany Region, led a government and culture and sports delegation to Shandong Province and held a series of activities entitled "Brittany Week in Shandong". Activities included in Jinan (in Shandong Province) , Qingdao, Yantai Other cities held the "Shandong - Brittany catamaran" competition, Brittany orchestra the bagpipe Concerts, French Brittany exhibition, etc. When meeting with Chairman Le Drian, Governor Han Qingqun proposed that four measures will be taken to promote the comprehensive cooperation between Shandong and Brittany: First, the high-level leaders of the two sides will strengthen visits and exchanges; Second, strengthen cooperation in agriculture and animal husbandry. Third, promote exchanges and cooperation in culture, sports, science and technology, education, tourism and other fields; Fourth, further strengthen economic and trade cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. [1]