Baroque art

17th-18th century European art style
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synonymBaroque(art term) generally refers to Baroque art (17th-18th century European style)
Baroque is a style of art that flourished in Europe between 1600 and 1750. It is produced in Counter-Reformation Period of Italy, developed in Europe to believe Catholicism Most of the region, later with the spread of Catholicism, its influence far beyond Latin America and Asia The country. As an art style with far-reaching influence in time and space, the rise of Baroque was closely related to the religion at that time. [1]
Not only in painting, Baroque represented the entire field of art, including music, architecture, Decorative arts Etc., the connotation is also extremely complex. But the most basic feature is breaking Renaissance The period of serious, implicit and balanced, advocating luxury and style, pay attention to the performance of strong emotions, the atmosphere is warm and tense, with stinging eyes and ears, stirring Artistic effect . [2]
Chinese name
Baroque art
Foreign name
Baroque Art
Grow out of
The second half of the 16th century
17th century
18th century

Generation background

In the 17th century, European power expanded, plundered overseas colonies, accumulated huge wealth, and advocated luxury enjoyment in life, so the architecture, music, art also required luxury, vivid and passionate sentiment. In the seventeenth century there was a struggle for power between old and new religions in Europe. The old religious forces used violence to suppress believers, and then actively used the artistic ideological form - Baroque, to confuse and conquer people's hearts. Baroque art does not reject the sensory pleasures of heresy, but is also faithful to the Christian worldview, so it is also "Christianized. Renaissance ".


Baroque art statues
Generally speaking, Baroque art has the following characteristics: First, it has the characteristics of luxury, and it has both religious and religious characteristics hedonism The color of; Second, it is a kind of passionate art, which breaks the peace and harmony of reason and has a strong romanticism Color, very emphasis on the artist's rich imagination; Third, it strongly emphasizes movement, movement and change can be said to be the soul of Baroque art; Fourth, it pays much attention to the spatial sense and Three-dimensional sense ; Five is its comprehensive, Baroque art emphasis Art form For example, in architecture, emphasis is placed on the integration of architecture, sculpture and painting. In addition, Baroque art also absorbs some factors and imagination in literature, drama, music and other fields. Sixth, it has a strong religious connotation, Religious theme Occupies a dominant position in Baroque art; Seventh, most Baroque artists have a tendency to distance themselves from life and times. For example, in some zenith paintings, the human image becomes insignificant, just like some patterns.

Representative figure

Of course, some active Baroque masters are not in this case, such as Rubens , Bernini His work and life still maintain a close connection. Its specific performance is as follows:
(1) The use of kinetic forces: whether practical, such as wavy walls or ever-changing spray-shaped fountains, or implicit, such as the depiction of vibrant or dramatic figures (no longer the static representation of the classical Renaissance, but a skewed configuration of motion). To express or imply a sense of infinity: as of reaching Horizon line The road, the murals that show the illusion of endless sky, the use of changing perspective effect to make it confusing mirror technique.
(2) Emphasis on light: Design an artificial light, rather than natural light, to create a dramatic atmosphere, creating a more three-dimensional sense than the Renaissance, Depth perception , layering The space of... Bring about Contour line Fuzzy, organic composition, and have Sense of wholeness . The pursuit of dramatic, exaggerated, perspective effect. It does not adhere to the boundaries between various art forms, and integrates art forms such as architecture, painting and sculpture.

Historical origin



Italy Renaissance It was designed by the late famous architect and architectural theorist Vignola Jesuit Church in Rome Be due to instrumentalism A masterpiece of the transition to the Baroque style, some call it the first Baroque building. Instrumentalism is an artistic style in late 16th century Europe. Its main feature is the pursuit of weird and unusual effects, such as morphing and incongruity Means of... Representation space The characters are represented in exaggerated elongated proportions.
Baroque art painting
In architectural history, it refers to the tendency of some Italian architects to reflect the early Baroque style in their works from 1530 to 1600. Jesuit Church in Rome The plane is rectangular, with one protruding at the end shrine , used by the Gothic church Latin cross It evolved into a spacious atrium with vaults covered in statues and decorations. The two sides were replaced by two rows of small prayer rooms Side corridor . One rises in the middle of the cross Apex fornicis . ecclesial altar The decoration is rich and free, and the mountain flowers above break through the classical French style icon And decorative light. The church facade draws on the early Renaissance architects Alberti The design of the small church of Santa Maria in Florence. The main entrance is layered above cornice And the mountain flower to make an overlapping arc triangle Leaning columns and flat pilasters are used on both sides of the gate. On both sides of the upper facade are two pairs of large vortices. These treatments were unique and were later widely imitated.


From the 1630s onwards, the wealth of the Italian church increased, and each diocese built its own Baroque churches. Due to the small scale, it is not suitable to use the Latin cross plane, so it is more than round, oval, plum blossom, round lobe cross and other single space halls, and a large number of curved surfaces are used in the modeling. A typical example is the Roman The Church of SAN Carlo It was designed by Polomini. It has an olive-shaped plan, surrounded by small, irregular prayer rooms; There is also a living courtyard. The hall plane and ceiling decoration emphasize the dynamic curve, the facade is disconnected, the eaves are horizontally curved, the wall is very convex, the decoration is rich, and there is a strong light and shadow effect. Despite the sophistication of the design, it is hard to avoid a sense of affectation.


After the mid-17th century, Baroque church It was all the rage in Italy, and there were many original works, but there were also poor and overbuilt buildings. Papal authorities in order to Pilgrim flaunt Papal states The city of Rome built wide avenues and magnificent squares, which opened up new ways for the Baroque free-spirited style. It was built by the 17th century Roman architect Fontana Piazza Polo, Rome It's three. actinoid The junction of the main road. There's one in the middle obelisk , surrounded by statues, arranged Green belt . Two churches of the same symmetrical style are built between the radial main road. The square was so open and expansive that many European countries sought to emulate it. France is in front of Versailles, Russia in Petersburg Admiralty House Radial plazas were built in front of them. It was designed by the great Baroque architect and sculptor Bernini St. Peter's Basilica in Rome The front square, surrounded by Roman Tascan colonnades, has a bold, dynamic layout with strong light and shadow effects.

Hand down

Baroque art painting
Baroque architectural style Also there Central Europe It is popular in some countries, especially Germany and Germany Austria . In the second half of the 17th century, many German architects studied in Italy after returning, the Italian Baroque Architectural style Combined with the German national architectural style. By the first half of the 18th century, German Baroque Architectural art Become Europe Architectural history A strange flower. German Baroque style Church architecture The appearance is simple and elegant, the shape is soft and the decoration is not much, the exterior wall is dry and the same Natural environment Be in harmony. The interior of the church is richly decorated, creating a sharp contrast between the inside and the outside. Famous examples are Bamberg suburban Church of the Fourteen Saints Rocher's cloister The church. Church of the Fourteen Saints Plane layout Very novel, the nave and the shrine are made into three consecutive ovals, and the arched ceiling echoes this, and the interior of the church is covered with various decorative patterns of plant shapes made of stucco, which is brilliant. The church appearance is relatively plain, there are a pair of towers on the front, decorated with soft curves, rich intimacy . Rocher Abbey Church It is also simple in appearance and exquisite in interior decoration, especially the upper ceiling of the shrine, which is covered with flying angels carved in white marble, and the center of the shrine is a group sculpture composed of the Virgin Mary and two angels; Beneath the shrine is a collection of statues of saints with different expressions.
Austrian Baroque architectural style It was mainly imported from Germany. In the first half of the 18th century, many of Austria's most famous buildings were designed by German architects. Such as Vienna the The Shuberun Palace The appearance is serious Classical architecture The interior hall has an Italian Baroque style, and all the columns of the hall are carved with statues, and the columns and vaults are full Cloth relief The decoration is baroque and classicism A combination of styles. Rising in the middle of the 17th century, its style is free and unrestrained, the shape is complex, rich in changes, but some Architectural decoration Pile up too much. Spain Santiago Cathedral It is a typical example of architecture of this period.

Artistic expression



The history of urban planning in the West is from Baroque period At first, the most prominent buildings were churches and palaces. The architect believes that the building is an independent whole shaped according to many requirements, so Baroque architecture It usually looks like a large sculpture.
Take the Renaissance Architectural painting into Plane graph Their common features are square , circle and cross ; The typical features of Baroque architecture are oval, olive-shaped And from the complex Geometric figure Changes in the more complex graphics.
Use regular wavy curves and Reciprocal curve The idea of giving architectural elements a dynamic form is the most important characteristic of all Baroque art. Renaissance architecture Like modern architecture, it is based on simple, basic proportions and interrelationships; And Baroque architecture no longer advocates that kind of implicit logic Instead, the pursuit of surprising, dramatic effects. For example:
Michelangelo Assistants Vignola (1507-1673) and Della? The Church of Jesus in Rome, completed by G.Ella porta C. 1537-1602 between 1568 and 1584, is widely recognized as a masterpiece of the Church of Jesus styleism Turn to the magnum opus of Baroque. The interior of this church highlights the main hall and the central dome, strengthens the role of the central gate, and shows a new character with the tightness of its structure and the intensity of the central effect. Therefore, the interior and facade of the Church of Jesus later became a model of Baroque architecture, which can also be called "pre-Baroque style".
The representative of Baroque architecture in the early 17th century was C.Maderno (1556-1629), who in 1607-15 completed Michelangelo's unfinished "St. Peter's Church" (1607-15, Rome, the Vatican, and an exclusive website detailed picture analysis) theatricality The way in which the main entrance is emphasized, for example, is changed from a flat square column to a half column and then to a three-quarter column, making the building three-dimensional shape Complex and dynamic. He designed the protruding facade or the deeply recessed facade to further connect the church to the space in the front square.
The greatest master of Baroque architecture in the high seventeenth century was Bernini G.L.Bernini (1598-1680), a sculptor and architect, was completed between 1624 and 1633 St. Peter's Basilica interior Bronze canopy It is a giant tent with a height of 29 meters and four pillars helical Large carved columns support the roof, which is majestic and ornate (much like scenery decoration). Also designed for St. Peter's Basilica in front of the arms ring arch square and colonnade (1657), making it one of the largest square buildings in the West.
Polomini F.Borromini (1599 ~ 1667) is another architect of the high period of Barloc, who likes to use convex and changeable curves and complex interweaving of various geometric forms, from the overall layout to the detailed arrangement, can be unique, such as four Spring's "SAN Carlo (S.Carlo) Church" (1665 ~ 67, Rome), It is regarded as a model of Baroque architecture.
In addition to the above Roman areas, the Turin region in northern Italy also had considerable development, and the dome of the "Small Church of Saint Cloth" (1668-94) built by G.Guarini (1624-83) represented heaven fornix It gives people a kind of endless eternal meditation.
Western Europe The Baroque architecture of various countries combined with the characteristics of various places and each has its own strengths, such as Britain, France and other countries with a more rigorous color, such as Paris The Palace of Versailles (1669-85, the mouse click can see 360 degrees of the appearance of the rotation), southern Germany is the most gorgeous, Spain and its rule Latin America One of the fertile grounds of the Baroque.


Apollo and Dafna
Baroque sculpture is sometimes a part of architecture, and the artist's technique of representing real people has reached maturity and perfection, such as the appearance of human skin according to the subject's man, woman and child, and the texture of hair, clothing and fabrics are very realistic. The display of motive force is its most important feature, and the figure is no longer carved into a static or resting posture, but is always in motion.
The most famous is the famous work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), "The Illusion of St.Theresa" (1645-52, St. Mary's Church in Rome), which is a combination of religious and functional, and to appreciate such statues should be viewed together with architecture and painting. To produce visual hallucinations. This style also influenced Western Europe. Other famous works include the Fountain of the Four Rivers (part, 1648-51, Piazza Navona, Rome) and David (1623-24, marble, 170 cm high, Galleria Borghese, Rome).
French Baroque masters include:
P.Puget (1620-94) Miro of Crotona (1671-83, Louvre, Paris).
Bust of Leblanc (1676) and Bust of Louis XIV (1680, Versailles) by A. Kosevox (1640-1720).


Magnificent, full of movement, superb perspective variation (such as the forward contraction method), dramatic composition, fluctuations, reflecting infinite space, and ideal light contrast, so that the picture produces a unified and coordinated effect such as stage scenery are the characteristics of Baroque painting.
Italy Caravaggio Caravaggio (1573-1610) was a pioneer of Baroque painting, characterized by the use of light for dramatic effect, as well as the use of light and shade expression To set off the real spaciousness And abandon the description of details. His attitude towards nature was intuitive, and he modeled himself on rough or simple citizens portraiture . He is even more... Still life On a different path. One of his most famous works is Dinner at Ematus (1601). National Gallery, London )," Bury Christ "(1604, Vatican Museum)," Fruit Basket "(Still Life, 1596,46 ×64.5cm, Milan, Brosiana Museum)," Dionysus "(1597, Oh, Florence The Uffizi Gallery ). Personality wild, angry, angry, short life, he wants to break away from the rut, rethink the art, style is called "naturalist".
Carracci (1560 ~ 1609), diligent practice Classical beauty Representative work altarpiece "The Virgin Mourns the Death of Christ" (1603,92,8 x 103,2 cm, National Gallery, London), both the way the light falls on the Saviour's form and the way the viewer's emotions are evoked as a whole, are baroque, the composition is simple and harmonious, a little sentimental, but avoid reminding people of the horror of death and the pain of suffering.


In addition to architecture and sculpture and painting, Baroque furniture is undoubtedly one of the most civic forms of Baroque art. King of France Louis XIV Known as the "Sun King," he was responsible for the lavish renovation of the Palace of Versailles Baroque furniture The birth of... The development of court art produced a large number of Baroque masters. Intricate carvings, precious materials such as teak , gold, ivory, rosewood The extensive use of wood has made Baroque furniture the first of the three major furniture representatives in the world, standing in the top position of the world's furniture for hundreds of years.
armchair -- The legs of the chair can make it fall down Square pyramid "Or" balustrade "style, on which appeared increasingly complex oval edges, grooves, leaf . from Louis XIII The inherited H-type connecting rod gradually evolved into the X-type. The need for etiquette prompts a great deal Folding chair and stool It came out, with ornate carvings on it.
Catamaran furniture - the line of the wardrobe panel has also become softer, the bottom is not curved at the ends, and is complicated by the convex part or the corner of the crescent. [3]


Baroque period clothing features:
1. Baroque style pursues a complex and exaggerated, magnificent, imposing and dynamic realm.
Men's clothing has taken on an impressive look with Baroque style, coming to the end of luxury and artificiality, which can be said to almost transcend the boundaries of male style.
The Baroque style created the most gorgeous and complicated men's wear, which has gone to the extreme in the development of history. Baroque style clothing is a typical representative of the history of clothing.
2, gorgeous luxury accessories embellished with the same color velour Clothing, will be distributed nobility .
The biggest feature of men's wear is the big sleeve lace, ribbon spur Boots have become fashionable, as have big feather hats and Walking sword Waistcoats are in vogue at this time, very short and small, a bit like a suit vest.
At this time, long coats appeared, first without collars, and later with large collars. It's dense from top to bottom Bra extender The decoration is extremely gorgeous. The slit of the coat is only a few on the top, and the bottom is all for display. Then the hem was added gasket Lift the hem out.


Generally speaking, Baroque music It has the following characteristics - its rhythm is particularly strong, active, short and rhythmic; The melody is delicate, leaping and continuous; Adopt multiple melodies, Polyphonic music Polyphony; Composers generally emphasize the emotional ups and downs of the works, so that the speed and intensity of the music were valued at that time; The tonality of the repertoire is also simple and conservative from the Renaissance Ecclesiastical mode Developed into a major minor form. At the same time, Western orchestras also developed rapidly during the Baroque period, VIOLIN The emergence, The harpsichord The shape of Baroque music has provided a richer Expressive force ; The development of other instruments also made the orchestration of certain specific styles of Baroque music develop in a diversified and large-scale direction. But such as organ Historical ancient instruments such as the quill and Viol are still widely used.
In terms of musical expression, the Baroque period is much richer than the Renaissance genre. The need for music by the royal family and the aristocracy prompted many Baroque musicians to develop new forms of musical expression, the rise of opera (not the origin, the origin of opera goes back much further) being the most prominent point. Although the opera of the Baroque period has been criticized by some experts as "artificial", it is a basis for the development of opera since then. Other forms of expression in the field of vocal music include melodrama, motet , oratorio , Passion And mass music, which are strongly religious. So in the Baroque period, Religious music in Western music Still holds a large weight. Instrumental music developed very rapidly in the Baroque period Concerto grosso , solo concerto , Orchestral music suite , all kinds of dance music, overture , Fantasia , Toccata, fugue and sonata And many forms of expression. Much of it has evolved and evolved into its more mature form.


Baroque literature It's the West Renaissance Late one School of literature In addition and Classical literature and Puritan literature And into the 17th century three major literature. It's in... Humanistic literature The movement rose after its decline. It is a kind of aristocracy formalism Literature, advocating that literature is created by a small number of literate people. Deliberately crafted in art, the content tends to write faith crisis and pessimistic thoughts. This kind of works pursue the form, the content is empty, and the language is grandiose. Marino in Italy, Gongora and Calderon in Spain, Grimmelshausen in Germany, and the metaphysical poets in England John Donne Vautier of France, etc., are representatives of Baroque literature. Representative works are Calderon's novel "Life is a Dream", Grimelshausen's Picaresque novel " Crazy son west wood biography ", etc.

Principal representative

Master of Baroque art Bernini He is the most famous sculptor, architect and painter in the Italian Baroque style.
Representative figures in oil painting works are Belgium the Rubens , Van Dyke In Italy, Pietro Belletini da Cotona, Lou Jordanna, Joe Ba Gori and so on.
Representatives of Baroque music: Bach and Handel


The Baroque style broke the right Ancient Roman architecture theorist Vitruvius It also broke through the rules and regulations formulated by the classicists of the late Renaissance, reflecting the secular thoughts of yearning for freedom. On the other hand, the Baroque style of church is magnificent, and can create a rather strong atmosphere of mystery, also in line with the Catholic Church to show off wealth and pursuit Sense of mystery The requirements of. Therefore, Baroque architecture began in Rome and soon spread throughout Europe and as far away as possible America . Some baroque buildings too much pursuit of luxury and spirit, even to the point of cumbersome piling.

Related research

In academic research, it is German art historians who determine the status of Baroque art Wolflin (H.W. offlin), whose book" Renaissance and Baroque "(1888)," Principles of Art History "(1915), the former pointed out that the Baroque is the main school after the Renaissance, and made an analysis of its form characteristics and historical investigation. The latter believes that the Baroque style can be used as a characteristic of the later stages of every culture or civilization, giving it a more general significance.