
Indo-european Romance languages West Romance languages
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synonymSpanish(Indo-European Romance languages) generally refers to Spanish (Indo-European Romance languages of West Romance languages)
Spanish (Spanish: Espanol; English: Spanish language), belongs to Indo-European Romance group Western Romance languages . In accordance with First language Ranked by the number of users, there are about 437 million native speakers. Number of Spanish speakers World population 4.84% of the first language and Second language The total number of users is nearly 570 million. Be mainly used in Spain and Latin America ( Brazil , Belize , French Guiana , Haiti Except in other places).
Spanish in Spain, the United States, Mexico , Central America , Caribbean , Colombia , Ecuador and Uruguay Known as Spanish (Spanish: Espanol; English: Spanish language); In other parts of the world, the name is mainly Spanish The Castilian language (Spanish: Castellano; English: Castilian language). There are six languages in Spanish United Nations working languages One of them.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Area of use
Spain , Latin America Schedule area
Number of users
590 million people
System of language
Indo-European - Romance group
Standard language
None. Spanish is standard in every Spanish-speaking country
Writing system
Spanish alphabet
As an official language
Spain 23 countries and regions
As a working language
The United Nations , European Union , African Union And other international organizations
Governing body
Royal Academy of Spain

Development history



The formation of Spanish and History of Spain Its development and evolution are closely related, and its formation process can be roughly divided into the following stages:
The influence can be discerned by certain words (especially place names), and even by the name of Spain, which, according to legend, was called Spain when the peninsula was inhabited by Spaniards. In Spain, the name is Espana.
The latter is the vitality of ordinary people. The soldiers and the artisans and merchants who came with them spread the word Iberia And the other provinces of the empire, and to bring them into line with Political system Economic methods, literature, art, customs and beliefs, etc. together remain in the conquered land, take root, blossom, and bear fruit.
Spanish as a "Romance" language, in Language structure And form can find a large number of factors. In terms of vocabulary alone, most of them express the date (month, week), astronomy, flora and fauna and other endless words related to human survival. For example: grass: prado ( Spanish ); Land: tierra (Spanish); Sun : sol (in Spanish).
During this period, the Spanish language gradually transitioned to the Romance languages (i.e., the languages of the Roman family), to which Castilian belonged. This variant of Spanish was called el latin hispanico (Spanish).
For nearly 800 years, from 712 AD to 1492 AD, the Spanish culture was in the southern part of Spain Central region Has been widely and deeply spread, Cordoba Regarded as a cultural center, the peninsula has formed a prosperous and harmonious situation where many cultures coexist. Spanish vocabulary has a lot of influence.
According to incomplete statistics, the Spanish language has more than 4,000 words, which are distributed in agriculture, architecture, military, politics, mathematics, finance, trade, plants, Handicraft industry And other fields are still used today. For example: tambor (drum), atalaya (watchtower), acequia (Aqueduct), noria (water wheel), zanahoria (water wheel) carrot ), alfalfa (Alfalfa), aduana (customs), tarifa (price list), aldea (village), zaguan (door court), azotea (roof terrace), alcoba (bedroom), cifra (digital), algebra (algebra), algoritmo (algorithm), alcazar (palace) etc.
in The expression of language Traces can also be seen on the Internet, especially in some everyday expressions. For example, Mi casa es tu casa (My home is your home) indicates the warmth of the host towards the guest.
Map of Spain
According to most authoritative scholars, Castilian - Spanish Formation time Around the 10th century. The most prominent contributor to this is Spain linguist Ramon, writer and historian Menendez Pidar Ramon Menendez Pidal, who discovered a manuscript of a sermon in the convent of SAN Mirian in Lario in 1915, next to the sermon an unknown friar had written a prayer, a few short sentences with a largely complete grammatical structure, which is regarded as a sign of the origin of Castilian. And before that, in the 5th to 7th centuries AD, Castilian began to have its own writing, which is a kind of Phonetic alphabet .
The origin of the Castilian language lies in the region south of the Cantabrian Mountains in ancient northern Spain, which was called Castilla, meaning "land of castles", because the people of the region were martial, and the lords built one castle after another as a military fortress for self-defense and for attack. In 1037 AD, Castile became independent and became an important Christian kingdom. During the liberation movement, the kingdom became a center of Christian resistance on foot against the Moors. With military victories, The Kingdom of Castile the Sphere of influence Gradually expanding to the center and south. By the 12th and 13th centuries, it had taken a leading position in several Christian kingdoms. As its power grew stronger and its influence increased, the Castilian language naturally became part of its sphere of influence Common language And infiltrated the surrounding area. After 1492, Castile was ruled by two Catholic Kings - The Kingdom of Aragon As a result of the expulsion of the Moors and the unification of Spain, Castilian, also known as Spanish, was accepted and spoken by the majority of the kingdom's inhabitants, and also to a limited extent Catalan (catalan), Basque (euskera), Galician (gallego), etc National language While other national languages and Regional dialect It gradually died out or reduced the scope of use, and this situation has continued to the present.
from Latin To Castilian, from dialect to National language From the folk vernacular to have a complete grammatical structure, rich vocabulary and profound Expressive force the Literary language This process took more than ten centuries. Its writing formed a phonetic form based on 29 letters (including ch and ll), and its pronunciation and intonation were derived from folk Latin and absorbed the characteristics of the dialects of the Catabrian mountains, while drastic social changes inspired a variety of vocabulary forms and an explosion of numbers Alien nationality Vocabulary (e.g. Arabic , French, Italian Etc.) and other dialect words from other parts of the peninsula are continuously funneled into Spanish, a unified language Grammatical rule It was established, eventually guaranteeing the independent development of the Spanish language in the following centuries Language system And became a tool for literary giants such as Cervantes to build great works and used by nearly 400 million people Formal language .
In the long process of the formation, evolution and development of the Spanish language, there are two names that should be remembered by posterity, and they are Alfonso X The King (Alfonso X, 1221-1284) and Antonio de Nebrija (1444-1522).
King Alfonso X of Castile reigned for 31 years, and his achievements were not based on conquest or conquest of foreign lands, but on his efforts to develop language, literature, science, law and thought. He himself was a man of great learning, an open-minded monarch without racial or cultural prejudice, and he divided his time as Christianity , Judaism And Islamic literati, scholars, and artists were welcomed to the palace to discuss scholarship and art, Organization size A large team of translators, engaged in Latin , Arabic and Hebrew The translation is encouraged to write Chronicles He studied natural science and law, and encouraged and personally participated in the creation of poetry and literature. It is based on this vast amount of writing, translation and Research engineering The normativity of the Spanish language is on the agenda. Alfonso X took many effective steps to establish the rules of phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, and writing. In the field of science and technology, for example, he adapted and absorbed a considerable number of words based on the Castilian model to enrich and complement the native language.
The rules of Castilian writing and orthography, the use of two special sets of punctuation marks: orthography Exclamation mark ¡ ! And positive inverted question mark ¿ ? . These measures have greatly boosted the peninsula Unity of language It has laid a solid foundation for the development and expansion of Spanish in the future.
Alfonso X is known as "Alfonso Sabio" for his enduring contributions to Spanish culture.
Antonio de Nebrija is Spanish Renaissance His Grammar of Castilian, published in 1492, was one of the great events of the year. [1]

Development and evolution

A title used in areas where the native language is Spanish
Language development The development of a nation's language and tradition is almost synchronized with the development of the society, and the strength of its national power is different Direct correlation .
As the kingdom of Castile continued to grow and later Spain The rise of the kingdom, the Spanish language from weak to strong, from small to large, from the domestic to the foreign, developed into a Universal language .
Within the country, Spanish is widely spoken in other dialects ( Catalan , Galician , Basque Its influence has been greatly enriched in phonetics, vocabulary and syntax. At the same time, in different historical periods, the French, Italians, Germans have maintained special relations with Spain for political reasons, and have frequent exchanges, so their languages have also produced Spanish Significant impact .
As early as the 11th century, from Provence and France Languages from other places entered Spain and continued into the Middle Ages, such as: homenaje (memorial), fraile (priest), mensaje (letter), meson (tavern), vinagre (vinegar), manjares (cuisine), ligero (light), hostal (inn), doncella (maiden, maid), salvaje (savage), etc. In the Carlos II dynasty, this tendency was even more pronounced, with a large number of Spanish words derived from French, such as: pantalon (pantalon). trousers ), chaqueta (coat), hotel (hotel), chalet (villa), sofa (sofa) sofa ), etc. Since then, the French influence has continued, and words such as Parlamento (parliament), personal (character), burocracia (bureaucracy), chofer (driver), biuteria (fake jewelry), etc., have been widely accepted and are still in use today.
while Italian The influence is more manifested in the field of music and art, especially in the 15th to 17th centuries, many related terms and common expressions are derived from The Apennine Peninsula . For example: aria ( aria ), batuta ( baton ), partitura (score), diseno (design), modelo (style), novela (novel), soneto (sonnet), fachada (facade), etc.; There are also non-artistic words such as casino, ferrocarril, analfabetismo.
Since the 18th century, the power of English has emerged, and after entering the 20th century, as the United States gradually rose to the number one power in the world, English words such as economy, finance, science and technology inevitably infiltrated almost all major languages and became global General vocabulary . Spanish, of course, also absorbs a lot of English vocabulary Some of these words have been translated into Spanish, others have been transplanted intact, and they appear in the great dictionaries of the Royal Spanish Language Institute and in People's Daily life.
As society evolves, so does language. The Spanish used by Spaniards today is very different from the Spanish of Nebrija, Cervantes, Gongora, the phonetic stability, the proliferation of vocabulary, the depth of its expressiveness, and the language itself containment It is indeed a great development from the past.
in The Iberian Peninsula Outside the region, Spanish expanded and entered the following areas:
  1. 1.
    Spanish Empire (Mainly Carlos V, Felipe II Under the reign of a monarch) Continental Europe The territory of;
  2. 2.
    The New World And all the colonies;
  3. 3.
    Asia and Africa The colony;
  4. 4.
    The area where the Jews of Spain were expelled in 1492.
Of these regions, the second is the largest and most populous in the current Spanish sphere of influence. In those days Christopher Columbus The military conquests of the Indians and their successors were accompanied by cultural conquests, mainly by the forced conversion of the Indians to Catholicism and the abandonment of their mother tongue for Spanish. At present, from North America the Mexico South American Argentina 18 countries speak Spanish Official language . It should not be ignored that in the vast areas of the West and South of the United States, nearly 40 million American citizens and immigrants speak Spanish as their mother tongue. As a U.S. federal territory Puerto Rico the First language Also in Spanish.
The third region refers to Asia the The Philippines and Africa the Equatorial Guinea . The former was captured by the Spanish in 1565 and was under colonial rule for 330 years. Spanish came into this with colonization Southeast Asia The country. Nowadays, in the everyday language of Filipinos, you can find many languages that originated from Spanish but have been adapted or modified by English The Tagalog language The vocabulary of assimilation. More obvious before Metropolitan state The imprint is on Filipinos whose names still adopt the Spanish model, such as the former president who was in power for many years Ferdinand Marcos (Fernando Marcos) Corazon Aquino (Corazon de Aquino). Equatorial Guinea The national language is still Spanish.
The fourth region is more fragmented and relatively concentrated in parts of Asia and Europe Country and region ( Greece , Yugoslavia , Bulgaria , Palestine , Israel , Germany, Netherlands Etc.), which was used by the Spanish people known as Sephardi Jew Descendent. Their ancestors were driven out The Iberian Peninsula After that, wander in Eurasia . Wherever they found their homes, they held fast to their faith and to their Jewish Spanish, the ancient Castilian language, with a rare perseverance. This is a rare thing Social phenomenon Especially when we see the precious materials such as ballads, folk stories, idioms and so on, which are popular around the 15th century, preserved by them in this ancient language of the Middle Ages, we will cherish the immortal historical vein of language.
Latin America Spanish is an important part of the development and evolution of the Spanish language, as it is derived from the Castilian language of the Iberian Peninsula and native to the Americas Cultural environment , Natural environment and Social environment The product of fusion. This fusion is mainly reflected in the aspects of vocabulary, phonetics and semantics. In addition, the so-called American Spanish is not a strictly unified concept, because in fact Latin America Countries vary by culture and Social development The differences in its Spanish language also have their own characteristics. Many linguists refer to American Spanish as "a complex Mosaic of many dialects".
Spanish comics
A long time ago, famous scholar Enrique Urrenha Enriquez Urena divided American Spanish into five languages Dialect area :
  1. 1.
    Mexico and Central America ( Guatemala , El Salvador , Honduras , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , Panama );
  2. 2.
    Caribbean (Antilles Islands, Venezuela Most of the area and Colombia The Atlantic Coast);
  3. 3.
    The Andean region (parts of Venezuela, much of Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Argentina Northwest China);
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
    The Rio de La Plata. - The Parana Regions (most of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay).
There are some differences between the five dialects of Spanish, but it is precisely these differences that make the Spanish language constantly adapt to various social environments, constantly meet various needs and evolve, and thus continue to develop.
Today, when Madrid People, Barcelonans, Galicians all use these origins naturally and freely Native American languages When it comes to words, they - even the most purist linguists - will admit it The New World The indigenous peoples of Spain have indeed made remarkable contributions to the advancement of the Spanish language. These words include maiz (corn), batata (corn) Sweet potato ), hamaca hammock ), patata (potato), canoa (canoe), cacao (potato) Coco ), chocolate ( Chocolate ), tomate Tomato ), nopal (Cactus), jaguar (Jaguar) leopard ), cacique (Chief), huracan (hurricane), tabaco (tobacco), papaya (tobacco) papaya ), aguacate ( avocado ), condor ( The Vulture ), loro ( parrot caiman () American crocodile ), coyote ( jackal ), etc.
It should also be added that, in addition to the above Language area , in North Africa the Morocco Wahara Spanish Sahara He has also been influenced by the Spanish language to varying degrees.
Language expansion is also a process of language change, and the result is to promote the progress of language. Today, Spanish is spoken in this ancient kingdom of Castile Cantabria piedmont shepherd The language of men and knights has risen to become the third most spoken language in the world, and its learners and actions Second language The users are all over Around the world And the numbers are rising.

Area of use

Spanish is spoken mainly in Latin America except Latin America Brazil , Belize , French Guiana , Haiti And other countries as well as Spain itself. in Southern United States Several states, The Philippines And parts of Africa (including Equatorial Guinea , Western Sahara And the African territories of Spain Ceuta and Melilla Etc.), there are also a considerable number of users. in Seven continents About 406 million people speak it as a native language.
The Spanish is African Union , European Union and The United Nations One of the official languages. It is the common language of China's "Belt and Road" talent training plan, and has been included in the foreign language of college entrance examination by the Ministry of Education of China, becoming one of the six foreign languages of college entrance examination. [3]
Countries where Spanish is an official language in the 21st century are: Argentina , Bolivia , Chile , Colombia , Costa Rica , Cuba , Dominican Republic , Ecuador , El Salvador , Equatorial Guinea , Guatemala , Honduras , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panama , Paraguay , Peru , Spain , Uruguay and Venezuela . Spanish is also spoken in America, Belize , Gibraltar , The Philippines , Puerto Rico , Trinidad and Tobago and Western Sahara Be used.
There are many different dialects of Spanish spoken in Spain and Spanish America. The pronunciation of the Castilian dialect in northern Spain is generally considered the standard pronunciation of Spanish. In America, the first Spaniards brought their regional accent with them. Distinctly different dialects and accents can still be found in different parts of the Americas today.


The Spanish language has 29 letters:
A a (a)
B b (be)
C c (ce)
Ch ch (che)
D d (de)
E e (e)
F f (efe)
G g (ge)
H h (ache)
I i (i)
J j (jota)
K k (ka)
L l (ele)
LL ll (elle,doble ele)
M m (eme)
N n (ene)
Nn (ene)
O o (o)
P p (pe)
Q q (cu)
R r (erre)
S s (ese)
T t (te)
U u (u)
V v (uve)
W w (uve doble)
X x (equis)
Y y (igriega)
Z z (zeta)
In addition, there are accent marks for letters a. , e , i. , o and u .
letter u Used for the letter combination gu e And gui is presentation u It's pronounced, because of the other combinations.
The Spanish letter n, pronounced [ɲ], is used only with multiple words.
The Spanish letter y is pronounced [j], as in ayer.
gue , gui, u It's silent.
According to 1994 Royal Academy of Spain "CH" =[c ~ c͡ c] and "LL" =[default] no longer appear as separate letters alphabet Medium. But not subject to the jurisdiction of the court America Spanish still lists both letters in its alphabet.
some Foreign word and Proper term w=[w/β/b] is also used. After centuries of evolution, Latin America The Spanish language forms several Regional dialect The reading and writing of Spanish is consistent, and the pronunciation of each letter is relatively fixed.




  1. 1.
    All nouns are masculine
  2. 2.
    Verbs need to be conjured according to the person of the subject
  3. 3.
    The Spanish alphabet sounds are relatively simple
Spanish has inherited its phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical system, and so on Latin The characteristics of. A total of 24 phoneme There are a, e, i, o, u5 monophones and 19 consonants. b and v are pronounced the same, h is silent. In addition to a large number of diphthong and triphthong . Stress is regular: for words ending in a vowel, n, or s, the stress falls on the penultimate syllable; In words ending in other consonants, the stress falls on the last syllable.

Pronunciation rule

1. Stress
(1) With n, s or vowel In ending words, the stress is usually on the penultimate syllable and no accent is used.
(2) In addition to n, s consonant An ending word in which the stress is placed on the last syllable and no accent is used.
(3) For words other than the above two, the stress is marked. When the stress of some words changes, the meaning of the word also changes, so special attention should be paid to finding the location of the stress, such as mas (but) and mas (more), papa (potato) and papa (Pope).
(4) No matter how many syllables a word has, it usually has only one stress.
(5) When o and numeral When used together, it must be accentuated to distinguish it from 0 (zero, cero), such as 17o18 (17 or 18).
2. Syllabic Partition method
(1) Word syllables are divided by vowels, such as pa-la-bras, which is similar to English.
(2) y is used alone or located suffix When can be regarded as a vowel letter, as at the end of a word or the beginning of a syllable, should be regarded as a consonant letter.
(3) The following combinations cannot be divided: ai, au, ei, eu, ia, ie, io, iu, oi, ou, ua, ue, ui, uo, iai, iei, uai, uei, if one of them has stress, divided by vowel. For example, pa-is, ri-o.
(4) ay, ey, oy and uy can be divided only when followed by a vowel. If followed by a consonant, they cannot be divided. ha-ya and muy are two representative examples.
(5) A consonant appearing in two vowels shall be assigned to the latter syllable, but if it is ch, ll, or rr, both consonants shall be assigned to the latter syllable. If the middle is two other consonant letters together, it can be separated, that is, one before one after, in line with the English "two parting" syllable division rules.
(6) Prepositional prefixes can form a separation of syllables: des-gradable,pre-colombiano; But when the prefix is followed by an s and another consonant, the s is attached to the prefix. Example: abs-tener, cons-truccion.
(7) When two c's and n's are together, Treatment method As with English, it must be separated. Example: ac-ceso.
3. Summary of Spanish pronunciation rules
(1) Pronunciation rules;
The pronunciation of "c" : "c" is pronounced [θ] before the vowels e and i, and [k] before the vowels a, o, and u;
Pronunciation of "g" : "g" is pronounced when it is syllabled with the vowels a, o, and u. Dull sound Or send [ɣ] ( Soft palate It is pronounced with the vowel e and i. uvula qing fricative ), with the vowel "ue, ui" syllables, "u" is silent, [g] voiced;
The pronunciation of "q" : "q" is pronounced [k] before the vowels a, o and u, and "q" is not pronounced before the "u" of the vowels ue and ui;
Pronunciation of "z" : "z" is pronounced with a [θ] sound before any vowel (in southern Spain and South America [θ], [s] homophone).
(2) Pronunciation comparison
① Pronunciation of "b and v" and comparison with "p" :
(1) b and v start with the [b] sound after the pause ( Lips stuffed with voiced consonants );
bueno (OK) sombrero (Hat) un buen estudiante (A good student)
vamos (Let's go) venga (please come) enviar (send) un vaso (one cup)
(2) b and v sound [β] in the internal word, without pause word group (the lips are turbidic fricative, the hearing feeling is close to the English "v", but do not bite the lip);
For example: lobo (Wolf) arriba (on top) abrigo (coat) la boca (mouth, mouth)
lavar (wash) leve (light) uva ( Grapes el valor (Brave)
(3) "b and v" are Voiced consonant Vocal cords vibrate during pronunciation; "p" is Voiceless consonant The vocal cords do not vibrate when you pronounce.
For example: baja (short) -- paja (straw) bala (bullet) -- pala (bullet) Shovel )
ba timeo (toilet) -- pano (toilet) Woolen fabric ) basta (Enough) -- pasta (pasta)
bata ( overalls ) -- pata (female duck) beso (kiss) -- peso (weight)
vaso ( Glass -- paso (step) vista (Visual) -- pista (Runway)
vina (Grape vine) -- pina (Grape vine) Pineapple ) volar (fly) -- polar (fly)
② Comparison of "c and z" pronunciation and "s" :
The "c" is pronounced [θ] before the vowels e and i; [k] before the vowels a, o, and u; The "z" is pronounced with a [θ] sound before any vowel (in southern Spain and South America [θ], [s] homophone); "s" sounds [s] before any vowel.
abrazar (to embrace) -- abrasar (to burn) cazar (to hunt) -- casar (to marry)
cima (Top) -- sima (deep) pozo (well) -- poso (poso) precipitate )
zueco (Wooden slippers) -- sueco(Swedish)
③ Pronunciation of "c" and "q" and comparison with "g"
(1) "c" is pronounced [k] before the vowel a, o, and u; q before the vowels ue and ui (" u "is silent); The "c" appears alone in a word or with the [k] sound
Preconsonant composition Consonant clusters .
E.g. clase (class) craneo (head) leccion (class) octavo (VIII);
(2) "c" and "q" are clear consonants, and "g" is voiced consonants.
For example: callo ( callus ) -- gallo (rooster) cama (bed) -- gama (doe)
cana ( Grey hair ) -- gana (desire) casa (house) -- gasa (gauze)
casto ( chaste -- gasto (cost) col (cost) cabbage ) -- -- gol (Goal)
coma (comma) -- goma(comma) gum )
⑶ The pronunciation of "g"
g is voiced with the vowels a, o and u, and [x] with the vowels e and i. Chinese pinyin "h" sound), and [g] voiced when it is syllabled with the vowels ue and ui (" u "is silent)


Punctuation mark
Example sentence
la coma
Ella es ana,es china.
dos puntos
Agua: es una sustancia
las comillas
Quotation marks
El dijo: "Yo tambien estoy aqui ".
el punto
Full stop
Soy estudiante.
¿ ... ?
la interrogación
Question mark (in pairs, at the beginning and end of sentences)
¿ Como te llamas?
¡ ... !
la admiración
Exclamation mark (in pairs, at the beginning and end of a sentence)
¡ Mucho gusto!
la diéresis
la raya, el guión largo o corto
el paréntesis
los corchetes
Square brackets
Spanish alphabet (printed and written)
Inverted question mark ( ¿ ) and Inverted exclamation mark ( ¡ ) is a characteristic of Spanish. The question mark or exclamation mark has two parts, and must be preceded by a question mark or exclamation mark written backwards, so that the question or exclamation sentence is complete.


Spanish is an inflected language. After a long evolution, it's suffix The inflection has been greatly simplified. Latin except for subject and object pronouns and their reflexive forms Case system Almost disappeared. Nouns are divided into masculine and feminine, but traces of neuter can be seen in some structures. Plurals add -s or -es to the end of a word. Adjectives are grammatically identical with nouns Coordination relationship The final change is the same as the noun. The verb retains a considerable amount of inflection, but it is very regular. Since the end of the verb is sufficient to express the person, the subject is often omitted.
Spanish, comparatively speaking, is one Inflected language , rely on conjugation indicate morpheme Nouns are divided into feminine and masculine, and each verb has about a hundred conjugations Singular and plural The difference is based on tense, mood, body and voice And change. And adjective sum determiner It varies with the noun's sex and number. But in contrast to strongly inflected languages like classical Latin and Russian, Spanish has no nouns declension And more preposition To establish object Connections to other parts of the sentence. Spanish tends to be modifier Place in Central word After that, but also before the noun it modifies if it needs to express a specific meaning. Like any other Romance , basic Word order for subject-predicate-object Structure, but often not limited to it. The Spanish subject can be omitted because the person can be composed of conjugation Embodiments, as long as they do not cause ambiguity and do not emphasize the subject, are unnecessary. Spanish is also a verb-framed language, using verbs to indicate paths rather than like Germanic Use language like that particle or affix . Examples include the Spanish words "subir corriendo" (to run up) and "salir volando" (to fly out), translated into English as "to run up" and "to fly out".
Spanish-speaking General question Do not invert the subject and verb, let alone Modal particle , distinguish Declarative sentence And general questions are sometimes all about intonation.


Spanish nouns and adjectives are divided into masculine and feminine. Usually nouns or adjectives ending in -o are masculine and those ending in -a are feminine. (e.g. : pelo- hair [masculine], chica- girl [feminine], and Portuguese Same), -dad,-tad, -cion, -sion, tion most nouns ending in feminine. (e.g. ciudad- City, universidad- University, dificultad- Difficult situacion - situation, television - television, gestion - Office)

The number

Nouns and adjectives have both singular and plural forms. The root is usually followed by -s (ending with vowel 's) or -es (ends with consonant The word). The nouns and adjectives in the sentence should have the same sex and number.
Spanish is an inflected language. After a long period of evolution, its inflection has been greatly simplified. Except for pronouns and reflexive forms that serve as subjects and objects, the Latin-case system has almost disappeared. Nouns are divided into masculine and feminine, but traces of neuter can be seen in some structures. Plurals add -s or -es to the end of a word. Adjectives are grammatically harmonized with nouns, and their endings are the same as those of nouns. The verb retains a considerable amount of inflection, but it is very regular. Since the end of the verb is sufficient to express the person, the subject is often omitted.


Spanish has a complex verb system with many different tenses. There are different conjugations in different tenses according to different verbs and persons. Verbs in Spanish are generally divided into three categories: verbs ending in -ar (first conjugation), verbs ending in -er (second conjugation), and verbs ending in -ir (third conjugation).
In order to Present tense Take the statement for example:
Verb base form hablar(speaking)comer(eating)vivir(living)
First person singular hablo como vivo
Second person Singular hablas come vives
Third person singular (including second person honorific)
habla come vive
First person plural hablamos comemos vivimos
The second person plural hablais comeis vivis
Third person Plural (including second person honorific) hablan comen viven
Spanish dictionary
The above is a regular conjugation, there are many words in Spanish that are irregular conjugation, such as tener (to have), querer (to like), pedir (to request). Beginners should pay attention to the conjugation of these words.
Spanish is a meandering language. Statements in Spanish Word order It is usually a "subject-predicate-object" structure. Exclamations in Spanish, question They should be preceded by inverted exclamation mark, inverted question mark, and followed by Exclamation mark , question mark. For example: ¿ Que es esto? (What is this?) iNo es verdad! (That's not true!)
Spanish Definite article The use of (mainly and Portuguese definite articles Comparative specification )
Example 1: Santiago is Chile The capital city.
Santiago es la capital de Chile.(in Spanish)
Santiago ea capital do Chile.(in Portuguese)
Example 2: He comes from Central America the Costa Rica .
El es de Costa Rica,que esta en America Central.(in Spanish)
Elee da Costa Rica,que fica na America Central.(in Portuguese)
Example 3: I have a ticket to America.
Tengo un billete a los Estados Unidos de America.(in Spanish)
Tenho um bilhete para os Estados Unidos da America.(in Portuguese)
Example 4: It is nine fifteen.
Son las quince y nueve.(in Spanish)
Sao quinze e nove.(in Portuguese)
Possessive case (Mainly compare and explain in Portuguese)
Example 1: My father is three years older than my mother.
Mi padre nacio tres anos antes de mi madre.(in Spanish)
Meu pai nasceu tres anos antes da minha mae.(in Portuguese)
Example 2: I think they are Apple Better than tomatoes.
Pienso que sus manzanas son mejores que sus tomates.(in Spanish)
Penso que as suas macas sao melhores do que os seus tomates.(in Portuguese)
Example 3: My house is bigger than theirs.
Mi casa es mas grande que la suya.(in Spanish)
A minha casa e maior que a sua.(in Portuguese)


Adding mente to a Spanish adjective turns it into an adverb, and adjectives ending in o are replaced with a, for example:
Chinese interpretation
Chinese interpretation
frecuente mente
económica mente
lenta mente
Little by little
rápida mente
If two adverbs are consecutive, mente will only use the following adverb once. If the preceding adjective ends in o, change o to a as well.
Chinese interpretation
Chinese interpretation
agil y exacto
Quick and accurate
agil y exacta mente
Quickly and accurately
político y económica
Political and economic
política y económica mente
Politically and economically


There are three in Spanish word-building
Composite method
  1. 1.
    A combination of two or more simple words. For example, cumpleanos (cumple+ anos); matamoscas(mata+moscas), agridulce(agrio+dulce); cualquiera(cual+quiera) and so on.
  2. 2.
    Sometimes it can even be a sentence. For example, hazmerreir (hazme+ reir); Vaiven (va + y + ven); correveidile(corre+ve+y+dile) and so on.
  3. 3.
    It consists of the original word with a prefix. For example, normal-anormal; lateral-bilateral; tener-contener; conocer-desconocer, etc.
It's the original word with a suffix. For example, declarar-declaracion; esclavo-esclavizar; idea-ideal and so on.
Compound derivation
simultaneously prefix Add a prefix or suffix to the end of a word. For example:
In compound derivation, both compound and derivation methods must be used at the same time, so they are neither Compound word Derivative, nor derivative The combination of. For example, enriquecer is neither derived from the compound enrico with the suffix ecer, because there is no enrico, nor from the prefix en with riquecer, because there is no riquecer.
Simple vocabulary and sentences
  • Hola: Hello
  • Buenos dias: Good morning
  • Buenas tardes: Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches: Good evening
  • Por favor: Please
  • Gracias: Thank you
  • De nada: You're welcome
  • Lo siento: I'm sorry
  • Perdon: I'm sorry
  • De Nada: It doesn't matter
  • Disculpe: Excuse me
  • China: China
  • chino: Chinese, Chinese (Chinese women for china, the spelling is the same as China, c is not capitalized), Chinese
  • Si: Yes
  • No: No
  • guapo/guapa: pretty boy/girl
  • Espana: Spain
  • Te amo/Te quiero: I love you
  • amigo/amiga: male friend/female friend
  • yo: Me
  • tu: You
  • el /ella: He, she
  • nosotros/nosotras us
  • vosotros/vosotras you
  • ellos/ellas They, they
  • bueno/buena: Good, great
  • ¿ Por que? Why?
  • ¿ Que? What?
  • Adios. Goodbye.
  • Bienvenida: Welcome
  • Dios mio. Oh, my God.
  • ¡ Muchas gracias! Thank you very much!
  • You're welcome.
  • Gracias por todo. Thank you for everything.
  • Gracias por su amabilidad. Thank you for your kindness.
  • Gracias por su ayuda. Thank you for your help.
  • Se lo agradezco mucho. Thank you very much.
  • No es nada. No es nada.
  • Se lo agradezco muy sinceramente. Thank you very much.
  • No me lo agradezca,por favor,no es nada. Don't thank me. It's nothing.
  • Le estoy muy agradecido. I am very grateful.
  • Es una pequeno merece la pena. Es una pequeno Merece la Pena. No problem. You're welcome.
  • Le agradezco que haya venido. Thank you for coming.
  • Gracias por la carta,has sido muy amable. Thank you for your letter. You are so kind to me.
  • Es muy amable de su parte,no lo olvidare nunca. Es muy amable de su parte,no lo Olvidare Nunca. It's very kind of you. I'll never forget it.
  • Se lo agradezco de todas formas. Thank you anyway.
  • Lo ha hecho Zhenru, agradeceselo a el. Lo ha hecho zhenru, Agradeceselo a el. It was real. Thank him.
  • Juan,dale las gracias al senor. Juan, thank this gentleman.
  • Gracias a usted. Gracias a usted.
  • Es un placer. I'm at your service.
Everyday speech
  • ¿ Como estas?
  • How are you?
  • Bien.
  • Not bad
  • ¿ Que hay?
  • What's the matter? What's new?
  • Mucho gusto.
  • Nice to meet you.
  • Me da gusto verte otra vez.
  • Nice to see you again.
  • ¡ Que sorprendo verte aqui!
  • Fancy meeting you here.
  • Mucho tiempo sin verte.
  • I haven't seen you for a long time.
  • Encantado.
  • Nice to meet you.
  • ¿ Qué tal?
  • How are you?
  • ¿ Cómo está usted?
  • How are you?
  • ¿ Cómo te va?
  • How are you doing?
  • ¿ Cómo te va todo?
  • Is everything all right?
  • ¿ Qué haces por aquí?
  • What are you doing here?
  • Hola,me llamo Martín.
  • Hi, I'm Martin.
  • Mi nombre es Roberto.
  • My name is Robert.
  • Puedes llamarme Isabel.
  • You can call me Isabel .
  • ¿ Eres Tina?
  • You're Tina Did you?
  • Si, soy yo.
  • Yes, I am.
  • Ven a conocer a mi amigo.
  • Come and meet my friend.
  • Este es mi hermano, Tomas.
  • This is my brother, Thomas.
  • Ven a saludar a mis padres.
  • Come and say hi to my parents.
  • ¿ Has visto alguna vez a mi hermana?
  • Have you met my sister?
  • ¿ Nos conocemos?
  • Have we met before?
  • ¿ Te conozco?
  • Do I know you?
  • Acabo de llegar aquí.
  • I'm new to the area.
  • Déjame que me presente.
  • Please let me introduce myself.
  • No sé cuál es tu nombre.
  • I don't know your name.
  • Quiero presentarte a mi jefe.
  • I'd like to introduce you to my boss.
  • Me has hecho un gran favor.
  • You've done me a great favor.
  • Le quedo muy agradecido.
  • I appreciate it.
  • Te lo agradezco.
  • Thank you.
  • Es imposible expresarme mis agradecimientos.
  • I can't express how grateful I am.
  • No sé cómo agradecerle.
  • I really don't know how to thank you.
  • ¡ Que amable!
  • That's very kind!
  • Es usted muy amable.
  • It's very kind of you.
  • There is No hay de que.
  • You're welcome.
  • De nada.
  • you are welcome
  • ¿ Te gusta el futbol?
  • Do you like football?

Common sense



There are many native Spanish dialects, and 99% of Spaniards speak Castilian. However, except Official language In addition, the following languages also serve as official languages or Minority areas Official language (language names should be Language and writing Written in not Castilian) :
  1. 1.
    Catalan (Catala)
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
    Galician (Galego)
  4. 4.
    Basque (Euskara)
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
    The Asturian language (Asturianu)
  7. 7.
    Leonian (Llionesa)
  8. 8.
When Columbus arrived in America
On the morning of August 3, 1492, Columbus from The Kingdom of Aragon Leaving from Barcelona. Seventy days later, on October 12 (now Spain's National Day), they set foot America . At the same time, they brought the Spanish language of the 15th century with them.
In the United States, Spanish is a very large native language and is widely spoken New York , Texas , New Mexico , Arizona and California at New Mexico Spanish and English are listed as official languages); besides The Philippines , Morocco , Equatorial Guinea , Africa Spanish is also spoken on the West Coast. Many people believe that the Spanish spoken by Spaniards is more orthodox, and Argentines, especially ( Buenos Aires The people of the city), as a destroyer of the Spanish language law.
But the Spanish writer Victor Garcia dela Concha (now Royal Spanish Language Institute He argues that because Spanish is a mixed language and has the freedom to integrate with local cultures, it has a rich vocabulary, far superior to that of global English. So how did Spanish come into being? Between the 9th and 13th centuries, the Moors ( North Africa Muslims) attacked and occupied Spain and lived in Spain Northeast region After the Spanish conquest, the king encouraged the people to emigrate to the countryside, but the inhabitants at that time were ethnically and ethnically complex Jew (judios), (moros), (cristianos), Franks (francos), Aragon People (aragones), Navarre People (navarros) and so on, people from different nationalities, so there is a kind Common language Spanish catered to the needs of the time and naturally became the language of communication among the common people. The very word "espanol" implies statelessness. Or they don't want to say where they're from.
Medieval times intercourse Continental Europe In the 16th century, when Christopher Columbus discovered America, he brought back native treasures, so Spanish itself is not a "pure" language, Central America with South America There are different Expression mode Even within Spain, there are different regional dialects. For Victor Garcia, the value of Spanish lies in the flexibility to accept different dialects. Spanish belongs to no one, it belongs to everyone. The universalization of the international network has become another channel to promote language. 93% of the content on the web is in English, Spanish There are very few websites, Utilization rate Only 0.6%, many of the Spanish content of the stations was translated, and there were many grammatical and verbal errors, which Victor Garcia was concerned about Western world The second most popular language, the popularity should be in the second or third place, so work is underway to create a computer information database in Spanish, and with Microsoft Talk to other major software companies about how to properly use Spanish in software.


The most common salutations used in Spanish are "don", "senor" and "dona "," senora ". In Chinese, they are translated as "Sir" and "madam".
When applied, "senor" and "senora" are used together with a surname, occupation or job title, Such as el senor Gonggonzalez, la profesora Ramirez, los senores Wang y Li, las profesoras Zhao y Lu." "don" and" dona "can only be used with first names, as in don Mario, dona Susana. If the first name and last name are used at the same time, senor /ra should be used first, then don/ dona, that is, senor /ra +don/ na + first name + last name. For example: senor don Luis Fernández , senora dona Maria Dolores de la Morena, senor don Yifei Li, senora dona Na Liu. [2]

Learning material

Spanish rhetoric
Learning books primer
Intermediate books
Advanced book