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A guide to editing plant entries

A guide to editing excellent articles on plants
synonymA guide to editing excellent articles on plants(Plant category excellent entry editing guide) generally refers to the plant category entry editing guide
This guide will mainly collect some problems encountered in editing plant entries, and provide some key guidelines for those who are interested in editing plant entries, so that they can understand the editing of plant entries, and can basically master the editing logic and norms of plant entries.
This guide will be updated as issues arise. This guide only serves as an editing guide for the featured and high-quality encyclopedia entries after the official release of this latest version.
Reference entry: konjac (Chinese plants), Eucalyptus obliqua (foreign plants), Abies baishanzu (rare plants), hogweed (invasive plants), Sapindaceae (above species level)
Note: The revised Guidelines will come into effect on April 15, 2022.
Chinese name
A guide to editing plant entries
Service object
Editor of articles on plants
Nature of entry
Editor's guide
Standardize the plant category entries
Executive team
Encyclopedia poetry Society

Classified application address

Classified application address
Apply for address:
Note: Edit this category entry please confirm that you have reached Baidu Encyclopedia level 4 +85% pass rate, and join the encyclopedia poetry society.

Scope definition

Plants referred to in this Guide are the collection of organisms contained in the plant kingdom in nature, including phyla, class, order, family, genus, species, subspecies, varieties, variants, varieties ( Does not include crop breeding approved varieties, crop breeding approved varieties reference < A guide to editing entries on crop varieties > ) and other levels of classification and various scientific basis of the general name, excluding other boundaries in the boundary system. In principle, the classification of species and more than species can apply for characteristic entries, and the classification of levels below species has no meaning of applying for characteristic entries, but for subspecies, varieties, varieties, etc., which have specific or extensive research, can apply for characteristic entries.
Note: Single species, family, etc., do not accept special applications (Because the content is the same as the type) .

Word name specification


Name determination

Since most plants have a variety of nicknames, the general standard name and Latin scientific name determination can refer to the following methods.
Chinese name and Latin name determination method
Standard name
general phytowisdom " [1] There are included (encyclopedia has been created on the word) in the "plant wisdom" Chinese name standard name.
Generally, "Plant wisdom" does not include Chinese names, first with" Chinese Natural Herbarium " [2] ," List of biological species in China " [11] ," List of wild plants under State key protection " [12] The Chinese names of databases, national authorities (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Forestry), national encyclopedias, etc.; Secondly, the most used in papers, journals and other literature shall prevail; Again, the literal translation of a wide range of English names shall prevail.
Latin name
General "plant wisdom" has included (encyclopedia has been created on the word) to "plant wisdom" scientific name prevail.
Generally, "Plant wisdom" does not include, to "The Plant List" (Plant List) [3] World Plants Online (powo) [13] ," International Index of Plant Names (ipni) [14] The same shall prevail.
For the disputed standard name and scientific name, it should be combined with the above several plant databases to jointly judge (at least 3>2); For the existence of special disputes in the academic community, and the first "plant wisdom" shall prevail, for example Anseria L (Foreign known as the lentidium).
For the more controversial standard words and scientific names, they should be discussed in the QQ group of "Encyclopedia Poetry Society - Plant Group" and then edited.

Nomenclature specification

The scientific name of the plant consists of the Latin name + nomenclator, where the species name consists of Generic Latin name + Latin name + Namer Three parts, Generic Latin name and Latin name Need italics; Latin names of varieties, subspecies, and variants need to be italicized. Parts of the cultivator quotes do not need italics, as detailed below.
(1) Species and subspecies taxon entries
Subspecies (subsp./ssp.), varieties (var.), variants (f.), varieties (cv. (or single quotation marks) is different from the species name, and the Latin scientific name already indicates the attribute of the type, so the standard name does not need additional parentheses indicating that it is a subspecies.
(2) category classification unit entry
The specification for writing the Latin scientific name of the genus taxon entry is bounded by "genus", the Latin name of the genus and its subtaxon entry needs italics, and the Latin name of the genus taxon entry does not need italics, but can be in formal form.
Examples of Latin scientific names for genus and subtaxon entries
Plant name
Latin name
Department of
Ser. Acanthocalyx Bitter
Sect. Andromonoscum Bitter
Subgen. Siphisia (Rafin.) Duchartre
Belong to
Clematis L.
Any of several species of Cypress
Juniperus spp.

Entry structure


Calling card

Business card includes Senses of meaning , summarize , information bar, overview chart Four parts.
  • (1) Meaning
1) Use descriptive phrases that best illustrate the features of the entry;
2) The number of words is not too much, concise and clear, objective and true.
Detailed scheme:
Plant entries need to use the correct meaning, as follows:
Species and subspecies taxa entries
Name category
Give an example
Varieties, subspecies, variants, varieties, cultivation types, etc
XX family XX genus plants XX (species is what to write) XX (varieties, varieties, subspecies, etc.) can not be clear directly write "XX family XX genus plants"
The seed of Job's tears : Coix coix of the grass family
Shatin pomelo : "Cultivated pomelo of Rutaceae Citrus" or "Rutaceae Citrus"
Plants of the genus XX of the family XX
pomelo : Citrus in the rutaceae family
Plant a taxon entry
Name category
Give an example
An X (entry name) under XX (upper level) or two levels according to the generic template
A group under XX
Jia Formation : "Group of the Nightshade family" or "group of the nightshade family"
A subgenus of the genus XX
Tubuloflorus : "Aristolochia" or "Aristolochia"
A genus of the family XX
Clematis : A genus of ranunculaceae or Ranunculaceae
The family
A member of the XX family
solanae : "Solanidae" or "Solanidae"
A subfamily of the XX family
Cupressoideae : "A subfamily of Cupressaceae"
A subject under XX
Sapindaceae : "A family of sapindus"
A suborder under XX
Rosaceae : "A suborder under the Rose"
An order under the class XX
Taxales : "An order under Coniferae" or "an order under Coniferae of Gymnospermae"
A subclass of the class XX
Primitive perianth : "A subclass of Dicotyledonae" or "a subclass of Dicotyledonae of the phylum angiospermophyta"
A key line under XX
pinoidea : A class of gymnosperms
A door under the plant kingdom
Gymnospermophyta : A door under the plant kingdom
Note: When more than one species cannot be distinguished, the meaning can be written "First level in plant classification" or a sense of known information, as reasonable as it may be.
  • (II) Overview
1) Content: a general introduction to the important recognition traits of a certain group, so that readers can quickly understand the morphological characteristics of the plant, and no large paragraphs of repeated content;
2) Language: Use professional terms to describe the important identification characteristics of this plant group without adding modifying components, and the content can be summarized from the text content of each directory. The number of words should be about 100 to 300 words, without redundant Spaces, wrong words, wrong punctuation and other writing problems. And every important piece of information needs a reference.
Detailed scheme:
Species and subspecies taxa entries
First paragraph
The title is a defining description, and the following format is used uniformly: XX (scientific name: XXXX) is the XX of X family and X genus, and writes the standard Chinese name, Latin scientific name, family, definition (such as annual herbs, trees, etc.) in turn. The morphological characteristics (branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.), distribution range and growing environment of the plants should also be briefly introduced.
"Example: Dabie Mountain Holly (Scientific name: Ilex dabieshanensis K. Yao & M. B. Deng are members of the Holly family."
The second paragraph
The main value significance or influence of the plant can be briefly introduced. For example: ① main value (invasive plants can briefly introduce the harm of the species). (2) Invasive plants can be added to the List of Invasive Plants of China or the List of Quarantine Pests of Imported Plants of the People's Republic of China. (Example: hogweed ). ③ Rare plants can be briefly added the highest level of protection and other content (example: Abies baishanzu ).
Plant a taxon entry
First paragraph
The title is a defining description, and the following format is used uniformly: XX (scientific name: XXXX) is an X (entry name) under XX (upper level), and the standard Chinese name, scientific name, and definition are written in turn (such as "a genus under Taxus family", etc.). The morphological characteristics (branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.), distribution range and species quantity of the taxon should also be briefly introduced.
"Example: Clematis (Scientific name: Clematis L.) is a genus of the goldenseal family."
The second paragraph
The main value significance or influence of the taxon species can be briefly introduced. ① The main value of the species of the taxon. ② If several species of the taxon are rare plants, the number of species listed in the XX protection list can be briefly supplemented.
  • (3) Basic information bar
1) Fill in the structured content of the entry correctly according to the classification of the entry to ensure that the information is complete and accurate;
2) Update and improve the contents of changes in plant protection levels in a timely manner.
Detailed scheme:
Plant classification is classified according to the angiosperm classification system of the official plant website "Plant Wisdom".
1) Select the corresponding template, in order for nature - biology - plants, fill in the Chinese name of all levels of classification to the level of classification, each category name only need to fill in the Chinese name. The entries for plants of subphyla, subclass, suborder, subfamily, tribe, subfamily, subgenus, subspecies, variety and variant are filled in according to availability;
2) For the species entry, subspecies fill in the number of all subspecies of the species, and for the classification entry of more than species, from the next level of this level to the species, fill in the number of the included levels of classification, for example Magnoliaceae 18 genera, about 335 species, no need to fill in the subspecies. You can choose to fill in the following subspecies. Subphyla, subclass, suborder, subfamily, subgenus and family and subfamily can be filled in by themselves.
3) Finally, add the "namer and age" item, and the namer and age shall be filled in the format of "namer, age". For cultivated varieties, it is generally difficult to find out the namer and age, so it is not required. All project plants total 10 items, door, class, order, family, genus added inner chain, and this entry name does not add inner chain.
4) The protection level or endangered level shall be filled in according to the level certified by IUCN or relevant departments in China, or refer to the endangered level suggested by relevant group literature, with relevant reference materials attached.
  • (4) Overview map
Principles: Pictures that show the full form of a particular plant;
Detailed scheme:
1) The outline map of the entry can not have watermarks, urls, and the quality should be better, the size is moderate, and the picture quality is clear. The picture is clear and beautiful, no stretching, distortion and other inappropriate content, high-definition color map is preferred, if there is no color map of extinct rare species, specimen map can also be considered (only species without color map);
2) The outline picture cannot be repeated with the text picture. If there is only one suitable picture, it will be preferentially placed in the outline picture position;
3) The pictures should show the specific plant habitat, body shape and detailed features to the greatest extent possible;
4) The outline map needs to be supplemented with reference sources, which can be attached to the "Latin Scientific name" or "Chinese name" in the information column.

Main body

  • (1) Directory structure
1. Species and subspecies taxon entry
Specification for editing entries of species and subspecies taxa
First-level directory
Secondary directory
Edit points
History of botany
According to the content of reasonable summary, 2-6 words is appropriate
Principles: This paper introduces the species evolution, differentiation history, changes in distribution area, discovery history and naming history, classification changes in different ages, and human planting history of this plant. For extinct plants, the history of their extinction can be introduced. (Sample term: maize )
Detailed scheme: If the content is too much, the key information can be summarized according to the time development context;
Morphological characteristics
According to the content of reasonable summary, 2-6 words is appropriate
principle : The characteristics of each part of the plant can be introduced from the branches, flowers, leaves, fruits and other aspects, including quantitative and quality traits, such as shape, color, length and width; If there are microscopic features, they must be described separately.
Detailed scheme : It can be used to sort out the characteristics of each part of the plant in the form of a table, and fill in the part name, part characteristics, pictures and other content in turn; It can also be used to summarize subheadings and sort out their features.
Proximate distinction
The morphological characteristics and habitat differences between this plant and related species are introduced.
Growing environment
According to the content of reasonable summary, 2-6 words is appropriate
principle Ecological factors such as the environment suitable for the growth of the plant are introduced, including geography (altitude), terrain (forest, hills, swamps, etc.), climate (temperature, humidity, light, soil, etc.), and associated communities.
Detailed scheme : If the content is rich and detailed, you can use bold subheadings to summarize and comb; The specific content can not be directly copied from large sections of reference materials, and the content that is too professional can be appropriately summarized and rewritten to make the text more understandable.
"Growing Environment" and "distribution range" are still regarded as two primary directories when combined.
Distribution range
principle : Introduce or list the distribution area or latitude and longitude range of the plant in the world and China; The distribution map may be supplemented as appropriate.
Detailed scheme : If the contents of "growing environment" and "distribution range" are less, or The two contents are more coherent and can be combined into a first-level directory. Habitat of origin "To write.
Growth habit
principle Introduce the biological characteristics of plants, including special growth mechanism, growth tendency and longevity.
Detailed scheme : When the content is rich, it can be summarized appropriately, and bold subheadings can be used. or Set the second level directory segment description; When the description of flowers and fruits is only one sentence, it can be placed under the morphological characteristics of the catalog, such as "flowering from March to May, fruit from June to August." And so on. (Sample term: Sericulus yili , Jishou Pule root , Tianshan false Wolf poison )
In the
(uncultivated species) essential
Propagation method
principle This paper introduces the propagation methods of sowing, cutting (leaf, seedling, branch), branch (root, bulb), grafting, layering, tissue culture, etc. Detailed scheme : When encountering complex large sections of content, bold subheadings can be split; There is more content of "breeding method", and there is a sentence in the content of "cultivation technology", and when this sentence is obviously consistent with "breeding method", this sentence can be placed in the "breeding method" directory, and otherwise placed under the "cultivation technology" directory.
In the
When the contents of "Breeding methods" and "cultivation techniques" have a coherent form or the content is less than 100 words, the first level directory can be combined:" Planting technique ". Do not stick to any kind of directory, according to the content richness, consistency and other flexible processing.
Cultivation technique
principle : Introduces the plant cultivation process and the problems that should be paid attention to, usually the cultivation of the plant should be used (including research cultivation). Including: land selection, land preparation, planting (transplanting), tending (maintenance), harvesting and other contents.
Detailed scheme If there is a clear consistency between the contents of "breeding methods" and "cultivation techniques", the "breeding methods" will be considered as part of the "cultivation techniques"; if there is a clear consistency between the contents of "seedling management" and "breeding methods", it will be placed under the "breeding methods" directory; otherwise, it will be placed under the "cultivation techniques" directory.
In the
Disease and insect control
Can be set as "disease" and "pest" secondary directory
Principles: Introduce the types of pests and diseases that plants may encounter and how to control them.
Detailed scheme: It is preferred to use the form of a table to list the main diseases and pests of plants, and fill in the corresponding disease characteristics and control methods. The selection of contents should be more easy to understand, and there is no need to describe the dosage of drugs and other professional contents in too much detail.
The level-1 directory name can be flexibly set based on the content: for example
1." Disease control (Only disease);
2." Pest control (Only pests);
3." Zoonotic control (Both insect and animal damage)
4." Disaster prevention (Other cases, if possible, involve natural disasters).
Subordinate classification
Principles: A list of subspecies, varieties, variants, varieties, etc., below that taxon.
Detailed scheme: 1. Which form module can the content be displayed in? or The form, origin, habitat and value of the "subordinate classification" are introduced respectively. 2. When the content is rich, it can be summarized appropriately, and bold subheadings can be used. or Set the secondary directory segment description.
If there is only one subcategory, you can flexibly set the name of the level-1 directory, for example
1." Major variety (Only variants);
2." Major subspecies (subspecies only);
3." Major variant (Only variations);
4." Main variety (if there is a breed).
Primary value
principle This paper introduces the research value, ornamental value, economic value, edible value, ecological value and medicinal value of this plant.
Detailed scheme 1. When encountering complex and large paragraphs of professional text, it can be properly summarized and sorted out with plain and easy to understand text; 2. Medicinal value: In view of the high entry threshold of pharmaceutical related knowledge, more objective authority is required in the preparation of relevant content, which can be briefly described its medicinal value, without introducing medicinal methods;
(Invasive plants) Optional
Conservation status
Principles: For plants listed in China's provincial, national or above national protection plans, the protection level, population status, endangered reasons, protection measures and other relevant content are introduced according to the actual situation.
Detailed scheme: When the content is rich, it can be summarized appropriately, and bold subheadings can be used. or Set the secondary directory segment description.
In the
(rare plants) necessary
Protection level
List the international or country of origin classification of the plant, included in the conservation plan, such as:
Be included in Iucn Red List of Threatened Species IUCN 2018 ver 3.1 - Endangered (EN). [10]
Be included in List of wild plants under State key protection "-- Level II. [12]
Be included in China Red List of Biodiversity - Higher Plants Volume "(September 2, 2013) - Critical. [15]
Population status
This paper introduces the population status of this plant, such as quantity and distribution status.
Endangered cause
The natural and human factors of the endangered plant are introduced.
Protective measure
Introduce the conservation measures of the plant in the country of origin, including scientific research, enactment of laws, establishment of protected areas and other remediation actions.
Species hazard
Principles: This paper introduces the harm of invasive plants to the ecological environment and economic production of the invaded area.
Detailed scheme: 1. The List of Alien Invasive Species in Natural Ecosystems of China or the Information System of Alien Invasive Species of China published by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China shall prevail. The time and batch included shall be marked in the overview, and reference materials shall be attached; 2. If the species is not an alien invasive species in China, but there are references in China that can prove that the species causes harm to other countries, it is generally considered as an invasive species, and this module can be written as the diversity content of the entry; 3. It is enough to introduce all kinds of hazards caused by invasive species as a whole, and the content needs to be properly summarized. If there are multiple hazards, it can be classified by bold subheadings without too much detail description;
In the
(Foreign invasion) necessary
Control method
Principles: Introduce the control methods of invasive alien plants, such as artificial, physical, chemical, biological, etc.
Detailed scheme: When the content is rich, it can be summarized appropriately, and bold subheadings can be used. or Set the secondary directory segment description.
In the
(Foreign invasion) necessary
Extinction cause
Principles: Similar to the endangered causes, the natural and human factors of the plant extinction are introduced.
Detailed scheme: When the content is rich, it can be summarized appropriately, and bold subheadings can be used. or Set the secondary directory segment description.
In the
Necessary (for extinct plants)
Plant culture
Principles: This paper introduces the flower language of flowers, the allusions related to plants and the cultural images of plants.
Detailed scheme: 1. Sort out and summarize the interesting and verifiable cultural content of the plant with authoritative sources; 2. If the plant has a variety of culturally relevant content, it can be summarized appropriately, using bold subheadings, or Set the second level directory segment description; Each part of the content should be described in concise text.
Based on the characteristics of the species. If there is also meaningful content closely related to the plant, such as "plant anecdotes", you can also add a table of contents as appropriate according to editorial requirements.
Characteristic requirement
History of botany
Morphological characteristics
Proximate distinction
Growing environment
Distribution range
Growth habit
Propagation method
Cultivation technique
Subordinate classification
Primary value
Conservation status
Species hazard
Control method
Extinction cause
Plant culture
In the
In the
In the
In the
In the
In the
In the
In the
Feature entry editing criteria: ≥5 first-level directories (≥3 +1), content as comprehensive and rich as possible.
High quality requirement
History of botany
Morphological characteristics
Proximate distinction
Growing environment
Distribution range
Growth habit
Propagation method
Cultivation technique
Subordinate classification
Primary value
Conservation status
Species hazard
Control method
Extinction cause
Plant culture
Quality entry editing standards: ≥4 first-level directories (≥3 strong), content as comprehensive and rich as possible.
2. Type the taxon entry
Specification for editing entries on taxon
First-level directory
Edit points
History of botany
This paper introduces the time when the taxon was first established (history of discovery and naming), taxonomic history, changes in origin and distribution area, and taxonomic changes in different ages, such as human planting history. The extinction history of extinct taxa can be introduced.
Morphological characteristics
This paper introduces the characteristics of each part of the taxon from the aspects of branch, flower, leaf and fruit, including shape, color and measurement. When the number of sub-categories is small, the morphological characteristics of each sub-category can be listed separately.
Near X difference
This paper introduces the differences between species of this taxon and similar taxon in morphology, habitat and so on.
X represents different taxonomic units, such as:
1. When the classification unit is Genus, the directory name is Genus. Proximate distinction " ;
2. When the classification unit is "Family", the directory name is" Proximate distinction And so on.
Growing environment
With regard to the entry of specific taxa, priority should be given to compiling the common growing environment corresponding to taxa. No common growing environment can be found, which can complement the growing environment of model species, or Listing the environment of a few representative subordinate species, or Replace the growing environment with other strongly related directories.
Distribution range
Introduce or list the distribution areas or latitude and longitude ranges of the taxon species in the world and China; The distribution map may be supplemented as appropriate.
Growth habit
The common biological characteristics of the taxon species (including special growth mechanism, growth tendency and longevity, etc.) are introduced. or Biological characteristics of several representative species are introduced.
Propagation method
The common reproduction method of this taxon species is introduced. or The reproduction methods of several representative species are introduced, and the detailed compilation methods are the same as the editing requirements of the "species and subspecies taxa entry" above.
Cultivation technique
The common cultivation techniques of the taxon species are introduced. or The cultivation techniques of several representative species are introduced, and the detailed compilation methods are the same as the editing requirements of the above "species and subspecies taxa entry".
Disease and insect control
List the main pests and diseases of the taxon species and their control methods, or This paper introduces the control of diseases and pests of several representative species, and the detailed compilation method is the same as the editing requirements of the above "species and subspecies taxa entry".
Subordinate classification
First introduce the number of sub-categories of the classification unit entry, and then list all the sub-groups contained in the form of a table to comb and display, only edit to the next level can be.
For example: "family" category entry, need to list the lower classification "genus", but can not only list "subfamily", and so on (can fully list the most basic unit of species "species" better). When the subcategory of the taxon entry contains ≥50 "species", only the "species" distributed in China can be listed. (Sample term: Sapindaceae , The verbena family )
Primary value
Introducing the main value of the commonality of species in this taxon, or The main values of several representative species are introduced, and the detailed compilation method is the same as the editing requirements of the "species and subspecies taxa entry" above.
Conservation status
Lists the number of species of the taxon listed in international or country of origin. The detailed compilation method is the same as the editing requirements of the above "species and subspecies taxon entry". (Sample term: Cycas L. )
Extinction cause
Similar to endangered causes, the natural and human factors of species extinction in this taxon are introduced.
Plant culture
Introducing the common plant culture of this taxon species, or The plant culture of several representative species is introduced, and the detailed compilation method is the same as the editing requirements of the above "species and subspecies taxa entry".
Based on the characteristics of the species. If there is also meaningful content closely surrounding the terms of the taxonomy, such as "plant anecdotes," you can also add a table of contents as appropriate for editorial requirements.
Characteristics, high quality requirements
History of botany
Morphological characteristics
Proximate distinction
Growing environment
Distribution range
Growth habit
Propagation method
Cultivation technique
Subordinate classification
Primary value
Conservation status
Extinction cause
Plant culture
Feature entry editing criteria: ≥5 first-level directories (≥4 strong), the content as comprehensive and rich as possible.
Quality entry editing standards: ≥4 first-level directories (≥3 strong), content as comprehensive and rich as possible.
  • (2) Photo album
1) Select pictures related to the content of the main text;
2) No repetition, clear and beautiful images, no watermark, website and other propaganda content.
Detailed scheme:
1) The text picture can not be less than 5, you can set the atlas can also be a single column. The picture quality should be better, the size is moderate, the picture quality is clear;
2) In principle, use color pictures, if you can't find them, you can use specimen pictures instead.
  • (3) Inner chain
When the content of the text module has another entry to explain the system, you can add the corresponding internal chain of the subject word bar below the module to realize the content jump;
Detailed scheme:
1) The text content with the main words can roughly summarize the main content of the module, complete the editing and sorting, and ensure the integrity of the basic framework and key information;
2) It is necessary to indicate the name of the subject article under the secondary title of the text directory, and add an internal chain.
  • (4) Reference materials
1. The reference data coverage rate of high-quality entries should be >50%, and featured entries should be >70%;
2, the reference materials should not be from a single source, the featured entries have at least 3 effective sources of non-repeated reference materials, all the contents of the directory should be supported by effective reference materials;
3, the reference data and the scope of application are not strictly corresponding, in the preparation of the priority ranking range can be queried, when there is a contradiction in the content, the high priority of the data shall prevail;
Detailed scheme:
Priority sorting:
Level A
Database name
Scope of application
phytowisdom [1]
Chinese name, Latin name, morphological characteristics, habitat, etc
Chinese Natural Herbarium [2]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name, picture
List of biological species in China [11]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name
List of wild plants under State key protection [12]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name
The Plant List [3]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name
World Plants Online (POWO) [13]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name, picture, distribution map (the map of South Tibet has a problem, need to pay attention to)
International Index of Plant Names (IPNI) [14]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name
Flora of China (FOC) [4]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name
Chinese plant species information database [5]
Chinese name, Latin name, morphological characteristics, habitat, etc
Chinese plant image library [6]
Chinese name, Latin scientific name, picture
China Plant Map Union [17]
China Digital Herbarium [7]
Specimen map
China Alien invasive species information System [8]
Inclusion of invasive plants
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) [10]
Protection status, distribution range, distribution map, etc
Global Biodiversity Information Agency (gbif) [16]
Latin names, distribution map
China Red List of Biodiversity - Higher Plants Volume [15]
Protection levels of rare plants
China rare and endangered plant information system [9]
Protection level of rare plants (Note: The IUCN protection level shown on this website actually refers to the protection level listed in the "China Biodiversity Red List - Higher Plants Volume")
Grade B
Give an example
Scope of application
Core academic journals, papers
1) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Taxon, Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, Taxon, Journal of Systematics and others Evolution, Phytotaxa, Nordic Journal of Botany, PhytoKeys, Plant Research, Guangxi Botany, Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany, Acta Botanica, etc.;
Classification treatment cultivation methods
2) Northern Gardening, etc.

General requirement


Word count requirement

The text of each featured entry must be at least 1000 words. Defining terms for compound, collective, and common names for a variety of plants (e.g. blueberry ), this type of feature text must be no less than 3000 words.

Mind your words

  • Do not copy news content directly
The content of Baidu Encyclopedia should be a compilation of information, not a simple aggregation of news. When using news as a content source, the content of the news needs to be rewritten to conform to the encyclopedia specification.
  • Modify positional and subjective descriptions
  1. one
    "China" can be changed to "China", "domestic" can be changed to "within China", "foreign" can be changed to "outside China", and sometimes "world" can be replaced.
  2. 2.
    Remove subjective phrases such as: "It has been observed that..." ", "beautiful XXX..." ", need no emotional introduction, strong but non-quotable punctuation such as "!" "?" And so are also subjective statements.
  • The timeliness description is modified
When giving statistical data, it is necessary to mark the data release time, such as "by the end of XX", "by the year XX" and so on. If the data release time cannot be found, the specific data reference date can be indicated in front of the data to facilitate readers to find the data source and statistical time, so that the content of the entry is more rigorous.

Text composition

  • Directory structure
If each level 2 directory in a level 1 directory has only a few lines of content, these level 2 directories can be changed directly to bold so as not to interfere with reading (for example, Sowing and propagation: Seeds collected in September......) .
  • Blank space
The picture cursor can be moved to the front of the paragraph to avoid meaningless Spaces. There is no meaningless blank and space between the directory and the text, there is too much white space in the picture (picture width: text width ≥2:1), at this time to consider whether you need so many pictures and the place where the picture is added is too little text, you need to move the picture in these two cases to other locations or delete.
  • Reference material
It is recommended to use paper materials and news reports from authoritative media. Works, journals, videos, external networks and other reference materials that cannot be directly accessed, please refer to the designated posts according to the requirements of the review.
References for the following common cases are not valid references for the content of an entry:
  1. one
    Micro-blog, blog, forum, library, know, post bar, forum, Douban, etc., and all kinds of user-editable encyclopedias (such as Wikipedia, Sogou encyclopedia, interactive encyclopedia, etc.).
  2. 2.
    Commercial websites such as companies, advertising, selling sites, such as Taobao, Jingdong, Amazon, etc.
  3. 3.
    With a disclaimer, the article indicates the source network or unknown. (Note: Some well-known websites have disclaimers, such as Xinhua net, Phoenix net part of the news page will indicate disclaimers, generally can be used, if it is reproduced news, it is recommended to find the most original source.)
  4. 4.
    Other advertisements have more pop-ups, and the content is directly copied from unknown and unreliable websites such as encyclopedias or the Internet (the website does not indicate where the source is). A video downloaded by a user from the source website and uploaded to a video sharing website (such as Youku, Tudou, Yinyue Platform, etc.).

Detail specification

  1. one
    Do not use half corner symbols (except scientific names). When multiple consecutive pieces of content come from the same reference, you can use corner labels only at the end of the reference.
  2. 2.
    Correct use of punctuation, most places in the entry are Chinese punctuation [English brackets "()", vertical brackets "" "→ Chinese brackets "()"; English comma ", "→ Chinese comma", ")], but the decimal point (1.1 → 1.1), serial number and other places are English punctuation.
  3. 3.
    When letters or numbers are used in the entry, use the letters and numbers in the half corner. A thousand separator can be added, but is not required.
  4. 4.
    Generally, the international system of units should be adopted for weights and measures. Units of other systems of units shall be converted to the International System of Units. And the full text should be written in the same unit (such as the full text unified use of the unit "m" or unified use of "M").
  5. 5.
    According to the writing standards of papers at home and abroad, it is suggested to put the corner mark of reference materials on the left side of the punctuation at the end of the sentence; In the table, if you add a reference for the whole, you can write a separate line.
  6. 6.
    The full text should be in Chinese as far as possible. In a Chinese environment, if some words are more commonly translated in English than in Chinese, or if a thing does not have a Chinese name, English can be used. If the place name, personal name and some other special nouns are translated, please mark the original text if there is no entry and cannot be added.