Princess Mononoke

A 1997 Japanese animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki
unfold10 entries with the same name
Princess Mononoke is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, written by Neil Gaiman and Hayao Miyazaki, and voiced by Yoharu Matsuda, Yuriko Ishida, Yuko Tanaka, Kaoru Kobayashi and Masahiko Nishimura. The film was released in Japan on July 12, 1997, and a Chinese dubbed version was released on CCTV-6 on February 11, 2007. The film tells the story of Ashidaka, a young warrior, who kills the mad pig god to protect his village and has a curse in his body. In order to lift the curse, he comes to Tadara in the West and meets Asan, a girl raised by the dog God and known as Princess Mononoke. In 1998, the film won the 21st Japan Film Academy Award. >>>
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Poster of Princess Mononoke
Scene from Princess Mononoke
A still from Princess Mononoke

Basic information

Princess Mononoke was written by Hayao Miyazaki Direct, Neil Gaiman , screenplay by Hayao Miyazaki, Yoji Matsuda , Yuriko Ishida , Yuko Tanaka , Kobayashi Kaoru , Masahiko Nishimura Such as participating in the dubbing of animated films [2] . The film was released in Japan on July 12, 1997 [1] On February 11, 2007, a Chinese dubbed version was broadcast on CCTV-6 [16] .
The film tells the story of Ashidaka, a young warrior, who kills the mad pig god to protect his village and has a curse in his body. In order to lift the curse, he comes to Tadara in the West and meets Asan, a girl raised by the dog God and known as Princess Mononoke [20] .
In 1998, the film won The 21st Japan Film Academy Awards · Best Picture [21] . As of June 26, 2024, the film has grossed approximately $170 million worldwide [22] .
Chinese name
Princess Mononoke
Foreign name
Princess Mononoke
もののけ Hime [1]
Other translated names
Magic princess [16] , The Phantom of Things , Ghost girl [14]
Generic type
Animation, fantasy, adventure [14]
Producing company
Studio Ghibli, Tokuma Bookstore, Nibariki, etc [23]
Production area
Japan [1]
Issuing company
Miramax Pictures
Gaumont Buena Vista International
New Films International
On Lok Film Co., LTD [23]
Direct performance
Hayao Miyazaki [2]
Hayao Miyazaki , Neil Gaiman [2]
Toshio Suzuki
Yasumi Tokuma
Yutaka Narita
Okuda Seiji et al [24]
Main performance
Yoji Matsuda (voice over) , Yuriko Ishida (voice over) , Yuko Tanaka (voice over) , Kobayashi Kaoru (voice over) , Masahiko Nishimura [2] (voice over)
Film length
134 minutes [1]
Release time
July 12, 1997 [1] (Japan)
Ticket office
About $170 million [22] (As of June 26, 2024, worldwide)
Dialogue language
Japanese [1]
Chroma [1]
Film classification
PG-13 [22] (United States)
imdb coding
tt0119698 [14]
Major awards
The 21st Japan Film Academy Award · Best Picture [21]


The story takes place between the 14th and 16th centuries in Kyoto The Muromachi shogunate The ruling ability was weak, and the martial family overwhelmed the nobility. In terms of culture, both noble and martial culture were influenced by Zen. In the late 14th century Kinkakuji Representative of Beishan culture In the late 15th century, the Einkaku were forced to retreat to the northeastern part of Honshu. In the year 1300, aini Has been integrated into Japanese society.
Ashidaka (アシタカ transliteration, also translated as "stray birds") in the tribe shrimpini It is located in the northeast of Japan. One day an evil god from the West, transformed from a cursed boar god, invaded Ashidaka's village. Seeing the evil god advancing, Ashidaka came forward, although he later killed the wild boar God, but he was also cursed by the evil God, and his life was difficult to save. In order to solve the mystery of the curse and save himself, Ashidaka follows the instructions of the village witch to the West to find out and seek life.
On the way he heard about the patron saint of the forest God of Mountains and Beasts Able to break the spell, he set out for the forest. Along the way, he saved two men who had fallen into the valley transporting iron ore, and first met sandy (also translated as SAN) meet, these two people are Albercy (also translated as Black hat Lord, Magic me Lord) of the iron mill people, Ebsey's iron mill is near the forest, in order to mine ore, Ebsey's people destroy the forest, attack the forest to protect their world animals, so Ebsey and the forest animals are hostile, especially the white Wolf god living in the forest (Magic me in the forest to transport iron ore, The White Wolf God came to stop him, and was attacked by the Albercy musket and fell off the cliff. Mono).
Ashidaka He sends the two back to the ironworks, where he unlocks the mystery of the boar god's curse: Ebersie attacks the forest with muskets, and the boar god Nago, who guards the forest, is turned into evil by hatred after being hit by her muskets. Ashidaka also discovered that Eberthy had invented a powerful musket in order to kill the mountain beast god and occupy the forest. That night, Sam attacks the ironworks. She is actually the abandoned daughter of a man who was raised by the White Wolf God. When Sam was outnumbered, Ashidaka tried to save her, and he was shot in the head. His life was in danger. The rescued Shan was initially hostile to Ashidaka, but eventually moved by Ashidaka's sincerity and bravery, Ashidaka was so badly wounded that she decided to take him to the forest to be saved by the mountain beast God.
The mountain beast god saves Ashidaka, at this time, the wild boar who is disturbed by humans are determined to fight to the death with humans to save their home forest, and the forest loving Shan wants to protect the guardians of the forest (wild boar), left Ashidaka, and entered the battle between the wild boar and the army of Eberxi and the samurai. They were prepared for this, and their ultimate goal was not to destroy the wild boar, but to use them as bait to find and destroy the beast god. On the other hand, after Ebersie led her men to destroy the beast god, her iron factory was attacked by the court warriors, and the city was defended by only women, and in the iron factory was attacked and in danger, Ashidaka came. It turned out that after he left Shan, he was also attacked by the skirmishers of the court. He learns outside the Ironworks that Albersie has attacked the forest, and sets out for the forest again in order to save the mountain beast God and to inform Albersie to come back and save her workshop.
Albercy In the battle with the wild boar group, the wild boar group was almost destroyed, and only the wild boar God was left Party b Sam and the White Wolf God. They're making their way to the island of the mountain beast God. In order to find the mountain beast god, Ebersie and the samurai army put on boar skin and boar blood to disguise their identity, and followed the retreating boar god and Shan, and when they approached the Mountain beast God's island, the army surrounded the boar god and Shan and attacked them. The angry boar God is about to become evil, and the Shan who saved it in its body will also be implicated, and the newly arrived Ashidaka wants to save Shan, but he is powerless. Seeing that the situation was irreversible, the mountain beast God crossed over the life of the boar God to prevent the boar God from becoming an evil god, and at the same time Ashidaka rescued Shan with the help of the White Wolf God. Ebersie took the opportunity to shoot down the mountain beast god, the white Wolf God saw it, and fought hard to bite off an arm of Ebersie, and then died. The angry mountain beast god absorbs life to find his head. In order to save the forest, Ashidaka and Shan finally help the mountain beast god to get its head back. The mountain beast god who had lost his head fell to the ground and died when the sun came out, and his death gave new life to the earth in an instant.
After saving the forest, Shan is still unable to let go of the crime of human destruction of the forest, she chooses to return to the forest, Ashidaka respects Shan's choice (here the dialogue between the two reflects the contradiction between human and nature, still can not be solved), chooses to live in Dadala (iron factory), will ride a antelope horse to visit Shan, two people in a lush green mountains smile and say hello. [1]



Dubbing table

Translated information
Voice actor
Chinese mainland
Hong Kong, China
Taiwan of China
Guo Zhiquan / Xie Jiahao
Li Yong
Billy Cudup
Xu Jinglei [16]
Claire Danes
Gillian Anderson
The son of Mona
Party b
Keith David
Demon God
A surname
Lei Weiyuan
Billy Bob Thornton
Wang Bin
Minnie Drover
Jada Pinkett Smith
Kang Dianhong
John DiMaggio
Yayoi Katsuki
Cui Guofu
Liu Xiaoyun
Tara Strong
Maidens of shrimp
Susumi Shimamoto Iinuma Hibu
Liu Xiaoyun

Staff list

Key personnel
Original work, storyboard, script, director
Hayao Miyazaki
Toshio Suzuki
Executive producer
Saiichiro Shi and Yutaka Narita
Jou Hisaishi
Draw a picture
Painting supervisor
Masashi Ando, Kifumi Kondo, Hitaro Takasaka
Concept ART
Nobuji Otsuka, Seiko Shinohara, Noriko Mori, Ai Kagawa, Kenichi Konishi, Masaaki Endo, Hiroshi Shimizu, Kurita Mu, Mihara Mihiro, Atsuko Otani, Takeshi Inamura, Hideaki Yoshio, Miki Makiko, Kenichi Yamada, Nobuzaku Sasaki, Hideji Yamamori, Kenichi Yoshida, Katsu Matsuo, Ihiro Matsuo, Toshio Kawaguchi, Takehiro Noda, Sanchico Sugino, Katsuya Kondo, Igong Kaneda
telecom-anime assisting officers
Tanaka Atsuko
Painting assistance studio
Anime ToroToro, OH! Producation, Studio Cockpit, Studio Takuranke, Group DONGURI
Animation check
Hitomi Tatano, Satsumi Nakamura, Masaya Saito, Toshie Nakabe, Kazuyu Onoda
Akiko Tejima, Omura まゆみ, Yumi Kitajima, Susuko Manno, Masako Sakano, Kazuko Shibata, Misuzu Kurata, Uri Sawa, Mayoko Suzuki, Suzuki まり, Hua Kikuchi, Kojiro Tsuruoka, Atsushi Tamura, Miyukuro Noguchi, Kaori Fujii, Hiromasa Yayashi, Onomi Yamada, Gaku Kawada, Saguemitsu, Seiko Higashi, Yugari Yamura, Saito スミエ, Kiyoko Yokota, Keiko Tomizawa, コマサ, Yayo Toki, Eriko Shibata, Yoko Nagajima, Yuko Shiina, Emiko Iwatanagi, Fujimori まや, Rie Kondo, Shigi, Hiromi Nishikawa, Keiko Watanabe, Kumiko Tanihira, Morihiko Yano, Hiromi Furutani, Masahiko Yasumoto, Yamamoto まゆみ, Daisuke Nakayama, Masaki Tanabe, Rie Shinkuri, Atsuko Matsushita, Kumiko Ota, Rieda Shimizu, Ryohui Hayashi, Sachiko Kobayashi, Hiroko Tezuka, Haraguchi ちはる, Alexandra Weihrauch, David Encina
telecom-anime assists animators
Natsuko Iimori, Natsuko Watanabe, Mayu Yazawa, Toshiko Higashi, Keiko Nakaji, Shino Maori, Masako Kotako, Minako Ueda, Nobubu Itagaki, Hiroko Anluko, Masao Tomino, Miyoko Shibe, Katsuko Yozawa, Kazuko Hirai, Masayo Fujikura, Akihiko Uta
Yamamoto Jizo, Tanaka Naoya, Takeshiyoji, Kuroda Satoshi, Ono and Ao
Satsumi Yoshida, Naomi Haruhi, Kyoko Nagana, Hisei Saito, Junko Ina, Hina さやか, Sadayuki Arai, Kiyosumi Ota, Junichi Taniguchi, Akiko Nagata, Yoaki Saogi, Masamori Tamura
Special art
Furuka I
Special effect
Tanito Kaoruko, Hashiba Tomoji, Murakami Masahiro, Sakakibara, Taniguchi Kumiko
Color design
Hota Michiyo
Color assignment
Mayo Igoseki, Omi Mori, Kanako Moriya
Picture processing
Yoko Ono, Naomi Reda, Fumiko Okita, Yuki Nomura, Kazuko Yamada, Eiichi Suzuki, Yuriko Katayama
Sudio kelly assisting staff
Shiko Iwkatsu, Naomi Takahashi, Tomomi Miyamoto, Shimizu まり, Chiyo Morisawa, Nobuko Watanabe, Kazuhiro Hirayashi, Ka Tanishima, Kaori Ishikawa, Hiromi Tsuchiya, Yuriko Kudo, Tomie Harai, Jun Kotama, Kazumi Urayama, Hirara ふみ, Shishino, Shizu Ishiguro, Miyoko Yoshida, Sayuri Takagi, Keiko Goto, Masako Okuma, Keiko Sasaki, Kazuko Kaduda, Nakakei かおる, Ryoki Tekaki, トレスマシン
IO Studio assist staff
Miyoko Iseda, Miko Ozaki, Hisashi Bata, Asai より, Toshimi Nishimura, Kaori Morita, Kaori Yasumi, Kazuchi, Yumiko Kimura, Tomomi Amitami, Sato けい, Shigeko Akanuma, Seriyo Maehara, Yukiko Funazaki, Tae Itahara, Kazuo Kobayashi
Trace StudioM assist staff
Naomi Anzi, Akiko Aihara, Kazuko Sugiyama, Junko Kanouchi, Reiko Tichi, Emiko Honbashi, Matsuo めぐみ, Okicho ひろ
Telecom Anime assisting officers
Tomoko Yamamoto, Hitomi Manri, Nagasaki さゆり, Mayako Ota, Eriko Ishikawa, Yoshimi Nishiwaki, Junko Miyagawa, Junko Nagaoka
Toei Animation assistance staff
Kazuko Kurozawa, Nori Okai, En Sakano, Mitsumi Irie, Reiko Igarashi, Junko Furuya, Kiyomi Fujibashi, Tomoko Tozuka
Recorded AT
Recorded performance
Kazuhiro Wakabayashi
Performance assistant
Meiyi Mayama
Integral tone
Hideji Inoue
Recorded AT
TV Tokyo Center
Music recording studio
Wonder Station, Avaco Studio
Line recording studio
MIT Studio, Avaco Studio
Music sound effect
Music production
Wonder Station, Studio Ghibli
Sound production
Omnibus Promotion
Michihiro ITO
Effects assistant
Ishino Takahisa
Effect assist
VOX Pig Ai Kazuhiko, Ki Watanabe, Shigeru Tokita
Effect making
Sound Ring
Zoom supervision
Oki Dun
Yabunda Junji, Takahashi わたる, Ancient City Ring
Kanno Katanori, Hyose Yoshiyuki, Kata塰 Manori, Inoue Masashi
Takeshi Seyama
Editing assistant
Mizuta Seiko, Uchida Megumi, Tamura Mako
Assistant director
Hiroyuki ITO
Acting assistant
Tomi Xingji, Ishizao Rashi Masayotoku
Production responsibility
Toshiyuki Kawabata
Production assistant
Koji Otsuka, Kenji Kimura, Kenichiro Suzuki
Production service
Tanaka Chiyoshi, Nishijiong Gongaki
Production animation studio
Studio Ghibli

Role introduction

The hero's name is アシタカ, which is translated into Romanized pinyin Ashitaka, and Chinese transliteration is Ashitaka, which is also translated as Asuka. A cursed, brave, kind young man.
From the moment he was cursed, he had been searching for a way for man and the forest to coexist. He left his hometown to find a way to lift the curse, but he knew in his heart that death was a fate he could never escape. But as the old woman in the village said, "None of us can escape our fate, but we can decide for ourselves whether to wait for it or fight for our own salvation." Came to the forest, accidentally met Princess Mononoke, and accidentally entered his tower city. He protects his tower city and Princess Mononoke. He stood between Phantom and Ghost Princess to stop the fight between them. The curse on the body now reveals its true form, and the cursed arm is wrapped in blue flames and burns in anger. After being shot, he still carries Princess Mononoke, pushes open the gate of his tower city, and saves Princess Mononoke. In the end, Ashidaka fought alongside Shan to protect the mountain forest and the mountain beast god [4] .
sandy (Princess Mononoke)
The heroine's name is サン, which translates to San in Romanized pinyin. Because of the transliteration into Chinese, there are different names such as Shan Shan, Ashan, Shan, Xiao Shan and Sang, which are also translated as magic princess.
He wears a mask, wears a Wolf's skin, and carries a spear. After being abandoned in the forest by humans, she was adopted by the mountain dog God, who guarded the forest and the mountain animal God together with the mountain dog. She was full of hatred for humans, equipped with sharp weapons, and specialized in stabbing the humans who destroyed the forest. Later he was saved by Ashidaka, and gradually his attitude towards Ashidaka improved.
Also translated as Black hat adult, magic, in the Birth story revealed that she is a poor family's daughter, married to a foreign robber. Due to the brutality of the robbers, she finally killed her husband and returned to Japan with her treasure.
A still from Princess Mononoke
Dadalla used to make iron, stone and fire arrows that Eboshi borrowed from the monks, a superior weapon to protect Dadalla from the mountain pigs, and to trade currency for hitting the beast god on the head. But Monk Lai and Team Stone Fire are not on her side. She and the lepers of Dada secretly copied and improved, in order to escape the hostage of Lai monk. When Dadalla was unprotected she had no choice but to make a deal with the devil to buy the use of the Firebolt team, and when she wasn't strong enough to say no the devil took the bill and fanned Asano, leaving Dadalla with no way out, she had no choice but to take the risk.
God of Mountains and Beasts
The patriarch of the mountain dog family, the adoptive mother of Princess Mononoke, the 300-year-old Mona had two tails when she appeared, and only one was left after being shot by Eboshi, who deeply hated Eboshi and other humans, loved her daughter, loved the forest, and was the guardian of the mountain beast God. Eventually incarnated as a demon and sucked the life of the mountain beast god, after the mountain beast God died, he bit off Albercy's arm with his head.
Also translated as the unicorn, is the protection of the forest god, in the moonlight is a transparent giant, in the daytime is a deer like animals, it can give life and can suck life. It is the God of death, the God of life, the God of greenery. Because its existence brings harmony, but also hatred and killing [4] .
Tree spirit
Their existence is a sign that the earth is full of vitality, and is a special communication symbol between nature and human beings.
A surname
A surname
Businessmen who travel from country to country for profit. Not all rely on the mouth to make money, although a low and ugly uncle image, but in fact is a hand of heavy soldiers ruthless role. And the Lord of the iron town magic Ji adults earliest to get rich in the mountains is thanks to his 40 musketeers, the price is in magic Ji adults razed the mountains after he had to kill the mountain animal God.
Party b
Ruling town west ( A surname The giant mountain pig, which is 500 years old and blind, is Mona's old acquaintance. Because the forest of the same clan Nag was invaded by the black hat adults into evil, and at the same time, the situation of the more and more diminutive intelligence degradation of the family is very anxious. Leading a clan against humanity. In the end, he died with hatred, became a demon god, and was passed over by the mountain beast God. The name of the Lord was changed from the name of a village in ancient Japan. In the Birth Story, it is revealed that Miyazaki came up with a plot in the voice process: the Lord and the Wolf god Mona once had a love affair, but broke up 100 years ago.
The mountain pigs that rule the Izumo region. When the Lord Black Hat invaded the forest, he was shot into the body by the lead stone of the iron cannon, and he was deeply painful, and all the way to the east. Many resentments accumulated in the center of the journey to the East, and thus became the embodiment of the "evil God/demon God" (タタリ god). He was eventually shot by Ashidaka and transferred all the curse to Ashidaka. Naige is covered with tentacle-like things when he becomes a demon god, which comes from Miyazaki Hayao's concrete expression of "under his extreme anger, he feels that the pores on his body seem to erupt and grow evil things."
Orangutans, resentful of the loss of the forest to humans, return to the reclaimed woodland every night to plant trees. He and Sam take a different approach to fighting humans, and blindly believe that eating humans will give them power.

Creation background



A still from Princess Mononoke
"Using Japan as a stage to make a fantasy work" was Miyazaki's idea when he was about 20 years old. In 1980, Miyazaki presented his idea to animation studios and other television stations for reference, but received no positive response, but some of the ideas he came up with during the project were used in later animated films. Valley of Winds "Or" chinchilla "In. Then, in 1983, Hayao Miyazaki published Princess Mononoke (もののけ ji), a picture book based on the Japanese period drama based on the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast.
It was not until August 1994 that Miyazaki officially began the animation of Princess Mononoke. But at that time, Miyazaki Hayao's concept of the work in addition to the original "architecture in Japan as the stage, full of period drama style" conditions, but also added "why to live" and "the meaning of survival" and other elements, and the original picture fairy tale more than 10 years ago has been too different and abandoned [5] .

Source of inspiration

Princess Mononoke is based on Mesopotamian mythology " Gilgamesh Nakao Sasuke and Sasaki Takaaki's "Theory of Teriaba Forest Culture", Netno Yoshihiko's view of the medieval people, the atlas "Once a Master Saint Painting", Yamauchi Nobukio's "Kazuang Local Record" documenting the whole process of stomping on bellow iron, "Uji's Relics · The Five Colors of Deer", and countless other pictures displayed in the "Multi-mill Full Source of students" of the National Institute of Mayi.
During the preparation of Princess Monongue, the philosopher and writer Umehara had sent his own drama "Gilgamesh" published by Shincho to Miyazaki Supervisor, asking him to consider animating it, but Miyazaki Supervisor refused Umehara's script on the grounds that it "did not touch the things deep in the heart" and wrote it himself. Ms. Umehara later wrote for the "Princess Mononoke" brochure: "What is it when a rejected theme is repurposed?" Tough talk, the situation is a little tense. A year later, the Kino Review magazine published the contents of a special meeting that included the two men, and it seems that they have reconciled. Supervisor Miyazaki himself said of this matter: "Later on, thinking back, when making this work, I focused on a lot of impressions from Gilgamesh." It's just that there's a lot of material coming from a lot of different places." [15 ]

The proposal

"Princess Mononoke" is set in the Muromachi era of medieval Japan and depicts the struggle between man, god and demons. The film has brought a shock to many audiences. The script of "Princess Monononie" has been brewing for 16 years, and the total number of films is 135,000, which can be said to be unprecedented. The fluorescent giant and the Demon Worship also use CG digital synthesis technology (it is not like a cartoon that only uses two-dimensional animation and three-dimensional background reluctantly pieced together). There are also brutal, bloody severed heads and arms that are rare in Miyazaki's films. Although there is a series of visual shocks, but the main impact is spiritual. [17 ]
In Miyazaki Hayao's project book "The War between the Brutal Mountain Gods and Humans" described: this work does not appear in the past costume drama warriors, lords, farmers, even if there is a very insignificant role. The main protagonists are people unseen on the historical stage and brutal mountain gods. Technicians, workers, smelters, miners, charcoal-burners, groomsmen, or cattle haulers of the iron syndicates known as Tadara. They were all armed and formed an independent organization which could be called a handicraft workshop.
The brutal mountain gods, who are different from humans, appear as mountain dog gods, pig gods, and bears. The mountain beast God is an imaginary animal with a human face and an animal body and a tree horn. The youth of the protagonist is the last descendant of the ancient Shrimyi tribe that was destroyed during the Yamato regime. If you want to trace a similar prototype, he resembles a certain clay figure of the Jomon period. The main stage was the inaccessible forest of the Gods, and something like an iron city. This is just a rural vista with castles, streets, and paddy fields as the stage of historical dramas used to be. Reproduces the Japanese scenery without reservoirs, deep forests, sparsely populated times, deep mountains and valleys, rich and clear rivers, small dirt roads without sand, many birds, animals and insects and other pure natural scenery.
These Settings are not constrained by the common sense, preconceived ideas and prejudices of previous historical dramas, and aim to depict a freer group of characters. According to recent history, folklore, and archaeology, this country has a richer and more varied history than is commonly portrayed. The dearth of historical drama is mostly made through film drama. The stage of this work - the Muromachi period is a chaotic and volatile one. This is an era that began from the Southern and northern Dynasties in which the vicious party ran rampant and Art Nouveau was confused and formed today's Japan. It is different from the era of organized warfare in the standing armies of the Warring States, and it is different from the era of the Kamakura samurai, who made constant efforts. There was no ambiguous period of mobility, no distinction between samurai and ordinary people, and women had to work too, so there was greater freedom. Such times clearly show the contours of life and death. People live, people love, hate, work, die, etc. Life is not ambiguous.
Facing the chaotic era of the 21st century, this is the significance of creating this work. Not to solve the problems of the world as a whole. There is no happy ending to a war between rabid gods and men. But even in the midst of hatred and killing, there is value in living. It is possible to have perfect encounters and perfect things. Although it depicts hatred, it is to depict something more important. The curse was written to depict the joy of liberation. What should be painted is the understanding of the boy to the girl, and the process of the girl opening her heart to the boy [7] .

Behind the scenes

The script of "Princess Monononie" has been brewing for 16 years, and the total number of films is 135,000, which can be said to be unprecedented. The fluorescent giant and the Demon God also use CG digital synthesis technology (it is not like a cartoon only using two-dimensional animation and three-dimensional background reluctantly pieced together). [13] .
Princess Mononoke
In 1997, in the second half of the production of Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki developed a hand disease due to fatigue, and had to receive massage therapy to work, but at the age of 56, he endured the injury to finish the animation. At the premiere of Princess Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki announced that he was ending his writing [8] . At the end of 1999, Miyazaki's continued critical acclaim for Princess Mononoke, coupled with the untimely death of Kifumi Kondo, led to the release of Princess Mononoke. My neighbor Jun Yamada "Flop at the box office," Titanic "Box office more than" Princess Mononoke ", stirring ambition, withdraw the declaration. Nearly 60 years old, Miyazaki Hayao finally can not resist the comeback [6] .
Disney bought out Ghibli's overseas rights in 1998. In 1999, Princess Mononoke was released in more than 1,000 theaters in more than 100 cities in the United States, while it was also released in Europe. However, the dubbing in Europe and the United States is mostly rounded, completely missing the vicissitudes of the Japanese version, and there is no screaming that is often found in the Japanese version. Although the Wolf God is also a female voice, it lacks a series of tones such as anger [8] .
According to the September 14, 2005, from the United Kingdom, The Guardian According to an interview with Miyazaki, when Harvey Weinstein was entrusted with the U.S. distribution of Princess Monononie, Miyazaki mailed him a samurai sword with the words "Do not cut!" written on the blade. [9] .
Princess Mononoke was selected by the MPAA ( Motion Picture Association of America It is rated PG-13, meaning it is not suitable for viewers under 13. Mainly because of the bloody scenes in the film, such as severed limbs, but Miyazaki is not about to make animation a patent for adults [8] .


A still from Princess Mononoke
Midway through production, Miyazaki tried to rename it Ashidaka (アシタカ). The Japanese pronunciation of Ji is せっき; A word coined by Miyazaki himself, which means "a story passed down from mouth to mouth". But the producer Toshio Suzuki It was rejected, saying that the original title, "Princess Mononoke" (もののけ Ji), was more impressive.
When the two people could not stick to their opinions, Toshio Suzuki took the lead in the public preview report on the "もののけ Ji" film title, Miyazaki Hayao was angry when he learned afterward, but did not make more other responses. In keeping with Ghibli's tradition, all Miyazaki titles will include the word "の" to distinguish them from Takahata's "ほ" [5] .

Original design

The original "Princess Mononoke" is mainly composed of two parts, the 1980 story version of the picture book "Princess Mononoke" (similar to "Beauty and the Beast") and the 1983 comic book "Princess Mononoke". The journey to Shona (A full-color picture book by Hayao Miyazaki based on Tibetan folklore) [6] . Ghibli originally planned to make a theatrical animated feature film based on the 80th version of Princess Mononoke. However, because it was conceived more than 10 years ago, it is somewhat outdated and looks very naive. And because some of the ideas have already been used in My Neighbor Totoro, it's easy to feel the same.


The village of Asidaka, Ghibli animators Male deer and male went to the White God mountain area of the forest shooting.
Mountain beast God forest
The scene model of the Mountain animal God Forest (シシ God の sen) was shot by Jizo Yamamoto around Yakushima Island.
Iron works
The smelting furnace of the Dadala City ironworks is referenced from the records of China Great leap Forward Photo of the furnace [5] .


Jade sword
Kaya to Asidaka obsidian The jade knife made by the Jomon Dynasty could be used as a trading item like a coin.
Fern knife
Knives held by the Asidaka people are so called because of the shape of the handle of the "early fern" (さわらび) Nara period to Heian period Initial stage Hokkaido A knife used by the inhabitants of the region. In reality, the blade shape of the fern hand knife is curved, which is different from the straight line shape in the animation.
The stone musket used by Lord Black Hat ( Flint arrow ), a reference to the guns used in China during the Ming Dynasty.
Seismic thunder
The bombs kicked down from the slopes by the Tang Umbrella Lian, an organization led by monk Putuo in the drama, in the battle with the mountain pig clan refer to the gunpowder used in the Jin Dynasty against the Mongolian army [6] .

Music soundtrack


Original sound track

もののけ Hime サウンドトラック
The record company: TokumaJapanCommunications
Release date: July 02, 1997
Japanese name
English name
Time of occurrence
1.アシタカせっ note
2.タタリ God
3. Yuli ち~ West へ
4.呪われた power
5. Dirt
6. Go out to い
7.コダマ reach
8. God の sen
9. The evening れのタタラ scene
10.タタリ Shin 2~うばわれた SAN
11.エボシ Your Majesty
12.タタラ go to む ~エボシタタラうた
13. Shura
14. East から to た young
16. Give birth to きろ
17.シシ god の Sen の two people
18.もののけ Hime (インストゥルメンタル? ヴァージョン)
20.もののけ Hime (ヴォーカル)
21. And いの Taiko
22.タタラ の cello い
23.呪われた Force 2
25. Fail
26.タタリ God 3
27. Death と and life のアダージョ
28. The yellow spring の world
29. The Yellow Spring の World 2
30. Death と life のアダージョ2
32.もののけ Hee (ヴォーカル? エンディング)
33.. アシタカせっ (エンディング)

Impression set

Princess Mononoke Impression Collection
もののけ Hime イメージアルバム
The record company: TokumaJapanCommunications
Release date: July 22, 1996
1. The Legend of Ashidaka (アシタカ)
Composer: Hisaishi Jean
2. The Evil God (タタリ God)
3. The Forgotten people (われた people)
4. Princess Mononoke (もののけ Hime)
Lyrics by Hayao Miyazaki Music by Jean Hisaishi
5. Arc Road (ヤックル)
Composer: Hisaishi Jean
6. Mountain Beast God Forest (シシ God の sen)
7. Lord Black Hat (エボシ King)
8. Wood Spirits (コダマ Da)
9. Inu-god Mona (Inu-God モロの Gong)
10. Ashidaka and Xiao Sang (アシタカとサン)

Symphonic suite

Symphonic Suites もののけ Hime Mononoke
もののけ Hime
Record label: Milan
Released on July 8, 1998
1. TheLegendof Ashidaka (アシタカ) (TheLegendofAshitaka)
Conductor: MarioKlemens
Composer: Hisaishi Jean
Performance: Hisaishi Jean, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
2. TaTaRiGami (TA · TA · RI · GAMI)
3. JourneytotheWest (ち~ へ) (TheJourneytotheWest)
4. Princess MononokeHime (もののけ Hime)
5. Mountain beast God (シシ God の sen) (theforestof the deerGod)
6. Requiem-TheDemonPower (レクイエム ~ 呪われた) (Requiem- the demonpower)
7. TheWorldoftheDead ~ Death と life のアダージョ (TheWorldoftheDead-AdagioofLifeand...)
8. AshitakaandSan (アシタカとサン) (AshitakaandSan)

Award record

A given year
Winning project
The year 1997
1st Media Arts Festival of the Ministry of Education and Culture: Animation Division Award
The 10th Nikkan Sports Film Awards. Ishihara Yujiro Award for Best Director
The 15th Golden Gross: The Best Gold Award, Special Merit Award
The 16th Nikkei Excellent Product Service Award: The Nikkei Business News Award, the Best Award
The 21st Japanese Film Awards : Best Film Award
The 22nd Hochi Film Awards: Special Award
39th Annual Daily Arts Awards: Video, Film Department
The 39th Japan Record Awards: Composition Award, Album Planning Award
40th Blue Ribbon Awards: Special Award
52nd Daily Film Awards: Japan Film Awards
The 71st "Film Ten-day Newspaper" magazine readers' vote: year
The 71st "Film Ten-day Report" film review vote: Year
Asahi DigitalEntertainment: Theater Division Award
Animation Kobe '97: Performance Department Award, Digital Technology Department Award, Theater Film Award
MultimediaGrandPrix'97: MMCA Special Award
The year 1998
The 12th Takasaki Film Festival: Best Director Award
The year 1998
19th session Yokohama Film Festival : year
The year 1998
The 21st Japan Film Academy Award : Best Picture
The year 1998
Eland 'OrAward: Special award
The year 2001
The 27th session Saturn Prize : Best Home video
The year 2006
Japanese Multimedia Art 100 selections: Selected by the animation department
Tokyo Sports Film Awards: Best Director Award
Osaka Film Festival: Special Award
Cultural Affairs Department Excellent Film: Excellent film Award
Yomiuri Film: Drama Advertising Award, Excellence Award
Japanese film P.E.NClub: 1997
National Contact Meeting of Film Appreciation Groups: Japanese Film Works Award
Shortlisted (nominated) projects
The year 2000
Annie Prize : Nominated for Best Animation Director
Satellite award : Best Animated Film shortlisted
Las Vegas Film Critics Awards: Best Animated Feature shortlisted

Production and distribution

Release information
Release date
July 12, 1997
July 26, 1997
November 7, 1997
Costa Rica
January 1, 1998
May 1, 1998
26 November 1999
12 January 2000
7 April 2000
19 May 2000
July 6, 2000
8 September 2000
January 4, 2001
February 8, 2001
19 April 2001
October 19, 2001
21 December 2001
14 November 2002
April 25, 2003
February 26, 2010
June 24, 2010
October 28, 2010
October 28, 2011
Creative company
Production company
1. Studio Ghibli (Japan)
2. Tokuma Bookstore (Japan)
3. DENTSU Music And Entertainment Inc. (Japan)
4. Nibariki
6. Nippon Television Network(NTV)
Issuing company
1. Miramax Pictures (USA)
2. Gaumont Buena Vista International(GBVI) (France)
3. New Films International (Estonia)
4. On Lok Films Limited (Hong Kong, China)
5. Timon Pictures (USA)
6. Dongbao International (USA)
7. Bowei International (USA)
8. Chau Li Film Distribution (Hong Kong) Limited (Hong Kong, China)
9. Alliance Atlantis Home Video (Canada)
10. Intercontinental Video (Hong Kong, China)
11. Ufa Film Company (Germany)
12. SBP (Argentina)
13. Buena Vista International Spain S.A. (Spain)
14. Aurum Producciones S.A. (Spain)
(Information source: [25] )

Film evaluation

Miyazaki Hayao regards "man" and "nature" as two extremes that can never compromise each other. However, he is not a complete negationist and pessimist. He holds a positive attitude toward human development and use of nature to survive, but he emphasizes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Therefore, Ashidaka in the film, on the one hand, sympathizes with those people who, under the leadership of Magic Ji, have to cut down forests and burn mountains in order to survive and develop, and fight against the gods, and helps him to defend the tower city against the enemy; On the other hand, he and Princess Mononoke fought side by side to protect the mountains, protect the mountain beast god. As the only person who can be accepted by both human beings and mountain forests, he once ran around between God and man, but finally ended up with what he did not want to see - the tragic ending of the destruction of God and man. Ashidaka also said: "I have tried to prevent (the war between gods and men), but ultimately failed."
But whether the problem of coexistence between man and nature is solved or not, survival as a human being remains the most important problem. So at last Ashidaka said to Princess Mononoke, "We will live together!" Once again, the theme of coexistence between man and nature is reiterated. In addition, the psychological distance between tragedy and human being established by him in the art form of modern mythology not only enables people to look at the tragedy in reality more objectively, but also triggers people to think about reality further [10] .
Supervised by Hayao Miyazaki, this work focuses on the struggle between man and nature, and also describes the cruelty and ruthlessness of human war. The human instinct for survival and happiness is a source of conflict with other races in nature, especially as humans begin to master higher science and technology. In the works of Master Miyazaki Hayao, the relationship between man and man, nature and man is vividly expressed.
Miyazaki Hayao regards "man" and "nature" as two extremes that can never compromise each other, and believes that man must destroy nature in order to achieve his own survival. In the film, Ashidaka once negotiated between man and God in order to coordinate the peaceful coexistence of the two sides, but the final tragic outcome is that both man and God are destroyed. Ashidaka also said: "I have tried my best to stop [the war between gods and men], but in the end I failed." But regardless of whether the problem of coexistence between man and nature can be solved, the first thing for human beings is to survive. At the end of the film, the death of the unicorn god causes all things to be reborn, and people have to start a new life, and Ashidaka says to SAN: "We must live together!" It restates the theme of the whole play. [18 ]
The "Princess Mononoke" soundtrack is Hisaishi's most successful symphonic creation, and it is also the most crucial one for him to become a world-class film score master. In the main melody of the score, the cello and the boys' choir scene is magnificent, and the voice and strings are perfectly integrated. In Miyazaki Hayao's works, the theme of Princess Mononoke is heavy, the content is fantasy and reality interwoven, and the main melody is majestic. In the idea album, all the relevant themes of the film are covered, and then all the music is arranged into a complete whole, while the soundtrack only takes the first part to match the film's storyboard, and strengthens the subtle momentum.
This time it's like" Valley of Winds "Or" Sky city It is vast, but it integrates the tonality of Oriental style, and also has the atmosphere of ancient legends. Hisaishi used a large number of strings in the film, playing a grand effect like symphony, let people feel desolate and vast, reverie boundless. At the same time, the film is full of strong ancient Japanese customs, the theme song "Princess Monononie" is also quite tragic, Mira Miichi's falsetto solo is very national characteristics, clear and thick voice like a woman telling the legend of ancient times. [19]
Overall comment
"Princess Mononoke" plays the strongest voice of the era of human and nature, war and peace, survival and development. In this work, in addition to the heavy and profound theme, the twists and turns of the fantasy plot, and the grand and emotional music, the film's depiction of the deep forest of mountain beasts and gods that Princess Mononoke guards is really amazing [11] . In this vibrant natural treasure, inhabited by apes, deer, wild boar, mountain dogs and other spiritual animals and gods, and groups of small trees (kodama) as the embodiment of trees in the forest, to the protagonist Ashidaka lost direction [11] . Miyazaki Hayao's animated films can bring lasting emotions to people, especially young people. Looking at his works, there is often a mountain spring flowing through the heart - this is the inner power of literature and art [12] .
"Princess Mononoke" is set in the Muromachi era of medieval Japan and depicts the struggle between man, god and demons. The film had a shocking impact on many viewers. There are also brutal, bloody severed heads and arms that are rare in Miyazaki's films. Although there is a series of visual shocks, but the main impact is spiritual [13] . At the end of the film, the death of the unicorn god causes all things to be reborn, and people have to start a new life, and Ashidaka says to SAN: "We must live together!" It restates the theme of the whole play [13] .