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Bardeyov Ancient City Reserve

Ancient City reserve in Slovakia
The ancient city of Bardeyov is located in Slovakia, and although it is small in size, it is a very well-preserved fortified medieval city Ancient city , its layout is Central Europe regional Urban structure . In addition to that, Bardeyov There's also a beautiful 18th-century one Judaism The synagogue, surrounded by a small square where Jews meet.
Chinese name
Bardeyov Ancient City Reserve
Foreign name
Bardejov Town Conservation Reserve
Approval time
The year 2000
Home country

Heritage information

Heritage name: Bardeyov Town Conservation Area
Bardejov Town Conservation Reserve
Selected time: 2000
Selection basis: Cultural heritage (iii)(iv)
Location: N49 17 34 E21 16 32
Heritage area: 23.6 ha
Buffer area: 12.83 ha
Estate number: 973

Estate description

Located on the eastern side of the new town of Bardeyov in northeast Slovakia, the Bardeyov Town Reserve is the center of the upper Salsh region, located in the hilly terrain of the right bank of the Topra River in northeast Slovakia, 277 meters above sea level. The old town, which was built in the 9th century, is small but intact and well preserved, representing the urbanization of the area. The old town of Bardeyov is characterized by the fact that its buildings have not suffered man-made damage since the Middle Ages, and it still retains the appearance of a medieval city, Bardeyov is an example of a medieval fortified town. In 1376, Emperor Ladislaus I declared the city a free city, and in 1402 it became a trading center. The old town is surrounded by strong medieval castles and towers, and north of the central square is the late church of St. Aedius, built in 1464 Gothic architecture . The City Hall, built in the 15th century, was the first building in Slovakia to blend the late Gothic and early Renaissance styles, and at the beginning of the 18th century, the old town formed a ghetto of Jewish merchants, with a small square where Jews met. A fine synagogue built in 1773, among others, has been well preserved.
2000 according to Cultural heritage Selected according to criteria C(iii)(iv), the Bardeyov Town Protected area is UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved for listing as a cultural heritage in the" World Heritage List ".
Selection based on criteria (iii) : Bardeyov is a city in Central Europe commerce Ancient city There are around fortification . Bardeyov is perfectly preserved Middle Ages The style, recreated the medieval Social and economic structure .
Selection based on criteria (iv) : Bardeyov's street layout, architecture, and fortifications reflect that of an important city on the commercial lines of medieval Central Europe Urban structure .

Institutional evaluation

Bardeyov is an example of a medieval fortified town, small but intact and well preserved, representing the urbanisation of the region. Among other notable features, there is a small Jewish neighborhood around a fine 18th-century synagogue. [1-3]

Estate profile

Bardeyov, yes Sharsh The center of the upper region is located in the hilly region of the right bank of the Topra River in northeastern Slovakia, 277 meters above sea level. Bardeyov is an industrial, cultural and Physical education Events The center of the city is called the "Gott City of Slovakia".
Bardeyov has a long history, the earliest Human trace It dates back to 20,000 BC. After the 11th century, the inhabitants of Bardeyov settled along the north-south commercial line, gradually gaining the autonomy of the city, and the city developed rapidly. Trade, farming and handicrafts became the backbone of the economy.
A long history of fortified towns
Bardeyov Ancient City Reserve
Bardeyov Town Reserve The Town reserve is the centre of industrial, cultural and sporting activities in the region and is known as the "Gott City of Slovakia". The town of Bardeyov is a small but well-preserved fortified medieval city, with a layout typical of a Central European urban structure. In addition, the Bardeyov town reserve also has a fine 18th century synagogue, surrounded by a small square where Jews meet. Due to its outstanding urban layout, fine architecture, traditional arts and long cultural history, it became an urban conservation area in 1950. Founded in the 9th century, the town was declared a free city by Emperor Ladislaus I in 1376 and became a trading center in 1402. The Bardeyov Town Reserve is an example of a medieval fortified town, small but intact and well preserved, representing the urbanisation of the region. [2]
Bardeyov's Defensive wall Including most of the city gates and bastion It still stands in the middle of the old city and is well protected. The city centre is a municipal square, surrounded by the old town Hall and the famous St. Edius Church . All the buildings around the town square have been restored to their elegant medieval style. There are many Renaissance period And Goth buildings, most of them two stories, with a penthouse. Some of the buildings are beautifully painted mural .
Keep the old city look to this day
Destroyed and rebuilt by the Romans in 80 BC, Bardeyov was one of the first towns built by the Roman Empire in Spain. After a period of Arab rule, King Alfonso VI regained control of Bardeyov in 1088, and the city enjoyed a period of political and economic prosperity. It was built by King Alfonso VI in 1088 and surrounds the whole of Bardeyov Ancient city The city defense system has been well preserved to this day. A checkerboard of roads, built in the Middle Ages, forms the layout of the city, meeting at the Azoguejo Square. The aqueduct is located in the center of the city. During the 13th to 15th centuries, several Kings of Castile made Bardeyov their capital. Queen Isabella ascended the throne here in 1474. In the 16th century, Bardeyov experienced an important period of industrial development and was famous for the garment and textile industry introduced by the Moors.
The Old town of Bardeyov is characterized by the fact that its buildings have not been damaged since the Middle Ages and it still retains the appearance of a medieval city. The old town is surrounded by strong medieval castles and towers, and north of the central square is the Church of St. Aedius, built in 1464, a late Gothic building. The City Hall, built in the 15th century, was the first late Gothic and early Renaissance building in Slovakia, and at the beginning of the 18th century, a Jewish merchant quarter was formed in the old city, and the synagogue built in 1773 was properly protected. The Bardeyov Reserve consists of a harmonious group of buildings built during the late Middle Ages (11th to 12th centuries) and the Renaissance, two periods of prosperity during which the town of Bardeyov has been protected. The famous aqueduct with 128 columns, the palace of the Moorish king built by Alfonso VI, and the Gothic cathedral of the 16th century are important buildings in the city. Romanesque churches, Mudejar houses and fortified buildings also form part of the ochre-hued cityscape. With many buildings outstanding in terms of beautiful appearance and precious historical value, the entire old town of Bardeyov is a rare example of art. The city presents a complex historical reality. The layout of its neighboring towns, its streets and its houses all reflect the different cultural backgrounds - Moorish, Christian and Jewish - that coexisted in the Middle Ages in the reserve city of Bardeyov, reaching its peak in the 16th century at the height of its industrial development. Formed in a blend of styles and traditions, Segovia is an outstanding example of a Western city.
In 1376, construction of walls, bastions and basic town planning began around the Bardeyov town reserve, including a rectangular market outside the town. On the northern side of the Municipal Square is the Roman Gothic church of St. Edius, completed in 1464 and one of the most typical post-Goth buildings in eastern Slovakia. It is surrounded by 11 altars that serve as annex buildings. Many beautifully painted post-Goth and early Renaissance frescoes, a large number of handicrafts, and wooden pews are well preserved inside and outside the church. The town hall was built in the early 15th century, just a wall away from the church of St. Edius, and is a mixture of post-Goth and early Renaissance styles. It is also the first Renaissance style building in Slovakia. It is the centre of the city's economic, social and cultural life. The City Hall is a two-story building, the first floor is a rectangular hall, the central corridor can be rented, the second floor is an office area to deal with government affairs, keep documents, and the second floor is the city's Treasury. In 1903, the town hall was turned into a museum, which is the oldest museum in Slovakia. Beginning in the 18th century, Jewish merchants began to settle in the Bardeyov reserve, and in 1773 they established a city within a city with a synagogue, and in the 19th century added a school, meeting hall, memorial hall and a public bath for religious services. [2]