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French Republic
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French Republic ( French : La Republique francaise, the capital of France Paris , located in Europe The west, and Belgium , Luxembourg , Germany , Switzerland , Italy , Monaco , Spain , Andorra Border, northwest English Channel with Britain Facing each other, Marine, continental, Mediterranean and mountain climates coexist. The terrain is high in the southeast and low in the northwest. The total area is 550,000 square kilometers (excluding overseas territories), the coastline is 2,700 kilometers, the land line is 2,800 kilometers, and the mainland is divided into 13 regions and 94 provinces. Up to In January 2024, the population of France was 68.37 million [28] , mainly for French nation Most of them are Catholic and the official language is French. [1]
The old French name Gaul In the 5th century, Franks They settled here and founded the kingdom of the Franks. The name was changed during the reign of the Capetian dynasty in the 10th to 14th centuries Kingdom of France . It broke out on July 14, 1789 French Revolution , published" Declaration of the Rights of man The abolition of the monarchy. In 1792, the First Republic was established. After that Napoleon The establishment of the First Empire, the Bourbon restoration, July dynasty Second Republic, Second Empire, Third Republic. In March 1871, the people of Paris armed uprising, founded Paris Commune . World War I France joined the Allies and won the war against the Central Powers. World War II During the German invasion, Charles de Gaulle The general organized the anti-fascist "Free France" movement, which liberated Paris in August 1944. In October 1946, the French Fourth Republic was proclaimed. In 1958, the Fifth Republic was established. [1]
France is one of the most developed industrial countries, leading the world in nuclear power, aviation, aerospace and railways, with steel, automobiles and construction as the three major industrial pillars. is Permanent member of the United Nations Security Council , European Union The founding country and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Member States; is UNESCO , Interpol , OECD , European Parliament The headquarters of international and regional organizations.
Chinese name
French Republic [1]
Foreign name
La République française [1] (in French)
The French Republic [1] (English)
Abbreviated form
Paris [1]
Major city
Marseille , Lyon , Toulouse , Nice , Nantes , Strasbourg , Montpellier , Lille Etc. [1]
National Day
The 14th of July [1]
National song
" Marseillaise " [1]
Country code
Official language
French [1]
Euro [1]
Time zone
National leader
Emmanuel Macron (President) , Gabriel Attar (Prime Minister)
Population number
68.37 million [28] (January 2024)
Population density
123.7 people/km2 (January 2023)
Major nationality
French , The Bretons , The Corsicans , The Alsatians [1]
Major religion
Catholicism [1]
Land area
550000 km² [1] (Excluding Overseas Territories)
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$2.94 trillion [10] (Year 2021)
Per capita GDP
$43,518.50 [10] (Year 2021)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Keep to the right
National bird
Gaul chicken , skylark
The national flower
Iris vetiver
State structure
Unitary system
Central bank
Banque de France
Large enterprise
handsome , Citroen , Renault Etc.

Historical evolution


Gallic period

Prehistory and the Gallic period (before the 5th century AD)
In ancient times, there have been human settlements on the soil of France. So far it has been found in France from Paleolithic age to Iron Age Quite systematic human cultural relics of various periods, including human jawbones from 300,000 to 400,000 years ago, figure carves and animal murals from about 20,000 years ago in the caves of Lascaux in southwest France, and stone tombstones and earth tombs from Brittany from 3,000 to 4,000 years ago in western France, as well as production tools and artistic creations of various styles.
Around 1000 BC, Celts They moved here from the mountains of Central Europe. Roman Call it Gaul, and call its inhabitants Gaul . [2]
The Great migration of Germanic peoples influenced the development of Gaul. In 418, The Visigoths in Aquitaine Build a kingdom.
In 443, The Burgundians in Soone with Lone Chaung River basins build kingdoms, Briton Occupy what is now Brittany.
In 451, the Huns were in Attila Led the invasion of Gaul, then was Roman With the barbarians (including Franks Allied forces defeated. Gaul is completely barbarian The Kings control. Late 5th century AD, settled in Meuse With the river Esco between the Franks, the king Clovis the First (see Frankish kingdom He led a large invasion of the West, and successively defeated the Roman military governor Ciaglius and The Alemanni , The Visigoths .
In 481, the Franks occupied all of Gaul except Burgundy and the Mediterranean coast, and settled in Paris, establishing the Kingdom of the Franks. [2]

Early Middle Ages

5th ~ 10th century
The period includes two dynasties: The Merovingians and The Carolingians .
Empire of Charlemagne
The Merovingian dynasty was the first of the Frankish kingdoms. 481 AD, grandson of Merovyn Clovis the First defeat Western Roman Empire The power in Gaul formally established the dynasty.
At the beginning of the 8th century there was a fierce rivalry between the East and West Franks. The East Franck Palace Charley Order was restored in the north, and in 732 it was repulsed at Poitier Arab The invasion reunified the Frankish kingdom. In 751, his son Pepin (reigned 751-768) was born Pope With his support, he formally enthroned the Carolingian Dynasty.
768, son of Pepin Charlemagne Inherit the throne. During his reign, he launched a series of campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany and other regions, and by 800, he had put the vast areas of Western Europe under his control under the past Roman Empire, and was crowned by the Pope, Charlemagne became the Emperor of the West.
In 843, the signing of the" The Treaty of Verdun ", Empire of Charlemagne One split into three, of which West Frankish Kingdom Evolved into France.
From Clovis to Hugo Capet For 500 years, barbarian invasions and internal and external wars continued. The prevalence of the feudal natural economy, the expansion of the power of the lords, and the strengthening of the centrifugal tendency and independence of the aristocracy resulted in long-term backward production, Feudal separation A situation of disunity with the state. [2]

Middle middle

10th to 15th centuries
This period includes Capetian dynasty (987~1328) and The Valois Dynasty (1328-1589).
In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William I The French feudalists led the conquest of England [24] . In the middle Ages, French agriculture, handicraft and commerce developed. The population gradually increased, reaching an estimated 16 million by the 1420s. Many new cities appeared in the main roads and bazaars, and from the 11th century onwards, some cities launched commune movements through Armed uprising Or money bought acquired Right of autonomy . With the rise of the city, a new social class emerged, the civic class, which became associated with privileged classes. clergyman There is another third class. The development of commodity money relations has strengthened domestic economic relations and created favorable conditions for national unification.
In the early days of the Capetian dynasty, direct royal control was limited to Seine and Loire Between, each Grand duchy , A surname They are like independent kingdoms. Philip IV During his reign (1286-1314), he strengthened the bureaucracy and ordered the army, and clashed with the Pope over his insistence on imposing a property tax on the church.
In 1328, Charles IV After his death, there was no male heir in the Capet family, and he was a side branch of the Capet family The Valois family the Philip VI He inherited the throne and founded the Valois Dynasty. 1337, English and French" Hundred Years' War "Explosion.
In 1358, it happened again north of Paris Zakre rebellion . National heroes emerged at the end of the war Joan of Arc Although she was betrayed and killed, the trend of national unity has been unstoppable. In 1453, the Hundred Years' War ended with a French victory.
By the end of the 15th century, the last aristocratic estates -- Burgundy , Bicardi, Brittany , Provence Roussillon was also incorporated Kingdom of France The map of... [2]

Late Middle Ages

16th to 18th century
Louis XIV
This period marked the transition of France from feudal society to Capitalist society An important period of transition. The second half of this period is known in French history as" Old regime ".
from 16th century The French capitalist relations of production began to sprout and develop. The opening of new routes Make France's foreign trade focus from Mediterranean Go to Atlantic From the 17th century onwards, France began to spread to North America, Sino-US , Africa India expanded its colonies.
In the first half of the 16th century, The Hundred Years' War The wounds have not yet healed, The Valois Dynasty the Francis I and Henry II He launched a war against Italy and fought Holy Roman Empire Emperor Charles V The battle for land on the border between France and Germany has opened the door to the conflict between France and The House of Habsburg The beginning of a long struggle for hegemony.
In 1559, the Italian War ended with French victory Calais and Mays , Tours , Verdun Three dioceses. In 1589, House of Bourbon Of the first king Henry IV (reigned 1589-1610) succeeded to the throne and tried to restore peace, recuperate, and then passed through the bishop minister Richelieu and Mazarin The rectification, to Louis XIV During the period of autocratic government, the French autocratic monarchy entered the peak period.
17th-18th century France
Louis XIV strengthened the feudal centralization and greatly weakened the power of the local nobility. Promote the development of capitalist industry and commerce. Meanwhile, Louis XIV's long war with the Habsburgs extended France's eastern frontier to Strasbourg . Louis XV During the reign (1715-1774), although the economy developed, the autocratic monarchy gradually declined.
In 1774, Louis XVI Upon accession to the throne, the bourgeoisie increasingly felt that their political position was not commensurate with their economic power, and they were extremely dissatisfied with the system of barriers, guild regulations, and unfair taxation, especially against the privileges of the nobility and clergy. The Enlightenment, which represented the interests of the bourgeoisie, flourished, attacking the Catholic Church and the monarchy, spreading scientific knowledge, and advocating democracy, freedom, equality, and reason. The French feudal system was in a serious crisis.

Revolutionary period

It started in 1789 French Revolution It's important in French history watershed It ended more than 1,000 years of feudal rule and began the period of capitalist establishment and development. The history of the nearly 200 years since the French Revolution can be divided into three periods:
The republican system is deeply rooted among the people
From the French Revolution to Paris Commune (1789-1871) This period can be called the "century of revolutions", during which there were five revolutions (1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1871).
The Bourgeois Revolution broke out on July 14, 1789, with the Declaration of the Rights of Man, the abolition of the monarchy, the establishment of bourgeois power, and the development of capitalism.
On September 22, 1792, First French Republic Established. In 1793, King Louis XVI was beheaded, House of Bourbon The feudal system was abolished and counter-revolutionary forces at home and abroad were routed. At the moment of continuous victory of the revolution, contradictions within the revolutionary camp intensified.
July 1794, opposition Robesbill The forces of the various factions united and launched Thermidorian coup It overthrew the Jacobin rule.
In November 1799, Napoleon launch Brumaire coup In 1804, Napoleon declared himself emperor and changed the republic to First French Empire Abolish democracy and freedom and strengthen it centralization Promulgated the" Civil code It legally maintained and consolidated capitalist ownership and the social and economic order of the bourgeoisie, and played a positive role in the development of capitalism in France. [2]
In 1814, restoration the Louis XVIII promulgate charter He pledged not to change the economic order established by the Great Revolution and the freedom of the bourgeoisie.
In 1820, the extreme right wing of the Royal Party came to power, abandoned the Charter, and aroused the anger of bourgeois liberals and the masses.
In 1830, July Revolution overthrew Charles X Instead July dynasty The political power fell into the hands of the big bourgeoisie.
In 1830, Industrial revolution In France, the rise of the construction of the railway boom, the 1830s and 1840s, the labor movement such as Lyon workers' revolt The republican movement and the democratic movement arose one after another, and finally converged into a great current.
In 1848, February Revolution Overthrow the July Dynasty and establish Second French Republic . The revolution brought all sections of the bourgeoisie into power, and at the same time the workers put forward their own demands, which aroused the fears of the bourgeoisie. In June of the same year, the workers of Paris held an uprising, which was brutally suppressed, and in December of the same year, Louis - Napoleon Bonaparte He took advantage of the peasant's superstition about Napoleon I.
On December 2, 1851, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup d 'etat and proclaimed himself emperor the following year Napoleon III , establish Second French Empire . [2]
During the 18 years of the Second Empire, the Industrial Revolution made great progress, and from the 1860s the republican, democratic, and workers' movements continued to rise Franco-prussian War The defeat in Paris led to the Revolution of September 4, when the people of Paris overthrew the monarchy and declared themselves a republic. Set up French Third Republic .
In early 1871, the people of Paris called for the establishment of a commune to continue the war of resistance. First International The leftist leaders of the Paris branch joined forces with the workers to form the Central Committee of the National Guard. In March of the same year, the people of Paris armed uprising, the establishment of the world's first proletarian regime - Paris Commune In the case of excessive disparity in class power, the Paris Commune was suppressed in May of the same year. [1]
From 1900 to 1913, French monopolies emerged one after another, and the concentration of bank capital was particularly prominent, becoming second only to Britain Capital export A surname.

World War I period

Franco-prussian War After that, the main goal of France's foreign policy was to prepare for revenge and colonial expansion against Germany. In order to get rid of its isolation, France concluded a military alliance with Russia in 1892 and an entente with Britain in 1904.
World War I France, though the victor, recovered Alsace and Lorraine He captured some German colonies, but suffered heavy losses. After the war, the economy was in serious difficulties and the political situation was unstable. Between 1914 and 1940, the Cabinet changed 45 times.
1923, France, Belgium Send troops to occupy the Ruhr mines in Germany.
In 1924, the Radical Socialist Party and the Socialist Party formed Helio Led by a left-wing Syriza government.
The rule of Poincare from 1926 to 1929 saw a period of temporary prosperity and stability. [2]

World War II period

February 6, 1934. Tens of thousands Fascism Armed thugs staged a demonstration in Paris against the Stavisky corruption case, storming the parliament building Bourbon Palace . Daladier The government was forced to resign and the republic faced another crisis.
On September 1, 1939, the German Army invaded Poland and the French went into general mobilization. On September 3, France declared war on Germany, but France was losing ground.
On June 22, 1940, Petain The Marshal signed the surrender agreement with the Germans, French Third Republic Annihilation. In July of the same year, in central France Vichy Set up a puppet government, known as" Vichy France ".
From the fall of the Third Republic to the establishment of the Fourth Republic, there was a battle against German and Italian fascism and a struggle for a new constitution. On June 18, 1940, General de Gaulle London pass British Broadcasting Corporation The speech called on the French people to resist the occupation of France by Nazi Germany, also known as the June 18 Declaration. This declaration marks the fight against fascist aggression and the defence of national independence led by General de Gaulle." Free France The movement begins. [15]
Charles de Gaulle The resistance movement led by the general developed rapidly, and in June 1944, a provisional government was established to unite the domestic and colonial anti-fascist forces to continue the war. With the cooperation of the Allies and the resistance led by the French Communist Party, in August 1944, in French Resistance And Allied strikes, Vichy government Disintegrate. On August 25 of the same year, Paris was recaptured and the whole country was restored. [2]

Post-war period

De Gaulle returned to Paris
The political forces were divided on what kind of republic should be established in post-war France: the Communist Party Left wing Calls for a unicameral democratic constitution; The Gaullist demanded a weaker parliament and a stronger president; The third force, represented by the People's Republican Party, insisted on restoring the parliamentary system of the Third Republic.
In October 1946, French Fourth Republic After the adoption of the Constitution of the Fourth Republic, it entered a period of political instability, and more than 20 governments changed in 12 years. [1]
During the Fourth Republic, France completed the renovation of its equipment through several rehabilitation programs. Industrial production has grown rapidly and the people are getting better off. In foreign relations, France accepts Marshall Plan, 1949, became North Atlantic Treaty Organization Member States.
In 1957, according to the Treaty of Rome France and Federal Republic of Germany , Italy, Netherlands, Belgium , Luxembourg A common market of six Western European countries was established.

Fifth Republic

In 1958, the Fifth Republic was established, Charles de Gaulle As the first president. The French flag is blue, white and red, and the national anthem is" Marseillaise ". During the reign of Charles de Gaulle from 1958 to 1969, he pursued an independent foreign policy.
In 1959, from North Atlantic Treaty Organization Take back command of the French fleet and prohibit the United States from using French bases.
In 1960, the first one exploded in France Atomic bomb .
In 1963, de Gaulle refused to sign the U.S.-Soviet treaty against nuclear proliferation, restored diplomatic relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, raised the slogan of "Europe for Europeans", and vetoed the accession of the United Kingdom, which had a special relationship with the United States Western European Common Market .
In 1964, France and China restored diplomatic relations.
In 1966, all French troops withdrew from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, forcing the organization's headquarters to move from France Brussels In 2009, the French president announced his return to NATO [22] ).
In May 1981, the Socialist F.M.M. Mitterrand Elected president.
In a general election in June 1981, the Socialists won 55% of the seats in the National Assembly, making them the largest party in France.
In March 1986, the Socialist Party suffered a setback in the National Assembly elections, which saw a left-wing president co-exist with a right-wing prime minister for the first time since the founding of the Fifth Republic.
In 1992, in the Netherlands Maastricht Signed the" Treaties of the European Union ".

Geographical environment


Regional location

France is located in Western Europe, with an area of 550,000 square kilometers, [1] It is the third largest country in Europe and the largest in Western Europe. It is bordered by Belgium and Luxembourg to the north, Germany to the northeast, Switzerland to the east, Italy to the southeast, Monaco to the south, Spain and Andorra to the southwest, and the United Kingdom to the northwest across the Lamanche Strait (also known as the English Channel). The south, west and northwest of France are on the verge of the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel and the North Sea, respectively The island of Corsica It's the largest island in France. The terrain of France is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, and the plains account for 2/3 of the total area, and the main mountains are the Alps, the Pyrenees, and the Jura Mountains. The total length of the border is 6337 km, of which the coastline is 3424 km, the land line is 2913 km and the inland line is 195 km. [1]


France is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, with plains accounting for two-thirds of the total area. The main mountain ranges are Alps , The Pyrenees Mountains , Jura Mountains Pulse, etc. The Franco-Italian border Mont Blanc At 4,810 meters above sea level, it is the second highest mountain in Europe; The main rivers are Loire (1010 km), Lone Chaung (812 km), Seine (776 km). [1]
Landforms of France


The climate of France is characterized by the coexistence of maritime, continental, Mediterranean and mountain climates. The west is a Marine temperate broadleaf forest climate, the south is a subtropical Mediterranean climate, and the central and east are continental climate. The average temperature in January is 1℃-7℃ in the north and 6℃-8℃ in the south. July 16℃-18℃ in the north, 21℃-24℃ in the south. Although the temperature sometimes exceeds 30 ° C in summer, the climate is generally comfortable and pleasant.

Natural resources

The iron ore reserves are about 1 billion tons, but the grade is low, the mining cost is high, the coal reserves are almost exhausted, all iron ore and coal mines have been closed, and the required ore is completely dependent on imports. Non-ferrous metal reserves are small and almost all rely on imports. The main source of energy is nuclear power, and about 63% of France's domestic electricity is provided by nuclear power (2022). In addition, the development and utilization of hydraulic and geothermal resources are also relatively full. According to the statistics of the French National Forestry Agency and the National Geographic and Forest Information Institute, the forest area is about 17 million hectares in the mainland, with a coverage rate of 31%, and the forest area of the five overseas provinces is 8.7 million hectares. [1]

Administrative division


Zoning details

Administrative Divisions of France (Map before adjustment)
France is divided into regions, provinces and communes. The mainland is divided into 13 regions and 96 provinces, as well as 5 overseas single-province regions, 5 overseas administrative regions and 1 overseas territory with special status. There are 34,970 municipalities in the country. [1]
Subdivisions of France
Dart number
Nord Province
Pas-de-Calai, Pas-de-Calais Province
Somme Province
Oise Oise
Aisne Aisne
Paris Paris
Haute-Seine, Haut-Seine
Val-de-Marne Province
Seine-Saint-Denis, Department of Seine-Saint-Denis
Yvelines, province of Yvelines
Val-d'Oise, Val-d'Oise
Seine-et-Marne, Department of Seine-Marne
Essonne Province
Grand Eastern Region Grand Est
Marne, Marne
Haute-Marne, Haute-Marne
Aube Province
Meuse, Province of Meuse
Moselle Province
Muerthe-Moselle, province of Mert-Moselle
Haut-Rhin, Haut-Rhin
Bas-Rhin, Bas-Rhin
Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, Burgundy-Franche-Comte region
Yonne Province
Nievre Province
Saone-et-Loire, Saone-Loire
Cote-d 'or Province
Haute-Saone, Haute-Saone
Jura Province
Doubs Province
Terr-de-Belfort Province
Ain, Ontario
Rhone Province
Loire, Department of Loire
Ardeche, Ardeche Province
Drome, Department of Delong
Isere Province
Savoie, Savoie
Haute-Savoie, Haute-Savoie
Allier Province
Puy-de-Dome, Mt. Dom Province
Cantal Province
Haute-Loire, Haute-Loire
Provence-Alpes-Cote-d 'Azur region
Haute-Alpes, Haute-Alpes
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
Alpes-Maritimes, Alpes-Maritimes
Var Province
Bouches-du-Rhone, Rhone
Vauclus, Vauclus province
Occitanie, Occitane Area
Lozerre, province of Lozerre
Gard, Gard Province
Herault, province of Herault
Aude Province
Pyrenees-orientales, Eastern Pyrenees Province
Aveyron Province
Lot province
Tarn Province
Tarn-Garonne Province
Gers of the province of Geres
Haute Garonne, Haute Garonne
Ariege, Ariege Province
Pyrenees-Atlantiques, Province of Pyrenees-Atlantic
Landes, Department of Landes
Lot-et-Garonne, Department of Lott-Garonne
Gironde Province
Charente-Maritime, Department of Charente-Sur-mer
Deux-Sevres, Department of de Sevres
Vienne, province of Vienne
Haute-Vienne, Haute-Vienne
Creuse, Province of Crez
Correze Province
Centre-Val de Loires
Loir-et-Cher, Department of Loir-Cher
Indre-et-Loire, Department of Andre-Loire
Indre, Andr Province
Loiret, Department of Loiret
The Loire region Pays de la Loire
Mayenne, Mayenne
Sarthe Province
Maine-et-Loire, Department of Maine-Loire
Loire-atlantique, Department of Loire on the Atlantic Coast
Vendee Province
Bretagne, region of Brittany
Ille-et-Vilaine, province of Ille-Vilaine
Cotes-d 'Armor, Amor Sur Mer Province
Morbihan Province
Finistere Province
Orne province
Calvados Province
Manche Province
Seine-Maritime, Province of the Seine-Sur-mer
Corse, Corsica
Haute-Corse, Haute-Corse
Corse-du-Sud, South Corsica
Overseas single province region
Guadeloupe region
Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe
Martinique, Martinique
French Guiana
French Guyane. French Guyane
The Reunion Region
La Reunion
The region of Mayotte
Overseas administrative region
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
Saint Barthelemy
Saint-Martin, France
Wallis and Futuna Wallis-et-Futuna
French Polynesie francaise
Special collective
New Caledonia Nouvelle-Caledonie
Overseas territory
The French Southern and Antarctic territories Terres australes et antarctics
Unorganized island
Clipperton Island

Major city

View of Paris
Paris, with an urban population of 2,116,000 (2024; INSEE forecast July 2023). Marine climate, warm and comfortable in summer, plenty of sunshine, temperature 15-25℃; Spring and autumn are mild and cool, sudden cooling and sudden heating occur from time to time; In winter, the day is cool, the night is cold, the minimum temperature is generally about 3 ° C, rarely lower than -5 ° C. The average annual precipitation is 641 mm. [28]
The La Defense business district in Paris
Paris is the economic center of France, with developed agriculture, manufacturing and service industries. About half of the country's enterprises and engineers, senior technicians, scientific research personnel concentrated in Paris. Paris is also the financial center of France, with most of the country's banking and insurance companies headquartered in Paris. Paris is also the national transportation center and international transportation hub, the aviation industry is developed, there are two large international airports.
View of Paris
The city of Paris is the center of French culture and education, and the world cultural city, where many famous universities, colleges, research institutions, libraries and museums are concentrated. The city of Paris is home to many world-famous historical sites and artistic buildings. It is also the conference capital of the world. The headquarters of UNESCO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development are located in Paris. [11]
Both sides of the Lyonthorne River
Lyon The second largest city in France, a UNESCO World Heritage city and gastronomic capital, it is located at the confluence of the Rhone and Saone rivers and on the strategic corridor leading from the Mediterranean to northern Europe. As a hub of water, land and air transport, Lyon is the communication artery between northern and southern Europe, and high-speed trains pass through Lyon to the major cities of France. As a cosmopolitan city of modest size, Lyon is a great place for the world to enjoy the French art de vivre. Thanks to its beautiful old neighbourhoods that make it an ideal place to walk, its reputation as the gastronomic capital of France, and its high quality of life and renowned safety, Lyon attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year with its 2,000-year-old history. [12]
Lyon scenery
Lyon is an important industrial city in France and the most important science and education center in addition to Paris, machinery, electronics, chemicals, heavy vehicles, computers and other industries are strong, with more than 20 institutions of higher learning and research institutions, is generally considered to be the second largest metropolitan area in France.
Lyon is also an important cultural and artistic center in France and Europe, famous for the silk trade, which flourished during the Roman era, and in 1998, the Old City of Lyon was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lyon is also the birthplace of world cinema and the city that participated in the Resistance movement during World War II. Besides, Leon is still International Criminal Police Organization The seat of Lyon Football Club is also located in Lyon.
Nice scenery
Nice is a port city in southern France on the Mediterranean coast, located in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d 'Azur region, between Marseille and Genoa, Italy, and is the administrative center of the Alpes-Maritimes province. It covers an area of 7192 hectares, of which 300 hectares are green. With a population of 400,000 and a coastline of 10 kilometers, 7.6 kilometers of which are beaches, it is the fifth largest city in France and the second largest city in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d 'Azur region (the first city is Marseille).
Nice scenery
Nice has been inhabited since 400,000 years ago, and the small city has experienced important periods of prosperity and development and has become a very fashionable holiday destination today. Today, Nice is as active as ever in the development of arts, culture, services, high-tech research, tourism and other industries, so that its rich diversity and unique culture and art stand out; Natural beauty such as stunning beaches and magnificent mountains can be found throughout the city; Its distinctive cuisine is close to that of Crete; Of course, it is also a fashionable shopping paradise. Nice is the largest tourist center in France after Paris, attracting 4 million visitors a year. Nice Cote d 'Azur International Airport is the largest airport in France after Paris, with 180 hotels and 10,000 rooms, which is the largest number of hotels in France after Paris.
Nice Carnival
Nice retains a rich diversity of architectural sites from different periods, including the Colosseum of the Simeye neighborhood, the public baths, the castle hills of ancient Greek ruins and medieval ruins, the Square of Garibaldi, Baroque art, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas of the Russian Orthodox Church, and more. Nice hosts more than 2,000 cultural, festival or sporting events each year, including one in February Nice Carnival As one of the three major carnivals in the world, it attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year and brings tens of millions of euros to the Nice government. In addition, there are festivals in each month, such as the Paris-Nice International Cycling Race, the International Half Marathon, and the Nice - Cannes Marathon in the Alpes-Maritimes. [13]
In addition, Lille, Marseille, Toulouse, Nantes and Bordeaux are all important cities in France. [1]

National symbol


Country name

The full name of France is the French Republic, which originates from the early Middle Ages Frankish kingdom . After the division of the Frankish Kingdom, the western Frankish Kingdom retained its name and evolved into France. The name "France" first appeared in the 11th century in the Song of Roland. Now the French Fifth Republic.


Flag of France The tricolor is French Revolution The flag of the Paris National Guard. White represents the king, blue and red represent the citizens of Paris, is a symbol of the royal family and the Paris bourgeoisie alliance. Today, the French people also believe that the blue on the tricolor is a symbol of liberty, the white is a symbol of equality, and the red represents fraternity, as the French people ". liberty , equality , caritas " [3] (French: "Liberte, egalite, fraternite"). The 1946 Constitution recognized it as the national flag. The width ratio of the three-color belt is 37:30:33.
According to an AFP report on November 15, 2021, the office of French President Emmanuel Macron darkened the French flag used by the Elysee Palace, the National Assembly and government departments in July 2020. [4]

National emblem

Emblem of France
France does not have an official coat of arms, but has traditionally adopted a revolutionary era coat of arms as the country's symbol. The coat of arms is oval, painted with one of the popular symbols of the Revolutionary period Fascine rod It was a symbol of authority used by the high magistrates of ancient Rome. The sticks are flanked by olive and oak branches and wrapped in a ribbon that reads "Liberty, Equality, fraternity" in French. The whole pattern consists of carries Ancient Rome Surrounded by the ring of the Legion Medal. [3]

National anthem

The national anthem of France is" Marseillaise It was written in 1792 Austria , Prussia The armed intervention in the critical moment of the French revolution expressed the strong confidence and fearless spirit of the French people in fighting for democracy and against tyranny. The lyrics were originally written by Rouges de Lisle. In December 1792, the Marseillaise was proclaimed the "Song of the Republic" by the revolutionary government. In 1795, it was officially approved by Congress National anthem . French Revolution During this period, there were many inspirational battle songs, and the most popular and popular is the "Marseillaise".

The national flower

Iris vetiver
Iris vetiver , perennial herb. It is the national flower of France. Belonging to the iris family, it has a large body and beautiful flowers, graceful and very similar to the lily. But in fact, the iris and the lily belong to two completely different families, although at first glance, it seems that both have six "petals", but the iris only has three petals, the rest of the outer three petals are the protection of the bud of the sepals, but because these three petal shaped sepals grow like petals, so often fake, difficult to recognize. In addition, half of the petals of the iris are turned up and half are rolled down, while the petals of the lily are always upward.


As of January 2023, the total population of France is 68.04 million. [1] 64% of residents believe in it Catholicism 3% believe in Islam 3% believe in Protestantism 1% believe in Judaism Twenty-eight percent said they had no religious affiliation. The French nation is composed of a mixture of nationalities, except the main body French Outside, along the border The Alsatians , The Bretons , The Corsicans , The Flemish , Basque And other ethnic minorities make up about 7.9 percent of the population. [1]
France has the second largest population in the European Union, after Germany. The Paris region is the most populous region in France, with 12.21 million inhabitants. According to the report released by the Demographic Statistics Center of the French National Economic Bureau, the immigrant population of France in 2020 is 6.8 million, accounting for 10.2 percent of the total population, of which 2.5 million immigrants, or 36 percent, have acquired French citizenship. The foreign population in France is 5.1 million, or 7.6% of the total population. The number of African immigrants living in France was 47.5 percent, while the number of European immigrants was 32.2 percent, with half of the immigrants coming from seven countries: Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey and Spain.




According to the current Constitution of the Fifth Republic of France, France is Half presidential and half parliamentary The President is the head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces. [1]


France The current constitution of the Fifth Republic was adopted by referendum in September 1958 and entered into force on October 4, 1958, making it the 16th constitution in French history. It has been modified several times. Under the Constitution, the president is the head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces for a five-year term, directly elected by voters. The President appoints and removes the Prime Minister and approves ministers nominated by the Prime Minister; Presiding over the Cabinet, the Supreme Defense Council and the National Defense Commission; The right to dissolve Parliament, but not twice in a year; To submit certain important bills directly to referendums without going through parliament; In extraordinary times, the president has full authority to "take necessary measures as the situation requires." In the event of incapacity or vacancy of the President, the President of the Senate shall act as President. [1]


The National Assembly and the Senate are bicameral, with the power to enact laws, supervise the government, pass budgets, and approve declarations of war. The 577 members of the National Assembly serve five-year terms and are directly elected by voters in a two-round majority voting system. The current National Assembly was elected in June 2022, with the presidential majority "Ensemble" winning a relative majority and Yael Braun-Pivet, a member of the Ba 'ath Party (President), elected as the new speaker.
The 348 seats of the Senate are indirectly elected by an electoral college composed of members of the National Assembly and local parliaments for six-year terms, with half of them elected every three years. In September 2023, the Senate held triennial elections, and the center-right camp maintained its majority in the Senate, and Republican Senator Gerard Larcher was re-elected. [1] [28]


The central government of France is the highest executive organ of the state and is accountable to Parliament. In addition to having the power to decide and guide state policies, to be in charge of administrative agencies and armed forces, to carry out domestic and foreign policies, it also has the power of police, administrative disposal, regulation making and order issuing. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President to direct the activities of the government and ensure the enforcement of laws. Members of the government are appointed and removed by the Prime Minister at the request of the President.
The current government, which was formed in July 2022 and reorganized in July 2023 and January 2024, consists of 13 ministers, 16 ministerial representatives and 6 Secretaries of State in addition to the Prime Minister. [28]


France It is divided into two relatively independent judicial systems, namely the ordinary courts, which hear civil and criminal cases, and the administrative courts, which handle disputes between citizens and government authorities.
There are two types of ordinary courts: civil courts and criminal courts.
The general court system is vertically divided into four levels: the Court of First Instance, the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body and is responsible for hearing appeals from the decisions of 36 appellate courts.
The Administrative Court is the highest administrative litigation organ and consists of administrative tribunals. The Administrative Court makes final decisions on the legality of administrative decrees and acts as an adviser to the Government in the preparation of draft laws. The President of the Administrative Court is nominally the Prime Minister, who entrusts the Vice President with administrative powers.
The prosecution service in France does not have an independent organizational system, and its functions are performed by prosecutors who are equipped at all levels of the courts. Although the prosecutor is stationed in the court, his function is independent of the court, and his management is vested in the Ministry of Justice. The Supreme Court shall have a procurator-General and several procurators; The Court of Appeal shall have one procurator and several procurators; The High Court consists of a prosecutor, acting prosecutor and several assistant prosecutors. [1]

Political party

method The country has a multi-party system. The main political parties are:
Political party
(1) Renaissance Party
The ruling party and the largest party in the National Assembly
On May 5, 2022, La Republique en Marche! LREM announced that it would change its name to the Ba 'ath Party to contest the National Assembly elections in June. The movement formerly known as En Marche!, which Macron led and founded in April 2016. In May 2017, it changed its name to the Republic Forward Party. Its core founding members were mostly from the reformist wing of the Socialist Party and civil society, and it has since attracted a large number of members from other factions such as moderates and centrists on the right. In June 2017, he won legislative elections and gained absolute control of the National Assembly. It calls for transcending traditional ideological differences and partisan disputes between the left and the right, embracing inclusiveness and drawing on the strengths of others. In the economy, we advocate reform and innovation, and carry out economic policies with employment promotion and market vitality as the core. In social policy, we should attach importance to education for people's livelihood and safeguard social fairness, justice and stability. In foreign policy, it adheres to the "de Gaulle-Mitterrand doctrine" with independence as the core, focuses on the European Union, strives to defend European integration, develops relations with major powers in the world in a balanced manner, maintains France's position and influence within the EU and on the international stage, and maintains the sovereignty of France and Europe.
(2) Les Republicains (LR)
The main opposition party and the largest party in the Senate are centre-right parties
The former UMP Party changed its name to the Republican Party in May 2015. The predecessor of the campaign coalition in the 2002 presidential election, the core of the former Union for the Defense of the Republic (DI), and absorbed the main forces of the Free Democratic Party and the French Democratic Union. Party members are mostly clerks, officials, freelancers, businessmen, farmers, and workers. The current party president is Eric Ciotti, elected on December 11, 2022. Economically, it follows the liberal line, advocating reducing the tax burden on enterprises and enhancing the vitality of the market. In terms of security, we should strengthen security, maintain social order and crack down on terrorism. In social policy, he advocated a moderate tightening of immigration policies and emphasized the French identity.
(3) The Socialist Party (PS)
Opposition, left-wing party
The former "French Section of the Workers' International", founded in 1905, split in 1920, with the majority forming another Communist Party and the minority retaining its original name. It was reorganized in 1969 to form the Socialist Party, which merged with other left-wing organizations in 1971, still using its current name. The current leader of the party is Olivier Faure. The party pays attention to the color of the left party, advocates the protection of labor interests, while adopting pragmatic economic policies; Externally, it advocates safeguarding France's independent nuclear forces, promoting the construction of European integration, and strengthening North-South dialogue.
(4) Rassemblement national (RN)
Far-right party
Formerly known as "Front National", the name was officially changed to "National Alliance" on 1 June 2018. It was founded in October 1972. He was elected to the National Assembly for the first time in the 1986 parliamentary elections. It calls for restoring France's status as a major power, realizing defense autonomy, strengthening border control, giving priority to the welfare of French citizens, and strengthening education in the French language and French traditional history and culture.
(5) La France insoumise
Far-left party
Founded in February 2016. Its founder and chairman is Jean-Luc Melenchon, a left-wing French politician. We will promote traditional left-wing values and policies centered on the concepts of fairness, justice, openness and inclusiveness. He opposed economic liberalization policies and advocated "radical political change." He called for a referendum on a new constitution, a Sixth Republic, and a "citizens' revolution" to "vote out the rulers."
(6) Union des Democrates et Independants (UDI)
Centrist party
It was established in September 2012. The current president, Herve Marseille, was elected in 2022. The party positions itself as an "open and constructive opposition" and a "peaceful and credible alternative", with the construction of European integration, green growth and economic competitiveness as its primary concerns, and proposes the construction of "humanistic liberalism".
(7) Parti communiste francais (PCF)
It was established in December 1920. At its peak in the early years after World War II, it had more than 800,000 members and was once the largest party in France.
Other political parties are:
Centrist: Mouvement democrate, Nous Citoyens, Union populaire republicaine, Horizons, etc.
Right Wing: The French Stand Up (Debout la France), the French Movement (Mouvement pour la France), the Christian Democratic Party (Parti chretien-democrate), the United Republican Party (Republique solidaire), etc.
On the left: the Republic and Citizens Movement (Mouvement republicain et citoyen), Europe Ecologie les Verts, the Progressives Movement (Mouvement des progressistes), etc.
Far right: Mouvement national republicain, Ligue du Sud, Terre et Peuple (Land and People), etc.
Far Left: Lutte Ouvriere (Workers' Struggle Party), Front de Gauche (Left Front), Parti ouvrier independant (Independent Workers' Party), Parti communiste des ouvriers de France), etc. [1]


Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron : The President. Born 21 December 1977 in Amiens, France. He graduated from the University of Paris X, Sciences Po and Ecole Nationale d 'Administration. He has served as Economic adviser to President Hollande, Secretary General of the Presidential Office and Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital. In 2016, he formed the "Forward" movement, a political group, and ran as an independent candidate in the presidential election. On 7 May 2017, he was elected the eighth and eleventh President of the French Republic. He took office on 14 May. He was re-elected on April 24, 2022, the first French president to be re-elected since Jacques Chirac. He took office on 7 May. [1]
Gabriel Attar: Prime Minister, born in March 1989, studied in Paris and Sciences Po. He joined the Movement En Marche founded by Macron in 2016, was a member of the National Assembly in 2017, spokesman of the ruling party in 2018, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Youth from 2018 to 2020, and spokesman of the Government from 2020 to 2022. After Macron's re-election in 2022, he became Minister of Public Accounts and Minister of Education and Youth in July 2023. He assumed his current position on 9 January 2024. [28]




France is one of the most developed industrial countries, leading the world in nuclear power, aviation, aerospace and railways. According to the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research, the French economy will grow by 0.9% in 2023. [28]


France is the largest agricultural producer in the European Union and the world's leading exporter of agricultural and agri-food products. According to the French National Bureau of Statistics data: 2023 agricultural output value of 95.5 billion euros (excluding product subsidies), an increase of 2.9%. Indigenous agricultural land is 26.7 million hectares, and the agricultural population is 758,000 (2023).
The traditional regional structure of agriculture is: the central and northern regions are the main producing areas of cereals, oils, vegetables and sugar beets, the western and mountainous regions are the main producing areas of feed crops, and the Mediterranean coast and southwestern regions are the main producing areas of perennial crops (grapes, fruits). France has basically mechanized agriculture and has high agricultural productivity. The agri-food processing industry is one of the pillar industries of France's foreign trade. [28]


France is one of the most developed industrial countries. France's industrial output in 2022 is 274 billion euros, accounting for about 13.5% of GDP. The main industrial sectors are automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, machinery, textiles, chemicals, electronics, daily consumer goods, food processing and construction, with steel, automobiles and construction as the three major industrial pillars. Emerging industrial sectors such as nuclear energy, petrochemicals, Marine development, aviation and aerospace have developed rapidly in recent years. [1]
Nuclear energy and energy industry
France is the world's second largest producer of nuclear power, after the United States, with 56 operating nuclear reactors. The major energy companies are: TOTAL, EDF, GDF Suez (Engie), Orano (Orano), Alstom (Alstom). According to data released by the French Ministry of Finance, in 2019, the value of French energy products exports reached 18.9 billion euros, an increase of 22%.
Aerospace industry
The French aerospace industry leads the world. European Aerospace Defense Group (EADS) Airbus Airbus and Boeing are ranked as the world's two largest manufacturers of passenger aircraft. Eurocopter is the world's largest helicopter manufacturer. Dassault is one of the world's leading manufacturers of military aircraft. Arianespace holds an important position in the world satellite launch market. According to the French Aerospace Industry Association, the total turnover of the industry reached 65.4 billion euros in 2018, an increase of 1.2% on the previous year. Exports of 44 billion euros remained basically stable, accounting for 85% of total turnover. Civil aircraft sales accounted for 77 per cent of the total (€50.4 billion), while military aircraft deliveries totalled €15 billion. According to the data released by the French Ministry of Finance, the export of aviation equipment in 2019 was 63 billion euros, an increase of 10.1%.
Automobile industry
France is the world's fourth-largest exporter of cars. The main companies are: Peugeot Citroen (PSA), Renault Renault, the world's eighth - and tenth-largest car producers, respectively. According to the French AAA auto market statistics, in 2019, a total of 2.214 million private cars were sold in France, an increase of 1.9% year-on-year. Peugeot, Renault and Citroen were the top three sellers. In 2019, the total sales volume of domestic cars in France reached 1.308 million, with 43,000 electric cars sold and 125,000 hybrid cars sold.
Chemical and cosmetic industries
Major companies in the chemical industry are: Air Liquide, Rhodia and Hutchinson. Strong demand in Asia and the United States is an important support for the stable growth of the French chemical industry. France is one of the world's largest producers of cosmetics, mainly producing high-end cosmetics Hermes , Chanel , Dior , Lancome , L 'Oreal According to the data released by the French Ministry of Finance, the total value of French chemical and cosmetic exports in 2019 reached 59.7 billion euros, an increase of 2.2%.
Pharmaceutical industry
France is the largest pharmaceutical producer in Europe and the third largest pharmaceutical exporter in the world. Major companies are: Sanofi-Aventis group (Sanofi-Aventis), Pierre Fabre (Pierre Fabre), Servier pharmaceutical factory (Servier). In 2019, the value of French exports of pharmaceutical products amounted to 33.3 billion euros, an increase of 9.2%.
Fashion and high-end goods processing
This field gathers the world's high-end fashion production, jewelry, jewelry, high-end leather products, perfume, cosmetics, crystal glass products and other enterprises. The main group companies are: Moet Hennessy - Louis Vuitton Group (LVMH), Chanel (Chanel), Hermes International (Hermes), Dior (C.Deior).


Government revenue mainly comes from taxes, the tax rate is higher than the United States, Japan and other countries. The main taxes are value-added tax, income tax, corporate tax, social welfare tax and so on. According to the data of the National Statistics Office of France: in 2023, France's public financial expenditure is 1.6074 trillion euros, fiscal revenue is 1.4534 trillion euros, and the public financial deficit is 154 billion euros, accounting for 5.5% of GDP; France's public debt in 2023 will be 3.1012 trillion euros, or 110.6% of GDP. According to the French Ministry of Finance, as of February 2024, France's official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets totalled €225.601 billion.
According to data from the Bank of France, as of the end of 2022, 776 entities in the French banking system are under the supervision of the Financial Prudential Supervision Authority. The assets of eight banks, such as Paris National Bank, Societe Generale Bank, Credit Agricole Bank and Credit Lyonnais, account for more than half of the total assets of the country's banks. [28]
Securities market
Paris Stock exchange It is the largest stock exchange in France and an important part of Euronext. Euronext is a wholly owned subsidiary of NYSE Euronext Group (NYX), the world's leading exchange. The Paris Stock Exchange deals in stocks, bonds and so on. According to data released by the World Federation of Exchanges in 2019, Euronext ranks sixth with a market capitalization of $3.9 trillion. [5]
Central bank
Banque de France It's the central bank of France. As a central bank, the Banque de France plays a central role in the French banking system, taking part in the regulation and supervision of the financial activities of banks, the protection of investment and deposit security, and the management of financial institutions such as the Committee on Banking and Financial Institutions, the Committee on Credit Institutions and Investment Enterprises, the Committee on Banking, the National Commission on Securities and Credit. After the launch of the Eurosystem, as a member of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), the Bank of France participated in the formulation and implementation of the single monetary policy of the euro area by the European Central Bank, maintained the security and normal operation of the payment system in the region together with the central banks of other member states, and was responsible for the issuance of euro coins in France.
Major bank
The main commercial banks in France are: BNP Paribas, Societe Generale, Credit Agricole.
The main foreign banks are: HSBC (HSBC), Barclays (Barclays), Deutsche Bank (Deutsche Bank), RBS (RBS), UBS (UBS).
Chinese bank
China and France have deepened cooperation in the financial field. The Bank of China Paris branch has assets of more than 3 billion euros and nearly 100 employees. Icbc Paris branch was officially opened in early 2011 and won the 2011 Best Investment Award in France. The Paris Branch of the Export-Import Bank of China was officially established in October 2013. China Construction Bank Paris Branch was officially established in July 2015; Bocom Paris Branch was officially established in November 2016.
The Bank of China Paris Branch, established in 1986, has 13 regional branches and provides account management, international settlement, trade financing and other services for local and African Chinese enterprises.
Insurance company
Major French insurance companies include the French National Life Insurance Company (CNP), AXA Group (AXA), the business scope includes life insurance, managed pension funds, property insurance and so on. Fidelity Insurance of Portugal, acquired by Fosun Group, has a branch in France.


The legal tender in France is Euro . On January 1, 1999, France joined 11 other European countries in adopting the euro, and in early 2002 it officially began using euro coins and banknotes, completely replacing the previous one French franc . As of April 2022, 1 euro =6.9238 RMB, 1 euro =1.0881 USD.

Service industry

The service industry plays an important role in the economy and social life of the French people. It has developed rapidly since the 1970s, and the chain management is quite developed. It has expanded to retail, transportation, real estate, hotels, entertainment and other industries. The employment of the tertiary industry in France accounts for about 80% of the total employment. There are many large retail supermarkets in France, with world famous brands such as Carrefour and Auchan. [1] [28]


France is one of the world's leading tourist destinations. In 2023, France's international tourism revenue reached a new high of 63.5 billion euros, an increase of about 12% (according to the French Tourism Development Agency). Tourism accounts for about 8% of GDP and creates 2 million direct and indirect jobs (according to the French Foreign Ministry). [1] [28]

foreign trade

France Trade with all major regions of the world and more than 100 countries, the world's fifth largest exporter (2022). According to the data of the French Ministry of Finance: in 2023, the export volume of goods was 607.3 billion euros, an increase of 1.5%, the import volume of goods was 706.9 billion euros, a decrease of 7.1%, and the trade deficit was 99.6 billion euros; The trade volume of services exports was 328.8 billion euros, an increase of 0.6%, and the import value was 298.2 billion euros, an increase of 8.5%, with a surplus of 30.6 billion euros. In recent years, the French government has taken the promotion of exports as an important means to drive economic growth. While maintaining and expanding the original international market, it has actively developed markets in Latin America, Asia Pacific and other regions.
France's imports mainly include energy and industrial raw materials, equipment, etc., and its exports mainly include textiles, pharmaceuticals, agricultural and food products, chemical products and cosmetics, aerospace products, automobiles, energy and so on. In 2023, 55.3% of French goods exports will be within the EU, with the main goods export partners being Germany (82.1 billion euros), Italy (53 billion euros) and Belgium (47.9 billion euros). The main import partners are Germany (90.7 billion euros), China (71.9 billion euros) and Belgium (60.5 billion euros). (Source: French Ministry of Finance) [1] [28]
Sino-french trade
France is China's third largest trading partner and third largest source of actual investment in the EU. China is France's largest trading partner in Asia and seventh in the world. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and France was 81.228 billion US dollars, down 4.4 percent year on year, of which China's exports were 45.663 billion US dollars, down 0.5 percent year on year, and imports were 35.565 billion US dollars, down 9 percent year on year. From January to November 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and France was 71.934 billion US dollars, down 2% year on year, of which China's exports were 37.847 billion US dollars, down 9.9% year on year, and imports were 34.087 billion US dollars, up 8.6% year on year. [27]

Outward investment

According to the Central Bank of France, France's stock of outward direct investment stood at 1.26 trillion euros at the end of 2020. According to the INsee, France will invest 45.6 billion euros abroad in 2022. French foreign investment is mainly concentrated in the EU member states, the United States and Opec member countries, Africa, Latin America investment is also high, and mainly in the industry, energy, service sectors. Most investments take the form of mergers or the purchase of shares in companies.
France is the fourth largest source of Chinese investment in Europe, mainly in energy, automotive, chemical, light industry, food and other fields, most of which are production enterprises. French investment in China covers electricity, automobiles, aviation, telecommunications, chemicals, water, medicine and other fields. By October 2021, France's actual investment in China has reached 19.46 billion US dollars.

Foreign investment

In recent years, foreign investment in France's service and industrial sectors has accelerated, mainly in machinery, automobiles, chemical products, steel, agricultural products, food, clothing and so on. According to the Bank of France, the stock of foreign direct investment in France stood at €846 billion by the end of 2021. According to the National Institute of Statistics of France, foreign investment in France in 2022 was 34.6 billion euros. According to the French Business Investment Agency data, in 2022, France attracted 1,725 foreign investment projects, an increase of 7%, the United States as the largest source of investment, followed by Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, the most attractive countries for investment in Europe. [1]
The country distribution of foreign investment stock in France is as follows: The investment stock of European countries in France reached 670.938 billion euros, including 104.02 billion euros from Switzerland, 100.764 billion euros from the United Kingdom, 94.3 billion euros from the Netherlands, 86.065 billion euros from Germany, 58.37 billion euros from Belgium, 25.946 billion euros from Spain and 24.551 billion euros from Italy. North American investment in France amounted to 69.254 billion euros, of which the United States invested 58.83 billion euros in France. Asian investment in France reached 36.514 billion euros, of which 10.87 billion euros came from Japan and 3.263 billion euros from China. The stock of African direct investment in France stands at 7.404 billion euros.
Chinese investment in France
According to the statistics of China's Ministry of Commerce, China's direct investment in France in 2020 will reach US $140 million. By the end of 2020, China's stock of direct investment in France was $4.86 billion. The investment areas cover electronic information, electrical equipment, transportation and warehousing, environmental protection, aerospace, nuclear energy, food, medicine, chemical industry, building materials, logistics and other fields. The Paris region is a key region for Chinese enterprises to invest in France, with 55% of Chinese enterprises choosing the Paris region for investment cooperation. In addition, the Rhone-Alpes region, Provence - Alpes-Cote d 'Azur region, Normandy region has also attracted many Chinese enterprises to invest. [6]

Foreign aid

In April 2023, the OECD published preliminary data on global official development assistance for 2022, and France became the fourth largest donor in the world, with ODA accounting for 0.56% of gross national income. The five main directions for funding are health, education, gender equality, climate and environment, and vulnerability improvement. African countries are the main recipients of French official development assistance, including Senegal, Chad and Mali. [1]




Paris Opera
Since the 17th century, French classical literature has appeared one after another Moliere , Stendhal , Balzac , Alexandre Dumas , Victor Hugo , Flaubert , Alexandre Dumas Jr. , Zola , Guy de Maupassant , Romain Rolland Etc. Literary giant . Many of their works have become treasures of world literature. One of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris "," Red and Black "," Old Goriot "," Count of Monte Cristo "," Les Miserables "And" John Christophe All of them are famous works of world literature. [3] Detective stories, yes Maurice LeBlanc "Arthur Lupin" and "Inspector Maigret" by George Simnon.


In modern times, French art is quite innovative on the basis of inheriting tradition, and not only appears Auguste Rodin Such masters of sculpture art have also appeared like Monet and Matisse Such as impressionism, fauvism The representative figure of...
The Avignon Theatre Festival It was founded in 1947 by French theatre director Jean Villard. At that time, France was struggling to rebuild after coming out of the shadow of World War II, and the purpose of the drama festival was to promote the recovery and development of French culture and art, so that elegant drama art could walk out of the palace and enter the people. Avignon Theatre Festival every summer in being UNESCO rank World cultural heritage A small town in the south of France Avignon Held, has become the European modern drama concentrated display of the big stage.
Cannes International Film Festival It is one of the top five film festivals in the world and takes place every May in a small seaside town in southeastern France Cannes It is the earliest and largest in the world International film festival One, for about two weeks. In 1956, the highest award was the "Golden Duck Award", which was changed to "Golden Duck Award" in 1957. Golden Palm ". [3]


11 statutory holidays, including New Year's Day on January 1; Easter; May 1st Labor Day; May 8, the anniversary of the victory of World War II in Europe; Ascension Day; Pentecost; July 14th National Day; August 15 Assumption Day; Halloween on November 1st; November 11th, World War I Armistice Day; December 25th Christmas Day. Every Saturday and Sunday are public holidays.


French cuisine
French food focuses on freshness and flavor. French cuisine is a wide range of materials, the main preference for beef, poultry, seafood, vegetables, especially baked snails, Truffle fungus , mushrooms, lobster , Foie gras , caviar ; On the ingredients, wine, Olive oil Whipped cream and various spices are French favorites. A standard French meal is served in the order of cold dishes, soups, main courses and desserts.
France is the world's largest wine producer and the world's largest wine consumer market. The wines produced are world-famous, Bordeaux, Languedoc, Burgundy, these famous wine regions are in France. Per capita annual consumption is around 53 to 55 litres.


Religious custom

Sixty-four percent of the French population identifies as Catholic, while 28 percent say they have no religious affiliation. France is home to the largest number of Muslims, Jews and Buddhists in Europe. The French are romantic, tolerant, talkative, humorous, and pursue freedom, equality and the rule of law. The French dress well in social situations; Generally shake hands with guests when meeting, the host shakes hands with the guests who introduce themselves or have been introduced, and gives his name; When friends and relatives meet each other, it is customary to kiss the cheek or bise; When you meet a woman, you can kiss her hand.

Military affairs

France's current defense system was established on the basis of the 1959 Defense Organization Act. According to the Constitution of 1958, the President is the supreme commander of the armed forces, and only the President himself has the right to decide on the use of nuclear strike force. The defense decision-making bodies under his leadership include the Cabinet Council, the National Defense Commission, the small National Defense Commission and the High National Defense Commission, among which the Cabinet Council is the highest decision-making body, responsible for formulating national defense policies, appointing and removing general officers. The power to declare general mobilization, martial law and emergency decrees.
The armed forces are composed of the army, navy and air force and the gendarmerie. According to the French Ministry of Defense, in 2020, France's total military strength is 205,853, with 41,162 in reserve (excluding gendarmes). The defense budget for 2024 is 47.2 billion euros. [28]
Abroad: About 30,000 troops are stationed abroad, of which about 7,150 are deployed in French overseas territories and about 740 are under UN command on peacekeeping missions. France has more than 10 military bases, airports and ports in Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The main tasks of the troops stationed abroad are to safeguard the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and security interests of the French overseas departments and overseas territories; Carrying out military missions in countries with which France has signed bilateral military cooperation agreements; Join the UN peacekeeping force. [1]
Sino-french military
France was the first Western country to develop military relations with China. The two countries exchanged military attaches in September 1964. Since the establishment of the Defense Strategic Dialogue in 1997, the two militaries have conducted 16 rounds of consultations, the most recent of which was held by video in January 2022. In 2003, the General staff departments of the two militaries established an annual consultation mechanism (renamed the "Ministry of Defense Work Dialogue" after China's military reform), and 17 working meetings have been held so far.
In March 2004, the Chinese and French navies held their first joint military exercise in non-traditional security fields in the Yellow Sea. In September 2007, warships of the two militaries conducted joint search and rescue exercises in their respective waters during mutual visits. In May 2015, the French Navy command ship "Dixmaud" and the frigate "Arknit" visited Shanghai. In October 2015, the French Navy's missile frigate "Vendemius" visited Zhanjiang to carry out naval exercises with the Chinese side. From February to March 2018, the French Navy's missile frigate "Vendemiaire" visited Hong Kong. [6]


Transportation developed, water, land, air transportation are very convenient.


It is managed and operated by the National Railway Company (SNCF). In 2021, the French National Railway network is approximately 28,000 km long, connecting 9,750 municipalities and serving more than 3,000 stations and stations, making it the second longest railway network in the European Union. About 15,000 commercial trains run on the national railway network every day, carrying 5 million passengers and about 250,000 tons of freight daily. [1]
The French intercountry high-speed railway was officially opened in 1990 and in 1994 Eurostar Direct to London; 1996 Thales high-speed railway connects Paris and Brussels. In addition to the United Kingdom and Belgium, the French high-speed rail has been connected to Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg and other countries. Paris to Munich in 6 hours and Paris to Milan in 4 hours and 40 minutes.


The French road network is the densest in the world and the longest in the European Union, with a total length of more than 1,105,000 km in 2021, of which 21,200 km are the main road networks (including motorways and national roads). The French road network is connected to Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland and other neighboring countries. [1]

Water transport

The total length of France's inland waterways is 14,932 kilometers, of which about 1,900 kilometers can pass ships of more than 1,500 tons. Paris is a major inland port. In 2020, waterways will transport 6.5 billion tonne-kilometers of cargo. The main seaports are Marseille, Le Havre and Dunkirk. [1]

Air freight

In 2022, due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, France carried 174 million commercial passengers by air, down 18.8% from 2019 but up 91.8% from 2021, and carried out 1,553,700 commercial flights, down 16% from 2019 but up 47.6% from 2021. The main airline is Air France, and the main airports are Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Orly Airport, Nice Airport and so on. In 2022, Paris will have 86.66 million passengers at its airports, an increase of 106.7% compared to 2021 and a decrease of 19.8% compared to 2019. (Credit: French Airports Alliance) [1]

Public transport

Paris has easy transportation. The Paris Metro has A long history, with 14 main lines and two branch lines, as well as five suburban express lines (RER A, B, C, D, E) that cross Paris, with a total of more than 500 platforms. Maps of the Paris Metro can be obtained free of charge at each station. The Paris bus network is also very dense, with more than 50 lines and more than 1,700 platforms. There are also around 18,000 taxis in Paris, with more than 400 stops. Taxis are metered. Passengers are advised to pay the fare in small denomination cash and ask for a receipt before exiting the train in case they lose items on board.
Metro and bus tickets are available in Paris. Currently, a single ticket costs €1.90, ten tickets cost €16.90, and a single ticket costs €2 if purchased directly on the bus. There is also a Mobilis (Paris Day Pass), which allows the holder to travel freely on the metro and buses throughout the day, but it is not valid for airport and airline buses. If you are staying in Paris for a long time, you may consider purchasing a weekly ticket, which can be used from Monday to Sunday. Generally, the trip is more than two days, and buying a weekly ticket is more economical. If you stay longer, you can also buy a monthly pass. Subway tickets are available at subway stations and in some tobacco shops. Some subway stations have ticket vending machines, and there are manual ticket sales in the large transfer stations. [9]




French education carried out two major reforms in the 1950s and 1960s, and gradually formed the present highly characteristic, complex and diverse education system. Education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. Public primary and secondary schools are free of tuition fees, and primary and secondary school textbooks are provided free of charge. Colleges of higher learning generally pay only a small registration fee, except for private schools. Primary education lasts 5 years and the enrolment rate is 100%. Secondary education includes general education and vocational and technical education. General secondary education is divided into two stages of junior high school and senior high school, with a seven-year schooling period of four years and three years respectively. Secondary vocational and technical education has developed rapidly in recent years, which mainly includes four types and levels: technical high school, vocational high school, apprentice training center and pre-employment education adaptation class. Higher education is divided into four categories: comprehensive universities, higher professional colleges, higher technical schools and scientific research and education institutions that undertake teaching tasks. According to the French Higher Education Agency, France has more than 3,500 public and private higher education institutions, including 72 universities, 25 university communities, 271 doctoral schools, 227 engineering schools, 220 business and management schools, 45 public art schools, 22 architecture schools and 3,000 private schools. The budget of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in 2022 is 24.6 billion euros.
Famous universities in France include: University of Paris, University of Strasbourg, University of Lille, University of Lyon and Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, National School of Administration, Sciences Po, Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, and Ecole des Mines Superieure.
Sino-french educational exchanges
China and France have signed an agreement on educational exchange and cooperation and hold regular consultation meetings. China is one of the main sources of foreign students in France. In the 2020-2021 academic year, more than 3,000 French students will study in China. Both countries have a number of universities and secondary schools offering courses in the other's language. Chinese TV and radio stations offer French teaching programs. [6]


The French health care system is dominated by public hospitals. There are more than 3,100 public and private medical institutions in France. No matter what type of hospital, are included in the national medical security system, accept unified management and certification. As of 2020, there are 226,900 doctors (including general practitioners and specialists), 722,600 nurses, 73,800 pharmacists, and 42,500 dentists. There are 339 doctors per 100,000 people. In 2020, there will be 2,983 medical institutions (1,342 public hospitals, 667 non-profit private hospitals, and 974 clinics) with 387,000 inpatient beds and 80,000 temporary beds. [1]

Physical education

French people love sports, the more popular sports items are football, tennis, rugby, Ground ball Sailing, swimming, skiing, cycling, etc. [3] Football is the number one sport in France, and the French team has won 1998 World Cup in France and 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia The champion of... France hosted it in 2016 The 15th European Football Championship . French first division football League It's one of the top football leagues in the world. French Open Bit bit Grand Slam , yes ATP The most valuable clay court event on the tour. The Tour de France It is a well-known world cycling event that takes place in France every summer. World extreme sports -- Running It originated in France.

Science and technology

The overall level of scientific and technological development of France ranks among the forefront in the world, and its scientific and technological advantages and specialties include astronomy, genetics, nervous system, theoretical and applied mathematics, geophysics, geochemistry, atomic physics, military and civilian aircraft, railways and high-speed trains, space technology and telecommunication, petroleum technology, nuclear power engineering, etc. France has 412,000 scientific researchers, of which 260,000 are professional researchers and 60% work in enterprises.
France has more than 250 research institutes around the world, such as the French National Institute of Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Center for Agricultural Development Research (CIRAD), and the French National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (INRA). French government funding for corporate R&D accounts for 11% of total corporate R&D investment, the highest among G7 countries, and its R&D tax relief for large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises is the largest among OECD countries.
China-france scientific and technological exchanges
The two countries have signed scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation agreement, environmental protection cooperation agreement, peaceful use of nuclear energy cooperation agreement, health and medical science cooperation agreement and so on. [6]


The French communication industry is developed, and the mobile communication service is developing rapidly. In 2020, the number of mobile phone SIM cards opened in France exceeded 77 million; Total revenue of €35.2 billion was down 0.4% from the previous year. Completed an investment of €14.3 billion, of which the total auction price of 5G spectrum was nearly €2.8 billion; The Internet penetration rate reached 89%, about 58 million Internet users, of which 82% were mobile Internet users, and the number of active social media users was about 39 million. As of September 1, 2021, a total of 28,821 5G base stations have been approved for construction in France, 17,559 base stations have been built and have operational conditions, of which 11,451 are in the 700 MHZ band (the low frequency band shared with 4G signals), and only 5,812 are in the 3.4 to 3.8 MHZ band. There are only three SA mode 5G base stations (but not yet commercially available).


In 2020, there are 6,050 newspapers and magazines (according to the Ministry of Culture of France), and 35,000 registered journalists. The largest national newspaper in circulation is Le Figaro, with a 2021 circulation of about 339,000, while other national newspapers with larger circulation are mainly Le Monde, Les Echos, L 'Equipe and so on. The largest circulation local newspaper is La Ouest-Francaise. The main magazines are "L 'Express", "Viewpoint", "L 'Obs", "Paris Match", "Figaro magazine" and so on. There are 10,000 publishing houses in Fayo (according to the National Union of Publishers). News Agency: Agence France-Presse (AFP), one of the world's leading news agencies. Founded in 1835 as Havas News Agency, it was reorganized in August 1944 and adopted its current name. In 1957, the government granted AFP independent status, but its financial management remained under state control. There are more than 260 branches abroad, with about 2,400 employees, covering 151 countries, contributing to about 7,000 newspapers, 2,500 radio stations and 400 television stations around the world.
Radio station: Established in 1975, the French National Broadcasting Corporation has seven radio stations: National Integrated station, News Station, Culture Station, music station, Blue Station, Paris Union Radio, Youth Rock station. In addition, in order to strengthen external publicity, the national Broadcasting company has set up an independent French international radio station RFI, in addition to French, in 12 languages, almost all day to cover the world. In 1982, the government passed a decree abolishing the state monopoly on radio and allowing the establishment of radio stations by private individuals and groups. In 2017, there were 1,229 radio stations in France, of which nine were public and 1,220 were private.
Television: There are five national state-run television stations 100% owned by France Television: France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5, CultureBox (culture channel), and FranceInfo (information station), TV5 Monde, Arte and other channels. 25 national private stations, including 1 in France, 6 in France, CANAL+ (pay station), etc. Dozens of central and local cable TV stations broadcast mainly through ADSL and TNT (digital terrestrial television), and can also receive most international satellite TV channels. TV5 and France24 are French television stations that cover most of the world. [1]


France is one of the first countries in the world to develop and use electric energy, with a large number of hydropower, wind power, solar energy, geothermal, biomass and other renewable resources, is an important renewable energy production and consumption country in the world. France relies mainly on nuclear and hydropower for energy. Edf's total installed capacity is about 110 million kilowatts, of which nuclear power installed 65 million kilowatts, accounting for 60% of the total installed capacity. Compared with major resources such as nuclear energy and hydropower, the installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic solar energy is relatively low, at 7 million kilowatts and 3 million kilowatts, respectively. France generates about 58 billion KWH of electricity annually, of which nearly 72.3% comes from nuclear power.
In 2019, total electricity generation in France reached 53.77 billion KWH and total electricity consumption reached 47.4 billion KWH. In 2019, France's electricity export surplus was 5.57 billion KWH. In April 2020, the Energy Transition action schedule launched by the French government shows that the proportion of nuclear power in France will be reduced to 50% by 2035

People's livelihood

France is a high welfare state. The social insurance system was founded in 1945 and has now developed quite well. The deficit of the social security account in 2022 is 19.6 billion euros (24.3 billion euros in 2021). The funds are mainly derived from the social contributions paid by employees and employers and the general social taxes levied on income other than wages, and the scope of security covers pensions, pensions, health insurance premiums, family allowances, unemployment benefits (unemployment benefits and vocational training fees), and disability benefits. France has long had a standard minimum wage system, starting from January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will be 11.65 euros per hour, or 1,766.92 euros per month (35 hours per week). [28]
In 2020, the average monthly rental price of a house in France is about 633 euros, and the average size is about 46 square meters. The top 10 French cities for monthly rent are: Paris, Nice, Lille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Nantes, Marseille, Toulouse and Rennes.
As of January 1, 2020, 58% of households in France own their own property, and there are 37 million housing units in mainland France. France leads the world in the penetration of automobiles, mobile phones, personal computers and the Internet. [1]

Public security

The overall social security situation in France is good, the police have a strong ability to prevent and control social security, and there are relatively few street crimes and violent crimes in urban areas. The gendarmerie is responsible for social security in rural areas. The crime rate in France has risen significantly in the past two years, and more and more French people feel insecure. French law allows individuals to possess legally registered firearms. France has become an important target for attacks by extremist groups in recent years.
Prime Minister of France, 24 March 2024 Gabriel Attar France has raised its counter-terrorism security alert level to maximum due to the increased threat of terrorist attacks in the country Advanced. [23]



Foreign policy

French diplomacy is characterized by independence and initiative. We have the courage to uphold our principles and stand on major diplomatic issues. We will make good use of the United Nations and other international organizations and multilateral institutions to actively participate in international and regional hotspot issues and strive to play a unique role. Since Macron took office, his foreign policy has shifted back to the Gaullist tradition and become more mature and clear. Its main features are: adhering to the three concepts of independence, multilateralism and European revitalization, maintaining national security and stability, safeguarding sovereignty and independence, and enhancing international influence as the three major tasks, and giving priority to implementing the strategy of major-country balance, European sovereignty, neighboring partners, multilateralism, and diplomatic innovation. It holds the rotating presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2022. [1]

External relations

France is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a founding member of the European Union and a member of NATO. It is home to the headquarters of UNESCO, Interpol, the OECD, the European Parliament and other important international and regional organizations, and has established diplomatic relations with 191 countries, ranking third in the world in number of diplomatic missions. (Source: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
At the multilateral level, France advocates the construction of a balanced framework of major-country relations, launches the "Indo-Pacific Axis" strategy, and advocates Europe to follow the "third way" and become the third "balancing force" after China and the United States. Focusing on issues such as climate change, development assistance and global governance rules, we will increase the voice of the international community. At the EU level, China has made every effort to promote the construction of European integration, put forward the concept of reshaping the EU, advocated the reform of the eurozone mechanism, and accelerated the construction of EU common defense. We will continue to actively engage in hotspot issues such as Ukraine, Syria, Libya, the Iranian nuclear issue and Lebanon. [1]
In November 2022, Britain and France have signed an agreement to expand cooperation to curb people smuggling across the English Channel The topic 7 [8] .
In November 2023, Uzbek President Mirziyoyev held talks with visiting French President Emmanuel Macron in Samarkand, Uzbekistan's second largest city, and the two sides agreed to elevate bilateral relations to a strategic partnership. [16]
Following the regime change in Niger in December and July 2023, anti-French sentiment was high, and the French embassy in Niger was attacked and the ambassador expelled. With the French embassy in Nepal unable to carry out diplomatic work, recent letters to local employees and sources familiar with the matter indicate that France intends to close the embassy indefinitely. Reuters reported the above news on December 21, 2023, citing a letter from the French Embassy in Nepal. The letter dated 19 said that the diplomatic work of the French embassy had been restricted by the coup authorities in Niger and that France had decided to close the embassy indefinitely. [19]
On December 26, 2023, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry declared two diplomatic staff members of the French Embassy in Azerbaijan as persona non grata and asked them to leave the country within 48 hours. [20]
On March 7, 2024, Moldova and France signed a defense cooperation agreement, and French President Emmanuel Macron said that France will establish a permanent defense representative office in Moldova. [21]
On April 26, 2024, French Defense Minister Le Corny and visiting German Defense Minister Pistorius signed an agreement in Paris on the same day, and the two countries will jointly develop a "ground main battle system" with high-tech artificial intelligence and other technologies, that is, "future tank". [25]
Relations with Germany
From May 26 to 28, 2024, French President Emmanuel Macron paid an official state visit to Germany. During the visit, France and Germany signed a number of agreements to expand their cooperation in the field of technology. 30 - [31]
Relations with Israel
According to the United States "political News network" European edition reported on May 31, in the context of Israel's continued military operations in the southern city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, the French side banned Israeli companies from participating in the defense exhibition. [32]

Sino-french relations

France was the first major Western country to formally establish diplomatic relations with China. On January 27, 1964, China and France established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have developed smoothly on the whole. In the early 1990s, Sino-French relations were seriously affected by the French government's participation in Western sanctions against China and approval of arms sales to Taiwan. On January 12, 1994, the two governments issued a joint communique in which France promised not to permit French companies to participate in the arming of Taiwan, and bilateral relations returned to normal. The two countries have conducted fruitful cooperation in politics, economy, culture, science and technology, education and other fields. In 1997 and 2004, France took the lead among Western powers in establishing comprehensive partnership and comprehensive strategic partnership with China. In 2008, China-France relations experienced major setbacks due to Tibet-related issues. On April 1, 2009, China and France issued a press communique, noting that bilateral relations have gradually recovered a sound momentum of development and cooperation in various fields is progressing smoothly.
Hollande During his term as president, he actively developed relations with China, strengthened political mutual trust and achieved stable and sound development of bilateral relations at a high level.
Macron Since his election as president, he has continued his predecessor's policy toward China, made developing relations with China one of his diplomatic priorities, and actively promoted cooperation with China. In January 2018, Macron paid his first state visit to China. [6]
France is China's third largest trading partner and third largest source of actual investment in the EU. China is France's largest trading partner in Asia and seventh in the world. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and France was 78.94 billion US dollars, down 2.2 percent year on year, of which China's exports were 41.63 billion US dollars, down 8.2 percent year on year, and imports were 37.31 billion US dollars, up 5.5 percent year on year. In the first three months of 2024, the bilateral trade volume between China and France was 17.919 billion US dollars, down 4.3% year on year, of which China's exports were 9.873 billion US dollars, up 0.8% year on year, and imports were 8.046 billion US dollars, down 9.8% year on year. [29]
The two countries have governmental committees for cultural mixing. In November 2002, the two sides signed an agreement between the two governments on the establishment of cultural centers and their status. The Chinese Cultural Center in Paris was inaugurated in France in the same month, and the French Cultural Center was officially inaugurated in Beijing in October 2004.
China and France have active cultural exchanges. From 2003 to 2005, China and France jointly held cultural Year activities. In 2014, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the two sides held more than 800 activities throughout the year. Among them, the French "Famous Museum, famous artist, famous work" held in Beijing, the French mechanical dragon and horse parade, the retrospective exhibition of Rodin sculpture, the Chinese Han Dynasty cultural relics exhibition held in Paris, the "China Night" party and other activities were warmly received. In April 2016, the two sides officially launched the "Thousand Interns Program" to send up to 1,000 young people to each other's enterprises for internship every year. In 2019, to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the two sides held a series of colorful cultural celebrations. Classic French musicals such as "Rock Mozart" and "Notre Dame de Paris" have toured China. The National Art Museum of China held the "Sculpture Exhibition of the French Academy of Arts", and the National Picasso Museum in Paris held the exhibition "Picasso: The Birth of a Genius" in Beijing. The year 2024 is the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism. China and France have held events such as the unveiling of the Notre Dame Cathedral Ice sculpture at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, the concert at the Palace of Versailles, the Chinese Lantern Festival, the exhibition "Versailles and the Forbidden City", and will hold a series of colorful activities. 28 - [29]
In 2019, China was the largest source of tourists to France in Asia, and France was the most popular EU country for Chinese tourists. In 2019, the French Tourism Development Agency set up a representative office in Beijing. In October 2023, the China Tourism Office in Paris set up the China booth at the Paris International Tourism Exhibition and launched the "Hello! China "tourism promotion logo. From March 15, 2023, Chinese travel agencies and online travel companies will resume group Tours for Chinese citizens to France. Starting from December 1, 2023, China will implement a 15-day visa-free unilateral entry policy for French passport holders for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends and transit in China.
Up to now, there are 113 pairs of sister cities and provinces between the two countries. [29]
2023年11月24日,外交部发言人毛宁宣布,为便利中外人员往来服务高质量发展和高水平对外开放,中方决定试行扩大单方面免签国家范围,对法国持普通护照人员实行单方面免签政策。 [18]
China has decided to extend its visa-free policy for short-term visits to China by 12 countries, including France, until the end of 2025. [26]



Main attraction

Louvre, Paris
(L'Arc de triomphe de Paris)
(Tour Eiffel)
(Notre-Dame de Paris)
(Le Louvre)
(Place de la concorde a Paris)
(Temple ancestral)
(Place de la Bastille)
(Palace of Versailles)
(Centre national des arts et de la culture Georges Pompidou)
(Fontainebleau Palace)
(Place de Gaulle)
(Opera de Paris)
(La seine)
(Katedra Amiens)
Mont Blanc in the Alps
(Mont Blanc)

Cultural site

Serial number
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
Weisel Canyon prehistoric remains and cave group of rock paintings
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Ancient Roman and Romanesque monuments in Arles
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Cistercian monastery in Fontrey
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Palaces and gardens of Fontainebleau
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
The Roman Theatre and its surrounding buildings and the Arc de Triomphe in Orange
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Preparation of open pan salt from Salan-Leban Salar to the Royal Salar of Arc-Senan
World Heritage Site (designated in 1982, expanded in 2009)
World Cultural Heritage (1983)
Bay of Porto: Narrow Bay of Piana, Bay of Kiorata, Skondola Reserve
World Cultural Heritage (1983)
Stanislas Square, Carriel Square and Aleyns Square in Nancy
World Cultural Heritage (1983)
Gard Bridge (Ancient Roman aqueduct)
World Cultural Heritage (1985)
Strasbourg - Big Island
World Cultural Heritage (1988)
Notre Dame Cathedral in Reims The former Monastery of Saint Lemme and the Palace of Tau
World Cultural Heritage (1991)
World Cultural Heritage (1991)
World Cultural Heritage (1992)
Avignon: The Papal Palace, the Cathedral and the Bridge of Avignon
World Cultural Heritage (1995)
World Cultural Heritage (1996)
Carcassonne Historical fortress Castle
World Cultural Heritage (1997)
Dual World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site (1997, expanded in 1999, shared with Spain)
The historic sites of Lyon
World Cultural Heritage (1998)
The pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, France
World Cultural Heritage (1998)
Clock towers in Belgium and France
World Heritage Sites Belfry in Flanders and Walloon, Belgium (30 in 1999) - Belfry in Northern France (23 in 2005), Belfry in Jamblou, Belgium (2005) (1999, expanded in 2005, shared with Belgium)
The Loire Valley from Sully sur-Loire to Charona
World Cultural Heritage (2000)
The medieval town of Provine
World Cultural Heritage (2001)
Le Havre, the city rebuilt by Auguste Perret
World Cultural Heritage (2005)
Bordeaux, Luna Harbor
World Cultural Heritage (2007)
Vauban designed the fort building
World Cultural Heritage (2008)
Lagoons of New Caledonia: coral reef diversity and associated ecosystems
World Natural Heritage (2008)
World Cultural Heritage (2010)
Volcanic peaks, cirques and crags of Reunion Island
World Natural Heritage (2010)
Prehistoric lakeshore wooden buildings around the Alps
World Heritage Site (2011, shared with Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany, Slovenia)
Cascades and Severn, Mediterranean farming and pastoral cultural landscape
World Cultural Heritage (2011)
World Cultural Heritage (2012)
The painted cave of Chauvey-Pondarc, Ardeche province
World Cultural Heritage (2014)
Hillside vineyards, chateaux and cellars in Champagne
World Cultural Heritage (2015)
World Cultural Heritage (2015)
Architectural works of Le Corbusier - outstanding contribution to the Modernist movement
World Cultural Heritage (2016)
Archaeological site of Taputapuatai
World Cultural Heritage (2016)
World Natural Heritage (2018)

Related news

On May 31, 2024, international rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded France's long-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings from AA to AA-, with a stable outlook. [32]