Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky

Russian materialist philosopher, literary critic and writer
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synonymChernyshevsky(Chernyshevsky) generally refers to Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
Nicholas, add in Norwich, chernyshevsky (Russian: Н и seem о л а й Г а kind guide р и л о kind guide и discusses some related problems Ч е р н ы ш е kind guide с seem и й, July 24, 1828 - on October 29, 1889) [12] , Russia materialism Philosophers, literary critics, writers, Revolutionary democrat .
Born in Saratov A family of priests, graduated from a local seminary, and taught English, French, German, Italian, Greece and Latin In addition to Old Slavic It was in this school that Chernyshevsky became acquainted with literature. In 1846, at the age of 18, he entered University of Petersburg Department of literature and history. College days were close to progressive organizations Petersburg Laszewski group, subject materialism and Utopian socialism Thought influence, start studying Hegel and Feuerbach Philosophy, during which time he became an atheist. Since 1856, he has participated in the progressive journal" modern "Editorial work. He was arrested and imprisoned in 1862 Petersburg Fort And then exiled Siberia He died in 1889 at the age of 61.
Chernyshevsky is not only Russia Famous writer, and was opposed in the 1860s tsar The representative of serfdom system and the enlightener of advanced thought. His activity ever got Marx , Friedrich Engels , Lenin and Stalin Speak highly of Lenin praised him for "maintaining a complete level of philosophical materialism from the 1950s until 1888." [1-2]
Chinese name
Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
Foreign name
Н и seem о л а й Г а kind guide р и л о kind guide и discusses some related problems Ч е р н ы ш е kind guide с seem и й
Place of Birth
Date of birth
July 24, 1828 [12]
Date of death
October 29, 1889
Graduate School
Saint Petersburg University


Chernyshevsky in middle age [1]
Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky was born on July 24, 1828 Saratov City, a family of priests, died in the same place on October 29, 1889. In 1846 Saint Petersburg University Department of Literature and History. First Hegelian idealism Philosophical influence, after turning Feuerbach materialism Philosophy, enthusiasm humanism Thought. And in 1848 he met a couple serfdom Members of Petrashevsky's group, who held a negative position, began reading French philosophers and Utopian socialism The writings of...
He graduated from college in 1850. He returned to his hometown the following year and worked as a Chinese teacher in a middle school. He married the daughter of a local doctor in 1853. Move in the same year St. Petersburg And began to write dissertation The aesthetic Relation of Art to Reality. Later, he participated in Nekrasov's" modern "Magazine editorial work. In 1854, he published articles such as "Avdeyev's Short Stories", "On Sincerity in Criticism" and comments on Ostrovsky's comedy "Poverty but not Crime", emphasizing the ideological content and content of literary works tendentiousness Of great significance. In 1855, he defended his dissertation and published his representative work An Overview of the Gogol Period in Russian Literature.
In 1856 he presided over Modern Man, making it a forum for spreading revolutionary ideas. During this period he published Lessing, His Times, His Life and Activities and his treatises Pushkin , Tolstoy , Shchedrin , Ostrovsky and Turgenev He also wrote many books on philosophy, history, and economics, such as "A Critique of the Philosophical Bias against Communal Ownership", "Capital and Labor", "Capital and Labor". The humanistic principle in philosophy ", etc. These writings are basically from universal The theory of human Nature But we see that "man is the representative of a certain class", "philosophers are the representative of a certain political party" and so on. In 1859 he went secretly to England London Those who live there with foreign nationals Herzen Discuss objections tsar The question of domination. In 1861, he published The Beauty of Polemics, which rebuked the liberal literati's attacks on the Principles of Humanism in Philosophy.
In 1861 the tsarist government decided to abolish serfdom. The same year Russia The Land and Freedom Society, a secret revolutionary organization, was proclaimed. Chernyshevsky was closely associated with it. The peasant uprising that swept across Russia in 1862 was crushed. In June of the same year, Modern Man was ordered to cease publication for eight months. On July 7, he was arrested and taken into custody Peter and Paul Fortress A single cell. During the 678 days he was imprisoned, he kept fighting and used every possible means to write. The novel What to Do? [10] This is where it was done.
Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
During his imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress, he wrote a novel called Novel within a novel As well as an unfinished novella "Alfeliev" and a number of short stories. They were not published and only later became known. After two years of detention, the Tsarist government, unable to find any evidence of guilt, had to take action perjury He was sentenced to seven years of hard labor, deprivation of all property, and exile for life Siberia . In May 1864, he was paraded to the Mettenin Square in St. Petersburg and sentenced to a brutal fake death sentence. He was exiled in July Irkutsk Hard labor in the salt fields, transferred to the Cadaya mines in August. Two years later, he was sent to Alexandria. At the end of the seven years of hard labor, the period of hard labor was extended, transferred to the desolate Yakut and Vilyuysk, and continued to be exiled for 21 years.
During his long exile, he continued to write many novels and articles, of which only the novel Prologue (1867-1869), which depicts the social struggle in Russia on the eve of the serfdom reform, has survived Revolutionary democrat The image of Volgeng and Levitsky. In 1883, due to health reasons, he was allowed to return to Astrakhan to live, and wrote articles such as "Recalling the Relationship between Turgenev and Dubroyubov" and "The Characteristics of Human Knowledge". He was allowed to return to his hometown of Saratov in June 1889. Four months later, because Cerebral hemorrhage Passed away. [3]

Individual works

Chernyshevsky's writing activities involve philosophy, economics, aesthetics, literature, sociology and other fields. His most important work besides the novel What to do? The Aesthetic Relation of Art to Reality, An Overview of the Gogol Period in Russian Literature, A Critique of the Philosophical Prejudice against Communal Ownership, The Principle of Humanism in Philosophy, and the Theory of Art. Life and aesthetics "And so on. [4]

Publish a book

  • Author name Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
    Work time 1984
    What to Do is a book published in 1984 by Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky.
  • Author name Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
    Work time The 1978-11
    The First Volume of Chernyshevsky's Papers is a book published in November 1978 by Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky.
  • Author name Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
    Category of works novel
    Work time The 1996-11-1
    What to Do? It was published by the People's Literature Publishing House in 1996 by Nikolai Chernyshevsky.
  • Author name Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky [11]
    Category of works Aesthetic treatise
    "The Aesthetic Relationship between Art and Reality", also translated as "Art and Life", is an aesthetic treatise created by Nikolai Chernyshevsky, first published in 1855. The book focuses on the definition of beauty, the beauty of art and the beauty of reality, the value of art and the role of society. In the history of literary theory, it is the first to affirm that reality is higher than art, with pioneering new ideas in methodology, and also to Hegel's "beauty is the perceptual manifestation of the idea."
  • Author name Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
    Category of works thesis
    It is his master's thesis written in 1853, the first edition of 1855. In the introduction to the third edition in 1888, the author stated that the essence of the book was "to prove that works of art can never be compared with living reality."
  • Author name Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
    Category of works thesis
    "Selected Essays on Aesthetics" is a book published by People's Literature Publishing House, the author is [Russian] Chernyshevsky
  • Author name Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
    Category of works economics
    Work time The 1997-4-1
    An Overview of Mill's Political Economy is a 1997 book published by the Commercial Press and written by [Russian] Nica Chernyshevsky.

Character thought


Philosophical thought

Chernyshevsky inherited and developed it Russian revolution democrat Belinsky and Herzen At the same time, he was deeply influenced by Feuerbach. He believed that Feuerbach's writings had played a decisive role in the formation of his worldview, and until the end of his life he professed to be a true believer in Feuerbach.
Chinese translation of Chernyshevsky's novel What to Do [4]
Chernyshevsky insisted materialism According to the viewpoint of Feuerbach philosophy, to solve the problem of the relationship between thinking and existence, spirit and matter. In his view, the world is unified, "everything that exists is matter"; All things and phenomena in nature are unified forms of material existence, and the similarity between these things and phenomena lies in that they are all material. He was firmly opposed to philosophy dualism And deny that there is anything independent of matter, of nature." Mental entity ". On the basis of the material of natural science, and especially of physiology, he proved that man has only one unified nature, and showed that two different phenomena in man, namely, so-called material phenomena and so-called moral phenomena, do not contradict the unity of human nature. Everything that happens and manifests in the human body is carried out in accordance with his one real nature. Chernyshevsky takes natural science as the basis for that part of philosophy which studies the question of man, and holds that philosophy sees man as medicine, physiology, and chemistry see him. On this basis, he put forward "the principle of humanism in philosophy". His theory is refuted idealism And dualism has played a certain role, but it can not explain the development of human consciousness and human Social history The relation of practical activities cannot scientifically explain the nature of human society. Lenin pointed out that the "principle of humanism" preached by Feuerbach and Chernyshevsky was narrow and only an inaccurate and superficial expression of materialism.
in epistemology On the other hand, Chernyshevsky criticized from the materialist point of view Kant the agnosticism and subjectivism . He was convinced that humans had Know the world All objects of nature and their properties are capable of being known. With the development of science and the passage of time, man is able to recognize in many objects aspects which have not previously been fully revealed by the historical movement and which we have neglected. He had been exposed to the role of practice in cognition, believing that practice was to judge everything scientifically issue But his understanding of practice has not been completely shaken off Old materialism The limitations of... Chernyshevsky firmly refuted the subjectivist interpretation of knowledge, which he emphasized Law of nature the objectivity Recognize the objectivity of nature causality , inevitability That human knowledge, Law of thinking Not only the subjective meaning, but reflect the reality of the object Existence form Yes. He revealed it in depth Kantianism And assorted positivism Harm to the development of science.
Chernyshevsky's materialist philosophy basically still belongs to Feuerbach's stage, but he attaches great importance to it dialectics . Chernyshevsky, like Feuerbach, sharply criticized Hegel's idealism But it did not abandon dialectics as Feuerbach did, but fully affirmed the great contribution of Hegel's dialectics to the development of philosophy. Hegel's principles are very powerful and broad, but his conclusions are narrow and small. In his view, the essence of the dialectical method is to go from all sides Object of observation To explore the truth from the struggle of opposing opinions. He holds that there is no abstract truth, that truth is always concrete, that everything depends on circumstances, on the conditions of place and time, and that only after examining all the circumstances resulting from a particular fact can a positive judgment be made about it. He used dialectic to explain something Natural phenomenon And historical events, pointing out that the development of nature and history is carried out through the negation of old forms, through leaps and qualitative changes. However, he did not thoroughly implement dialectics, for example, he proposed an alternative method in the study of economics, namely, the so-called" Fictitious method ". This "pseudo-approach" requires abstractly thinking about the problem in the simplest possible way, irrespective of all concrete historical circumstances and conditions. This method is required by dialectics The concreteness of truth The opposite, thus making his theory itself contain contradictions. [5]

Aesthetic and ethical thought

Chernyshevsky Feuerbach The materialist philosophical view is creatively applied to aesthetics and ethics. He criticized the idealist essence of Hegel's "beauty is an idea" and proposed" Beauty is life "Anything in which we see life as it ought to be according to our understanding is beautiful; Anything that shows life or reminds us of life is beautiful."
On the basic issue of aesthetics, the relationship between art and reality, he insists that real life is higher than art, and the purpose and essence of art is to reproduce life. In terms of ethics, Chernyshevsky maintains that man is neither good nor evil by nature, but becomes good or evil according to different circumstances. He thought, dominate people Behavioral motivation The deciding factor is profit. Man does whatever is more pleasant and more in his own interest, and his starting point is to give up a lesser interest or satisfaction in order to obtain a greater one. He advocated" Rational egoism "To get it right Personal interest As the basis of morality, it also emphasizes that the interests of the whole are above the interests of the parts, and the interests of all mankind are above everything. [5]

Sociopolitical views

Selected books and shadows of Chernyshevsky's literary essays [4]
Chernyshevsky was the tsar Feudal absolutism and serfdom A staunch rebel. He stood on the side of revolutionary democracy and deeply exposed the Tsar Alexander II The so-called "serf reform," which was carried out in order to save the rule of feudal landlords, was of a predatory nature, and we firmly opposed it as a "scandal. bourgeoisie Liberal compromise and capitulation to tsarism. He called on the peasant masses to "take up the axe" to overthrow tsarism and decadent serfdom, and to seize land without compensation by revolutionary means. Lenin said Chernyshevsky's writings were distributed Class struggle And fully affirmed his historical achievements in exposing and criticizing liberal treachery.
Chernyshevsky in society View of history It contains a materialist view, but remains essentially a historical idealist. He doesn't understand the material way of life Social life And regards knowledge as the fundamental force driving history forward. In particular, he regards the immutable nature of man as the supreme measure of all things, and holds that the material and moral conditions of human life govern the way of social life Economic law The purpose of the study is to determine the extent to which they adapt to the requirements of "human nature." This kind of Historical idealism His views kept him from overcoming the fundamental defects of the old materialists. Lenin pointed out that, because of the backwardness of Russian life, Chernyshevsky did not rise and could not rise Dialectical materialism The level of... [5]

Character evaluation

Chernyshevsky was the successor Aristocratic revolution Home after the second generation of Russian revolutionary soldiers on the stage of history, namely Civilian intellectuals The most illustrious representative of the revolutionaries has spent his life campaigning and fighting for the truth. He took the Russian revolution democracy His thought developed to an unprecedented height, and was hailed by Lenin as "the young helmsman in the storm of the future", and Plekhanov compared him to the Russian Prometheus. His brilliant writings and unyielding qualities won him high prestige and became the admiration of a generation of progressive Russian youth Heroic figure And had a great influence on the Russian revolutionary movement.
Chernyshevsky or capitalism A profound critic of the system and "Russia's earliest socialist One ". He opened fire on the capitalist system of exploitation and advocated socialism on the basis of mass machine production.
But Chernyshevsky's message is still Utopian socialism He fantasized about the transition to socialism through the old peasant village community, believing that the particular path of Russian development could avoid capitalism and turn the peasants' Democratic revolution and Socialist revolution Conflate. That makes him Russian populism One of the originators of thought. These erroneous views of his had a negative effect on the subsequent development of the Russian revolution and the spread of Marxism Blocking effect . [4]

Chronology of events

Chernyshevsky commemorative stamp [6]
He was born on July 24, 1828 Volga The city of Saratov.
He graduated from the university in 1850 and returned to Saratov the following year, teaching Chinese in secondary schools and promoting progressive ideas.
After marrying in 1853, Chernyshevsky returned Petersburg Became the book Chronicle of the motherland "And" Modern Man, "two progressive magazines.
1855 Published the famous dissertation" The aesthetic relationship between art and reality ".
In 1862 Chernyshevsky was arrested by the Tsarist government.
In 1864, he was sentenced to seven years of hard labor and exiled to Siberia for life. He wrote many of his best works in captivity and exile, such as What to Do? (1862-1863) Prologue (1867-1869).
He was allowed to live in Astrakhan in 1883.
He was allowed to return to his hometown in 1889.
He died in October of the same year. [2] [5]

Personal anecdote

Nikolai Gavrinovich Chernyshevsky
Chernyshevsky's father was a priest of common origin and very learned. There is a well-stocked library at home Library Chernyshevsky often reads while eating. One morning, the mother saw that the child had not come out of the kitchen for a long time and wondered what the child had eaten. So his mother came quietly Kitchen door Before, only to see the little Chernyshevsky was there crying over a character in a novel. His mother called his father, and took a lot of books he usually likes to read to coax him, he wiped tears and continued to eat.
Chernyshevsky liked the great Russian poets best Pushkin and Lermontov Poetry, like British writers Dickens And French women writers George Sang I've read a lot of novels Social science About books. Because of his unremitting efforts, at the age of 10, he has caught up with the level of 15-year-old middle school students.
When he was 14 years old, he entered Saratov's mission high school with excellent results. The teachers there are mostly ignorant people who can't provide any fresh and useful knowledge to the students except to talk about some old textbooks. Chernyshevsky was not pleased.
Once, the teacher assigned to write a composition, he was not restricted by the teacher, and quickly wrote an article about reading Learning method The article. He said, "Knowledge is like a mountain with countless treasures, the deeper you dig, the more you find." Young people, in particular, should work tirelessly in the field of knowledge. After the article was written, the students rushed to circulate it, which like in his soul, lit a more vigorous fire of knowledge.
By the time he was sixteen, Chernyshevsky knew seven foreign languages and read extensively the writings of the Russian Democrats Belinsky and Herzen. The next year, after he graduated from high school, he was admitted again University of Petersburg Department of Literature and History.
During his college years, Chernyshevsky became even more diligent, often staying up all night studying, and was jokingly called "the Master" by his teachers and classmates. Volga He is a fan of reading books, which is the fundamental reason why he can eventually become a famous writer. [7]