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Domestic successful people exchange forum
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The "winners" are home The biggest success Exchange forum . At the earliest Free resources Known for sharing information and publishing more Net friend Later, it gradually developed into a BBS community focusing on successful technical Q&A, question answering, experience exchange, entertainment and leisure. Community founder Jiang Xiangfei is Hengyang, Hunan He goes by the online name "Swallow Bo". Because it has always insisted on original content in the process of development, and adhere to the community spirit of freedom, sharing and mutual assistance in operation, the successful website has a high level of success in the group of successful people reputation . Other members laugh at my hard work and actively create an atmosphere for the forum, so the popularity of the successful forum is getting better and better.
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Exchange of experience, recreation Casual BBS
Way of thinking
How Successful People Think
Achievement mentality


1. Enthusiasm
goal It is the source of enthusiasm, the source of potential, and the booster of success. No one who has no passion for his work and career will ever achieve anything great. Looking at all the successful people at home and abroad, they are infatuated with work and career, and it is this fire of enthusiasm that ignited their dazzling success. Only ignite the passion, can illuminate the life!
2. Belief
If we believe in beauty, we will have a wonderful life in the future. If we set our own limits, suddenly those limits are right in front of us. Believe and it will come true, as you wish. A successful person is one who not only knows what he wants, but believes he can get it. Passion and belief are like gasoline, propelling you to greatness. A man without faith is like a man without soul; all his great strength comes from his faith. Only if you have the belief that you must succeed, will you go all out; Only if you have the belief that you must be healthy will you continue to exercise. Without the support of faith, you can't go very long.
3. Strategy
A strategy is a plan for combining talents. Strategy is what to learn, who to know, and how to do it. Then do it step by step. prospective world It belongs to those who know how to use strategy, without strategy is like fighting without a gun, you will be defeated by your opponent. Therefore, if you want to succeed, you must learn strategies, research strategies, and use strategies, so that you can navigate the stage of life.
4. Clear values
What are values? Is indispensable in life, abide by morality Practical judgment allows us to distinguish what is important and what is necessary. If people have the right values, we can distinguish right from wrong and understand the true meaning of life. Such as: patriotism, honor, tolerance, and respect liberty And other qualities.
These four qualities are inextricably linked. Belief will contribute enthusiasm The more you believe you will achieve your goal, the more passionate you will be about achieving it. Belief is right, good, but the strategy method is not right to achieve the goal. If the strategy is to succeed at all costs, disobey value See, success will not last.
5. Vitality
Energetic people are surrounded almost all day by opportunities that keep them busy. Therefore, to build great achievements, we must maintain physical, mental and spiritual vitality, so that we can play to the fullest.
6. Cohesion
Almost all successful people have a kind of transcendent cohesiveness ability This ability can make a difference backdrop A group of people of different faiths get together to build consensus and act together. The greatest success is not shown on the stage, but in your heart.
7, good at conveying information and communication
No matter how we send information to the outside world or to the inside, it will ultimately determine whether we are good or bad in life. Winners are masters of communication, both internal and external. They have the ability to deliver insight, appeal, delight, news. As long as you can master and have the above seven qualities, you do not succeed, no one can succeed! Believe in yourself, play yourself, coupled with the protection of top success traits, to reach the destination of success is inevitable.

Way of thinking

The most successful people in the world all have one thing in common: they all have their own unique way of thinking. A wise way of thinking can change people's lives. "How Successful People Think" is a New York Times bestseller. This article extracts the main content of the book, hoping to enlighten readers.
1. Know where to put your energy and use the 80/20 rule
Focus 80% of your energy on the 20% things that are most important. Remember, you can't focus on everything, you have a limited amount of energy and time, and you need to prioritize.
2. Wise people are open to different ideas and different people, and they spend time with those who challenge them
3. Having a good idea is one thing; being able to put it into practice is another
The lifespan of a good idea is very short, and for a good idea to blossom, you have to take action to make the idea not just an idea, but an idea to blossom.
4, your mind can not be static, it also needs to evolve, do not stay at the level of your original idea
You've probably had an idea you thought was brilliant at two o 'clock in the morning, only to wake up in the morning and realize how stupid it was. Ideas need to be shaped by content, and they need to stand the test of time and doubt.
5. Wise people choose to cooperate with wise people
Brainstorming with wise people can be very rewarding. Many times it can be a shortcut to success, which is why brainstorming is so effective.
6, refuse the kind of imitation of the way of thinking, everything to have their own unique opinions
Many people will follow the thinking of others, in order to get out of this cycle, you must have enough tolerance to bear, because not to follow the flow will bring a lot of mental pressure on yourself. You know, there is always a group of people who are acting according to their own thinking, and it is often that group of people who are successful.
7, not only to plan ahead, but also to leave a little buffer adjustment space for yourself
Take a strategic long-term view and learn how to plan ahead. If you are very vague about your goals, you are likely to achieve nothing. To do this, you need to do the following:
Decompose the problem;
Ask yourself why the problem needs to be solved;
Find out what the main problem is;
A reassessment of their own resources;
Allocate human and material resources rationally.
8. To appreciate the ideas of others, you must respect the ideas of others
Your ideas won't always be right. Learn to give other people's ideas a chance.
9. Engaging in introspective thinking increases your confidence and leverage in the decision-making process
Socrates said, "Life without introspective thought is meaningless."
10, can not always say some discouraged words to yourself, successful people often think like this: I can! I can!
Wise people don't see limitations and limitations; they see possibilities for success.

Eight states of mind

One: Achievement mentality
If a person does not have a strong desire to succeed, he will not take any action to achieve his goal
Two: positive attitude
Two people looking out of a window ~ one sees the dirt on the ground ~ one sees the stars in the sky ~ A positive attitude makes you look for opportunities in problems ~ a negative attitude makes you look for problems in opportunities ~
Three: learning mentality
The whole world is progressing ~ If you want to succeed ~ if you want to exceed thousands of mediocre people ~ you have to continue to learn ~ learning is the driving force of sustainable success ~ The boat against the current ~ not forward is backward ~ life is the same ~
Four: pay mentality
You get as much as you give ~ the more you give, the more you get ~ The condition is that you have to give first ~ a work, a gain ~ a pay, a return ~ The world is fair ~ When you give without asking for a return ~ miracles happen ~
Five: self-discipline mentality
You can deceive some people all the time - you can deceive all the people some of the time - but you cannot deceive all the people all the time - a successful person must be a highly disciplined person - must be a person who holds himself to high standards
Six: tolerant attitude
Big belly can tolerate the world can tolerate things ~ Open the mouth often laugh at the world ridiculous people ~ the power of tolerance is huge ~ tolerance can make you less and less enemies ~ more and more friends ~ Lincoln used the power of tolerance to become the 16th president of the United States ~ Friends ~ What about us ~?
Seven: Normal state of mind
Do not like things ~ do not have sadness ~ poor is alone ~ reach the world ~ maintain an ordinary heart ~ look at the ups and downs of the world ~ Let us have a healthy body for life ~ This is the biggest cost of the revolution ~
Eight: Gratitude
No one around us has the obligation to help us. Each of us has no right to ask others to help us. Eo Strength 膥 have a grateful heart to everyone around us ~ will make our road to success more and more wide ~ more and more walk ~ help people have helped ~ success is a win-win team ~!

Character trait

Are you ready to start a business? Are you ready to accept the failure of your business? Whether you will win the final victory.

Dare to take risks

Interestingly, they never see it as a particular risk, but simply do what needs to be done. We were all children once; At that time, it was easy for us to take risks. We can study and study; We used to focus, have fun, and never give up. Entrepreneurs maintain this mindset and treat risk as a normal part of life. Ask yourself: Is risk something you don't like? Or a part of your life?
If a person is afraid of danger, then they should ask themselves if they really want to be an entrepreneur. If he answers: Yes. Then be prepared, because the road ahead is not going to be easy. You can think carefully and take small steps to achieve almost anything, but you can't build a business that way, and you can't make big changes. For that, you need the courage to take big steps. For decisiveness, the American writer TomWolfe once described two personalities. One of the mottos was: "Attention, fire, aim." Another motto is quite different: "Pay attention, aim, aim, aim... "
Basically, all I can suggest is that you grow to like risk. As the ancient Roman poet PubliusCorneliusTacitus already knew: "When demand is stable, no large and important enterprise will emerge." You can't just play the game with the idea of not losing; You joined the game to win. The choice made by these two different mindsets will make the difference between poverty and wealth, between a life full of adventure and beauty, or a life of marginalization with fear and insecurity.
Most people are looking for security, but they don't know how to find it. Only those who learn to assess risks correctly, and dare to take risks, can eventually find stability. Those who seek stability and escape from risk find only fear and dread. Such a world will become smaller and smaller, and in the end, even a small problem will be a disaster for him. Not long ago I was talking to an older lady who, in my opinion, led a particularly boring life. "Bored?" "Then you should come and experience my pain and fear," she cried. From it, I can know that it is such a person who escapes the risks of life, their struggle will be particularly difficult. Worrying is a clever trick: it turns a boring life into something interesting and colorful, but people deceive themselves in this way.
The fear and frustration we encounter will eventually bring about what we fear; If so many people didn't stop struggling because of disappointment, there would be many successful entrepreneurs in the world. Goethe said, "In fearlessness there is genius, power and magic." The less security an entrepreneur needs, the more success he can create.

Bear defeat

As an entrepreneur, he should be numb to rejection, frustration and disappointment. Entrepreneurs know that rejection must be a fixture of life, and without that mindset, most people will hear "no" and stop trying. Keep trying to get out of trouble and achieve wonderful success. It is hard to believe that many people avoid rejection for fear of losing face. Success is more important than misunderstood "dignity."
As an entrepreneur, you can forgive yourself for mistakes, but serious mistakes can sometimes lead to success. For example, bankruptcy is notorious in Germany, but the opposite is true in the United States, where there is a maxim that almost every good business has gone bankrupt in the past. Here, bankruptcy is seen as a proof of experience, an additional way of learning. Without this perspective, it will be harder to become an independent practitioner. Nine out of ten new businesses fail in the first five years, and even for those that survive five years later, the failure rate is again as high as 90% in the following five years. Here's an important question: Do you see setbacks as a bet to be taken in the future? Or is it an investment - an experience that will make you better in the future?
Some people say that you must not spend your whole life paying for a mistake, otherwise you will only shrink into your snail's shell in the future. However, the opposite is true, having experienced failure, you have learned a lot, and you can successfully move forward. If someone says, "I would never try that again." Then I would know that this man has stopped learning, and disappointment has tied his feet tightly. Don't forget: Failure only becomes terrible when it seems terrible to us.
You may ask, "Can I never be disappointed?" Of course, everyone is disappointed after a bad outcome, but the key is: how long will the disappointment last? Successful entrepreneurs shorten this period and quickly turn disappointment into an investment in the future. The reason why this character is so important is: to acquire perseverance. If a man cannot bear disappointment, he will soon give up. However, if one can learn from it and keep moving towards one's goal, then one can achieve success.
Failure is not terrible, failure once means that you are one step closer to success. [1]