
[xing shi zh Qiyi]
A way of thinking and working that looks only at the appearance of things without analyzing their essence
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Formalism is a way of looking at things representation Without analyzing it essence the Thinking method and Work style . It violates the scientific principle that content determines form, form serves content, and content and form are unified.
The essence of formalism is subjectivism , utilitarianism ; The root cause is the dislocation of political performance view, Sense of responsibility Lack, with vigorous form instead of solid implementation, with a bright appearance to cover up contradictions and problems; The specific performance is lying, do superficial There are more virtual and less real, more slogans and less implementation. [1]
formalism (formalism) Typical characteristics are divorced from real life, emphasizing the independence of aesthetic activities and the absolutization of art forms, believing that form determines content, rather than content determines form.
December 2023 The Cyberspace Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee issued Several Opinions on Preventing and controlling "Formalism at the Fingertips". [10]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ideological origin
Philosophical basis

Definition of parties

Religious formalism represents a greater emphasis on ritual, ceremony, and adherence to rules than on meaning.
Formalism is a school of law that emphasizes the fairness of a trial over the actual outcome. The efficiency of the process determines the quality of a form.
in Economic anthropology "Formalism" refers to the application of neoclassical economic theory to human society on a theoretical level.
Generally speaking, "formalism" in the category of literature and art, represents the emphasis on the artistic skills of the work, the degree of beauty, the skills of words and words; But it does not focus on the social and historical context of the work.
Literary criticism
In contemporary discussions of literary theory, the critical school of I.A. Richards and his followers - traditionally known as New criticism Doctrine, sometimes labeled "formalist." In this context, formalism means the continuation of classical rhetoric. Russian formalism is a twentieth-century school of thought based in Eastern Europe and also rooted in linguistics and fairy tale theory (content is considered second-hand because "story" is form and "princess" is fairy tale princess).
In modern poetry, "formalist poet" can be said to be the opposite of "free poet". These are just labels and cannot fully summarize the difference between them. The formalism in poetry emphasizes the rhyme, tone, number of words and sentences in the poem rather than the theme, content or meaning of the poem itself. In order to make a clear distinction between this kind of poetry and the so-called "archaic poetry", the term "new formalism" is sometimes used.
In film studies, formalism is a habit of film production, which usually uses a large number of obvious film languages, such as film cutting, shooting shots, camera movement, props and scene design, etc., adding a large number of artificial elements to the film, focusing on artificial film experience.
Formalist films include: Eisenstein 's The battleship Potemkin ", Alan Resnais 's Last year in Marienbad "And" Extortion "by Hitchcock.

Social root

Formalist cartoon
The emergence of formalism has its ideological theoretical basis and social and historical roots. The ideological theoretical basis is idealism Metaphysics, social history root is the force of habit and the negative influence of traditional culture. There are two sources of formalism specific to a unit.
One is the idea of fame and wealth. The selfishness of utilitarianism is the breeding ground of formalism. Individual leaders, in order to become famous for themselves and their units and show the so-called "achievements", are keen to engage in some large, large-scale and influential "achievements". Star project "; Do not consider the actual and ability of the unit, go abroad everywhere, eat and drink every day, waste a lot of the country Financial resources Material resources; Some eyes grow on the top of the head, "as long as the leaders are satisfied, they are not afraid of the masses." Some grasp the work only for the moment, regardless of the long-term, at the expense of the long-term interests of the unit in exchange for personal fame and wealth.
The second is laziness. Inertia leads to floating thoughts, just form, prosperity, like to put the effort in form, just fast, no matter what the effect. Some are satisfied with the document to implement the document, the meeting to implement the meeting, only to meet the superior instructions originally communicated, the problem that should be grasped is not grasped in time, the problem that should be solved is not well solved.
"Formalism kills people" is deeply hated by the grassroots and the masses. To cure the intractable problems of formalism, we must be original and solid in the ideological root causes, in the key and difficult points, in the implementation of responsibility, really hard, and in the source of management to prevent problems. [1]

Form of expression

Formalism is very serious among some party members and cadres. For example, greet the following before checking the work, arrange a "classic line" when the leader comes to the grassroots research, and inject water into the political performance materials... The manifestations are varied. The commonality of these performances is that the "virtual" word is the head, the "empty" word is the head, the net makes some flowers and flowers, the virtual head bar brain, the field is vigorous, in fact, empty, useless.
Formalism runs counter to the Party's ideological line. It does not start from the reality, only from the surface, form to evaluate the situation, only speak of general principles, make empty requirements, but do not come up with correct and effective methods. This seriously deviates from the ideological line of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with The Times, and seeking truth and pragmatism.
Formalism deviates from the Party's mass line. Only by diving deep into the masses and focusing on solving prominent problems strongly reflected by the masses can we ensure that the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee take root and consolidate the flesh-and-blood ties between the Party and the people. Beating gongs and drums, bravado, and engaging in image projects that hurt people and money, and political performance projects that seek fame and prestige, seriously deviate from the mass line of the Party. Failure to do practical work for the masses and seek practical benefits will not only cause all aspects of work to collapse, but also cause adverse effects among the masses, be hated by the masses, undermine the enthusiasm of the masses and the prestige of the Party, and weaken the masses' trust in the Party.
In actual work, the formalists sensationalize, practice fraud, deceive organizations and the masses from above, and use work as an act, which is a manifestation of weak party spirit, impure ideology, and political wavering. [2]
The "toilet revolution" has allowed people to use sanitary toilets and become the most intimate and targeted poverty alleviation. However, the reporter's investigation found that the central government attaches great importance to and has introduced relevant programs and measures in rural toilets, in some places, but "changed the smell", there are half the "toilet" - no wall, no roof, only a squatting toilet. In Loufan County, Shanxi Province, which was named by Xinhua News Agency, squatting toilets without walls or ceilings can be seen everywhere in front of houses, along rural roadsides and in hillsides and ditches, becoming an extremely abrupt "scenery". And the waste is not only reflected in the toilet rotten end, like the Phoenix Village under the jurisdiction of Loufan County, the whole village lives in the village all year round, there are only 20 families, but the construction of 80 or 90 squatters, four or five households. Toilet revolution, not only to break the old rural customs, but also to guard against formalism, face projects and other backward governance ideas. [3]

Political harm

Chinese social formalism: Government officials or departments do a series of superficial work only to get the approval of superiors, so as to achieve the purpose of promotion and wealth. The public considers such consumption of people's property abhorrent, but superficially supports the content of these works.
The harm that formalism brings to the grassroots: Formalism hinders the implementation of the Party's principles and policies. Formalism does not pay attention to investigation and research, does not understand the actual situation, does not have a number in mind, advocates empty talk, and is in a blind state in work, which will inevitably affect the smooth flow of Party and state government decrees, affect actual work, and lead to information failure and decision-making mistakes.
The second is to corrupt the social atmosphere. The spread of formalism is bound to promote the wind of not telling the truth, resorting to fraud, promoting ideological laziness, skillfully coping with the bad tendencies of superiors, affecting the relationship between cadres and the masses, and affecting the healthy growth of some cadres. At the same time, it has destroyed the party's ideological line of seeking truth from facts, which is bound to encourage the spread of evil spirits in some units.
Another is rampant bureaucracy. Formalism is the same as bureaucracy. Grow together and support each other. The origin of formalism is the same bureaucracy The root causes are the same. The bureaucracy does not go deep into the grassroots and does not conduct investigations and studies. Layout work to pull the shelf to build momentum; Competing for achievements and honors, engaging in the style of formalism in work, far from the work style of seeking truth from facts; All work routine, come up with some figures to deal with superiors. This is bound to delay work, delay the cause, and cause damage to the party's cause.


At present, under the high pressure of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, although the old formalism has been suppressed, the new formalism has put on a jacket and renovated its patterns, just like a rat crossing the street, beating continuously, if not vigilant eradication will damage the Party's advanced nature and purity like a chronic poison. Therefore, we must earnestly improve the political position and political consciousness, clearly understand the harm of formalism, focus on prominent problems, adhere to the above rate, innovate the system and mechanism, spare no effort to grasp the root cause of formalism, this chronic disease. [1]
"Formalism kills people" is deeply hated by the grassroots and the masses. As the first of the "four winds", formalism has complicated causes, has been harmful for a long time, widespread poison, strong concealment, and easy to mutate and relapse. But no matter how The Times develop, no matter how the appearance changes, the nature of formalism has not changed. In reality, some party members and cadres have serious bureaucratic thoughts, and their officials are not large. They sit in their offices like clay gods, only listening to those who are useful to them as officials, and speaking bureaucratic language and "principles" to the hardships of the masses. Some people's performance view is distorted, selfish expansion, wanton, deliberately create a hard to implement, a good illusion, blind decision-making, forced orders, labor and money, in order to whitewash peace and find ways to "optimize" the environment, hide the problem; Some leading cadres take the lead in formalism, "flashlight" only according to others, not according to themselves, talking about problems to avoid the serious, the issue of MEDALS falsified, and destroyed the normal order of the competition; Strip work of the supervision of their own array, the results can not complement each other, related confirmation, found that the problem is hidden, for fear of giving their own face discredit, inefficient supervision and assessment mechanism is in vain, leaving many "back door" to some speculators with luck; Some places assign tasks in terms of the number and number of accountability, relax boundaries for themselves, carp at the grassroots, let party members and cadres be wronged, pay attention to the result, produce "antibodies" to accountability, and then give birth to more formalism. These problems seem to be "harmless", but if they are allowed to grow endless problems, they must be attached great importance to and resolutely corrected.
To cure the intractable problems of formalism, we must be original and solid in the ideological root causes, in the key and difficult points, in the implementation of responsibility, really hard, and in the source of management to prevent problems. Only by repairing both inside and outside, treating both symptoms and root causes, and working for a long time, can we eradicate the breeding soil of formalism from the root.
Rectification of formalism must solve ideological problems and raise political standing. To break the stubborn disease of formalism, the most fundamental thing is to calibrate the beacon from the ideology. Taking the rectification of formalism as an important political task at present and in the future period, as the primary task and long-term task of improving discipline and opposing the "four winds", is placed in a more prominent position. We must strengthen our ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the purpose of serving the people, consciously correct the bureaucratic style, abandon the idea of privilege, hold the bottom line, and do not cross the line. Adhere to the overall situation of implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and promoting high-quality development, seek truth from facts, do solid work, and resolutely do not be a "good guy", "peace officer", "two-faced", and resolutely wage war against formalism.
Rectification of formalism must identify the difficulties and pain points, and ensure that the target. Strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of the rectification work, and know what problems are concentrated and what problems are prominent, so that you have a plan in hand. Adhere to the problem orientation, hold on to the problems that have been found, and fight against the emergence of emerging and tendentious problems. Only by running to the problem, grasping it to the end, and not stopping when it is good, can we ensure that formalism is uprooted and the spring breeze never blows. Carefully control the 4 aspects and 12 types of problems pointed out by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, top-down rectification, and ensure that the rectification is first implemented in large and common problems. Start with the problems that the grassroots and the masses are most concerned about and reflect the most strongly, find out the context, pinpoint the key crux, be ruthless, do not play games, and show the grassroots with concrete actions, with grassroots reform. Point the finger at yourself, carefully sort out the outstanding problems collected from all aspects, compare the standards of seeking facts, starting a business, and being a real person, come up with practical and effective rectification measures, and strive to be an example of opposing formalism.
The regulation formalism must press the responsibility of compaction and condense the regulation force. The causes of formalism are complex and involve a wide range of areas, and the rectification work must be shared responsibilities, co-management by all parties, and "360 degrees without dead corners". Responsibilities and tasks should be clear, Party organizations at all levels should earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of managing the Party and governing the Party, make overall arrangements for the rectification of formalism, and promote it in a solid and orderly manner. Leading cadres should give full play to the "head goose effect" and not do "throw off the hand of the cashier". Ordinary party members and cadres should take the rectification of formalism in the region and the industry as their duty and responsibility. Take the initiative to identify and fight against the unhealthy tendencies around you. All forces should coordinate, formalism as an important part of the inspection, combined with the ongoing special work on corruption and work style in the field of poverty alleviation, pollution prevention and environmental accountability, and other important special work, strengthen information sharing and work coordination, and resolutely prevent formalism in the rectification work.
Rectification of formalism must strengthen long-term supervision and promote the original source. Combating formalism cannot be accomplished overnight. We must adhere to institutional management of people and affairs and be prepared to fight a protracted war. Establish a mechanism for supervising the application of information big data, timely grasp the latest form of formalism, common characteristics and individual characteristics, in-depth analysis of the law of the occurrence of problems and the underlying reasons, and scientific research and judgment and precise policies for the loopholes and weak links in the system and mechanism. We will improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism for cadres, establish a clear orientation of employing people that shows that hard work has a future and accountability for failure. We will, in light of the actual conditions of cadres in different regions, in different positions and at different times, establish a working mechanism that encourages and encourages them to tolerate and correct mistakes, and enable them to go up and down. We will refine and quantify the performance evaluation criteria, and objectively analyze, comprehensively evaluate and humanize the performance of party members and cadres. Unbuttoning the ideological buttons of officials and allowing them to go into battle lightly. In addition, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for the orderly participation of the masses, increase publicity efforts, hand over the right to speak and supervise to the people, and pull up the "dragnet" of the whole Party and society against formalism.
The party style is regular, and the cause is prosperous. In recent years, the problem of formalism has improved, and some people have become complacent and war-weary of "you can take a break". As everyone knows, the Party Central Committee continues to correct the "four winds", formalism and bureaucracy are still stubborn, and if a little lax, it will be unstoppable. To this end, it is necessary to let the alarm bell of style construction ring, so that party members and cadres hold a scale, have awe, develop the habit of consciously accepting supervision, realize the deep-level transformation from "dare not" "can not" to "don't want to", and actively invest in the struggle against formalism. We are still on our way to breaking the stubborn disease of formalism. [1] [4-5]
The opinion pointed out that "formalism on the fingertips" is the variation and renovation of formalism in the digital background, and is the main manifestation of increasing the burden on the grassroots. The prevention and treatment of "formalism on the fingertips" is of great significance for promoting the upward trend of the Party, government and social atmosphere. The opinions are clear, we must adhere to the principles of planning and overall planning, intensive and efficient, convenience and burden reduction, safety and reliability, strengthen construction, use and safety management, so that the majority of cadres have more time and energy to grasp the implementation, and provide a strong style guarantee for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. [10]
The general Secretary stressed that to reduce the burden on the grassroots, it is necessary to clarify the rights and responsibilities, and nothing can be put on the grassroots, which work the grassroots should undertake, and it is necessary to clarify the responsibilities and matters.
The key is to resolve the mismatch between power and responsibility at the grassroots level. Some departments are accustomed to "shedding burdens" and "adding burdens", and even transferring tasks that are within their own scope of responsibility to the grassroots and pressing on the shoulders of grassroots cadres, resulting in the predicament of "small horses and carts" at the grassroots level. Do not do it, how to do it, only task indicators, no specific guidance, and no human and material resources, so that some grass-roots cadres are tired to cope. Under layers of pressure, there are many grassroots cadres "white and black" "5 plus 2" continuous rotation, the result is "hot on paper, cold in the work", not only helpful to enhance the sense of gain of the masses, but also may delay the development and the implementation of people's livelihood, affecting the relationship between cadres and masses.
At present, the study and education of Party discipline is being carried out throughout the Party. The revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China" will be "violating the relevant provisions of the fine text reduction of the cultural mountain and the sea" "in the work of supervision and inspection, excessive marks, increase the burden of grassroots work" and other behaviors into the scope of punishment, highlighting the clear attitude of correcting formalism and bureaucracy. Continue to deepen the regulation of formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots and create good conditions for grassroots cadres and officers to start their own businesses, so that grassroots cadres can be more motivated and have more time and energy to implement. [12]

Academic schools

Academic methods: A focus on the use of symbols, symbols, or rules to make the results identical to experimental or other computational methods can also be called "formalism." These marks and rules do not necessarily have mathematical equivalents. In these cases, the method of computation is often called "fully formalized."

Philosophy of mathematics

David Hilbert
Mathematical method: In the foundations of mathematics, formalism is associated with several of the most precise mathematical methods. Generally speaking, formalism is the effort to incorporate formal institutions within a specific and limited scope; All issues incorporated into the formal system, or within some "formable" scope, can be formally discussed. Fully formalized, then most of the" Computer science "Found in the category.
Formalism is also a specific school in the "philosophy of mathematics", which focuses on the passage David Hilbert The theory proves mathematical logic. So in the category of "philosophy of mathematics," a formalist is a member of the formalist school of mathematical dogma inherited from David Hilbert.

Formalist aesthetics

In the western modern aesthetics at the beginning of the 20th century, the emergence of formalism aesthetics had a great impact on the revolution of western modern art. Formalism emphasizes that the form factors of art have independent aesthetic significance, and regards the formal structure of text as the core of art. This view greatly influenced the abstract non-representational modern art movement, promoted the emergence and development of structuralism and symbolic aesthetics, and triggered the tendency of modern architecture to pursue blank and neutral formal structures. This tendency was evident in the "early modernism." De stipa "," constructivism "To mature modernism" International style To the later "white pie", "White pie" neo-modernism "Have outstanding performance. It can be said that modern architecture has gradually embarked on a road of formal consciousness under the influence of formal structure aesthetics.
The same formalism has different concrete contents in different times. For example, the form understood by the ancient Greeks was closely related to the plastic arts and the ideal of stillness; The form understood by medieval NeoPlatonists is closely related to the concept of God giving form to matter in Christian theology; As for the rampant modern formalism, it reflects capitalism The disintegration of all aspects of social life and the poverty and emptiness of the content of thought.
Formalism usually refers to a tendency in literary and artistic creation. It emphasizes the independence of aesthetic activities and the absolutization of art forms, and holds that it is not the content that determines the form, but the form that determines the content, thus negating the meaning of the content and cutting off the connection between form and content, art and reality.
The theory of formalism originated in the first decade of the last century, which not only greatly influenced the abstract and non-representational modern art movement, but also directly promoted the emergence of structuralism and symbolic aesthetics.
The formalist theory of literature and art is of great significance to the development of modern structuralist theory of literature and art and semiotics. From the semiotic point of view, the external form of works of art is the only scientific basis and reliable information for people to identify their inner meaning. Formalism integrates literature with literary works, making literary works the most important aesthetics and poetics concept in this century, which undoubtedly touches reception aesthetics and thus develops.

Russian formalism

Russian formalism was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, with the most representative school of Russian formalism, whose representatives are Shklowsky, Jakobson and Fry and Bell in Britain. [6]
Russian formalism It is a twentieth-century school of thought based in Eastern Europe and also rooted in linguistics and "fairy-tale theorizing" (content is considered second-hand because "story" is form and "princess" is fairy-tale princess). Russian formalism It refers to a trend of literary criticism that prevailed in Russia from 1915 to 1930, organized in the form of the "Moscow Philological Society" headed by Jacobson and the "Moscow Philological Society" Shklovsky Led by the "Petersburg Institute of Poetic Language", its members are mostly Moscow University and University of Petersburg Of the students.
Theoretical claim
1. Theoretical propositions of Russian formalism
First, Russian formalism believes that the subject of literary study is literariness.
Second, Russian formalism says, Artistic content Can not be separated from the art form and independent existence, this is their new definition of literary "form".
Thirdly, Russian formalism believes that defamiliarization is the basic principle of artistic processing and treatment. "Defamiliarization" is the core concept of Russian formalism, and it is also the most valuable and enlightening thought in formalist literary theory. The so-called defamiliarization is to remove the object from its normal feeling field, and to reconstruct the feeling of the object through creative means, so as to expand the difficulty and breadth of cognition, and constantly give readers a fresh way of creation. The value of literature is to let people recover the feeling of life through reading, and produce aesthetic pleasure in the process of this feeling. If the process of aesthetic feeling is longer, the artistic appeal of literary works will be stronger. The essence of defamiliarization means is to try to increase the difficulty of feeling the art form and lengthen the time of aesthetic appreciation, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging the aesthetic process.
2. The application of defamiliarization theory in literary criticism
Shklovsky also applied defamiliarization theory to the field of fiction and made many researches.
First, he talks about the defamiliarization effect from the Angle of perspective variation.
Secondly, he studies defamiliarization from the perspective of language deformation and shift.
Thirdly, he discusses the deviation from the norm according to the relationship between the order structure and the narrative structure in the narrative text.
Fourth, he uses the theory of defamiliarization to make a new explanation for the inheritance and development of literature.
In short, Russian formalism is in Literary criticism Their research objects and research methods have their own unique views on the principles and functions of literary criticism with strong anti-traditional colors. Although the Russian formalism existed for a short time, its influence was profound. Their influence not only on French structuralist literary criticism is evident, but also in the new criticism and even in the cloth Leicht The pioneering significance of Russian formalism can also be seen in the "alienating effect" of Russian formalism.

Social evaluation

Xinhua Daily Telegraph: issue an apportionment, hire a water army to suck up... Watch out for the live show of the official with the cargo
Some leading cadres will be broadcast as a show room, not only the flow of water, sales fraud, big apportioned, but also organize the water army to call "good leadership". This self-deceiving ostentatious show deviated from the original intention of doing practical things for the people, and became a new formalism and bureaucracy with publicity and ostentation. This kind of shoddy showmanship is tantamount to playing with fire and will only backfire! [7]
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission website comments: Continue to deepen the regulation of formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots
纪检监察机关要深入贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,按照中央纪委三次全会部署,重拳纠治干部群众反映强烈的形式主义、 "Formalism on the fingertips" and other issues, improve and refine the disciplinary mechanism for formalism and bureaucracy, promote party members and cadres to use real efforts in actual effect, less in the form of the wrong idea, and earnestly forge ahead with a new journey and contribute to a new era. [11]

Related report

2021年6月28日上午,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年活动新闻发布会上,中央纪委副书记、国家监委副主任肖培说,在党中央坚强领导下,党的十八大以来,中央纪委共立案审查调查中查处形式主义、官僚主义问题21.7万件,处理了32.2万人。 [8]
In October 2022, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission said that since the 19th National Congress of the Party, as of the end of August 2022, the national discipline inspection and supervision organs had dealt with a total of 273,000 formalistic and bureaucratic problems, criticized, educated, helped and dealt with 410,000 people, of which 243,000 people were given Party discipline and government punishments. [9]