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The world is immortal

The national anthem of the Union of Myanmar
unfoldTwo entries with the same name
Gba Majay Bma is the national anthem of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Chinese name
The World is Immortal
Foreign name
Gba Majay Bma
Republic of the Union of Myanmar 's national anthem
We Will Always Love Myanmar
Dechin Badong
Compose words
Collective lyricism

Creation background

Gba Majay Bma is the national anthem of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Also known as "We Will Always Love Myanmar", a collective lyric, composed by Dekhin Pa Tong.
On 21 October 2010, the military government of Myanmar changed the name of the country to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar under the new constitution, the national flag and emblem were changed accordingly, and the national anthem "The World is Immortal" remained unchanged.

Chinese translation

Until this world ends, Burma will survive!
We love our land because it is our true heritage.
We are determined to sacrifice our lives to protect our country.
This is our country, this is our land, and we own it.
Is our country and our land, we will do well in unity for our national cause!
And that is our obligation to our priceless land.


Pronunciation method (1)
Eg: g = b Alpha m = t Alpha p beta m
[d Inaction bʷ kinetics ʔ eg mʷ flourishing siʔ m Inaction t Schwab i m regularity regularity ʔ n Inaction b flourishing]
[p sensed i d aero u̯n zu gerazel ʔ eg θ giro ʔ p giro l blonde k aero gʷ giro m
[d Decay p probable Cause d Decay m probable cause d Decay p probable cause d Decay P probable cause i̯n d probable cause m probable cause]
[d turmoilm turmoilm TurmoilM TurmoilM TurmoilM TurmoilM TurmoilM ɲi ɲ averz ʷ AverilD TurmoilD
[t = Exception n s = exception u̯n b = exception z reason l = d reason t reason wun b = ʔ eg p = Exception n m reason.]
Pronunciation Method (II)
kam.bha ma.kye / mran ma prany /
tui. bhui: bwa: a.mwe cac mui. hkyac mrat nui: pe //
prany htaung su. kui a.sak pe: lui. tui. ka kwai ma.le /
da tui. prany da tui. mre to. puing nak mre //
tui. prany tui. mre a.kyui: kui
nyi nya cwa tui. ta.twe htam: hsaung pa sui. le
to. ta wan pe a. hpui: tan mre //