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High quality carbon steel hot rolled wire rod

National standard implemented in 2008
Basic information
English standard name: Hot rolled quality carbon steel wire rods
Execution Date ExecuteDate: 2009-4-1
First release Date FirstIssuance Date: 1984-4-
Chinese name
High quality carbon steel hot rolled wire rod
Standard number
GB/T 4354-2008
Chinese standard name
High quality carbon steel hot rolled wire rod
Release date
The 2008-8-5
StandardState: Current
ReviewAffirmance Date: Reviewaffirmance Date:
Plan No. : 20061331-T-605
Instead of national label ReplacedStandard: GB/T 4354-1994
AdoptedInternational Standard No: JIS G 3506:2004
AdoptedInternational Standard Name: High carbon steel rod
ApplicationDegree: MOD
AdoptedInternational Standard: Foreign advanced standard
International Standard Classification Number (ICS) : 77.140.60
China Standard Classification Number (CCS) : H44
StandardSort: Products
Standard Page Number ofPages:
Standard Price(¥) :
Focal point TechnicalCommittees: National steel Standardization Technical Committee