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Kingdom of Sweden
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Sweden ( Swedish Language : Sverige), is a location Scandinavia Of the country, Nordic One of the five. The capital is... Stockholm . Its western neighbour Norse , northeast and Finland Bordering, southwest bordering The Skagerrak and The Kattegat To the east is Baltic Sea with The Gulf of Bothnia . Swedes and Denmark , Germany , Poland , Russia , Republic of Lithuania , Latvia and Estonia Across the sea, shoreline 2,181 kilometers long, 450,000 square kilometers in total, yes Nordic The largest country by area. The country is divided into 21 provinces and 290 municipalities, with Stockholm as its capital. As of October 2023, Sweden has a total population of 10.56 million.
At the beginning of the 11th century, the United Kingdom of Sweden was formed. [1-2] Since 1397, it is subject to Denmark leading Kalmar Union Member. Independence was regained in 1523. The period from 1611 to 1721 was the height of national power, known as the" Swedish Empire ". [1] 1805, attended Napoleonic Wars In 1809, he was defeated by Russian Empire After being forced to cede Finland. In 1814, the treaty was signed. Treaty of Kiel ", from Denmark Take in hand Norse The United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway was established. [1] Sweden in two World war Both sides remain neutral. In 1995, Sweden joined European Union . [1] Sweden has a long, narrow terrain that slopes from northwest to southeast. To the north is Norland plateau The southern and coastal areas are mostly plain or hill . [1] As of July 2021, Sweden has 21 provinces and 290 municipalities. Governors are appointed by the government, and municipal leaders are elected. Both provinces and municipalities have greater autonomy. Stockholm It's the capital of Sweden. [1] Sweden is a developed country Capitalist country , too Nobel Prize The venue. [1]
2022, Sweden Gross domestic product 596.28 billion Swedish kronor ($558.4 billion), Gross domestic product per capita : SEK 567,000 (~ $53,000), GDP growth rate: 2.6%.
On March 7, 2024, Sweden officially joined NATO as the 32nd member of the alliance. [34]
Chinese name
Sweden [1]
Foreign name
Sweden [1]
Stockholm [1]
Major city
Gothenburg , City of Malmo , Uppsala , Kiruna Etc. [1]
National Day
June 6th [1]
National song
You're Old, You're Free. [14]
Country code
Official language
Swedish Language [1]
Swedish krona
Time zone
Political system
A parliamentary constitutional monarchy
National leader
Carl XVI Gustaf [1] (King) , Ulf Christeson [6] (Prime Minister)
Population number
10.56 million (October 2023)
Population density
24.6 people/km2 [5] (2020)
Major nationality
Swede , Sami [1]
Major religion
Lutheranism [1] (Christianity)
Land area
450000 km² [1]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
About 558.4 billion dollars (2022)
Per capita GDP
About $53,000 (2022)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the right

Historical evolution

Subject article: History of Sweden

Stone Age

Ice age After the retreat of the glaciers, Sweden ushered in Stone Age By this time Sweden had been inhabited by humans who were engaged in living in Scandinavia hunt And food gathering tribes. Northern Swedish Jemtland Province Rock paintings dating from about 9,000 years ago have been found. with Baltic Sea to Mediterranean Trade routes were formed and iron from Southern Europe was introduced Scandinavia . Skins and amber from Northern Europe were sold to Greece and Rome.

Roman Empire period

3rd and 4th century Roman Empire In the late period, it was called "ethnic workshop" Scandinavia The tribes exported large numbers of immigrants to Western and Southern Europe. Goth Allegedly from the Swedish island of Gotland. The people of Sauvignon From the southern coast of Sweden. [2]

Viking age

10th century, Rome Catholicism It spread from Denmark to Sweden, where it was quickly consolidated. [2]
At the beginning of the 11th century, Sweden began to form a state. [1]
In 1157 Sweden annexed Finland. After Swedish independence, the Protestant Lutherans gained dominance. Early legends leave the names and deeds of several early Swedish Kings, such as the House of Erik and the House of Svok, until The Dynasty of Fulcon The establishment of rule. [2]
Next door to Danes and Norse In contrast, the Swedes of the pirate period focused more on trade than conquest and colonization, and focused on the operation of eastern and southeastern Europe, once as far as the Black Sea and Caspian Sea coast. Here the Swedes are with Arab Even farther east, peoples traded furs, metals and other products, reaching Constantinople, Jerusalem and Baghdad. The Swedish Royal Palace Numismatics Exhibition Hall has a collection of ancient West Asian national coins unearthed locally.
The Swedes arrived first Gulf of Finland The North Shore, Neva and Lake Ladoga Around. They established a stronghold here and continued to push south, establishing the Duchy of Novgorod in Novgorod. According to the Kievan monks, a group of Swedes moved into the heart of Eastern Europe and founded Kievan Rus, as they were called The Varangians . The process went like this: the Vikings were driven out for taxing the Slavs heavily, but the Slavic tribes were thrown into chaos. It was proposed that a king from another country should rule over them. So the emissaries came to Sweden, and three brothers became candidates: Rurik, Sinyus, and Truffer. They became the rulers of later Novgorod, Belarus and Izbersk. After the deaths of Sinyus and Truffer, Rurik took over their lands. His successor Oleg conquered Kiev and founded the state of Kievan Rus. [2]

Late Middle Ages

Bronze sculpture of "No Violence" on Sager Street in Stockholm
At the beginning of the Kingdom of Sweden, Sweden was a loose kingdom made up of a number of highly independent provinces. The provinces adopt their own laws. The king was responsible for coordinating the provinces and organizing foreign wars. By the 12th century, the monarchy had become more powerful, and unified taxes and laws were established throughout the country. By this time, Sweden had conquered the southwest coast of Finland and continued to expand to the southeast. [2]
In 1397, against the mighty Hanseatic League in Beihai and Baltic Sea The power of Denmark , Norse The three countries of Sweden are in southeast Sweden Kalmar A meeting was held and a decision was made to establish a Danish royal family Kalmar Union Since then, Sweden and Norway have been subject to the rule of the Danish king, while retaining the status of the kingdom. However, during the Union period, Swedes and Danes clashed repeatedly. [1-2]
1520, King of Denmark Christian the Second Enter the Swedish capital Stockholm Quelled an independence movement. Then, of local noble birth Gustav Vasa Organize a campaign against the Union State in Darana Province. Soon, the resistance to Danish rule controlled most of Sweden. The resistance gained control of the rival Hanseatic states of Denmark Lubeck Aid, into Stockholm. [2]
In 1523, the Danish army failed to suppress the armed rebellion. Sweden gained independence, Gustav Vasa was elected King of Sweden, and was established Vasa dynasty . Norway remained in the Union and became a Danish district, while the southern coast of Sweden remained under Danish control. After taking the throne, Gustav Vasa renounced Lubeck. [1-2]
In 1593, Lutheranism Became the state religion of Sweden. [2]

Beihai Conquest period

16th century Sweden
In the 16th century, after several wars, Sweden was defeated Denmark The Polish army became the military of Northern Europe hegemony . During the Thirty Years' War, Sweden joined Protestantism The camp fought and sent troops deeper Holy Roman Empire The hinterland. [2]
In 1625, Sweden took control Livonia .
In 1632, the King Gustav II Adolf Killed in the Battle of Lutzen.
In 1634, the Swedish army was defeated at the Battle of Nadlingen and withdrew home.
In 1642, Sweden again invaded Germany . In 1648, the allied forces of France and Sweden finally defeated the Holy Roman Empire and signed the "Holy Roman Empire". The Peace of Westphalia The war is over. Sweden gained German territory before Pomerania , Wismar, Felden and Bremen . After the Thirty Years' War, Swedish power in the Baltic Sea reached its peak. [2]
From 1654 to 1719, during the period of Sweden's great power, its territory included present-day Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Baltic coast of Russia, Poland, and Germany.
In 1658, Sweden recovered from Denmark the southern coast of Skane, Brekkinge and other places.
In 1700, Russia, Denmark, and Poland allied to fight Sweden, Great Northern War Here.
1709, King of Sweden Charles XII Of the army in the territory of present-day Ukraine Poltava By the Russian Tsar Peter I Break and flee to Ottoman Empire . Russia began to replace Sweden as the emerging power in Northern Europe and the Baltic region.
In 1718, Sweden gradually declined after defeats against Russia, Denmark, and Poland. [1]
In 1721, Sweden lost its Baltic possessions and its status as a military power. Livonia The region was annexed to Russia. [2]

Napoleonic Wars

In 1805, he fought in the Napoleonic Wars.
In 1809, Sweden was forced to cede Finland to Russia. tsar Alexander I Also Grand Duke of Finland. [1-2]
Sweden joined in 1813 Coalition against France , Join Napoleonic Wars .
On January 14, 1814, Denmark Signed with Sweden Treaty of Kiel Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden. Norway took the opportunity to declare its independence and enact a constitution. Sweden waged war against it, and Norway was forced to agree to submit as a nation to the Swedish king, formed Norwegian-swedish Union . [1]

Modern times

Norway gained independence from the Union in 1905. Sweden in two World war Both sides remained neutral and did not participate in the war.
Sweden joined the European Union in 1995. [1]
On May 16, 2022, The Swedish government has officially decided to North Atlantic Treaty Organization Apply for membership . [11] 10 -
On June 29, 2022, NATO leaders formally invited Finland and Sweden to join the alliance. Turkey reversed its stance and gave the green light to Sweden and Finland to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. [16]
June 30, 2022, Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg Speaking at the end of a NATO summit in Madrid, Sweden and Finland joined North Atlantic Treaty Organization The protocol will be signed on July 5. [18]
On July 4, 2022, Sweden officially confirmed its willingness to join NATO and assume its political, legal and military obligations under the Alliance.
On July 5, 2022, local time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Swedish Foreign Minister Lindh officially signed the Protocol to join NATO at NATO headquarters in Brussels.
On July 5, 2022 local time, according to Swedish television news, 30 ambassadors to NATO have now signed the agreement for Sweden and Finland to join NATO. [21]
On August 9, 2022 local time, US President Joe Biden signed the agreement between Sweden and Sweden Finland Protocol of accession to NATO. [17] [22]
On March 29, 2023, Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said that Hungary has temporarily suspended the process of approving Sweden's application to join NATO. [27]
On March 5, 2024, Hungarian President Johann Shoyuk signed into law the accession of Sweden to NATO. [33]
On March 7, 2024, local time, Swedish Prime Minister Christiansen submitted the document of Sweden's accession to NATO to the United States Secretary of State Blinken, the custodianship of NATO documents, marking Sweden's formal accession to the treaty and becoming the 32nd member state of NATO. [35]
NATO holds Sweden's admission ceremony [35]

Geographical environment


Regional location

Sweden is in Northern Europe Scandinavia It borders Finland to the east and northeast, with a border length of 586 km; West and Norse The border is 1,619 km long; East approach The Gulf of Bothnia and Baltic Sea with Russia Facing each other across the sea, facing the southwest Beihai , and with Denmark and Britain Facing each other across the sea. It covers an area of 450,000 square kilometers. The territorial sea has 12 nautical miles, the coastline is about 2181 km long, and about 15% of the land is in Arctic Circle Inside. [1]


Landforms and landforms of Sweden [1]
Sweden faces east Baltic Sea Southwest facing Beihai The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast, and the north is a plateau. Sweden has a long, narrow terrain that slopes from northwest to southeast. To the north is Norland plateau The highest peak in the country, Kebunechesse, is 2123 meters above sea level, and the south and coastal areas are mostly plain or hill . [1]


Sweden is affected by the warm Atlantic Current near the sea, most of the area is temperate coniferous forest climate, the southernmost is temperate broad-leaved forest climate. Under the influence of the North Atlantic Current, the average temperature in January is -16℃ in the north and -0.7℃ in the south. In July, 14.2℃ in the north and 17.2℃ in the south. [1] [3]


The main rivers of Sweden are Iota , Dar , The Unerman River . There are about 100,000 lakes and few navigable rivers. [1] maximum Lake Vernayne With an area of 5,585 square kilometers, it ranks third in Europe. [3]

Natural resources

Sweden has Iron mine , forest and Hydraulic power Three major resources. As of 2014, Sweden has proven iron ore reserves of 3.65 billion tons and is the largest exporter of iron ore in Europe. Uranium ore The reserves are 250,000 to 300,000 tons. The forest coverage rate is 54%, and 2.64 billion cubic meters of timber are stored. The annual available hydropower resources are 2014 million kilowatts (176 billion KWH), 81% of which have been developed. In addition, there are sulfur, copper, lead, zinc, arsenic and other deposits in the northern and central regions, and the reserves are not large. [1]

Administrative division

Subject: Administrative divisions of Sweden
The country is divided into 21 provinces and 290 municipalities. Governors are appointed by the government, and municipal leaders are elected. Both provinces and municipalities have greater autonomy. [1]
瑞典行政区划 瑞典行政区划
Subdivisions of Sweden
Major cities in Sweden
Stockholm It is the capital of Sweden, with an urban population of 990,000 (end of 2023). [1] Be located in Baltic Sea and Lake Malaren The intersection is therefore known as the "Venice of the North". In 1463, Stockholm was made the capital of Sweden and gradually grew to become the largest city in Sweden. There are Royal Palace of Sweden , the Royal Opera House, the Royal Theatre, the Houses of Parliament and Stockholm City Hall Wait for medieval buildings. [3]
Gothenburg It is the largest port in Northern Europe and the industrial center of Northern Europe. On the west coast The Kattegat Facing the northern tip of Denmark. The port of Gothenburg is ice-free all year round and is a major port for trade between Sweden and Western Europe. Gothenburg has an oceanographic institute and various other cultural facilities. Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg Located here. The royal residence built in the 17th century, the Old City Hall built in 1699, built in the middle of the 18th century Swedish East India Company And places of interest such as the cathedral, built in 1815. [3]
Malmo It is Sweden's third largest city, naval base and traffic hub. The city lies at the southernmost tip of Sweden. every Oresund With the capital of Denmark Copenhagen Look at each other. The two cities are only 26 kilometers apart. [3]
Uppsala It's a city in eastern Sweden. It is located in eastern Sweden, directly north of Stockholm, near the Felice River and Lake Malaren . The railway connects the capital Stockholm to the south, and the seaport Gavle to the north, with convenient shipping by air, and some important meetings are often convened here. [3]
Uppsala University

National symbol


Country name

The word "Sweden" comes from Swedish Language The kingdom of peace. The name comes from the original region of Sweden (now central Sweden). Other name: "Forest Kingdom", "Lake Kingdom", "European sawmill", "Nordic snow country", "Prohibition Kingdom". [3]


Subject article: Flag of Sweden
The flag of Sweden is rectangular and has a length to width ratio of 8:5. The flag is made of blue and yellow. The base color of the flag is blue, and the wide yellow cross divides the flag into four blue rectangles. The area of the upper and lower rectangles on the side of the flagpole is equal, and the area of the upper and lower rectangles on the right is equal. [13]
The Swedish flag was officially adopted on 22 June 1906. In 1157, the King of Sweden Eric IX I prayed to God before my expedition to Finland and saw gold cross The light across the sky. According to this legend, the blue gold cross and blue gold crown became the national symbols of Sweden. It is also said that the golden Cross is from Sweden The Dynasty of Fulcon In the gold cross, and blue background for the design.
Flag of Sweden

National emblem

Subject article: Emblem of Sweden
Emblem of Sweden It comes in two sizes. The Swedish coat of arms (large) has medieval colors. A coat of arms painted with the pattern of the national flag is set in a magnificent and noble tent. The pattern at the back is divided into two groups: one group is blue, and three beautiful crowns rise from the ground. Since 1364, the Kingdom of Sweden has been the symbol of the state, it represents the still preserved monarchy; Another set of patterns is a blue and white striped background, above which stands a golden lion, which symbolizes the ancient The Dynasty of Fulcon .
In the center of the Swedish national emblem is a small national emblem: a gold pot is held on a silver band on a red background; A golden eagle flies in the starry sky; Under the blue sky, a silver-white castle with two towers stands majestically. They represent the Vasa dynasty and its successor, the Bernadau family. On either side of the coat of arms stands a lion with a golden crown, topped by a royal crown of seraphim medal The chain is encircled and decorated with vivid angel images.
Emblem of Sweden

National anthem

Subject article: National anthem of Sweden
You are old, You are Free (Du gamla, Du fria). [14]

National bird

Sweden's national bird, the Blackbird
blackbird As the name suggests, the body feathers black. The song is graceful and beautiful, and can imitate the calls of other birds, including" All kinds of tongue "The good name.

National stone

Sweden's national stone is crystal, Crystal Because of its beautiful crystal and high hardness, the Swedes regard it as a national stone.

Population nationality



The population is not evenly distributed throughout Sweden, with 90% of the country's population concentrated in the southern and central regions, and Malmerhus province has a population density of 151 people per square kilometer Jemtland Province Only three people per square kilometer. One of the main reasons for the uneven distribution of population is population urbanization ; The second is affected by natural geographical conditions, at high altitude and High latitude Area, sparsely populated.
Sweden Southern Europe The proportion of refugees from the Middle East, Asia and Central America is growing, and they have difficulty mixing with the local residents. The increase in immigration has also led to the rise of crime in Sweden. After the 1970s, the Swedish government tightened restrictions on immigration. Since 2008, the number of immigrants has exceeded the number of immigrants from Sweden. Most of the immigrants came from Scandinavian countries, including Finns At most.
10.56 million (October 2023). The vast majority are Swedish, and immigrants are mostly from the Middle East, Southeast Europe, Africa and other regions. The northern Sami are the only ethnic minority, numbering about 20,000. The official language is Swedish and English is spoken. The main religion is Lutheran Christianity.


The Swede who sings and dances
90% of the Swedish population is Swedish. There is... in the north Finnish About 30,000, nearly 20,000 Lapps. In addition, there are Danes , Norse , German , Jew Let's wait.
Swede It is one of the Nordic peoples and belongs to Europaean Nordic type, tall, fair skin, blond hair, blue eyes. The unified Swedish nation was formed in the 9th and 11th centuries, mainly by Sverians and Gols, and continued to absorb later immigrants and parts Lapps and Finns And is composed of.
Sami Also known as the Lapps, belong to Ural Race, for Mongoloid Mixed type with Europa race. Use Rapi. The Sami people are now clustered near the Arctic Circle, and many have settled down as deer farmers.
Finns are one of the Northern European peoples, belonging to the Uralic race, which is a mixed type of Mongol race and Europa race. [3]




Sweden is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. In September 2022, Sweden held a national parliamentary election. In October, the Moderate Party, the Freedom Party and the Christian Democrats formed a minority coalition government, with the Sweden Democrats as the government support party. My administration's priorities include fighting crime, promoting jobs and economic growth, securing energy supplies and joining NATO. [1]


Sweden's constitution consists of four basic laws: the Code of Government (1809, amended 1974), the Law on Succession to the Throne (1810, amended 1979), the Freedom of the Press Act (1949), and the Freedom of Expression Act (1991). There is also an organic Act of Parliament (1866, amended 1974, 2014). Sweden is constitutionally a constitutional monarchy. As the head of state, the king performs only representative or ceremonial duties as a symbol of the state and cannot interfere with the work of parliament and the government. Parliament is the legislative body, elected by universal suffrage. The government is the highest executive branch of the state and is accountable to Parliament. The king's eldest child is the rightful heir to the throne. [1]


Subject article: Riksdag
Riksdag It has a unicameral system with 349 members. Members are elected by universal suffrage for four-year terms. The organic law of Parliament stipulates that parties need 4% of the national vote or 12% of a constituency in a general election to enter parliament. The current parliament, elected in September 2022, consists of the Social Democrats, the Environment Party, the Left Party, the Moderate Party, the Freedom Party, the Centre Party, the CDU and the Sweden Democrats, with 16 standing committees. AndreasNorlen of the Moderate Party became speaker. [1]


In October 2022, the Moderate Party, the Freedom Party and the CDU formed a new coalition government. There are 24 members of the Cabinet. The main cabinet members include Prime Minister UlfKristersson (Moderate Party), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Industry and Commerce Eba Busch (CDU), and Foreign Minister TobiasBillstrom (Moderate Party). [1] [7] [15]


The Swedish courts are divided into three levels: the Supreme Court, six intermediate (appellate) courts, 72 courts of first instance, in addition to 28 administrative courts, and the Royal Supreme Court is composed of 16 lifetime judges appointed by the Government. There are State procuratorates, six intermediate procuratorates, 38 district procuratorates and 11 procuratorates specializing in economic crimes, and the chief procurator of the State is appointed by the government. There is an independent Ombudsman who is accountable to Parliament and supervises government agencies and officials at all levels. [1]

Political party

The main political parties are:
(1) Moderaterna: The ruling party. It was founded in 1904. Originally the Moderate Coalition Party, it changed its current name in 2006. It advocates upholding private ownership and reducing taxes for enterprises, and actively participates in international cooperation. It now has about 50,000 party members. Chairman UlfKristersson.
(2) Liberal Party (Liberalerna) : the ruling party. Founded in 1934. Originally known as the People's Party, it changed its current name in 2015. Advocates free competition and relaxed immigration policies. It now has about 11,000 party members. President Johan Pehrson.
(3) Christian Democratic Party (Kristdemokraterna) : the ruling party. Founded in 1964 as the Christian Social Democratic Party, it changed its current name in 1996. It now has about 25,000 members. Adhere to Christian values and value family. President Eba Bush (female).
(4) Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) : an opposition party (supporting the government). Established in 1988. The party has about 36,000 members. The far-right party is demanding that the government adopt a stricter immigration policy. He was first elected to the National Parliament in 2010. Chairman, JimmieAkesson.
(5) Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokraterna) : Social Democratic Party. Founded in 1889. Sweden's largest political party, long in power, now in opposition. It now has about 80,000 party members. We advocate maintaining and developing the welfare system and actively participating in international cooperation. Chairperson MagdalenaAndersson (female).
(6) Environment Party (Miljopartiet) : Opposition party. Established in 1981. It now has about 15,000 party members. He emphasized environmental protection, advocated the closure of nuclear power plants, and opposed joining the euro. There was a collective leadership, led by MartaStenevi (female) and PerBolund.
(7) Center Party (Centerpartiet) : The opposition party. Founded in 1913, the original name of the Farmers' Association was changed to its current name in 1958. It now has about 23,000 party members. Anti-centralization, emphasis on environmental protection. Chairman MuharremDemirok.
(8) Left Party (Vansterpartiet) : The opposition party. It was founded in 1917. Originally known as the Left Party - Communists, it changed its current name in 1990. It now has about 11,000 party members. He called for shorter working hours, emphasized women's rights and opposed joining the European Union. Chairperson NooshiDadgostar (female). [1] [36]


Carl XVI Gustaf
Carl XVI Gustaf : The King. He was born in Stockholm on 30 April 1946. After graduating from high school in 1966, he received military training in the army, and in 1968 he studied at Uppsala University and Stockholm University. He took the throne on 15 September 1973. Love sports. In June 1976, she married Sylvia Sommelrath of Germany. She has two daughters and a son, the eldest of whom is Crown Princess Victoria. In September 1981 and July 2006, he visited China with the Queen; in 2008, he attended the Beijing Olympic Games; in May 2010, he attended the Shanghai World Expo; in November, he went to China with the scientific and technological delegation of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering; in February 2011, he and the Queen visited Shanghai privately.
Ulf Christeson : Prime Minister. Born in 1963. He joined the Youth League of the Moderate Party in 1985. He was President of the Youth League from 1988 to 1992. Elected to Parliament in 1991, he has served as a member of the Parliamentary Social Security Committee, the Education Committee, the Labor Market Committee, and the Parliamentary Auditor. He became Social Security Minister in 2010. He became chairman of the Moderate Party in 2017. Elected Prime Minister in October 2022. Married with three daughters. [23]




After the 19th century, with capitalism The growth of the economy, coupled with its continued neutrality in world politics, gradually accelerated the development of the Swedish economy. By the middle of the 20th century, it developed rapidly and became an industrially developed capitalist country. Since the 1970s, Sweden has implemented a new industrial adjustment strategy, increased the intensity and investment in scientific research, developed modern high-tech industries, and become a modern welfare society.
From the beginning of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, the position of agriculture in the Swedish national economy continued to decline, and the Swedish agricultural labor force accounted for only about 3% of the national employment population.
In the early 1990s, Sweden suffered a recession due to the worldwide economic crisis. The economy began to recover in 1994, and since then the electronics and information technology industry has developed, and the economy has maintained a growth rate of 2-4%. After 2008, the Swedish economy was affected by the international financial crisis, faced with a decline in economic growth, the impact of the real economy, continued weak market confidence, more business closures, rising unemployment and other adverse situations. Since 2009, the Swedish economy has stabilized and recovered, and the output value of the tertiary industry accounts for more than half of Sweden's GDP. [3]
Highly developed. The "Swedish model" with high income, high tax and high welfare as its main content has played a positive role in ensuring the country's economic development. Key economic indicators for 2023 are as follows:
Gross Domestic Product: SEK 5,9509 billion.
GDP per capita: SEK 564,000.
GDP growth rate: -0.2%.
Unemployment rate: 8.0%. [36]


Subject article: Swedish currency
The Swedish currency is Swedish krona (Svensk kronor).


Agriculture in Sweden
The total cultivated land area of the country is 2.85 million hectares, accounting for about 7% of the total land area. We have more than enough grain, meat, eggs and dairy products, mainly imported vegetables and fruits, and the self-sufficiency rate of agricultural products has reached over 80%. [1]
Sweden is rich in forest resources, forestry is important in the national economy, in addition to the export of wood raw materials, but also established a huge pulp, paper, furniture, forest chemicals and other supporting deep processing industry sectors, its output and export volume are in the forefront of the world. [3]


While retaining the traditional characteristic industries, Sweden has turned to the highly technology-intensive machinery industry and chemical industry, and developed emerging industries such as information, communication, biology, medicine, and environmental protection. Sweden has its own aviation industry, Nuclear industry , automotive manufacturing, advanced military industries, and world-leading telecommunications and pharmaceutical research capabilities. Sweden is also a world leader in software development, microelectronics, telecommunications and photonics. [3]
Sweden mainly has mining, machinery manufacturing, forest and paper industry, power equipment, automobiles, chemicals, telecommunications, food processing and so on. [1]

Finance and finance

Sweden has a healthy fiscal position and a moderate government debt burden, with a public debt-to-GDP ratio of less than 18% in 2022.

Service industry

Sweden's service industry is developed, and practitioners are mainly distributed in the fields of medical care, commerce, transportation and communication, finance, corporate services, education, scientific research, public administration, cultural services and family services. [1]
In 2011, 70.7% of the Swedish population worked in the service sector. In 2011, the service sector accounted for about 71.3% of the GDP, amounting to US $383.665 billion.


Tourism is growing steadily, mainly in the capital Stockholm, the nature reserve in the north, the city of Gothenburg in the west and the province of Skona in the south. [1]
In 2011, Sweden received 7.75 million foreign visitors.
Stonehenge in Skane

foreign trade

The degree of dependence on foreign trade is high, the total amount of foreign trade in goods in 2023 is 4.151 trillion SEK, an increase of 2.45%, of which the import value is about 2.048 trillion SEK, a decrease of 0.28%, and the export value is about 2.103 trillion SEK, an increase of 5.26%. The main export commodities are: machinery and transportation equipment, wood and paper products, chemical and plastic products, industrial machinery, electronic and telecommunication equipment, mineral products, etc. [1] [36]

Outward investment

Foreign exchange controls were officially abolished in 1989. The main investment targets are the United States and European countries, as of 2011, Sweden's foreign investment of $26.2 billion.

Foreign capital

Sweden, with its good infrastructure and abundant high-tech talent, has attracted a lot of foreign investment, mainly from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and its Nordic neighbors. As of 2011, foreign direct investment was $12.2 billion.

Foreign aid

In 2011, Swiss foreign aid amounted to 35.2 billion kroner, or 1% of GDP. The main recipient countries are Ethiopia, Congo, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda , Afghanistan , Sudan , Kenya , Palestine Let's wait.




Swedish Language English is the official language of Sweden. [1] The distance between the north and the south of Sweden is so long that each region has its own dialect, with the Stockholm area being the standard language of Sweden. English is compulsory in Swedish schools, and most Swedes born after the 1940s speak English. English and Swedish are the common business languages. Use in Sweden Finnish The majority of the population lives in Stockholm , Gothenburg Wait for the big city. [3]
Swedish genera Indo-European Belong to The Germanic language family The Scandinavian language. Swedish and Danish and Norwegian language Yes, but the pronunciation and writing are different. English is a second language. English has been a compulsory subject in high school since 1849, and in the late 1940s it became compulsory for all Swedish students. Most Swedes also speak one or more languages, and there are foreign language classes in schools in addition to English, such as Spanish, German, French, and Italian. [3]


  • Dress etiquette
Swedish national dress
The traditional national costume of Sweden is that men wear a short jacket and vest on top and tight trousers on the bottom. Girls generally do not wear hats, and married women wear hats of different styles. In formal ceremonial occasions, men usually wear a suit and tie, plus a long coat; Women usually wear a suit top with a short skirt, or a long dress with a low cut and bare shoulders. [4]
  • Manners and etiquette
Swedes generally maintain a distance of about 1.2 meters when talking with guests, and they are not used to getting too close. They like to look at each other directly while talking, thinking it is a sign of respect. [4]
  • Meeting etiquette
Swedish etiquette
In Sweden, acquaintances will take the initiative to say hello when they meet and greet each other. When meeting with foreign guests, they usually shake hands as a ceremony, and sometimes kiss. Under normal circumstances, people who do not know each other should be introduced for the first time. The principle of its introduction is to introduce men to women and younger people to older people. [4]
Wedding etiquette
Swedish weddings have two forms of religious weddings and non-religious weddings. Religious weddings are usually performed according to evangelical Lutheran rites, while non-religious weddings are performed by a judge or other person who has the authority to officiate the marriage, and there are two witnesses. [4]


Holiday parties in Sweden
January 1 every year, New Year's Day.
Every year on February 6th, Epiphany The Friday before Easter Good Friday .
Every April, Easter.
The night before May 1 every year, is a festival in Sweden to celebrate the departure of winter and spring May Day .
Every year on the night of May Day, people gather in the field and light tall trees bonfire Chorus to the music.
May 1st every year, Labor Day.
At the end of May every year, Ascension Day .
Every year in late May or early June, on the seventh Monday after Easter.
June 6th every year, National Day [1] On June 6, 1809, Sweden adopted its first modern constitution. In 1983, the Parliament officially declared June 6 as Sweden's National Day.
Every year on the Saturday at the end of June, the summer solstice -- Midsummer Day .
Every August, Shrimp Festival.
Saint's Day is celebrated on a Saturday in late October or early November.
Every year on December 13, Swedish tradition Lucia Goddess Day The Swedes say that the goddess Lucia comes to earth at night on December 13 every year, bringing light to people; In the capital, Stockholm; On this day the sun did not rise late until nine o 'clock in the morning and set early by three o 'clock in the afternoon, but from then on the long nights grew shorter and the bright days grew longer every day.
Christmas Day is on December 24 every year (Christmas Day in Sweden is one day earlier than in other Western countries is on the 24th Christmas Day on the 23rd ghhdh evening Christmas Eve).
Every year on December 26, Boxing Day . [3]


Norse polytheism
Before the 11th century, Swedes believed in Norway polytheism , believe in The Asa Protoss Of the deities, Uppsala Temple is the religious center of Sweden. With the Christianization of the country in the 11th century, the country's laws were changed to prohibit the practice of other religions until the late 19th century. 1530s reformation Later, Sweden was no longer Roman Catholic, Lutheranism Instead. In the late 18th century, believers of other denominations, such as Judaism and Catholicism, were allowed to live and work in Sweden. In 1951, freedom of religion became law in Sweden. About 75% of Swedes belong to Lutheran Church of Sweden But that number is decreasing every year, as are regular churchgoers. According to statistics, about 275,000 Swedes belong to the Free Church, and about 92,000 immigrants living in Sweden believe in it Catholicism 100,000 people believe in it Orthodox Church Half a million people are Moslem . Religious education is taught in Swedish schools throughout the year, and there is no shortage of religious content in textbooks. Only 3% of Lutherans attend church, and most attend only for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. On every occasion Easter On Christmas Day, most people go to church to pray. [3]
  • Christianity
Lutheranism It's the state religion of Sweden. The king adheres to the state religion. The law says that a non-conformist cannot be prime minister. The Church is divided into 13 dioceses, 2,365 parishes, and 3,249 priest . In 1993, the membership of the Anglican Church was approximately 88 per cent of the national population. The Church of Sweden has special privileges in the state, and the king is the supreme head of the Church and has the right to appoint a shortlist of three recommended by the synod archbishop And the Bishop. The state collects church taxes, which are used by the Church of Sweden for civil expenses. In 1951, congregants were allowed to withdraw from the national Church.
except Lutheranism Outside the church, Sweden has a considerable number of independent churches, the most important is the Swedish Union of Churches (310 churches, 20,124 members); Methodist Church (3,665 members); The Swedish Missionary Covenant Church (75,000 members). The Swedish Pentecostal Movement is currently the largest Protestant denomination in Sweden. In 1991 there were 95,800 adherents. The influx of foreign immigrants during World War II increased the number of church members in the East End, reaching 100,000 in 1991. [3]
  • Catholicism
Sweden banned the religion between 1604 and 1873 Catholicism . According to the statistics of December 31, 1992, there were 148,440 religious believers in the country, accounting for 1.7 percent of the total population. [3]
  • Judaism
In 1870, Judaism Gaining legitimacy, Stockholm , Gothenburg and Malmo They all have synagogues. There are an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 Jews in Sweden, the vast majority of whom live in Stockholm. [3]
  • Islam
As of 1991, there were about 73,000 Muslims in Sweden. There are also several Buddhist organizations in Sweden. There are 14 Tibetan traditions in Sweden so far. Southern Buddhism "The temple." [3]


Subject article: Swedish films
Swedish cinema has a history of more than 100 years, and foreigners have been filming newsreels in Sweden since 1896. The Swedes started making their own films in 1898. In 1907, a film company was established in Stockholm. In 1917, Sjostrom made the feature film Serge Wigen (also translated as The Day of the Great Wave), based on H. The adaptation of Ibsen's poems began a new phase in the development of Swedish cinema.
After the start of World War II, neutral Sweden was isolated, foreign film imports stopped, and film production in the country increased. Beginning in 1940, there was a revival of Swedish cinema. Although most of the films during this period were entertainment films, modern themes reflecting acute social problems also gained certain development, such as A. He directed "A Crime" (1946), "Train 56" (1944), and Morandell's "The Promise." The 1960s saw the emergence of a new generation in Swedish cinema.
In 1963, the Swedish government reformed the policy of the film industry, creating some relatively good conditions for new directors to begin to create. This period saw the emergence of the so-called New Swedish film School. Many directors in this genre are writers themselves, and they make films based on their own literary scripts. In the contemporary Swedish film industry, the older generation of filmmakers have not stopped making films, such as Bergman shot "Face to Face" (1976), "Autumn Sonata" (1978), "Fanny and Alexander" (1982), and gradually restored the traditional narrative structure. Many young directors active in the 1970s and 1980s were partly trained by the Swedish Film Institute.
Since the 1980s, Sweden has produced 15-20 feature films a year. [3]


Sweden's music is one of the best in Europe. [3]


Subject article: Swedish cuisine
Swedish meatballs
Swedes mainly eat Western food, bread and potatoes are their staple foods, which are especially fond of Brown bread . The average person's breakfast is bread with jam and cream, coffee, black tea; Lunch has bread, meat, vegetables, potatoes and salad Etc.; Dinner is similar to breakfast, with only one soup. Swedes also like to eat Chinese food, such as a variety of cold dishes, peanuts, ham braised cabbage, braised fish, crispy duck, Hot and sour sea cucumber Shredded pork and mustard soup, siu mai, steamed dumplings, rolls, shortbread, etc., to add ham Cantonese cuisine More interested. Swedes are very fond of fresh, tender and scorched dishes, but the taste is heavy, and the saltiness of food and the sweetness of desserts are often higher. Love to eat lean tender meat and fresh vegetables, like to drink thick soup. Its cuisine is basically based on fish, which is also Herring , mackerel Mainly, it also eats chicken, eggs, beef, pork, game and other aquatic products.
Swedes have a unique habit of eating a fixed dish every day. On Thursday, for example, the dish is "Atalu, Mide, Vlaask," which uses beans and pork as its main ingredients. "Sirubra" is served on Mondays, with beef and herring as the main ingredient. They also have a representative way of eating, that is, on a large table on dozens of dishes, according to their own hobbies, the cooking quality of the dishes is only medium, called "pirate table".

Military affairs

Sweden has long pursued a policy of military non-alignment. The formal application for NATO membership was submitted on June 18, 2022, and the formal admission was made in March 2024. In peacetime, we focus on the overall national defense construction, including military defense, civil defense, economic defense and psychological defense. The king is the supreme representative of the armed forces. The commander-in-Chief of the three armed forces is responsible for proposing military strategy, leading the training of the armed forces, and commanding the entire army in combat. The country is divided into four military regions. On 1 July 2017, Sweden introduced compulsory military service. Developed military industry. General Michael Byden, commander in chief of the armed Forces. [1] [36]
On December 5, 2023, the United States and Sweden signed a Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA), which entered into force around the time Sweden joined NATO's Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). [28]




Railways in Sweden
Railways play an important role in domestic transport in Sweden. As of 2019, the total railway length is 15,568 km, of which electrified railway accounts for 2/3. China's railway freight volume was 69.35 million tons, 54% of which was domestic goods. The number of rail transit passengers reached 230 million. The main lines are the Ring line (Stockholm-Gothenburg-Malmo-Stockholm) connecting the major cities in the south and the Luleo-Kiruna - Narvik (Norway) line exporting iron ore in the north. Swedish railways are connected to countries such as Denmark and Norway, and with a Eurorail pass valid in Sweden, you can travel free from Gothenburg and Stockholm to Oslo. [24]

Water transport

Sea transport is the main mode of water transport in Sweden. In 2020, the combined capacity of all Swedish ports will be 170 million tons and 14.02 million passengers. The main seaports are Gothenburg, Stockholm, Luleau, Uxelesund and Malmo. Most ports have advanced storage facilities for dry cargo, agricultural and frozen products. Inland distribution is handled by large shipping contracting companies, and even the most remote parts of the country can be reached quickly. Inland shipping is of secondary importance in Sweden, with a total length of 2,603 km of canals in the country, and nine canals in Sweden and two canals in Norway together form the Swedish and Norwegian Canal Association, which is responsible for improving river, environmental protection and tourism services. [24]


Swedish Airlines
Sweden has a large number of small and medium-sized airlines, many routes, shipping convenience. There are 32 commercial airports (airports that handle more than 15,000 passengers per year) in Sweden. Sweden, Denmark, the United States and Norway jointly own Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), in which the Swedish government holds a 14.82 percent stake. The company currently has 157 aircraft in service, and routes to hundreds of cities in more than 50 countries on five continents and 24 cities in China. In addition, Sweden has more than 10 small airlines such as Andersson BusinessJet and BusinessJet, which are engaged in business travel services and domestic excursions. Routes via Germany to Dutch or British ports are the busiest air routes in Sweden. Direct flights from China to Sweden (Beijing - Stockholm) are operated by Air China and operate almost every day. China Eastern Airlines launched direct flights between Shanghai and Stockholm in June 2018. [24]


Roads in Sweden
The total length of roads in Sweden is 230,000 kilometers, of which there are 106,000 kilometers of national roads and provincial roads. In 2019, China's highway freight volume was 449 million tons. Road transport now accounts for 90 per cent of domestic passenger traffic and about 50 per cent of freight traffic. The Swedish road network connects Finland to the north, Norway to the west, and Denmark to the south to mainland Europe. [24]
Drive with lights on during the day. This measure has been in force by law since 1977. Experts believe that the human eye is particularly sensitive to shifting lights. The vehicle runs on the light during the day, which can make it easy for pedestrians at a distance or turning, going up and down the slope to see, especially in rainy days and snow days. Since the introduction of this measure, the accident rate has dropped markedly. In order to prevent rain and snow sludge from covering the headlights, Swedish cars are equipped with windshield wipers in the headlights.
Sweden uses international traffic laws and signals, and the traffic signs on the road are easy to understand. As long as you are careful when driving, you usually won't go the wrong way. Unlike many other countries, the traffic lights in urban areas are generally only two meters high, so that pedestrians and motorists do not have to look up, and four traffic lights are set up in the same direction at important intersections, no matter which Angle is clear.
Sweden's roads are flat and solid, but the speed is strictly limited, the maximum speed is not more than 110 km/h, usually limited to about 70 km/h, near schools, residential areas and hospitals is limited to 20 to 30 km/h. In the vicinity of the residential area where children often play, the road has also been specially set up "obstacles", building several small barriers of about 10 centimeters, forcing vehicles to reduce their speed. In Sweden, you rarely see it Traffic policeman But in fact the surveillance is very strict. Therefore, when driving, do not take any chances, helicopters in the air, closed-circuit television on the ground, are strictly watching the traffic. Speeders get a ticket the next day.
As of 2011, the total length of roads in Sweden is 216,000 km, including 139,000 km of national and provincial roads. In 2011, 350 million tons of road freight were transported. As of 2011, Sweden had 4.401 million cars, 14,000 buses, 547,000 trucks, 321,000 tractors, and 281,000 motorcycles.




Ten-year compulsory education is free. In 2020, 84% of the population will have an education level of high school or above. There are 48 colleges and universities of all kinds in China (including 11 comprehensive universities and 5 art colleges). Famous universities include Stockholm University, Uppsala University, Lund University, Royal Institute of Technology and so on. [1]
Stockholm University

Science and technology

  • summarize
Sweden is well developed in scientific research. The national research force is mainly concentrated in the state-funded universities at all levels, professional institutes, the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, and the subordinate R&D departments funded by enterprises. [1]
  • Scientific research institution
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences It is the highest academic institution and the largest scientific center in Sweden. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is an independent scientific institution that does not belong to the government and is the world's leading scientific institution Royal Society , French Academy of Sciences and Academy of Sciences of the USSR Equal fame. [3]
  • Scientific research and invention
Swedish inventions: Safety match HVDC transmission technology, ball bearings, robots for caring for the disabled, Adjustable wrench , anti-gambling technology, zipper Bluetooth, free daily newspaper, rear-facing child safety seat, cream separator, three-point seat belt, Internet voice chat tool Skype Satellite navigation system GP&C, greenhouse effect, virtual medical records, music websites Spotify , dynamite , Smart helmet . [3]
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Physical education

Sweden is rich in sports and fitness activities, tennis, ice hockey, table tennis, football, handball, golf, horse racing and other competitive events are popular and have a high level, and there are about 27,000 sports associations and clubs in the country. [1]


Sweden publishes more than 16,000 books and 170 daily newspapers every year. The main newspapers are Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet. News media include the Swedish News Agency, founded in 1921, is a semi-official news agency, under the National Radio of Sweden, Swedish television and education.
As of July 2021, there are 692 public libraries, 373 museums and 415 cinemas in Sweden. [1]
Swedish news agency It is Sweden's largest news agency and was founded in 1921. It is a joint stock company owned by Swedish newspapers and radio stations and its mission is to provide national and international news to more than 140 Swedish newspapers as well as radio and television stations. Head office in Stockholm, in Malmo , Gothenburg Sundsvall, Luleau and Jonkoping There are branches in 5 cities. The head office has nearly 180 employees, including about 150 journalists, and Ruitong's domestic news accounts for about 2/3. In 1954, it became the first European news agency to use telex.

Medical treatment

In 2010 there were 34,000 doctors and 102,000 nurses in Sweden. The average life expectancy of men and women is 78.8 years and 83.5 years, respectively, and the aging is serious.

People's livelihood

The living standard is high, the social security system is perfect, and the medical and health system is developed. The aging is serious. [1]
Sweden has a high standard of living, a sound social security system and a developed medical and health system. Sweden is one of the few countries that did not participate in the Second World War, after the war, Sweden focused on economic development, the implementation of a wide range of social welfare policies, the establishment of a relatively perfect Social welfare system . Social welfare programs range from paid long-term parental leave, to medical security sick leave benefits, to unemployment benefits and pension To compulsory education, the content is extensive, known as the "cradle to grave" guarantee.
Sweden is through high Individual income tax rate Through high taxes, to achieve welfare security funds. There are many types of taxes in Sweden, and for individuals, in addition to personal income tax, there are Interest tax , Inheritance tax Income from other business activities, such as investing in stock funds and buying and selling houses, are also subject to tax. The purchase of goods is subject to VAT. Companies pay employer taxes. Every year between April and June, Swedes are required to voluntarily declare all their annual income to the tax office.
Some scholars think that this kind of Scandinavia The welfare model is in socialism and capitalism One model between them is a mixed economy. Swedish Welfare system And because of Europe Economic recession And faced with difficulties, Aging population Young people lack employability. It's all high Welfare state In the face of widespread problems, Sweden is undertaking a series of reforms to enhance economic vitality and improve the system. [3]


It pursues "small country diplomacy" and regards human rights, democracy and multilateral cooperation as the cornerstones of its foreign policy. We support economic globalization, advocate multilateralism and free trade, and oppose protectionism and populism. We attach importance to the role of the United Nations and other international organizations and actively promote UN reform. It pays close attention to international hotspot issues and hopes to exert its influence by providing development assistance and participating in international peacekeeping operations. Foreign aid accounts for about 1% of gross national income. Actively participate in EU affairs, support European integration, and be a member of the EU and NATO. We call for strengthening trans-Atlantic cooperation. In recent years, we have attached great importance to developing relations with emerging countries. [1] [36]

With China

Bilateral political relations
On January 14, 1950, Sweden recognized New China and established diplomatic relations with China on May 9, 1950, making it the first Western country to establish diplomatic relations with China. In the same year, the two countries exchanged ambassadors, with Geng Biao becoming the first Chinese ambassador to Sweden. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China-Switzerland relations have developed steadily, with exchanges and cooperation at all levels in political, economic, cultural and other fields increasing and achieving remarkable results.
Bilateral economic and trade relations and economic and technological cooperation
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Switzerland, bilateral economic and trade relations have made great progress. In 1957, the two countries signed an intergovernmental trade agreement. The two countries have established a joint economic and trade commission mechanism, which has held 20 meetings so far.
In recent years, bilateral economic and trade relations have developed steadily and the two countries are each other's largest trading partner in Asia and Northern Europe. Bilateral trade volume in 2023 will be 18.85 billion US dollars, down 8.2% year on year. Among them, China's exports were US $9.47 billion, down 16.7% year on year, and imports were US $9.37 billion, up 2.5% year on year. Two-way investment is brisk. By the end of December 2023, Switzerland had invested a total of 1,918 projects in China, with the actual use amount of $6.88 billion; China's investment in Switzerland has reached 19.48 billion US dollars.
Sweden's main enterprises in China are: Electrolux (China) Electric Co., LTD., SKF (China) Investment Co., LTD., Astrazeneca Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., Nanjing Ericsson Communication Co., LTD., Beijing Ericsson Communication System Co., LTD., IKEA Home Furnaces, etc. [37]
Bilateral exchanges and cooperation in culture, science and technology, education and military affairs
In 2006, the Swedish "Gothenburg" antique ship returned to China and held cultural activities. In 2010, the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cultural cooperation, which was renewed in 2015. In 2012, the two countries confirmed the establishment of a Chinese cultural center in Sweden in the form of an exchange of notes. In 2015, the Swedish National Symphony Orchestra toured China. In 2016, the Chinese Cultural Center was inaugurated in Stockholm, Sweden. China has held "Happy Spring Festival" activities in Sweden for many years in a row. In addition, various sports teams from China, such as table tennis, speed skating and track and field, have also visited Switzerland many times.
Scientific and technological exchanges between China and Switzerland began in the 1970s. In 1978, China and Switzerland established a joint committee on Science and Technology Cooperation (at the bureau level), signed the Protocol on Science and Technology Cooperation in 1981, and signed the Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation in 2004. In 1992, China launched the scientific experiment satellite "Forea" for Sweden. At present, the scientific and technological cooperation between the two sides has expanded to more than 80 projects in more than 20 fields, including communications, environmental protection, medicine, agriculture and forestry, and aerospace. Since 1980, Sweden has trained more than 2,000 technical and managerial personnel for China. In September 2007, the first meeting of the China-Sweden Joint Committee on Science and Technology and the "China-Sweden Science and Technology Week" were held in Beijing. In 2012, CDB set up a €1 billion special loan for China-Switzerland innovation cooperation. China and Switzerland jointly held the Green Innovation Forum. China-switzerland Traffic Safety Research Center was established. In January 2022, the 6th meeting of the China-Switzerland Joint Committee on Science and Technology was held by video.
China and Switzerland began to exchange students in 1964. Since the 1980s, educational exchanges between the two countries have increased. The two countries signed a Framework Agreement on cooperation in Higher Education. In 2017, the two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in education and scientific research. In 2018, the Ministries of Education of the two countries held the first dialogue on education policy. By the end of 2021, there were about 7,820 government-sponsored and self-funded Chinese students in Switzerland. In 2012, Chinese writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. In 2015, Chinese pharmacologist Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Military exchanges between China and Switzerland started early. In the 1950s, the Chinese and Swiss militaries began to contact each other. [25]
Consular relations
Sweden opened its Consulate General in Shanghai in 1996. In 1997, China opened a consulate General in Gothenburg, Switzerland's second largest city. In 1997, the two sides reached an agreement and exchanged letters on the retention of the Swedish Consulate General in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Sweden opened its Consulate General in Guangzhou in November 2002 and closed it in November 2009. At present, Switzerland has consulates General in Shanghai and Hong Kong. [25]

With the Baltic Sea

Sweden has a traditional relationship of close consultation and cooperation with the Nordic countries at various levels and in various forms, and regards Nordic cooperation as the basis of its foreign policy. We advocate the further elimination of various barriers within Northern Europe and the development of Northern Europe The Baltic States Partnership with the district. Switzerland, Finland and Denmark have established a consultation mechanism before the EU summit. Served in 2008 Nordic Council of Ministers Chairman.

With the EU

It joined the European Union in 1995 and came into force in March 2001 Schengen Agreement . It supports the deepening of EU integration and the eastward expansion of the EU, and supports Turkey's accession to the EU. Promote the reform of EU agricultural policy and oppose the creation of an EU president. Support for the Common European Security and Defence Policy. On 14 September 2003, the referendum rejected joining the euro. In December 2007, signed the" Lisbon Treaty ".


In 1994, Sweden joined NATO's Partnership for Peace program. Recognize the leading role of NATO in the OSCE structure. right NATO eastward expansion He has no objection and attaches importance to deepening the "partnership for peace" with NATO. Think NATO is using it Military force When, in principle, must be International law In addition to major humanitarian disasters and self-defence, must be obtained United Nations Security Council The authorization of... He served in NATO peacekeeping operations in Kosovo and Afghanistan.
On March 8, 2022, Swedish Prime Minister Jens Andersson said at a press conference that Sweden's bid to join NATO would worsen the situation [8] .
On March 30, 2022, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said that Sweden does not rule out the possibility of joining NATO after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Until then, Andersson had maintained Sweden's policy of military non-alignment. [9]
On May 15, 2022, Sweden's ruling Social Democratic Party announced that the Social Democratic Party Committee has formally decided to support Sweden's membership in NATO.
On May 17, 2022, Swedish Foreign Minister Linde officially signed the country's application to join NATO. [12]
On June 29, 2022, NATO announced in a communique that NATO member states have formally agreed to invite Sweden to join NATO. [17] On July 4, local time, Finnish Foreign Minister Havistal and Swedish Foreign Minister Linde and NATO Assistant Secretary General Cardenbach completed the final talks on the two countries' accession to NATO at NATO headquarters in Brussels, and Finland and Sweden officially confirmed their willingness to join NATO and assume the political, legal and military obligations under the covenant. [19] On July 5, local time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Finnish Foreign Minister Havisto and Swedish Foreign Minister Linde officially signed the Finnish and Swedish accession protocol to NATO in Brussels, NATO headquarters. The protocol will then go to NATO's 30 existing member states for ratification. [20] On August 9, US President Joe Biden signed the protocol for Sweden and Finland to join NATO.
On March 22, 2023, the Swedish Parliament voted to approve the government's proposal for Sweden to join NATO. [26]
On January 25, 2024 local time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed the formal agreement for Sweden to join NATO, the decision was published in the official Gazette of Turkey. [29]
On February 26, 2024, the Hungarian Parliament voted to approve Sweden's application to join NATO. [32] 31 -
On March 5, 2024, Hungarian President Johann Shoyuk signed into law the accession of Sweden to NATO. [33]
On March 7, 2024, Sweden officially joined NATO as the 32nd member of the alliance. [34]

With Russia

Sweden considers Russia important to its security. We hope to establish a genuine partnership with Russia based on shared values. Support the adoption by the EU and Russia of a package of documents on the "road map" for the establishment of four common EU-Russian Spaces. We would like to see Russia more closely integrated into European cooperation and support Russia's accession World Trade Organization . Stressing that Russia must respect human rights and guarantee fundamental human freedoms, Chechnya The conflict must be resolved through political means, and the Russian government should properly handle its relations with domestic media. We believe that the OSCE should play an important role in the Russia-Georgia conflict and do not support it South Ossetia and Abkhazia Independence, called on Russia and Georgia to resolve the conflict peacefully through political engagement.

With Iran

On 15 June 2024, Oman brokered the release of former Iranian official Hamid Nuri from Sweden in exchange for the release of two Swedish detainees from Iran on the same day. [38]

With other countries

Sweden values the same broad Developing country Political and economic relations. proposition Developed country Aid to developing countries should be increased, debt relief for poor countries should be given, trade barriers on products such as agricultural products, textiles and clothing should be lifted, and agricultural subsidies to the country should be drastically reduced. It said it would raise foreign aid to 1 percent of GDP within the term of the current government. Conflict prevention, anti-drug, prevention and control AIDS And the protection of women's rights as a priority for cooperation with developing countries. [3]
On 3 October 2014, Sweden's new Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, chairman of the Social Democratic Party, announced that the Swedish government would recognize Palestinian statehood and support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
On January 24, 2024, U.S. President Joe Biden sent a letter to the leaders of several key congressional committees, saying that once Turkey completes the process of approving Sweden's membership in NATO, he will formally notify Congress of the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey. [30]



Nobel House

Nobel House Located in the city of Karskuga in central Sweden, Birchhill is more than 200 kilometers from Stockholm. The year 1894 Alfred Nobel He ended his overseas life and settled back in his homeland, where he spent most of the last two years of his life. Because the old house where he was born in Stockholm is now standing tall buildings, Birch Hill is today the only complete Nobel's former residence.
Since the establishment of the memorial in 1975, it has become a tourist attraction and a center of Nobel academic activity. Once a year, the Nobel Symposium is held here, where scientists from all over the world discuss new topics in the field of science and Nobel's academic ideas "for the benefit of mankind". The museum keeps photos of Nobel's activities during his lifetime, the patent certificates of various technical inventions he obtained, the gold medal and the will.

Royal Palace of Sweden

Royal Palace of Sweden
Royal Palace of Sweden It is the king's office and ceremonial place, and Stockholm's main tourist attraction. Located in the heart of Stockholm. Built in the 17th century, it is the work of Swedish architect Trial. The main entrance is divided by two stone lions on both sides, and two guards wearing red lantana hats and medieval costumes stand with guns, which looks formidable. There are many exquisite reliefs on the four walls of the palace, and there is a large courtyard in the middle. The Palace Chapel and State Hall in the south and the banquet hall in the north retain their original furnishings and are open to the public. The palace's ornate halls are decorated with large portraits of successive Kings and queens on the walls, and the domes are decorated with magnetic burials and carvings and gorgeous paintings. Most of them are said to be by 17th century German artists. Some rooms are also furnished with ancient chariot weapons, jewelry, gold and silver vessels and physical models of medieval knights with spears and bronze helmets and iron armor. The royal guard held a grand changing ceremony at noon every day according to the ancient tradition.

Cultural heritage

World Heritage Sites in Sweden
Cultural heritage
The Kingdom of Droningholm
Tanum rock carving Group
The church village of Gamelstad in Leau
Enellsberg iron works
Agricultural landscape of southern Erland Island
Decorated farmhouse in Helsingland
Natural heritage
Natural and cultural heritage

Famous person

Alfred Bernhard Nobel , Swedish chemist, Nitroglycerine explosive The inventor. In Nobel's will, he proposed to use part of his estate ($9.2 million) as a fund to set up five prizes at the interest of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace, awarded to scholars from all over the world who have made great contributions to mankind in these fields. It was approved by the Swedish government in June 1900 Nobel Foundation .
Olof Palme The late Prime Minister of Sweden. In November 1980 United Nations Secretary-General Special envoy of mediation Iran-iraq War . On February 28, 1986 Stockholm He was assassinated.
Laglov , Swedish writer. Awarded in 1909 for "successfully appealing to the human heart" Nobel Prize in Literature He was elected in 1914 Swedish Academy The first female academician, she was a representative of Swedish romantic literature in the 1890s.