Louis XII

Eighth king of the Valois dynasty of France
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Louis XII (French: Louis XII; 27 June 1462-1 January 1515) France The Valois Dynasty The eighth king (reigned 1498-1515) was known as the "Father of the people". He belongs to the dynasty Orleans A branch. The title before the throne was Duke of Orleans call Louis II From 1465).
Louis XII tried to be a good king for his people. He made many efforts to do so, such as reforming the judicial system and reducing taxes. These actions earned him the nickname "Father of the People". however Machiavelli In his book The Prince Louis XII as a model of a failed monarch.
Chinese name
Louis XII
Foreign name
Louis XII
Father of the people
Date of birth
June 27, 1462
Date of death
January 1, 1515
Place of Birth
Have faith in
Charles VIII
Francois the First

Family background

Louis XII was the Duke of Orleans Charles I And the son of Mary of Clevis, born Blois . His grandfather is King of France Charles VI Younger brother Louis I He was also one of the greatest court poets in France. After his father's death in 1465, Louis succeeded to the title of Duke of Orleans.


Queen Anne
In 1476, Duke of Orleans Louis with his niece France the Jeanna Betrothed. The latter was Louis' cousin, the King of France Louis XI The daughter of... Jeanne is religious but a cripple. In 1498 when King of France Charles VIII This engagement was annulled after the childless death of Louis to the widow of Charles VIII Brittany the Annie Marry and inherit the throne. Annie She was the sole heir of Francois I, Duke of Brittany, and Louis XII's political marriage to her ensured the marriage of Brittany and France Burgundy Both principalities remained within France. After the death of Anne of Brittany, Louis XII finally married England Sister of King Henry VIII Mary Tudor .

Wars in Italy

Louis XII
Louis XII inherited in full Charles VIII His plan to conquer Italy was even more ambitious than Charles VIII's. Wars in Italy During his reign, it became a European war involving many great powers, and one that gripped France for nearly half a century.
In 1499, he tried to take over Italy Republic of Venice At the invitation, Louis XII led an army into Italy and attacked Venice Lombardy The biggest obstacle to regional development forces Duchy of Milan . He succeeded in conquering Milan But the ruler of Milan Ludovico Sforza It was quickly recaptured. In 1500, Louis XII married Aragon King Ferdinand II The signing of the Treaty (1500 Treaty of Granada ), divide Naples And get Kingdom of the Two Sicilies The Throne; but Ferdinand II In the end it upset his plan. In 1502 Louis XII clashed with Ferdinand II, followed by the French defeat at Galliano in 1503. Battle of Cerignola ). By 1504, all French influence in Naples had been pushed out by Spain. In 1508, France joined League of Cambrai In 1509, the French army led by Louis XII defeated the Venetians at the Battle of Aniadello. In 1511, Pope Julius the Second To keep Italy out of French hands, unite the cities and Spain Put together a "holy alliance" against France. In 1512, the army of Louis XII was in Ravenna Defeated the Allied army in battle ( Battle of Ravenna He was later defeated in 1513 when he attacked Milan again Switzerland Mercenary defeat The Battle of Novara In the same year the French Army was in northern France Normandy Regional town Truen At the hands of the King of England Henry VIII ( Battle of the Spurs ). After that, Louis XII almost completely withdrew from the struggle for Italy.


Tomb of Louis XII and Queen Anne
Louis XII died on January 1, 1515, and was buried The Monastery of Saint Denis . On account of France The succession was strictly governed by the Sari Code, which excluded women, and Louis XII's crown passed to his son-in-law Angouleme Of Francois (i.e Francois the First ).

Sons and daughters
