
Republic of Poland
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The capital of The Republic of Poland, also known as Poland Warsaw , located in Europe Central, West and Germany As neighbors, south and Czech Republic , Slovakia Bordering, east bordering Russia , Republic of Lithuania , Belarus , Ukraine , face the north Baltic Sea . It is a temperate broadleaf forest climate with a transition from Marine to continental climate. It has flat terrain and rich mineral resources. With an area of 312,705 square kilometers, [22] The coastline is 528 kilometers, and the country has 16 provinces and 314 counties. As of January 2023, the total population is 37.749 million, mainly Polish, in addition to German, Belarusian, Jewish and other minorities, most residents believe in Roman Catholicism, the official language is POLISH . [3-4]
The Polish state originated among the West Slavs in Poland, Vistula, Silesia , Eastern Pomerania , Mazovia Such an alliance of tribes. The feudal dynasty was established in the 9th and 10th centuries, reached its peak in the 14th and 15th centuries, and began to decline in the second half of the 18th century. In 1772, 1793 and 1795 Russian Empire , Prussia and The House of Habsburg [11] Independence was restored on 11 November 1918. On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany Invading Poland, World War II Full blown. After the war, the Republic of Poland was established, later renamed Polish People's Republic . After World War II, Poland was established Socialist system . In 1989, Poland's political and economic system was transformed, and on December 29 of the same year, the Parliament passed a constitutional amendment to change the name of the country to the Republic of Poland, and designated May 3 as the National Day. [3]
Poland is Moderately developed country , yes Central and Eastern Europe The region's important agricultural, industrial and most populous country. Poland is World Trade Organization , Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , European Union Member states. In 2021, Poland's GDP was 574.4 billion euros. [3]
Chinese name
Republic of Poland
Foreign name
Rzeczpospolita Polska (in Polish)
The Republic of Poland (English)
Abbreviated form
Major city
Krakow , Rhoades , Wroclaw , Poznan , Gdansk , Szczecin Etc.
National Day
On May 3rd
National song
" Poland is not dead "
Country code
Official language
Time zone
Political system
A semi-presidential republic
National leader
Andrzej Duda (President) , Donald Tusk [18] (Prime Minister)
Population number
37.749 million [3] (January 2023)
Population density
117.1 persons/km2 [2] (January 2023)
Major nationality
Major religion
Land area
312705 km² [22]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
774.8 billion euros [16] [34] (2023)
Per capita GDP
14,750 euros [16] (2023)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the right
The national flower
Legal system
Civil law system
Human development index
0.834 (extremely high) (2013)
Leading institution
Jagiellonian University , University of Warsaw Etc.

Historical evolution


Early history

The origins of the Polish state Sislav In Poland, Wisla , Silesia , Eastern Pomerania , Mazosher Such an alliance of tribes.
From the 6th to the middle of the 10th century, West Slavs Primitive commune It starts to fall apart, Feudal land ownership Generated.
Mid-10th century, to Gniezno The central Polish tribe gradually unified the other tribes. Of the Piaster family Myshko the First The establishment of early feudal states, began The Piast Dynasty The rule of...
In 1025, Boleslaw the First Crown as Kings of Poland Poland became a strong and united country.

Establishment and unification

In the middle of the 12th century, Boleslaw III After death, Poland entered Feudal separation Period, up to 200 years long.
In the 13th century, Poland was repeatedly invaded by the Mongols. in Second Mongol expedition to the West Hit the mark Battle of Rignitz Poland suffered heavy losses.
From 1287 to 1288, The Defense of Krakow In the middle, the Poles not only repelled the Mongols, but united Hungarians A big blow to Mongolia.
In 1320, Wladyslaw the First unify Greater Poland , Lesser Poland , Kuyawi, in Krakow Crowned King of Poland. Kazimir III And reunified Mazosher. However, West Pomerania (Western Pomerania) and East Pomorre ( Eastern Pomerania ) respectively Brandenburg and The Teutonic Knights Occupy. Silesia was Bohemia The royal occupation.
In 1385, to resist the invasion of the Teutonic Knights, Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania A dynastic union. Grand Duke of Lithuania Wladyslaw II Agiello was King of Poland.
In 1410, the Polish-Lithuanian armies fought Battle of Grunwald And dealt a devastating blow to the Teutonic Order.
In 1466, East Pommery was recaptured.

First Republic

In 1505, Parliament passed a constitution that gave the king no right to enact laws without Parliament's consent, thereby weakening the monarchy and inviting foreign intervention. face Moscow Aggressive expansionist momentum, the Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania In parliament Lublin Passed the establishment of a unified First Polish Republic The resolution of the capital from Krakow immigrate Warsaw . The Republic of Poland became a multi-ethnic federal serfdom with a maximum land area of 1 million square kilometers.
Second half of the 17th century, Polish serfdom Entered the crisis phase.
In 1648, Khmelnytsky Leading the Cossacks in Ukraine National uprisings were held, and the ruling class itself fell apart.
In 1652, the great barons forced it through Parliament Discretionary veto .
In 1654, Tsarist Russia Declared war on Poland, annexed it The Dnieper River East of Ukraine.
In 1655, Polish-swedish War Poland lost part of its territory. The First Northern War Initially, Poland was forced to follow Russia into the war.
From 1733 to 1735, Russia, Austria and France, Spain and Sardinia fought a war for Poland, which seriously damaged Polish sovereignty and national economy.
In the second half of the 18th century, Polish production relations emerged Germination of capitalism Under the influence of the Enlightenment movement in Western Europe, the middle and small aristocrats and the emerging bourgeoisie launched the patriotic innovation movement, but it was influenced by the Empress of Russia Catherine the Second Armed intervention.
It was divided three times
The Polish uprising of 1863
In May 1772, Russian Empire , Kingdom of Prussia , Austrian Empire The Three Kingdoms Petersburg The talks were signed on August 5 of the same year The first partition of Poland The Treaty of... As a result, Poland lost about 35% of its territory and 33% of its population, and became a protectorate of Russia, Prussia, and Austria.
On January 23, 1793, Russia and Prussia signed in Petersburg Second partition of Poland After the second partition, Poland became a small country with only 200,000 square kilometers of territory and a population of 4 million, which became part of Russia Puppet The kingdom of Poland without the king tsar No war or peace with foreign nations.
Signed by Russia and Austria on January 3, 1795 The third partition of Poland On October 24 of the same year, Prussia also signed the agreement. According to the agreement, Polish territory was completely divided. Russia annexed Lithuania, Courland West Belarus and West Warren, pushing the border to Neman - Bug The first line covers 120,000 square kilometers with a population of 1.2 million. Austria occupied all of Lesser Poland, including Krakow and Lublin, and part of Mazosher, a total of 47,500 square kilometers with a population of 1.5 million. Prussia It captured the rest of the western region, Warsaw, and part of the Marzosche region, with a total of 55,000 square kilometers and a population of 1 million. At this point, the Polish state, which had existed for more than 800 years, disappeared from the map of Europe for 123 years.
In the process of the three partitions of Poland, Russia occupied about 62% of the former Polish territory, a total of about 460,000 square kilometers, Prussia occupied about 20%, a total of about 141,100 square kilometers; Austria About 18 percent, or 121,800 square kilometers.


when Napoleon He defeated Austria, Prussia and Prussia in a series of brilliant battles between 1805 and 1807 Russia The Poles believed they had found the liberator. Soon after Napoleon's capture of Warsaw, Poles flocked to the city and began supporting Napoleon's cause, including Poland at the Battle of Somoshera lancer A surname
It was founded in 1809 in central Poland by Napoleon I Duchy of Warsaw As a satellite of France. After the defeat of Napoleon, the Duchy of Warsaw was dismembered and its western lands became the Duchy of Poznan, administered by Prussia, and the neutral Republic of Krakow (also known as the Free City of Krakow) was established in Krakow. In its main area, the Kingdom of Poland was established, led by the Russian tsar and king.
On November 29, 1830, a group of aristocratic youth staged a failed uprising in Warsaw.
In 1846, Krakow uprising And also failed, Krakow Be incorporated into Austria .
In 1848, the Polish people raised another revolution, forcing the Austrian and Prussian authorities to abolish serfdom.
After 1864, Kingdom of Poland the capitalism There was a lot of development, in the 1870s and 1880s, done Industrial revolution . Thereafter established National Democratic Party of Poland , Polish proletarian Party , Polish Socialist Party The Social Democratic Party of the Kingdom of Poland (later renamed the Social Democratic Party of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania).
World War I During this period, the National Democratic Party defected to Russia, the right Socialist Party defected to Austria and Germany, and only the Social Democratic Party and the left Socialist Party resolutely opposed the war.

Second Republic

In November 1916, the German government promised to establish an "independent Polish state", and at the end of December of the same year, Germany and Austria established the "Polish Provisional State Council" and recruited Polish youth, Socialists Pilsudski He was appointed Minister of military affairs at the provisional State Council.
On August 29, 1918, Soviet Russia The government decreed its abolition Russian Empire All treaties signed with Poland and Austria concerning the partition of Poland recognized the "undeniable right of the Polish people to independence and unity." In October and November of the same year, Austro-hungarian Empire And Germany tended to disintegrate, thus forming favorable international conditions for the restoration of Poland. On October 28 of the same year, Polish patriots in the Austrian territories established the "Polish Liquidation Committee" in Krakow. On November 7 of the same year, the Social Democrats in Lublin The Provisional People's Government of the Republic of Poland was established. On 23 October the Polish government was formed in Warsaw, and on 11 November that year it was headed by Pilsudski. The government of Lublin and the liquidation Committee of Krakow also announced the acceptance of Pilsudsky. On 18 November of the same year, Pilsudski formed a coalition government in Warsaw, and he became Head of State of the Republic of Poland.
On December 8, 1919, The Entente countries The Supreme Council Paris Peace Conference The resolution approved the reconstruction of the Polish state, the recognition of the Republic of Poland, and the proposal to draw a temporary line of demarcation between Russia and Poland, that is, along Grodno , Brest, Khrubeshev , Przemidale, until The Carpathian Mountains A line. However, the Polish government sought to restore the Russian-Polish border of 1772. To this end, the newly formed Republic of Poland launched a campaign against the newly born socialist state Soviet Russia The war, history says Soviet-polish War .
In April 1920, the Polish army invaded Ukraine and Belarus In large areas, the Red Army counterattacked, driving the intervening Polish forces out of the country and bringing the fighting to the Polish capital Warsaw But in the end Battle of Warsaw The Russian army was defeated by the Polish army, although the Polish army won the final military victory, but the war is also incompetent to make the people exhausted, and finally the two sides agreed to peace.
British Foreign Secretary, 12 July 1920 Curzon Calling Soviet Russia on behalf of the Allies to propose a ceasefire, the armistice line is roughly the demarcation line stipulated in the Paris Peace Conference resolution, so it is called" Curzon line ". On 22 July, Poland demanded an armistice.
In March 1921, the Parliament adopted the Constitution and Poland became a parliamentary republic Second Polish Republic . On March 18 of the same year, Poland and Soviet Russia formally signed the Treaty of Peace between Poland and Russia and Ukraine in Riga. Treaty of Riga ". The main content of the agreement was that the contracting parties recognized the independence of Ukraine and Belarus, demarcated the eastern border of Poland (giving the western part of Ukraine and Belarus to Poland), and the Polish-Russian border was about 150 miles east of the Curzon Line. Under the treaty, Poland gained western Ukraine and Western Belarus, as well as part of Lithuania. Soviet Russia lost much of its territory in the war, which set the stage for the partition of Poland between the Soviet Union and Germany in World War II. Also, according to 1919 Paris Peace Conference By resolution, Poland gained the regions of East Pomori and Poznan, Danzig (later changed to Poland Gdansk Was declared an international free city, Silesia Most of Poland remained in Germany, with a total area of 388,000 square kilometers.
In May 1926, Pilsudski Staged a military coup and came to power, became Prime Minister, imposed a dictatorship on Polish territory, arrested those who opposed him in parliament, and propagandised fascism . In addition, he was active with the Fuhrer of Nazi Germany Hitler In cooperation, the Bode Non-Aggression Pact was signed.
In 1938, the Polish Communist Party was dissolved and its main leaders killed.

World War II period

In October 1938, Hitler made an offer to Poland Polish corridor "And threatened Poland with war.
On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland in a Blitzkrieg and quickly occupied most of Polish territory. On September 17 of the same year, the Soviet leader Stalin To build an eastern defense line, order 600,000 Red Army Crossing the Soviet-Polish border, they attacked eastern Poland and occupied western Ukraine and Western Belarus. On September 18, the Soviet and German armies met at Brest-Litovsk, dividing Poland along the Pisa, Narif, Vistula and Sang rivers. On September 28, the German Army captured Warsaw, and Poland fell again. The Polish people rebelled Fascism The National Liberation War.
In April 1940, Nazi Germany was established in Poland Auschwitz concentration camp It is a typical example of the multiple concentration camps used for the treatment of millions of Jews and prisoners from Poland, the Soviet Union and other countries.
In 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union and occupied all of Polish territory Polish government in exile Establish diplomatic relations.
In 1942, the government-in-exile established the National Army in the country, and in the same year, the Soviet-backed Polish Communists were founded Polish Workers' Party And the People's Army.
In 1943, due to the massacre of Polish soldiers by the Soviet Union The Katyn Forest incident The exile government again broke relations with the Soviet Union.
On New Year's Day 1944, on the initiative of the Workers' Party, the National People's Congress was established, with Beiruti as its president.
Factory of death - Auschwitz concentration camp
On July 22, 1944, the National People's Congress was held Hayum The Polish National Liberation Committee was formed and the historic July Declaration was issued, announcing the birth of the new Polish state.
In August 1944, as the Red Army advanced to the outskirts of Warsaw, the British government-in-exile, in an effort to protect the sovereignty of the new Polish state from Soviet aggression, famously ordered the Underground National Army in Warsaw to mount an uprising Warsaw Uprising .
On the basis of Yalta and The Potsdam Conference The decision determined the eastern and western borders of Poland, and the eastern to Curzon line It was the Polish-Soviet border, while the western Polish-German border moved westward to the Odinis River and included Szczecin and Schwinowitz on the Polish side of the border. In this way, Poland as a whole moved more than 200 kilometers to the west, and its area was about 76,000 square kilometers smaller than before the war, about 20% of its territory was lost.

People's Republic

On 21 July 1944, the Republic of Poland (Polish: Rzeczpospolita Polska) was established.
In 1947, Poland held parliamentary elections, Soviet-backed Beirut was elected president, Socialist Sirenkiewicz became prime minister, Poland embarked on the road of socialist development, and the Western government in exile was basically excluded from the center of power.
In December 1948, the Polish Workers' Party and the Polish Socialist Party merged to form the Polish Socialist Party Polish United Workers Party Beirut as General secretary. The government nationalized large and medium-sized industries, transportation, and banks, carried out land reform, and mobilized the people to complete the three-year plan for the recovery of the national economy.
On October 7, 1949, Poland established diplomatic relations with the new People's Republic of China.
In 1950, Poland began implementing a six-year plan for the development of the national economy.
On 22 July 1952, Poland was officially named the People's Republic of Poland. is Warsaw Pact and Committee for mutual Economic assistance Member. The ruling party is Polish United Workers Party , the capital city Warsaw . The Constitution of the Polish People's Republic was adopted, Sawatski was elected President of the Council of State, and Beirut was appointed President of the Council of Ministers.
In March 1956, Beiruti died in Moscow, and Ohab succeeded him as First secretary.
1956, Supreme Leader of the Soviet Union Khrushchev The "de-Stalinization" of Poland had a huge impact on the entire socialist Eastern bloc, and it was at that time that the famous "de-Stalinization" took place in Poland The Poznan incident .
On August 4, 1956, the Polish United Workers' Party decided to revoke its leadership of the former Communist Party of Poland in November 1949 Gomulka He was criticized and condemned by others and released from prison. On 19 October, Gomulka was elected a member of the Central Committee. During the Soviet-Polish talks, Gomulka opposed Soviet interference and pressure in Poland's internal affairs and insisted on "Poland's own path". On October 21 of the same year, Gomulka was elected as the first secretary of the Party Central Committee, with the development of consumer goods production and agriculture, and the improvement of people's living standards as the main task. However, because the serious defects of the Soviet model could not be fundamentally overcome, the proportion of the national economy remained seriously out of proportion during the next two five-year plans.
In December 1970, Gdansk There was strike unrest, which later developed into bloody clashes.
In July 1980, popular discontent over price increases led to a nationwide strike. In October of the same year, the first independent trade union organization in Eastern Europe -" Solidarity "Established in Poland, Lech Walesa Elected leader of Solidarity.
On 13 December 1981, Poland declared a state of war and Solidarity was banned. The war status ended in July 1983.
In April 1989, the Parliament passed a resolution legalizing the Solidarity trade union and introducing parliamentary democracy. In June of the same year, Solidarity won the early general election and formed a government with itself as the main body. On 29 December the same year, the Parliament passed a constitutional amendment to change the name of the country to the Republic of Poland. [3]

Third Republic

In 1986, due to the Soviet Union Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev The internal and external policies of the Soviet Union began to adopt a "new thinking" to the right, and the Eastern European countries were loosened, and the situation in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe began to destabilize.
In 1988, the Polish government's price reform caused popular discontent.
From February to April 1989, Polish United Workers Party with Solidarity When the opposition held a round table, after discussion, the United Workers Party agreed that Solidarity was legal. In June of the same year, Poland held national elections, and Solidarity won 99% of the seats in the Senate. On September 12 of the same year, Solidarity Tadeusz Mazowiecki Formed a coalition government led by the Solidarity trade union, including the United Farmers' Party and the Democratic Party. Jaruzelski, former leader of the United Workers Party, became the first president, serving a six-year term. On December 29 of the same year, the Parliament passed a constitutional amendment, deciding to change the name of the country to the Republic of Poland, and the white eagle wearing a crown on a red background was restored as the national emblem of Poland. The Third Polish Republic. Poland officially embarked on the development path of Western-style parliamentary democracy in politics and market economy based on privatization.
In November 1990, Poland held a general election, Lech Walesa Elected president in the second round of voting, he proposed to "build a free, democratic and prosperous new republic", with economic development based on private ownership Market economy Restrictions on the free sale of land were lifted, and foreign policy emphasized openness to the whole of Europe and the world.
After it was destroyed by the Soviets and the Nazis in World War II Polish government in exile In existence until December 1990, the Polish government inherited the legal authority of the Government in exile in London. New at the Royal Palace in Warsaw Presidents of Poland At the inauguration ceremony, the President of the Government in Exile in London handed over the flag of the First Polish Republic, the original Constitution and the presidential seal Lech Walesa .
In 1995, Lech Walesa lost the presidential election Kwasniewski . Economically, Poland's transition has been painful. Nevertheless, Poland has been one of the most successful economic transitions among the former communist countries in Europe, achieving rapid economic growth.
Poland joined in 1999 North Atlantic Treaty Organization .
In June 2003, Poland voted in a referendum to join the European Union. Poland joined on 1 May 2004 European Union .
On December 21, 2007, it became Schengen Agreement Member States.
On July 15, 2022, a law came into effect in Poland abolishing the Disciplinary Inspection Chamber located within the Supreme Court, a move that Poland hopes will pave the way for it to receive EU funds. [6]

Geographical environment


Regional location

Poland is located in the middle of the European continent, northeast of Central Europe, with an area of 312,705 square kilometers. [22] The southernmost point is 49°00 'N, the northernmost point is 54°50' N, the easternmost point is 24°09 'E, and the westernmost point is 14°08' E. It borders the Baltic Sea to the north and the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; It borders Belarus to the east and Germany to the west; It is bordered by Russia, Lithuania and Ukraine to the northeast and southeast. It is 649 kilometers long from north to south and 689 kilometers from east to west. The total length of the border is 3,538 km, of which the coastline is 528 km. [1] [4]


Topographic map of Poland
The terrain of Poland is flat and vast, 72% of the area covered by rivers and lakes is below 200 meters above sea level, and most of the land is low Bode plain It is slightly undulating and has an average elevation of 173 meters. The terrain is high in the south, low in the north, and concave in the middle. Kitato Moraine lake There are low hills in the south, close to the Czech border for The Sudetenland Mountains and Beskidd Hills . The main mountain ranges are the Carpathians and The Sudetenland Mountains . among The Carpathian Mountains Constitutes the same Poland Czech Republic , Slovakia and Ukraine National borders. [4]


Poland has a temperate broadleaf forest climate with a transition from a Marine to a continental climate. The climate is mild, the winter is cold and humid, and the average temperature is -10℃ to 5℃; Spring and autumn have pleasant weather and abundant rain; Summer is cool, with an average temperature of 15 ° C to 24 ° C. [4]

Natural resources

Mineral resources
Poland has rich mineral resources, coal, sulfur, copper, silver production and export ranks first in the world. By the end of 2020, proven reserves of hard coal are 64.42 billion tons, lignite 23.2 billion tons, sulfur 490 million tons, and copper and silver 3.03 billion tons. Other resources include zinc, lead, natural gas, salt, amber, etc. Natural gas reserves of 143.92 billion cubic meters. Shale gas reserves range from 346 BCM to 768 BCM. [4]
Forest resources
The area of forest (green space) is 9.26 million hectares, and the forest coverage rate is 29.6%. [4]
Natural beauty of Poland

Administrative division


Zoning details

Map of Poland
In July 1998, the National Assembly adopted the government's plan on the reform of local self-government institutions, and decided to adjust the original 49 provinces to 16 provinces, and re-establish the county system from the provincial and township levels to the provincial, county and township levels, with a total of 16 provinces, 314 counties and 2,479 townships. The new mechanism was launched on 1 January 1999. [3]
Subdivisions of Poland
Serial number
The capital
Bydgoszcz and Torun
Maopolskie (Lesser Poland)
Province of Lodz (Switodzkie)
Province of Lower Silesia (Dolno Laliskie)
Lubelskie Province
Lubuskie Province
Gozof and the Green Mountains
Mazowieckie Province
Opolskie Province
Podlaskie Province
Coastal Province (Pomorskie)
Silesia Province (Silesia skie)
Carpathian Province (Podkarpackie)
Holy Cross Province (tokrzyskie)
Warmia-mazurskie Province
West Coast Province (Zachodniopomorskie)

Major city

Views of Warsaw
capital Warsaw Warsaw is the largest city in Poland, Population 1,861,500 (2023) [32] The average annual temperature is 12℃ during the day and 3℃ at night. It is the national center of industry, trade, science and culture, and the largest transportation hub in the country. Warsaw is located in the central plain, located in the middle reaches of the Vistula River, across the river, an area of 517.2 square kilometers, is the Central European countries trade the main trade route.
Poznan is located in west-central Poland Varta River basin on the plain. With an area of 261.3 square kilometers and a population of 600,000, the city is the economic, technological, cultural and financial center of the Greater Poland region and the most economically dynamic region in Poland. Poznan is striving to become the "Zurich of the East".
The road transportation system is often compared to the "blood vessel" of economic development. Poznan's location is right at the intersection of traditional trade and transportation lines; It reaches Paris in the west, Moscow in the east via Warsaw and Berlin, the Balkan countries in the south, and Scandinavia in the north via the Baltic Sea; The density of its railways and roads is unmatched elsewhere in Poland. Poznan has 81.3 km of road and 11.7 km of rail for every 100 km2. In terms of external air traffic, Poznan Airport mainly flies to Dusseldorf in Germany, but also plans to open routes to Copenhagen and other European cities. [10]
The city of Krakow is located in southern Poland about 300 kilometers from Warsaw on the Vistula River, with a population of 779,000 in 2020, and is Poland's largest cultural, scientific, industrial and tourism center.
The city of Gdansk is located at the mouth of the Vistula River on the Baltic coast, with a total population of 471,000 in 2019, it is the largest city in northern Poland and forms a huge port city consortium with Soport and Gdynia. Other important cities are Lodz, Katowicz, Poznan, etc. [4]

National symbol



Flag of Poland
Flag of Poland It is a horizontal rectangle, the ratio of length to width is about 8:5. The flag surface consists of two parallel and equal horizontal rectangles, white on the top and red on the bottom. White not only symbolizes the white eagle in the ancient legend, but also symbolizes purity and expresses the good wishes of the Polish people for freedom, peace, democracy and happiness. Red symbolizes blood and the victory of the revolutionary struggle.

National emblem

Coat of arms of Poland
Coat of arms of Poland For the coat of arms. On the red shield was painted a white eagle with a golden crown and outstretched wings. Red and white are the traditional colors favored by the Polish people and are also the colors of the national flag. The white eagle symbolizes the unyielding patriotism of the Polish people.

National anthem

The national anthem of Poland is "Poland is not Dead". In the 18th century, Poland was partitioned three times by the European powers, and the whole country was lost for 123 years. The Polish people are not willing to be slaves Dombrowski Organized a volunteer regiment in Italy, and one of its commanders, Verbitsky, wrote the famous poem" Poland is not dead , use Chopin "Mazurka" as the main theme, as the Polish army's battle song. In 1926, it became the national anthem of Poland.

The national flower

The national flower of Poland is pansy It is a common wildflower species in Europe, and the flowers usually have purple, white and yellow colors per flower, so the name pansy. This species is hardy and prefers cool, and its flowering is greatly influenced by light. Pansy commonly used flowers: meditation, happiness, please think of me.


As of January 2023, Poland has a total population of 37.749 million. About 96.5% of them are Polish (2021 national census data), in addition to German, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian, Jewish and other minorities. The official language is Polish. About 90 percent of the population is Roman Catholic. [3] [13] [15]
At the end of 2020, the urban population of Poland is 22.9 million, accounting for about 60% of the total population, and the rural population is 15.36 million, accounting for 40% of the total population. The most populous cities include Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Lodz, Wrozlaw, Poznan, etc. The number of overseas Chinese in Poland is about 10,000, mainly concentrated in Warsaw and other big cities. [4]




Practice in Poland Parliamentary democracy The President is the head of state and is responsible for safeguarding the Constitution and national security. The President is directly elected by the people for a five-year term. [3]


In April 1997, the Polish National Assembly (a joint session of both houses of parliament) adopted a new constitution. The new constitution came into force in October 1997. The new Constitution established a political system of separation of powers and an economic system based on the social market economy, providing that the House of Representatives and the Senate have legislative power, the president and the government have executive power, and the courts and tribunals exercise judicial power. Poland's economic system is based on the principles of economic liberalization and private ownership. The Polish armed forces remain neutral in the political affairs of the country. Under the new constitution, if the president vetoes a bill submitted by parliament or the government, parliament can veto the president's decision by a three-fifths majority. [32]


Parliament of Poland Consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate, it is the highest legislative body of the country and serves a four-year term. There are 460 members of the House of Representatives (currently 459) and 100 senators, all of whom are directly elected. [21] The main functions of Parliament are: to enact and promulgate laws; Adopt decisions defining the basic guidelines for State activities; Exercise supervision over the activities of other organs of state power and administrative organs; Appointment and removal of the Council of Ministers or individual members thereof; To approve national socio-economic plans for a period of several years; To approve the annual state budget; To adopt resolutions approving the government's implementation of the budget results of the previous year and the national social and economic plan; Parliament can also form special committees to investigate specific incidents that arouse strong public reaction, and can express no confidence in the government through a vote of no confidence. [4]
The current Parliament will be established in October 2023. The distribution of seats in the Chamber of Deputies (July 2024) : Law and Justice 190, Civic Union 157, Poland 2050 32, People's Party 31, New Left 26, Union for Freedom and Independence 16, Kukiz Movement 4, Independents 1. The distribution of seats in the new Senate (July 2024) : 34 for Law and Justice, 42 for Civic Union, 12 for Poland 2050, 12 for People's Party (" Third Way "), 9 for the New Left Party and 3 for independents. [32]


The Prime Minister of Poland is nominated by the President and appointed by the Parliament. Ministers are nominated by the Prime Minister and appointed by Parliament.
The current government was formed in December 2023. The Cabinet list is as follows: Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Citizens Union), deputy Prime Minister and defense Minister W? adys? aw Kosiniak-Kamysz (People's Party), Deputy Prime Minister and digital Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski (New Left Party); Justice Minister Adam Bodnar (independent); Foreign Minister Rados? aw Sikorski (independent); Union of Citizens), Minister of European Affairs Adam Shwapka (Union of Citizens), Minister of Interior Tomasz Siemoniak (Union of Citizens), Minister of Culture and National Heritage Hanna Wroblewska (Union of Culture and National Heritage) Independent), Minister of Finance Andrzej Domanski (Civic Union), Minister of State Assets Jakub Jaworowski (independent), Minister of Sports and Tourism S? awomir Nitras (independent), Citizens Union), Education Minister Barbara Nowacka (Citizens Union), Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna (Citizens Union), Infrastructure Minister Dariusz Klimczak (People's Party), Krzysztof Paszyk, the minister of development and technology; Czes? aw Siekierski, the minister of agriculture and rural development; Climate and Environment Minister Paulina Henig-Kloska (Poland 2050), Minister of Funds and Regional Policy Katarzyna Peuczynska-na? cz (Poland 2050), Minister of Family, Work and Social Policy Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bonk (New Left Party), Minister of Science Dariusz Wieczorek (New Left Party), Industry Minister Marzena Czarnecka (independent), senior Citizens Policy Minister Marzena Okla-Drewnowicz (Civic Union), Katarzyna Kotula, Minister of Social Equality (New Left Party), Agnieszka Buczainska, Minister of Civil Society and Chairman of the Committee of Public Interest, Poland 2050 Party), Member of the Council of Ministers Tomasz Siemoniak (Citizens Union), Member of the Council of Ministers Maciej Berek (independent), Member of the Council of Ministers Jan Grabiec (Citizens Union). [32]


Poland The Supreme Court is the highest judicial organ of the country. The Supreme Court supervises the judicial activities of its subordinate courts. The judges are appointed by the President and the current president of the Supreme Court, Ma? gorzata Manowska, takes office in May 2020. The General Procuratorate is the highest procuratorial organ in the country, and its main responsibility is to lead and supervise the work of its subordinate procuratorates, which is concurrently held by the Minister of Justice. The current Attorney general, Adam Bodnar, took office in December 2023.

Political party

According to the new political Party law, which was implemented in 1998, a political party can only be established by collecting the signatures of more than 1,000 adults. There are currently more than 200 registered political parties. The main parties that will gain seats in the 2023 parliamentary elections are:
(1) Law and Justice: The opposition party. Founded in June 2001, it has more than 45,000 party members. The party is conservative and Christian democratic in character. Politically, it advocates the disclosure of politicians' assets, the establishment of a strong anti-corruption agency, and severe punishment of criminals; Implement family-oriented policies, especially state subsidies for families with many children who are not wealthy, to encourage childbearing. Diplomatically, it advocates pro-American integration with Europe, while emphasizing autonomy within the EU, firmly safeguarding national interests, attaching importance to tightening relations with other Central and Eastern European countries, and being tough on Russia. The current party chairman is Jaros? aw Kaczynski.
(2) Civic Platform: Member of the ruling coalition. It was founded in January 2001 and has about 33,000 party members. The party combines conservative-liberal, neoliberal and Christian democratic overtones. The main programmes are: the implementation of a free market economy, the vigorous development of education, the fight against corruption, the depoliticization of the state and the restructuring of the countryside. Diplomatically, China advocates full integration with Europe and the development of good-neighborly relations with neighboring countries. The current party chairman, Donald Tusk.
(3) Poland 2050: Member of the ruling coalition. Founded by Szymon Ho? ownia as a Polish socio-political movement with centrist characteristics after he finished third in the 2020 presidential election. Ideologically, the party supports green politics and Christian democratic principles, but also incorporates elements of liberalism, social democracy, and conservatism, advocating a social market economy and sustainable development. The current party chairman is Szymon Ho? ownia.
(4) Polish People's Party: Member of the ruling coalition. It dates back to the 19th century. It was re-established in May 1990 after the collapse of Eastern Europe and has a membership of about 87,000 (as of December 2021). The party is ideologically centrist, neo-equalitarian, Christian democratic and neo-Keynesian in nature. Advocates state support for agriculture, free education and health care, a slowdown in privatization, opposition to a single tax system, and support for European integration. The current party chairman is W? adys? aw Kosiniak-Kamysz.
(5) New Left Party: Member of the ruling coalition. Founded in 2021 by a combination of the former Democratic Left Alliance and the Spring Party, it has about 20,000 members (as of 2022). The party is a social Democratic Party and one of the main centre-left forces in Poland. It advocates bridging social divides, eliminating the impact of institutional transition, building a fairer economic system, and focusing on social secularization, gender equality, LGBT rights, and climate change. The current chairmen of the Common Party are W? odzimierz Czarzasty and Robert Biedro.
(6) Confederation Liberty and Independence: an opposition party. Founded in December 2018, the Alliance of right-wing parties was originally formed to contest the European Parliament elections, but was later retained as an official party. He is Eurosceptic, advocating simplified judicial procedures, universal tax cuts, giving parents the right to participate in deciding what their children receive, and wants to reduce dependence on military alliances by strengthening his own defense. The current party presidents are Janusz Korwin-Mikke, Robert Winnicki, Artur Dziambor and Grzegorz Braun. [23]


Polish President Andrzej Duda
Current President: Andrzej Duda Born in 1972, he holds a PhD in law from Jagiellone University, where he was a teaching assistant. He joined the Law and Justice Party in 2005 and has served as an adviser to the Judicial Committee of the Party's parliamentary group, Deputy Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice, Prosecutor at the National Prosecutor's Office, and Deputy Secretary of State at the Presidential Office. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2011, the Press Secretary of the Law and Justice Party in 2013, and a Member of the European Parliament in 2014. He was elected President in May 2015 and reelected in 2020, serving until August 2025. Married with one daughter.
Donald Tusk: Prime Minister. Born in 1957, he graduated from the University of Gdansk. After the transition of the Polish system, he founded the Liberal Democratic Association and the Civic Platform Party, and served as the chairman of the Civic Platform Party for a long time. He was elected to the Polish Parliament and senator several times, and served as the Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 and the President of the European Council from 2014 to 2019. [21] He was re-elected Prime Minister of Poland in December 2023. 19-20] [




After the upheavals of 1989, "shock therapy" led to a temporary economic downturn. Since 1992, the economy has recovered and gradually become one of the fastest growing countries in Central and Eastern Europe. After joining the European Union, the economy has grown by leaps and bounds. In 2009, affected by the international financial crisis, the economy declined significantly, but it was still better than most countries in the European Union, and it was the only country in the European Union to achieve positive growth. At present, its economic aggregate ranks sixth among the 27 EU countries and 19th per capita. In 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, Poland's economy declined by 2.8%, and its economic aggregate ranked sixth in the EU. In 2021, the Polish economy recovered, with GDP growing by 5.7% year-on-year. In 2022, affected by the Ukraine crisis, Poland's economic growth slowed down, with a preliminary estimate of 4.9%. Slight signs of recession in the first half of 2023.
Source: Eurostat
Gross Domestic product (GDP)
774.8 billion euros (2023, source: Eurostat)
Gross domestic product per capita
14,750 euros
GDP growth rate
Currency name
Zloty (Zloty)
Conversion ratio
1 zloty =100 GROSZ
Average annual exchange rate
1 dollar ≈4.01 zloty, 1 euro ≈4.32 zloty
Inflation rate
Unemployment rate
Reference materials:


Poland is a major agricultural country in Europe. In 2021, 14.9529 million hectares of agricultural land will be used. In 2021, the rural population will reach 15.2839 million, accounting for 40.2% of the country's population. 1.1378 million people were employed in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. The total agricultural output value in 2021 is 134.821 billion PLN at the current price, accounting for 5.14% of the year's GDP. The main food crops are wheat, rye, barley, oats, sugar beets, potatoes, rapeseed, etc. The main export agricultural and sideline products are meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, cocoa and processed foods. [32] Meat products, dairy products, apples, Onions, cabbage and cauliflower and other fruits and vegetables production is also in the forefront of Europe. Poland's agricultural and food exports reached a record high of 34 billion euros in 2020, 2 billion euros more than in 2019; Agricultural and food imports were 22.3 billion euros, up 4.9 percent year on year, and the trade surplus increased 11.4 percent to 11.7 billion euros. The proportion of agri-food in total exports increased from 13.3% to 14.3%, in which exports to the European Union increased by 5%, reaching 27.2 billion euros, accounting for 80% of total agri-food exports; Exports to non-EU countries rose 17 per cent to €6.8 billion. [4]


In 2021, the total industrial output value calculated at the current price was 1,947.57 billion PLN, accounting for 74.27% of the year's GDP. The industrial sector employed 3.246 million people, accounting for 21.6% of the total employment. The main industrial products are coal, raw steel, cars, cement and so on. [32]
Mining industry
According to the Industrial Yearbook 2020 data of the Polish Central Statistical Office, the output value of the mining industry in Poland in 2019 was 57.538 billion PLN, an increase of 0.024% over the previous year, accounting for 3.43% of the total industrial output value.
Iron and steel industry
Since 2000, the Polish steel industry has experienced several periods of decline, restructuring, recovery and development. In 2019, 9.1 million tons of crude steel was produced.
Chemical industry
Poland's chemical industry has a large number of enterprises and a wide range of products, but the industrial foundation is weak, production capacity is limited, and domestic demand for products is strong, and most products need to be imported. The main domestic chemical products are sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, soda ash, butadiene, toluene, phenol, caprolactam, nitrogen acid, synthetic gas ammonia and so on. Among them, fertilizer (especially nitrogen fertilizer) production accounts for the main share, and the proportion of product exports is high. According to the "2020 Industrial Yearbook" data of the Polish Central Bureau of Statistics, the output value of chemicals and chemicals in Poland in 2019 was 70.28 billion zlotys, an increase of 2.75% year-on-year, accounting for about 4.19% of the overall industrial output value. [4]
Automobile industry
The main characteristics of the Polish automobile industry are: foreign-funded enterprises dominate, auto parts manufacturers have high technical standards, complete varieties, and rapid growth in processing and production. The main Polish automobile manufacturers are Fiat Motors Poland, General Motors Poland (Opel Poland) and Volkswagen Poznan. According to the Industrial Yearbook 2020 data of the Polish Central Statistical Office, the output value of the Polish automotive industry (manufacturing of cars, trailers and semi-trailers) in 2019 was 163.62 billion PLN, an increase of 4.8% year-on-year, accounting for about 9.77% of the overall industrial output value. The total number of employees in the automotive industry is about 206,000, and employment increased by 1.03% year-on-year. Exports of automotive products amounted to PLN 131.487 billion, accounting for 12.8% of Poland's total exports. In 2019, 435,000 passenger cars were produced in Poland, a 3.76% decrease from the previous year.
Electronics industry
Poland is an important producer of TV monitors and liquid crystal displays as well as most branded home appliances. According to the EU Home Appliance Manufacturers Association report, 30 million home appliances were produced in Poland in 2020, including 24 million large home appliances, an increase of 3% year-on-year, worth more than 23 billion PLN, an increase of 5%. Poland leads the European Union in the production of household appliances.
Wood industry
Poland has a high value-added wood industry, furniture and wood flooring production and trade in the world has a place, is the world's third largest producer of porous fiberboard, the sixth largest producer of particleboard and hardboard. According to the Polish Economic Research Institute data, Poland is the world's second largest furniture producer and the largest producer of EU countries, the total value of Polish furniture exports in 2020 is 11.1 billion euros, the largest market is Germany, accounting for about 34% of the market share. Other export markets for Polish furniture include the Czech Republic (7.5%), France (7.3%), the United Kingdom (6.8%) and the Netherlands (5.9%). [4]

Finance and finance

Central bank
The National Bank of Poland (NBP) is the central bank of Poland, carrying out the functions conferred by the Constitution, the National Bank Act and the Banking Act. These three laws ensure the independence of the National Bank of Poland in relation to other institutions. Its main responsibilities are to stabilize the currency, manage foreign exchange reserves, and ensure the safety of the financial system.
Policy bank
The National Economic Bank (BGK) is the main state-owned bank in Poland. The main task of the Bank is to implement economic plans and regional development projects of the central and local governments through the operation of public funds, including EU aid funds.
Commercial bank
The main commercial banks in Poland are the Polish National Savings Bank (PKO) BP, Polish Bank Pekao, Polish Export Development Bank (BRE), ING Bank, Millennium Bank, Sandantor Bank, Co-operative Group Bank (SGB), Polish Co-operative Bank (BPS), Citibank, HSBC, etc. The vast majority of banks are universal banks, and some are engaged in investment banking, providing advisory services, and guaranteeing stock and bond issues. Mortgage banks are growing faster. All the big banks and an increasing number of small banks offer online banking services. [4]
Chinese bank
In June 2012, the Bank of China (Luxembourg) Limited Poland branch opened in Warsaw, becoming the first Chinese bank to officially operate in Poland, dealing in local and foreign currency deposits and loans, remittances, foreign exchange trading, trade financing and letters of guarantee. In November 2012, ICBC Warsaw branch opened in Poland, providing financial services such as account management, foreign exchange remittance, international settlement, trade finance, and corporate credit. In May 2017, the Poland branch of the Luxembourg Branch of China Construction Bank was officially opened. China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China have set up working groups respectively. In 2015, after Haitong Securities completed the acquisition of Portugal's Banco Santo, its Polish branch was renamed as Haitong Bank Poland Branch, becoming the only Chinese investment bank in Central and Eastern Europe.
Securities market
Founded in 1991, the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) deals in stocks, futures, bonds, investment certificates, derivatives and futures, and is the second largest stock exchange in Central and Eastern Europe after the Vienna Stock Exchange, with more than 800 listed companies and a market capitalization of more than 1.135 trillion PLN (252 billion euros).
According to the Polish Securities Law, the stock market is open to foreign investors. The purchase by a foreign investor of shares of a company listed on the Polish Stock Exchange of less than 10% of the shares of the listed company is not required to report to the Securities Commission; If the purchase volume accounts for more than 10% of the shares of a listed company, each additional 5% purchase must be reported to the securities Commission; If the purchase amount reaches 25% or more of the shares of the listed company, the approval of the securities Commission is required. [4]
In 2021, Poland's fiscal revenue will be 494.844 billion PLN, expenditure will be 521.217 billion PLN, and fiscal deficit will be 26.373 billion PLN. At the end of 2021, Poland's total external debt stood at 365.736 billion PLN and its foreign exchange reserves stood at 156.5 billion euros by the end of 2022. [32]


The Polish currency is the zloty. According to the Polish Foreign Exchange Law, the zloty is a freely convertible currency. At financial institutions and exchange points (KANTOR), the zloty can be traded with freely convertible currencies such as the US dollar and the euro. The zloty exchange rate is fully free floating and the central bank can intervene in the foreign exchange market. On March 31, 2021, the exchange rate for the euro was 1 euro =4.6603 Zloty and for the US dollar was 1 dollar =3.9676 Zloty. On December 12, 2016, the Polish Ministry of Finance announced that from now on, the Polish zloty and the RMB will be directly traded. On March 31, 2021, the exchange rate of RMB against Zloty was 1 RMB =0.6053 zloty. [4]


It will receive 6.4574 million foreign tourists in 2021. Most of the tourists come from Germany, Britain, Ukraine, Italy, France, Russia, Spain, Israel, Sweden, Belarus, the Netherlands, Lithuania and so on. The main tourist attractions are the capital Warsaw, the coastal cities of Gdansk, Sopot and Szczecin, as well as Torun, Olsztyn, the ancient city of Krakow in the south, the mountain towns of Zakopane, Kranica and the forest region of Bialowieza in the east. [32]

foreign trade

It mainly imports petroleum, automobiles, steel, synthetic materials and industrial refined oil products. It mainly exports automobiles, internal combustion engines, rubber products, aluminum products, agricultural products, etc. [14]
Poland's imports and exports for 2019-2021 are as follows (in hundreds of millions of euros) :
Amount of imports
Value of exports
- 66.
- 6
Service trade exports mainly include: transportation (including sea, air, railway, road, inland river, pipeline, power transmission and related services) (28.8%); Intellectual property fees (18.0%); Finance (14.8%); Legal, accounting, consulting, social research, advertising and other business services (14.1%); Communication and information (14.3%); Travel (11.2%); Manufacturing services (6.4%); Construction (3.1%); Maintenance (3.0%); Research and development (2.8%). Imports of service trade mainly included: transportation (24.9%); Legal, accounting, consulting, social research, advertising and other business services (15.9%); Communication and information (14.0%); Travel (11.6%); Use of intellectual property (8.3%); Trade-related services (3.4%); Maintenance (2.6%); Insurance and pension services (2.5%); Finance (2.3%); Construction (1.7%). [4]

Foreign investment

In 2021, Poland attracted around $24.8 billion in foreign direct investment (OECD), mainly from Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, the United Kingdom, etc. [32]

Foreign aid

Poland provides foreign aid to East African countries, Tajikistan and Moldova The Commonwealth of Independent States The State, Afghanistan and Palestine Let's wait. [4]

External assistance

Since joining the European Union in 2004, Poland has mainly received funding from the EU. According to Poland's relevant statistics, 15 years after its accession to the EU, Poland has received about 159.4 billion euros in EU funds, mainly for infrastructure construction, environmental protection, scientific and technological research and development, regional development and other aspects. In May 2021, the €750 billion EU Reconstruction Fund was approved by the 27 EU member states. Eu countries will invest large amounts of money to develop a green economy, digitalise and improve the natural environment to enhance economic cohesion and competitiveness. Poland, as one of the largest beneficiaries of the long-term EU budget and the EU Reconstruction Fund for 2021-2027, will receive 136.4 billion euros in subsidies and 34.2 billion euros in loans, or about 770 billion zlotys. The largest part of the EU's reconstruction fund is the Recovery and Rehabilitation Fund (RRF). Under the RRF Fund, Poland will receive 23.9 billion euros in subsidies and 34.2 billion euros in loans. [4]




About 90 percent of Poles are Roman Catholic, with a small minority practicing Orthodox or Protestant Christianity. The Church is very influential in Poland, and former Pope John Paul II is considered a matter of national pride in Poland, and Paul II was recognized as a "saint" by the Holy See in April 2014. Christmas is the most important and favourite holiday for Poles. [4]


Polish people are sincere, generous, emotional, social occasions neatly dressed, decent. When meeting guests on social occasions, shake hands with the guests who have been introduced and give their names; When meeting friends and relatives, it is customary to give hugs; When you meet a woman, you can kiss her hand.
In Poland, if you meet someone, you must make an appointment in advance, and it is impolite to visit them unhurriedly, and you may even be refused to meet. Be on time for business or personal appointments. To visit the house, it is customary to give flowers to the hostess.
Poles like to send flowers to convey their different feelings: roses are a symbol of "love"; Carnation contains the meaning of "wit" and "happiness"; Orchids are regarded as "flowers of passion"; Chrysanthemum is "cemetery flower"; The favorite flower of Poles is the "pansy", which symbolizes joy and happiness. The number of flowers is particularly exquisite, sending a singular number is the practice, sending an even number is impolite and unpopular.
Toast is given at formal and informal banquets. In Poland, it is taboo to inquire about personal income, age, religious beliefs, emotions and other privacy when people meet and talk. [4]



National holidays in Poland
January 1st
New Year
January 6th
Three Kings' Day
The first Sunday after the full moon
The first of May
International Workers' Day
On May 3rd
Constitution day
First Thursday of May or June
Corpus Christi
The 15th of August
The Feast of the Assumption
November 1st
All Saints' Day
November 11th
National Day
December 25th
Every Saturday and Sunday
Public holiday [4]


Poles eat mainly Western food, but also like Asian food. [4] Specifically, the Poles usually eat pasta. They like to eat grilled, boiled, stewed dishes, the taste is lighter. In terms of drinks, they also like coffee and Black tea . When drinking black tea, most Poles like to add a slice lemon And does not like the tea too strong. In terms of dietary taboo, Poles mainly do not eat pickles and steamed dishes. Poles are very fond of treating people to dinner. When entertaining guests, Poles have a lot of attention: first, taboo diners are singular. They decided it was a bad omen. Second, when eating a whole chicken, duck or goose, the Poles usually pay attention to the youngest hostess at the table to separate it, and then distribute it to each guest's plate one by one. Third, regardless of whether the food is to their taste, guests should strive to eat a little more, and to express gratitude for the host's hospitality. 4. Speaking with food in your mouth is considered rude by Poles.
Gourmet cooking
Polish cuisine is very regional, in the north, there are many dishes based on fish, in the center, there is a famous soup, in the south, there are cabbage soup and goat milk and smoked cheese. Most Polish dishes are made in a purely natural way, without chemical additives, with a cake made of lobster butter and rutabaga; Elk meat served with hawthorn leaves. Polish Eat soup first, soup types are Beet soup , egg drop cold soup, Barley soup Some barley soups are served with eggs and sausage. There are many types of main meals, the common ones are: fried pork chops, crepes and soft cheese, and various kinds of dumplings, such as meat, potatoes, cheese or blueberries.
Polish wine culture
Polish vodka (wodka) is well known throughout the world, mainly under the brands of wyborowa, zubrowka, luksusowa and belvedere. From historical records, the production of ancient Polish specialty alcoholic beverages was beer, mead (okowita), and Polish shoju "palikotowka" (formerly known as the Water of life) spirit The vodka comes after.

Military affairs

The Polish People's Army was established on 12 October 1943. In 1990, the name was changed to the Polish Army and 15 August was designated as Army Day (on 15 August 1920, the Polish Army repelled a Red Army attack near Warsaw and turned into a counter-offensive). The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The National Defense Commission, chaired by the president, is the highest defense decision-making body. The Ministry of National Defense is the highest military administrative organ. The General Staff Headquarters is the highest military command and is responsible for specifying plans for the development of the army. In July 2013, the Polish president signed a decree to reform the chain of command of the Polish army. The Minister of Defence heads the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army and the commanders of the various services. The President may, at the request of the Prime Minister, designate the wartime commander in chief. The General Staff is responsible for planning the development of the armed forces and advising the President, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. The Chief of the General Staff is Lieutenant General Rajmund Andrzejczak, who took office in July 2018.
In September 2009, the last group of conscripts of the Polish army retired, and the professional transformation of the Polish army was initially completed. Since then, the Polish army has recruited soldiers on a voluntary basis. As of 2022, the number of active military personnel in Poland is about 170,000. Defense spending in 2022 is about $16 billion, or 2.22% of GDP (source: Polish Ministry of Defense). Defense spending is expected to reach 4 percent of GDP in 2023. [23]




Poland is the fifth highest speed country in Europe, and several international highways run through Poland, which can radiate the entire European continent. The total length of highways is 429,800 kilometers; There were 25.89 million cars and 4.14 million trucks; It carried 168 million passengers and 1.95 billion tons of cargo. [3] [17]
Via Carpatia: an important transport corridor connecting northern and southern Europe, about 700 km long in Poland, with more than 75 km open and nearly 300 km under construction. The Via Carpatia route integrates the transport systems of Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia and Turkey, connecting the Baltic Sea ports of Poland and Lithuania with the Black Sea, Aegean Sea and Adriatic Sea ports, as well as distribution and logistics centers located in the region.
Via Hanseatica: Connects Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Largely coincident with E28.
Via Baltica: Poland is connected to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland via the European E67 motorway.
International routes through Poland include: E28: Border with Germany - Poznan - Warsaw - Border with Belarus; E30: Border with Germany - Legnitsa - Wroclaw - Katowice - Krakow - Border with Ukraine; E40: Border with Germany - Zgozelec - Legnitsa - Wroclaw - Katowice - Zeshov - Border with Ukraine; E65: Border with the Czech Republic - Skraska Polumba - Legnica - Green Mountain Town - Gozuv - Sivinoujcice, Greater Poland; E67: Border with the Czech Republic - Kudova-Zdruid - Warsaw - Biavistok -Budzisko- Border with Lithuania (along the Baltic Sea); E75- Border with the Czech Republic - Czeshen - Czestochowa - Petrokuvtrebnarskygdansk. [4]


Poland The total railway length is 19,326 km, including 19,326 km of standard rail (including 12,137 km of electrified railway); It carried 245 million passengers and 238 million tons of cargo. [3] [21]
According to the EU High Speed Railway Plan, Poland plans to build the Warsaw-Lodz-Poznan-Wroclaw high speed railway by 2025, with a total length of about 712 kilometers, and the project is still under planning by the end of 2020. At present, the Polish Railways Company (PKP) operates an intercity express train with a speed of 200 km/h, connecting major Polish cities such as Tri-City - Warsaws-Krakow - Katowice - Wroclaw.
The railway line operated by Poland is part of three international freight corridors (RFCS) : RFC5 Baltic-Adriatic, RFC8 North Sea-Baltic, and RFC11 "Amber". PKP Freight is the second largest freight company in the European Union with 25 transfer stations located in major Polish cities, six of which are located near the eastern border, as well as two logistics centers. PKP Freight Marashevich currently has 4 fully functional terminals that can handle containers and loose cargoes; Medyka-sylurawica is a logistics hub on the border with Ukraine. Poland is also located China-europe freight train At important rail interchange points, 90 percent of China-Europe freight trains passed through or arrived in Poland. [4]

Air freight

There are 13 international airports in Poland, 12 of which are regional airports, with major airports in Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Poznan, Wroclaw and Katowicz. The main international airport is Warsaw Chopin International Airport.
As of 2020, Poland has 84 aircraft operating regular flights with 87 cities in 43 countries and 198 international routes. It carried 3.63 million passengers and 80,000 tons of cargo. The main international airport is Warsaw Chopin International Airport. [3]

Water transport

The main ports of Poland include Gdansk, Gdynia, Szczecin, Sivinooujsiche, Police, Kovobrzeg and so on. Gdansk Port is a large container terminal and oil transit terminal in the Baltic Sea, and its DCT terminal container throughput ranks second in the Baltic Sea. Since April 1, 2017, COSCO Shipping has opened direct services from the Far East to the port of Gdansk, with the port of Gdansk as the home port and the branch line radiation to other ports in the Baltic Sea. The port of Sivinoouische serves as an LNG processing and storage terminal, while other regional ports such as Korobseg, Dalvov and Erbrong serve mainly as tourist and fishing ports.
The total length of inland shipping lines is 3,768 kilometers, and the inland cargo volume is 3.465 million tons and the inland passenger volume is 986,000. Maritime cargo volume reached 9.587 million tons and passenger volume reached 1.487 million. There are 130 ocean-going vessels, including 82 cargo ships with a deadweight of 2.54 million DWT. There are 6 maritime commercial ports, with a cargo throughput of 96.663 million tons, of which 14.391 million tons are transferred, and the main seaports are Gdansk, Gdynia, Sivinousice, Szczecin, etc. [3] [17]

Pipeline transportation

The main pipeline of petroleum and its products has a total length of 2483 kilometers, and the pipeline transport capacity is 49.855 million tons. [17]




The Poles attached great importance to education and established the world's first Ministry of Education as early as 1773. According to the 2014 Pearson Global Education System Ranking Report, Polish education ranks 10th in the world and fifth in Europe, behind Finland, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. From September 1, 2017, Poland implemented a new national education system, abolishing junior high school and dividing it into eight years of primary school, four years of general secondary school or two to five years of vocational and technical school. Higher education generally lasts 3 or 5 years. Famous universities include Jagiellon University of Krakow (1364), University of Warsaw (1816), Poznan Mickiewicz University (1919), Warsaw University of Technology, etc. [4] [14]

Science and technology

Poland has a solid scientific foundation and excellent scientific tradition, and has strong advantages and characteristics in basic research fields such as mathematics, astronomy, physics and chemistry, as well as applied technology fields such as agriculture, new materials, new energy and mine safety. In some aspects, Poland ranks among the advanced levels in Europe or the world. In the Global Innovation Index published by the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2020, Poland ranks 38th. [4]

People's livelihood

Under the 2003 Law on the Establishment of the National Health Fund and Universal Health Insurance, Poland has established a national health insurance system. Poland's medical system can be divided into public hospitals and private hospitals, in Poland to pay social security on time, I and my family can enjoy the local public health care. Private hospitals have short waiting times for appointments, and patients can ask the hospital to arrange for an English-speaking doctor. In Poland, medicine is separated, with hospitals treating patients and pharmacies selling drugs. According to the Polish Central Statistics Office, in 2020, the life expectancy of Poles is 76.6 years, 72.6 years for men and 80 years for women.
The average monthly wage per person in all sectors of the national economy in 2021 is 5,682.97 PLN (about $1,472). In 2021, there will be 129,893 physicians, 34,874 dentists, 28,436 pharmacists, 214,533 nurses and 28,388 midwives. [4] [14]


Poland is located at the intersection of three major power systems: the Western European Power Supply System (UCTE), the Eastern European Power Supply System (CIS/Baltic States) and the Northern European Power Supply System (Nordel). According to Statistics Poland, in 2019, Poland produced 163,988.5 GWh of domestic electricity, of which 144,937.1 GWh was generated by thermal power, 19,051.4 GWh was generated by hydropower and renewable energy, and the share of renewable energy in the total power generation was 15.5%. In 2019, Poland had a total installed power of 47436.6MW and a total available power of 46,291.0MW, of which 36,381.1MW were thermal power plants and 9909.8MW were hydroelectric and unconventional power plants.
Due to the energy transition and demand growth, Poland needs to import electricity. In 2020, Poland imported a record amount of electricity, and experts believe that electricity imports will continue to increase. According to the Polish Electricity Grid (PSE), in 2020, wave power imports exceeded 14.7TWh, an increase of 28% year-on-year, mainly from Sweden (3.9TWh), Germany (3.5TWh) and the Czech Republic (3.1TWh), while Poland also exported 1.6TWh of electricity to neighboring countries. Net imports of electricity in Poland in 2020 were just over 13TWh, accounting for 8% of domestic demand. [4]


According to the European Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index Report for Poland 2020 (based on 2019 data), Poland ranks 23rd in the Digital Economy and Society Index of EU Member States (DESI) 2020. Poland has the highest mobile broadband usage and competitive prices in the EU, with 4G network coverage reaching 99%. By 2020, 98% of enterprises will have broadband access to the Internet, and 90% of households will have access to the Internet.
The Polish government attaches importance to the Internet and digitalization construction, and the government has adopted a series of measures to build the integration and use of digital technologies, but it is still below the EU average. Internet penetration is around 85 per cent, with 15 per cent of the population still not connected to the Internet and nearly half still lacking basic digital skills. More and more Polish businesses are using digital technologies such as social media, electronic information sharing and online sales. However, according to the Digital Strength Index, 60% of companies have a low level of digitalization (compared to an EU average of 39%), only 13% of smes have online sales, and only 5% of smes have online cross-border sales to other EU countries. 14% of businesses use social media (EU average: 25%), 7% use cloud services and 8% use big data analytics. [4]


In 2021, a total of 6,295 newspapers and magazines of various types will be published nationwide, among which the main comprehensive newspapers are "Election Newspaper", "Fact Daily", "Super Express", "Republic" and "Law Daily". In addition, there are "Politics Weekly", "Straight Talk Weekly", "Tribune" and "Newsweek".
The main state news agencies are the Polish Press Agency (PAP) and the Radio News Agency (IAR). The main national Radio and television stations are Polskie Radio and Polish Public Television (TVP). In October 1990, the House of Representatives passed a decree permitting the establishment of private radio and television stations. By the end of 2021, there are 321 radio stations, including 10 national stations; There are 21 television stations, including 19 national television stations. [3] [14]


According to Statistics Poland, in 2020, the average monthly salary in Poland is 5,411.45 PLN, the average monthly salary in the industrial sector is 5,453.15 PLN, the average monthly salary in the administrative and support sectors is 4,096.36 PLN, and the average monthly retirement and disability pension in the non-agricultural social security system is 2,455.07 PLN. The average monthly retirement and disability pension for individual farmers is 1,376.40 PLN.
In 2021, the minimum monthly wage in Poland will be raised to 2,800 PLN and the minimum hourly wage will be 18.30 PLN. [4]

Public security

The public security situation in Poland is generally good and the society is stable. There are no rebels. According to data released by the Polish police, in 2020, there were about 470,000 criminal crimes in Poland, which is the lowest number, and 93% of Poles believe that the living environment is safe. Under Polish law, qualified individuals may possess firearms with approval. [4]



Foreign policy

Polanyi It joined NATO on March 12, 1999, the European Union on May 1, 2004, and the Schengen Agreement on December 2007. Based on the EU in politics and economy, relying on NATO and the United States in security and defense, building a good-neighborly neighborhood, actively building an all-round diplomatic pattern, and striving to play a greater role in the EU and NATO. In recent years, China has paid more attention to safeguarding its own interests and increased its influence in regional and international affairs through sub-regional cooperation and extra-regional pluralistic diplomacy. It maintains diplomatic relations with 195 countries. From 2018 to 2019, Poland served as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. [32]

External relations

Relations with the European Union : Poland With "relying on the EU to promote economic and social development and strengthen its status and role in the EU" as its diplomatic priority, it advocates strengthening solidarity and common action within the EU on the premise of maintaining independence. We attach great importance to the building of the EU single market and energy security, and advocate the building of a more competitive, open and secure EU. We call for strengthening the role of EU institutions, improving the efficiency of decision-making, and promoting the EU to play a more important role on the international stage. From 2014 to 2020, it received a total of 119.5 billion euros of EU funds, and successfully won compensation for gas change, including free carbon emission trading credits. Not yet in the euro. After taking power in 2015, the Law and Justice government emphasized self-determination and sought to enhance Poland's voice and "visibility" in the EU through sub-regional cooperation and extraterritorial pluralistic diplomacy. In August 2014, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk was elected President of the European Council, taking office on December 1, and was re-elected in March 2017 until 2019. Since 2016, the European Union has expressed concern about Poland's judicial and media reforms, and at the end of 2017, the European Commission officially launched a review procedure against Poland in accordance with Article 7 of the EU Treaty, and has repeatedly filed lawsuits with the European Court of Justice. In 2021, the EU froze Poland's financial year 2021-2027 allocation and post-epidemic recovery fund on judicial issues, and the Polish Constitutional Court ruled that some provisions of the EU treaty were not in line with the Polish constitution, and the conflict between the two sides escalated. Poland holds the rotating presidency of the OSCE in 2022. [32]
On 29 May 2024, the European Commission officially closed the Article 7 procedure against Poland. [24]
Relations with European powers : Poland The Polish-German relationship is regarded as one of the most important bilateral relations of Poland. Germany is Poland's largest trading partner, Poland's largest exporter, greenfield investor and trade surplus country. The two sides have closely tied economic interests, but there are many historical problems. France is regarded as a traditional ally, and the two sides have active exchanges in security, politics, economy and people-to-people exchanges. Attach importance to the "Weimar Triangle" (Germany, France, Poland) mechanism. Poland and the UK are traditional Allies with close cooperation in the political, economic and security fields. Poland and the UK share a high degree of consensus on maintaining transatlantic relations and European security issues. [32]
On October 3, 2022 local time, Polish Foreign Minister Rau said that he had signed a diplomatic note to Germany, asking Germany to pay about 1.3 trillion US dollars in World War II reparations to Poland, and the note will be sent to Germany Quadrature. [9]
With the United States and NATO :
The relationship between Poland and the United States is of special importance and the United States is regarded as a special ally. In March and June 2014, US Vice President Joe Biden and US President Barack Obama visited Poland. In September 2015, Polish President Andrzej Duda visited the United States to attend summits marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. In April 2016, President Duda attended the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in the United States. In July 2017, US President Donald Trump visited Poland and attended the second summit of the Three Seas (Adriatic - Black Sea - Baltic Sea) Initiative. In September 2018, President Duda visited the United States. In June 2019, President Duda visited the United States and the two sides signed a joint statement on strengthening the US military presence in Poland. In August, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Poland and the two sides signed an agreement to strengthen defense cooperation. In September, US Vice President Mike Pence visited Poland and the two sides signed a joint statement on 5G networks. In June 2020, President Duda visited the United States. In August, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Poland. Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis in 2022, high-level visits between Poland and the United States have increased, and the level of military and security cooperation between the two countries has reached a new height. In March 2024, President Duda and Prime Minister Tusk jointly visited the United States. In April, President Duda attended the opening ceremony of the United Nations Sustainable Development Week in New York.
We regard NATO as an important pillar of national security and support the deepening of transatlantic cooperation and the eastward expansion of NATO. Adhere to the principle of common defense and actively participate in the formulation of the new NATO strategy. At present, about 10,000 NATO troops are on rotation in Poland, and Poland has also sent soldiers to the three Baltic countries. After the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, while increasing its own military investment, it paid more attention to strengthening trans-Atlantic security cooperation, strongly urged NATO to increase its eastern wing strength, and called for NATO to maintain long-term troops in Poland. The NATO summit was held in Warsaw in July 2016. [32]
Relations with Russia and Eastern European countries :
wave The history of Russia-Russia relations is complicated and there are many entanglements. In recent years, the relations have been in a state of tension for a long time. Polish-russian relations are at an all-time low over the Ukraine crisis and show no signs of improving. We attach great importance to the EU's "Eastern Partnership" program, encourage its eastern neighbors to carry out political and economic reforms, strengthen democratic institutions, and better integrate into Europe. [32]
On September 13, 2022, the Russian Association of Travel Agents said that nine EU countries have stopped accepting documents for Russians to issue tourist visas, including Poland [7] .
On September 19, 2022, Poland and four other EU countries bordering Russia stopped issuing Schengen visas to Russian citizens and banned Russian citizens with Schengen visas from entering the EU. [8]
Relations with Central and Eastern European countries : Poland We regard Central and Eastern Europe as our strategic pillar within the EU, attach great importance to cooperation in sub-regional organizations or multilateral mechanisms such as the Visegrad Group, the Three Seas Initiative and the Bucharest 9, and believe that countries in the region, with similar national conditions and similar levels of development, should strengthen coordination of positions, form synergy through a common voice and concerted actions, and safeguard the common interests of ourselves and other countries in the region. It holds the rotating presidency of the Visegrad Group from July 2020 to June 2021. After the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, Poland actively acted as a spokesperson for regional security, relying on the "Bucharest 9" mechanism to increase communication with the United States and influence the actions of major European countries. [32]
Relations with other countries : close Paying attention to the development of the situation in West Asia and North Africa and the issue of refugees and migrants, we attach great importance to expanding relations with Japan, the Republic of Korea, India and other Asian countries, and gradually deepen economic, trade, energy and other cooperation with Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. [32]
Relations with Ukraine
On the afternoon of July 8, 2024 local time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visited Poland. During a meeting with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the two sides signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of security between Poland and Ukraine. [29]
Relations with Britain
On July 18, 2024 local time, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk met with British Prime Minister Starmer on the sidelines of the European Political Community Leaders' meeting for bilateral talks. [30]

China-poland relations

On October 5, 1949, Poland announced its recognition of the People's Republic of China, and the two countries established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level on October 7. In the 1950s, China-Poland relations were in a period of all-round development. The two countries support and cooperate closely with each other. There have been frequent exchanges of high-level visits. Chinese leaders Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai and He Long have visited Poland successively. Polish leaders such as Beirut, Ohab and Silenkiewicz also visited China. China supports the Polish-European initiative on a nuclear-free zone. Poland supports China's struggle against the United States to aid the DPRK, for national reunification and for the restoration of its lawful seat in the United Nations.
Since the late 1950s, with the reversal of Sino-Soviet relations, Sino-Polish relations have become increasingly distant. High-level exchanges were gradually suspended. In the early 1970s, Sino-Polish relations began to loosen. In 1971, Poland solemnly celebrated the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Poland Shipping Company, and the Polish Minister of Shipping and the Chinese Minister of Transport exchanged visits, earlier resuming ministerial exchanges between the two countries.
At the beginning of the 1980s, Poland experienced political turmoil due to the Solidarity movement. China maintains that the Polish question should be settled peacefully by the Polish people themselves on the basis of serving the interests of the Polish state and people. In 1989, a radical change took place in Poland and a party derived from the Solidarity trade Union came to power, which changed the course of domestic and foreign policies and ushered in a new historical period of relations between the two countries. China is committed to respecting Poland's sovereignty and the Polish people's own choice, transcending differences in social system, ideology and development path, and maintaining and developing state-to-state relations on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. In 1997, Polish President Kwasniewski paid a state visit to China, which was the first official visit by a Polish head of state to China in 38 years. The two heads of state signed the Joint Communique between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Poland.
In January 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke by phone with Polish Foreign Minister Rau. On the 8th of the same month, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke by phone with Polish Foreign Minister Rau at request. On April 22, Wang Yang, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), met with Polish Senate Speaker Olek Grozki via video. On May 29, Polish Foreign Minister Rau visited China upon invitation. On July 12, Polish Senate President Grozki attended the opening ceremony of the 2021 Eco-Civilization Forum Guiyang and delivered a speech. [5]
Since 2005, Poland has been China's largest trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2021, the trade volume between China and Poland reached 42.13 billion U.S. dollars, up 35.7% year on year. Among them, China's exports reached 36.59 billion US dollars, up 36.9% year on year, and imports reached 5.54 billion US dollars, up 28.3% year on year. In 2022, China-Poland trade volume stood at 43.22 billion U.S. dollars, up 2.7 percent year-on-year. Among them, China's exports reached 38.16 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%, while imports reached 5.06 billion US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 8.7%.
In 2023, China-Poland trade volume was 42.03 billion U.S. dollars, down 2% year on year. Among them, China's exports were 37.16 billion US dollars, down 1.8% year-on-year; Imports were $4.87 billion, down 3.2 percent year on year. [33]
China's main exports to Poland include mechanical and electrical products, textiles, footwear, home appliances, transport equipment, steel and furniture, and imports of copper, chemicals, mechanical and electrical products, steel and steel, transport equipment, paper products and furniture. [12]
The two sides agreed to formulate and actively implement the Action Plan on strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries (2024-2027). [25] [27]
On June 24, 2024, China decided to implement a 15-day unilateral visa-free policy for Polish citizens. [26]
In June 2024, China decided to expand the scope of visa-free countries by trialling the visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from three countries, including Poland. During the period from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025, Polish ordinary passport holders can enter China visa-free for business, tourism, visiting friends and relatives and transit for no more than 15 days, and those who do not meet the visa exemption conditions still need to obtain a visa before entering China. [28]
From July 22 to 25, 2024, Chen Zhou, Vice Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, led a CPC delegation to Poland, where he met with leaders of the People's Party, the New Left Party and the heads of the Polish-Chinese parliamentarians' groups of the House and Senate respectively, held an exchange meeting on "Chinese-style Modernization and New Opportunities for the development of China-Poland Relations" for all sectors of Poland, and promoted the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. The Polish side expressed its willingness to deepen inter-party exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and looked forward to the Chinese-style modernization creating new development opportunities for Poland and other countries in the world. [31]


Views of Krakow, Poland

Main attraction

(Kopalnia soli Viliqka)
(Las Biavoveza)
The ancient city of Zamoic
(Staro 'e ytne miasto Zamoshic)
(Oboz koncentracyjny Auschwitz)
St. Andrew's Church
(Ko's w. Andrzeja)
Oskar Schindler's factory
(Fabryka Oskara Schindlera)
Market square
Copernicus Science Center
(Centrum Nauki Kopernik)
Santa Maria Basilica
(Santa Maria MaggioreName)
Kerkonoche Mountain National Park
(Park Narodowy Kerkonosei Mountain)
Oechof National Park
(Park Narodowy Oichuf)
Bebuza National Park
(Biebrza Park Narodowy)
Delaware National Park
(Park Narodowy Delaware)
Wroclaw Centennial Hall
(Hala stulecia we Wroc? awiu)
Kampino National Park
(Park Narodowy Kampino)
Greater Poland National Park
(Park Narodowy Wielkopolski)
Babia Hills National Park
(Park Narodowy Babia Mountain)
Pienine National Park
(Park Narodowy Pienine)
Wigley National Park
(Park Narodowy Wigley)
(Pozna UN)

Cultural heritage

Serial number
Local provincial administration
World Heritage types
World cultural heritage
Cuavi-pomerania Province
World cultural heritage
Warsaw City
World cultural heritage
Bialowia Forest Park
The province of Podras
World natural Heritage
Muscau Park
Rubska Province
World natural Heritage
Yavor wooden church
Lower Silesia Province
World cultural heritage
Lower Silesia Province
World cultural heritage
Lesser Poland Province
World cultural heritage
Lesser Poland Province
World cultural heritage
Kalvaria Zeebrzydowska
Lesser Poland Province
World cultural heritage
Lesser Poland Province
World cultural heritage
Rozhinov wooden church
Lesser Poland Province
World cultural heritage
Lublin governorate
World cultural heritage