
A system in which slave owners owned slaves
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synonymslavery(slavery) generally refers to slavery
slavery, "slavery," is a system in which slave owners own slaves. Labor activities must be slave-based, without pay, and without personal freedom. Slaves were generally from prisoners of war, indigenous people in occupied areas, debtors and criminals, and slaves in modern and modern times were mostly trafficked from Africa and other places to European colonies.
The classic form of slavery in ancient times was Ancient Rome In addition, ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece , ancient China, Civil War former America South, as well as some before Britain , France , Russian Empire Most of the colonies were slaves. However, about Slave society Whether it is a necessary stage for any region and any country is still controversial.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Refers to the Slave Master have Slave The system of
Typical country
Ancient China, Roman Empire, Egyptian Empire, Tubo
Inter-tribal land acquisition wars
Relations of production Inherent limitation


Slave : Generally from prisoners of war, debtors and criminals, but also from Africa and other places to abduct Slave market The people of
The classic form of slavery in ancient times was Roman Empire In addition, Ancient Greek Egypt before the 33rd Dynasty, Ancient Babylon China before the Warring States Period, Civil War Slavery existed in the former American South, in some former British, French, and Russian colonies, and in many parts of the world.
Slavery arises from a system of ownership and control by one person over another under socio-economic conditions that produce surplus products, which is considered legitimate at the time. In a typical slave society, the law recognized slaves as the private property of the slave owner, who had the right to take their lives and kill them at will enslave , trading and murder . Slaves have no independent personality, no freedom and rights, and the descendants of slaves are also slaves for generations. Early slaves were mainly prisoners of war. Custom forbids members of the tribe to enslave other members. Later, after the establishment of the system that members of the tribe could serve as slaves, sometimes members of the tribe were also enslaved, but often as a punishment, such as those who were unable to pay their debts and those who were sentenced to plead guilty.

Characteristic introduction

Slave society Brought humans in Age of civilization And promote society productivity The great development of China is a great progress in history. But at the same time, slavery is a The most barbarous From the characteristics of the relations of production of slavery and the experience of the vast number of slaves, this point can be clearly illustrated.
one Slave-owning class And the different positions of the slave class in the relations of production
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Means of production Possession: The slave-owning class owns all the means of production and the slaves themselves; Slave No personal freedom. It's the private property of slave owners.
In terms of status and interrelations: the slave-owning class and the slave class are naked exploit In relation to being exploited, slaves are deprived of all rights in violence Do the most intense and heavy work.
Product distribution: the slave-owning class possessed and controlled all the fruits of slave labor, and lived a luxurious and parasitic life; Slaves were given only minimal means of subsistence to sustain themselves.
2. Characteristics of slavery production relations
Slaveholders own the means of production and fully own the slaves; Slave owners and slaves are naked exploitation and Be exploited The slave had no personal freedom and worked completely under the compulsion of the slave owner. All the products created by slave labor are owned and controlled by the slave owners, who only provide the slaves with the minimum means of subsistence.


Bipolar world theory In succession and development Historical materialism After the invention of agriculture, competition based on land became the main driving force for the evolution of human society. When the wars of annexation between tribes based on land reached a certain scale, the slave class, the slave-owning class, and the slave state were born. [1]


Ancient times
The ancient slave system refers to the social system after the primitive society and before the feudal society.
Slavery in China began in the Summer, went through the Shang, Western Zhou, Spring and Autumn, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties slavery gradually disappeared.
During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, slaves were born in wars and enslaved from enemy tribes, especially Shang and Zhou The Western Zhou Dynasty (206 B.C.) Probably the vast majority of slaves came from these people. From Yin Ruins Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones Inscriptions on the bronze vessels of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty show that both the Shang and Zhou dynasties, as well as their rival tribes, were striving to capture prisoners of war and capture their opponents' populations in military operations. The Shang aristocracy got a lot Qiang people Yi people captured, part of the use Human martyrdom and sacrifice Some became slaves. There were also those who were reduced to slavery because of crimes, and they were divided into official slaves and private property.
The ancient Greek historian Arrian wrote in his book Indica: "It is also noteworthy in India that the whole of India was free, and that not a single Indian was a slave at all, and in this they and. Laconia The same as people. however The Laconian Use The people of Hilot As slaves, but there are no slaves in India, let alone any Indians being slaves." But India has a highly racist caste system.
Ancient Rome
Slaves were bought and sold in what was called a Mancipatio. in Roman Republic About 15 to 20 percent of the Roman population were slaves, and it was not until the 2nd century AD that laws to protect slaves were enacted that owners could legally kill them. However, a variety of complex social reasons make such cases rarely happen. The Cornelian Law, enacted in 82 BC, forbade masters from killing slaves on any occasion; The Petronian laws of the first 32 years prohibited masters from forcing slaves into the arena to fight. The ancient Roman historian Suetonius wrote that in Claudius the First During the reign, if the owner neglected the health problems of the slave and caused his death, the owner was sentenced to murder; And, if a slave is treated and rehabilitated in the Temple of Asclepius, he will be free.
Trajan temporal The Stoics the orator Dio Chrysostom gave two denunciations of slavery at the forum over two days (14 and 15).Seneca the Elder wrote in the 1st century AD that owners who were cruel to their slaves were publicly humiliated. 2nd century AD Hadrian The Cornelian and Petronian laws were amended.
The Stoic jurist Ulpian of the Caracalla period in the 3rd century passed a law forbidding parents from selling their children into slavery. The last famous pagan emperor, Diocletian, decreed in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries that creditors should not enslave debtors and that men should not sell themselves into slavery to pay their debts. Vedius Pollio, a Roman resident, is said to have fed the corpses of his slaves to fish; The Christian emperor Gratian of the 4th century decreed that any slave who accused his master should be summarily burned, but this law was generally applied only to those who tried to harm the emperor, and Roman slaves who rebelled were usually crucified to death. In the Greco-Roman period, slavery was often associated with infanticide. Some abandoned babies are saved by slave traders, and then they take infant Raised into slavery.
Ancient Greek
A unique feature of the Spartan city-states was that they relied on the Herausians for almost everything Economic activity . This makes Spartans They were able to devote all their energies to military training and war preparations, which in turn could be used to prevent slave riots. Until the 12th century, Byzantium Both had large numbers of pagan slaves to work for the state and individual families.
By the end of the 12th century, resistance to slavery was growing, but as in the United States Emancipation Proclamation The movement never happened. In the early Byzantine period, male slaves were often castrated, a tradition that originated in the Roman Empire. Even some important generals of the army and navy, such as the Persian conqueror Narses, were castrated, often because eunuchs could not pose a threat to the emperor, so they could easily occupy higher positions (emperors were never castrated). However, once the Western concept became prevalent in Byzantium, castration took on a shameful connotation.
Ancient Egypt
In the early Middle Kingdom, the first to 22nd dynasties of the Old Kingdom, Egypt was a slave dynasty, and the embryo of feudal society in the later Middle Kingdom period had begun to sprout, that is, the rise of a special class - the Nejes
Debt slavery was abolished as a result of reforms implemented by Pharaoh Pokholis of the 24th Dynasty of Egypt to alleviate the excessive number of freemen who became debt slaves. Its contents are: (1) The sum of capital and interest is prohibited to exceed the principal double, that is, the interest cannot exceed the principal; (2) The creditor can claim only the property of the debtor for compensation, but not the person of the debtor, because the property belongs to the individual, and the person of the citizen belongs to the State, and the state requires their service. The outcome of this reform is unclear, and probably little. (Solon's banishment Decree drew useful lessons from this reform.)


Performance: The deliberate failure to use advanced tools in slave labor is slavery Relations of production Inherent limitations.
Reasons: Slave owners do not care about improving production technology; Slave resistance to forced labor. This led slave owners to use only crude and indestructible means of production for their slaves.
Example: The use of metal tools: from the types of bronze, in the early stage, most of them are production tools, and in the later stage, there are more ritual and weapons.
The types of tools are biased towards handicraft production. Agricultural production still mainly uses stone tools, and this is the case both in China and in Europe.
in metalwork In the development, the production of production tools is ignored. The production of metal tools is not mainly for the development of production, but is subordinate to the needs of the slave owners for consumption and rule.
The limitation of the relations of production of slavery has always existed in slave society, and it is only in the early and middle stages of slave society that it has not become the dominant relations of production; it is only under those conditions in the later stages of slave society that the relations of production of slavery become an obstacle to the development of the productive forces, so that the process of exposing the limitations of the relations of production of slavery is becoming increasingly obvious. It is the process by which the relations of production of slavery change from promoting the development of productive forces to hindering the development of productive forces.
The development of productive forces and the relative backwardness of production relations in the later period of slave society
The limitations of the slavery relations of production were fully exposed only after the emergence of new instruments of production. The emergence of new instruments of production is a sign that the development of productive forces has reached a new level, but the more advanced instruments of production cannot be widely adopted in slave labor, which proves that the slave relations of production have become the development of production shackle MHM. In this sense, the date of the emergence of new instruments of production is also the date of the decline of the relations of production of slavery.
Productive labor is the foundation of social existence and development. In the later period of slave society, slaves were extremely hostile to labor, and slave owners extremely despised manual labor. Many fields were deserted, handicraft industries declined, commerce stagnated, the population decreased, and the economy became depressed.
On the basis of The interaction between productive forces and production relations The principle of production relations must adapt to the requirements of the development of productive forces. When the productive forces have developed to a certain extent, the old relations of production no longer meet the requirements of the development of the productive forces, but become an obstacle to their development. The decaying phenomenon at the end of the slave society is an important manifestation of the gradual incompatibility between the slave production relations and the development of the productive forces.
In this case, adapt productivity The new relations of production demanded by development were on the horizon, slave society had come to an end, and feudalism was ready to take over.

Modern times

During the reign of Elizabeth I, the privateer, the first state-owned pirate ship in England, acquired 300 black slaves through accidental looting, which was not a real slavery system at this time, until 1619, the first ship full of black slaves in England arrived in England.
When Britain finally tried to ban slavery, the Bishop of Exeter reluctantly sold his 655 slaves on the condition that the government promised compensation.
In 1839, Britain outlawed slavery. [2-6]
(1) History
During the colonial period in North America, the slave trade and enslavement of black Africans constituted Primary accumulation of capital Important content. The direct cause of the development of slavery in the North American colonies was the need for large quantities of labor.
American anti-slavery cartoons
In the 100 years from 1686 to 1786, about 250,000 black Africans were trafficked British colonies in North America . The status of black slaves in the North American colonies was extremely miserable, especially those who worked in the fields all day long, used as "farming" and were forced to work 18 to 19 hours a day. Moreover, there were a large number of white indentured slaves in the United States.
United States After establishment, formulated Federal constitution . But the Constitution keeps slavery. It maintains Slave trade . By 1860, African American The number of slaves has reached 4 million. In the first half of the 19th century, the American people carried out a broad movement against slavery. In the 1930s, abolitionism became popular in the United States. abolitionist Garrison He edited the weekly Liberator, declaring "the struggle for the immediate liberation of the enslaved people of our country". Garrison created New England The Anti-Slavery Society and led the founding of the American Society Against Slavery, a national abolitionist organization. By the 1940s, the number of abolitionist groups had reached 2,000, forming a powerful movement Mass movement . Although the reactionary forces suppressed and persecuted in many ways, the abolitionists still insisted on carrying out various activities. They published books, newspapers and leaflets, and made speeches everywhere, accusing the crimes of slave owners and exposing and denouncing the evils of slavery. Abolitionists also organized the Underground Railroad to guide and facilitate the escape of large numbers of black slaves from the South through secret routes and lodging stations. Tubman risked her life to return to the South 19 times, helping hundreds of slaves escape the South and gain freedom. This activity of organizing slave escape shook the foundation of slavery to a certain extent.
In the 1840s, some abolitionists began to advocate a political struggle. Douglas And the Tappan Brothers and others organized the Liberal Party to promote abolitionism. Some urged armed struggle, but Garrison and others insisted only on moral preaching, and opposed the organization of an abolitionist party and armed struggle. There are differences in the means of struggle, but the whole Abolitionist movement Progress is still being made on different paths.
In 1852, Mrs. Stowe The novel" Uncle Tom's cabin In the book, the tragic life of black slaves was described and exposed in a moving way, which caused a stir in the society. The strong response strongly promoted the development of the abolitionist movement.
In 1859, the abolitionists John Brown Led 21 white and black men in an uprising that brought the abolitionist movement to its climax.
In 1861, American Civil War Eruption. President of the United States, 1862 Lincoln publish Emancipation Proclamation It declared that black slaves would be freed, thereby fundamentally disintegrating the fighting power of the Southern rebel states and turning the tide of the war. In January 1865, the United States Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which stated that slavery or forced servitude shall not exist in the territory or jurisdiction of the United States. On December 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution went into effect, and Mississippi finally ratified the 13th Amendment on February 7, 2013, abolishing slavery in the United States.
On July 29, 2008, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a nonbinding resolution by voice vote apologizing to black Americans and their descendants who suffered as a result of slavery and the Jim Crow Act. An aide to the lawmaker who introduced the bill said it was United States federal government And the body of Congress formally apologized for slavery for the first time. The resolution acknowledged that people of African descent had been subjected to "cruel, degrading and inhuman" treatment under slavery, stripped of their names and traditions. To this day, slavery and" The Jim Crow method The impact on black Americans is still there.
"Today marks a milestone in our nation's efforts to correct the mistakes of the past," said Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, chairwoman of the Congressional Committee of Black Members.
(2) Influence
(1) Labor: Due to the abolition of black slavery, black people can be freely employed, making the United States capitalism Commerce and industry had access to abundant and cheap labor;
(2) Raw materials and markets: Before the Civil War, plantation slave owners in the South were often more willing to export industrial raw materials such as cotton, indigo and sugar cane to European countries, such as Britain, in exchange for high prices, while buying cheap industrial products from European countries. This deprived the North of southern markets for raw materials and manufactured goods. The civil war solved that problem;
(3) Capital: After the Civil War, with Plantation slavery The economy was abolished, and some enlightened former slaveholders began to invest their capital Capitalist industry and commerce Has strengthened the United States Capitalist economy ;
(4) Land: The question of whether to establish "free states" or "slave states" in the newly developed land in the West, which was hotly contested before the Civil War, was resolved with the victory of Northern capitalism. The capitalist economy has gained broader space for development;
(5) System: The slavery system in the South before the Civil War was an extremely backward and barbaric system. The civil war ended with the victory of the North, which in itself was a victory of the democratic system. It makes the American democratic system more deeply rooted and has a broader space for development;
(6) Ideas: During the Civil War, President Lincoln issued the" Emancipation Proclamation As well as the final liberation of black slaves after the Civil War, the bourgeois ideas such as "democracy, equality and freedom" were more deeply rooted in the people's hearts and became an important part of the national spirit and national will of the United States.
(7) Political parties: After the Civil War, with the establishment of "free states" in the newly developed lands in the West, the balance of power between "free states" and "slave states" before the Civil War was broken, and "free states" completely occupied the overwhelming majority. In other words, the "Republican Party," representing the capitalist power of the North, had an overwhelming majority in both houses of Congress compared to the "Democratic Party," representing the power of the former slave plantation owners of the South.


International Labour Organization According to a report published in May 2005, more than 12.3 million people around the world are still living in slavery.
one labourer
In China, labor under the age of 14 is called child labor, which is usually found in poor and backward areas. Dark Cave Dwelling Illegal child labor in coal mining is the target of a government crackdown. If it is temporary labor, it is not child labor.
Sexual slavery includes a wide variety of different conditions:
(1) Being forced prostitution ;
(2) Providing sexual services to a fixed owner;
(3) being forced to provide sexual services during traditional religious ceremonies;
(4) The primary use is not to provide sexual services, but sexual relations with the master are common or socially permitted slaves.
in sadism with maltreat Situations in which someone voluntarily accepts the dominance of another person are generally not considered to be sex slaves.
In short, the nature of slavery meant that a slave could be nothing more than an exploitable thing item : While female slaves are in Sexual abuse And the highest risk in sexual slavery. In today's world, sex slavery is closely related to human trafficking. World War II Comfort woman Another example of sex slavery.


1. Political rule
State institutions of slavery: In order to maintain the slavery system, slave owners constantly strengthened state institutions such as the army, prisons, and courts to rule over slaves and suppress slave resistance.
Slavery is the most inhuman of all Oppressive system It was highlighted by the use of slaves Human sacrifice or Human martyrdom .
Slave owners often took pleasure in destroying the lives of their slaves.
2. The rule of thought
In order to maintain their rule, the slave owners also deceived and paralyzed the slaves intellectually, and they invented all kinds of things fallacy Slavery was described as permanent, so that slaves would be content with the status quo, resigned to their fate, and not resist. The vast majority of slaves were treated both tangibly and intangibly shackles Shackled, subjected to cruel exploitation and oppression, led the darkest and most miserable life.