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Behavior culture

Literary terms
Behavior culture is the accumulation of specific behavior patterns and results that people show in their daily production and life Behavior pattern It's the concrete expression of what people do, the embodiment of people value The orientation of thoughts is restricted and guided by the system. Behavior culture is the theory of cultural hierarchy Structural element One of them. The so-called cultural hierarchy theory includes spiritual culture, Material culture System culture, behavior culture.
Chinese name
Behavior culture
Refers to the experience of people in life and Creative activity
Shadow resonance
It is the theoretical structure of cultural hierarchy element among
Behavioral representation
Wang Jinxi Etc.

Concept interpretation

The behavioral layer of corporate culture refers to the employee's role in Enterprise management , education and publicity, Interpersonal relationship Activities, entertainment Physical activity , and Personnel management mesogenic Cultural phenomenon . It is the dynamic embodiment of enterprise management style, spiritual style and interpersonal relationship, and also the reflection of enterprise spirit and corporate values. Enterprise behavior Cultural construction Good or bad, directly related to Enterprise employee Work enthusiasm Play, related to business management Production activity The development of the whole enterprise is related to the future development direction. Corporate behavior culture Concentrated reflects the business style of the enterprise, Business objective , staff Cultural quality Employee's Mental outlook And other cultural characteristics, it directly affects the development and operation of enterprises Business activity The effectiveness of... from Personnel structure In the upper division, the enterprise behavior includes the entrepreneur's behavior, the enterprise model character's behavior, the enterprise employee's behavior. Haier PRESIDENT Zhang Ruimin At a staff meeting, in front of a crowd of more than 100 Taiwan Power Corporation The refrigerator is smashed. This is the behavior of entrepreneurs, and it is this hit that hit Haier's famous brand. There are also the behavior of enterprise model figures: Wang Jinxi of Daqing oil field, can be said to work without sleep or food, selfless dedication.
in Corporate culture structure In the second layer, the behavioral culture is in the mantle layer (the second layer) Production and management Learning the culture of activities generated in entertainment, yes Business management style The dynamic performance of spiritual outlook and interpersonal relations is also the reflection of corporate spirit and corporate values. Corporate behavior culture includes enterprises Collective behavior The behavior of enterprise leaders, the behavior of enterprise advanced model figures, the behavior of enterprise employees, etc.
The construction of enterprise behavior culture
In the process of enterprise operation, the behavior of entrepreneurs, the behavior of model figures and the behavior of all employees should be regulated. In the formulation of norms and the implementation of norms, certain Corporate behavior culture . For example, in the enterprise management behavior, will produce Corporate social responsibility , business-to-consumer The responsibility of the enterprise to its internal members, Enterprise operator coenterprise owner The responsibility between the company, the responsibility that the company must bear in various specific operations and so on. There must be a certain amount of responsibility Code of conduct Be assured.
Employee group behavior
Staff's Group behavior Determines the overall spirit of the enterprise and the degree of enterprise civilization, Employee group behavior The shaping of enterprise culture is an important part of the construction. Through various development and incentive measures, employees should improve their knowledge quality, Ability and quality , Moral quality , diligent quality, Psychological quality and Physical fitness And align employee personal goals with Enterprise objective In combination, Resultant force .


Behavior culture refers to those entrepreneurs, role models, stars and other groups Individual behavior And the culture and origin that comes out of it.
The entrepreneur is a special kind of enterprise management. Role cluster Thinkers, designers, pastors, artists, judges, and friends. Entrepreneurs are the founders of the concept system, proficient in life, life, work, Management philosophy Full of creativity, management of the first reason, after the guide; Entrepreneurs are forward-looking, keen insight into the changes inside and outside the enterprise, and design long-term strategies and goals for the enterprise and for themselves; Entrepreneurs repeatedly spread their ideas, strategies and goals to employees, forming a huge cultural force; The entrepreneur deals artistically with people and work, employers and employees, stability and change, realism and innovation, ownership and ownership Right of management The relationship between the right of operation and the right of management, centralization and decentralization; Entrepreneurs exercise fairness Corporate rules and regulations The "law enforcement" power, and in the recognition of people, employ people, motivate people and so on, learn to be a teacher, a model; Entrepreneurs maintain good relationships with employees Interpersonal relationship Care and love employees and their families, and make friends outside the enterprise, and strive for the necessary resources for the enterprise. At a certain level, the entrepreneur's values represent the values of a business," Corporate culture There is some truth to the saying "it's the boss culture.
(2) The behavior of role models
Role models personify the values of the business; they are the business Employee learning Their behavior is often emulated by employees of enterprises Code of conduct . The exemplary behavior of enterprises can be divided into two categories: the behavior of exemplary individuals and the behavior of exemplary groups. The standard of conduct of the exemplary individual is to embody excellence Corporate values and Enterprise spirit Some aspect of; All the role models in an enterprise aggregation To form the model group of an enterprise, the outstanding model group must be the embodiment of the complete spirit of enterprise and the comprehensive embodiment of corporate values. The behavior of the enterprise model group is the improvement of the typical behavior of the enterprise model individual, which has comprehensiveness Therefore, in all aspects it should become the code of conduct for all employees of the enterprise!
Staff's Group behavior Determines the overall spirit of the enterprise and the management level of the enterprise, reflects the future of the enterprise Development trend , Employee group behavior The shaping of enterprise culture is an important part of the construction. Therefore, enterprises should adopt various methods to train and incentive measures to improve the knowledge quality of employees, Ability and quality , Moral quality , diligent quality, Psychological quality And physical fitness, the employee's personal goals and corporate goals combined to form a force.
(4) Conduct should be appropriate
one-man behavior And the quality of the individual is closely linked. Therefore, each of us should be civilized and polite in our life. Civility is the principle of communication. in Social life In, civility is Interpersonal communication The bond. We should always pay attention to our behavior and be polite!
In the basic etiquette, certain behaviors are also assigned certain meanings. Different occasions have different manners. Pay attention to standardize their own behavior, in order to leave a good impression on others, and lay a good foundation for normal communication and interpersonal relations in the future.
Polite behavior in different situations: raising hands, shaking hands, nodding, clapping, standing up, etc. As long as you do these little things in life and pay attention to details, you can make your behavior more standardized.
(5) Behavior culture in people's lives
In the ordinary life of the people, it will slowly derive some customary behavior culture. For example: people will unknowingly chat with a group of people in the evening!
Common expressions of civilization:
Words and deeds are closely related, and they can also reflect a person Moral cultivation Level.
(1) The following are basic civilizational expressions:
1. Say: Hello when you first meet
2. The guest comes and says: Welcome
3. Long time no see: Long time no see
4. Welcome shopping: Visit
5. To ask for answers: Ask for advice
6. Praise people's opinion use: high opinion
Seven. To visit others: to visit
8. Accompany friends say: good company
9. Waiting for guests: Welcome
10. Ask for help and say: Please take care of me
11. To say: I'm sorry
12. Trouble others to say: Please
13. Break up with someone and say: goodbye
14. Go ahead and say: Excuse me
Fifteen. Say: Thank you
16. The comity said: After you
17. Accept thanks and say: This is what I should do
18. Say: What can I do for you
19. Ask for advice and say: Please advise
20. I'm sorry to bother you.

Etiquette rules

1. When you are with others, you must behave with respect.
2. Don't sing to yourself, tap things with your fingers, or kick things with your feet in the presence of others.
3. Don't interrupt others while they are talking; Do not sit down while others are standing; Don't come by yourself when others have stopped.
4. Don't turn your back on others, especially when talking to them. Don't shake the desk while others are reading and writing; Don't lean on others.
5. Don't flatter others and don't play with people who don't like playing with others.
6. Don't read letters, books, or newspapers when you're with others; If it is absolutely necessary to do any of the above, be sure to ask to leave. Do not go near or read other people's books or writings without first asking their permission; Don't get too close to others when they write.
7. A kind face, but more serious in serious situations.
8. When someone else meets misfortune, do not smile, even though he is your opponent.
9. People who have status or positions have it in all aspects priority But when they are young, respect should be given to those who are their equals in birth or otherwise, even though they do not hold any public office.
10. When talking to others, you should let others speak first, especially when talking to your boss, you must not speak first yourself.
11. Keep your conversations with businessmen brief and comprehensive.
12. When visiting patients, if you are not a doctor, do not intervene on your behalf.
13. When writing to or talking to someone, address them in accordance with the person's status and the customs of their place of residence.
14. Don't argue with your boss, but be humble and express your opinions.
15. Don't judge your colleagues, as doing so often comes off as arrogant.
16. If a person has tried his best, even if it doesn't work out, don't blame him.
17. When giving advice or criticism, think carefully about the occasion: in public or in private, or at another time. Also, be careful with your language. When criticizing others, do not show a little angry look, the tone should be mild.
18. Don't mock or deride anything important; Don't make sharp jokes; If you are going to say something humorous or witty, first of all, try to stop yourself from laughing.
19. If you want to blame others for something, you must not be wrong in it yourself. Because examples speak louder than rules.
20. Do not speak of anyone in reproachful language, nor scold or berate others.
21. Don't fall for rumors about belittling others.
Twenty-two. Dress modestly, and pursue nature rather than the envy of others. Follow the fashion of your peers, dress neatly and treat people with courtesy, depending on the occasion.
Twenty-three. Don't learn the peacock, no matter where you are, you should see whether you dress appropriately, whether your shoes are suitable, whether your socks are neat, and whether your clothes are beautiful.
24. If you value your reputation, be sure to associate with virtuous people. It is better to be alone than to associate with bad people.
Twenty-five. Do not speak with malice or envy, for this is a meek and praiseworthy character. Keep your wits about you no matter what you encounter that might irritate you.
26. Don't maliciously encourage friends to find out other people's secrets.
27. Don't talk about low or superficial things among adults or learned people. Don't ask difficult questions or talk about esoteric topics or unbelievable things among the ignorant.
28. Don't talk about sad things during happy times or during meals. Don't talk about sad things, such as death or injury; If someone brings these things up, do your best to change the subject. Only talk about your dreams to your closest friends.
29. If no one is interested, don't joke about it. Don't laugh. Besides, there are times to laugh. Never gloat, even if there is something funny about it.
Thirty. Don't say things that hurt others, either in jest or in earnest. Don't laugh at people, even though they are funny.
Thirty-one. Don't be rude. Be friendly and polite. Don't hesitate to greet others, listen to them first and then answer them. Don't meditate when you should be talking.
32. Don't put people down, don't praise people too much.
Thirty-three. Don't go where you don't know if you're welcome. Don't offer advice if you're not asked for it. If someone wants to hear your opinion, keep it short.
34. If two people are arguing, don't cling to your own opinion. On issues that don't matter, stand with the majority.
Thirty-five. Don't blame others for their shortcomings, because your parents, teachers, and bosses all have shortcomings.
36. Don't focus on the faults of others, and don't look for the root causes of those faults. Don't tell anyone what you should tell your friends in private.
Thirty-seven. Always speak your native language, never a foreign language, when you are with others. Learn from educated people, not vulgar; Take noble things seriously.
Thirty-eight. Think before you speak; Pronounce your words accurately, don't rush to speak, and think clearly when speaking.
Thirty-nine. Listen carefully when others are speaking and don't disturb other listeners. If the speaker is unsure, do not help him or warn him unless he wants you to. Don't interrupt him. Ask questions after he finishes.
Forty. Be engaged When dealing with others, choose a good time and don't whisper in front of others.
Forty-one. Don't compare others with each other; If you praise someone for a heroic act, do not use the same words to praise another person.
Forty-two. If you don't know if something is true, don't tell anyone. When talking about what you've heard, don't always say who you heard it from. Don't reveal secrets.
43. Don't be curious about other people's business, and don't walk past people in private conversations.
44. Do not do what you are not sure of; But keep your word.
Forty-five. When speaking a matter, do not be emotional or act racy, no matter how mean the listener may be.
46. When your boss is talking to someone, listen carefully and don't interject or laugh.
Forty-seven. In the debate, do not rush to overcome the other side, and do not let everyone freely express their own opinions. Listen to the judgment of the majority, especially when they are the judge of the debate.
Forty-eight. When talking, do not be boring, do not digress too often, and do not repeat the same thing many times.
49. Do not viciously attack people who are not present, because it is not fair.
Fifty. No matter what happens, don't get angry while eating; Even if you are angry, don't show it; Look cheerful, especially in the presence of strangers, a good atmosphere can help to stimulate appetite.
Fifty-one. Don't sit at the table by yourself Seats of honour ; But if you are supposed to be seated, or if the owner of the house asks you to be seated, don't be so modest as not to upset the others present.
Fifty-two. When you talk about God or his qualities, be serious, respectful, and listen to your parents.
53. Your entertainment should be like one man Not like a criminal.
Fifty-four. Try to keep that heavenly fire called "conscience" burning in your heart.

Cultural construction

Brief description of behavioral culture construction
The construction of behavior culture should start from the construction of cadre contingent. The behavior of leading cadres plays a strong role in the construction of behavior culture Set an example and demonstrate Effect. Professional ethics The cultivation and cultivation is the basis and premise, superb Business skill It is the key, and the combination of the two is the foothold and ultimate goal of the construction of behavioral culture.
In any position, there are some professional ethics that need to be observed, such as love and dedication, law-abiding, pioneering and innovation. But for different positions, the moral requirements have distinct particularities, such as the militarization of road administration and toll industry. Standardized management .
Should do six insistence
A ' It is to insist on good education and standardize employee behavior through improving quality.
The second is to adhere to strict assessment and urge employees not to touch the "red line" of the system. There is a law of reinforcement in management: what you reward you get, and what you punish you avoid. Let the staff know what to do, what degree must be done, what kind of punishment will be imposed if they do not do it, and honor the rewards and punishments in the actual assessment process, so that the system is implemented.
The third is to insist on strengthening supervision so that workers' behavior is in Controlled state . A scientist made such an experiment: put a lot of flea Put into one Wide mouth bottle Inside, the mouth of the bottle is covered with clear glass. At first, the fleas jumped out as hard as they could, but they were blocked by the glass. After a while, even if the glass is removed, those fleas can only jump as high as the top of the bottle. People are inert, often used to convenience, which is also some workers relax their own requirements, violations Rules and regulations The main reason. To this end, we must adhere to inspections, strengthen on-site supervision, and timely monitoring of the scene when necessary Office environment Implement open office and strengthen mutual supervision among staff. By being restrained for a long time, acting within the height of the bottle mouth of the flea theory, this range naturally becomes Code of conduct .
Four is to insist on using a good carrier, so that workers in subtle Normative behavior . In order to make the industry code of conduct become the conscious action of employees, and achieve the realm of habit into nature, we should vigorously publicize the industry code of conduct through newspapers, websites, publicity bars and other carriers, so that the norm into the heart and brain, while carrying out" Standard outfit "With civilized language" theme education activities, strengthen the "three services", and advocate a new style of civilization.
Five is persistence Tree selection Typical, so that employees in the positive incentive to abide by rules and discipline. Everybody has them Spiritual need Which implies enormous Spiritual strength In the incentive, people's spiritual strength is developed, the more incentive, the greater the spiritual strength developed. The power of example is infinite, through the selection of typical, tree example, the formation of everyone catch up with the advanced, everyone strive for the advanced good situation.
Six is persistence psychological counseling Let employees discipline themselves in self-suggestion. Behavioral science Tell us: autosuggestion It can enable individuals to deepen their understanding of a certain idea, and act in a certain way, increase ideological and political work in the construction of behavioral culture, implement one-to-one ideological and political work for individuals, patiently guide them, form a consensus, and enable them to get self-discipline in self-suggestion. Dali (in Dali) Highway management Secretary of the General Section of the Party Committee Yu Shin-shi)