Chemical abstracts

A journal published by the American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstracts Service
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Chemical Abstracts, CA for short, is the world's largest repository of chemical abstracts. It is also the most widely used and important chemistry, chemical engineering and related disciplines in the world Retrieval tool .
It was first published in 1907 American Chemical society Chemical Abstracts Agency (Chemical Abstracts Service, CAS Editors publish CA reports on almost all areas of interest to chemists, with the exception of Inorganic chemistry , Organic chemistry , Analytical chemistry , Physical chemistry , Polymer chemistry Besides, it also includes metallurgy , geochemistry , Pharmacology, toxicology , Environmental chemistry , biology, and physics. CA Features: Collection Amount of information Large, Scope of inclusion Wide.
Chinese name
Chemical abstracts [1]
Foreign name
Chemical Abstracts
Editing unit
American Chemical society Chemical Abstracts Agency
Founding time
The year 1907
Publication cycle
Weekly magazine
International serial number
Abbreviated form

Characteristic introduction



CA has the largest amount of annual reports and the richest material information.

A wide range of

More than 9,000 titles are included in the journal, in addition to those from 47 countries and three international patent organizations Patent specification , comments, Technical report , monographs, Conference proceedings , seminar Collections, etc., involving more than 200 worldwide Country and region Documents in more than 60 languages. CA has received 98% of the world's total literature on chemical chemistry.

Search diversity

CA Retrieval approach Very much, a total of more than 10 kinds of index content, users can according to the clues at hand, the use of these indexes to find the required information.

Report quickly

Since the 83rd edition of 1975, all of CA's abstracts and indexes have been computerized, and the reporting time difference has been reduced from 11 months to 3 months, with domestic journals and most English-language books being reported in CA within the same month. The Web version of SciFinder also allows users to find the latest records of the day. CA online database can provide readers with the means of machine inspection for searching, which greatly improves the efficiency of searching.
The above four points make people engaged in chemistry and those who need chemistry think that more than 90% of the basic work to open a so-called new field of chemistry can be found in CA. It is precisely because of this that CA attracts people's attention. Since CA includes 98% of the world's chemical literature, it must be the work of almost all authorities are included in CA. It is a chemical worker's dream to have CA query channels and skillfully query CA.

Online edition

SciFinder, CAS of this award winning Research tool , allowing you to access the world's largest Chemical information Database CAPLUS. With SciFinder, you can access the latest technology and information from millions of patents and research articles around the world. SciFinder is a breakthrough product that brings significant benefits to research organizations, including more efficient use of information and a boost to research and development efforts.


> 24.3 million bibliographic records, taken from more than 9,000 influential books from around the world Journals and magazines ; More than 3,000 updates per day, since 1907
> 74 million substance records, about 70,000 updated daily, each chemical with a unique CAS registration number, dating back to 1957
> 8 million reaction records and 403,000 literature records, with about 700-1,300 updates per week, beginning in 1907
> 7.4 million commercial chemical substance records, 793 catalogs from 655 suppliers
> Detailed list of 228,000 compounds, from 13 national and international organizations, updated weekly with > 50 articles New record
National Library of Medicine database, > 13 million bibliographic records from more than 4,300 journals, beginning in 1958. Updated 4 times a week


Be determined in Scientific literature And the relationship between concepts and substances in patents.
Find production and synthetic chemistry matter the Processing program - Linking number Hundreds of chemical The manufacturer.
More links to journals and patents than any other science resource
With SciFinder, you can be more creative and productive in your research. SciFinder is easy to use and requires no special training. Is a shortcut to knowledge.



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It can be obtained from different perspectives, such as Chemical Substance or Reaction, Research Topic, Author Name, Document Identifier, Company Name/Organization, etc Literature information , Material information , reaction information;
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