
[fu shi Shana]
Active volcanoes in Japan
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Mount Fuji (Japanese: Mount Fuji /ふじさん [41] ; Mount Fuji is located in Japan Honshu South central, east distance Tokyo About 80 kilometers, [1] locate 35°21 '39 "N, 138°43' 39" E [41] , 3776 meters above sea level (Jianfeng [41] ), [34] Across Japan Shizuoka with Yamanashi , [6] Covering an area of about 1200 square kilometers, [2] It has a volume of about 500 cubic kilometers. [11] Mount Fuji is the highest peak in Japan and one of the largest active volcanoes in the world. [38] Mount Fuji belongs to Fuji Volcanic belt This ring of fire is mainly from The Mariana Islands Rise and pass Izu Islands , Izu Peninsula reach Honshu Northern one Volcanic chain It is a long-term observation volcano by the Japan Meteorological Agency [41] . [6]
Mount Fuji is Japan One of the classic symbols of spirit and culture, [3] In the heart of the Japanese people is a natural charm, beautiful, solemn sacred mountain. Since ancient times, it has been the theme of Japanese literature, but also the sacred place of Japanese reverence, is a part of Japanese folk religion. [4] Mount Fuji is a conical mountain with perennial snow on its summit. Around the foothills of Mount Fuji, there are five Fresh water lake Collectively" Fuji Five Lakes ". [1]
Mount Fuji is rated as one of the three spirit mountains in Japan and one of the top 100 mountains in Japan. [5] It is called "Furong Peak" or "Fu Yue" and "the best high mountain". [6] In February 1936, it was designated Fuji Hakone Izu National Park . On June 22, 2013, Mount Fuji was inscribed on the World Heritage List by the 37th session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, making it the 17th site in Japan World heritage site . The registered name of Mount Fuji at the time of its inclusion on the Heritage List was determined to be "Mount Fuji - an object of faith and a source of art." [7]
On February 1, 2024, according to Japan's Kyodo News agency, the Yamanashi Prefecture government plans to levy 2,000 yen (about 98 yuan) on the Yoshida Route, a hiking trail on the Yamanashi side, from the beginning of this summer's Fuji climbing season. The toll. [42]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Japanese: Mount Fuji /ふじさん [41]
English: Mount Fuji
Furong Peak [6] , Tomioka [6] , The only high mountains [6]
Subordinate mountain system
Fuji Ring of Fire [6]
Geographical position
Border of Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures, central Japan [43]
Sea bulldog
3776 m [34]
Floor space
About 1200 km² [2]
Opening hours
It is usually held from July 1 to September 10 each year [8] [43]
Famous scenic spot
Fuji Five Lakes , Asama Shrine , Fuji Eight Peaks
Last eruption
The year 1707 [34-36]
Mountain type
Active volcano, stratovolcano [37]

Formation and evolution

Mount Fuji was formed about 10,000 years ago, is a very typical stratovolcano, in terms of shape, belongs to the standard cone volcano. The basement is Tertiary strata. At the beginning of the Quaternary period, the volcanic lava broke through the Tertiary strata, and the mountain was formed after the eruption and accumulation, and later, after several eruptions, the volcanic eruptions piled up layer by layer, and became a cone stratovolcano. So far, the formation process of Mount Fuji can be roughly divided into the following four stages, which are the first small Amatake , Ogonake, Ancient Fuji, New Fuji. Among them, the oldest volcano is the Senogonake, which was formed hundreds of thousands of years ago during the Pleistocene. In April 2004 Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo Go by Investigation and research It was found that an older mountain was found under the small imperial mountain, and the fourth mountain was named "first small imperial Mountain". The ancient Fuji erupted continuously from about 80,000 years ago until about 15,000 years ago tephra Formed after the material settlement, its height is close to the elevation of 3000 meters. According to speculation, the summit should have been located 1 km to 2 km north of the present Baoyong crater. [6]
Structure map of Mount Fuji
About 11,000 years ago, the western side of the summit of Ancient Fuji suddenly erupted in large quantities of lava. This lava formed the main body of the existing Mount Fuji known as Shinfuji. From then on, the peaks of ancient Fuji and New Fuji began to be side by side. About 2,500 to 2,800 years ago, some parts of the ancient Fuji Peak caused a large-scale landslide due to weathering, so now only the top of the new Fuji mountain is still standing between heaven and earth. [6] Between 8000-4500 BP, small explosive eruptions dominated the activity, and between 4500-3000 BP, another major lava flow appeared. This was followed by intermittent large eruptions with secondary lava flows and small pyroclastic flows. Summit eruptions dominate between 3,000 and 2,000 BP, after which the vents on either side are active. Extensive basaltic lava flows from the summit, and some of the more than 100 lateral cones and vents block drainage channels leading to the Misaka Mountains on the volcano's north side, creating Fuji Five Lakes, a popular tourist destination. [37] Boyeongsan It is the most prominent parasitic volcano around Mount Fuji, located in the southeast slope of Mount Fuji, it was formed in Japan four years, 2693 meters high, and on the west side of Mount Baonaga, there is also a huge Volcano crater . And all the rain and snow that falls on Mt. Fuji will form underground water veins under the surface and then rush out. There are four main attractions, namely Shino Hachikai White line waterfall, persimmon River, Yong jade pool. [6]

Location boundary

Mount Fuji is located in the south-central part of Japan's Honshu Island, straddling Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures, Japan, at 35.361° north latitude and 138.728° East longitude. [1] [34] [37]
Mount Fuji is located at the position of the blue arrow

Geographical environment



Mount Fuji is in a special location Plate motion 's" Triple junction "( Amur plate , The Okhotsk Plate and Philippine sea plate ), [13] It is also located in northeast Japan Island arc , southwest Island arc and Izu - Ogasawara The arc junction. On one hand due to Pacific plate On the other hand, due to the tension between the Philippine Sea plate and the surrounding area of Mount Fuji, the geological activity is active, resulting in basalt repeated Fissure eruption To form Mount Fuji. [11]
Mount Fuji is One of the largest active volcanoes in the world, [38] It consists of basalt, picrite basalt. [37]


  • Altitude
Mount Fuji is 3,776 meters above sea level. [34]
  • Mountain slope
Mount Fuji is high in the clouds, the top of the mountain is white with snow, like a hanging upside down fan, so it also has" Jade fan "Said. [6] Fujisan Slope Angle Increases as the terrain rises, according to the average Angle of inclination It can be divided into three areas. The maximum inclination Angle is 31 to 35° from the summit to 1.5 to 2 km from the crater rim. This is with dry gravel Angle of repose Correspondingly, the gravity fall of particles dominates the geomorphic formation process. The gravity fall of particles is still a major factor in the formation of the landform in the 0.5 to 1 km slope length immediately adjacent to this region, but the surface sediment contains more chalky As a result, the material rest Angle decreases, and the slope Angle decreases to about 27°. The effect of water flow is more pronounced in the lower terrain, where the slope gradually decreases from 23° in the middle to less than 10° in the foothills. In general, the slope on the east side is smaller than the slope on the west side because westerlies Bringing more ash to the eastern side of the mountain. Although the slope differences are relatively small, they directly affect the presence of pyroclastic flow deposits, as they generally cannot exist on slopes with gradients greater than 33°. [11]
  • Volcano crater
The surface of the crater on the summit of Fuji is approximately 500 meters in diameter and about 250 meters deep. Around the edges of the jagged crater are the "eight peaks of Fuji", namely Kenfeng, Hakushan Mountain, Kusu Shishima Mountain, Ohinichi Mountain, Izu Mountain, Akieko Mountain, Komagake He SAN Yue. [6]
  • piedmont
The foothills of Mount Fuji are located Suruga Bay To the big trench area between the fish river [1] It has a circumference of about 125 km (together with the piedmont lava flows) and a base diameter of about 40-50 km. [6]
  • Lava flow
Lava tree
Due to the lower viscosity of basaltic lava, some of it flows from Mount Fuji Lava flow Moving distance up to 20 kilometers. Lava is often associated with two types microrelief To tie together: Lava pipe / Tunnels and lava trees. More than 70 have been found Lava tunnel In many of these tunnels, the temperature is low, and even in the summer, the tunnel walls and residual ice on the ground will still have a cooling effect. Therefore, it is often necessary to explore these tunnels Spiked shoes . There are also small ground depressions in some tunnels due to tunnel roof collapse. Lava trees form when lava flows through a forest. Standing or fallen trees are covered Volcanic lava It swallows, burns and disappears, leaving a void shaped like a well or a small cave. Mount Fuji is home to the largest number of lava trees in the world.
  • Scoria cone
There are more than 100 small eruptions on the side of Mount Fuji Scoria cone . Scoria cones are mainly concentrated in the two lines running through the summit from northwest to southeast and from northeast to southwest, with the former being more numerous.
  • Valleys and landslides
Although the overall shape of Mount Fuji is conical, there are some valleys and gullies, especially in the steep summit area. The two most obvious valleys are the Yoshida-Osawa Valley on the northeast side and the Osawa-Kuzure Valley on the west side, near the top of the volcano, at the upper end of the valley, there are large landslide . The Osawa-Kuzure Valley is larger, with a maximum depth of about 200 meters and an annual average Sediment production About 1.6 x 10 5 Cubic meter. Under OSAwa-Kuzure Alluvial fan deposit Dating shows that large landslides in this valley began to form about 1,000 years ago.


Osawa-Kuzure Valley
The near-surface sediments of New Mt. Fuji are mainly porous lava and volcanic ash, while the sediments of ancient Mt. Fuji are less porous and contain more argillaceous components. As a result, runoff from the slopes of Mount Fuji tends to seep in and be confined within new Mount Fuji. In the foothills, underground water flows form ponds, streams, and even some large lakes in many places. Underground water Isotopic composition It shows that the rainfall on both sides of the intermediate volcanic zone in the height range of 1100 meters to 2700 meters is Mount Fuji Groundwater recharge The main source. Ponds and lakes at the base of Mount Fuji formed in part because lava flowed into valleys, blocking rivers, or separating existing bodies of water. Fuji Five Lakes It is a group of large lakes located at the northern foot, about 1000 meters above sea level. In 864, lava from Parasitic cone Flowing to the northern foot, it divided an already existing large lake into Jingjin Lake and West Lake, and lava also entered Jingjin Lake at that time. The water level of the two lakes is almost the same because the groundwater passes through the pores Magmatic rock Make the flow. from Estuary lake , Yamanaka Lake and Benqi lake Sediments extracted from the bottom of the lake indicate that these lakes or their precursors existed before the Holocene.


The vertical distribution of Mount Fuji is very obvious, the subtropical evergreen forest below 500 meters above sea level, the temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest between 500 and 2000 meters, the cold temperate coniferous forest between 2000 and 2600 meters, and the alpine and dwarf forest belt above 2600 meters. [6] The vegetation distribution of Mt. Fuji mainly reflects the temperature gradient with height. The areas above 1500 m above sea level are not densely vegetated and are considered volcanic deserts, while the lower elevations are mainly Primary forest . [11]

Volcanic activity

Active area
Eruption type
Major phenomena/magmatic eruptions
17,000 to 8,000 years ago
Summit crater and volcanic wing
Magmatic eruption
A large amount of magma overflowed and formed a horseshoe shaped crater
8000-5000 years ago
Volcanic flank
Magmatic eruption
Intermittent eruptions emit small amounts of ash
5600-3500 years ago
Summit crater and volcanic wing
Magmatic eruption
The main volcanic cone is formed
3,500 to 2,300 years ago
Peak crater
Magmatic eruption
Pliny type eruptions spew ash and pyroclastic and lava flows. It collapsed in the southeastern part of the volcano 2900 years ago.
2300 years ago to the present
Volcanic flank
Magmatic eruption
The volcano erupts Strombly-style, producing lava flows and ash of different sizes.
Reference materials: [37]
The crater at the top of Mount Fuji has erupted 18 times, with the most recent eruption occurring in 1707. Although it is currently in dormancy But there will be a jet at any time. [3]
On the record History of Japan Up, Mount Fuji Volcanic activity The most active period is Heian period Early 9th century. The historical book "The Japanese Chronicle" says:" A surname In June of nineteen years (800), Suruga Kuni From the fourteenth of March last year to the eighteenth of April last year, the mountain of Fuji has burned itself, the smoke has darkened in the day, the fire has illuminated the sky at night, its sound is like thunder, the ash is like rain, and the water below the mountain is red."
For twenty-one years (802), the "Japan Chronicle" said: "Suruga phase touch the country, Suruga country Mount Fuji, day and night constant meteor, gravel such as fog scattered, seeking the Bu Wu, occupy the day, thousands of diseases, it is appropriate to make the two countries add town thanks, and read the Sutras to fight against the plague ( syncopation May (medium slightly) methyl pente, waste phase touch National football team Handle the road, open the Luho road, with Fuji burnt gravel plug road also." This is the famous "Yanli Great Spitfire" in Japanese history.
Baoyong eruption sediment thickness
Zhenguan Sixth year (864), history book" Three Generations of Japanese Chronicles "(May 25, Zhenguan six years), Junhe Kokuyan, Fuji-gun Positive three place Shallow god big mountain fire, its potential is very bright, burning the mountain one or two Xu, light inflammation high twenty Xu zhang, big sound like thunder, earthquake three degrees, more than ten days, the fire is not extinguished, Jiao rock collapse, sandstone To the northwest of the mountains, there was a sea of water, and the rocks they burned flowed into the sea, for a distance of thirty miles, a breadth of three or four miles, and a height of two or three miles, and the flame was the kingdom of Kaffir." In July of the same year, Mount Fuji continued to spew fire. "Three Generations of Japan Record" again recorded: (Zhenguan six July) 17 the year of Xinchou Jia Fei country words, Suruga country Fuji mountain, suddenly there is a violent fire, burning the hills, vegetation coke, soil collapse rock flow, buried Hachiyongun Living and rowing two seas of water, hot as soup, Fish and turtle All die, Civilian dwelling Houses, buried with the sea, or there is no house, its number is difficult to remember, east of the two seas, there is also a sea of water, called the estuary sea, the flame to the estuary sea, the Benqi sea, before burning and burying, the earth earthquake, lightning storm, Rain and fog Dark, the mountains are hard to distinguish, and then there is this disaster. This big fire is also called "Zhenguan big fire" in history. According to the records, this great spout caused a large amount of lava to flow out, and as a result, the sea at the northern foot of Mount Fuji was filled and disappeared, and at the same time, it was born Jingjin Lake And the West Lake. Another consequence of being buried in lava was the birth of the present Aokigahara Kikai . It was only the second month after this great Spout that the Yamato Court issued the "Zhenxie" order. In order to give thanks and offer sacrifices, the necessary documents were indispensable, and Do Liang Xiang was one of the objects who was ordered to draft the documents, leaving behind the "Record of Mount Fuji".
On November 23, 1707, the fourth year of Baonaga, Mount Fuji erupted again, this time in the city of Edo spewing about 700 million cubic meters, and continuous flying down for several weeks, known as the "Baonaga eruption." The emperor at that time Arai Shiraishi Some details of the eruption were recorded in his memoir, "Zexiang Chai". Its sediment covers almost the entire area Namguandong Area. [14]
Adopted in October 2009 GPS observation Confirmed the Fuji Crustal fluctuation . It has been confirmed for the first time since the observation began in April 1996. This crustal shift saw a change of up to two centimeters, Fujiomiya City with Fuji About two centimeters in between. This suggests that lava is building up. [15]
Although no significant changes in volcanic activity have been observed around Mount Fuji, slight movements have been detected in large craters in the area. And according to the study: because the volcano underground magma And hot water is easily damaged, which is why it causes mass earthquakes. [3]

Resource status


Natural resources

Mount Fuji is a Natural botanical garden There are more than 2,000 kinds of plants on the mountain, and there are two craters of different sizes on the top of the mountain, and there is snow all year round. At the northern foot of the five barrier lakes (Fuji five lakes: Yamanaka, estuary, West, Jin Jin, Benqi), reflecting the snow, lake light mountains, making the scenery of Mount Fuji beautiful, more promote to become a tourist attraction in Japan. But also opened up a variety of parks, science halls, museums and a variety of play places. [6]

Tourism resources

  • Fuji Five Lakes
At the northern foot of Mount Fuji are Fuji Five Lakes . From east to west are Yamanaka Lake , estuary lake, West Lake , Jingjin Lake and Benqi lake . The mountain lake is the largest with an area of 6.75 square kilometers. There are many sports facilities near the lake where you can play tennis, Water skiing , fishing, camping and boating. In the southeast of the lake, Shinnomura Village, there are eight ponds such as Chung Pool and Mirror Pool, collectively known as" Shino Hachikai It is connected with the lake in the mountains. Kawaguchi Lake is the earliest developed of the five lakes, Traffic here Very convenient, has become the five lakes sightseeing center. Pelican Island in the lake is the only island in the five lakes. There is a shrine on the island dedicated to giving birth to pregnant women. There is also a 1260-meter-long bridge across the lake. The reflection of Mount Fuji in Kawaguchi Lake is called one of the wonders of Mount Fuji. [6]
West Lake, also known as the West Sea, is the quietest of the five lakes. It is said that West Lake and Jingjin Lake were originally connected, and later divided into two lakes due to the eruption of Mount Fuji, but the bottom of the two lakes is still connected in 2018. There is on the bank Red leaf Terrace , Aokigahara Kikai Mingze ice cave, foot Hotan mountain and other scenic spots. Jingjin Lake is Fuji Five Lakes The smallest of the lakes, but its style is the most unique, the lake shore has many high cliffs, the terrain is complex. The lake is the deepest, with a maximum depth of 126 meters. The lake, ice-free all year round, was a deep blue, imbued with unfathomable mystery. [6]
  • Aokigahara Kikai
At the northwest foot of Mount Fuji, there is a large area of forest called "Aokigahara Tree Sea" beside West Lake. Thousands of years ago there was a very large lake here. In 864, Mt. Fuji was known as the Sadakan Great Spout, and lava filled most of the lake, creating a vast area of about 40 square kilometers today. On this lava, the primeval forest, which began to form in the 9th century, is thick and deep.
Aokigahara tree sea strange terrain, dense trees, mainly to Coniferous tree and Broad-leaved tree Mostly, with Amazon The original forest is similar. But because of the climate, trunk Although not as thick and dense as the primeval forests of the Amazon, there is a strong connection between trees, and even between trees and moss. This scene also makes this sea of trees full of mystery. Because it is a tree that grows on lava, the roots cannot extend deep into the earth, so the surface is intertwined. And the easy toppling of trees is a characteristic of this forest. In the forest, you can still see the formation of more than 100 years ago Lava landform There is a thousand years of moss no one has stepped on.
Perhaps because of the ease of transportation and the high degree of privacy, many Japanese choose to commit suicide here. This has also made Aokigahara a well-known "suicide resort" in Japan, and has left many vivid and supernatural legends. The police had to set up signs deep in the forest to advise people to value life and not to commit suicide Warning board .
Around the forest, there is a sky high beech And leaf Zelkova zelkova , Chinese pine And so on, tangled in the cracked lava crevices. The fallen trees exposed their white skin, and the ground was covered with dead branches and leaves. The bones of some suicides were trampled to pieces by wild animals. Geological data It shows that Aokigahara is rich in iron ore. The compass cannot be used in the forest because of the magnetic field of the volcanic lava. That would explain why someone would get lost in the woods. Maybe these dead people, not all want to kill themselves, most likely because they can't get out of the forest because they are lost. [6]
  • Nanlu area
At the southern foot of Mount Fuji is a vast plateau with green grass and herds of cattle and sheep Natural pasture . The southwest foot of the mountain is famous White waterfall and Sound stop waterfall . The white waterfall has a drop of 26 meters and is divided into more than ten sections from the rock wall trickle Forming a rain curtain more than 130 meters wide. The Yinzhi waterfall is like a giant column crashing down from the height. [6]
in Shizuoka Susano The foothills of Fuji, there Fuji Safari Park It has an area of 740,000 square meters and keeps more than 1,000 kinds of 40 species Wild animal There are more than 30 lions alone. Visitors can drive a car and watch various animals in the park. Located on the summit of the holy temples - Hisushi Shrine and Asama Shrine are Fuji Hakone Izu National Park The main scenic area is also a popular place for tourists. Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists visit the hilltop shrine every summer. In addition, Fuji Mountain also has fantasy travel hall, insects museum Department of Natural Science, Kishi Museum, Fuji Museum, large science Museum, Botanical garden, wild bird park, wild monkey park and various sports and entertainment venues. [6]
The number of visitors to Mount Fuji is increasing, reaching an average of about 300,000 per year. [27]

History and culture


Historical evolution

To the ancient Japanese, Mount Fuji was an object of worship, viewed from a distance, and the Asama Shrine was built at the foot of Fuji to suppress the eruption of Mount Fuji.
Since the late Heian Period, the eruption activity of Mt. Fuji has been quiet, becoming a mountain belief and relationship from ancient Japan Esoteric Buddhism isomixis Way of cultivation The Ashram evolved from the object of "remote worship" to the mountain of "worship." In the first half of the 12th century, the last master built the Daiichi Temple on the top of the mountain. In addition, to Muromachi period In the latter half of the period, not only practitioners, but also ordinary people began to "climb" Mount Fuji, and Fuji mountaineering gradually became popular.
Since then, Japan Warring States Period Hasegawa Kakuyuki organized the new Mt. Fuji belief into a doctrine, in Edo period In the middle period, it became popular in the Kanto region as "Fujiku", and many people began to Mount Fuji and visit the holy places such as Shiraisinotaki Go on a pilgrimage . to Meiji era Women's mountaintop climbing has also been lifted. [12]

Origin of mountain name

fuji, pronounced fuji (ふじ) in Japanese, has its origins in several ways: huchi, meaning volcano, in the Ainu language of Japan; Korean puru, representing the word "fire"; The Malay language represents "excellent" pronunciation of "puji" or "fuji". The pronunciation of the old Japanese word "fuji" that points to the inclined or vertical side.
It's about the Ainu language advocate It was British missionary Baila in Japan since 1877. But this claim was first adopted by Japan more than 70 years ago linguist Kinda a Kyosuke A total denial. He thinks that if the etymology of "huchi" is investigated in the history of Chinese phonology, we will find that those who hold such a statement are missing the test.
From the first recorded Japanese books, Nara period In the compilation of the "Changlu Country", fuji was first written as "Fukui" (fuji). In the collection of poems Manyoushu In the book, he used words such as "endless mountain", "Bushi", and "cloth two". They were both pronounced "ふじ" and later developed the use of "undead." The word "Fuji" first appeared in the Heian period in the "Mount Fuji" Yuniki "Day should be the first year July Six days, Suruga Kuni Talk. It rained ash on Mount Fuji." However, the current meaning of "Fuji" means "a rich mountain for scholars." This is from the earliest days of Bushido Kamakura period The meaning of birth.
According to the statistics of Shintaro Uemura in the Mystery of Mount Fuji, Mount Fuji now has at least 150 or more names. Such as: no self, blessed land, rich kindness, blessed land, descending, Wind poetry The woman is exhausted, etc. These words are all pronounced as "ふじ". Other names besides "ふじ" include Fuyue, Furong, Penglai Mountain, Bayan Mountain, Snow Mountain and so on.
The Japanese have "Mount Fuji" and "Mount Fuji" written in exactly the same way, the only difference being that without the treasure cap, the word "Fujiyama" is an odd number of 11 strokes. The Japanese like odd numbers. And I like odd numbers for the same reason Yin-yang path Is related to the origin. [16]


The Japanese have worshipped Mount Fuji for thousands of years, literati They competed to eulogize.
Japan's oldest Waka book Manyoushu There are already 11 poems about Mount Fuji. The most famous of these is the 8th century Nara Early court singer Yamabe Akato, his famous words in praise of Mount Fuji: "Out of Taerura, look at Mount Fuji." The snow fell on the mountains." This short song by the Akai is considered by the Japanese to be the oldest song to sing about Mount Fuji. Next came the Takahashi worm Maro , he goes from Kai The side sings Mount Fuji. In the long song, he wrote: "Kai Kai and Suruga, Fuji stand between. The mountains are high, but it is difficult for birds to cross the top. Fire is extinguished by falling snow, and snow is reduced by fire."
Completed in 905, by Daigo Emperor decreed Collections of ancient and modern Waka songs "And described Mount Fuji as a symbol of burning love. As Fujiwara Tadayuki's poem: "Meet with the king, whether it is not clear." Fuji Mountain fire, always burning is my love." There is" Sakura Song People "said of the west, there is a career in the most confident Waka:" Fuji clouds, the wind floating in the sky." I don't know where I'm gone, just like I think." To the west, there are three other Waka songs about Mount Fuji, which belong to a kind of poetry that can be written without looking at the mountain. But this Waka was actually sung after seeing Mount Fuji. He came from Kyoto twice Kanto region .
By the Kamakura period, many Japanese had already seen Mount Fuji. Such as Kamakura Shogunate The pioneer of Minamoto no Yoritomo The song: "Fuji fireworks shade the Clear day", is to see Mount Fuji. But his son Minamoto Minoritomo Lacking a sense of Mount Fuji, there are only two poems, the love song Fuji and the snow Fuji, among many poems.
Pine tail banana "The shower came and went, Clouds and mist wreathed the air . The days without seeing Mount Fuji are also interesting." It captures a conceptual Mount Fuji from a different perspective. Contemporary with plantain, i.e Genroku Contemporary scholar Chichong (1640-1701), he felt the spiritual side of Mount Fuji and wrote more than 100 poems about Fuji alone. Japanese culture The purest thing is embodied through Mount Fuji. So compared with the scenery, Chi Chong Yong is singing the essence of the Japanese spirit. The conscious combination of Mount Fuji and the Japanese spirit in the concept probably began from Chitsu.
In the song and dance prostitute's rhapsodism, there is such a popular line: "There is the Fuji Mountain in the west, and there is the north. Tsukuba Mountain . The two are equal, like IDA Under sleeve "
A haiku in Kyoto With Xie Wu village Recalling his own trip to Edo, he left a vivid sentence through the ages: "In the new green leaves flooded, only Fuji one lone peak."
It was published during the Edo period during the reign of Ernst and Young A form of Chinese poetry called Haiku In the collection, under the title of Fuji overlooking, recorded the following haiku: "Bright moon Suruga, hazy visible Fuji shadow." (Surong Saku) "Snow drifts on the top of Fuji Mountain. This scene belongs to Edo." "Today's New Year's Eve, overlook Fuji, to forget the old year." (by BMW)
Ota do irrigation (1432-1486), Edo Castle The original builder, in response to the emperor's question about his residence, replied to the emperor with a poem: the emperor's secret nunnery, offshore Lian Matsubara . Mount Fuji is majestically visible through the window.
It is known as "Japanese Li Du" Ishikawa Takayama (1583-1672), written Chinese poetry Mount Fuji: "Cyclamen comes to the top of the cloud outside, Shen Ryu Qi old cave in the deep." The snow was like fine white smoke like a handle, and the white fan hung over the East Sea sky." Later generations often say that Mount Fuji "fan hanging East China Sea" is from this poem. Describe the magnificent Mount Fuji as a hand shake Paper fan Here, the play is light and miniature, showing that everything first shrinks into the small National character .
POEMS North plain white autumn (1885-1942) was also fascinated by the beauty of Mt. Fuji after seeing it. Before that, the poet didn't care about Mount Fuji at all. In order to write more and better Fuji poems, he specially moved to the vicinity of Miura Promontory, where he could see Mount Fuji every day. Later, he had an affair with his wife and was murdered by her husband Crime of adultery He denounced, but continued to write Fuji poetry. Finally got cataract Unable to see Mount Fuji, he sang the words of Fuji told by others. His famous poem "Love" is ostensibly about a girl, but in fact it is about Mount Fuji: "The dancing girl you, only you, shining in the gloom."
There is also grass ambition Hei's "Mount Fuji work No. 9" : "The wilderness to swallow breath. Ghost mirror of the month. Clear and vivid." [14]


The earliest Japanese story works are" Takenori Monogatari ". At the end of the book, he wrote about the smoke on the top of Mount Fuji: "The mountain of Mount Fuji in Suruga country burned the smoke of the immortal medicine, which still rises continuously." According to research, this is a description of Fuji's "Sadakan Great Spouting fire".
According to the research of the Japanese Genji scholars, it is found in the whole volume of" The Tale of Genji There are two references to Mount Fuji in the "Wakasaki" volume, and the "Wakasaki" volume. tintinid Volume.
After the Meiji period, Natsume Soseki Write "Sansanlang". In the novel, the protagonist goes to Beijing to take an exam, meets a gentleman with a beard, and starts talking. The very sincere gentleman told the hero something about Mount Fuji.
British Koizumi Hachiumo In the second year after the name was changed, he made a pilgrimage to climb the mountain from the eastern foot of Mount Fuji and wrote a famous essay "Climbing Mount Fuji".
Showa period , Osamu Dazai The One Hundred Scenes of Tomiake created in 1939 is its representative.
The author of the Fuji novel Yasujun Takeda After his death in 1976, his wife Yuriko began serializing the Fuji Diaries in the magazine "Sea" in December of that year. They lived for 13 years in the Narizawa Village resort at the foot of Mt. Fuji. Live with Mount Fuji day and night.
Works at the Meteorological Office Jiro Nikita Wrote... Fuji Peak ", "Angry Fuji", "Hibiscus People", "Death in Fuji" and other works. In particular, "The Top of Fuji" describes the construction on the top of Fuji Mountain with his own reference Weather radar The story of... Later made into a movie, rewrote the box office rate of Japanese films. "The Powerful Biography," a novel about the life of a mountain lifter on Mount Fuji, won the 34th edition Naoki Literature Prize He created the Japanese mountain school novel.
WRITER Toyoko Yamazaki In the novel Son of Earth, the term "hometown Fuji" appears for the first time. heroically Chinese residual orphan One line, came to Japan, in Hakone Looking at Mount Fuji, he said that his ancestors are "hometown Fuji." [14]


Nara era and Heian period Various paintings of Mount Fuji, but now all have been lost. At present, the oldest preserved painting is the 1069 "Painting of Prince Shengde". It shows Prince Suntok riding a black horse over Mount Fuji.
The Kamakura period's "The Procession of the Master on Kiki" shows that the Japanese people have completed the jump from sketched Mount Fuji to imagined Mount Fuji in concept.
Muromachi period The masterpiece of Mount Fuji is Kano Motonobu "Mount Fuji Ginseng Mancha Lotto Map". Fuji Peak in the picture One split into three parts The Daiichi Tathagata appears at the very center of these three mountain tops. It clearly shows that the religious attribute of Mount Fuji is Buddhism, and the Japanese Fuji faith began to rise. And the Muromachi era of painting saint Sesak The "Fuji Sambo Kiyimi Temple" is the beginning of the ink painting of Mount Fuji. The painting also belongs to the Chinese literati Zhan Zhonghe of Ningbo in the Ming Dynasty Inscribe poem .
In the Edo period, the Fuji-culture fever increased. The Fuji religion permeated the common people. Katsushika Hokusai It creates an extreme form - the man is not at the center of the painting. His book Thirty-six views of Fuyue "Is the highest level of representation of Mt. Fuji. "Kaifeng Fast Clear" opened the painting of the sunset Fuji. This painting is also known as" Akifushi ". But in the entire layout of the pattern, there are no people. "White Rain Under the Mountain" is also composed in this way. This creative technique acts as Ukiyoe It's unusual. while Hiroshige Ando There must be someone in the pattern. His "Minso Edo 100 Views" is to integrate Mount Fuji into the Edo landscape, giving Mount Fuji a new Vital sign .
In modern times Nihondo Among the artists who are pursuing Japanese beauty by painting Mount Fuji are The Great View of Hengshan (1868-1958). He was a leading figure in the Japanese painting circles of the three eras (Meiji, Taisho and Showa). From 1905 (thirty-eighth year of Meiji), the oldest work "Lingfeng", to Last words written By the time of "Fuji" in October 1957 (Showa 32nd year), there were more than 1,000 works of Fuji in his career. With its unique techniques and composition, he completed the giant painting "Lingfeng Flying Crane". Also, Edo period Sima Jianghan After the Meiji, Yueoka Yoshi, Japanese painting Matsuoka Eicho and Western painting the Ryuzaburo Umehara Other painters have painted a large number of paintings of Mount Fuji. Also, Edo period Bai Yin Hui He The Zen Master. The artist, who enjoys both poetry and painting, painted the ink paintings "Tomito Mountain" and "Fuji and Sambo Songwon". In another magnificent "Fuji Daimyo ranks map" work, accompanied by a Chinese poem said: "Written old Hu face, distant from the sex of the people." Don't believe the old Dragon Boat Festival, whip up the young sheep to ask the wooden man." Show the special feelings of the factory for Mount Fuji.
Among modern painters, there are Higashiyama Kuei "Dawn", Ikuo Hirayama "The Dazzling Sun and Mount Fuji" and so on, these are very famous Fuji masterpieces. [14]


Nara period The servitor of Nakojiao In 710, he climbed Mt. Fuji from Yoshidaguchi. The servitor was a real figure active in the 7th century. He was born in Yamato State Gecheng foothills. He earlier in the Gecheng Mountain practice and study of witchcraft, disciple Korea Guangzu and others feel confused, then slander on him, the result was exiled Izu . This is 699 ( Emperor Munmu Three years) of things. During his exile in Izu, he learned to fly in the air. He was in Izu during the day. At night, they fly to Mount Fuji to practice. According to this legend, Japanese historical sources believe that he was the first person to climb Mount Fuji, as a mysterious worship object, widely praised by later generations. The Murayama Asama Shrine has a statue of a warrior, indicating that he was the founder of the Fuji monastery.
After the hikers, the Japanese who did not climb high mountains began to rise the tide of climbing mountains. According to the Kukai The "Soul Collection" records that the Shengdao people who came down from the field climbed to the height of 2486 meters of Nikko in 782 Mantansan (also known as Erarama). For example, in 717, Taishumi climbed the 2,702-meter-high Kaga White Mountain, which further promoted the Japanese belief in mountains.
The Fuji Story of the slave has become the source of "Fuji talk". The so-called "Fuji Talk" is a group that likes to gather together with people who worship Mount Fuji and plan a series of activities such as climbing. His ancestors were Warring States Period Fujiwara Kakuyuki, who initiated salvation, practiced in the Man's Cave in Fuji. The "Fuji Doctrine" had a further development in the Edo period, and the concept of "not climbing Fuji is not Edo son" was established in the Edo period. In order to climb Mt. Fuji, the "Fuji Talk" group has to accumulate a certain amount of membership fees for a third of its members to climb together each year. Climbers must first visit the shrine at the foot of the mountain, bathe and clean their bodies, change into white clothes, climb to the top of the mountain in a Buddhist costume, and visit the shrine on the top of the mountain. After the pilgrimage, they usually descend by another route and have a happy feast in the town at the foot of the mountain.
The Asama Osha Oku Palace now stands on the top of Fuji Mountain. Above Mount Fuji Yaimee, minus hiking trails and Meteorological observation The other 3.85 million square meters of land belong to the shrine. The Asama Shrine is dedicated to the goddess of beauty, Yehiki Kika, but it is actually dedicated to this goddess as the goddess of Mt. Fuji. There are 1,300 Asama Shrines in Japan. From the history of Asama Shrine, 802 years in the era of Emperor Hengmu, Mount Fuji Volcanic eruption . The terrified people held a sacrifice to stop the fire. The next year the fire was finally stopped, and Mount Fuji became Antai. In order to thank the gods, the Asama Shrine was built on top of the mountain in 806. take Asama The name of the mountain. Asama is pronounced "A SAMA "Means fear. The original Asama faith was based on Shinto shrines, but later merged with Buddhism Way of cultivation He built temples such as Daichi Temple. It shows that the Japanese are right Religious tolerance The side of... Regarding Mount Fuji as the location of god or Buddha, it shows the belief characteristics of Japanese people to respect Mount Fuji. And has a meaning that overlaps with your own life.
in Folk belief In China, Mount Fuji is also a symbol of good luck. In Japan, a dream that occurs on January 2 every year is called a "first dream." Early dreams can predict the good and bad luck of the year, this custom is still spread in Japan. The Japanese believe that if you can dream of Mount Fuji in your first dream, it is the biggest good omen. In addition, there is a saying of "early Fuji" in Japan, that is to say, on January 3 Nihonbashi Overlooking Mount Fuji.
In short, the Fuji faith combines elements of Shinto, Buddhism, Taoism and folk beliefs, all of which reflect the deep roots of Mount Fuji and the Japanese psyche. [14]

Local Fuji

Throughout Japan, mountains similar to Mount Fuji are also named "Fuji." The Japanese call it" Local Fuji There are at least 314 native Mount Fuji in Japan.
In 1817, the national scholar Takada and Qing, his book "National Town" made the following arrangement:
  1. one
    Roh O Fuji. A Tsugaru Fuji. One of the "three great Fuji" in Japan. It refers to the mountain of Luo Rock.
  2. 2.
    Satsuma Fuji. A Tsuchizhi Fuji. One of the "three great Fuji" in Japan. It refers to the mountain of Samohaimen.
  3. 3.
    Do Fuji. It refers to the Birui Mountain near the river.
  4. 4.
    There's Mafuji. It refers to Atsuzu Kakuyama.
  5. 5.
    Izu Fuji. It refers to Izu Omuro Mountain.
  6. 6.
    Hachijoo Fuji. It refers to the western hills of Idu Hacho Island.
  7. 7.
    Fuji Konie. It refers to the three mountains near the river.
  8. 8.
    South Fuji. An Ofuji. It refers to the Luao Rock vulture Mountain.
  9. 9.
    Tsukifuji. It refers to Chikuzen Koya Mountain.
  10. 10.
    Fenghou Fuji. It refers to the mountain of Fengpu.
  11. 11.
    Kamakura Little Fuji. It refers to the peak near Sagami Screen Mountain.
  12. twelve
    Sow the mill Fuji. It refers to Bomo Mejia Mountain.
  13. 13.
    Fuji Segi. It refers to Sani Ieno Mountain.
  14. fourteen
    Abe Fuji. It refers to a small Fuji near the town of Hiroyuki in Onokungu, Nagata Prefecture.
  15. 15.
    Shijinkawa Fuji. It refers to the village of Shimitsu in Kamikoku (now Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture) and the river reflects the shadow of Mount Fuji in Suruga.
Kunijin Ji introduces 14 mountains named after Fuji in addition to Mount Fuji, which is reflected. There are many things that are not recorded in the book of National Town. As in Hokkaido Sheep hoof Mountain the eyi Fuji is one of them. This building layering The mountain has the same beautiful conical shape as Mount Fuji. It is regarded as the "first wonder of the North Sea". It used to be confused with Fuji. The same is a mountain, because of the different location of the view, the name is different. As across Yamagata prefecture and Akita-ken the Joseamount This side of Yamagata Prefecture is called Fujifuji, and that side of Akita Prefecture is called Fujifuji Akita. Stretch across Shimane and Tottori The mountain is called Shimane Prefecture Izumo Fuji. Tottori Prefecture is called Burakufuji. For another example Fukui prefecture The westernmost mountain of Aoyaba, known as the Mountain where women are forever forbidden, used to be divided between Wakasa and Koku Danhou State . For this reason, the Wakasa side is called Wakasa Fuji, and the Danhou side is called Maizuru Fuji.
In order to become a symbol of Japan, many Japanese companies put their products on the name of Fuji. Such as Fujifilm , Fuji Glass, Fuji Kishu, Fuji TV , FUJITSU CONNECTED TECHNOLOGIES , Fuji Electric , Fuji Bicycle Let's wait. In addition, according to statistics, there are 17 Japanese families with the surname "Fuji", which accounts for 39,549 in the ranking of Japanese family names. There are 362 households with the surname "Fuji", accounting for 6,479th place. Such as named "Fuji male", "Fuji son" is also a large number. Even more strikingly, Tibet Province The back of the 5,000-yen note printed in 1984 and the 1,000-yen note printed after 2004 has a picture of Mount Fuji on it. [14]

Social life


Special snack

In addition to the scenery, food is also a highlight of Mount Fuji. The barbecue on Mount Fuji has its own flavor, thanks to the rich seafood in the area seafood Barbecue becomes a feature, and salmon egg rice is also one of the special dishes. [17]
  • Shizuoka Fujiomiya fried noodles
Fuji Palace Chow Mein [18]
Fujimiya Fried noodles The place of origin is located Shizuoka To the east, at the foot of Mount Fuji Fujiomiya City . Fujiomiya Chow Mein has a unique taste, elastic Steamed noodles, with pressed lard The rest of the meat is fleshed out to make a rich flavor Oil shuttle Sprinkle with sardines and enjoy. [18]
  • techi udon
namely handmade 's wheat udon And put it with tempura , Fried tofu and beef Mix and eat together. [19]
  • H t not not
Kawaguchi Lake when the name of the snack is h t is a very strong Hand section Eat with pumpkin, Sweet potato And other vegetables stewing resultant Miso sauce . [19]

Opening day

On July 1st, The opening day of Mount Fuji . [20-21]

Honor received

On June 22, 2013, Mount Fuji was inscribed on the World Heritage List by the 37th session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, becoming the 17th World Heritage Site in Japan. The registered name of Mount Fuji at the time of its inclusion on the Heritage List was determined to be "Mount Fuji - an object of faith and a source of art." [7]
Name of the estate: Mount Fuji - Sacred place and source of artistic inspiration
Fujisan, sacredplace and source ofartistic inspiration
Selected: 2013
Selection basis: Cultural Heritage (iii) (vi)
Location: N35 21 39 E138 43 39
Heritage area : 20,702.1 ha
Buffer area : 49,627.7ha
Heritage Number: 1418
Estate description:
Mount Fuji, the holy land and Artistic inspiration Located about 80 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, Japan, it is one of the important symbols of Japan. Mount Fuji is a mountain in Japan that spans Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures Active volcano It is the highest peak in Japan. Mount Fuji is regarded as "sacred mountain" by the Japanese people and is a proud symbol of the Japanese nation. Mount Fuji towering into the clouds, the top of the mountain white, looking at it, like a hanging upside down fan, so it is also known as "jade fan". As one of the symbols of Japan, Mount Fuji enjoys a high reputation around the world and is often referred to as "Furong Peak" or "Fuyue" and "the highest mountain".
Map of the geographical location of World Heritage Sites in Japan
In 2013, the Cultural Heritage was selected on the basis of (iii) (vi), Mount Fuji - a sacred place and a source of artistic enlightenment by UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved for listing as a cultural heritage in the" World Heritage List ".
Selection based on Criteria (iii) The majestic form of Mount Fuji as a solitary stratovolcano, combined with its intermittent volcanic activity, has inspired a mountain worship tradition from ancient times to the present day. By climbing its peaks and making pilgrimages to the sacred sites near its slopes, Pilgrim Desire to acquire what the gods and Buddhas who dwell there have Spiritual strength . These religious connections are linked to a deep admiration for Mount Fuji, which has inspired countless works of art depicting the form as seen as perfect, gratitude for its generosity, and an emphasis on its relationship with it Natural environment The tradition of coexistence. This series of sites is a living centering on Mount Fuji and its near-perfect form Cultural tradition A unique witness. [9]
Selection based on criteria (vi) : Since ancient times, Mount Fuji, an isolated stratovolcano rising above lakes and oceans, has been a source of inspiration for poetry, essays and works of art. Especially Katsushika Hokusai in the early 19th century Hiroshige Kagawa The image of Mount Fuji in Ukiyo-e, which had a prominent influence on the development of Western art, made the majestic form of Mount Fuji widely known around the world, and it is still widely known by people What you appreciate. [9]
World Heritage Committee Evaluation Evaluation:
It was lonely and often covered with snow stratovolcano It is known around the world as Mount Fuji. Standing above the sea and lakes surrounded by villages and trees, its beauty has long been a target for pilgrims and has inspired artists and artists alike Poet's inspiration . The heritage includes 25 sites that reflect the essence of the sacred and artistic landscape of Mount Opuget. In the 12th century, Mount Fuji became asceticism Buddhist training centers, including Shintoism The elements of... On a floor 1,500 meters above sea level at the foot of the 3,776-meter-high mountain, the Pilgrims' route and crater shrine are carved next to the sites around the foot of the mountain, including the Sengjinja shrine, stone houses, and natural volcanic features such as lava tree models, lakes, springs and waterfalls, which are venerated. Its representation in Japanese art dates back to the 11th century, but 19th-century landscapes woodcut The pine forests, including those on the beach, have made Mount Fuji an internationally recognized Japanese icon and have had a profound influence on the development of Western art. [9-10]

Conservation research


Disaster prevention

  • observation
Prevent natural disasters Institute of Science and Technology: Visualization syste M for Volcanic Activity. [22]
  • Disaster countermeasure
Volcanic spouting contact Japan Meteorological Agency It is held twice a year to conduct a comprehensive examination of volcanic activity across the country. Also, if it happens Volcanic eruption Or other abnormal events, will also temporarily discuss the volcanic activity, and if necessary, put forward a consensus, which will help the disaster prevention work. [23]
The Cabinet government has opened the website "Volcano Disaster Prevention Countermeasures for Mount Fuji" to promote Mount Fuji Volcanic hazard The construction of disaster prevention system and help to raise the awareness of disaster prevention of local residents. [24]
Fuji Sand Protection Office (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) to protect the southwestern foothills of Mount Fuji Debris flow disaster Damage, the implementation of Mount Fuji's direct sand control business. [25]
The Shizuoka Earthquake Disaster Prevention Center mapped the evacuation of Mount Fuji in the event of an eruption Route map . [26]
On May 30, 2023, the city of Fujiyoshida, Japan, set up a "Mount Fuji Team" within the city fire Brigade to guide tourists to evacuate when Mount Fuji erupts, with 18 members ranging in age from 20 to 70. [39]

Scientific research

The Japan Meteorological Agency has been stationed on the summit of Mount Fuji since 1974 and has conducted weather observations. In 1980, weather radar observations began to monitor typhoons over the Pacific Ocean. Since then, typhoon monitoring from weather satellites has been strengthened, and radar observations from the top of Mount Fuji ceased in 1999. In addition, due to the enhancement of various advanced observation means and the advancement of automatic observation technology, it is now possible to automate the necessary observations without staffing. As a result, after the summer of 2004, staff will no longer be stationed on the summit. Current changes in Mt. Fuji summit observations and status of weather stations: [37]
(1) Set up a central meteorological Observatory at the top of Mount Fuji to begin year-round weather observation. Meteorological telemetering instruments in April 1965 Weather observation report updated in 1974, Fuji radar updated in 1978, Fuji radar digitized in 1984, meteorological telemetering equipment updated to surface meteorological observation equipment at Fuji Meteorological Station in 1985, volcano observation seismometer installed at Fuji Meteorological Station in 1987, In November 1999, the operation of the Fuji Mountain radar ended, and the Nagano and Shizuoka radars began operating simultaneously. A seismometer was installed at Station 8 in 2002. [37]
(2) Mount Fuji Meteorological Station (Fuji Peak) is equipped with 4 resident staff (replaced every 3 weeks), work: ground meteorological observation, observation equipment maintenance inspection, observation items: meteorological observation wind direction, wind speed, temperature, dew point temperature, air pressure, solar radiation, weather, volcano observation, 2 seismometers (one of which is the 8th station). [37]
The year 2020
In April 2020, a task force from the Japanese government's fire department developed measures aimed at dealing with volcanic ash from a possible eruption of Mount Fuji. The task force said that if the wind direction is the same as that of the 1707 eruption of Mount Fuji, the ash could fall in Tokyo metropolitan area , may disturb Road traffic And caused power outages. The task force called on relevant authorities to consider countermeasures. [33]
The year 2021
On September 28, 2021, Mount Fuji, as one of the most well-known active volcanoes in Japan and even in the world, recently, Japanese officials also specially reformulated the evacuation plan for the possible eruption of Mount Fuji. On September 2 local time, a committee composed of the Japanese government and the three prefectures surrounding Mount Fuji held a rare first meeting. The committee revealed at the meeting that they are now working on a new asylum plan. [30]
On January 10, 2022, it was reported that "the internal pressure of Mount Fuji reached 1.6 mpa, which has met the conditions for eruption". Stress just contributes Volcanic eruption It is not possible to argue that Mount Fuji "has met all the conditions for an eruption." [31] On June 19 of the same year, the Japanese National Police Agency had begun to make full preparations for a possible eruption of Mount Fuji. [33]
In July 2023, the University of Tokyo, Japan, issued a press release saying that researchers from the university and the Mount Fuji Research Institute in Yamanashi Prefecture found that at least six unreported eruptions occurred at the northeastern foot of Mount Fuji between 5,050 years ago and 3,900 years ago, and this period was previously thought to be a gap in the volcanic activity of Mount Fuji. The researchers used heavy machinery to carry out land excavation surveys at the mountain lake and radiocarbon isotope measurements of core sediments collected over the past 8,000 years. Lake Yamanaka is located at the northeast foot of Mount Fuji, and its lake floor contains the most volcanic ash deposits of Mount Fuji than any of the five lakes in Fuji. 'This is an important new discovery in the field of volcanic disaster prevention,' the communique said. The research paper has been published in the Dutch journal Advances in Quaternary Science. Mount Fuji is an active volcano located on the border of Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures and last erupted in 1707. At that time, volcanic ash deposited about 4 centimeters in Edo (formerly known as Tokyo). [40]

Evacuation plan

March 30, 2022, by the central and local governments of Japan Government composition The "Mount Fuji Volcano Disaster Prevention and Countermeasures Committee" announced the volcano eruption evacuation plan Interim report The book proposed a new policy that "ordinary residents should take refuge on foot nearby in principle." According to the Kyodo News On the 30th, the report revised the asylum plan made in 2014, which increased the number of asylum objects by about seven times to 116,000. In addition, in order to prevent people from being unable to take refuge in time due to traffic jams, the report revised the previous policy of recommending transportation, requiring people to take refuge on foot in principle, and the elderly and disabled can give priority to using cars. [32]

Ecological protection

As one of the classic symbols of Japan, the scenic Mount Fuji is famous all over the world. But up close in the forest inside Mount Fuji, garbage piles up. In order to protect the environment of Mount Fuji, reduce the waste caused by Negative impact In 1998, the Japanese established "Mount Fuji. club "And regularly remove the garbage here. Still, the waste problem at Mount Fuji is serious, and the dumping problem is difficult to completely ban. In order to solve this problem, the local government specially arranged special patrol officers, set up Surveillance lens . But this is obviously not enough to completely eliminate the generation of waste. [6]

Climbing route


Basic information

Mount Fuji scenic spots distribution diagram [38]
Due to weather reasons, only a specified period of time in the summer of the year can be climbed, generally between July 1 "mountain open" and August 26 "mountain close". Mainly in use on the hiking trail, Shizuoka side has Fujimiya The mouth of the palace gate, Yamanashi side has Yoshida gate and so on. [6]

New regulation of restriction

On June 30, 2024, according to Japan's Asahi Shimbun, the rules for climbing Mount Fuji from the Yamanashi side will change greatly from July 1, the opening day of the mountain. Specifically, the setting of climbing gates, fees for the main climbing routes, limits Number of climbers. [44]

Traffic route

There are four climbing routes on Mt. Fuji: Yoshidaguchi, Suzuoguchi, Otemba Guchi and Fujimiyaguchi. A bus ride will take you to the entrance of Mount Fuji's Gochime Mountain. Except for the entrance to the entrance, the other roads leading to the entrance are closed to private vehicles during the climbing period.
Head to Yoshidaguchi pentathalata , can be found from Fuji Kyu Line Kawaguchiko Station, Mount Fuji Station by hiking bus. Or take the express bus from the Shinjuku West Exit Waiting Station; To get there, you can go to Gochime from the JR Otemba Line Otemba Station, or from Oda Kyu Line Take the mountain bus from New Matsuda Station; Access to Otemadaguchi Gochime can be reached by climbing bus from Otemadba Station on the JR Otemadba Line; Access to Fujimiaguchi Gochime is available from JR Tokaido main line Mishima Station, or from JR Tokaido Shinkansen new Fuji Station , Tokaido Line Fuji Station, Body line Fujiomiya station take the mountain bus. [28]
Mount Fuji from the foot of the mountain to the top, a total of 10 stages, each stage is a "Jiamei", starting from the foot of the mountain to the side of the mountain is called five Jiamei, from the five Jiamei to climb up, is the six Jiamei, seven Jiamei, until the top of the Shiaimu. There are places for visitors to rest in each Hei Moo, and the bus can go up to the "Five Hei Moo" at 2,305 meters. Starting from the "Wuhemu" here, it usually takes several hours to reach the summit. Mount Fuji Gochime is equivalent to a leisure platform located halfway up the mountain, where there is a large parking lot, many restaurants as well as several Tourist souvenir With a small shop and a post office, Mount Fuji Gochime is the most visited tourist attraction and has almost become a necessary place to visit Mount Fuji in 2018. [29]
  • Yoshida route
Yoshida route diagram [38]
The Yoshida route starts at Mount Fuji Subaru Line Gochime. This line is characterized by more perfect mountain houses, rest places and medical aid stations, and special roads up and down the mountain. [38]
  • The Otenba route
A schematic diagram of the route of Otenba [38]
This route starts from a height of 1440 meters above sea level, which is much higher than other climbing routes in terms of altitude drop, the distance is long, the mountain house is only available above the heptagamei, and the descent is downhill. [38]
  • Required route
A route diagram is required [38]
There are fewer mountain houses to walk, and you can enjoy alpine plants on the way. This route starts at Yahaimee and joins the Yoshida route, and you can experience sand skiing on the way down. [38]
  • The Fuji Palace Route
Fuji Palace route diagram [38]
This route is the shortest of the four routes with the smallest elevation drop, and the top of the mountain is the closest to Jianfeng. Climbing and descending are the same route, and this hiking route, located on the south side of Mount Fuji, overlooks Suruga Bay. [38]