Enterprise sustainable development

Development strategy
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Enterprise sustainable development refers to the enterprise in the pursuit of self-survival and Sustainable development In the process, both to consider Business objectives The realization and improvement of the enterprise Market position It is also necessary to maintain the company's leading competitive areas and future expansion Business environment Always maintain sustained profit growth and ability to improve, to ensure that the enterprise in a considerable period of time to prosper.
Chinese name
Enterprise sustainable development
Enterprise market position
The need for future development
For example
Global reporting initiative



Basic information

Sustainable development is to consider both the needs of current development and the needs of future development. Can not sacrifice the interests of the later at the cost of development, to meet the interests. At the same time, sustainable development also includes sustaining in the face of unexpected environmental shocks Development trend A kind of Development view .
There is also an international consensus on corporate sustainability, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GSI). GRI ), the main emphasis Information management , Investor Customers, advocates, suppliers, and employees engage in continuous dialogue, connecting the discrete and isolated functions of the enterprise - finance, marketing, research and development, communication for supply chains, regulations, and reputation Brand management Areas where disputes may arise as well as unexpected opportunities are provided beacon (beacon), continuous Development ability Reports help managers enhance their assessment of nature, people, and environment Social capital The ability to contribute reduces the variability and price shared by open commercial enterprises uncertainty And reduce its capital costs, etc. Moreover, the sustainability report can provide new opportunities for enterprises and improve their performance International competitiveness Is the enterprise to International market the pass .


Enterprise strategy Is the guiding ideology of how the business operates, and is it on the changing Competitive environment An overall statement of the past and future operations of the enterprise.


Sustainable development became a major issue in the 1980s with the adoption of Global environment A new concept that has emerged from the extensive discussion of development issues is people's perception of tradition Development mode The result of a long and deep reflection. In 1992 Rio de Janeiro convened The United Nations The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) regards sustainable development as a common development strategy for mankind moving into the 21st century Human history For the first time, sustainable development strategy has been implemented from concept to global action. In 1987, Barbier et al. published a series of articles on economic and environmental sustainable development International community The attention of... In the same year, Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland was married World Commission on Environment and Development 's Our common future The concept of sustainable development was formally put forward, marking Sustainable development theory The production of. The research focus at this time is Human society How to adapt and satisfy the economic growth at the same time Ecological environment the Carrying capacity , as well as population, environment, ecology, and resources and economics Coordinated development The way. Since then, this theory has been continuously enriched and perfected, forming its own research content and research approach.
With the proposal of sustainable development, people pay more and more attention to sustainable development, and penetrate into various fields from the field of environment.
The enterprise sustainable development theory is a relatively late but rapid development of a field.
with Social environment It is difficult for enterprises to adapt to the rapidly changing environment, and with the emergence of many corporate failures, how to make enterprises still achieve a good momentum of development in the interim has attracted more and more attention from enterprises.


Enterprise sustainable development strategy is very complicated, but many theories are discussed from the characteristics of a certain aspect of the enterprise. According to the summary of researchers and practical workers at home and abroad, it can be Enterprise merger and acquisition It is divided into the following types.
The sustainable development strategy of enterprises mainly includes innovation sustainable development strategy, culture sustainable development strategy, system sustainable development strategy, core competitiveness sustainable development strategy, and factor sustainable development strategy.
(1) Innovate sustainable development strategies
The so-called innovative sustainable development strategy, that is, the core of enterprise sustainable development is innovation. [3] The core issue of an enterprise is efficiency, which not only requires institutional guarantee, but also requires continuous innovation. Only innovative enterprises can ensure their benefits persistence That is, the sustainable development of enterprises. Horizontal merger and acquisition refers to the merger and acquisition between enterprises that produce or operate the same kind of products.
(2) Cultural continuity Development strategy
The so-called cultural sustainable development strategy, i.e Enterprise development The core is Corporate culture . In the face of numerous changes in the internal and external environment, the development of enterprises is dominated by corporate culture.
(3) Sustainable development strategy of the system
The so-called institutional sustainable development strategy refers to the sustainable development of enterprises mainly from Enterprise system .
(4) Core competitiveness sustainable development strategy
Enterprise core competence Refers to the enterprise is different from the enterprise and has its own characteristics relative Competitive ability . The sustainable development strategy of enterprise core competitiveness means that the sustainable development of enterprise is mainly to cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprise.
(5) Factor sustainable development strategy
Elements of sustainable development strategy Enterprise development It depends on the following factors: people, knowledge, information, technology, leadership, funding, marketing.