The Barents Sea

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One of the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean
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The Barents Sea is located in Norse with Russia In the north, it is one of the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean. It is named after the Dutch navigator who explored the area twice in the 16th century and died there William Barents .
The Barents Sea is the most geographically advantageous among the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean. The total area of the Barents Sea is 1.37 million square kilometers, of which 94% is located on the continental shelf, and the continental shelf at the bottom is more than 1,300 kilometers wide, which is the widest in the world Continental shelf One of them.
Due to ocean currents, the sea in the southwest is ice-free all year round. The Barents Sea is located close to a part of the European continent. Northeast of Scandinavia. South to Russia; North to Spitzbergen; Northeast is The Franz Josef Land Islands ; East to Novaya Zemlya ; West to Bear Island line. [1]
On August 13, 2000, the backbone of the Russian Navy The Kursk Nuclear submarine Sank in the Barents Sea. The Barents Sea, a remote, quiet area, has suddenly gained fame and attracted great attention from the world.
Chinese name
The Barents Sea
Foreign name
Barents Sea (English)
Area product
1405000 km²
North-south span
1684 km
East-west span
2220 km
Mean depth
230 m
Maximum depth
450 m (North Point)
Typical salinity
3.5% (35 psu)
Neighboring countries
Norway, Russia
Surrounding water
The Arctic Ocean Norwegian Sea, White Sea
Main port
Main island
Korguyev Island Barents Island, Bear Island
Main river
The Pechora River

Geographical position

The Barents Sea is The Arctic Ocean The marginal sea, located on the northwest coast of Europe and Novaya Zemlya , Vajach Island , The Franz Josef Land Islands , Svalbard , Kumashima Between.
The sea floor is covered with sand and silt, and runs from east to west through the Bear Island Trench, which is 480 to 960 meters deep, and several smaller trenches. The north has the central and Perseus (Perseus) Submarine plateau Southeast many shoals, fish clustered. The only island in the southeast (excluding those on the periphery) is Kolguyev. The western part of the mainland coast is high, with steep mountains and a white sea Kanin Peninsula To the east, the coast is low and flat with many shallow bays.

Geographic data

The area is 1.405 million square kilometers, the total volume of sea water is 322,000 cubic kilometers, the average depth is 229 meters, the maximum depth is 600 meters. The continental shelf in the southern part of the sea covers an area of 1.27 million square kilometers. The Midwest lies across Bear Island Trench Several deep trenches, 480~960 meters deep.

Climatic characteristics

Geographical location of the Barents Sea
Most of the Barents Sea lies north of 70° N, due to North Point warm Current A huge amount of water goes deep into the sea area, and the temperature is not very low. The average winter temperature is -25 ° C in the north and -5 ° C in the southwest. In summer, 0℃ in the north and 10℃ in the southwest; Absolute maximum temperature With an absolute minimum temperature of -40 ° C, it is the warmest sea in the Arctic Ocean. Most of the sea area is frozen, but the southwest is not frozen all year round, becoming Arctic Circle The sea area that is free from ice all year round. In winter, the ice is not very thick, and the iceberg does not appear for a long time; By summer there is ice only in the north, sometimes all melting, and a full thaw in September.
Ice-free ports along the continent include: Murmansk, Teriberka (Teribyorka) and Norwegian Wald (Vardo). Murmansk Teriberka and Valde are inside the Arctic Circle Open port It is navigable all year round, but the route to the east is blocked by sea ice, and navigable conditions are available for only two or three months of the year.
Annual precipitation is 500 mm in the south and 250 mm in the north. The Spitzbergen tributaries of the North Point Stream and the Norwegian Stream enter the sea. Seawater salinity is as high as 34‰.

Natural resources

The Barents Sea has a wide continental shelf, so various Marine resources are very rich, especially fishery resources and oil and gas resources are the most prominent. There are oil, natural gas, manganese nodules and other mineral deposits in the sea area.
At the same time, due to the inflow of warm currents, nutritious salt is rich, conducive to the growth of fish, becoming the world's largest Fishing ground One of the rich flounder, herring, cod, salmon, catfish, capelin Let's wait. main Marine mammal There are whales, seal , Polar bear , Arctic fox Let's wait.
Seal catches in the southeast have been severely restricted due to overfishing and declining catches.

Treasure house of resources

Arctic explorer
The southern Barents Sea becomes the whole The Arctic Ocean The only sea that is ice-free all year round and navigable all year round, Russia is in The Arctic Ocean Murmansk, the country's only year-round ice-free port, borders these waters. Most of the rivers that feed into the Barents Sea are relatively short, with low sediment content and clean water. Although many tiny icebergs often break off from the Franz Josef Islands and Novaya Zemlya and fall into the sea to melt, there is little debris in these icebergs, so the water of the Barents Sea is clear and transparent. Compared with the polluted seas of Europe, the Barents Sea is clean.
by The North Atlantic Current The influence, in much of the Barents Sea, forms an interface known as a "polar front," which is made up of warm Atlantic water and cold water The Arctic Ocean It's made by the confluence of water. In these waters nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are especially abundant, so plankton flourishes. These plankton are food for fish, so the Barents Sea is rich in fishery resources and is one of the important fishing grounds of Russia.
In addition, the shallow sea of the continental shelf on the north and south sides of the Barents Sea is buried in a large number of oil and gas resources, and is easy to explore and develop Norse Important oil and gas potential development zones in both countries.
The Barents Sea has an important impact on Russia not only economically but also in terms of transportation and military. The European part of Russia, although it has many coastal areas, has free and unhindered access to the greater open sea only in the Barents Sea.

Ice ocean warm pool

The Barents Sea
The Barents Sea is an area of the eastern half of the Arctic Ocean. To the east it is separated from the Kara Sea by Novaya Zemlya; To the west, it is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by the southernmost line of Nordchen Cape - Bear Island - Sispitbergen Island, the northernmost point of mainland Norway; Bordering Norway and Russia to the south; To the north, it is separated by the Svalbard-Franz Josef line from the basin in the central part of the Arctic Ocean.
The Barents Sea
A small extension of the southern Barents Sea Kola peninsula Between it and the Russian mainland, it is called the "White Sea".
The north and west sides of the Barents Sea are lined with islands, but there is not even a single reef inside, and the sea is very wide. Secondly, the north side of the Barents Sea, due to get Svalbard And the protection of the Franz Joseph Islands, blocking the invasion of the Arctic sea ice pack; To the east, Novaya Zemlya acts as a natural barrier, making it difficult for the Kara Sea's never-melting sea ice to pass through. It is in this direction that the powerful Gulf Stream It sends a large amount of warm and salty water to the Barents Sea, so that the water temperature of the Barents Sea (4-12 ° C) is much higher than that of the surrounding Arctic Ocean, so the Barents Sea is known as the "warm pool" of the Arctic Ocean.

Sea gateway

The Barents Sea
Its importance is particularly obvious from a military point of view: it is Russian Northern Fleet Provides activity space and coastal Naval base . This is because Russia's Arctic coast, though long and wide, is largely covered with ice and more dangerous ice floes. With the exception of icebreakers, the remaining vessels are in difficulty, with the exception of the Barents Sea. Although Russia has 12 seas bordering the three oceans, the sea is vast, but the only sea where large-scale military exercises can be conducted is the Barents Sea.
The Barents Sea, so to speak, is Russian Geomantic land And an important gateway, but it also has many disadvantages. Under the combined influence of warm cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean and cold anticyclones in the Arctic Ocean, the weather is extremely unstable storm One of the largest bodies of water, strong winds often set off waves up to more than 3 meters high, "raging" against the southern mainland coast. Moreover, most of its depth is between 100 and 350 meters, with an average depth of 230 meters, which is a typical continental shelf sea. Also, Submarine topography It's very complex, very undulating, very irregular, with gentle uplift. And a sunken sea basin. Because of the varied topography of the sea floor, the distribution of water mass, the flow direction and the type of sediment have become complicated and difficult to find, which is a disadvantageous factor to the ships sailing on the sea. But for Russia, the Barents Sea remains an important gateway to the ocean.

Development history

Phytoplankton in the Barents Sea
In 1594, there were three ships from Amsterdam We set off on another expedition to the North Pole. One of them was commanded by Balonts, and it was at the beginning of his career as an explorer, when he was just 44 years old. Barents completed a total of three voyages during his short lifetime of exploration, and although he entered the Arctic Ocean each time, the first two were of no particular success.
In 1596, in Amsterdam Financed by merchants, Barents commanded three ships and embarked on a third expedition. On this historic voyage, they not only discovered the islands of Spitzbergen, but also reached 79°39 'north latitude, setting a new human northward record. Later, Barents continued to the northeast until their ship became frozen on 26 August, and he and his crew became the first Europeans to overwinter in the Arctic. The weather was so cold that they had to put their fingers in their mouths to stay warm, and they were often exposed Polar bear The attack.
Despite this, the crew, with the encouragement of Barents, overcame all kinds of difficulties unimaginable to ordinary people and stubbornly survived. It was not until the following summer that the open boat finally broke free of the ice and returned to free waters. By this time, however, Barents was terminally ill. Before he died, he wrote three letters, hiding one in the chimney of their wintering house, and giving the other two to his companions separately, in case something should happen to them, so that some kind of written record could be passed on to the world.
Barents died on a floating block of ice on June 20, 1597, at the age of 47. More than two centuries later, in 1871, a Norwegian navigator returned to the place where the Barents had wintered and retrieved the letter from the chimney. Barents' voyages were not only well documented, but he also drew extremely accurate nautical charts along the way, which provided important evidence for later explorers. In his honor, the part of the sea north of northern Europe where he sailed is called the Barents Sea.


United Nations Environment Programme The Barents Sea, the 10th largest in the world and located north of northern Europe and Russia, is being severely damaged in many ways, according to a report released on 24 August 2004.
The Barents Sea
The Environment Agency report says the biggest culprit is overfishing. Despite control measures, fishermen continue to overfish the sea's abundant cod for financial gain.
Another disruptive factor is oil and gas pollution. Oil exploration and transportation activities in the Barents Sea are increasing, and the transport of oil and gas through the Barents Sea has increased significantly.
The third disruptive factor is that some countries are throwing around the Barents Sea Radioactive waste . Although the amount of radioactive waste is not large, it is enough to cause alarm.
The fourth disruptive factor is the introduction of new Marine species into the Barents Sea, which threatens the ecological balance. In recent years, a species called King crab The large crab has been introduced into the Barents Sea, and the rapid proliferation of this large crab has threatened other species and disrupted the ecological balance.
The UNEP report calls on relevant countries to pay attention to the ecological environment of the Barents Sea, develop new regulations, adopt new measures, and strictly implement international legal documents on the protection of the Marine environment.

Related event

On September 13, 1987, the famous "disaster" occurred in the Barents Sea. Barents sea air scalpel "The event. [2]
Two Russian ships armed with nuclear weapons on March 23, 1994 Nuclear submarine During military exercises in the Barents Sea.
On August 12, 2000, the Russian Navy's Kursk nuclear submarine sank in the Barents Sea after an explosion during a military exercise, killing 118 people. [3]
In the early morning of August 30, 2003, the Russian Navy "K-159" nuclear submarine was towed to the factory on the way to be dismantled, due to a storm float from the submarine and sank in the northwest waters of the Brents Sea Kirykin Island. [4]
21 September 2007 The French company Total The Snohvit gas field in the Barents Sea has started production and is expected to reach a stable level of nearly 5.7 billion m3 / year in 2008.

Species distribution
