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Another name for Japan
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" bonobo "Yamato" is pronounced "Yamato" in Japanese. yamato "Yamato" is the same Japan An alias for...
Emperor Yuanming During the reign of the world, it was stipulated that the word "Wo" should be replaced by the word "he" and the word "Da" should be attached to the beginning of the word "Yamato".
Chinese name
Foreign name
Lun Heng

Historical materials

Qi Jijun anti-Japan map
Japan, also known as Japan. Its people are called the Japanese (やまと) people, also known as Japanese , and people, Yamato .
Poems of the Eastern Han Dynasty Shuowen Jiezi "[Volume 8] [ Human department ] Right Japanese characters By 皃. From the human voice. The poem says: "Zhou Dao Wei 遟." "Japan" is pronounced "yamato" in Japanese, just like "Yamato" and "Yamato" represent the meaning of the Japanese people. However, later, many ancient China The people called some of the wandering pirates" Japanese pirates ". At this time, the word "Wo" was associated with the word "Kou" and had a certain derogatory meaning.
Qi Jiguang He is a famous anti-Japanese hero. Its leading" Qi Jia's Legion Make the Japanese pirates afraid of the news.

Unearthed cultural relic

In Japan in 1784 A surname Hakata Guba buccal Shiga Island I found one Red gold Square seal. Gold seal 2.8 cm square, 0.8 cm thick, engraved with the words "King of Hanwou" five characters. At the beginning, no one knew the origin of this gold seal, after expert research, it is known that this is a very valuable Chinese Chinese seal . According to... Later Han Dynasty According to records, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty Jianwu Zhongyuan In the second year, Japanese envoys came to pay homage to Han. Emperor Guangwu Give the messenger gold seal and purple award. The Japanese king valued the gold seal as a symbol of power. Later on, Japanese islands When civil unrest broke out, the king, fearing the loss of the gold seal, buried it underground. Later, the king died and the country ceased to exist, and the gold seal was buried in the ground for more than 1,700 years.
The gold seal reappeared by accident. In the spring of 1784, Shiga Island The last farmer, named Shi Bingwei, was digging a water channel in his field when he came across a piece Large rock Remove the stone, found a pile of pebbles, cleaning the pebbles found this gold seal. Later, it was bought by the Lord Kuroda for 50 taels of silver. Kuroda also do not know its origin, after expert research to know its illuvious life.
Japanese national treasure - King Hanwou gold seal
The gold seal is very exquisite, serpentine, scaly Fish roe pattern , intaglio Seal characters, full strokes, square with a round, flat but not plate, virtual and solid, plain and simple printing surface, robust, for the top quality of Chinese seal. Authenticated, gold seal Gold content Up to 95.1%, indicating that at that time Metallurgical technology It has reached a fairly high level. Mingdao coins used by Yeon State were found in Naha, Jeju, and Honshu. in Liaoyang The city Gongsun (a surname) Family tomb, Bird and County, Tottori , Ishikawa Ken Found a unique container.

Historical record


The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

Heinei Bei Jing
Gakuni In Jushi (big) Yannan, Japan North. Japanese swallow. Chosun A surname East, north sea, south mountain. Liyang is a swallow.

Lun Heng

Hui Guo Chapter
King Wu attacked King Zhou Yong and Shu's war of Yi Zuo Makino . A surname At that time, the more often the pheasant is offered, the Japanese pay tribute. Faint, fading, A surname Attacking Zhou, King Ping went east to avoid his difficulties. Zhi Han, Four plantings Pay tribute. Xiao Ping Yuan first year, the more often re-translated, offering White pheasant I. Black pheasant two. Husband to become a king's merit, supplemented Zhou Gong The more often you offer one, the Ping emperor gets three. After four years, Golden City Outer Qiang (Hao) Good wish and other (species) to offer its fish salt, wish to be Han, so West Queen Mother Stone Room , because Sohae . Zhou Rong Di attack king, to the Han Dynasty, offering its treasure. West Queen Mother Country In the extreme, and Han belongs to it. Which is greater? What is the width of the earth?
Fang Jin Ailao County , Shanshan, Nord attached to Germany, Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China The time disturbs, the dispatch will struggle, the rupp mouth tens of millions. Xia Yulo into Wu, too bo medicine, off document body. Tang, Yu national boundaries, Wu for the shortage of clothing, more in A surname At the moment, today are summer clothes, elegant clothes, and shoes. Ba, Shu, Yue 嶲, Yulin, Hinan , Eastern and southern parts of Liaoning Province Le wave, week was hair chignon , wearing today Leather cap ; Zhou Shi retranslated, now Yin "poetry" and "book".
Increasing the number of scholars
Fu Jin's nature, things also, with distant tribute for the United States, cast as tripod, with the strange like a hundred things, an can enter the mountains and not meet evil things, remove Is it divine? Week when the world peace, more white pheasant offering, bonobo tribute grass . Eating white pheasant, taking grass, can not eliminate evil; Golden tripod Can the weapon of security prevent adultery? And the nine tripod comes, de Sheng Rui also. You can't be blessed by what you take. Men wear jade, women wear beads. You can't get rid of a pearl. Baoqi things, make for orchid clothing, as teeth, or speak beneficial, the language of the nine tripod also. Husband nine ding inability to remove, rumors can save god, is the book to increase its text also.
Different empty passages
When Chang Cao was born in Zhou, the world was peaceful, and the Japanese came to offer Chang Cao. What is the difference between the grass and the wild and the Pisan Valley? If the Yi Di offering is auspicious, so that Chang grass was born in the Zhou family, willing to call it good! Fu Chang grass can be incandescent brew, the fragrance of the free, the sacrifice will be poured into the god. Set from Zhou Dynasty , with Golden Harvest, alkanet Such as grasses and moths. But mulberry also eat silkworms, silkworms for silk, silk for silk, silk for clothing, clothing to enter the temple for court clothing, and Chang no different, why call evil? Duke Wei Xian Prince to the spiritual table, the snake around the left wheel. The ruler said, "The prince obeys. I heard of the king's son, the snake around the wheel of the left side of the country quickly." The prince then refused to give up. The royal man saw the prince, the prince said: "I hear that for the son of man, he is obedient to the king, not selfish desires, a total strict order, not against the peace of the king." Now I have the country, is your loss of peace. See the interests of the country and forget the peace of the king, no subtrack Aye. It is not your desire to worship a country. The one who abandons the child is unfilial. If you go against your desire, you will be disloyal, and if you want to do what you want, you will be in danger of your country." The temple will die, its imperial stop can not be forbidden, then Fu sword died. The husband snake around the left round, the trial for the prince to speed the country, the prince should not die, the public should disease. Now the Duke of sacrifice will not die, the prince will sword, the emperor will occupy, Takayuki False words also. Or when the snake is the demon of the prince will die, the king believes in the vulgar account, so the real loss of good luck. The life of the Fusang Valley, similar to the snake round the revolver. The serpent is really fierce, and the ruler thinks it is good. Sanggu Shiji, the ancestors think evil.

Shih Chi

Testimonial book
From Wei, Xuan, Yanzhao make people into the sea to seek Penglai (a place name in Shanxi Province) Abbot, Yingzhou three sacred mountain, its spread in the Bohai Sea, not far to people. When trouble comes, the wind draws the ship away. Cover the taste of the coming, the immortals and elixir All in what ( Naha , Jeju , Honshu discover Yan used Light Sword Coin ).

History of the Han Dynasty

Xuan silkworm, Le wave, Wudi time set, all Korea, harvested birds, sentence Li barbary. The Yin has declined, dustpan Went to Korea, taught its people to etiquette and righteousness, field silkworm weaving. Happy wave North Korean people Violation of eight prohibitions : kill with the time to kill; The valley compensates for each other's wounds; The men who were stolen were not taken into their household slaves, the women were maidservants, and the people who wanted to redeem themselves were 500,000. Do not serve the people, be ashamed of the common, marry without a personal, so that his people will not steal, no door will be closed, and a woman will be faithful and unadulterated. The Tian people's diet to 笾 beans, both Yup and Inner County Jia people, often eat from a cup. Liaodong, officials see people no closed Zang, and jia people go to, the night is a thief, vulgar slightly meager. It's different from the other three, so Confucius Dao can not mourn, set floating in the sea, want to live in nine Yi, have to also husband! Le Ronhai Among them were the Pygmy men, divided into over a hundred nations, who came in their years to offer themselves to the cloud.

Later Han Dynasty

Japan lived in the southeast sea of Korea, around the mountain island, where more than 100 countries. Since Wudi destroyed Korea, so that the relay in the Han thirty Xu countries, countries are king, the world tradition. Its great king lived Evil horse Tai country . Ralangshire A total of 2,000 li to the country and 7,000 li to the northwest of Korea. Its land is larger than the east of Dongye in Kuaiji, and is similar to Zhuya and Dan 'er, so its law and custom are much the same. soil Yihe Rice, linen, sericulture, weaving performance is the fabric. White beads, blue jade. Its mountain has its own soil. Warm gas, winter and summer lettuce. No cow, horse, tiger, leopard, sheep, magpie. Its soldiers had spears, shields, wooden bows, bamboo arrows, or arrowheads with bones. All men have their faces tattooed, in order to distinguish between the right and the right size. Its men's clothes are banners, the end of the connection. Women are hair bend, clothes such as a single quilt, through the head; And Dan Zhu pad, such as Chinese powder also. There is a castle gate house. Parents and brothers are different, but men and women are not different. Eat with your hands, and use them 笾 beans . All vulgar people slip down respectfully. Human nature is addicted to alcohol. Many life tests, to more than 100 years old. Many women, adults have four or five wives, the rest or two or three. Women are not sexual or jealous. No theft, no disputes. A lawbreaker has no wife, but he destroys his clan. His death stopped for more than ten days, his family cried, did not drink, and other classes sang and danced for joy. Burn the bones to prophesy, use to determine good luck. To travel to the sea, so that one person does not bathe, does not eat meat, does not approach the woman, and is called "holding down." If they are in Tughili, they hire property; If an illness or disease is harmed, thinking that it is not prudent to persist in decay, they kill it together. [1]
Jianwu Zhongyuan In the second year, Japan sent tribute to congratulate, so that people call themselves doctors, the extreme southern border of Japan. The light martial arts give seal ribbon. Emperor of Japan in the first year of the early Yong Dynasty Be promoted in command I pray you to see the hundred and sixty who have sacrificed their lives. [1]
The Japanese Huan, the Ling, the Japanese great chaos, more attacks, no master over the years. A woman went her separate ways Himiko Older do not marry, things ghosts and gods, can deceive people with demons, so a total of king. There were thousands of servants and maidservants, few of whom saw, only one man gave food and passed words. The residence of the palace, the tower and the city gate are guarded by soldiers. The law and custom are severe. [1]

The History of The Three Kingdoms

The history of Han
At the end of their lives, Han and Hui were strong, Shire and county We can't stop it. People are pouring into Korea. In Jian 'an, Gong Sunkang points Tunyou county Wasteland to the south Tafonggun send Gongsunmo , Zhang Chang They gathered the remnant peoples, raised their forces and attacked Han, but after the old people came out, they were born in Japan and Japan. Han Sui It belongs to the zone.
Tales of Japan
The Japanese were in the southeast sea of the belt, and the mountain island was the country town. In the old hundred countries, there were visitors in the Han Dynasty, and now the translation offices have reached thirty countries. From county to Japan, follow the coast water line, through Korea, first south and east, to its north coast dog evil Korea, more than seven thousand miles, the beginning of a sea, more than a thousand miles to Tsushima . Its chief official said the dog, vice said the slave mother away. Living in the isolated island, can be more than 400 miles, the land mountainous, how deep forest, roads such as birds deer path. There are more than a thousand households, without good land, living on sea food, and buying from the north and south. And south across a sea more than a thousand miles, called Han Sea, to a big country, the official also said humble dog, vice said humble slave mother away. Only three hundred li, bamboo forest, there are three thousand Xu family, lack of land, arable land still not enough to eat, also buy from the north and south. Another sea, a thousand miles to the end State of Lu There are more than four thousand households, living on the seashore, lush vegetation, and no predecessors can be seen. Good fishing 鳆, no depth of water, are not taken. Southeast land line five hundred miles, to the state of Yidu, official said Erzhi, vice said Shumo Gu, handle canal gu. There are more than a thousand households, and there are Kings, all belonging to them queendom The county ambassador's regular residence. Southeast to Slave state Hundred li, the official said 兕 horse gu, deputy said the slave mother away, there are more than twenty thousand households. East to no Mi country hundred miles, official said multimode Vice said the slave mother left, there are more than a thousand families. As far south as the country of Tou Ma, the water went for 20 days, the official said Mimi, the vice said Mimi Nari, more than 50,000 households. South to the evil horse one country, the queen's capital, water ten days, land one month. The government had Itchi horses, which were promoted on the second day, received support on the second day, and Nujia on the second day 鞮, over seventy thousand households. From the north of the Queen's country, the number of its households may be slightly listed, and the rest of the neighboring countries are far away and cannot be detailed. The second is the State of Sima, the second is the state of the hundred branches, the second is the state of the evil, the second is the state of the Duzhi, the second is the state of the Minu, the second is the state of the Good ancient capital, the second is the state of the non-Hu, the second is the state of the Unhu servility There's the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union Yusu The slave country, the second Huyi country, the second Huanu Sunu country, the second ghost country, the second our country, the second ghost slave country, the second evil horse country, the second bow minister country, the second Bali country, the second Zhiwei country, the second Unu country, the second slave country, this queen's realm is complete. To the south of it are dogdom The man is the king, and his official dog is the Guzhibei dog, not the queen. 2,000 miles from county to Queen Country. [2]
Men of all sizes are tattooed. Since ancient times, he made attainments in China, all call themselves doctors. Summer post Shao Kang The son was sealed in Kuaiji, and he cut himself off to avoid it Flood dragon The damage of... Today, the Japanese people like to sink fishing clams, tattoos also hate big fish waterfowl After a little adornment. Tattoos vary from country to country, or left or right, or large or small, and there are differences in prestige. In the way of planning, it should be in Kuaiji, the east of Dongye. Its custom is not lewd, men are exposed 紒, to cork head. Its clothes banner, but end connected, slightly seamless. A woman is stretched out 紒 and made a garment like a single garment, which runs through the center, cassock Yes. Planting rice, dry hemp, sericulture, performance, out of thin dry, cotton. Its land has no cattle, horses, tigers, leopards and magpies. Soldiers use a spear, a shield, a wooden bow. Wooden bow short down long up, bamboo arrow or Iron arrow or Bone arrowhead All are not the same as Dan 'er and Zhu Ya. Warm in Japan, lettuce in winter and summer, all slip down. There is a room, parents and brothers lie in different places, and their bodies are painted with Zhu Dan, such as Chinese powder. Food and drink 笾 beans, hand food. When he dies, he has no coffin, manor Make a grave. For more than ten days after death, when there was no meat, the Lord wept, and others danced and drank. Has been buried, the family attainments in the water bath bath, such as practicing bath. His line to cross the sea attainment in China, always make a person, do not comb the hair, do not go to 虮 lice, clothes dirt, do not eat meat, not near the woman, such as bereavement, the name is to hold down. If the walker is good, the total Gu Qisheng Oral property; If there is a disease or a violent injury, he will want to kill it, which means that it is weak and not prudent. Out of pearl, blue jade. Its mountain has Dan, it does not 柟, Zhu, Yu Zhang, 楺 beam, to Eurasian, wufu , sweetgum Its bamboo shinohara 簳, peach branch. There's ginger, orange, pepper, 蘘 charge I don't know what it feels like. There are macaque monkeys and black pheasants. Its common things to do, there is a cloud, often burn the bones to predict, to account for good or bad, the first to tell, his words like the turtle law, depending on fire is a sign. They sit up together, father and son, men and women, and human nature drinks. Wei Lue Said: its custom does not know is four sections, but the spring ploughing and autumn harvest for the age. See the adults respect, but fight the hand should bow down. Its life test, or 100 years, or 89 years. Its vulgar, the country adults are four or five women, under the household or two or three women. A woman is not adulterous; she is not jealous. Steal nothing, and Sue little. He breaks the law, not his wife, but his door. And the rank and rank of the clans, each in its own order, Foot phase Bow down. Collect rent. There are diogu country, state-owned city, trade has no, make the big Bonobo. From the north of the Queen's country, there is a large rate of inspection, and the countries are afraid of it. The constant rule of the state of Yidu, in the state like a historian. The king sent his emissaries to Kyoto, Tafong Prefecture, all of Korea, and Prefecture Prefecture Prefecture Imjin Search the dew, transmit the document The relic to the queen, without error. Under the household and adults meet the road, prowling into grass. Preach, or squat or kneel, hands on the ground, for respect. And say it in answer, like no. [2]
His kingdom also had a man as king, and he lived for 70 or 80 years. When Japan was in turmoil and attacked each other over the years, a woman named Himihu was appointed king ghostway Can deceive people, grown up, no husband, brother George country. I haven't seen much since I was king. A thousand male and female servants served themselves, and only one man gave food and drink, and preached. Living in the palace floor view, the city gate is strictly set up, and there are often soldiers to guard. [2]
The Queen's country has crossed the sea for more than a thousand years, and there are countries, all Japanese. and gnomania In its south, man A surname Four feet, four thousand miles to the Queen. and Naked country , Black-tooth nation It lies to the southeast, a year's sail away. When asked about Japan, it is on the island of the sea, or it is on the island of the sea, and it can circle for more than 5,000 miles. [2]
In June of the second year of King Chu, the Japanese queen sent a doctor Refractory meter Such attainments county, seeking attainments son to offer, Taishou Liu Xia The despatch will be sent to Kyoto. In December of that year, the imperial bull reported to the Japanese Queen, saying: "Make an edcript in favor of the Wei King Himihu: Liu Xia, the governor of the side, sent an envoy to your doctor difficult to rise meters, the second envoy to the city. Niu Li I offer you four boys, six girls, and two pieces of Bambu. You are far away, but the contribution is your loyalty and filial piety, I am very sorry for you. Now take you as the pro-Wei king of Wei, fake gold seal purple ribbon, seal and pay the belt party Taishou false grant you. It soothed the kind of people, encouraging for filial piety. You make it difficult to raise meters, Niu Li involved far, hard road, today to raise meters Lead a good doctor Niu Li for the rate of good lieutenant, false silver seal green ribbon, introduced labor to send back. today Crimson and dragon brocade Five horses, I pine thought the land should be old, Emperor Wen of Han The soap clothes are also called Yi old. This word is not printed, not Wei Dynasty If it is lost, the writer is wrong. Ten pieces of crepe millet in crimson, fifty pieces in crimson, Dark blue Fifty, answer your tribute straight. In particular, he gave you three pieces of brocade, five pieces of small class, fifty pieces of white silk, eighty two pieces of gold, two five-foot knives, a hundred bronze mirrors, pearls, Red lead Each 50 catties, are packed to pay hard to rise meters, Niu Li also to record. I know that I can show the people in your country and let you know that the country is mourning you, so I solemnly give you good things." [2]
Zhengzhi first year, Taishou A surname Lieutenant Zhan Jianzhong Ti Jun After the imperial edcript was printed and applied to the Japanese state, a fake Japanese king was invited to issue gold, silk, brocade, knives, mirrors and forges. The Japanese king thanked the Japanese emperor for the above edits. Four years later, the Japanese emperor returned to the imperial doctor Yi Shengqi , Tuck dog They were eight men, offering the mouth, the brocade, the crimson green, the cotton cloth, the silk cloth, the Danmu, the dog pay, and the short bow. The evil dog and other worship rate good go-between Seal the ribbon. Its six years, the imperial decree gave the Japanese difficult rise beige building, pay county false grant. Its eight years, Taishou Wang Qi to the official. The Japanese queen Himihu was at loggerhead with the male king of the dog slave Kingdom, Himi Gong Husu, and sent Vaisi and Uyue to attack each other. A surname Zhang Zheng I would like to express my gratitude to you for not being able to lift the rice and call you back because of a letter of responsibility and a letter of responsibility. Himyishu died, Daisakuka, more than a hundred steps, and more than a hundred slaves were buried. More a male king, the country refused to accept, but also killed more than a thousand people at that time. After the restoration of the daughter of the Himihu Emperor, Yihe was king for thirteen years, and the kingdom was finally settled. The government officials called Yihe and sent Doctor Wei to return 20 men including Yeye evil dogs to the government, and offered 30 male and female students, 5,000 white beads, two Confucian beads and 20 miscellaneous articles. [2]

Song dynasty books

Japan, in the southeast sea of Gaoli, the world to build tribute. In the second year of the Yong, Gaozu said: "Wazan Wan Li Gong, far Cheng Yi Zhen, can be granted in addition to grant." Taizu Yuan Jia two years, and send the division of Ma Cao da table offering things. Praise the death, brother Jane, the contribution of the envoy. Call oneself rationalize Governor Bo Baekje Silla Jena Qin Han Mu Han six military, General Anton The Japanese King. Table to remove the right, the order to remove General Anton The Japanese King. Zhen also asked thirteen people in addition to Zhengwei Sui Pingxi, Zheng Rupp, champion, shogun Give orders and listen. In twenty years, the king of Japan donated his ambassadors and assumed the position of General Anton and the king of Japan. In the 28th year, he appointed the festival and the governor of the Bonsilla Dynasty, Nagaro-Qin Han, and the military of the six States of Han, and General Anton remained the same. In addition to the twenty-three men in the army and in the prefecture. Ji died, the son xing Zong contribution. In the sixth year of Emperor Shizu's Ming Dynasty, he said, "The Emperor Shizu is thriving, promoting the whole world and carrying loyalty, and is known as having the sea, being good at improving the environment, and cultivating tribute." The new heir should be awarded the title of Lord, but General Anton, the king of Japan." Xing died, brother Wu Li, claiming to make the festival, the governor of the Ubaiji Shinluo Ren Nagaluo Qin Han Mu Han seven military, General Anton, the king of Japan. [3]
In the second year of Emperor Shun's ascension to the Ming Dynasty, his envoy said:" enfeoffment They are remote and are known by their ancestors as their ancestors, who have traveled through mountains and rivers with their armor 擐. Although the minister under the fool, Yin Xu, drive rate of the system, back to Chongtian pole, Tao distant hundred, the boat, and the sentence Li no way, want to see swallow, plunder the edge of the staff, Qian Liu unceasingly, each to Ji, to lose good wind. Although the way is said, it may pass or not. Minister die test Qi real anger enemy, clogged heaven road, control string million, righteousness sound gratitude, party to a large number, election lost father and brother, make the work of hanging, not a failure. If you dwell in darkness and do not move your armoury, you will not win. So far, I want to practice Jia Zhi soldiers, Shen Father and brother's ambition, righteous warrior, civil and military effect, A sharp knife Before handing it over, I also ignore it. If the emperor's virtue overburden, destroy this strong enemy, the Jing party difficult, no work for the former. Pretend to be Open house instrument with three division And the rest are given false gifts to persuade the faithful." Edict in addition to the military envoy to hold the festival, the governor of the emperor, Nagaluo Qin Han Mu Han six military states, General Anton, the king of Japan. [3]

Book of Southern Qi

Japan, in the southeast sea island, since the end of the Han Dynasty, a queen. Local customs I've seen the past. In the first year of the Jianyuan Dynasty, the governor of the six states, the military forces of the six states, the General Andong, and the Emperor Wu General Zhendong .

Liang Shu

Japanese, since the Yuntaibo, the common tattoo. To take the side of more than two thousand li, mostly in the east of Kuaiji, far away. From Dai Fang to Waogi, follow the sea, through Korea, Zhaodong Zhaonan, more than 7,000 miles to start a sea; The sea is more than a thousand miles wide, the name of the sea, to a country; And a thousand miles of sea, name not Lu country; He traveled five hundred miles southeast to the kingdom of Idu. A hundred miles southeast to the slave country; A hundred miles to the east, until he reaches the kingdom; Then he sailed south for twenty days to the kingdom of Tou Ma. 10 days he traveled south by water and a month by land to the kingdom of Qimatai, the residence of the king of Japan. His officials had Itchi Ma, the next Yama received support, and the next slave went to 鞮. People kind of rice Yue hemp, silkworm weaving performance. There are ginger, laurel, orange, pepper, Sue, black pheasant, pearl, blue jade. There are animals such as cattle, famous mountain rats; And a great serpent devoured it. The skin of a snake must not be hacked, for it has holes in it, which open and close, and sometimes there is light, but when shot through, the snake will die. The products are similar to those of Dan 'er and Zhu Ya. Warm, not lewd customs. Both sexes 紒. Rich and rich people with brocade mixed as a hat, like the Chinese Hu Gong head. Eating and drinking 笾 beans. His death, there is no coffin, sealed soil for the grave. Human nature loves alcohol. Common do not know is the age, more life test, more than 80, 90, or to 100 years old. Its common women more than men, the noble to four or five wives, the base of two or three wives. A woman is not jealous. No theft, few quarrels. If he breaks the law, he does not have his wife, and if he breaks the law, he destroys his clan. [4]
Emperor Ling of Han In the middle of Guanghe, Japan was in turmoil, and they attacked each other for years, but they made a woman named Himihu king. Mihu no husband, with ghosts, can deceive people, the old country set up. There's brother George. As a king, few people see, with a thousand maidservants, only to make a man in and out of the missionary order. His palace was always guarded by soldiers. By the third year of Wei Jing's junior year, Gong Sunyuan After the execution, Himi Hushi sent an envoy to pay tribute, but Wei thought he was close to the king of Wei and made a fake gold seal of purple Ribbon. In the beginning, Himihu died and set up a male king, but the country refused to accept, and killed each other, and restored Himihu Zong female Tai and king. He was later reinstated as a male king and ordered by the Chinese Lord. In the reign of Emperor An of Jin, the Japanese king praised. Praise death, set up brother; Die, set up the son; Die, set son xing; Xing dead, set brother Wu. Qi Jianyuan, in addition to the Wuzhijie, Duobo, Silla, Renna, Gala, Qin Han, Mu Han six military, town east general. Take the throne, Jin Wu General of expedition to the East . [4]

Japan's foreign diplomacy


Sui Dynasty

Three years of great work, its king Doris north Gu sent tribute. The messenger said, "Hearing that the heavenly Son of Haixi Bodhisattva has revived the Dharma, I sent dozens of people to worship and study the Dharma." its credentials Said, "the sunrise of the son of heaven to the book day did not place the son of heaven intact" Yunyun. Emperor view displeasure, said Hong Lu Qing said: "Barbarian books have rude, do not reply to hear." Next year, the upper dispatch Van Linlang Pei Qing was sent to Japan. Go to Baekje, go to Takeshima, look at the "Body Ran" Luo Guo The land of Dusma is in the middle of the sea. Then he went to a state in the east, then to the State of Zhu, and then to the state of the King of Qin in the east Huaxia Thought Yi Chau, doubt can not Ming also. It passed through more than ten countries and reached the coast. From the east of the kingdom of Zhusi, they were subordinate to Japan. The king of Japan sent Xiao De A Dai, from hundreds of people, set up a guard and beat drums to welcome him. Ten days later, he also sent great gifts, Kodopi, from more than two hundred riding suburbs. When he arrived at the capital, the king met with Qing and was greatly pleased, saying: "I heard that there is a great Sui in the west of the sea, a country of rites and righteousness, so I sent tribute." I stay in the corner of the sea, do not hear the etiquette, is to stay in the country, do not meet. This is why the Qing Dao decoration Hall is waiting for the ambassador, hoping to learn that the great power is only new." Qing replied: "The emperor de and two Yi, ze flow four seas, to Wang Mu Hua, so send pedestrians to this proclamation." The museum is already clear. After that, the Qing dispatch told the king: "The order has arrived, please stop the road immediately." So the feast to enjoy to send Qing, and ordered the emissary to pay tribute with Qing. Then it was terminated. [5]

Tang Dynasty

Tang Dynasty Belt land Shi Shi has taken the initiative to contact Japan many times, improved the relations between the two countries, and recovered for China and Japan Diplomatic relations It provides an opportunity to promote cultural exchanges. [6]

Japan and Japan

The epitaph of Jin Zhencheng, the epitaph on Japanese inscriptions
From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, the imperial court and the Japanese state generally had a conferring and conferring relationship. " Song dynasty books It is recorded that after the death of King Zan, four successors, Zhen, Ji, Xing and Wu, had sent ambassadors to pay tribute, and asked the court to grant the title proposed by Japan itself. Japan's productivity in the early 7th century Development level It is a great improvement from before. The growth of Japan's national power also led to a change in Japan's attitude toward China at that time. This change was reflected in the exchanges between Sui and Japan at that time. "Sui · Dongyi Biography", "Japanese article" recorded the Japanese credentials: "The sunrise of the son of Heaven to the book, no place of the son of heaven intact cloud cloud." Emperor Gaozong of Tang At that time, Japan was also at war with Tang.
Japanese consort Dispatch envoy In the beginning, I decided to change the name of the country to be used abroad, mainly because I felt that my country's name was indecent, and the reason was that in ancient China, Chinese nation Counter perimeter Minority nationality There are "summer dwellings, A surname , Xirong County , Nanman , A surname The concept that the Japanese considered their own country Geographical position "Published recently". Therefore, the name of the country was changed to" Land of the rising Sun That is, Japan.
Japan's decision to revise the title of the country used abroad, the announcement of the change of the title to the Tang Dynasty and finally the recognition of the Tang Dynasty did not happen overnight, but went through a historical development process. Battle of the Hakuekou Sea After the Japanese defeat, the Japanese government decided to change its foreign title to 669 A.D. in the eighth year of Tenchi Japan . As for the reason of changing the name, far away, it may be related to the desire of Japan for equal diplomacy since Sui and Tang Dynasties; In the near future, it is not ruled out to change the foreign title to eliminate its presence after the battle of Baekangkou East Asia International pattern In the negative effects of this possibility. So, in 668 AD Koguryo After being destroyed by the Tang Dynasty, Japan sent an envoy to the Tang Dynasty in 669 AD, this time Envoy to the Tang Dynasty In court with Tang officials, it is likely that the matter of changing Japan's name to "Japan" to the outside world was proposed to the Tang Dynasty. The matter is described in the Collection of ancient and modern books It is written:" Xianheng In the first year, the Japanese began to move to Japan and dispatched Khei Korea " However, his proposal may not have been accepted by the Tang Dynasty at first. For example, in his request by Kwok Jong-ji to Japan, he wrote: Tang Dynasty The emperor asked the Japanese King Yunyun "(about the" Treasure of Shan Neighboring Country "quote) Emperor Tenchi Ten years Tang guest Guo Wuji and so on to engage, the book said: the Tang emperor asked the Japanese emperor Yunyun." Some Japanese scholars believe that Japan deliberately altered the title of "King of Japan" in the 671 Tang Dynasty. The author agreed with this point of view, and the Tang Dynasty document submitted by Guo Wuji when he went to Japan was probably "A letter written by the Emperor of Tang and asked the King of Japan". This place was called "King of Japan", which shows that the Tang Dynasty did not immediately recognize the Japanese imperial title). As for the reason why the Tang Dynasty did not quickly recognize the Japanese change of the incident, it may be related to the Tang Dynasty's bad impression of Japan after the battle of Baijiangkou. Shortly after Kwok returned home, Japan erupted in flames. The chaos of Renshen ". Emperor Tenmu After taking the stage, broke off with Don Diplomatic relations . Just arrived Emperor Munmu In the first year of Daibao (701 AD), Japan decided to restore diplomatic relations with the Tang Dynasty and sent a delegation headed by Suda coursei Shinto to make the Tang Dynasty. It was probably from this exchange that the Chinese court began Formal recognition The name of Japan. As at that time Empress Wu Zetian Govern, so there are Tang people Zhang Shoujie The record of "changing Japan into Japan after the Military Empress" in the Shiji Justice.