Print advertising

Advertising terminology
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Print advertising, advertising terms, if defined from the concept of space, generally refers to the existing in the form of long and wide two-dimensional communication vision Variety of information Advertising media Advertising; If it is defined from the production method, it can be divided into printing, non-printing and photoelectric three forms; If it is defined from the use place, it can be divided into outdoor, indoor and portable three forms; From a design point of view, it includes copywriting, graph , line , hue , arrange All the elements. Because the information conveyed by print advertising is concise and clear, it can instantly capture people's hearts, thus becoming one of the main means of advertising expression. Print advertising design In the creation, the expression means should be condensed and symbolic. An excellent graphic advertising design has a sense of novelty full of the consciousness of The Times, and has a unique expression technique and emotion in design.
Chinese name
Print advertising
Media advertising

Formal brief

Print advertising
As far as print advertising is concerned, it is only a way to convey information, and it is a medium between the advertiser and the audience. The result is to achieve certain commercial and economic purposes. Advertising is indispensable in a rapidly developed country. Of course, advertising as a special product of modern human life, people's opinions, opinions, opinions, but we have to face a fact, that is, in People's Daily life at any time may receive advertising information, open the newspaper, open TV, Internet surfing, everywhere will see advertising. It can be said that it has penetrated into every aspect of our lives. People in modern cities are used to such a life.
Modern advertising has a history of one hundred years since its development in the mid-19th century. Industrial revolution in Europe Later, the development of printing, color SLATE and screen stereotyped color separation printing technology is widely used; The economic take-off has brought about the prosperity of the market, and people's demand for advertising has also increased greatly, which has laid the foundation for the rise of modern advertising. With the emergence of radio and television, the forms of advertising are also diversified and three-dimensional. Today's advertising has matured in developed countries, and has formed a complete system in theory and practice, playing an important role in economic and political life. In the face of many forms of advertising, as a professional engaged in graphic design should have a basic understanding of advertising as a whole, so as to grasp the characteristics of different forms of advertising and better play its advantages.
On the whole, advertising can be divided into media advertising and non-media advertising. Media advertising refers to advertising that disseminates information through media, such as television commercials, Newspaper advertisement , radio advertising, magazine advertising, etc.; Non-media advertising refers to direct to the audience Advertising medium Forms, such as street sign advertising, print poster advertising, Business environment Point-of-purchase advertisements, etc. Different forms of advertising have different design requirements.
Print advertising
Graphic advertising design occupies an important position in non-media advertising, and it is also a course that must be mastered by learning graphic design. It is very broad both in form and content. The forms of expression can be varied, unlike painting, which is limited by a certain medium, painting, photography, collage, various forms can be used for me, realistic, freehand, abstract, and various means can take their strengths. This is not the print advertising design has a distinct personality, because advertising creation is a kind of fashion art, its works to reflect the trend of The Times, designers should maintain professional sensitivity, absorb nutrition in different art forms, create both in line with the public aesthetic and in line with the trend of The Times works. Advertising in the performance of the content is also very wide, large to the national policy, small to a commodity, can become the object of performance. The specific content can be political propaganda, environmental protection, culture and sports, film and drama, beverage and food, home appliances, tourism and so on. This list could go on and on, so it seems a bit complicated, I also try to divide the content into several categories, such as cultural categories, commodity categories, etc. In fact, when we are faced with an advertising work, you will find that the content is not independent. For example, a commodity advertisement may be advertised from the perspective of the environment, so there is no need to divide the content too clearly, if a specific content is placed in a fixed range, it may limit our creative thinking. The reason for listing this is to illustrate the scope of print advertising design, which focuses on people's lives from different angles, which is why we say it occupies an important position in non-media advertising.
After a preliminary understanding of the nature, form and content of print advertising, we should understand its basic creation law. Generally speaking, print advertising creation includes two aspects, namely creativity and expression. Creativity refers to the ability of thinking, and performance refers to the ability of modeling. They are conceptually different, but they are unified in the creative process. The reason is very simple, there is only one idea, no modeling ability, even if the idea is no longer good, it is impossible to show it. On the other hand, without creativity and aesthetic awareness, the idea is absurd and unworkable. In addition, only the modeling ability, the lack of creative thinking, it is impossible to call it advertising design, because advertising has a strong function, the most basic function is to convey information, how the information is transmitted, reflects the creative thinking ability. Modern advertising is not only a simple function of informing, unique creative thinking, appropriate performance, is the key to the success of an advertisement. Therefore, the two are not only different, but also unified, and the cultivation of these two aspects of ability has a strong professional.

Design software

Print advertising
Main content: advertising companies commonly used Photoshop , InDesign , Illustrator , PageMaker , Freehand , CorelDraw And other design software.
Photoshop : Learn image processing, editing, channel, layer, path comprehensive application; Image color correction; The use of various special effects filters; The production of special effects characters; Image output and optimization, flexible use of layer styles, fluid deformation and fade and mask, to produce ever-changing image effects.
InDesign : is a design software located in the field of professional typesetting, is a new platform for the company's professional publishing solutions. Released by Adobe on September 1, 1999. It is based on a new open object-oriented architecture that is highly scalable and establishes a core for third-party developers and system integrators to provide custom magazine, advertising design, catalog, retailer design studio, and newspaper publishing solutions. Supports plug-in functions.
PageMaker : Learn the basic principles of layout design, the use of methods and skills, toolbox, the use of shortcut keys, menu functions and operation skills, publications, books, propaganda color pages, film output precautions, newspapers and magazines and other advanced professional typesetting production methods.
Illustrator : Learn graphic drawing, packaging, promotional page production, so that you can more easily carry out LOGO and CI design, less than a month, you will become a real master artist, learn it on the basis of Photoshop, efficiency multiplied.
Freehand Whether it is personal work design, company logo, poster production, can be easily completed, applied to advertising, printing and other industries
CorelDraw : Through CorelDRAW9 all aspects of the design and web features integrated into the existing design scheme, the production of vector inset Design and graphics, design well Company logo , presentations, color pages, manuals, product packaging, logos, web pages and more

Design idea



Print advertising
All kinds of graphics, images, and even characters in the design works can be refined into the presentation of the form, because the form is in the human vision Consciousness is usually perceived and captured first, so it plays a leading and directional role in visual arousal and thinking.
l, the cognition and understanding of various shapes, mostly thanks to the revelation of nature. For example, the circle brings us the full, reunion and auspicious meaning, is closely related to the sun and the moon; The feeling of tough and cold diagonal shape is related to the character of the rock; The jumping waves and winding paths make us realize the lively, smooth, soft and gentle curves of women. This cognitive psychological basis is very beneficial to the design of accurate and rapid shape positioning according to the intention of expression.
2. All forms are summarized into four categories: point, line, surface and body.
The salient characteristics of the point are positioning and cohesion, and the greatest charm is to form a center of interest and attract visual movement, and then create psychological tension to trigger potential ideas. The understanding of points can be analyzed in three levels: one is the relativity of individual points, the second is the visual guidance of multiple points, and the third is the composition of points will affect the light and shadow and texture of the picture. Pissarro The "pointillism" painting can help to understand this point. By "visual" mobilize "tactile" and make two-dimensional design convey "three-dimensional expression", it plays an important role in triggering psychological affinity and emotional resonance in advertising design.
Print advertising
Line is the most basic component of design. The esthetician Winckelmann said, "The form of an object is determined by its lines." The most emotional part of line language is to convey emotion, and the effect is stronger than the point. But the line is rational, with a strong modeling force, the length of the line, thickness, shape, direction and various brush effects, characterizes its character, and represents a specific style and form, which can bring us different feelings. In particular, the composing relationship between multiple lines, that is, the arrangement and combination of lines, gradual, turning, fading, directional extension, etc., can inspire continuous thinking on the basis of shaping, bring the beauty of rhythm and rhythm, and even produce some illusion and symbolic images. Face is Visual form The most direct design vocabulary contains much more substantive content than points and lines, and its sense of form and the role of shape description are stronger. The surface can be graphically, graphically, graphically, symbolically and textualized, and it is a carrier for viewers to directly or indirectly read and appreciate design ideas and creative ideas. It conveys the corresponding information, image, connotation and so on through the form of personality, which is generally the refining of the theme and theme content of advertising design works. In the design, the configuration and combination of different shapes and surfaces is an effective means to create fantastic ideas, expand the perception of emptiness, reproduce the order of life, and explore the audience's thinking potential. In addition, another important point of thinking about the opposite structure is the relationship between map and ground.
To classify the body into the shape of the plane is to give a hint to the design thinking of the print advertisement. Use the form representation of the plane Three-dimensional space The image is actually "virtual body", which is produced by the illusion of visual depth. This illusion comes from the spatial tension formed by the formation of the form itself, which makes it feel a psychological space at the intuitive level. Many of the dreamlike compositions in the design are inspired by this, and some of the surreal and unconventional extraordinary thinking also comes from this. Based on this kind of thinking, it is easier to break the "set" of routine and experience and find the best entry point for information transmission.
3, point, line, surface, body interrelation, influence and restriction. The sense of line of sight flowing between points, the distribution of multiple points or the different composition and combination of lines can form various forms of surfaces, and the surface transition, connection, gradual composition, etc., will bring the appearance and characteristics of the body. The design should grasp the order and the whole two points, "order" is "beauty", "whole" is "Zong". Multi-element design, no matter how complex and diverse forms are used to convey the meaning of whimsy, as long as it is returned to the order and the whole, the theme and meaning of the design will reach a state of self-evident.


Print advertising
The direct sensibility of color is the strongest, the degree of synaesthesia is also the largest, and the interpretation of color from the perspective of design thinking should be the most delicate, the most subtle and the most effective. There are thousands of colors that we can feel and design. Red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple seven basic colors plus black, white, gray different properties of the combination and collocation make our creativity and performance infinite. Perception of color has a factor that can not be ignored visual physiology, that is, from the physiological point of view through self-regulation to meet all kinds of balance. For example: The "first impression color" instantly perceived by the eye is considered objective and accurate. The aesthetic category of color emphasizes the simplicity and unity of color, the great improvement of color discrimination in the environment of neutral gray and the sense of psychological stability and harmony brought by it, the integration of visual perception between colors with similar properties, and the conversion of various colors with strong pairs in opposite directions. All of them are the result of the harmonization and influence of visual physiology. Strong color contrast, bright, eye-catching poster advertisements, red letters on white background propaganda slogans, the fine and subtle of "ink divided into five colors" in traditional Chinese ink painting, the principle based on the network plate making, the empty mixing image of color TV.
The more subtle and potential psychometric effect of color is color psychology, which is an interactive process between people and color. For example, a certain hue that we feel may create a color atmosphere due to its own combination and collocation or the attribute performance of its personality, which is the information of color, just like a common feeling such as cold and warm, soft and hard, heavy and heavy, and so on. This superficial perception is the result of people's memory of life and visual experience accumulation, and has relativity. Further thinking will direct to concrete things, such as warm orange sunrise, cold blue sea, but often with obvious personality characteristics, the result of direct sense of external information will inevitably lead to emotional experience, such as seeing red people think of fire naturally experience a warm, exciting feeling. Vibrant color design can naturally guide people's emotional accumulation into a certain emotion to achieve the purpose, this process is called emotional association. Emotional association is a profound, mature, and relatively stable high-level psychological experience. The key to successful design is how to purposefully guide the audience to this level.
The aesthetics of color should dominate four aspects in design:
Print advertising
(1) The simplicity of color. The simplicity of the design color is the first principle, the simple use of color will be more lasting, in principle, the general use of color between 2-3 kinds. (2) Rhythm and rhythm of color. Rhythm is order in change, rhythm is change in order. The most charming color can be understood from the music, seven notes and seven colors of their respective interpretation of the jump and rhythm in Emotional rendering , Emotional arousal And memory retention and other aspects, there are many similarities and mutual.
(3) The master and shade of color. The primary and secondary clearly reflect the nature of nature, and also become the thinking order for people to understand and understand the attributes of things, and there should be master and subordinate in the design of color. The key lies in where the design guidance is, what the theme is about, and the design should be based on this idea to create the color master and basic tone of the picture.
(4) Color contrast and harmony. Contrast and harmony are the basic principles of color design. There are many factors that can be adjusted for contrast in design, such as color brightness, hue, chroma three attributes, color area size, color shape and direction. To achieve reconciliation, we can grasp several points: First, Neutral colour The most easily reconciled. Like the traditional Chinese calligraphy brush, ink painting color separation and so on. Secondly, pay attention to the charm of various colors in the achromatic environment. For example, gray, many colors will have a "color" taste after mixing gray. In addition, dealing with the relationship between the master and the slave of lechery and the basic tone is also the basis for achieving harmony.


Print advertising
The various structures and forms of organization of things bring us different perceptual sensations called textures or textures, mainly through visual and tactile perception. Focusing on the design elements, especially the successful reproduction or creation of the texture of the main elements, plays a pivotal role in strengthening the theme, expanding the connotation and revealing the essence, and can also enhance the attraction, increase the attention and even trigger the dramatic effect. There are two ways to express the texture of the design screen: reproducing the texture and creating the texture. The best way to reproduce the texture is photography, and photography technology can accurately and truly restore the texture of the subject to the greatest extent, and even highly condensed and fine portrayal. Creating texture mainly refers to the creation and production of visual texture in design. The key to success lies in the designer's ability to refine, summarize and imagine the design elements, as well as the consciousness of space transformation and the modeling ability of the unit. Techniques include:
(1) Strengthen all kinds of contrast, light and dark, convex and concave, trend. For example, the color instability of projection and flare is used, the overlap and mutual mapping of shape and shape edges, and the arrangement of gradual interweaving of thick and thin lines.
(2) Mobilize design factors, shape, color, light and shadow. Such as points, lines, surfaces of various texture composition, color between different attributes of the effect of strengthening contrast.
(3) Special use Structural form Such as gap, segmentation, depth, level, vertical and horizontal, density, overlap and so on.
(4) The use of illusions and hallucinations. Such as the illusion space of visual contradiction, the wave grating effect of visual retention, and the illusion of visual experience.
(5) Simulate nature. Unique texture imprinting of commonly used painting tools, different texture effects of common painting techniques, Computer design software Simulate the feel of the material, etc.
(6) Inadvertent gains. Taking inspiration from the casual and accidental "works" of nature and reality, getting a similar destructive and random texture feeling is sometimes very subtle, interesting, and even exaggerated dramatic effect.
Reproduction and creation of texture, in whatever way, contribute to the deepening of the theme mainly from authenticity, richness and association. The beauty of texture lies in reality, and real things are more likely to trigger trust and affinity. Texture performance, can be turned into a single rich. Visual texture can realize perceptual transfer, mobilize emotional association and strengthen connotation.


Print advertising
There are many elements in the layout and design of print advertising, but the commanding summary is very simple: shape, color and the quality of the performance. Constitutive thinking is the arrangement, planning and structure of the elements of these representations into a whole. A good constitution is a bridge that conveys meaning by form and taste by form. This kind of communication and connection between form and connotation aims to reveal the theme and convey ideas. First of all, no matter how many design elements, touch the whole body. Between shape and shape, between shape and color, between color and color, as well as qualitative performance, are interrelated and joint action. For example, the arrangement of a line of title text, which is vertically placed in the middle of the picture with normal kerning, can be regarded as the overall shape to split the picture with a central composition, but if the kerning is also vertically distributed with a gradual font size, each Heng can feel a separate shape. The former has a balanced and symmetrical sense of form, while the latter is lively and jumps with flowing line of sight guidance and radiating space. Its meaning and theme connotation are different, and it can be reverse thinking according to product positioning and target group.
Secondly, traditional formal law and basic aesthetic law should be regarded as the foundation of thinking. For example, blank, stability, thirds, center of visual interest, line of sight flow guidance, simple principle, order in diverse unity, etc., this is the form of expression and the best connection of the soul and emotion trigger the way and means, follow this is a shortcut. The exploration of unconventional composition and super-experience techniques in advertising design has become a breakthrough point for contemporary thinking to create novelty, mark uniqueness, deconstruct fantasy and attract attention.
There are some commonly used types of layout combination and layout planning of graphic advertising design elements, that is, the basic composition mode, such as standard type, central type, eccentric type, free type; Text, full schema, indicative, scatter and so on. Some common types and patterns have their origin and basis, their own characteristics and characteristics, as well as their own advantages and disadvantages. The key is to understand and grasp the characteristics and connotations of various forms of composition and adaptation, and to combine the theme appeal, information bearing, product characteristics, target objects, media characteristics and other relevant factors in the specific application of advertising, to have a correct choice.


Print advertising
For creativity, each design starts at zero. The meaning of zero here has three layers: first, it is the starting point of thinking to return to the original and essence, and the source of creativity should start from the direct accumulation of objective objects rather than indirect experience; Second, the way of thinking breaks the "set" of traditional habits and creates a new way of thinking; The third is the individuality and breakthrough of expression and communication. Print advertising creativity, wisdom, extraordinary, original large sums are mostly attributed to this "zero" thinking. It is a cycle of return and breakthrough, just as zero can be expressed as an endless circle with no beginning and no end, representing eternity. In essence, it has the meaning of philosophical speculation, which is the thinking basis of successful creativity. 1. The starting point of creative breakthrough. Creative breakthrough lies in itself, and the essence of the often said "inspiration burst" does not lie in the "revelation" of objective, external and physical images, but in the "enlightenment" of subjective, internal and mental, and the "enlightenment" is connected with the "enlightenment". The generation of creative inspiration in advertising emphasizes its long-term accumulation. James Webb Young's metaphor of its gestation process, "the emergence of Magic Island," helps us visualize this point. Over the years, coral corpses accumulate and grow into coral reefs to form "magic islands" on the surface of the sea, which is a process from "this" to "that", from "quantity" to "quality". The accumulation process of quantity is long-term, gradual and potential, while the qualitative change can be instantaneous, sudden and apparent. Such accumulation should be conscious, conscious and all-round. For example: the study and in-depth understanding of professional knowledge of advertising, the targeted research of psychology and physiology, the understanding of philosophical thinking methods, the depth of aesthetic and artistic thinking, and the cognition of natural, social and humanistic knowledge.
2. Source of creative inspiration. The "original" works of all kinds of whimsy can be called "ideas" and "creation", but they do not come out of thin air, from the "creative reservoir", that is, the source of inspiration. The most important breakthrough point for the inspiration of creative design works is to find the design elements that are most compatible with the design theme and information transmission, and to dig out the essential correlation between the two. This inner connection may sometimes be latent, primitive, and subtle, but it is the most crucial and important connection. In this way, the entry point and expression mode of the best performance can be easily captured.
3. Inspiration of creative thinking. Innovative thinking It is a conscious thinking process and the process of developing the intellectual potential with a target initiated by intuitive consciousness. The way to open your mind can start from the following aspects:
(1) Pay attention to the collection, research and learning of various advertising design works with different design styles, different creative characteristics, different entry methods and different expression techniques.
Print advertising
(2) Break the shackles of subjective and objective limitations and thinking. Rationality and madness intersect, is the present Commercial design The limited is the foundation of infinite fashion, and abandoning the original experience and various habits is the premise of all innovation and breakthrough.
(3) Attention inspires imagination. Some strange, supernatural, anti-popular, anti-law expression, the reason why easy to arouse attention and deepen memory, is the use of human physiological induction and psychological cognition of the law of action. For example, many surreal performances run counter to people's normal and regular understanding of objective objects, and the balance between physiological induction and psychological perception is broken, and people's thinking and association of intuitive experience are blocked, which is bound to stimulate their multidimensional imagination and curiosity for exploration.
(4) Many new, strange, unique, and special manifestations, from which deja vu factors and forms can always be found, are the result of the new combination of old elements in the new order. The decomposition and reconstruction of elements and the collage and integration of different objects can create endless variation, which is an effective technique commonly used in design thinking.
(5) Break away from conventional, rational and logical vertical thinking, try and study horizontal, divergent, reverse, irrational and other ways of thinking, and the complementary and comprehensive use of multiple ways of thinking will significantly improve efficiency.
(6) Do not ignore accidental Revelations. off-wall Graffiti painting The accidental connection between unrelated things, the intuitive understanding of a representation, the process of change between the growth and decline of natural objects, the sudden discovery of interesting and humorous combinations and forms, and the strange effects inadvertently obtained in the process of computer design are all valuable assets.

3I standard



In terms of visual representation, Visual effect It is to attract readers and use their own language to convey the interests of the product. A successful print advertisement should have a very strong attraction on the screen, the scientific use of color, reasonable collocation, the accurate use of pictures and the attraction. However, to avoid the abuse of visual effects to attract the attention of readers, the use of visual effects must make the advertising picture and advertising content closely and organically combined.
Title is also a key weapon to get readers' attention and convey interest information. The title must be simple and clear, so that readers can quickly understand and understand the busy day. Obscure titles will lose the attention of a large number of readers, and advertisements without titles directly affect their recall rate and persuasion. DMB research shows that colorful theme slogans can improve the attractiveness and recall rate of advertisements, and also improve the appeal effect of key interest points.


A successful print advertisement is to accurately convey the main points of interest through simple, clear and concise information content. The content of advertising information should be able to systematically integrate the communication elements such as consumer demand point, interest point and support point. Instead of letting the reader work hard to find the content, when the reader needs to spend a lot of energy to understand the advertisement "what is really talking about", the advertisement will lose a lot of readers; Print ads shouldn't distract the reader with extra content, and if the AD piles up extra content to distract the reader, don't expect the reader to actively discover the efficacy of your product, because they're not used to doing too much extra thinking.
The role of the text is to support the interest points mentioned in the title through vivid description, and deepen the impression of readers on the advertising product through interest support information. It is an additional content. The text of the advertisement should be clear and easy to read, and the text that is too compact and difficult to read will lose a large number of readers; Vignettes and sub-headings can enhance persuasion to a certain extent, but the more the better; Text blank is good for recall, but not good for convincing readers; The expression of humor can enhance the freshness and entertainment of the advertisement, thus improving the recall rate, but it should not be abused or used as the creation target of the print advertisement


From the height of the brand positioning strategy to measure, a successful print advertising picture should be consistent with stability and unity Brand personality In line with... Brand positioning strategy ; The style and overall performance of different advertising versions under the same promotional theme should be able to maintain consistency and coherence.
The evaluation of advertising creation should stand in the perspective of readers, understand their real feelings about advertising, put aside professional perspective, and return to the origin for analysis. The likes of a few people or the amount of creative costs can never be used as a criterion to evaluate the success of an advertisement. Even if an advertisement may be perfect from a professional point of view, it may not be acceptable and understandable to readers.

Design requirement

Design is a purposeful planning, graphic design is the use of visual elements (text, pictures, etc.) to disseminate advertising project ideas and plans, and through visual elements to the target customer expression.
Advertiser appeal point. In addition to inspiration, the quality of graphic design is more important whether it accurately expresses the appeal point and whether it meets the needs of business.
Advertising design is good or not Advertising visual communication The accuracy of information plays a key role, yes Advertising campaign The indispensable important link makes the advertising planning deepening and visual performance. The ultimate purpose of advertising is to pursue Advertising effect The key to the effectiveness of advertising lies in the success or failure of advertising design. The task of modern advertising design is based on business marketing objectives and Advertising strategy Through attractive artistic expression, clearly and accurately convey the information of goods or services, and establish a brand image and corporate image conducive to sales.