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Group of sevenExpresses support for a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%-

June 6, 2021 The Group of Seven includes Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan. The G7 leaders' summit will be held later this month in Cornwall, England. Britain holds the rotating presidency of the G7 this year.

G7 these ten truths, subvert your cognition - Xinhuanet

May 19, 2023 Russia joined in 1998Group of sevenThe G-7 became the G-8. In 2014, Russia, which was supposed to host the G8 summit in Sochi, was suspended by the other seven countries because of the Ukraine crisis and events in CrimeaMemberQualification, the seven countries also made an exception to move the summit to Europe...

International observation |Group of sevenClimate words and deeds show hypocrisy - Xinhuanet client

8 days ago Xinhua News Agency, Fasano, Italy, June 16 Question:Group of sevenClimate words and deeds show hypocrisy Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Shuang Li Chao Group of Seven (G7) summit was held in Fasano, Puglia region of Italy from 13 to 15. On the surface, climate change is still a problem...

Mei Cheng "lonely man"! Other G7 countries confirm they will implement Paris Agreement -

June 13, 2017 Mei Cheng "lonely man"! The other six countries of the G7 confirmed that they will implement the Paris Agreement 2017-06-13 Source: Global network Singapore Lianhe Zaobao Network reported on June 13 that the Group of Seven (G7) Environment ministers meeting adopted a joint statement on the 12th,America...

G7 summit: Many countries have "minds", and differences are difficult to hide

The Group of Seven (G7) countries include the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom. At the moment, "worry" should be the common mood of these countries' leaders: French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Sunak, are fighting for their own early elections; De...

The Bureau of International Knowledge: Internal and external troubles are intertwined, and where will the G7 Summit go?

June 15, 2024 The leaders of the United States, Germany, Britain, France, Japan, Italy, Canada and the European Union recently gathered at a luxury resort in the southern Italian region of Puglia for their annual meetingGroup of seven(G7) Leaders' summit. In the joint communique of the summit, the G7 has more than 10 strong...

| What will G7 leaders talk about when they meet again in "tough times"?

June 12, 2024 From June 13 to 15,Group of sevenThe annual summit of G7 leaders will be held in Italy. Analysis pointed out that there are many G7MemberFacing difficulties at home and abroad, it is urgent to "reduce the burden" at the international level and "add points" at the domestic level. But at the same time, with the G7 once again...

International observation |Group of sevenSummit: Undercurrents and malaise | The EU |America| Russia...

7 days ago On June 13th, in Fasano, in the southern Italian region of Puglia,Group of sevenLeaders attending the meeting watched a skydiving performance. The G7 summit opened in Fasano, Puglia, southern Italy, on the 13th. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Jing is more divided, the summit inside and outside each have their own thoughts on UK...