
Published by Zhejiang Education Press in 1984
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"Wan Ye Ji" is a book published by Zhejiang Education Publishing House in 1984, the author is (Japan) anonymous.
Chinese name
(Japan) Anonymous [1]
Yang Lie
Publication time
The year 1984
Publishing house
Zhejiang Education Press [2]
9787544707909 [1]
Poetry anthology
Original work

Content introduction

More than half of the book's authors are anonym And it is very extensive, both the emperor, the emperor, the prince, but also ronin, beggars, prostitutes, almost including all levels of Japanese people at that time. The number of signed and unsigned authors is several hundred, and the number of signed authors is more than 500. Most of the signatories were prominent celebrities and professional poets. There are representativeness The poet can be cited Emperor Tenchi , Emperor Tenmu , Agata , Persimmon I malu , Gaoshi black, Yira yama , Daicompanion Traveler, Takahashi Worm Maro, Akato Yamabe , Great companion to the family Et al.
In the second half of the eighth century, there appeared a Waka collection "Manyeji". The book has a total of 20 volumes, and more than 4,500 songs (including long songs and short songs and other genres). The earliest written literature in Japan appeared in the early eighth century, during the Nara Period (710-784). Representative works of written literature of this period are the Kojiki "And" Ten Thousand Leaves ". At that time, "kana script" had not been created in Japan, and both works were written with the help of Chinese characters. The former Chinese characters are used for both meaning and sound; The latter Chinese characters are mainly used for Note mark .
According to the content can be divided into miscellaneous songs, Xiangwen, elegy and so on. Miscellaneous songs cover a wide range, the four seasons of scenery, travel feast, hunting trip, etc., are among the performances; Xiangwen is mostly a poem about lovers, friends and relatives who ask each other emotionally. Elegy refers mainly to the funeral poems mourning the dead, but also the death of the poem and the memory of later generations. In addition, the collection also includes a wide range of oral ballads "East Song" and "East Song". Antiman song ". The former is a folk song spread in eastern Japan, while the latter is a poem of garrison soldiers. Both show pure and simple style. It is especially worth mentioning that the poetry collection also selected two "Beggar songs", pouring out the aspirations of the lowest level of society and slaves. In terms of form, the poetry collection is mainly divided into three kinds: long song, short song and revolving song. There are 265 long songs, 4,207 short songs, 62 spin songs, and others Renge Buddha foot stone song and 1 song each Chinese poetry 2, Chinese Twenty-two articles.
People's Literature Publishing House There are Jin Wei Wu Yanyi's "Wan Ye Ji" complete. The earliest Chinese translation is Qian Daosun The anthology, which began in the 1940s, was published in 1957 in Japan and has been republished several times in Japan and China. Yang Lie's translation, published in 1984, was the first Chinese version in history Full-length translation . [3]
"Manyeji" is the earliest collection of Japanese poems, which is actually equivalent to "Manyeji" in Japan. The Book of Songs The status in China. Collected poems from the 4th century to the middle of the 8th century, Become a book There have been many different opinions about The Times and editors, but most of them are Nara Works of the period (710 ~ 794 AD). It is generally believed that the "Wanye Ji" has been edited and passed down over many years, about the second half of the 8th century Great companion to the family (717 ~ 785 AD) Completed. Later, it was corrected and approved by several people before becoming the current version.
The compilation method of "Wanye Ji" varies from volume to volume. Some volumes are arranged according to The Times, and some volumes are divided into three categories according to the content: miscellaneous songs, elegies, and Xiangyuan songs (broadly referring to the song of giving and answering, narrowly referring to the song of love), and some volumes also set up metaphor songs and defense songs (songs of garrison soldiers).
There are signed works in the Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, and there are anonym The works of... Some of his works are folk songs and ballads; Many of the named works were created by so-called famous "singers". About 450 authors have signed their names.


Early stage (629 ~ 672)
This period is the birth period of poetry. The poetry was still oral, but Individual works Independent from folk songs, the expression of individual emotions exceeds the expression of group emotions.
With the exception of a few authors of legends, some of which date back three or four hundred years, the activities of famous singers are concentrated in the period from the beginning of the seventh century to the middle of the eighth century. This hundred years can be subdivided into three periods, the early authors are mostly the emperor family, such as Emperor Shuming , Emperor's order, Emperor Tenchi , Agata Et al. This period is the period when the ancient centralized state of Japan was prepared and expanded, and the song style of these people is known for its simple and honest style. The background of the song is often related to the historical turmoil of the time.
Middle period (673-733)
The middle authors, active after the middle of the seventh century and the beginning of the eighth century, of which the representative authors are Persimmon I malu , Gaoshi black, Prince Shiki , Yira yama , companion traveler, Akato Yamabe , straw hat Kim Chon Takahashi worm Maru et al. These people were the nobles or the middle and lower officials of the time. Their song style has its own characteristics, and the completion and implementation of the waka form Artistic technique In terms of perfection, each made a contribution. Malu was known as the "song sage" since ancient times. He was good at driving the form of long songs and wrote many nostalgic songs and elegies, such as "Gaoshi Emperor Son City funeral palace Song", "Kuokin River Famine Song", as well as farewell to his wife song, mourning for his dead wife song and so on. The nostalgic songs he wrote about the royal court expressed his admiration and remembrance of the rising period of the ancient country, and the tone was vigorous, sombre and solemn. Expressing personal feelings of the farewell wife songs, mourning songs written in heavy meaning true, sad and poignant. He is good at using couplet And pillow words (Note: "pillow words" is a special modifier in Waka, also known as "crown words". Each pillow word, with a specific quilt modifier It plays a role in enriching associations and adjusting tones.) The words are full of richness, the sound is fluent, and the sincerity of the temperament is seen in the thick. Takaichi black people and Yamabe red people are good at writing songs about scenery. The natural scenery they write is filled with emotion and fresh style. Takahashi Mingmaro is good at writing legend songs. Volume 9 includes his long songs about folk love stories, such as "Ode to the River Shuipu Island", "Song of Katsuka Mauma" and "Song of Tiger Woman", which depict events and characters with exquisite and vivid characteristics.
Among these "ten thousand leaf singers", what needs to be particularly mentioned is Yira yama . He did it when he was young Envoy to the Tang Dynasty His entourage has been to China. Most of his long songs are attached Rhythmical prose with rhythmical parallelism Chinese Writing a long sequence, you can see his deep Chinese culture. He wrote the famous long song" Poverty song Is the only Direct reflection Ancient times Statutory system The last song of the people's suffering under the rule of the state. The full text is as follows:
Stormy nights, cold sleet days. How can it be cold in the winter night? Crude salt Right with wine, grains chat warm. Nasal obstruction The sound of the noise, the bow and cough. The moustache cannot stand the cold of the night. Wrap me in sackcloth and rags. Though I do all I can, I can't resist this night cold. For those who are poor and even worse than me, listen to my words: wives and children are sobbing, parents are hungry and cold. Why spend years in this sad scene?
Heaven and earth, though the clouds are wide, let me suffer alone. Though the sun and moon are bright, do they shine by my side? Is this true of the world, or am I alone? God gave birth to me, and farming is never idle. He wore a cotton-free coat, all draped over his shoulders. Ragged like seaweed, how can you resist this cold? Low house four collapse, rice shop wetland sleep. Wives and children at their feet, parents by their pillows. No family size, SOB and sigh. No fireworks on the stove, on the pan arachnoid Suspense. I've been starving for days. I can't remember my meals. The sound is as thin as a thread, and the strength is as soft as cotton. Disaster does not come alone, boiling oil pouring flame. Li Chang was menacing and Shouting in front of the house. handle cane Come on, push Farm tax Money. This is the way of the world, how can this life be dismissed?
[Anti song] Woe to the world! The world of shame! Hate not the flying bird, fly Missing both wings.
Note: Anti song - Influenced by Chinese "return song", attached to the long song, in the form of a short song, focused on the main content of the long song again.
This song, there are various interpretations, the general tendency to understand the first half of the song as an ancient scholar to the poor situation of the private confession, and to think of others, even more than himself, the suffering of farmers. The second half of the first is to answer on behalf of farmers, said in ancient times Ban Tian system The miserable situation of farmers who clamour for land and want to go nowhere.
Late period (733 ~ 759)
This is the period when poetry goes from maturity to decline. The poetic style changed from strong and vigorous to weak and decadent, which announced the end of Wan Ye poetry.
The late author of the Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, to Great companion to the family And the big companion Sakagami Lang female representative. At this time, the era has entered the late legal system of the state, Ancient society Various contradictions were exposed and the process of disintegration began. The style of songs held by the great companion family reflects the characteristics of this period of decline. His short songs have the characteristics of sad, delicate and touching. Sakagami wrote some slender and beautiful love songs.
The anonymous songs in "Ten Thousand Leaves" account for about one-third of the entire work. The most distinctive of these songs are the more than 200 "East Songs" included in Volume XIV. Honshu Folk songs of the eastern region). Most of these folk songs with love as the theme, not only the language is simple and natural, but also the use of various labor scenes as a comparison, fun and other artistic means, so that these folk songs show fun and rich Working people The breath of life. Some songs also express the feeling of being loyal to love despite the violent interference of parents. Volume 20 contains 92 "defense songs" (songs of garrison soldiers). These songs are reflected in ancient times System of heavenly emperor Forced to leave their parents, wives, and soldiers in far-flung border areas. In addition to the songs mentioned above, Wanye Collection also contains many works reflecting various aspects of life in ancient society.
Anyway, the Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves is in History of literature Its value lies not in its antiquity, but in the depth and breadth of its reflection of ancient life, and in the depth and sincerity of its style. After the Wanyeji, Waka gradually debased into a leisure product for nobles to chant the moon and the moon, and nobles used it as a tool for social gifts and courtship between men and women, or used it for court "gohe" (game of competition and song). During the Heian and Kamakura periods, Waka was also exclusively owned by nobles and monks as a means of expressing their delicate feelings.
During this period, in addition to "Wan Ye Ji", other achievements are also quite high. In the prose aspect should be put forward "Fengroji". The book was originally compiled by local officials at that time under the orders of the Emperor, but it contains many fragments of local legends and legends Old story . Although these ancient legends have been collected by the local officials of the handwriting is relatively brief, but often permeated with the ancient people Interest in life . Some legends, later inherited by folk tales, are constantly developed.
In this period, in addition to "Wan Ye Ji" and "Wan Ye Ji", Kojiki In addition to the songs preserved in the books, there are also religious songs. Congratulatory speech These are the lyrics of ancient prayers to God, and some of them reflect Ancient ballads In that rhythmic beauty and vivid image metaphor Trick.

Background introduction

Around AD, Japan basically ended the primitive community society. At first there were small groups in some places emirate . In the fourth and fifth centuries, in Yamato (today Nara-ken The rise of a powerful family The Mikado Clan Gradually unified Japan and established the "Yamato Regime". Ancient Japan System of heavenly emperor The establishment and acceptance of a centralized state Chinese culture Technology is closely related. Ancient Chinese culture, Production technology As well as Chinese characters, pass Korean peninsula Or by direct travel to Japan. Especially after the seventh century, the central government of Japan had more direct contacts with the Chinese Sui and Tang dynasties, sending dozens of large-scale military missions Envoy to the Tang Dynasty League and international students, Learned monk Wait until China to study; Such measures have lasted for more than two hundred years, which is enough to show that Ascending stage The enterprising spirit of the ancient state. Of course, the main purpose of the ancient Japanese aristocracy was to strengthen their rule and create their aristocratic culture.
710, with Imperial family of Japan Move the capital to another place Heisei Kyo (present-day Nara), Japanese history has entered Nara period . From the Japanese history, the Nara era should be a rare "peace and prosperity" period. In contrast to previous dynastic changes, Ruling class The internal struggle is sharp and sharp Social contradiction The increasingly serious and later Heian period The Knights of War Emerged after Kanto descended from the powerful imperial family Genji Kansai Hirashi Caused by the war, and even after the melee Warring States Period In terms of politics and society, it has maintained a relatively stable situation, and people live and work happily. According to the classical view of Marxist materialism: Economic basis decide superstructure It can be said that the prosperity of Nara culture is largely due to this. On the other hand, the frequent cultural exchanges between China and Japan at that time and the advanced culture, technology and academic thoughts introduced by the Tang Dynasty, which was the most developed feudal economy at that time, all played an important role in its development Promoting effect During this period, numerous outstanding envoys and monks emerged, such as Jianzhen, The best is the best Let's wait. The imported culture has injected fresh blood into Japan and promoted the formation of Nara culture, and the Japanese people who are good at thinking and diligent in learning have also integrated and innovated it, forming Japan itself National style Things are constantly evolving (such as the kimono to be mentioned in the folklore section) Tea ceremony culture ).

Work influence

Ten Thousand Leaves Become a book At that time, Japan did not have its own writing, and all poetry was borrowed from Chinese characters Manya kana It was recorded. Its greatest contribution is to get rid of Chinese poetry The rut, using Japan National language Put the unshaped Ancient ballads Developed into a stereotyped nationalized, personalized poetry form for the later generations Poetry creation Set a good example.
"Manyeji" is also the friendly exchanges between China and Japan Chinese literature Against Japan Ancient literature Clear evidence of the impact. It is based on the themes, forms and characteristics of Chinese poetry Classification method For reference, Chinese characters are used Phonetic notation , collected part of the Chinese poetry, at the same time Direct reflection " Envoy to the Tang Dynasty "Come Tang situation poetry.
Japanese culture has a long history, the earliest can be traced back to Prehistoric period . with History of Japan The division of the period is unified, Japanese Cultural history Also experienced the Asuka culture since the founding of the Tygu dynasty in the early 6th century, Nara Culture, safety culture, Kamakura culture Muromachi culture, Yasuto Momoyama culture And Edo culture period. As Japanese culture rapidly developed the exhibition of the Nara period, both from Political system , cultural relics Laws and regulations Most of the folk customs and ways of life were heavily colored with Tang culture. The aristocrats at that time were obsessed with imitating Tang culture and taking it as a symbol of identity, so we used to call it "Tang style culture", but in fact, the culture at that time was more pregnant with the future Japanese culture The infinite vitality of gradual independence and development.

Related works

" Ancient and modern The inheritance of
"Wan Ye Set" and "Ancient and Modern set" and "New ancient and modern set" are known as the three major song sets. After the compilation of "Manyeji", Waka writing declined. "In the past, Pingcheng Tianzi imperial servant, now write" Wan Ye set ". Since then, the history of ten generations, several hundred years, after which, and song abandoned not to be picked, although the wind such as the wild prime minister, such as in the elegant love Nagon He is the one who hears, not the one who speaks." [4]
In 905 AD, Daigo Emperor Officially ordered, the court poet was called the Heian and the sacred hand of the song Ji Guanzhi with Kitomonori , Van Hanoi bowed Ren Sheng Zhongcen four people set up an organization to organize manpower to compile a large collection of songs. Compilations are intended to be collected from Nara period Wan Ye Ji Become a book Arrive later Heian period The original works of more than 130 years. The original title of the book was "Manyaji", which was later changed to "Manyaji" by the Emperor. Collections of ancient and modern Waka songs "(referred to as" Ancient and Modern "). It took nine years to compile, and the book was basically completed in 914, but Ji You, one of the editors, died before the book was finished. Ji Guanzhi led the compilation and wrote a far-reaching preface to it.
Different from the dignified and extensive style of the first collection of Japanese poems, Manyeji, Collections of ancient and modern Waka songs The selected love songs are quite numerous, with aristocratic style, harmonious and beautiful. His choice of Waka and the preface that stated Waka's purpose set a model for Waka writing for centuries to come. [3]
Style contrast
From the style point of view, "Wan Ye Ji" is influenced by the Tang style, "Ancient and modern Ji" has more Japanese characteristics, which is also Cultural development Of necessity. For example, "Wan Ye Ji" is influenced by Tang poetry, chanting flowers and plants peony , mei A kind of flower; In "Ancient and Modern", it turns to appreciating cherry blossoms and red leaves. For things such as "flash in the pan" and "vanish into thin air", the Chinese people are disdained, and in the "Ancient and modern", they chant about the red leaves that have no mail and the fleeting morning dew. The burning Golden Pavilion and the thousands of miles that stand still The Great Wall ; The cherry blossoms falling in three days and the plum blossoms in full bloom are the differences in national aesthetics. Of course, art knows no borders.