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Baidu encyclopedia: the basic process of entry editing

Baidu encyclopedia novice tutorial
synonymBaidu Encyclopedia: complex version(Baidu Encyclopedia: complex version) generally refers to Baidu Encyclopedia: the basic process of editing entries
Baidu Encyclopedia: The basic process of entry editing, mainly introduces the whole process from the beginning of the entry editing to the completion of the review process, as well as the important knowledge points that will appear in the process, including: the purpose of editing the entry, whether the entry can be edited, the editing method of the entry, the review results, and the version of the entry.
Chinese name
Baidu encyclopedia: the basic process of entry editing
Generic type
Baidu encyclopedia novice tutorial

The purpose of editing an entry



The purpose of editing Baidu encyclopedia entries is no more than the following three:
1. Found an error in an existing entry and wanted to correct it.
2. The content of the existing entry is not complete, and I want to help expand the content.
3. There is no entry in the encyclopedia that you want to query, so you need to create your own entry.


If it is for the above purposes 1 and 2, it is necessary to first select a target term that needs to be edited, and then click the "edit" button on the right side of the term name to enter the editing page of the term, as shown below:
Click "Edit" to enter the entry editing page
After entering the editing page, the specific part of the entry to edit, the editing method of each part, please refer to the entry" Baidu Encyclopedia: the composition of the entry ".
If you need to create a term for the above purpose 3, please refer to the" Baidu Encyclopedia: the creation of an entry ".

The editable state of the entry


Can be edited

Most of the entries can be edited directly. Click the "Edit" button, and the "Edit page" will be opened directly, which can be edited, as shown below:
Click [Edit] to enter the edit page of the right picture.

Editing conflict

Editorial conflicts can be generally divided into three situations:
First, do not enter the editing page, on the conflict: if the user wants to edit the entry, has been submitted by others, and has not yet completed the audit, then during this period, if someone wants to edit the entry, the system will prompt you to the entire entry can not be edited, as shown below:
Editing conflict, the whole word cannot be edited
In this case, only after the previous person's review is completed, others can edit.
Only some parts of the entry can be edited. When you click the "Edit" button and enter the "Edit page", you find that some parts of the entry prompt "under review, not editable for the time being", then the parts other than these prompted parts can be edited. As shown in the following figure, the overview and overview parts are not editable for the time being (red box). The basic information bar (green box part), the body and other parts can be edited and submitted normally:
Third, when you have entered the editing page, is editing, but not submitted, other users have edited and submitted a step earlier than you, entered the pending state, at this time you submit, there will be a prompt as shown below, in this case, can only temporarily save the edited content to the draft box, and other people's version of the review passed. You re-edit your content based on the version he passed.
* Tip: In order to avoid this kind of situation, each editing time should not be too long, and submit as soon as possible, if the content needs to be edited is too much, you can submit it multiple times.
Conflict in editing

Class restriction

When the content of some entries is relatively perfect, in order to prevent the quality of the entries from being degraded due to excessive scattered and meaningless editing, the entries themselves will have "485 protection", "4" means that the encyclopedia account needs to reach level 4, "85" means that the encyclopedia account has a pass rate of more than 85, and the two conditions must be met at the same time before the entry can be edited. When an account that does not meet any of these criteria wants to edit the term, the system will pop up the following prompt:
The entry is "485 protected"
  • Characteristic entry Generally there is 485 protection, but not absolutely.
  • Non-featured entries, sometimes due to sensitivity and other reasons, will also have 485 protection.
  • Above 485, there is a higher level of "685 protection", that is, 6 levels, and the pass rate is 85.

Term lock

Some entries will be officially locked for various reasons, so it cannot be edited, if there is a need to modify or edit content, you can give feedback through formal channels, or contact the official unlock through other channels before editing. When the issue that needs to be modified is edited, the entry is locked again.
Term lock
Lock cause
  • The content of the article may be disputed, and the article will be locked until the two sides of the dispute can discuss the outcome.
  • The content of this entry is endorsed by professionals or organizations invited by the encyclopedia As in" AIDS "" Civil Code of the People's Republic of China ") In order to protect the rigor and integrity of the content is locked. [1]
  • The content quality of the entry is relatively perfect, in order to protect the quality of the entry content and complete typesetting and locked state.
Feedback channel
  • For locked entries, if there are errors and need to be updated, relevant information can be provided to the [I have questions - content questions] platform at the bottom of the entry page for feedback. [2]
  • Authoritative cooperation and institutional contributions, priority through the [I have questions - content query] platform for feedback. [2]
  • Political figures, party and government institutions, law, military, history entries correction, please follow the hot word circle post for feedback. [3]
  • Add or update the image to replace with high definition large photo, standard photo, feedback email: [4]
  • Court entry update, feedback email:
  • Authoritative cooperation and communication, cooperation email: [1]
  • Please find other locking requirements astrosphere Headquarters to give feedback. [5]

Through rate

Baidu encyclopedia entry to edit pass rate, can see on your home page (, the following figure:
Through rate
  • The pass rate indicates the user Last 100 versions The pass rate will vary with the editing behavior. When one version is not passed, the pass rate is immediately reduced by 1, but when one version is passed, the pass rate is not necessarily increased by 1, and only when all the 100 recently edited versions are passed, the pass rate will be displayed as 100%.

Audit result


Pass the examination

When a term is approved, the upper right corner of any page in the login status will prompt "You have one version approved, please click to view", there will also be a corner mark prompt on the "passed version" of the personal home page, and in the record of the passed version, you will also see the record of the term you edited through, as shown below:
Pass the examination

Partial passage

If you edit the overview of an entry at the same time, basic information bar, body and other parts and submit, the system will review each part separately, if some parts passed the review, some parts did not pass the review, there will be a situation of "partial pass", as shown below, partial pass will not deduct the user's pass rate. And only the approved parts will be displayed in the online version.
Partial passage
When you click the "part pass" button, the comparison version page can pop up, which will show the reasons for the failed part, as shown below:
In [Partially passed], the part that has not passed and the reasons for not passing
Illustrate by example
  • Example 1: User A has modified the password China The "Overview" of the entry and the "first-level directory" of the text "meaning" and "historical chronology", where the modification of the overview and "historical chronology" directories conforms to the rules but the modification of the "meaning" directory does not comply with the rules, then the overview and "historical chronology" directories can be partially approved, and the modification of the "meaning" directory will be rejected.
  • Example 2: User A has modified the password China The "Ancient history" and "Modern history" under the "Historical Chronology" of the entry and the "first-level catalog" of the main body are two second-level catalogs, among which the "ancient history" under the "historical chronology" catalog is modified in accordance with the rules, but the "modern history" catalog is modified in accordance with the rules, only the overview can be partially passed. "Ancient history" belongs to the same first-level catalog as "modern history". Will be judged as failed together.

Not pass

When the submitted version does not meet the audit requirements, it will be judged as "failed" by the system or manual audit and will not be displayed online. The failed version can be viewed in the "failed version" list on the personal home page, and you can also see the general reason for the failure (the part in red line). If you want to see the specific reason for the failure, you need to click the "View review version comparison" button, as shown below:
Not pass
The following picture shows the specific reasons for the failure, and there are various reasons for the failure. The following picture is just one of them. The "common sense mistake" mentioned in the example means that the combination of English and Chinese can not be used in the name of the person, so the entry was not approved.
Specific reasons for not passing
After not passed, there can be two ways to deal with, one is to click [understand, I go to modify], it will pop up the editing page, modify on the basis of the not passed version, remember to modify the error problem prompted above and then submit, otherwise it will still not pass. The second is to click [do not understand, consult customer service], at this time you can contact the manual customer service to ask the specific reasons for not passing.
Failed processing method

Entry version

The term version refers to the various versions produced after editing and submitting the term and passing the system review, which are mainly divided into ordinary versions, complex versions, created versions, high-quality versions and featured versions, which are introduced one by one:

Common version

The ordinary version is the most basic and common simple modification, such as modifying a punctuation mark, a sentence, a picture and other modifications produced under the circumstances of less, without any special marks, the red horizontal line in the figure below is a common version approved by a review:
Passing the normal version will reward:
  • 1 Experience value
  • 0 Wealth value
Common version

Complex version

The complex version refers to the version obtained after editing with a large amount of change and passing the review, such as modifying multiple paragraphs, multiple directories, etc. After the complex version passes, a purple mark will be displayed. The red horizontal line in the figure below is the complex version passed the review:
Passing complex versions will reward:
  • 5 Experience values
  • 5 Wealth Value
Complex version

Create version

The created version refers to the version generated when a non-existent term is created, edited and approved by the user. After the created version is approved, a green mark will be displayed. The red horizontal line in the figure below is the created version that has been approved once:
Creating a version that passes will reward:
  • 3 Experience values
  • 3 Wealth Value
For more information about creating versions, please refer to the Baidu Encyclopedia: the creation of an entry ".
Create version

Premium version

Premium version means by Encyclopedia tadpole group The review members awarded quality marks to the entry version, which is second only to Baidu Encyclopedia: featured entries Excellent editing version, which has better knowledge and readability. After the quality version is passed, a red logo will be displayed. The red horizontal line in the figure below is the quality version that has passed the first audit:
Premium version will be rewarded:
  • 50 experience points
  • 50 Wealth value
※ The quality version can only be obtained through the Encyclopedia task system, which is manually awarded by the core members of the encyclopedia and cannot be automatically reviewed by the system.
For more information on premium versions, please refer to the Baidu Encyclopedia: quality version ".
Premium version

Featured version

Featured version means by Encyclopedia tadpole group The members of the jury awarded the featured marked version of the entry, which is an excellent work of encyclopedia entry, with strong knowledge and professionalism. After the feature version is passed, a blue mark will be displayed. The red horizontal line in the figure below is the feature version that has passed the first audit:
Passing the featured version will reward:
  • 100 experience points
  • 200 Wealth value
* The featured version can only be obtained through the Encyclopedia task system, which is manually awarded by the core members of the encyclopedia and cannot be automatically reviewed by the system.
For more information about the featured editions, please refer to the Baidu Encyclopedia: featured entries ".
Featured version

Hot word version

The hot word version refers to the version of the entry marked by the hot word, which is the version mark of the entry point of the Baidu encyclopedia knowledge point. "Hot words" are hot words. With the development of The Times, new news hotspots and knowledge points are updated every day, and the timely updating of encyclopedia content is becoming more and more important.
For more information on hot word versions, please refer to the Baidu Encyclopedia: hot word version ".

Encyclopedia star map

Encyclopedia star map is also a special template displayed on the entry page, which can be freely edited by scientific friends, as shown below:
Encyclopedia star map
For a detailed introduction to the encyclopedia star map, please refer to the entry" Encyclopedia star map ".
For specific editing methods of encyclopedia star maps, please refer to the entry" Encyclopedia star map editing guide ".