New Century Evangelion

A 1995 Japanese animated television series directed by Hideaki Anno
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Millenium Evangelion was written by GAINAX , Dragon Son Studio Co-produced Japanese animation works by Anno Hideaki Acting as lead writer and general director, Megumi Ogata , Megumi Hayabhara , Yuko Miyamura , Three stone qin Nai And others as the main voice [13] .
Set in the world in 2015, when the "Second Impact" disaster occurred, the film focuses on a battle between 14-year-old girls and a mysterious enemy, the Apostle, who attacked the third New Tokyo City [11] .
The film premiered on October 4, 1995, on TXN, Japan [23] It had an average rating of 7.1% [24] . The show applied the concept of psychology and the art of psychoanalysis to the whole animation, which started the first psychoanalysis of Japanese animation [22 ] .
Chinese name
New Century Evangelion [11]
Foreign name
The new century エヴァンゲリオン [11]
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION [11] , EVA [11] , New Century Skyhawk warrior [11] , New Century Evangelion [11] , 2000 Skyhawk warriors [11]
Animation type
Science fiction, drama, animation [11]
Belonging series
New Century Evangelion [12]
Japanese [11]
Picture color
Chroma [20]
Key role
Shinji Ikari [11] , Katsumi Miri [11] , Rei Ayanami [11] , Sohryu Asuka Langley [11]
Main dubbing
Megumi Ogata [14] , Three stone qin Nai [14] , Megumi Hayabhara [14] , Yuko Miyamura [14]
Japan [11]
Direct performance
Anno Hideaki [14] , Sand snow [14] (Associate) , Kazuya Tsurinaki [14] (Associate)
Chief writer
Anno Hideaki [14] , Enomoto Yoji [14] , Akio Sakawa [14] , Iso Mitsuo [14] , Hiroshi Yamaguchi [14] , Shinji Higuchi [14]
Role design
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto [16]
General animation supervisor
Noriko Suzuki [16]
Gainax, Nihon Ad Systems (NAS), TV Tokyo, Tatsunoko Production [21]
Premiere time
October 4, 1995 [11]
Premiere station
Tokyo television network [23]
Play period
October 4, 1995 [11] (Japan) (Released June 21, 2019 in the US)
Network playback platform
iqiyi [1] (中国大陆) , Tencent Video [2] (中国大陆) , Bilibili [3] (中国大陆) , Acfun [4] (中国大陆) , Youku [15]
Broadcast status
finished [11]
Number of sets
26 episodes [11]
Duration per episode
24 minutes [11]
Issuing company
King Record Co. Ltd. [13]
ADV Films [13]
Selecta Vision S.L. [13]
Noriko Kobayashi [14]
John Ledford [14]
Yutaka Sugiyama [14]
Shuuji Uchiyama [14]
Motoki Ueda [14] unfold
Tone music
Aroko Shiro [14]
Kobayashi, Godson [16]
Producing company
GAINAX, NAS, TV Tokyo, Ryuoko Animation Production Company [13]
Generic type
Drama/science fiction/Animation [11]
Animation production
Dragon Son Studio [19] , GAINAX [19]
Main performance
Megumi Ogata [14] , Megumi Hayabhara [14] , Three stone qin Nai [14] , Yuko Miyamura [14] , Yuriko Yamaguchi [10]
Production area
Japan [11]
imdb coding
tt0169858 [11]
Ending song
Opening song
Cruel Angel Program of Action [17]


The story is about a "second impact". In the year 2000, a huge meteorite crashed near an Antarctic iceberg (Government claims) The high temperature caused some ice melting, associated with the rise of the global water level, the next natural disasters and man-made disasters are continuous, AD 2015 and there are new invaders, a huge mechanical battle group like people, people will be called "apostles", probably insinuating that they are sent by God to destroy the evil of human beings. The various military weapons of human beings at the moment can be said to be useless to the apostles, for this reason, the political center of the Earth at that time decided to use the NERV organization, they used the most sophisticated technology, and spent a lot of money to develop a "universal humanoid decisive weapon" directly controlled by the driver's nerves, this high-tech product will be the driver and the machine to do a fine fit. EVA is controlled by will and body reaction. However, since these technologies were still in the development stage at the time, there were many obstacles that could not be overcome immediately. And because not everyone can drive EVA freely. Drivers have always been the biggest headache for NERV, in addition to the difficulty of finding qualified people, and it must be trained for several months to reach the basic ability to synchronize activities with EVA. Then, three young men and girls who can drive EVA were found in the world, and people put their hopes on them. [5]
贞本义行原画 贞本义行原画
New Age Evangelion Atlas

Role introduction


Role introduction

ACTORS Megumi Ogata (voice)
The protagonist of this story, the pilot of the first EVA machine. She is extremely introverted, extremely afraid of contact with strangers, and afraid of not knowing how to get along with others. She has always lived according to the requirements of others, and then slowly opened up her heart. "Ikari" means anchor in Japanese, and "Shinji" comes from Shinji Higuchi, the director of Honsataku's special photography.
Light blue hair, red eyes. She is A vegetarian and enrolled in Class A, Grade 2, at No. 3 New Tokyo City No. 1 Middle School. She is the first qualified EVA, the exclusive pilot of the Zero machine, piloting the Zero machine against the Apostle, the only half-copy of Shinji's mother, who possesses the soul of the second Apostle Lilith.
ACTORS Yuko Miyamura (voice)
She is only a quarter Japanese, so she looks European. Although she was born and raised in Germany, her citizenship is American. Earned a bachelor's degree as a teenager. Sohryu Asuka Langley was named after the old Japanese Navy Sohryu class aircraft carrier (a synonym for "Sohryu" in Japanese) and the United States Navy Independent class light aircraft carrier Langley.
ACTORS Koto Mitsuishi (voice)
29 years old. He is a member of the Tactical Operations Division of the NERV Secret Service Headquarters and is the immediate superior of the three pilots. Her father was also a member of NERV, but she resented him for neglecting his family to work. During the second impact, her father, who worked for NERV, saved her life at his own sacrifice, only to suffer from aphasia for a time after being rescued. She was the sole survivor of the Gocheng expedition to the South Pole, one of the few who witnessed the "Second impact". She also joined the NERV for revenge, intending to overthrow the Apostle in her own power. As the top commander of a combat command unit, he starts as a captain in the TV series and is promoted to major in 12 episodes (Episode 5).
ACTORS Fumihiko Tachiki (voice)
NERV commander, father of Shinji Ikari, is also responsible for the entire "Human Completion Project" and EVA research program, and the holder of Egg Adam. Formerly known as sextant Yuan degree, wearing a dark reflective glasses, people can not touch his mind, giving a feeling of extreme mystery. His personality is cold and machiavellian, and he never even asks questions about his own son, just keeps giving orders.
ACTORS Akira Ishida (voice)
Sent to NERV by SEELE as a fifth qualifier. His true identity is that of the seventeenth Apostle, the Free Apostle, who has the appearance of a human being and all the powers of an apostle. Can achieve amazing synchronization rate with EVA series.
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Role Description Reference sources

EVA body introduction

EVA body is designed to eliminate what is known as apostle The mystery of life, has been created by the universal human type decisive weapon. Humans copied a giant life form made by the Origin of Life, called Adam or Lilith, and covered it with armor plates and restraints to form a human form. In the face of the Apostles using A.T. force fields, they are the only means that can protect humanity.
Zero machine · Change
Zero machine (EVA-00 PROTO TYPE)
Driving codes: ファースト · チルドレン, サード · チルドレン
Body color: light yellow (Zero machine) → Blue (Zero machine · change)
Eye: Unit eye
Core (Soul) : Not recorded in the original
First episode: Episode 1
The prototype that was originally built was not intended for combat, so there was no weapon rack mounted on the shoulder. It was frozen due to a violent incident during Rei's start-up experiment. When the fifth Apostle came, the freeze was lifted and the operation succeeded, and the battle was fought and won. It was fitted with the same armor plate and shoulder rack as the second engine, and was converted to blue and put into action when the Ninth Apostle struck. When commercializing this actual combat form, it was renamed as the Zero machine, and it also appeared in the opening animation of the First Sentence. There are thrusters in the shoulder racks (cushioning only when falling, no ability to fly) . While fighting with the 16th Apostle, he imploded with the Apostle, and the 3rd New Tokyo City was also completely destroyed.
unit-01 (EVA-01 TEST TYPE)
Pilot: Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanami
Driving codes: サード · チルドレン, ファースト · チルドレン
Body color: violet (Violet)
Eyes: Both eyes
Core (Soul) : Danwei
First episode: Episode 1
Voice Actress: Emi Hayabhara
The only basis in the EVA series Lilith The body of making. Test body of EVA series. When the driver's life is threatened, even if the power is used up, the core will automatically react and ignore the driver's consciousness into a state of rage. Break the jaw joints on your own, open your mouth, and roar like a beast. In Episode 19 of the animated version, the 14th Apostle, obtained through complementary food S2 mechanism . From then on, basically no longer restricted by activities.
Number two engine
Number two engine (EVA-02 PRODUCTION MODEL)
Driver: Sohryu Asuka Langley , Kaworu (Episode 24 only)
Driver ID: セカンド · チルドレン, フィフス · チルドレン
Body color: red
Eyes: Four eyes
Core (Soul) : Sohryu キョウコ ツェッペリン (Asuka's mother)
First appearance: Episode 8
Based on Adam production, the EVA body is developed on the premise of mass production, that is, the first mass production machine. In Asuka's words, "real EVA." At full power, the head restraint is partially unfurled, revealing the four eyes of the body.
Unit 3
Engine three (EVA-03 PRODUCTION MODEL)
Driver: Toji Suzuhara
Driver ID: フォース · チルドレン
Body color: black
Eyes: Both eyes
Core (Soul) : Unknown (It is said to be Dongji's mother) * On the official bulletin board of the company responsible for the development of New Century Evangelion 2, the development director stated that the core of machine 3 contains the spirit of Dongji's mother, and the same is true in the game.
First appearance: Episode 18
Based on Adam. Manufactured by NEVR Division I. The head is the same as the second machine except for the head, and the head is similar to the first machine except for the absence of corners.
Reference source

Introduction to the apostles

apostle Is the Japanese anime "New Century Evangelion" in the role, is the enemy of humanity, is the other possible forms of human existence, a total of 18, and human itself is the last eighteenth apostle. In this work, the English name of the apostle is Angel (Angel) Its meaning is between the two words, it is believed that the supervision of Anno Xiuming made a pun.
First apostle Adam (アダム, FIRST ANGEL ADAM)
Adam was one of the causes of the "Second Holocaust". The luminous giant appearing in the South Pole is his posture, and the shape is very similar to EVA, with huge wings of light. In September 2000, while conducting research on Adam, the Gocheng Research Station in Antarctica pulled out the gun of Longinus, which was inserted into Adam's chest, resulting in Adam's awakening. It was then reduced to the original embryonic form by SEELE and solidified in resin, carried by Ryoji Kachi and Asuka on the second plane from the NERV branch in Germany to the third New Tokyo City, where it was transplanted to the right hand by Ikarigendo.
The prototype of Machine two. The Apostles and Evangelicals were born of Adam; Humans were born of Lilith. The name comes from Adam, the biblical father of man (The original meaning is red land, which can also be used as a general term for mankind) .
Second apostle Lilith (リリス/SECOND ANGEL Lilith)
The Apostles and Evangelicals were born of Adam; Humans were born of Lilith.
A Terminal Dogma in the deepest part of the earth. However, due to the alarming growth rate, only in the 14th sentence with the zero machine Longinus gun inserted in his chest to restrain his growth.
Its image is the white giant with seven eyes on the cross of dogma in the center of the lowest forbidden area of NERV headquarters (LILITH's face = SEELE logo) She only had her upper body,
But after Longinus' gun was removed, he began to grow feet, and his abdomen began to swell, indicating pregnancy. When she awakens again there will be a third cataclysm, and all life will return to her as one.
The prototype of the zero machine and the first machine. The name comes from Jewish legend The Night Witch .
Third apostle
Third apostle Water angel (サキエル/THIRD ANGEL SAKIEL)
The first apostle who attacked the third New Tokyo City in 2015. The MAGI system investigation proved that it is not only non-remote control operation, but also has the ability to learn and regenerate intelligent life. He attacks his opponent with a light gun from his palm, and shoots destructive light from his eyes. After being attacked by N2 mines from the United Nations military, he grows a second face. Human impotence was exposed in the face of its overwhelming power, and then, when the primordiator went wild, it blew itself up. (Episodes 1 and 2)
The name is derived from "Sachiel", the archangel of the waters and Thursdays in Judaism.
Fourth apostle
Fourth apostle Angel of the Day (シヤムシエル/FOURTH ANGELSHAMSHIEL)
The fourth Apostle, SHAMSHIEL, flew from the Pacific Ocean in two forms, lying flat and fighting vertically while flying. Its tentacles are like two hot whips that can cut and dissolve substances that come into contact with them. During the battle, its apostolic core was stabbed in the light ball by the high vibration particle knife of the primary machine, and then stopped its activity. (Episode 3)
The name comes from Shamshel, the Jewish angel who rules the day. (Originally meaning light of the sun) .
The fifth apostle
The fifth apostle Lightning Angel (ラミエル/FIFTH ANGEL RAMILE)
The giant octahedral Blue Apostle, equipped with powerful absolute fields and particle cannons, is an aerial fortress for both offense and defense. Under the body will also stick out the photon drill, intended to attack the underground city. It defends against all physical attacks with an absolute field and immediately counters with particle cannons. The initial aircraft that had just been dispatched was also nearly fatal, and then the "Eight Island battle plan" formulated by Karcheng Miri. (Sniping with positron guns by primary aircraft, defense by zero aircraft) Shot through the light ball. Stopped moving. Angel Ray is based on the energy center of prehistoric Civilization Atlantis (magnetite) . (Episodes 5 and 6)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the angel of Serei, one of the seven angel candidates "Ramiel". (Originally meaning God's mercy, also spelled Remiel) .
Sixth apostle
Sixth apostle Fish angel
The sixth Apostle GAGIEL, who has the shape of a fish and is suitable for underwater warfare, opened his huge mouth and swallowed EVA II when attacking the Pacific fleet transporting the second aircraft, but was hit by First Lieutenant Karashige Miri (at that time) The lure of the enemy was destroyed by the main guns of the large battleships in a zero-range attack. (Episode 8)
The name comes from the Jewish legend of the fish angel "Gaghiel".
Seventh apostle
Seventh apostle Angel of Music
The Apostle, who came from the peninsula of Kii, can separate the combination at will, and the ability to attack near and far is also good, is a headache guy, and has repeatedly defused EVA's attacks. The final mode of battle is the blessing conjecture, which is put forward by Miri. Under Shinji's dance attack with Asuka, break its double light ball at the same time. (Episode 9)
Unlike the other apostles whose names come from Judaism, this apostle was named after Israfel, one of the four angels of Islam, the angel of judgment and music.
The eighth apostle
The eighth apostle Fetal angel
The blue wavelength signal detected in the lava of the Asama volcano is that of the eighth Apostle, who is still in the womb. After hatching quickly into adult bodies, bony fish, like ancient creatures, can move at high speed in hot and high-pressure lava, and is a creature with amazing adaptability to the environment. After the failure of NERV's capture plan, it was destroyed by Asuka's second machine using the principle of thermal expansion. (Episode 10)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the angel of the fetus, one of the seven angel candidates "Sandalphon" (Originally meaning brother) .
The ninth apostle
The ninth apostle Rainy day ambassador
MATOLIEL, the giant spider-like Ninth Apostle, detected the location of NERV's headquarters during NERV's encounter with sabotage, and conducted a trial attack with strong acid, dissolving the armored gates of the 3rd New Tokyo City, and also planning an invasion of the underground city. By the cooperation of the three EVA aircraft, the activity stopped after the heavy rifle fire of the initial aircraft. (Episode 11)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the rain angel "Matriel".
Tenth apostle
Tenth apostle Empty angel
(サハクイエル/TENTH ANGEL SAHAQUIEL/ Tenth angel Sahaquiel)
The SAHAQUIEL, which suddenly appeared in the stratosphere over the Indian Ocean, was the largest of the apostles, its body formed into a symmetrical geometry, and it was itself a powerful bomb. It can lower parts of the body from the atmosphere to accelerate an absolute field attack. After the whole aimed at the third new Tokyo City, it began to accelerate its descent, but was blocked by the A. T. FIELD formed by the three EVA aircraft, and was destroyed by A series of stabbing attacks. (Episode 12)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the archangel "Sahaquiel" who rules the sky.
Eleventh apostle
The eleventh Apostle the Angel of Terror
The horrible monomeric, the bacteria-like eleventh Apostle that cannot be identified by the naked eye, in the EVA simulation experiment, it continuously divides and multiplies from the protein wall, has strong adaptability and rapid evolution, erodes the MAGI computer system, and pushes it to achieve the purpose of NERV self-explosion. But in the end, because of a program that promotes evolution, it evolved too fast and self-destructed. It is one of the apostles with the strongest learning ability and excellent adaptability to the environment. (Episode 13)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the angel of terror "Iroul".
Twelfth apostle
Twelfth apostle Night Angel
The spheroid Apostle is covered with black and white stripes, but this floating object is not the body of LELIEL, but the vast dark shadow of swallowed matter on the ground below the sphere, and inside it is an imaginary space called the "Dirac Sea." The first machine was swallowed by the dark shadow for dozens of hours, ran out of internal power and showed a state of stopped activity, suddenly woke up, by the internal breakthrough apostle, tear its body. (Episode 16)
The name comes from the Jewish legend of the angel of the night "Leliel" (From the same source as Lilith, the Semitic LYL root means "night", meaning the ruler of the night) .
The thirteenth apostle
The 13th apostle, Angel Graupel
The thirteenth Apostle, BARDIEL, invaded and parasitized the EVA III during Matsudai's EVA start-up experiment, and after a blow knocked down the Zero and two, was destroyed by the DUMMY, which used the Dummy system to simulate the operation. BARDIEL's physical status is unknown. (Episode 18)
The first name is derived from the Jewish legends of Sika, February, Scorpio and Pisces, and is an alias for the angel "Barakiel", the leader of the Seraphim (Originally meant the thunder of God) .
Fourteenth apostle
Fourteenth apostle Power angel
In fourteenth place is ZEREL, the Apostle known as the strongest, whose arms are sharp and flexible strips of material that shoot light through 18 layers of armor with a single blow. Break through Zero and two in the absence of the primary, and advance on NERV's central operations command. However, the critical moment was attacked by the first machine, and was killed by the first machine with 400% of the same frequency. It was also at this time that the original machine received the Apostle's source of power, the S2 machine. (Episode 19)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the angel of power "Zeruel. ".
Fifteenth apostle
The fifteenth apostle Bird Angel
Glowing, like the apostle of birds. In satellite orbit, the spirit wave attacks Asuka's second machine, the most non-physical aggressive apostle. Finally, on Gendo's orders, the Zero machine uses the gun of Longinus to hurl sniper destruction at first cosmic speed. (Episode 22)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the bird angel "Arael".
Sixteenth apostle
Angel of the Womb of the sixteenth Apostle
Annular belt about one kilometer in diameter, shape can be changed at will. After the Apostle made physical contact with the Zero machine, he further attempted to merge with it, and after Ayanami reversed the absolute field, the Zero machine's self-detonation program exploded with it. (Episode 23)
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the angel Almisael who presided over the womb and gave birth.
Seventeenth apostle
The Seventeenth Apostle, the Angel of Liberty
Kaworu . Born in the same year, month, and day of the second impact. He's the fifth man SEELE sent to NERV. It's actually the 17th Apostle.
The name is derived from the Jewish legend of the angel of free will "Tabris".
The eighteenth apostle
The eighteenth apostle Li Lin
The eighteenth apostle Li Lin (Lilin) The last apostle facing mankind. Li Lin is referring to human beings.
As far as the Bible is concerned, Li Lin is the only apostle who chose the Fruit of wisdom; the others chose the fruit of life. Therefore, Li Lin's A.T force field is weak, which is not enough to maintain the state of a single individual, but scattered into many small individuals, which is human beings. The human completion plan was born out of this. It was fully assimilated and absorbed by the fully awakened Lilith, becoming one body.
The name comes from the Jewish legend that Lilith fathered a demon's offspring, Lilin.
Reference source
New Century Evangelion

Set interpretation



NERV It is the executive arm of SEELE, formerly known as GEHIRN (Institute of Human Evolution) The most important thing is to carry out the "human completion Plan" as instructed by SEELE. SEELE means "soul" in German, and NERVE means "NERVE", although the last E in nerve is hidden in the entire logo made up of half a FIG leaf, and the organization is still called NERV. Under the auspices of Commander Ikari and Winter Moon, NERV has become reconciled with SEELE. The headquarters is located in the third underground metropolis of new Tokyo City, the center of the Egg of LILITH. The content of the event is generally open to the media, but most of it remains top secret.
In case of emergency, it has absolute command over the allied forces and allied forces of the League of Nations (The highest priority is given to all military facilities, weapons and equipment, except nuclear weapons) . At that time, the authority held by the highest responsible person of each branch will exceed that of all the administrative and judicial organs of the League member countries. However, the NERV headquarters did not seem to have a good relationship with the Japanese government and its Defense Agency, and the main weapon of the NERV was the EVANGELION, a universal man-type decisive land weapon. The first rearmament plan was designed to equip five EVA weapons for combat. current (When SACHIEL came) Only 62 per cent achieved the status.


L.C.L (Link Connect Liquid) , refers to the injection insertion plug (EVA Cockpit) Yellowish viscous liquid with a taste of blood. Theatrical version (New Century Evangelion Theater version: Air/ Sincerely for You) When humans open their hearts and become LCL, their material composition may be similar to the primordial soup on which life is based. After the driver takes the ride, it is composed of electronuclear recombination molecules, which connects the driver's nerves with EVA, provides oxygen directly to the driver's lungs, and can also slow down the physical impact in battle, isolate the mental attack, and undertake the task of life support. LCL can be compared to amniotic fluid in the mother's womb (Although the amniotic fluid does not provide oxygen for breathing) When the liquid is passed into electricity, its molecular composition will change, which can carry out the neural connection between EVA and the driver, and provide oxygen (This represents more than 21% oxygen in the LCL) At the same time, LCL also provides protection from driving mental attacks and physical shocks, and by the way, there is a sea of LCL within the central Dogma, and Lilith's body is constantly flowing down LCL into this sea. Another interpretation of LCL in the film is the basic form of animal body, the water of life.

Dead Sea Documents

Dead Sea Documents
All of SEELE's actions are based on the Dead Sea Instrument, which deals primarily with the appearance of the apostles and the human race, with the final chapter stating that the "third shock" will come on the "day of restraint" and that all humanity will perish completely.

The Longinus gun

The Gun of Longinus
The Longinus gun It means that in the prehistoric times of the earth, the spirit of heaven and earth gathered and grew the tree of life, and the tree of life eventually gave birth to Adam and Lilith. These two are the highest forms of male and female bodies in the world. The forbidden fusion of the two forms the Egg of Lilith, also known as the Black Moon. From which 18 apostles were conceived. Seventeen of them have attained the fruit of life and are fully formed. The other gained the fruit of wisdom. Because there is not enough A.T.F. to maintain a uniform form. Into a dispersed form, the human being. The tree of life collapsed. The remaining part of the root, became the Longinus gun, and in this, the Longinus gun is later the "God killing gun", the only weapon that can directly pass through the A.T.F. ield, in the later theatrical version of its replica appeared, and became the first weapon of the EVA production machine, and Asuka's second machine was also destroyed under the long gun of the production machine. In the anime, Ayanami uses Longinus' gun to destroy Bird Angel's A.T. F. ield and stop its mental attack on Asuka.


In the TV version of "Evangelion," Adam, who is believed to be the first apostle, was discovered in Antarctica in 1999 and was recovered by the United Nations after an accident during his experiments caused a second shock.
In 2015, Give good governance Adam, who had been reduced to an egg, was brought back from the third German branch to NERV headquarters in Tokyo-3. Ikarundo Implant it in your own hands to complete your own human completion plan.


Organizations that existed long before the "second impact." This organization operates the Human Completion Committee and NERV behind the scenes. Members of Seele do not appear directly, but only by voice (Sound Only) The number of its members, including the human Completion Committee, is 11, and the total number of its members, including Ikari Gento, is 12, and the central figure is Chairman Kirou. 12 is exactly the number of apostles under the throne of Jesus Christ.

Animation production


Staff list

producer Kobayashi, Godson,Yutaka Sugiyama
Original work GAINAX
director Anno Hideaki
WRITER Anno Hideaki,Akio Sakawa,Enomoto Yoji
Background music Aroko Shiro
Art design Hiroshi Kato
Reference source


Production correlation

Origin of name
New Century Evangelion (abbreviated as: EVA), The New Century エヴァンゲリオン (Neon Genesis Evangelion) ", commonly translated as "New Age Evangelion" (At the beginning of the introduction of the mainland, it was named New Century Skyhawk Warrior [9 ] ).
English full name each word meaning explanation
NEON: Brand new (from Greek: neos) .
GENESIS: Origin, occurrence, creation, as a proper noun referring to the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis.
EVANGELION (エヴァンゲリオン) : The general use of the artificial form of the final weapon of war is a transagram (according to the old standard) of the Greek word ενανγελισ (Gospel), which does not exist in English; the English word "Gospel" is Evangel or Gospel, originally the word Evangelion meant "messenger of the good news", with the prefix "ev-" meaning "good". "Angelion" means "messenger" (from Angel), and over time it came to mean only "good news", while the abbreviation Eva is the name of the biblical character Eve in languages such as German.
4K repair
On June 1, 2022, Station B announced the official launch of the animation 4K restoration plan, which will continue to carry out ultra-clear restoration for classic animations with long production time and low original picture quality. A total of 25 works were restored in the first batch, including EVA New Century Evangelion. [8]

Episode information


Production of each episode

Degree of collection
Painting director
Premiere day
Anno Hideaki
Junji Suzuki
October 4, 1995
See らぬ, patio
Anno Hideaki
IO Honda
October 11, 1995
Ring らない, telephone
A transfer
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Kazuya Tsurinaki
Shi Tang Hongzhi
Shi Tang Hongzhi
Nobuhiro Hosui
18 October 1995
Rain, escape げ out of した after
Hedgehog's Dilemma
Akio Sakawa
Very happy I
Kaga ツヨシ
Tomoshi Shigeta
25 October 1995
レイ, the heart のむこうに
Rei I
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Keiichi Sugiyama
Junji Suzuki
1 November 1995
No. 3 New Tokyo City
Rei II
Sand snow
Shi Tang Hongzhi
Nobuhiro Hosui
8 November 1995
Man の made りしもの
Enomoto Yoji
Anno Hideaki
Keiichi Sugiyama
Anno Hideaki
Keiichi Sugiyama
Junji Suzuki
15 November 1995
アスカ, another day
Kazuya Tsurumaki
IO Honda
22 November 1995
Moment, heart, heavy ねて
Both of You, Dance Like
You Want to Win!
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Maya Hasegawa
29 November 1995
Kaga ツヨシ
Anno Hideaki
Kaga ツヨシ
Shi Tang Hongzhi
Tomoshi Shigeta
6 December 1995
Static した dark の で
The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still
Enomoto Yoji
Anno Hideaki
Sand snow
Tetsuya Watanabe
13 December 1995
Miracles の価 value は
She said, "Don't make others
suffer for your personal hatred."
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Shi Tang Hongzhi
Tomoshi Shigeta
20 December 1995
Apostle, invasion
Iso Mitsuo
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Okamura Tensai
Kazuya Hase
27 December 1995
ゼーレ, the soul の
Anno Hideaki
Masahiko Otsuka
Ken Ando
January 3, 1996
SHH と Shen Mo
Those women longed for
the touch of others' lips,
and thus invited their kisses.
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Very happy I
Nayasu Hanyu
Junji Suzuki
10 January 1996
Death に to る illness, そして
Splitting of the Breast
Anno Hideaki
Kazuya Tsurinaki
17 January 1996
Four eyes の fit
Shinji Higuchi
Anno Hideaki
Ohara Mi
Hanata まう
24 January 1996
の choose 択を
Okamura Tensai
Kazuya Hase
31 January 1996
Male の war い
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Sand snow
IO Honda
February 7, 1996
The heart のかたち the person のかたち
oral stage
Anno Hideaki
Kazuya Tsurinaki
Anno Hideaki
Masahiko Otsuka
Kazuya Tsurumaki
14 February 1996
ネルフ, was born
He was aware that
he was still a child.
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Very happy I
Shi Tang Hongzhi
Tomoshi Shigeta
21 February 1996
せめて, the earth らしく
Don't Be.
Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Anno Hideaki
Kazuya Tsurinaki
Akira Komura
Hanata まう
28 February 1996
Kazuya Tsurinaki
Anno Hideaki
Shoichi Masao
Junji Suzuki
6 March 1996
And finally のシ
The Beginning and the End,
or "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"
Akio Sakawa
Anno Hideaki
Sand snow
Anno Hideaki
Sand snow
13 March 1996
End わる the world
Do you love me?
Anno Hideaki
Kazuya Tsurinaki
Anno Hideaki
Kazuya Tsurinaki
IO Honda
20 March 1996
The の center of the world でアイを is called んだけもの
Take care of yourself.
Sand snow
Kazuya Tsurinaki
Anno Hideaki
Sand snow
Kazuya Tsurinaki
27 March 1996

Diversity plot

    The first word the Apostles came
    In 2015 AD, a giant human-like creature landed in Japan. The dispatched UN troops, calling the creature an "apostle", attacked it violently, but all failed. Even the most powerful N2 bomb only slowed the apostles for a short time. At the same time, a teenager named Shinji Ikari receives a letter from his father after a 10-year absence and is called to the NERV headquarters under the third New Tokyo City by his father Ikari Gendo. In the face of his long-unseen son, Commander Ikari said only: "Sit on EVA." Shinji refuses to accept the order, but changes his decision when he sees a badly wounded girl about to attack in the primary aircraft. SF descriptions of the overwhelming strength of the incoming Apostles, the underground holes of the third New Tokyo City, and the first EVA machine make the first words colorful. The play uses a lot of film effects of the composition, quite distinctive, but for the negative 14-year-old boy's character, it is very difficult to grasp. A subtitle means the same thing as the title. The apostles in the Holy Book write "MESSENGER", and on this occasion the literal translation of ANGEL as patron saint also contains the meaning of angel.

    Words 2 Strange ceiling
    With no special training, Shinji and EVA are in sync with the apostles. The first machine, which confronted the third Apostle after launching, was stopped after the Apostle attacked it in the head because Shinji was not familiar with the operation and had no actual combat experience. After Shinji's coma, the machine miraculously reactivates, and in a state of uncontrolled control, it defeats the Apostle with overwhelming force. Faced with a cold father-son attitude, Miri asks Shinji to live with her. Miri praises Shinji for his achievements in battle, but Shinji wishes the words had come from someone else. This statement follows the contents of the previous statement in flashback, and the battle between EVA and the Apostle begins. More striking was the A.T.ield (Wall of the mind) that could be seen in an instant, what many sci-fi fans at the time called a defensive shield. After the initial flight, the instantaneous reversal of the situation gave people a feeling of shock, which laid a good foundation for the future plot. The first and second words are composed as the prologue. BEAST in the subtitle is the meaning of the beast, we see the furious EVA first machine can understand the meaning of this subtitle. The same feeling occurs later in the series. In THE new theatrical version, Machine 2 also opens "THE BEAST" mode.

    3. The phone doesn't ring
    In order to prevent further apostolic attacks, Shinji trained in the operation of EVA and also transferred to the Third New Tokyo City school. In class, the teacher talked about the second impact of historical events, but the students were not attentive, secretly using the computer network chat in the audience. Shinji is identified as an EVA pilot and immediately becomes popular in his class, but a classmate, Tsujihara Toji, fights him out because his sister was injured in EVA's battle with the Apostle. On the same day, the fourth Apostle attacks, Shinji will sneak out from the refuge to watch the battle and Kensuke rescue into the plug, and ignore Miri's retreat order, with a high-vibration particle knife to kill the apostle. Shinji's life is greatly changed by being the pilot of EVA, but in some ways he is also condemned. Like so many other characters in the script who fight for humanity, their very existence is perceived as a threat. The fourth Apostle was destroyed independently by Shinji, but no one would think of him as some kind of fiery savior, but rather, because of his negative ideas against the environment, he made a deep impression, and I believe that many people share this way of thinking. There are many ways to interpret transfer in the subtitle, but it is most appropriate to translate transfer students here. The meaning is to express the feeling of being in an unfamiliar group.

    After the rain, after leaving
    After his victory against the Fourth Apostle, Shinji did not realize the significance of his battle. After leaving home, he spent a night with Kensuke on the outskirts of the third New Tokyo City, and was brought back the next day by NERV's security intelligence department. After giving up his EVA driving job, he will be escorted back to his original residence. Listening to Bi Jiansuke's insight into Shinji's psychology, Miri hurried to the station to see her off, the train has slowly left the station, but there is still a young figure on the platform. The episode has few intense battle scenes and is all about a single line that charts Shinji's trajectory. Want others to care, but create a personality that makes people unable to get close to, and its contradictions evolve to the end, you will begin to hate yourself. Running away is just a small manifestation of this mentality. In this story, in order to describe the emptiness of Shinji, the background from the city to the natural scene, a lot of energy is spent. The subtitle Hedgehog is a hedgehog, and the Dilemma is a dilemma. The hedgehog wants to keep his friends warm, but the closer he gets, the more he hurts them. This theory comes from Schopenhauer's "porcupine dilemma". It's just a hedgehog instead of a porcupine.

    5 Words beautiful, the back of the heart
    Rei Ayanami is the exclusive pilot of EVA Zero. She was injured in an accident during the Zero machine start-up experiment three weeks before Shinji transferred to the third New Tokyo City. At school, her uncommunicative and expressionless character made no one associate with her. But Shinji sees her smiling and talking to his father Gendo, and becomes interested in Rei. The fifth apostle came, and the first machine that had just been launched was attacked by a high-heat particle cannon. The plot about Rei finally unfolded. He was severely wounded in the opening scene, covered in bandages. In front of her father, whom Shinji does not understand, she unexpectedly smiles. A dirty, unfurnished room, not at all like a girl's. And those glasses on the table, they're from Gendu. Everything about her seems to be a mystery, and such a doll-like character is actually in the first place of tens of thousands of female characters in Japanese animation, which is really some incredible. The subtitle is First Li.

Diversity plot reference sources
New Century Evangelion

Animation music

Cruel Angel Program of Action
OP Cruel な Angel のテーゼ ( Cruel Angel's program of action )
Lyricist: Yukawa Mian Ko
Music by Hidetoshi Sato
Arrangement by Toshiyuki Omori
Lyrics and music by Bart Howard
Arrangement by Toshiyuki Ohmori
Music soundtrack Reference sources, [6]

Audiovisual products


Animated disc

Volume one
Volume two
Volume one
Release date: 1997-07-19
Number of recorded episodes: 1-4
Volume two
Release date: 1997-08-21
Number of episodes: 5-8
Volume three
Volume four
Volume three
Release date: 1997-09-26
Number of recorded episodes: 9-12
Volume four
Release date: 1997-10-22
Number of recorded episodes: 13-16
Volume five
Volume six
Volume five
Release date: 1997-12-22
Number of collected episodes: 17-20
Volume six
Release date: 1998-11-27
Number of collected episodes: 21-24
Volume seven
Blue-ray BOX
Volume seven
Release date: 1999-01-22
Number of recorded episodes: 25-26
Blue-ray BOX
Release date: August 26, 2015
Collected episodes: All 26 words
Reference source

Music album

Album title
Offer Date
Reissue date
Reissue date
16 December 1995
December 22, 2004
September 9, 2015
16 February 1996
December 22, 2004
22 May 1996
December 22, 2004
21 December 1996
June 11, 1997
December 22, 2004

Associated work

March 15, 1997
July 19, 1997
March 7, 1998
DEATH (TRUE)² / Air / まごころを, Jun に
September 1, 2007
June 27, 2009
November 17, 2012
March 8, 2021

Award record

In July 2009, New Century Evangelion was voted the most classic animation in history in the "Japanese Media Art 100 Selection" held by the Japanese Cultural Affairs Agency.

Evaluation of works

The film is considered to be associated with Reach up to "And" Macross." Together with "Girl Revolution" and "Mobile Battleship", it is known as the three major otaku works in the 1990s. For Fans, it not only left countless puzzles to solve, but also achieved a seemingly endless money myth. (Sohu Entertainment Review) [7]
"Evangelion" began as a typical robot animation, and the story focused on combat scenes and character dialogue. With the passage of the plot, the story gradually becomes a psychoanalytic narration of the inner world of the characters, especially in the ending. In the film, the revolutionary and strong stream of consciousness technique and the use of a large number of religious and philosophical images make it a huge reverberation and impact in Japan, which is called a "social phenomenon", and become a milestone in the history of Japanese animation. Many anime fans often regard it as one of the greatest animations in Japanese history. (People's Daily online commentary)
"New Century Evangelion" has the power to penetrate people's hearts, in the dilemma of dialectics and confusion, to find light and hope, to explore the root of each person's own inner strength. That's why this classic still appeals. The confusion, struggle, struggle and effort of human nature and characters in the work, as well as the discussion on the sense of existence, have played a positive role in the hearts of most readers and even in the course of life. This kind of influence beyond animation is also worth looking forward to. (21CN Review)
New Century Evangelion

Public rating

Number of participants
Statistical deadline
Split bean slices
2023-12-11 [10]