Republic of Colombia

A land and sea country in northern South America
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synonymColombia(Republic of Colombia) Generally refers to the Republic of Colombia
The Republic of Colombia (Spanish: Republica de Colombia), simply referred to as "Colombia", is located South America It is a land and sea country in the north, bordering Venezuela and Brazil to the east, Ecuador and Peru to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, Panama to the northwest, and the Caribbean Sea to the north, with an area of 1141,748 square kilometers, divided into 32 provinces and the Bogota capital Region, the capital of which is Bogota . In 2023, Colombia has a population of 52.16 million, ranking third in Latin America. Colombia's forest area is 59.31 million hectares, accounting for 51.9% of the country's total land area. The main mineral deposits are emerald, oil, natural gas, coal, gold, nickel and so on. Emerald reserves first in the world. [1-2]
The Republic of Colombia was formerly Indian It became a Spanish colony in 1536. On July 20, 1810, the Republic of Colombia declared its independence, which was later suppressed. In 1819, the Republic of Colombia was liberated. In 1821, Colombia was joined by Ecuador, Venezuela, and Panama Gran Colombia It was dissolved in 1830. In 1831, the Republic of Colombia was renamed The Republic of New Granada . In 1861, the Republic of New Granada was renamed United States of Colombia . In 1886, the United States of Colombia was renamed the Republic of Colombia. [1]
Colombia has a medium level of development in Latin America and a high degree of marketization. The year 2021 Gross domestic product $314.27 billion, Gross domestic product per capita 6,156 dollars, Economic growth rate 10.6%, Inflation rate 5.6%, unemployment rate 13.7%, poverty rate 39.3%, Gini coefficient It's 0.523. [1]
October 2022, according to Agencia EFe The Colombian government will declare a state of "natural disaster" next week in response to the crisis caused by rainfall and flooding. On September 2, 2023 local time, the Colombian Government delegation and former" The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia The branch "Central Staff" agreed on the peaceful conditions for achieving a ceasefire . [19]
Chinese name
Republic of Colombia
Foreign name
The Republic of Colombia (English)
República de Colombia (in Spanish)
Abbreviated form
South America
Major city
Medellin , Karli , Barranquilla , Bucaramanga , Cartagena Etc.
National Day
July 20th (Independence Day)
National song
The Glory That Never Fades
Country code
Official language
Colombian peso
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leader
Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego [1] (President)
Population number
52.16 million (as of 2023)
Population density
45.9 persons/km2 [11] (2020)
Major nationality
An Indo-European , The white race , A mulatto
Major religion
Land area
1141748 km²
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$314.27 billion (Year 2021)
Per capita GDP
$6,156 (Year 2021)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Keep to the right

Historical evolution

  • Pre-colonial period
About 10,000 BC, in the present Bogota There are hunter-gatherers nearby Social form . Around 1000 years, America the Indian He created a political system, a pyramidal structure with the leader at the top. In the area of present-day Colombia, two civilizations adopted this political system at that time. One is Tayronas in the Caribbean, and the other is Muisca, near Bogota, which can also be translated as the Bucha people. Mujica is the Republic of Colombia Indigenous people -- Chibucha Indians, who use wood and stone tools to grow crops such as corn and cassava and weave cotton cloth. Mujica was also a famous source of gold in ancient South America, The Chibcha With a high level of gold decorative art. [9]
  • Colonial period
European settlers came to Colombia
In 1501, the Spaniard Bastidas first reached the northern coast of Colombia and founded it in 1525 Santa Marta . In 1533, Heredia Set up Cartagena . In 1535, Jimenez de Quesada led Spanish colonists into the interior of Colombia, defeated the Chibucha, and established it in 1536 Bogota Since then, Colombia has become a Spanish colony [1] . The colony of Spanish Columbia was originally under the jurisdiction of the Viceroy of Peru and was established in Bogota by the Spanish Crown in 1718 New Granada After the governor, he shall rule directly. Colombian Indians were brutally exploited under Spanish colonial rule, Native white Also suffer all kinds of oppression. Indian uprisings continued, and Native white uprisings began in 1781 New Granada civic uprising Equinational uprising [4] .
1808 in France Napoleon I Intrude into Spain When the news reached Colombia, the Colombian people immediately started a movement for independence. On July 20, 1810, a massive uprising broke out in Bogota against Spanish colonial rule, arresting the governor of Nuevo Granada and declaring Colombian independence. In November 1811, representatives from all parts of Colombia organized a congress in Bogota, formed the United Provincial Government of New Granada, and declared independence on November 11 Quindinamaca The United Province of New Granada is not recognized. At the end of 1812, civil war broke out in Colombia amid disputes over the formation of a political regime. In 1814, the Colombian civil war broke out again. In mid-1815, a Spanish expeditionary force arrived in the United Province of New Grenada and overthrew the United Provincial government. In May 1816, the Royalists took control of all of New Grenada. On August 7, 1819, S. Bolivar He led the rebels to defeat the Spanish colonial army at the Battle of Boyaca and captured Bogota on August 10, ending Spanish colonial rule [1] [4] .
  • Gran Colombia
The Republic of Gran Colombia is represented
In 1815, bolivar in Letters from Jamaica When South America was liberated from Spanish colonial rule, New Granada and Venezuela were supposed to form a country called "Gran Colombia." On August 7, 1819, Bolivar's Patriotic army attacked Battle of Boyaka The Spanish colonial forces were defeated and Bogota was liberated on 10 August, thus freeing New Granada and most of Venezuela. After obtaining the consent of the patriotic army and people of Nuevo Granada, Bolivar proposed in the Venezuelan Congress convened in Angostura in December 1819 that Venezuela and Nuevo Granada unite to form a united state. On December 17, 1819, the Venezuelan Congress passed the resolution, creating the Republic of Gran Colombia, which united the two regions. In May 1821, the Republic of Gran Colombia was established as its temporary capital Cucuta Convene a constitutional convention. On August 20, 1821, the Congress adopted and promulgated the first Constitution of the Republic of Gran Colombia. The Constitution stipulates that the Republic of Gran Colombia shall be a centralized republic; The abolition of slavery, the emancipation of slaves and their children, and the prohibition of the sale of slaves; Providing that citizens enjoy equal rights and freedom of speech and of the press; The Congress elected Bolivar as the first President of Gran Colombia and Santander as the first Vice President. May 1822, the Bolivarian faction Sucre The general led an army that liberated Ecuador Quito Ecuador subsequently declared its accession to the Republic of Gran Colombia [1] [4] .
In 1823, at the request of Peruvian patriots and with the approval of the Congress of Gran Colombia, Bolivar led the Gran Colombian army into Peru to fight the Spanish colonial army. In 1824, the allied forces of Colombia and Peru defeated the Spanish colonial Army and Peru declared its independence. When Bolivar led the army in Peru, Santander acted as president and presided over the government of Gran Colombia. Santander advocated a federal system of government and a coalition of local forces against Bolivar's policy of unity. In April 1826, to Paez The local rulers of Venezuela and the rulers of New Granada, led by Santander, demanded the creation of a separate state. On May 8, 1828, the National Assembly of Gran Colombia met Ocania Be convened. The centralist faction headed by Bolivar and the Federalist faction represented by Santander clashed sharply at the conference. In November 1829, Venezuela announced its withdrawal Gran Colombia . In January 1830, Bolivar resigned from the presidency at the Congress in an attempt to resolve differences and preserve national unity, but to no avail. On 31 May 1830, the region of Quito was declared independent of Colombia Republic of Ecuador . After Bolivar's death on 17 December 1830, the Republic of Gran Colombia was dissolved [1] [4] .
  • The Republic of New Granada
1831 The Republic of New Granada was established in the territory of Colombia and Panama [1] . From 1832 to 1837, Santander served as the first president of the Republic under the dictatorship of Caudillo, i.e Caudillo doctrine . Then, Colombian Conservative Party with Liberal Party of Colombia Struggle for power, frequent civil war, political instability for a long time. During the Liberal government of 1849 to 1884 (including the Conservative government of 1857 to 1860), a number of reforms were carried out: the abolition of slavery and government monopoly; The abolition of clerical privileges and the confiscation of church property; A constitution was enacted, providing for the separation of church and state, and proclaiming freedom of conscience, speech, and the press [4] .
  • United States of Colombia
In 1861, the Republic of New Granada was renamed United States of Colombia . In 1884, during the general election of the United States of Colombia, the Colombian Liberal Party split, and the Colombian Conservative Party candidate Nunez was elected president. In order to consolidate the dictatorship of the big landowners in Colombia and restore the power of the Catholic Church, the Conservative government enacted the Constitution in 1886, declared Catholicism as the state religion, strengthened the power of the president, and changed the country's name to the Republic of Colombia [1] [4] .
  • Republic of Colombia
After the establishment of the Republic of Colombia, the Conservative government brutally persecuted opponents and repressed the masses. In 1899-1902 there was an outbreak between the Liberals and the Conservatives of the so-called" Thousand Day War The national economy was severely damaged. In November 1903, the United States instigated Panama Independence from Colombia [1] At the same time, the United States and Britain invested heavily in Colombian oil, railways, and coffee and banana plantations, plundering Colombia's wealth. Capitalism in 1929 World economic crisis After the outbreak, Colombia's coffee and oil exports decreased, and people's lives were even more difficult. In July 1930, the Communist Party of Colombia was founded. That same year, Colombian Liberal Olaya Herrera was elected president. After the Liberal Party returned to power, it carried out some reforms under the pressure of the people. Lopez Pumarejo During his first term in office, the Constitution was amended in 1936: Clear Separation of powers Principle, practice Direct election ; The abolition of the Catholic Church's monopoly on education; Providing workers with the right to strike and the freedom to choose their profession; The government recognized the ownership of private wasteland occupied by farmers and imposed maximum working days and unemployment benefits for workers.
World War II During this period, due to the reduction of industrial imports and the increase of coffee exports, Colombia's industry and agriculture developed, the national gold reserves increased, and the working class continued to grow. December 1941 Pacific War After the outbreak, Colombia broke off diplomatic relations with Japan. In November 1943, Colombia declared war on Germany. In 1946, the Conservative Ospina Peres was elected president with the support of the United States, and his persecution of Liberals and working people was rampant. In April 1948, Gaitan, the leader of the left wing of the Liberal Party, was assassinated, leading to an armed uprising of the people. Conservative Party in 1949 Gomez Castro Elected president, carrying out a pro-American dictatorship. In 1950, peasants organized guerrilla groups in the mountains and repeatedly repelled sieges by government forces. Commander of the Armed Forces in 1953 Rojas Pinilla He came to power in a coup but was forced to step down in 1957 [4] .
In 1957, the Liberal and Conservative parties reached an agreement to form a national Front, which would rotate the presidency between the two parties for 16 years from 1958 [5] . Since then, the national economy has developed rapidly. But American capital poured in, controlling Colombia's oil, coffee, and banana production, and manipulating Colombia's foreign trade. After the expiration of the two-party agreement in 1974, the Liberals were elected president for two consecutive terms, and the political situation was relatively stable. In October 1974, the Colombian government announced the cancellation of oil leases for foreign companies. In 1975, Colombia decreed the nationalization of foreign banks and credit institutions [4] .
Conservative Party in 1982 Belisario Betancourt Quartas He was elected president, declared his government to be a pro-party national government, and approved a bill granting amnesty to guerrillas in order to resolve the issue of internal peace through dialogue with the rebels. A peaceful ceasefire agreement was reached between the Government and the main guerrilla groups in 1984, and a national dialogue began in January 1985, but guerrilla activities continued [6] .
2002, Independent Alvaro Uribe Elected president of Colombia, he has adopted a hard right line, Colombia's largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces, has been vigorously rounded up. This has brought Colombia closer to the United States, which has increased its financial support. On 28 May 2006, Alvaro Uribe was re-elected. In August 2010, Santos, the candidate of the Socialist Party of National Unity, was elected president and was re-elected in 2014 [1] .
On March 14, 2022 local time, preliminary results of the Colombian congressional election were announced, Colombia's two traditional political parties, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party, and the emerging left-wing political group "Historic Convention Alliance" in the total number of seats in the two houses of Congress are more than 40. Among them, the Historic Pact Alliance became the largest political force in the Senate with 17 seats, and the Liberal Party became the largest party in the House of Representatives with 32 seats. [12]
On September 2, 2023, local time, the Colombian government delegation and the Central Staff of the former "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia" (referred to as "CWU") branch reached an agreement on the peace conditions for achieving a ceasefire after several days of negotiations . [19]

Geographical environment


Regional location

The Republic of Colombia is located in the northwest of South America, bordering Venezuela and Brazil to the east, Ecuador and Peru to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, Panama to the northwest, and the Caribbean Sea to the north. Colombia shares a land border of 2,219 km with Venezuela, 1,645 km with Brazil, 1,626 km with Peru, 585 km with Ecuador and 226 km with Panama [7] . Most of Colombia lies between 4° and 12° north latitude and 66° and 79° West longitude [8] With an area of 1,141,748 square kilometers, it ranks fourth in South America. Latin America 5th place [1] .
Topographic map of Colombia


The terrain of the Republic of Colombia is roughly divided into the western mountain region and the eastern plain region. The west is mainly the Andes mountains, and there are many coastal plains; The east is mainly Orinoco Plain and Amazon plain Two parts, the northern Columbus Peak is 5800 meters high, the highest peak in the country. Andes Mountains Colombia is divided into East, central and west The Cordillera Mountains ; The average height of the Middle Cordillera Mountains is more than 3,000 meters, stretching 800 kilometers, there are a few volcanoes above 5,000 meters; Between the three mountains there are wide intermountain basins, such as the basin where the capital Bogota is located, 240 km wide, 480 km long and 2600 m above sea level, which is the most densely populated area in Colombia. The valleys are deep and there are grabens. The eastern plain is a tributary of the Orinoco River and the Amazon River alluvial, the terrain is flat, most of the rainy season is often flooded, only the central area of the elevation of more than 900 meters [1] [3] .
The Republic of Colombia is the only country in South America that borders both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, with an area of 928,660 square kilometers [7] The Caribbean coast has a total coastline of 1,600 kilometers and the Pacific coast has a total coastline of 1,300 kilometers. There's Moroskijo Bay, Darien Bays such as Urawa Bay, Cupika Bay, Tibuga Bay, Buena Ventura Bay, Tumaco Bay and Sardinas Cove. Of the Caribbean Sea northwest of the country SAN Andres Providencia Province There are SAN Andres Island , The island of Providencia Southeast East Islands, etc Islands and reefs [3] .

Climatic characteristics

The Republic of Colombia is located in the tropics and the climate varies depending on the terrain. The southern part of the eastern plain and the Pacific coast have a tropical rainforest climate, the mountain with an altitude of 1000-2000 meters is a subtropical climate, and the northwestern part is a tropical savannah climate.


Drainage distribution
The inland rivers of the Republic of Colombia are navigable for 24,725 kilometers [5] Eastern genus The Orinoco River (250 km), Amazon (116 km) in which the Orinoco River originates The Eastern Cordillera Mountains . It rises in Lake Magdalena in the Central Cordillera and is located in Barranquilla East into the Caribbean Sea The Magdalena River With a length of 1,500 kilometers, it is an important waterway connecting Colombia's interior to the Caribbean Sea. The rivers of western Colombia are characterized by shortness as the Andes Mountains approach the Pacific Ocean [3] .

Natural resources

Colombia is rich in natural resources, with a forest area of 59.31 million hectares, accounting for 51.9% of the country's total land area. The main mineral deposits are emerald, oil, natural gas, coal, gold, nickel and so on. Emerald reserves are the first in the world, and the export volume accounts for half of the global emerald market.
According to the Colombian International Mining and Energy Programme (UPME), in 2018, 2019 and 2020, Colombia's emerald production was 2.128 million carats, 655,000 carats and 1.585,000 carats, respectively, and exports were $120 million, $23.8 million and $4.44 million, respectively.
According to the statistics of Colombia's Ministry of Mines and Energy, as of the end of 2020, the country's proven crude oil reserves were 3.07 billion barrels, down 9.5% year-on-year, and the storage and production ratio was 6.3 years; Proved natural gas reserves were 2,949 TCF, continuing the decline since 2012 and down 6.8% year on year, with the reserve-production ratio falling to 7.7 years. In 2020, Colombia produced 290 million barrels of oil (781,000 b/d), down 11.8% from the previous year. Natural gas production was 380 billion cubic feet, down 2.5% from a year earlier.
Statistics from the Colombian Mining and Energy Planning Agency show that in 2020, Colombia's coal production was 49.46 million tons, a 40% decrease from 2019, and its exports were 66.14 million tons, with an export value of $3.38 billion. Nickel production of 79.57 million pounds, exports of 12,500 tons, exports of 440 million US dollars; Gold production of 47.6 tons, exports $110 million.
Historically, Colombia is a coffee-oriented agricultural country, producing high-quality Arabica coffee, is the world's third largest coffee producer and exporter after Brazil and Vietnam, and is the world's largest exporter of Arabica coffee beans.
In 2020, Colombia produced 13.9 million bags of coffee (60 kg each), down 6% from the previous year. Of these, 12.5 million bags were exported. In addition to coffee, other major agricultural exports are flowers, bananas, palm oil and avocados. [18]

Administrative division


Main division

  • First-level administrative region
Subdivisions of Colombia
The primary administration of the Republic of Colombia is divided into 32 provinces and the Capital District of Bogota [1] (Capital of the province in parentheses), divided into six regions: the Andes, the Caribbean, the Pacific, Orichia, Amazon, and the Islands [7] .
Map of the District of Columbia
The 32 provinces of Colombia are: Amazonas province (Leticia), Department of Antioquia (Medellin), Department of Arauca (Arauca), Atlantic province (Barranquilla), Bolivar Province (Cartagena), Boyaka Province (Tunha), Caldas Province (Manizales), The province of Caqueta (Florence), Casanare Province (Jopal), Cauca (Popayan), Cesar Province (Valledupar), Choco (Kibdo), Cordoba Province (Monteria), Cundinamaca Province (Bogota), Guaynia Province (Port of Inirida), Department of Guaviare (SAN Jose), Ouila province (Neva), Guajira Province (Leo Acha), Magdalena Province (Santa Marta), Meta ( Villavicencio ), Narino Province (Pasto), The province of Norte Santander (Cucuta), Putumayo Province (Mocoa), Quindio Province (City of Armenia), Risalda Province (Pereira), SAN Andres Providencia Province (SAN Andres), Santander Province (Bucaramanga), Sucre (Sinselejo), Tolima Province (Iwag), Valley of Cauca Province (Cali), Vopes province (meter), Bichada Province (Porto Carreno)
  • Secondary administrative region
The secondary administrative regions of the Republic of Colombia are divided into 1065 autonomous regions, municipalities and municipalities.
Secondary administrative regions of Colombia

Major city

  • Bogota
Bogota Bogota, founded in 1538 and made its capital in 1886, was known as Santafe de Bogota from 1991 to 2000, as well Cundinamaca Province The provincial capital and the largest city in Colombia, with an area of 1,776 square kilometers and an urban area of 307.4 square kilometers. Bogota is located in the valley basin at the foot of Montserrat Mountain and Guadaloup Mountain, 2645 meters above sea level, the climate is cool, spring all year round, the annual average temperature of 14℃. Population 7.9 million (2022). Gross domestic product It accounts for about a quarter of Colombia's GDP, of which industry accounts for two-fifths, and handed over half of the country's current account income. The city center and east of Bogota are commercial areas, the west and south are industrial areas, the north is rich areas, the south is poor areas. [1]
The outskirts of Bogota are vast grasslands, Montserrat mountain is located in the northeast of the city, 3,260 meters above sea level, the top of the old church, overlooking the whole city. Bogota has a mix of modern tall buildings and old colonial buildings. In the center of Plaza Bolivar stands a statue of the "liberator of Latin America." The square is surrounded by the Supreme Court, the cathedral, the parliament building, the city government and the presidential palace. Bogota has developed cultural undertakings and is known as the "Iberian Capital of Culture". Bogota has the National Museum, Museum of Modern Art Museum of Natural History, etc. The Gold Museum, built in 1939, displays gold artifacts and gold ornaments made by ancient Indians, with a collection of more than 35,000 pieces. The Bolivar House Museum houses furniture, weapons and other relics from the life of the Latin American liberator. The national university has more than 20,000 students, and there are 19 private universities [3] .
  • Medellin
Medellin Medeilin, founded in 1616 and founded in 1675, is the second largest city in Colombia. Province of Antioquia The capital is located north of the Central Cordillera Mountains. Medellin has an area of 382 square kilometers and a population of about 2.5 million (2018), mostly of Basco descent. Medellin is 1500 meters above sea level, with an average annual temperature of 23 degrees, and is famous for its parks, flowers, especially orchids. Medellin is the largest coffee market in Colombia, and the textile industry, clothing industry, food processing industry and cigarettes, cement, agricultural machinery, metallurgy, chemicals, furniture, etc., also occupy an important position in the country. In 1995, the metro opened in Medellin, the only city in Colombia to have a metro, and Medellin has an international airport named Jose Maria Cordoba International Airport. Medellin University of Administration, Finance and Technology (EAFIT University) is a first-class university in the country, and many departments of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have students from the school [3] [5] .
  • Barranquilla
Barranquilla (Barranquilla), yes Atlantic province The capital city, with an average annual temperature of 28 degrees, east distance The Magdalena River Estuary about 10 kilometers. Barranquilla has an area of 154 square kilometers and a population of about 1.2 million (2018), with a metropolitan area population of more than 2 million. Barranquilla is the most important city along the Caribbean coast of Colombia, the most important seaport and river port of Colombia, and the total foreign trade accounts for more than half of the country; Barranquilla initially set up a joint Colombian and German airline called SCADTA, which moved to the capital Bogota in 1980 under the current name AVIANCA. Barranquilla is known as a city of culture, Barranquilla Carnival Held every February 40 days before Holy Week, it is the most important carnival in Colombia [3] [5] .
  • Cartagena
Cartagena (Cartagena), built in 1533, is Bolivar Province The provincial capital. Cartagena has an area of 709 square kilometers, a population of 1.02 million (2018), an average temperature of 32 degrees Celsius, and an economy based on tourism. For many times in the history of the fight against pirate invasion and won the glorious title of "hero city". For its beautiful tropical beaches and well-preserved colonial castle buildings, it was declared a "Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO in 1984. [5] .
  • Karli
Karli (Cali), founded in 1536, full name Santiago Cali, is Valley of Cauca Province The provincial capital and the third largest city in Colombia, it is located in the south-central province of Valle del Cauca, south and south Cauca Border. Cali, with a population of about 2 million (2018), is 1,000 meters above sea level and has an average annual temperature of 23 degrees, making it one of the most comfortable cities in Colombia. Cali, whose economy is based on sugarcane cultivation and sugar processing, is known as the Salsa song and dance capital and hosts an annual Miss Sugarcane competition and orchid Festival.
Cali position diagram

National symbol


Country name

The Republic of Colombia (The Republic of Colombia; Spanish: La Republica de Colombia, short for "Colombia" [1] .

National emblem

Coat of arms of Colombia
Emblem of the Republic of Colombia The central design is the coat of arms. In the middle of the shield is a "freedom hat", symbolizing freedom and liberation. On the surface of the shield are two horns, symbolizing fertility, and a red pomegranate in the middle. Colombia was once called the "Republic of New Granada", and "Granada" means "pomegranate" in Spanish. The lower part of the shield depicts Colombia's location on the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the north. At the top of the coat of arms is an American eagle holding a wreath of laurel branches and leaves, symbolizing the independence and glory of the country; The ribbon under the eagle's claws reads in Spanish "Liberty, order," meaning freedom under order. The coat of arms is flanked by two national flags [7] .


Flag of Colombia
Flag of the Republic of Colombia Inaugurated on November 26, 1861, the flag is rectangular in shape, with a length to width ratio of about 3:2. From top to bottom, the yellow, blue and red three parallel horizontal rectangles are connected, the yellow part accounts for half of the flag, and the blue and red each account for 1/4 of the flag. Yellow represents the richness and wealth of the soil, as well as sovereignty, harmony and justice; Blue represents the ocean, and Colombia is the coastal two seas that unite the nation to other towns for the exchange of products. Red represents blood, which means love, strength and progress [7] .

National bird

The national bird of Colombia is The Andean condor It is the largest flying bird in the world. Its biological design is on the top of the Shield of Colombia (the national emblem), representing the glory of the motherland. The Andean condor can fly up to 300 kilometers a day, and its feathers are almost entirely black, with metallic reflections and white-haired window sashes above its wings, in addition to a white collar at the base of its neck, and a flesh-red crest on the male's head [7] .

The national flower

The national flower of the Republic of Colombia, Winter Catellan (orchid), has been the national flower of Colombia since 1936. Named after the Colombian naturalist JoseJeronimoTriana, it is a typical temperate plant, growing at an altitude of 1000 to 2000 meters and at an environment of 17 to 24 ° C [7] .

National tree

The national tree of the Republic of Corinthia is the wax palm, mainly found in Quindio in the Coffee Triangle, more specifically in the Cocora Valley, which is characterized by high trunk strength, long life, and high height up to 70 meters [7] .

National anthem

Anthem of the Republic of Colombia For "O Eternal Glory" (also translated as "O Eternal Glory"), lyrics by RafaelNunez and music by Italian composer Oreste Sindindici. On October 28, 1920, Law No. 33, authorized by President Marco FidelSuarez, officially established the song as the national anthem [7] .


52.16 million (2023), ranking third in Latin America. Of these, 60 percent are Indo-European, 20 percent are white, 18 percent are mulatto, and the rest are Indians and blacks. in Choco In some coastal provinces, blacks were concentrated, and in Antioquia, Santander and other provinces, whites were concentrated.




According to the Constitution, the Republic of Colombia is a centralized state Presidential republic The legislative, executive and judicial powers are separated, and the President is directly elected as the head of state and head of government. Parliament is the legislative body of the country. The Cabinet is an executive branch of government directly headed by the president [1] .


The Colombian Congress is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and the President of the Congress is also the President of the Senate. The current Congress was established on July 20, 2022, for a four-year term, with 108 senators and 188 representatives. Ivan NAME Vasquez, the current President of the National Assembly and President of the Senate, and Andres David CALLE Aguas, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, took office on July 20, 2023, and both serve until July 20, 2024. [1]


The current government of Colombia was formed in August 2022. The current cabinet members are as follows:
Members of the Government of Colombia
Francia Elena MARQUEZ Mina (female)
Minister of Foreign affairs
Alvaro LEYVA Duran
Minister of the interior
Luis Fernando VELASCO
Minister of Finance and Public Credit
Minister of Justice and Law
Nestor Ivan OSUNA Patino
Secretary of defense
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Jhenifer MOJICA (female)
Minister of Health and Social Security
Guillermo Alfonso JARAMILLO
Minister of labor
Gloria Ines RAMIREZ Rios (female)
Minister of Mines and Energy
Omar Andres Camarcho (male)
Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism
Herman UMANAMendoza (German UMANAMendoza)
Minister of education
Aurora VERGARA Figueroa (female)
Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development
Maria Susana MUHAMAD Gonzalez (female)
Minister of Housing, Cities and Land
Marta Catalina VELASCO Campuzano (female)
Minister of Information Technology and Communications
By Mauricio LIZCANO
Minister of transport
Minister of culture
Jorge Ignacio ZORRO Sanchez
Minister of Science and Technology Innovation
Yesenia OLAYA (female)
Minister of sports
Astrid Bibiana RODRIGUEZ Cortes (female)
Reference materials: [24]

Political party

The main political parties are as follows:
Main political parties of Colombia
Party name
Colombia Humana
Main ruling party
Founded in October 2011 by the current president Petro, formerly known as "Progressive Movement", in October 2021 officially obtained legal status as a left-wing political party. It attaches importance to the concepts of human rights protection, environmental protection, gender equality, industrialization and agricultural modernization.
Democratic Center Party (Centro Democratico)
Largest opposition party
Founded in July 2014 as a right-wing political party. The leader is former President Alvaro URIBE, president of the National Leadership Council Nubia Stella Martinez Rueda (Nubia Stella MARTINEZ Rueda).
People's Unity Party (Partido de la Union por la Gente, often Partido de la U)
Center-right party
It was founded in 2005 by former President Juan Manuel Santos as the Partido Social de Unidad Nacional (Partido Social de Unidad Nacional). The party's program emphasizes representing the interests of the general public, respecting the pluralism of political development, attaching importance to the construction of social democracy, supervising government institutions, consolidating democratic constitutionalism, and promoting the construction of a just, free and prosperous country and society. Party president Dilian Francisca TORO.
Radical change party (Partido Cambio Radical)
Center-right party
Founded in 1998, it advocates democratic change at home, greater transparency in public administration, eradication of poverty, re-establishment of morality, completion of the domestic peace process, and external advocacy of comprehensive diplomacy, respect for international law, and peaceful settlement of disputes. The party is chaired by German VARGAS Lleras, former Vice President and General Secretary Herman Cordoba Ordonez (German GORDOBA).
Liberal Party (Partido Liberal)
Centre-left party
The oldest political party in Colombia, founded in 1848. It now has about 4 million party members. It advocates safeguarding state sovereignty, developing the national economy, and carrying out political and economic reforms. In June 1989, the party joined the Socialist International. The party's chairman is Cesar GAVIRIATrujillo, a former president, and its general secretary is Jaime Jaramillo.
Conservative Party (Partido Conservador)
Center-right party
Colombia's main traditional political party, founded in 1849, has 1.6 million members. It was renamed the Social Conservative Party in 1987 and returned to its original name in 1992. It advocates safeguarding national independence and state sovereignty, developing the national economy and diversifying ideologies. The president of the party is Senator Efrain Jose CEPEDA Sarabia.
Democratic Choice Center Party (Polo Democratico Alternativo)
Left-wing party
Founded in 2006, the main support force is trade unions, enterprise guilds and people of the lower middle class. The chairman of the party is Senator Alexander LOPEZ Maya.
Green Alliance Party (Partido Alianza Verde)
Center-right party
Founded in September 2009, it advocates "oxygen for the political life of the country", requires respect for the constitutional system, the pursuit of social justice, respect for life, opposition to violence, advocate the protection of the environment and biodiversity, and achieve sustainable economic, social and environmental development. The leaders of the United Party were Antanas MOCKUS, Antonio NAVARRO Wolff, and Carlos Andres AMAYA Rodriguez.
Popular Party (COMUNES)
Left-wing party
Formerly known as Fuerza Alternative Revolucionaria Del Comun (Popular Revolutionary Alternative Forces), it was founded in August 2017. It was formed after the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia signed a peace agreement with the government, promising to lay down arms, hand over property, participate in politics through peaceful and legal means, and continue to strive for fairness, democracy, independence and peace in Colombia. Current party chairman Rodrigo Londono (Rodrigo LONDONO).
Reference materials: [24]


The new left-wing political group "Historical Pact Alliance". [12]


President Petro. Born on 19 April 1960 in Cordoba Province, Colombia. He graduated from the University of Costa Rica with a degree in economics. At a young age, he joined the April 19 Movement (M19) as a guerrilla and later entered politics. He was a member of the House of Representatives three times (1991-1994, 1998-2002, 2002-2006), a senator twice (2006-2010, 2018-2022), and mayor of Bogota (2012-2015). Petro ran for president three times and was elected the first leftist president in the country's history in June 2022. His wife, Veronica del Socorro Alcocer Garcia, had five children.
At 12 noon local time on June 23, 2022, the National Electoral Commission of Colombia officially announced that according to the final count results submitted by the National Civil Registration Office, Gustavo Petro, candidate of the leftist campaign alliance "Colombian Historical Convention Union", won the presidential election and was officially elected as the new president of Colombia. He was sworn in for a term on August 7 Four years. [13] [15]


The current Constitution of the Republic of Colombia was amended on the basis of the Constitution of 1886 and promulgated in 1991. The new constitution expands democratic participation and strengthens the powers of the judiciary. The main contents are: representative democracy with separation of powers; The President is the head of state and head of government and the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, who is directly elected for a term of four years, and the governors and mayors are directly elected. Citizens' human rights such as personal safety, freedom of belief, association, labor, thought and education are guaranteed. In 2004 Colombia's parliament passed a law allowing the president to run for consecutive terms. In 2005, the Constitutional Court approved the Act. In 2015, the constitution was amended to make the presidential term non-renewable.


The judicial system of the Republic of Colombia consists of the Supreme Court, the Administrative Court, the Constitutional Court, the High Council of the Judiciary and the General Prosecutor's Office. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body and consists of 23 justices. The State Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court are composed of 26 and 9 justices, respectively. The High Judicial Council consists of 13 justices. The presidents of each court are elected by the justices for a term of one year. The General Prosecutor's Office is an integral part of Colombia's judicial system, but enjoys administrative and budgetary autonomy. Fernando CASTILLO Cadena, president of the Supreme Court, Jaime Enrique RODRIGUEZ Navas, president of the Administrative Court, Cristina PARDO Schlesinger (female), President of the Constitutional Court; Aurelio Enrique RODRIGUEZ Guzman, president of the High Council of the Judiciary; Attorney General Francisco Roberto BARBOSA Delgado. [1]


Colombian peso
Colombia has a medium level of development in Latin America and a high degree of marketization. In 2022, Colombia's economic growth rate is 7.5%, inflation rate is 13.12%, unemployment rate is 11.2%, poverty rate is 38%, and Gini coefficient is 0.53. [1]


Agriculture is one of the pillar industries of the Republic of Colombia, the main agricultural products are coffee, bananas, flowers, of which coffee and banana exports rank third in the world, flower exports rank second in the world. In 2010, the output value of agriculture, husbandry, forestry and fishery was 27,423 billion pesos. In 2010, coffee production was 535,200 tons. In 2011, coffee production was 468,500 tons. For a long time, the development of offshore, offshore and freshwater fisheries is backward, and the aquaculture industry is not developed [3] [5] . In 2016, Colombia's three major agricultural exports were coffee, flowers and bananas, with exports of $2.379 billion, $1.328 billion and $848 million, respectively. In 2019, coffee production and exports were 14.75 million and 13.7 million bags (60 kg each), respectively, and beef exports were 19,800 tons. Coca The planting area is 212,000 hectares.


The Republic of Colombia is dominated by manufacturing industry, and mining is one of the pillar industries of Colombia, mainly exploiting oil and coal [5] . Manufacturing has cement, paper, alkali, steel, textile and other sectors [3] . In 2016, Colombia produced 90.51 million tons of coal, 39,000 tons of copper, 255,000 ounces of gold, 37,000 tons of nickel and 2.02 million carats, up 5.8%, 568.7%, 13.7%, 1.1% and 13.5%, respectively. In 2019, oil and gas production averaged 885,800 barrels and 1.068 billion cubic feet per day, respectively.

Foreign trade

Colombia's main export products are petroleum and petroleum products, chemical products, coal, coffee, agricultural and sideline products and textiles, and mainly imports machinery and equipment, chemical products, agricultural and sideline products, textiles and metal materials. The main trading partners are the United States, China, Mexico and Japan. For the whole year of 2022, Costa Rica's exports reached 57.115 billion US dollars, an increase of 38%. The value of imports was 77.413 billion US dollars, up 26.7 percent year-on-year. In 2022, Costa Rica attracted $17.048 billion in foreign direct investment, up 81.7% year on year. [1]



Language and writing

The official language of Colombia is Spanish [1] There are also 65 languages spoken by indigenous peoples, as well as two other languages spoken by the San Basilio de Palenque community, the Raizales of SAN Andres and Providencia Islands, and the Roma language of the Gypsies Creole [7] .

Folk customs

  • Marriage custom
In the rural areas of the Republic of Colombia, an ancient and strange custom is still maintained. On the night of the wedding, the mother of the bride will visit the wedding room. If the groom does something wrong or bad, the mother-in-law is obliged to give guidance and advice.
  • Social etiquette
The Republic of Colombia has retained a large number of Spanish customs, especially the orthodox dress, men in public wearing a shirt, tie; Women don't wear shorts or even slacks when they go out. Summer dress is the standard dress for the citizens of Cali and Medellin. When the weather is hot, the host will ask guests to wear a wide shirt, but the passenger must not participate in business meetings or social activities without a shirt, the evening dinner, should wear a white shirt and a set of dark clothes.
Colombian business etiquette, all occasions to wear conservative style suits. But in a small city, you only need to wear a shirt, pants, and tie. The main forms of greeting in daily life are shaking hands, hugging and kissing on the cheek. Prefer to be referred to by your degree (doctor, master) or title. Wear a suit or white for social occasions National costume -- "Guayapella." Colombians love the number 7, but don't like the number 13. [5] .
  • Dining custom
The Republic of Colombia, like other South American countries, likes to take things slowly, do not rush. You have to wait an hour or so for a local to cook a meal. Dining customs are mainly the following 6 [5] :
(I) Carefully arrange the invitees to eat at the same table, and if possible, try to arrange people of the same social status and education level to sit together .
(2) It is not recommended to use chopsticks before the food is served .
(3) Chew lightly and swallow lightly. Do not chew or make noise with your mouth wide open while eating .
(4) Bread can be broken by hand, not cut with a table knife .
(5) While eating, the napkin can be kept on your lap and used to wipe your mouth from time to time .
(6) No smoking indoors .
  • Funeral custom
In Colombia, the death of a person is considered an irreparable loss. Not all people are expected to mourn, only those who are closest to the deceased or close to their relatives attend the funeral, and those close to the deceased's relatives are expected to accompany them throughout the funeral. If it is a colleague at work, the relationship is distant, can go to the funeral, after the mass service near the body or at the burial to express condolences.
Funeral dress requirement: Black dress. If you don't wear black, at least wear dark colors and don't show your shoulders. It is best for men to wear a black suit, women should wear less jewelry, do not wear dazzling jewelry, do not draw heavy makeup, wear mid-heels, preferably shoes [5] .
  • Folk music
Kambia originated Dance of Guinea Originated in the Magdalena River Delta indigenous region, it is a fusion of African and European music and culture. Kambia is performed by groups of couples who dance to drum and bagpipe music and hold a burning candle in their hands [7] .

Traditional festival

The Republic of Colombia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. The main holidays are: New Year's Day (1 January), Labour Day (1 May), Independence Day (20 July), Battle of Poiaka Memorial Day (7 August), Race Day (12 October), Cartagena Independence Day (11 November) and religious holidays such as Holy Week in April, Christmas Day (25 December) [5] .

Military affairs

The President of Colombia is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The General Command of Military Forces is the highest military command. The Supreme National Defense Council is the highest military advisory body. Compulsory military service with a term of 2 years. The current commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Helder Fernan GIRALDO Bonilla, the head of the army, Luis Mauricio OSPINA Gutierrez, The commander of the Navy, Francisco Hernando CUBIDES, the commander of the Air Force, Luis Carlos CORDOBA Avendano, National Police Commissioner Willam Rene Salamanca. The three armed forces have a total strength of 285,200, of which 237,500 are Army, 34,600 are Navy and 13,100 are air force. The National police force is 144,100. In 2022, Colombia's defense budget is 42.6 trillion pesos (equivalent to $8.9 billion), an increase of 9% over the previous year. [1]


Transportation in the Republic of Colombia is dominated by roads, and the modes of transportation cover roads, railways, aviation, shipping, pipelines and other fields [5] .


According to the latest statistics of the Colombian Ministry of Transportation, the total length of Colombian railways in 2018 was 3,533 kilometers; At the end of 2020, Colombia had 1,077 km of rail lines in operation. Colombia's rail network has a very limited function, is not the main form of transport in Colombia, and is not interconnected with neighboring countries. Most of the well-maintained and operated lines are private railways, which are mainly used for the transportation of bulk minerals such as coal. With the exception of Medellin, the second largest city, which has a metro, other cities, including Bogota, do not have a metro or metro rail system. In 2019, a consortium of Chinese enterprises (China Harbor and Xi 'an Metro) won the bid for the Bogota Metro Line 1 project, with CRRC Changke and Canada's Bombardier as the designated suppliers. The Bogota Metro Line 1 is designed to be 24 kilometers long, in the form of an unmanned elevated subway, and the project includes design, construction, supply and operation, with a total contract period of 28 years and a total contract value of more than 5 billion US dollars. This project is the largest single amount of rail transit project obtained by Chinese enterprises through international bidding. In addition, Colombia's planned Rionegro elevated light rail will carry around 500,000 passengers per day. The Colombia Master Plan for Multimodal Transport (PMTI) is the largest infrastructure project in Latin America, with a planned investment of $69.3 billion. The plan includes the expansion of 4G road infrastructure with more than 7,000 km of new roads, more than 1,370 km of two-lane roads, two tunnels, the modernization and expansion of 31 airports, and the renovation of Colombia's three-tier road network, which currently covers 142,000 km. Colombia currently has no high-speed rail lines. [18]


According to the latest statistics of the Colombian Ministry of Transportation (Anuario Estadistico TransporteenCifras-Estadisticas), the total length of roads in Colombia in 2019 was 207,000 km, of which 17,000 km are primary roads and 44,000 km are secondary roads. There are 142,000 kilometers of three-level highways and 5,506 Bridges. Buses are the main means of transportation in Colombia. The country's extensive road network allows access to even the most remote villages, with road connections to neighboring countries such as Venezuela and Ecuador. In 2019, there were 190 million road passengers in Colombia.
According to the statistics of the National Infrastructure Agency of Colombia, as of the end of July 2020, among the 29 fourth-generation highway projects planned by the Colombian government, the average construction progress is 42%, of which the Ocean Highway 2 is constructed by the project company composed of China Harbor and Colombia local investors Ethuss and SP. The project is expected to be operational by 2022. [18]

Water transport

According to the Colombian Ministry of Transportation, in 2018, the total length of Colombia's inland water transport lines was 25,000 kilometers, of which 18,000 kilometers were navigable. In 2017, Colombia's inland waterways carried 2.679 million passengers. Colombia's inland transport is mainly dependent on the Magdalena River, which carried 2.482 million tons of cargo in 2020, down 18% from 2019. Due to the lack of long-term effective management and maintenance, part of the river has been unable to achieve normal navigation. The medium and long-term management and maintenance project of the river has completed all bidding procedures in December 2014, and the relevant management and maintenance work was officially launched in June 2015. In 2020, the investment in dredging projects related to the river exceeded 50 billion pesos, and a total of three dredging projects were carried out.
Colombia has South America's only Pacific coast port Buenaventura port, the largest bulk cargo port Barranquilla port, the largest container port Cartagena port. The only border crossings between Colombia and Brazil and Peru are in the Colombian Amazon region Leticia . Leticia can be reached by boat from Iphotos (Peru) and Manaus (Brazil). Cartagena, Colombia, is reachable by sailing boat from Colon, Panama. Colombia's ports connect more than 4,300 routes, serving 27 shipping lines and 355 ports worldwide. [18]


Located on the northwestern edge of South America, Colombia is the gateway to South America from the United States and Central America and even Europe, with extremely convenient air transport and relatively low costs. According to the Colombian Ministry of Transportation, as of 2018, there were 731 airstrips in Colombia, providing access to 514 cities. In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, Colombia closed its air borders from March to September. According to Colombia's Civil Aviation Authority, 90 percent of Colombia's air transport routes were suspended between March and August. From December 2019 to December 2020, the number of air transport passengers was only 17 million, 27.7 million fewer than the same period from December 2018 to December 2019. From September 1 to December 31, the number of passengers in Colombia was 4.25 million, including 3.35 million domestic flights and 900,000 international flights. Bogota's El Dorado airport is the largest airport in Latin America by cargo volume and fourth by passenger volume, and is the largest international airport in Colombia, with international flights also available from other cities such as Cartagena, Medellin and Cali.
There are no direct flights between China and Colombia. Travelers from China to Colombia mostly choose the United States (New York) or Europe (Paris, Frankfurt, etc.) as transit points. [18]




Education in the Republic of Colombia is divided into three levels: primary, secondary and higher education. The general education system is: 5 years in primary school, 4 years in junior middle school, 2 years in senior high school and vocational high school; In higher education, 2-3 years for junior colleges and technical colleges, 4-5 years for university undergraduate, graduate training 2-3 years.
Colombia has made education free and compulsory for 11 years since 2011. In 2020, the coverage of primary and secondary education will be 79 percent and 89 percent, respectively, and that of higher education will be 51.6 percent. Famous institutions of higher learning are: National University of Colombia , Haviriana University, University of the Andes National Normal University, etc. [1]


Since 1991, the Republic of Colombia has provided free medical care to all infants under the age of one, and implemented a medical insurance system for others. Each person has to pay a medical insurance premium of about 4% of his/her salary per month, and can choose different levels of hospitals according to his/her financial ability. Colombia does not impose medical insurance on foreigners entering the country.
Colombia's medical conditions and levels are uneven, with different regions, classes, and types of insurance. Its health care system consists mainly of public hospitals, private hospitals and various specialized clinics. There were 1,010 public, private and social insurance hospitals, with 53,796 doctors and 61,954 nurses. There are 33 medical workers per 10,000 people and 75,000 hospital beds nationwide [5] .


There are about 400 newspapers and magazines in the country. The main newspapers are The Age " The Observer " La Repubblica Etc., there are major magazines (all weekly) The Week , The Revolution Let's wait.
There are 582 radio stations in the country. "Radio Nationale" is the only state radio station, created in 1940. "CBS", "NBC" and "W Radio" are the three larger private broadcasting companies, with broadcast stations and relay stations in various locations.
The television industry began in 1954. There are 15 television stations in the country, of which three are state television stations and broadcasting stations, but one and two are leased to private television program production stations and broadcasting stations through contracts, and the third is directly managed by the state and broadcasts cultural and educational programs. Snail TV, RCN TV and other major private television organizations.

Physical education

Colombia is a mecca for roller skaters, and the national team is a powerhouse at the World Speed Skating Championships. Colombia's traditional sport is cycling, and Colombia specializes in taekwondo, shooting, wrestling, judo, bowling, track and field, and weightlifting.

Public security

In 2016, the government of the Republic of Colombia and the largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), signed a peace agreement and began to implement it. At present, the overall security situation in Colombia is still not optimistic. Robbery, theft and other crimes occur frequently in large and medium-sized cities such as the capital Bogota. The National Liberation Army (ELN) has repeatedly carried out terrorist acts such as kidnappings and bombings. On 17 January 2019, the ELN carried out a car bomb attack on the police academy in Bogota, resulting in nearly 100 casualties. A general strike in Colombia on 21 November injured more than 100 civilians and killed three [5] .



Foreign policy

We will implement the concept of peace, pursue an independent and pluralistic foreign policy, strive to improve Colombia's international standing, and show some leadership in addressing climate change and other fields. Colombia has pursued a good-neighborly policy, actively participated in regional affairs, promoted the Latin American integration process, and restored diplomatic relations with Venezuela in August 2022. In July 2023, he was elected president of CELAC for 2025. We attach importance to consolidating traditional ties with EU countries and increasing exchanges and cooperation with Asia-Pacific countries. It joined the OECD in May 2018. It maintains diplomatic relations with more than 170 countries. [1] [24]
In May 2018, Colombia joined the OECD and became NATO's first global partner in Latin America. Colombia maintains diplomatic relations with 171 countries. On February 23, 2019, Venezuela announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Colombia. In June 2019, Organization of American States The 49th General Assembly was held in Medellin, Colombia. In December 2019, it was held in Bogota, the capital of Colombia Inter-american Treaty on Mutual Assistance Second Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Consultative Mechanism of States Parties [1] .

External relations

  • Relations with China
On February 7, 1980, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Colombia established diplomatic relations. In July and September of the same year, China and Colombia opened embassies in each other's countries. Costa Rica has consulates General in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have been developing steadily, exchanges and cooperation in various fields have been expanding, and the two countries have maintained sound cooperation in international affairs. The Colombian government has always adhered to the One-China principle on Taiwan, Tibet-related issues and other issues. China supports Colombia's domestic peace process. The foreign ministries of China and Colombia established the political consultation system in 1990 and have held 10 political consultations so far.
In October 1996, the President of the Republic of Colombia ( Samper First visit to China. President of Colombia in May 1999 (Pastrana), April 2005 (Pastrana) Uribe In May 2012 (Santos) three visits to China. The Chinese premier has visited Colombia only once (in May 2015, Li Keqiang ).
Since the first session of the Joint Economic and Trade Committee was held in Beijing in June 1986, the two governments have successfully held nine sessions of the Joint Committee.
China is Colombia's second largest trading partner, while Colombia is China's fifth largest trading partner in Latin America. According to Chinese customs statistics, bilateral trade in goods in 2023 was US $18.79 billion, down 16.5% year on year, of which China's exports were US $12.37 billion, down 20% year on year. Imports were $6.42 billion, down 8.9% year on year. China mainly exports electronic products, electrical equipment, automobiles, clothing, medicine and other commodities, while Costa Rica mainly imports crude oil, nickel iron, scrap copper, hide and leather and other commodities. China-colombia economic cooperation mainly covers oil exploration and development, infrastructure construction, telecommunications and other fields. [25]
The total number of Colombian students studying in China in the 2021-2022 academic year is 1,334, of which 121 are scholarship students. In 2022, eight Chinese students will study in Colombia. At present, there are three Confucius Institutes and one Confucius classroom in Colombia. China and Costa Rica have signed an implementation plan for educational cooperation.
The two heads of state announced the elevation of China-Colombia relations to a strategic partnership. [21]
  • Relations with South Korea
June 25, 2012, after two and a half years between the Republic of Colombia and South Korea Free trade agreement The negotiations are officially over. Trade between the two countries grew from $358 million in 2002 to $1.51 billion in 2011, according to Colombian government figures.
  • Relations with the United States
On October 30, 2009, the Republic of Colombia and the United States signed an agreement on the lease of military bases by the United States, which entered into force on the same day. On May 15, 2012, the United States Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement came into effect, and more than 80% of the United States exports of consumer and industrial products and more than 50% of agricultural products to Colombia began to enjoy duty-free treatment. Duty-free consumer and industrial goods include agricultural and construction equipment, building products, aircraft and spare parts, fertilizers, Information technology equipment Colombia previously imposed tariffs of 7.4% to 14.6% on industrial products exported to the United States; The duty-free agricultural products include wheat, barley, soybeans, high-quality beef, cured meats, and almost all fruits and vegetables, and under the agreement, Colombia will eliminate almost all tariffs on U.S. agricultural products over the next 15 years. Colombia has also opened its $180 billion services market to the United States, including allowing Colombian companies to hire Americans Professional technical personnel And phasing out market access restrictions for the cable industry.
Colombia is the third largest economy in Latin America, and the economies of the two countries are highly complementary. The trade promotion agreement will increase the exports of US goods by US $1.1 billion, and the output of other industries driven by exports will further increase the GDP by US $2.5 billion. In 2011, the United States exported $14.3 billion worth of goods to Colombia.
  • Relations with the European Union
The EU is an important partner of the Republic of Colombia. In 2012, Colombia signed a free trade agreement with the European Union. Prime Minister of Spain Rajoy Vice President of the European Commission Dahani Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho visited Colombia. President Santos visits Portugal.
  • Relations with NATO
March 13, 2022 news, local time on March 10, US President Joe Biden said in a meeting with visiting Colombian President Ivan Duque that the United States plans to grant Colombia "non-NATO major ally" status.
On May 23, 2022, US President Joe Biden announced that Colombia would be granted "non-NATO" major ally status.
  • Relations with Latin American countries
The Republic of Colombia maintains close traditional relations with Latin American countries and has maintained frequent high-level visits with other countries. Colombia has signed bilateral free trade agreements with Venezuela and Chile and established a free trade area with Ecuador. It has signed a trilateral free trade agreement with Mexico and Venezuela. Significant progress has been made in free trade and economic cooperation with Central America and the Caribbean. Colombia actively seeks to strengthen cooperation MERcosur The relationship. In 2011, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru Set up Pacific Alliance The joint stock markets of Chile and Peru were officially operated.
In 2012, Colombia had active contacts with other countries in the region. President Santos has visited Guatemala, Cuba, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador and Panama. Foreign Minister Holguin visited Cuba, Haiti and Venezuela. Presidents of Bolivia Morales Elected president of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto , Aruba Prime Minister Godefried, Foreign Minister Patino of Ecuador, Foreign Minister Roncarliolo of Peru, Suriname Foreign Minister Larkin and Argentine Foreign Minister Zimmerman visited Costa Rica. In April 2012, Colombia successfully hosted the sixth Summit of the Americas.
On January 26, 2024, the Colombian Foreign Ministry issued a statement announcing the recall of Colombian Ambassador to Argentina Camilo Romero. [23]
  • Relations with Venezuela
In February 2019, Venezuela Severed relations with Colombia. [14]
On July 28, 2022, representatives of Venezuela and Colombia announced that the two countries will restore diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level on August 7, the inauguration day of Colombian President-elect Gustavo Petro, and cooperate to improve border security. In a joint statement, the two sides said they "are willing to push forward a working agenda starting from August 7 to gradually move forward the normalization of bilateral relations through the appointment of ambassadors, diplomatic and consular officials." [14]
On August 29, 2022, Benedetti, the Colombian Ambassador to Venezuela, appointed by President Petro, presented to the Venezuelan President Maduro It marks the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries after a three-year break. [16]
On the morning of September 26, 2022 local time, the land border between Colombia and Venezuela was fully reopened to motor vehicles Fine. [17]
  • Relations with Palestine
On October 19, 2023, local time, Colombian President Petro met with the Palestinian ambassador to Colombia in the capital Bogota. [20]
On May 22, 2024, Colombian President Gustavo Petro ordered the opening of the Colombian Embassy in Ramallah, Palestine. [29]
  • Relations with Israel
On October 31, 2023, Colombian President Petro announced the recall of the Colombian ambassador to Israel and urged Israel to stop the "massacre of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip." [22]
On May 2, 2024, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially sent the explanation of the severing of diplomatic relations to the Israeli ambassador to Colombia. The note said that the Protocol Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia will coordinate the procedures and timing of the departure of diplomatic personnel. The consular offices of both parties in Tel Aviv and Bogota will continue to operate. [22] [26-28] On June 3, Colombia's Foreign Ministry said that Israel's ambassador to the country must leave the country by June 30, and Colombia's ambassador to Israel must also leave Israel by June 30. [30] On June 8, local time, Colombian President Petro announced on social media that Colombia has suspended coal exports to Israel. [31]




The main tourist areas of the Republic of Colombia are Cartagena , Santa Marta , Bogota SAN Andres and Providencia Islands, Medellin , Guajira Peninsula , Boyaka Let's wait. The universities, museums, observatories, churches and other ancient buildings built in the 16th and 17th centuries are well preserved. In 2019, Colombia received 4.516 million foreign tourists.

Tourism image

Colombia's new national brand identity
The national brand image of the Republic of Colombia and the slogan "The Answer is Colombia", jointly designed by Sancho BBDO and BBD, and JWT (JWT). JWT ), RepGrey and MEC are in charge of advertising. Colombia is a country known for its diversity, and when designing the national brand image of Colombia, we always wanted to accurately and emphatically reflect this.
Colombia released the new national brand image of the main logo is several bright colors around the "CO Colombia" several graphics piled together, of which "CO" is particularly prominent, "CO" represents Colombia's top country domain name ".co ". [10]

Cultural site

  • Colombia Gold Museum
Colombia Gold Museum Located in the green trees on the east side of St. Tanlas Park in Bogota, the capital city, it is the world's largest collection of gold artifacts, with more than 26,000 pieces of inestimable value of ancient Indian gold artifacts, as well as many jade products, and the world's largest jade collection. The Columbia Gold Museum reproduces the early history of Indian culture and struggle. The objects in the Gold Museum have an extraordinary history. Historically, Colombia is a country rich in gold, is the legendary gold country, as early as 2,000 years ago, rich in gold.
  • Basilica of the Sipaquila Salt Mine
Basilica of the Sipaquila Salt Mine Located under a mountain in the Colombian province of Cundinamarca, near the city of Zipaquira, about 50 km from Bogota, is an underground Roman Catholic church. This underground church is considered to be one of the greatest buildings in Colombia, popular with tourists and a must-visit place for local worshippers.
In the 1990s, the local government closed the salt mine for safety reasons and converted it into the current underground church. Regarded by Colombians as the eighth wonder of the world, the Basilica of the Salt Mines of Cipaquila is so magnificent that it is known as the most famous and fulfilling building in Bariumbia and enjoys the reputation of "gem of modern architecture". This church is not only an important religious site, it is important National cultural heritage It's the brainchild of Colombians. There are four halls in the church, each 120 meters long and 74 meters high, and a total of 14 pillars, pillars, shrines, portraits, etc., are carved on the salt ore, which is called an underground architectural wonder. In addition, you can also enjoy the salt mine walls, murals, miner sculptures, chapels, deities, underground shopping malls, salt ore crafts, suffering points, tunnels and so on.
  • Santa Maria Bullring
Santamaria bullring is located in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, built in 1931, by the farmer Santamaria donated his land to establish (Ignacio Sanz de Santamaria), so the bullring named after him. The bullring can hold 14,500 people to watch the game, and whenever it comes to the day of the game, there will be a sea of people cheering for the matador. On the outside of the ring there is a sculpture of Pepe Caceres, the most famous matador in Colombia, who is considered to be the most outstanding and excellent matador in Colombia and is revered by people.
  • Bolivar Square
Bolivar Square In the heart of Bogota, formerly known as the Central Square. In 1536, Spanish colonists came here, slaughtered the Indians and drove them out of their homes. In 1538, the Spanish rulers began to build the city of Bogota on the land covered with Indian blood. Today's Bolivar Square still has remnants of the city's construction. After the establishment of the Republic of Gran Colombia in 1819, in honor of the founder of the Republic and the liberator of Latin America bolivar The central square was renamed Bolivar Square. The statue of Bolivar, which stands in Bolivar Square in Bogota, was crafted by Pietro Tenellani, a famous Italian sculptor. In front of the statue, people often lay flowers. All around the square, the buildings of different shapes and styles are magnificent. Around the statue are four fountains decorated with colored lights. At night, the square is brightly lit, and the water jets from the fountain splash all around, making the whole square colorful.
  • Las Lajas Church
The Church of Las Lajas is located in Narino Province, Colombia Ipiales Be at the mercy of The Guaitara River The only valley church in the world, named after a shale deposit stone, is known as one of the most beautiful churches in the world.
Las Lajas Church was built in 1916, is a Roman Catholic church, Gothic revival architecture, there is a story about the construction of the church. In 1754, American Maria Mueces and her deaf daughter were stranded in a valley during a storm. The daughter surprisingly spoke, saying "friends are calling me," and saw the Virgin Mary apparitions on a rock. They were eventually rescued on a large impact rock. The first church built in the valley was built in the 18th century, and was replaced in 1802. The current church was built in 1916, standing high in the deep canyon, more than 100 meters high, and a 50-meter high bridge connects the church to the edge of the canyon.
  • The historic center of Santa Cruz in Montpos
The historic center of Santa Cruz in Montpos It was a typical colonial town along the main waters and played an important economic and strategic role in the integrity of the country today. Founded on the banks of the Magdalena River in 1540, Montpos played an important role in the Spanish rule of North and South America. From the 16th to the 19th centuries the city grew parallel to the river, with some of its main streets serving as embankments. It is built in harmony with the surrounding landscape of the city.