Savanna climate

The high temperature throughout the year is divided into dry and wet two seasons
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The savanna climate is also known as the tropical wet and dry season climate, Savanna climate, tropical savanna climate, tropical sparse forest grassland climate, roughly distributed in the latitude of 10° north and south The Tropic of Cancer It is typical of central Africa, much of South America, Brazil, and the northern and eastern parts of the Australian continent. This type is distributed in Equatorial low with Trade-wind zone Alternate control areas. The annual temperature is high, the annual average temperature is about 25°C, the whole year is high, and the dry season and the wet season are obvious. During periods of equatorial low pressure, Equatorial air mass Prevalence, precipitation concentration; The period of trade wind belt control, controlled by the tropical continental air mass, drought and little rain. Annual precipitation is generally 700-1000 mm, with significantly longer dry seasons. Natural landscape The tropical savanna .
Chinese name
Savanna climate
Foreign name
Tropical Savanna Climate
Climatic characteristics
High temperature throughout the year, divided into two distinct wet and dry seasons
Distribution area
Between 10° south and 10° North latitude and the Tropic of Cancer
Representative plant
baobab The spindle tree
Representative animal
African elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, African lion, wildebeest, zebra, jackal, cheetah
It is controlled alternately by an equatorial low pressure band and a trade wind band
Main continent
Africa South America Oceania
Representative city


Savanna climate is mainly distributed in Tropical rainforest The north and south sides, generally between 10 degrees south and 23 degrees 26 minutes north latitude. High temperature all year round, long summer without winter, dry and wet seasons are its outstanding characteristics. It is very hot all year round, and in some places it is even hotter than tropical rain forests. However, the rainfall is concentrated in four to six months of the year, becoming the rainy season. Belt of equatorial low pressure Control); Another 4-5 months almost no rain, becoming the dry season ( Trade-wind zone Control). So the natural landscape is also related to Tropical rainforest Totally different. There are not many species of wood here, the distribution is sparse, and the grass grows very tall, usually called savanna .
The savanna is herbivore and carnivore The ideal place to roost, so it became the kingdom of animals. There are many kinds of animals, the number is large, there are many famous Natural zoo . The seasonal change of scenery here is obvious: the dry (dry) season comes, the trees lose their leaves, and everywhere becomes yellow; When the wet (rain) season comes, it is green and lush. [1]




African savanna Is the world's largest area, the best development, the most typical characteristics of the tropical grassland, in which the survival and reproduction of extremely rich rare birds and exotic animals, constitute a vibrant biological kingdom. In order to adapt to the wet and dry seasons, grassland trees Ecological landscape Animals have developed many interesting behaviors. [2]

Live in caves

Open and flat, the savanna lacked natural barriers for animals to hide from enemies, so burrowing became an important means of survival for some small and medium-sized animals. Small and medium-sized animals, especially those small and weak animals, such as aardvark , warthog , Jumping hare And all rodents, neither ferocious ability to defend against the enemy, and less good to run away, almost all cave in the ground, the cave has become their children, protect the young, store food, escape from the enemy, avoid the ideal place to avoid high temperatures. Long-term control of digging activities, so that they have developed an extraordinary digging ability, but also formed a body shape suitable for underground life: curved and sharp claws, developed pectoral muscles, combined wrist bones, short lip and nose spacing, large incisors. [2]

Make a run for it

The adaptation of large animals to the vast grassland landscape is manifested in the ability to run fast, which is home to nearly all the fastest animals on Earth. Such as antelope Running as fast as 80 kilometers an hour, zebra 40 km/h, giraffe 40 ~ 50 km; impala A leap can be as high as 3 meters and as far as 9 meters. Carnivores also develop the ability to run fast during long pursuits. For example: African lion Can run at a speed of nine meters per second, cheetah At more than 110 km/h, its acceleration ability is even more amazing, from the start to accelerate 72 km/h, in only 2 seconds. Long-term running has resulted in many adaptive changes in the morphology and structure of these animals: antelope, zebra, Giraffe , ostrich The limbs grow and the strides increase; while cheetah It has a soft, flexible spine. [2]


Cluster life is gradually formed in the long-term survival competition of savanna animals. Group living is conducive to common enemy, defense against enemy harm, promote reproduction, protect the young. It's the smaller animals and the larger herbivores that resist the ferocity beasts A weapon of advantage.
Savanna climate
In general, each population is an organized collective, usually led by a few strong, responsible for the safety of the whole group, commanding the action of the whole group. For example, baboons, antelopes, zebras, etc. all live in groups, even the savannah giants elephant , giraffe, hippopotamus , rhinoceros , buffalo They also like to live in groups, often dozens or even hundreds of heads living together, searching for food, playing, and opposing the enemy. Different species can also be found on African grasslands Mixed population . For example, herds of zebras, antelopes, giraffes, and even ostriches come together and live together peacefully, Collective defense . Giraffe eat Takaki Young leaves, zebras, antelopes eat small shrubs and weeds, giraffe tall head big eyes, is born watchtower Be good at reconnaissance to find the enemy; The alarm and alarm of the ostrich are natural alarm signals.
The tropical grassland is tall and abundant, and the trees are sparse, so the terrestrial animals dominate, such as the elephants, hippos, rhinos, antelopes, zebras and so on. Arboreal animals are rare, even if they should Arboreal life A small number of animals have also given up tree life. For example: ostrich, wings are seriously degraded, can not leave the ground; For another example baboon Small but four rubber thick, suitable for running on the ground, more than 32 kilometers per hour, like to cluster on the stone mountain with few trees, frequent morning and evening activities, eating wild fruits, insects, crawler , Bird egg Sometimes steal grain, melons and fruits. [2]


The African savannas, vast in size, support a large number of herbivores, which in turn provide rich food for carnivores. Therefore, there are many species of giant animals, mainly elephants, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, lions and so on.
It's the African savanna and the largest animal on land. Elephant trunk is strong and developed, can uproot 6-9 meters high trees, but also flexible, can pick up small objects on the ground; Like legs such as columns, can put lions and leopards to death; Ivory is its incisor, fine texture, high economic value, in order to protect the elephant, the international ivory trade has been strictly prohibited.
It's the tallest animal on land. The neck alone is 2 meters long, which also makes it the highest blood pressure animal in the animal world, with systolic blood pressure as high as 350 mm, otherwise there will be no blood supply because the brain and the heart are 3 meters apart. Such a high blood pressure, because the carotid artery has been divided into a large number of small blood vessels before entering the brain, the blood flow into the brain slowly, so it will not occur when it looks down to drink water.
It's the biggest, ugliest animal on land. The body is round, the head and mouth are huge, and they live in the rivers and lakes where the water and grass are abundant bog During the night, ashore rest.
It's the curmudgeonly animal. It looks like a cow, but the two horns are longer than the top of the head, and the eyes are small and the vision is poor. The skin is pleated, the flesh in the pleats is tender and blood vessels, often breeding a large number of parasites, itchy and unbearable, so often to roll in the mud, but also often angry, fierce abnormal. [2]



Monsoon regime

Savanna climate - rainy season
In midsummer, at low latitudes (especially on continents), there is often an insertion of the trade wind belt in the northern and southern hemispheres Equatorial westerly The circulation. Its formation, on the one hand, is due to the seasonal movement of the trade wind belt; On the other hand, due to the heating effect of the continent, it is even more equator The trough was strengthened over the continent as it moved. [3]
In the summer of the Northern Hemisphere (July), the southeast monsoon of the southern hemisphere moves north across the equator and deflects to the right, forming the southwest monsoon. Summer in the Southern Hemisphere (January), Northern Hemisphere Northeast trade wind It deflects to the left across the equator to the south, forming the northwest monsoon. This phenomenon is most pronounced from Africa through the Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean. Features: High temperature all year round, divided into dry and wet two seasons, dry season less rain, wet season more rain. Mainly distributed in Sahara To the south.
1. 10°N to 20°N areas in Africa and North America Southern and northern Australia
1 In summer, the two places were separately brushed Warm current Controlled by the warm and wet southwest monsoon over the sky and by the uplift of the terrain; In addition, due to the convergence of the southwest monsoon and the northeast monsoon, there is more convective rain and abundant precipitation, forming the wet season.
2 In winter, the dry season is formed by a single, dry risk control system.

Tropical front type

In summer, over the vast eastern tropical Pacific, the equatorial westerly winds are not significant and are affected by high winds Andes Mountains The warm and wet monsoons from the Pacific Ocean have little effect on the savanna climate zone of South America. However, the southwest and northwest monsoons from land rise in line with the northeast and southeast monsoons from the tropical Atlantic and pass over the warm current, respectively, and form here Tropical front , much Convective rain The climate is hot and humid.
northequatorial The Guiana Plateau The Orinoco River Basin and Colombia In the north, it is wet and rainy from June to October; subequatorial Brazilian plateau Inside, from October to March of the following year, precipitation is abundant, forming a wet season. In winter, the two places are subject to the single northeast monsoon and southeast season risk control, dry and less rain, forming a dry season.

Subtropical high type

1. South African highlands South (20°S to 30°S)
January is summer in the southern Hemisphere, and the interior of the continent forms a wide range Thermal low , warm and damp, skimming over the warm current Southeast monsoon It blows to the mainland, bringing more precipitation to the South African plateau, creating a wet season.
July is winter in the southern Hemisphere, and in the South African highlands Mean altitude Above 1000 m, due to the high terrain and lower temperatures, high pressure forms in the southern part of the continent and connects with the offshore high to the east. By virtue of Subtropical high pressure belt Control, prevail downdraft . Coupled with the existence of high pressure on land, the influence of monsoon from the ocean is reduced, forming a dry season. [3]
Savanna climate
2. Southern Australia (30°S to 32°S)
Due to global Zone of atmospheric pressure , Wind belt In summer (January), the area is controlled by the subtropical high moving south, prevailing downdraft, dry and less rain, forming a dry season; In winter (July), it is controlled by the risk of wet west moving north, forming a wet season.

Vertical zone type

East African plateau superior equator Immediate area
This area is more than 3000 meters above sea level, because of the high terrain, it changes the temperature and precipitation conditions here, and the climate is warm and can not be formed Tropical rainforest climate . In summer, under the influence of the warm wet southeast monsoon from the Indian Ocean, passing over the warm current, there is more precipitation, forming the wet season. In winter, subject to a single, dry season risk control system, less precipitation, and vigorous ground evaporation, forming a dry season. [3]

Leeward slope type

Western and Great Dividing Range of Australia Madagascar The west, the two places due to location Southeast monsoon the Lee slope And is controlled by the subtropical high, the precipitation is less, but the dry and wet seasons are obvious, forming a tropical grassland climate.
East Timor It is a mountainous country with a Savanna [savanna] climate on the leeward slopes. The northern coastal region of East Timor has a dry season from May to November and a rainy season from December to May, with annual rainfall of 500-1500 mm.
To sum up, in summer, the tropical savanna climate zone between 10° north and south latitude and the Tropic of cancer is affected to some extent Equatorial convergence zone The influence of the location of the belt is generally Belt of equatorial low pressure Its position, therefore, can also be said to be controlled by a band of equatorial low pressure. The ground is sparsely wooded with tall grass. [3-4]

Species distribution

For plants: Breadfruit tree Etc.
Representative animals: zebra, giraffe, lion. hippo

Climatic characteristics

Climate, precipitation and temperature data map of tropical grassland
annual High temperature, divided into two distinct wet and dry seasons. Annual rainfall of 700 ~ 1000 mm, mostly concentrated in Wet season . In the dry season, temperatures are higher than in the tropical rain forest, with average daily temperatures between 24 and 30 ° C. Roughly every year from May to October, the continental low moves northward, when the northern Hemisphere savannas prevail Gulf of Guinea blown Southwest monsoon (also known as the Guinean monsoon), bringing abundant rainfall, resulting in a wet season. From November to April, the continental low moved southward, and the northern savannas prevailed from the north Zone of atmospheric pressure the Trade wind ( The Hamadan wind ), very dry, formed Dry season . The time of dry and wet seasons in the southern hemisphere's hot grass grassland is the opposite of that in the northern Hemisphere.
Marua - Savanna climate
Summary: High temperature all the year round, precipitation can be divided into dry and wet two seasons a year, the total amount of precipitation is less. (Compared to tropical monsoon climate)
And if the dry season is extended will appear drought Situation. [3] [5]

Case description

1. Tropical grassland region of Sudan, North Africa: located Equatorial rain forest belt North limit is about 6°N) north to 17°N ~ 20°N. This area has distinct dry and wet seasons and significant zonal zonality. In winter, the northeast trade winds prevail, as far south as 5°N ~ 7°N in January, and the northeast letter risk control system along the coast of northern Senegal lasts for up to 8 months, when it is the dry season. In summer, the prevailing south-eastern trade winds from the southern hemisphere turn over the equator in the southwest monsoon, landing through the Gulf of Guinea, July to August can be deep inland 21°N. At this time, the northeast air flow and the southwest air flow convergence The intertropical Convergence zone It also moves with the season and can deviate to 20°N. In the intertropical convergence zone, the upper layer is the dry and hot northeast trade wind, the lower layer is the southwest monsoon, and the rainfall distribution is southerly in the wet season.
2. Tropical grassland region of South Africa: located between 18°S and 28°S south of the equatorial rain forest, with higher terrain in the region and in the east Warm current . Winter is controlled by the risk from the Indian Ocean. There is one between 1000 and 2500 meters above sea level Thermal inversion layer The atmosphere is more stable, so it is the dry season. Influenced by warm and cold currents of different nature on both sides of the east and west in summer, the eastern side of the intertropical convergence zone moves south to 20°S, while the western side remains north of the equator along the Gulf of Guinea, and the entire South African continent is a low pressure system. During the rainy season, air currents from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans converge to form a rainy triangle near the easterly convergence zone.
3. Equatorial prairie region of East Africa: between approximately 5°N and 10°S, on the East African plateau east of 38°E. Due to the high terrain, the temperature is lower than the equatorial rain forest and the northern and southern savannas, the annual (monthly) temperature does not exceed 25℃, the year is controlled by the continental air mass, and the precipitation in most areas is less than 1000 mm. The air flow affecting East Africa in winter and summer is dry continental air mass. In winter, it is the northeast trade wind, which is dry in itself and comes from the arid regions of Asia and Africa. When it moves south, it is blocked by the Kenyan mountains and receives less precipitation. In summer, the southeast trade winds from the Indian Ocean pass through the island of Madagascar, and are blocked by the mountains on both sides of the East African Rift Valley on the plateau, and the wind direction tends to be north-south near the equator and parallel to the plateau mountain valley. There are dry and stable easterly air currents over East Africa, which prevent the convergence and convection of monsoons and make it harder to rain. Meanwhile, the intertropical convergence zone in East Africa, due to the influence of the southeast coastal warm current, moves faster per unit time than the west, and the rain belt stays less than the west. It can be seen that due to the complex topography, the seasonal distribution of precipitation in the East African Plateau is different from that in the upper two regions, and the regional differences in precipitation distribution are also worse than those in the upper two regions. [3]
Others, such as South America, Central America Tropical savanna climate Throughout the year, it is controlled by credit risk control or alternating control of trade winds and equatorial low pressure. Australian savanna climate along Central plain It extends southward to about 25°S in a semi-arc distribution. In the northern dry and wet region, the risk of the northwest of the equator in summer is controlled by the rainy season, and the precipitation decreases from north to south. Winter is subject to dry southeast risk control, drought and no rain. Dry and wet areas in the eastern plain: the east wind (east wind, southeast wind, northeast wind) is blowing throughout the year, and the precipitation decreases from east to west.