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Flax of the flax family
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Linen ( Linum usitatissimum L.) Yes linaceae Linum L. the An annual herb . Flax stands straight, the base lignified, hairless, phloem fibers strong elastic, structure like cotton; Leaves alternate, leaf linear, linear-lanceolate; Flowers solitary at the apex or upper axilla of a branch, forming an open cyme, blue or purple-blue, sparsely white or red, apex gnawing; Capsule spherical, brown after dry; Flowering period from June to August; Fruit season from July to October. [9]
Flax originated in the Mediterranean region of Europe and is cultivated all over China, but it is more common in the north and southwest regions. Sometimes it's wild. [10] Flax likes cool humid climate, cold resistance, fear of high temperature, suitable for slightly acidic or neutral soil. [11] Flax generally breeds from seed. [12]
Flax is a medicinal plant, according to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded: "has moistening dryness, detoxification, pain, swelling." The oil extracted from flaxseed is a kind of high grade edible oil with unique flavor, rich aroma and clear oil. [13] The bast fiber of the stem of flax plant, called "flax fiber", is fine, soft and wear resistant, good water resistance, not perishable, small scalability, good heat dissipation, suitable for making high-grade clothing and ornaments, as well as raincoats, ropes, twine, fishing gear and so on. [14]
Chinese name
Latin name
Linum usitatissimum L. [8]
The door
The outline
Belong to
Linum L.
Kind of
Namers and years
L. 1753

History of botany

The first natural fiber discovered and used by human beings is the skin of plants as raw materials, in the ancient apes, people covered their bodies with bark, and the first natural fiber used in textile technology is also the skin of plants - flax, as far back as the Stone Age, the Swiss lake and tropical Egypt, people cultivated flax and woven its fiber into clothing, to the prosperity of the ancient Roman Empire, more common throughout Europe, There are traces of flax in ancient Greece, Rusaib in Bulgaria, Georgia, etc., from several centuries BC. As a symbol of the ancient use of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilization. So it is well deserved to call flax the oldest natural fiber. Flax is the pioneer of human fashion, flax ignited the light of human clothing, flax and human civilization to date. [1]
Flax field
As early as 10,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians began to grow flax in the Nile Valley In 1854, flax fragments from 10,000 years ago were found at the bottom of a Swiss lake, which is the oldest linen fabric found in the world. From 3000 to 332 BC, the early farmers and farmers used the abundant linen produced in the Nile Valley to produce high-quality linen, which became the main clothing material of ancient Egyptians. From the linen wrapped in mummies found in ancient Egyptian tombs, it can be seen that linen has excellent preservability. Recently, French and Egyptian archaeologists excavated more than 50 mummies from the 10th century BC in a cave 25 kilometers south of Cairo. They were all wrapped in linen, showing that linen has excellent anti-corrosion properties. Linen was difficult to dye, but they dyed it red with a madder and treated it with preservative. One square inch area of 160 warp wire, up to 120 weft wire, visible at the time of textile technology at a higher level. [1]
Spread in the world, the king of Egypt to the Greek goddess of Athens embroidered with gold brilliant patterns of linen breastplate, its weaving density has been 360 lines of linen fibers arranged neatly. From modern archaeological findings, it can be inferred that flax weaving appeared at the latest in 5,000 to 4,000 BC, and weaving machines had already appeared at that time. Studies of the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs show that linen was already woven at a high level and that the Pharaohs were already using linen at that time. Ancient Egyptian men, regardless of their status, were bare-chested and wore wrapped aprons made of linen called loin cloth, or shenti in French. From the first to the fifth century BC, the ancient Romans used linen to make a kind of women's lightweight fabric, mainly tight and tall straight tube linen skirt. It is hung on the shoulder with a sling or tied with a belt, and its various styles are called "TUNICA". Due to the difficulty of linen dyeing at that time, Egyptian clothing was mostly white, in order to weave a white floating linen for girls to marry, the ancient people used a white grass ash dissolved in milk, soaked and dried, this called "quiet night mist" linen fine price such as gold. In the Neolithic age, the Egyptians introduced flax to the Mediterranean coastal countries, and since the Middle Ages, flax has spread from Switzerland to France, Britain, Belgium and other countries. By the early 10th century, flax fibers had begun to circulate on the market as a commodity. [1]
In 1760 AD, Russian inventor Rodion Greenkov invented the flax carding machine, so that the flax textile industry into a new era, then, in France, rich in flax, Napoleon in order to solve the clothing problem at that time, reward 1 million francs reward invention can produce better flax textile spinning machine, 1810, The Frenchman Philippe Gerard invented the wet spinning frame, and the flax textile industry flourished for the first time in human textile history. Linen has entered the field of people's life with more extensive uses. In the development of flax spinning machine, the comb thinning machine was the product of that time, and today it is still widely used in the production of flax textile, which is known as the "century-old machine". In the following more than a century, textile raw materials and textile technology continued to develop, cotton, wool development faster, and then the rapid development of man-made fibers, although other fiber textiles in the total amount far exceeded the ancient silk and hemp, but human society will not and cannot forget, for thousands of years so affected people's lives of traditional products. [1]
In the 14th century, the bedroom walls of Pope John XII were decorated with fine linen. Today, in the first class of the world's first-class airlines, London's Savoring hotel and many other international hotels, linen jewelry is widely used, accompanied by the extensive cultivation and spread of linen in Europe, linen textile industry came into being. At the beginning of the 16th century, linen textile was popular and developed rapidly in England. Marx in Capital, Volume I, chapter 24, section 5, "The Reaction of the Agricultural Revolution to industry." The formation of a domestic market for industrial capital "takes flax production as an example, and tells the story of flax production at that time, under Friedrich II, when all the Westphalian farmers who spun flax were violently expropriated. [1]
In China, according to historical records: the northeast region as early as 1906 when the Qing government from Hokkaido introduced the Russian cultivation of fiber with flax "Belno" and other four varieties, in the northeast three provinces trial planting, the early planting of flax is mainly as an oil crop, known as flax, before the founding of the Republic of the highest planting area once reached 1 million acres. After flax crops changed from oil crops to fiber, 18 flax raw material processing plants were established successively in Heilongjiang Province, and there were a small number of backward flax textile production equipment. At that time, the Japanese provided the flax cultivation technology and organized the purchase, and most of the flax raw materials were shipped to Japan.
In 1952, as the first large and medium-sized enterprises assisted by the Soviet Union to build China, Harbin Linen Textile Factory was born in Northeast China, which is the starting point and beginning of China's modern linen textile industry. Marking China's linen textile industry into modern large-scale production, since the progress of China's linen textile industry has attracted worldwide attention, and the world has formed a new pattern of linen textile technology represented by Western Europe, China and Russia. [1]

Morphological characteristics

Flax is an annual herb. Stems erect, 30 to 120 cm tall, mostly branched upper, sometimes branched from stem base, but not densely planted, base lignified, glabrous, bast fibers strong and elastic, structure like cotton. Leaves alternate; Leaf blade linear, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, 2 to 4 cm long and 1 to 5 mm wide, apex acute, base attenuated, sessile, inrolled, with 3 (5) venting. [2]
Flowers are solitary at the top or upper axillary of branches, forming an open cyme; Flowers 15~20 mm in diameter; Pedicels 1~3 cm long, erect; Sepals 5, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, ca. 5 to 8 mm long, apex convex or long pointed, with 3 (5) veins; Central vein conspicuously raised, margin membranous, without glandular points, entire margin, sometimes upper serrate, persistent; Petals 5, obovate, 8-12 mm long, blue or purple-blue, thin white or red, apex gnawing; Stamens 5, filaments base connate; 5 stamens, diamond-like; Ovary 5 chambers, style 5, separate, stigma slightly coarser than style, fine linear or rod-like, longer than or almost equal to stamen. [2]
Capsule spherical, brown-yellow after drying, 6-9 mm in diameter, apical apical, compartmental dehiscent into 5 valves; Seeds 10, oblong, flat, 3.5-4 mm long, brown. The flowering period is from June to August and the fruit period is from July to October. [2]
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Proximate distinction

Branches and leaves
The base is lignified, hairless, the phloem fibers are strong and elastic, and the structure is like cotton; Leaves alternate, leaf blade linear, linear-lanceolate
Stems mostly tufted, erect, branched above middle, base lignified; Sterile branches with dense linear leaves. Leaves alternate or scattered, narrow or strip lanceolate
Flowers solitary at the apex or upper axilla of a branch, forming an open cyme, blue or purple-blue, sparsely white or red, apex gnawing; Capsule spherical, brown after dry
Flowers numerous, arranged in sparse cymes; Peduncle slender; Capsule subglobose, yellow, stem curving downward
Flax blackwater

Distribution range

The origin of China Sea area, Eurasian temperate zone is cultivated. It is cultivated all over China, in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, etc. But it is more common in the north and southwest regions; Sometimes it's wild. [3]
Flax map

Cultivation technique

Flax is suitable for mild, cool, humid climates. Flax for fiber requires that the temperature change during growth is not drastic, and the temperature difference between day and night is small. Emerge to flower hyetal Many, and the distribution is uniform, the sunshine is weak. From flowering to maturity, there is less rainfall and sufficient light, which is conducive to the vegetative growth and fiber development of hemp stems. Oil flax requires strong light during growth to facilitate branching, increase capsule and promote early ripening, and increase seed yield.

Seedling stage

Seed germination to true leaf development; Slow growth period: it takes 20 to 30 days, during this period the main roots grow fast, the underground part grows vigorously, the stem grows very slowly, and the temperature is about 10℃; Rapid growth period: the ground part begins to grow rapidly, it takes about 20 days, this period determines the length of the process and the thickness of the stalk is an important period to determine the yield and quality, the water and nutrients and light requirements are relatively high, the longer the light time, the longer the stalk; Flowering and budding period, seed formation period; At the process maturity stage, the fiber has been formed; At maturity, the cell wall begins to lignify. [4]


3~5℃, seeds can germinate, the most suitable temperature is 20~22℃; Water, the critical period of water demand is from rapid growth to flowering and bud stage, and this period requires the most water; Light, flax is a long-day crop, requiring more than 8 to 13 hours of light a day; Fertilizer, flax fertilizer requirements are not strict, need less fertilizer, soil organic matter content in 2.7~5.3%, suitable for neutral and slightly acidic soil, PH value 6.5~7.0 is appropriate. [4]


Choose moist water and fertilizer drainage good surface clean plain land, serious drought to choose two depressions, but must be able to drain waterlogging, conditions to choose relatively close to the water source of the plot, irrigation or well irrigation, should not choose loess hills, hilly land, soil particularly fertile areas should choose medium fertility of the plot planted flax.
Should choose the previous crop of large fertilizer, residual fertilizer, the land surface clean, with corn stubble as the best, followed by soybeans, wheat and autumn crop after stubble. Beet stubble, cabbage stubble, sunflower stubble and melon stubble should not be planted flax, flax should not be heavy to meet the stubble, the same piece of land is best planted more than four years apart.
The seeds of flax are very small, and the ability to dig them is very poor, which requires good soil quality. It can be provided with a depth of 8-550px for deep loosening or soil tilling, and it can be provided jointly with tilling, raking, and crushing processes to achieve smooth and tight ripper, no heavy tillage, no missing tillage, flat surface, fine soil, and sowing condition, preferably in autumn. [4]


Fertilization is an important measure for high quality and high yield of flax. Flax fertilization requires early fertilization and good fertilizer. Starting with the cultivation of soil fertility from previous crop, applying a large amount of farm manure to the previous crop of flax is not only beneficial to the growth of the previous crop, but also leaves residual fertilizer for flax. For the plots with less fertilizer and thin ground, manure should be applied in autumn preparation, and the gray soil manure can also be lifted to the surface and raked into the soil before spring sowing. The amount of fertilizer applied in the farm, 2000~2500kg per mu of fertilizer applied in autumn and previous crop; It is appropriate to apply 1000~1500kg of rake fertilizer per mu before sowing, and manure must be applied after being rammed well.
The application of fertilizer should adopt the method of soil testing and formula fertilization. According to the test results, the application ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micro-fertilizer should be determined. The amount of fertilizer and the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer should be increased in the plots with thin ground, and the plots with sufficient water should not apply nitrogen fertilizer alone. The soybean stubble and wheat stubble applied less nitrogen fertilizer, and the fertile black soil and the two depressions did not apply nitrogen fertilizer as much as possible, so the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was relatively increased, which not only achieved high yield, but also prevented lodging. According to the soil characteristics and fertility of our district, the application ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be mainly 1:2:1, the total application amount should be 50~150kg/hm2 diammonium, or flax special fertilizer, and the fertilization depth should be 200px. [4]


Selection of excellent varieties: domestic varieties are Shuangya 5, 7, 8, Heya 6, 7, 8, 11, the growth period of these varieties is about 75 to 85 days, the yield of 3 to 4 tons, the hemp rate is about 10%; Foreign varieties are Ariana, Inona, Ailona, the hemp rate of these varieties is as high as 16.7%, the output of 4 to 5 tons.
  • Seed treatment: First of all, seed cleaning and germination tests are carried out, requiring the seed purity to be more than 98%, clarity to be more than 98%, germination rate to be more than 95%, not less than 70%. The second is to carry out seed treatment, with FA- drought-resistant seed mix, to play a role in drought resistance, with zinc fertilizer seed mix can enhance the photosynthesis and the ability to collapse resistance, improve fiber yield and quality, the method is to use 3g99% zinc sulfate mixed with 0.06% liquid seed mix per hectare, can also use carbazam 5‰ seed mix for disease prevention.
  • Sowing time: The suitable sowing time in the fourth temperate zone is from May 15 to 20; The suitable sowing period for the fifth and sixth accumulation zones is from May 15 to June 10.
  • Sowing amount: Generally, the number of seedlings in hectares is 13-15 million, and the sowing amount is 97.5~105kg/hm2; The number of seedlings in the plots with poor fertility ranged from 12 million to 13.5 million. Sowing capacity 90~97.5 kg/hm2; The number of seedlings in the plots with high fertility was 15 to 18 million, and the sowing amount was 105 to 112.5 kg/hm2.
  • Sowing method: The use of wheat seeder in the same direction repeated sowing, that is, sowing two times. If the width of wheat rows is 375px, then the second sowing can be sown back between the first two rows, do not repeat cross-sowing, otherwise it is not conducive to harvest.
  • Sowing depth: Sowing depth of flax mainly depends on soil moisture, generally 2~75px, soil moisture is good, after the suppression of the depth of 50px, soil moisture is poor, after the suppression of 3~100px, the deepest is not more than 100px. The seeder must be covered with soil, and the soil should be tightly covered after sowing. [4]

Field management

  • Soil treatment: 72% of Turr cream was used to control paspalum, Matan, setaria, beef grass, amaranth, pigweed and other small seeds of broadleaf grass and cuscuta. When the soil organic matter is more than 4%, 2.5-4.5L is used per hectare, 2.0L is used in loam and 2.5L is used in clay. The effect of 4-125px shallow soil mixture after spraying before sowing is better. After sowing, the soil can be lightly mixed with T-tooth harrow, or the soil can be treated with 2.4-D butyl ester 1.5~2.0L one week before sowing.
  • Stem and leaf treatment: When the height of flax seedlings is 5~250px, use dimethyl tetrachloride (effective content 70%)1.0~1.25L plus 1.5kg, and spray with water 400~500kg; Hardwood grass can be used 48% bentazon water agent, 2~3L water spray per hectare; The control of grass weeds can be 35% fine stable kill emulsion 1.25~1.5L water spray.
  • Insect pest control: Armyworm and meadow bores are the main pests of flax, should pay attention to watch the relevant departments of the pest situation report timely control, can be used 5% dichlorvos emulsion 500~800 times, the amount of 30~35kg spray or 2.5% of the amount of dichlorvos cream, the amount of 7-10mL, with water 30~35kg spray, spraying should pay attention to when there is no wind or violent heat. [4]


  • Artificial harvest: When one third of the hemp has turned yellowish brown, the lower third of the stem has turned light yellow, and the lower third of the stem leaves have fallen off, the hemp begins to be pulled. Pulling hemp should be carried out according to the uniformity of the field. When pulling hemp, it is necessary to pull out the hemp, pick the grass, throw the pure soil, and the root of the mound. The wool hemp is wrapped into a fist size bundle, and the hemp is wrapped around about two inches near the root. Flax height and height uneven plots to be graded to pull hemp, respectively bundled into small, put into a fan to dry, when the hemp stem reached six or seven dry, transported back to the yard for preservation, stacked into small round stacks, each stack 80 to 100, the bottom of the stack to be stable to be positive, the upper part of the slightly on the branches of the lower layer of hemp, the top to use secondary hemp.
  • Mechanical harvest: Russian NK-4A combined plucking machine, working width 1.5m, plucking 0.5~0.7hm2 per hour; The 4BM-1.5 plucking machine developed by Jiamusi Harvest Machinery Factory can pull 1~1.5 hm2 per hour, and the operating range is 1.52m.
  • Drying: one is not bundled to dry, the second is bundled into small drying, the third is a small round stack to dry, each stack 80 to 100.
  • Storage in the field: After 6-70% of the hemp stems are dried in the field, they are transported back to the field for storage.
  • First, the stack into the north and south of the stack, before the stack with wooden square to pad the bottom of the stack, the root is in, slightly down, layer by layer to 4-5 layers, with linen hook the stack center, the stack height of 2~3m;
  • The second is to stack into a round stack, with 50~60 hemp standing on the ground, build the bottom of the stack, and then the hemp root up, slightly toward the next layer, and finally stack into a pointed stack, and the top is covered with straw curtains or plastic sheets.
  • Threshing and binding: flax threshing to seize the time, can be artificial seed on the board or wood square, can not fall on the stone roller, so as not to break the hemp stem. When dropping seeds, both hands should grasp the root of the hemp handle to prevent the hemp from scattering, increase the mess, and the hemp seeds should be dropped. The stripped stalks are graded into bundles of 25 to 30kg. Flax threshing should be done with the removal, with the sieve, with the storage, to avoid the seeds after rain fever mold, loss of germination ability. [4]

Species classification

The criteria for classifying flax types vary from country to country. China divides cultivated species into three types:

For fiber

The plant height is 60~120 cm, the stem is thin and erect, the base is rarely branched, the upper part has a few branches, the inflorescence is small, the number of capsules per plant is small, the seeds are small, the 1000-grain weight is 3.8~4.5 g. The process length (the length from the cotyledon scar to the first branch) is the longest. The growth period is 70~80 days. Long sunshine, generally 70 to 80 days to mature. Shuangya No. 5, No. 7, No. 8, Heya No. 3, No. 11, are drought resistant varieties, the hemp yield is about 10%; The world varieties are Ariana, Inona, Ailona, drought resistance is not as good as the domestic varieties, but the hemp rate is higher than the domestic varieties, generally about 16.7%. [4]

Oil type

The plant height is 30~60 cm, the stem is thick, the stem base branches are more, the tip part is more, the inflorescence is larger, the number of capsules per plant is more, the seeds are divided into large and small grains, the 1000-grain weight is 3~5 grams for small grains, 8~10 grams for large grains. Growth period 90~120 days. Short day, growth period 80~100 days. This type of flax seed contains 32~48% oil, which is twice as high as soybean, and can be used to produce paint, ink, coatings, cooking oil and so on. Seed cake contains 23~33% protein, can be a good feed. [4]

Oil-fiber dual use

This type has poor specificity, can produce hemp, but also can produce oil, not suitable for planting, plant height 50~1750px, stem thickness, height between fiber and oil flax, stem base with a few branches, tip part of the branches, the number of capsules per plant is also large, growth period 85~110 days. The varieties are Yanza 10, Jinya 2 and so on. [4]

Primary value

In the classification of economic characteristics, flax with cultivated value is generally divided into three types: fiber flax, oil flax and oil fiber flax. Flax for fiber has a high economic value, from the original stem to the seed can be processed and used:

Flax fibre

The development and utilization value of flax is high, and the fiber made from flax stem is an important raw material in the textile industry, which can be pure spun or blended with other fibers. Compared with animal fiber, other plant fiber and synthetic fiber, flax fiber has many unique and irreplaceable advantages, which determines its important position in the national economy.
First of all, flax fiber is strong and soft, its strength is 1.5 times that of cotton fiber, 1.6 times that of silk, it can be spun high, the fabric is smooth and neat, and it is suitable for making high-grade clothing.
Secondly, flax fiber has strong moisture absorption, fast heat dissipation, friction resistance, high temperature resistance, non-flammable, not easy to crack, small electrical conductivity, low dust absorption rate, antibacterial health care and other unique advantages, suitable for the production of aircraft wing cloth, military cloth, fire, aerospace, medical and health care clothing and canvas, hose, indoor decorative cloth and process rust products.
Third, flax waste and flax scraps also have a high utilization value, the processed short fiber, namely hemp cotton, can be mixed with wool, silk, cotton, chemical fiber, etc., can also be spun pure hemp yarn; Flax is an excellent raw material for making artificial sheets or high-grade paper. [6]

Flax seed

Linseed oil content of 30% to 45%, linseed oil is rich in linolenic acid, linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, especially rich in the human body must A-linolenic acid and R-linolenic acid, of which A-linolenic acid accounted for 57% of linseed oil fatty acids, 2 times higher than fish oil. It can reduce human blood pressure, serum cholesterol, blood viscosity, and has therapeutic effect on cancer, cardiovascular disease, visceral disease, kidney disease, skin disease, arthritis, lung disease, and immune system disease. More than 30 countries, including the United Kingdom and France, have approved the use of linseed oil as a nutritional additive or functional food ingredient. In addition, linseed oil has strong drying property and is an excellent drying oil, which is widely used in paints, inks, dyes, and is an indispensable raw material for rayon and synthetic rubber. The protein content of flaxseed meal after oil extraction is 23~33%, and the residual oil content is more than 8.6%, which is a good livestock feed. [6]
Flax seed

Ecological mulch

The ecological mulching film developed with flax as raw materials can be used for paddy field, dry land and greenhouse cultivation, so that the ground temperature can be increased at the same time, the soil can be fertilized, the greater significance is to fundamentally eliminate environmental pollution, hemp fiber mulching film with its unique environment-friendly characteristics, has a broader and broader market. [6]

Disease and insect control

Flax has pests and diseases throughout the growth period, we should adhere to the "prevention first, comprehensive control", on the basis of selecting disease-resistant varieties, implementing crop rotation, strengthening fertilizer and water management, timely control for the types of diseases and pests, in order to protect the healthy growth of flax seedlings and reduce losses.
Disease and insect control
The main diseases and pests of flax are: blight, wilt, powdery mildew, rust, armyworm, aphids, small ground tiger. If blight and wilt occur, 100 grams of carbendazim wettable powder can be used, or 80 grams of 80% chlorothalonil wettable powder can be sprayed with 50 to 60 kilograms of water for prevention and control; Powdery mildew, rust acres with powder rust ning cream 30~40 ml, with water 50~60 kg spray; Armyworm, aphid mu with 25% kung fu cream 16 ml, water 50 kg, or enemy kill 1000~1500 times the liquid spray control; The young tiger can use chrysanthemin or organophosphorus insecticides for spray control in the young stage, and can also use carbofuran for toxic soil control.
There are two methods of weeding flax field: artificial weeding and chemical control. Fields with few weeds can be manually plucked; For example, low-lying, high groundwater level, and serious grass damage fields can be selected according to weed species. Control grass weeds acres with 0.9% "Weiba" cream 80~100 ml, water 50 kg for spray; Control dicotyledonous weed acres with dimethyltetrachloride 100~150 grams, water 50~60kg spray. After flowering, the field with serious rodent damage can be controlled by using bromodiolone, diphthylenate and other poisons. [5]

Growth habit

Prefers cool and humid climate. Cold tolerance, fear of high temperatures. The minimum temperature for seed germination was 1~3℃ and the optimum temperature was 20~25℃. The optimum temperature for vegetative growth is 11~18℃. The soil moisture content reached 70%~80% of the maximum field water capacity. The growth period is 70~80 days. Previously cultivated with corn, Wheat Or soy is better. It is suitable to cultivate in slightly acidic or neutral soil with deep soil layer, loose fertile soil and good drainage, and alkaline soil with salt content below 0.2% can also be cultivated.