The year 1982

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1982, Gregorian calendar Common year 365 days, 53 weeks. Chinese calendar A surname Years ( year of the dog ), Leap of April A total of 384 days. The lunar calendar begins and ends on January 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983.
Chinese name
The year 1982
Foreign name
Nineteen Eighty-two
Time frame
1 January 1982 to 31 December 1982
Gregorian calendar
The year 1982
In the 1980s
Spring Festival
January 25th
Common year , 365 days in total
Mean calendar
The year of the Yellow Emperor The 4679 year
Lunar start and end times
January 25, 1982 - February 12, 1983
Lap Xuan
February 4th
Sheng Xiao
The dog
Rami trunci
A surname
Start of Spring on the lunar calendar
Double spring
The previous year
The year 1981
Next year
The year 1983

Peculiar calendar

October 1 Mid-Autumn Festival, coinciding with National Day, next in 2001.

Chronicle of Events

In 1982, the British Queen signed the Constitution of Canada Act, which gave the Parliament of Canada full powers to make and amend the Constitution. [20]
In 1982, the National leftist guerrillas of Guatemala merged to form the "National Revolutionary Alliance of Guatemala", and armed struggle spread throughout the country. [21]


On January 1, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved the Minutes of the National Rural Work Conference. "Summary" pointed out that the rural implementation of various Responsibility system , include Contract work in small sections Fixed pay, Specialized contracting Pay in conjunction with production Joint production to labor, contract production to households, to groups, Contract work to the household To the group, etc., is socialism Collective economy the Production responsibility system .
On January 1st, Peru the Javier Perez de Cuellar become The United Nations The fifth Secretary-General.
On January 10th, China national football team in Singapore They lost by a score of 1 to 2 New Zealand national football team And thus lost participation in Spain Held in 1982 World Cup in Spain Qualification for the football game.
1月11日,邓小平会见美国华人协会主席 Li Yaozi First put forward the concept of "one country, two systems". Meeting with the United States, 26 June 1983 New Jersey Professor, Xidong University Yang Liyu It further elaborated six guidelines on the peaceful reunification of the Mainland and Taiwan. [13]
1月14日,胡耀邦在中央书记处会议上就 Foreign economic relations Question comments: Our country Socialist modernization To use two kinds of resources - domestic resources and foreign resources; To open two markets -- Domestic market and Foreign market ; Must learn Two sets of abilities -- Ability to organize domestic construction and develop foreign economic relations.
1月13日,邓小平在中共中央政治局讨论中央 downsizing Speaking at the conference, he pointed out that streamlining institutions is a revolution, a revolution against the system. It is emphasized that it is the strategic need of revolution and construction to realize the revolutionary, young, knowledgeable and professional ranks of cadres. From February 22 to March 8, the Standing Committee of the fifth National People's Congress held its 22nd meeting and adopted the Resolution on Institutional Reform of The State Council.
On January 13, Air Florida Flight 90 crashed due to ice on the wings and a pilot error.


Shaolin Temple [16]
February 1st [14] The movie" Shaolin Temple Officially released in the mainland, the film became an eternal classic on the screen, when the ticket price of 1 dime set a box office myth of 160 million. [15]
On February 9, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued the "Instructions on Further Family Planning Work", requiring the implementation and promotion of only one child per couple, and vigorously advocating late marriage and late childbearing.
On February 20, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Decision on establishing a retirement system for veteran Cadres.


On March 8th, Fifth National People's Congress Standing Committee Adopted at the 22nd meeting Institutional reform of The State Council The resolution approves in principle the preliminary plan for institutional reform of The State Council. According to this plan, the ministries, commissions and commissions of The State Council Direct agency The existing 98 will be reduced and merged into 52 jobs Staffing establishment It was about 32,000, down by about a third from 49,000 at the time. The meeting decided: The State Council shall establish a number of State councillors, whose positions are equivalent to the level of deputy prime minister of The State Council Executive meeting of The State Council Composition of personnel; Set up State Economic Restructuring Commission The Premier of The State Council is also the director. The meeting also passed a resolution on the former Kuomintang county regiment under detention Party, government and army Special personnel, all be released leniently and given Political right .
On March 31, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Basic Views and Opinions on Religious Issues in the Socialist Period in China Basic policy "The document. The document states: After liberation, after Social and economic system The profound transformation and Religious system Fundamental changes have taken place in the religious situation in our country, and the contradictions on religious issues are now mainly contradictions among the people. Respect and protection Freedom of religious belief This is the Party's basic policy on religion, a policy that must be carried out until the natural demise of religion in the future.


April 2nd [22] Britain and Argentina fought over the Falkland Islands. Malvinas Islands A naval battle broke out, known as Anglo-Afghan." Falklands War ".
On April 3rd, located Mexico Southeastern Chapalaki is the site of a major eruption of the Chinchonal volcano near the city of Pichocalco. This time Volcanic eruption To bring great disaster to Mexico. Twelve villages within 13 kilometers of the crater were buried under the rocks, leaving thousands dead and missing. Tens of thousands of houses collapsed in 20 towns and cities in four states within a 150 km radius, displacing 200,000 people and destroying a large number of good fields. In addition, the gas emitted by volcanic eruptions and formed at high altitudes tephra Clouds cause serious pollution to people and the environment.
4月10日,邓小平在中共中央政治局讨论《关于打击经济领域中严重犯罪活动的决定》的会议上讲话,指出,我们要有两手,一手就是坚持对外开放和对内搞活经济的政策,一手就是 We will resolutely crack down on economic crimes . The CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued the Decision on Cracking down on Serious Criminal Activities in the Economic Field on Monday.
On April 22nd, Earth Day
On April 25th, Israel Complete withdrawal of troops Sinai Peninsula .
April 26, the afternoon of China Civil Aviation 266 passenger plane in Guangxi Gongcheng county Crashed in the sky.


May marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China.
May 1, China Inner Mongolia The 35th anniversary of the founding of the autonomous Region.
On May 2nd, Argentina The cruiser General Belgrano was sunk.
On May 21st, The Chinese men's badminton team First win Thomas cup .
Falklands War
May 21, China State Commission for Structural Reform Officially established.


On June 6, Israel vs Lebanon Launch a full-scale invasion. In a matter of days, they had captured half of Lebanon. Known historically as" The fifth Middle East War ", also known as" The Israeli invasion of Lebanon ".
June 11, Spielberg E.T. "Release date, so this day is set for the film's cute and kind little alien E.T. My birthday.
1982 World Cup in Spain
From June 14 to July 11, 1982 World Cup in Spain Held in Spain.
On June 15th, Malvinas Islands The Argentine garrison to British army Surrender, The Anglo-Armagh War That's it.
June 24, from London Heathrow Airport Fly to Auckland International Airport , stop on the way Bombay , Chiang Mai , Kuala Lumpur , Perth and Melbourne the British Airways Flight 9, due to Indonesia The Galungaon Volcanic eruption Flew into an area of airspace near Indonesia Volcanic ash cloud All four engines were shut down, but they eventually landed safely Jakarta International Airport .
On June 25th, Italy Broke out nationwide General strike The number of participants reached 14 million.


Xi 'an, China, in July The Fourth Military Medical University The second group Student Zhang Hua gave his life by jumping into a septic tank to rescue an old farmer who had accidentally fallen into the tank.
The third census
On July 1st, The third national census indicate Chinese population Over a billion.
July 7, the 45th anniversary of the July 7 Incident.
On July 11th, in the final of the 12th World Cup, Italy team A 3-1 victory over the Federation German football team It became the second team to win three times, after Brazil World Cup The country of champions. From June 13 to July 11, the 12th FIFA World Cup was held in Spain.
On July 24, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Liao Chengzhi Write to Jiang Jingguo Sir, I hope he takes the country National interest As the highest standard, according to the time and the trend, negotiations with the Communist Party, and discuss the great cause of national reunification. In the letter, Liao Chengzhi said: Over the past three years, our Party has repeatedly proposed that your two parties hold negotiations, and jointly fight for the reunification of the motherland. Wei Brother repeatedly said "no contact, no negotiation, no compromise", the rest of the period thought it was impossible. Family friends polyester feelings, in the public in private, should make comments, respect Xiquan. "The peaceful reunification of the motherland is a feat of thousands of years. Taiwan will eventually return to the motherland, and an early settlement is in the interest of all parties." "The Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated twice and made great contributions to the country and the nation." The publication of the letter has aroused strong reactions at home and abroad.


On August 1st, Chinese People's Liberation Army 55th anniversary of the founding of the Army.
On August 6, the 7th Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. The plenary session deliberated and adopted the report of the Central Committee to the 12th National Congress of the Party and the Draft Amendment to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China; Discuss and pass respectively to Liu Bocheng, CAI Chang Salutation letter In their years of illness, no longer serve Leading position On this occasion, in the name of the Plenary Session, we express the cordial greetings and high respect of all Party comrades to them. The plenary session decided to convene the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on September 1.
On August 17, the Chinese and American governments issued the Joint Communique of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America on a step-by-step and final solution to the issue of arms sales by the United States to Taiwan.


The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
From September 1 to 11, the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing. Opening address For the first time, a new proposition of "building socialism with Chinese characteristics" was put forward.
Leading news broadcast
On September 1, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decreed that the broadcasting time of major news should start at 20:00 China National Radio National news broadcast Advance to 19:00 China Central Television News broadcast From then on, CCTV (China Central Television) The news network has become the most authoritative news broadcasting platform in China.
The oath to join the Party
On September 6th, The 12th CPC National Congress adopted a new Party constitution In Article 6, the Party membership oath was first written into the party members, the full text a total of 80 words, and since then, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China passed by the National Congress of the Communist Party of China has retained the content of this provision in Chapter 1 and Article 6, which has become the statutory oath of the Party members of the Communist Party of China, and has been used in modern times.
On 15 September, Israel joined forces with Christian militias in Lebanon Lebanon internal Palestinian refugees Carried out the most bloody terrorist massacres known in history as" Beirut massacre ". A massacre that lasted 40 hours Death toll Some say 1,000, some say 1,500, some say 3,000 victims, and others say 30,000. Subsequently, the Belgian court announced that Sharon had been sentenced in absentia. Crimes against humanity ".
9月24日,邓小平会见 British prime minister Mrs. Thatcher, elaborating the basic position of the Chinese government on the Hong Kong issue, pointed out that the question of sovereignty is not an issue that can be discussed. China will take back Hong Kong in 1997. The continued prosperity of Hong Kong depends fundamentally on the policies that are suitable for Hong Kong after China's recovery. It will still apply in Hong Kong capitalism The current many suitable systems should be maintained. Thatcher hit a nail and walked out of the Great Hall of the People Lower bench Shireng High-heeled shoes She tripped and fell, and the people around her quickly picked her up.


On October 3, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued a document on the Central Party and Government Organs Cadre education The Decision on Work stipulates that all cadres of the Central Party and government organs shall participate in rotation training in stages and batches in the future, requiring the education of cadres of the Central Party and government organs Become a regular practice Strive to make the political and professional level of the cadre team significantly improved in three to five years to meet the needs of socialist modernization.
On October 5, China conducted its first domestic event Satellite communication And the television broadcast experiment was successful for later establishment Satellite communication network Laid the technical material foundation.
From October 7 to 16, China sent submarines to the predetermined waters Underwater launch Launch vehicle Achieve success and achieve the desired purpose. The achievement marks a new development in China's carrier rocket technology.
The development of agriculture depends on policy and science. At the same time, he pointed out that "only when talents continue to flow out, can our cause have hope."
From 14 to 26 October, by George Marshall A delegation of the CPC Central Committee led by the General Secretary paid a friendly visit to China. After the talks, the two sides agreed to formally resume the relations between the two parties.
On October 16, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Decision on the complete rehabilitation of Comrade He Long. The Decision declared: "Comrade He Long is completely vindicated and his reputation restored." For all the false accusations that Lin Biao, Jiang Qing and Kang Sheng gang imposed on Comrade He Long A false statement All of them will be torn down; At the same time, all comrades who were implicated in the He Long unjust case were completely rehabilitated, Eliminate the effect "
On October 12, China launched its first submarine from underwater to the scheduled sea Target area The launch of the carrier rocket was successful. [13]
October 22, America's first Take Hollywood by storm Action movie First blood "Premiere.


November 16, the 37th edition United Nations General Assembly On the basis of Costa Rica On the initiative of the United Nations, a resolution was adopted to designate 1986 as the "International Year of Peace". This is an important initiative of the United Nations and has been supported by more than 100 countries and organizations around the world.
1982 Asian Games in New Delhi
From November 19th to December 4th, 1982 Asian Games in New Delhi In India New Delhi Hold.
November 26 - December 10 Fifth session of the Fifth National People's Congress Hold. Peng Zhenwrite about Constitutional amendment The draft report. The meeting adopted the revised" constitution ". The new Constitution stipulates: Strengthen The system of people's congresses Expand the whole country The National People's Congress The functions and powers of the Standing Committee; Restoration of the establishment of a National president; The state establishes a Central Military Commission; Implemented by The State Council Responsibility system of the prime minister ; Local people's congresses at and above the county level established standing committees. Change the system of "integration of government and community" in rural people's communes and set up township governments; No state leader shall serve more than two consecutive terms. The meeting approved National economy and Social development The Sixth Five-Year Plan . The meeting decided to restore the "March of the Volunteers" as People's Republic of China National anthem .


On December 2, the world's first man-made Heart transplantation Success.
On December 3, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council approved the "Summary of Several Problems in the Current Work of Pilot Special Economic Zones", affirming the achievements of the pilot special economic zones in the past three years.
On December 4, the fifth session of China's fifth National People's Congress adopted a new constitution and restored the lyrics to the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, March of the Volunteers.
On December 11, Italy vs Bulgaria Relations between the two countries are strained.
On December 13th, Nanjing Massacre Forty-five years.
On December 12th, it happened in New York American history In one of the largest cash heists in the world, two men wearing veils and armed with short guns robbed a home Bulletproof car The company had $9.8 million in cash.
On December 22nd, Chinese movement member Lining in Yugoslavia 6th edition held in the city of Zagreb World Cup gymnastics Win in competition Horizontal bar , floor exercise, Vaulting horse , Saddle horse , Hanging rings And six all-around titles. He created a myth in the history of gymnastics in the world and was known as the "Prince of gymnastics".

Traditional festival

Laba Festival (Eighth day of the Twelfth Lunar Month) : January 2, 1982 (Saturday)
Primary Eve (23rd day of the Twelfth Lunar Month) : January 17, 1982 (Sunday)
Last year (of a lunar year) (Lunar calendar The fourth day of the Twelfth Lunar month ) : 18 January 1982 (Monday)
New Year's Eve (30th Lunar Month) : January 24, 1982 (Sunday)
Chinese New Year (First day of the first lunar month) : January 25, 1982 (Monday)
Lantern Festival (15th day of the first Lunar month) : February 8, 1982 (Monday)
Spring Dragon Festival (Lunar calendar The second day of February ) : 25 February 1982 (Thursday)
Qingming Festival ( The third lunar month 12) : 5 April 1982 (Monday)
Dragon Boat Festival (Lunar calendar) May fifth ) : 25 June 1982 (Friday)
Qixi Festival (lunar calendar Seventh day of July ) : Wednesday, August 25, 1982
Ghost Festival (Lunar calendar July 15 ) : Thursday, September 2, 1982
Mid-Autumn Festival ( The eighth lunar month 15) : 1 October 1982 (Friday)
Double Ninth Festival (9th day of the ninth lunar month) : October 25, 1982 (Monday)
Winter Clothing Festival (First Day of the tenth Lunar Month) : November 15, 1982 (Monday)
Spirit Festival ( Lunar October 15) : 29 November 1982 (Monday)

Civil affairs


Anita Mui

July 18, 1982, by Hong Kong Huaxing Records and TVB Hong Kong (TVB) co-hosted the first New Talent Singing Contest (now renamed Global Chinese New Talent Singing Contest ) in Hong Kong, China After fierce competition, the first champion was born, and she is the song and film star of an era that will affect the Hong Kong music industry in the future Anita Mui . Over the next twenty years, many excellent Singer All of them took advantage of this platform to enter the music world and made great contributions to the development and prosperity of Hong Kong pop music. Anita Mui, the Queen of the generation, officially entered the music world in this year, and a new era of Mandopop music is about to open.

Momoe Yamaguchi

The Blood Suspicion Momoe Yamaguchi Become a super idol in China, fill the streets." Sachiko blouse "," Sachiko ", "light husband shirt", "Oshima Shigeru bag", not only let Individual household Make a pot full, but also let the Chinese public for the first time understand what is called" Celebrity effect ".

Forest King

Japanese animated film Forest King "Started, about the little lion Leo Growing up story. It also marks the entry of the Chinese advertising industry New era -- Japan Advertising agency Cartoons are available, and 1 minute breaks are available after 30 minutes Commercial advertisement .

Prodigy program

15 year old Chinese American child Qin Zhibin Be admitted to University of Cambridge Graduate student in the physics department. Stimulated by this incident, China also began its own prodigy training program, universities have opened young people's classes, and parents are obsessed with "making" prodigies.

Ban pornographic books

Unlike in the past, when "pornographic books" were mostly printed and sold underground, many of those banned that year were published by formal publishing houses. Yanbian People's Publishing House Published "Rose Dream" was banned, this is modern China Press history A focal event. This year, the official publishing house banned more than 30 kinds of pornographic books, six publishing houses Suspend business for rectification More than 130 kinds of periodicals with pornographic descriptions or low cover illustrations were investigated and punished.

Born celebrity



January 1st -- Unity of Yang , Chinese male singer.
January 1st -- David Nalbandian , Argentine male tennis player.
January 3rd -- Park Ji-yoon , South Korean actress and singer.
January 6th - Gilbert Arenas , American basketball player.
January 6th - Eddie Redmayne , British actor.
January 7th -- Lauren Cohan , American actress.
Guo Zhenni
January 8th -- Guo Zhenni , Chinese actress.
January 9th - Yang Zongnan , Chinese male director and music producer.
Kate Middleton
January 9th - Kate Middleton , Princess of England.
January 10th -- Mitsuhiro Ichilai , Japanese male voice actor.
January 10th -- Fukuma Miri , Japanese female voice actress.
January 11th -- Son Ye-jin , South Korean actress.
January 11th -- Tony Allen , American basketball player.
January 12 -- Zhang Xiaonan , China Central Television hostess, reporter.
Da Peng (Dong Chengpeng)
January 12 -- Dong Chengpeng (Dapeng), Chinese mainland actor, director, screenwriter, host and singer.
January 13th -- Guillermo Coria , Argentine tennis player.
January 15th -- Xue Xiaofeng , Chinese female singer.
January 15th -- Situ Lanfang , Chinese female singer.
January 15th -- Sun Xiang , Chinese football player.
January 15th -- Sun Ji , Chinese football player.
January 16 - Yin Zi , Chinese online male anchor.
January 16 - Tonchay Volkan Sunley , Turkish football player.
January 17 - Xiao Zhang Duo , Chinese actor.
January 17 - Dwyane Wade , American basketball player.
Angela Chang
January 19 - Angela Chang , Chinese Taiwan female singer and actress.
January 20 - Yang Zixiang , Chinese actor.
January 23 - Wei Zongcheng , Chinese Taiwan male cartoonist.
January 25th - Liu Yue , Chinese female singer.
January 25th - Sho Sakurai , Japanese male artist, ARASHI One of the members.
January 25th - Li Rilang , Chinese Hong Kong actor.
January 26 - Ayano Go , Japanese actor.
January 26 - Nobugo Murakami , Japanese male artist, Stage 8 One of the members.
January 28 - Camila Alves , Brazilian actress.
January 29th -- Adam Lambert American male singer.


February 2nd -- Kan Miyan , Korean female singer.
February 5th -- Liu Jiakai , Chinese Taiwanese male artist, sodagreen The electric guitarist.
February 5th -- Yu Kobayashi , Japanese female voice actress.
February 5th -- wheesung , Korean male singer.
February 6th -- Lv Jianzhong ( Tank ), Chinese Taiwanese male singer.
February 7th -- Wei Jiaqing , Chinese female singer.
February 7th -- Mukai Osamu , Japanese actor.
February 8 -- Ma Jinghan , Chinese Hui actor.
February 8 -- Hong Qiaoling , Filipino Chinese-Filipino hybrid female model.
February 9 -- Ami Suzuki , Japanese female singer.
February 9 -- Jamal Nelson , American basketball player.
February 10th -- Ha Seok Jin , South Korean actor.
February 10th -- Yoshimasa Hosoya , Japanese male voice actor and singer.
February 10th -- Justin Gatlin American male sprinter and Olympic champion.
February 11th -- Zhuang Ni , Chinese female singer.
February 11th -- Neil Robertson , Australia snooker Soccer player.
February 11th -- Look at the young moon , Chinese Taiwanese actress, Chinese and Japanese mixed-race.
February 14th -- Jiang Xiaohan , Chinese actress and host.
February 16 -- Lee Min-jung , South Korean actress.
February 17th -- Adriano Leiter Ribeiro , Brazilian football player.
February 20th -- Nan Pai SAN uncle (Xu Lei), Chinese male writer and screenwriter.
February 20th -- Little Silliosheng , Japanese actor and voice actress.
February 23 - Liu Xiaoye , Chinese actress.
February 24th -- Fala Chen , Chinese American actress.
Pan Xiaoting
February 25th -- Pan Xiaoting , Chinese woman Professional billiards Fancy nine ball French player, known as" Nine ball days ".
February 25th -- Flavia Pennetta , Italian female tennis player.
Han Gain
February 25th -- Han Gain , South Korean actress.
February 25th -- Chris Baird , Northern Irish footballer.
Li Na
February 26 - Li Na , Chinese female tennis player.
February 26 - Li Jialu , Chinese female singer.


March 2nd -- Kevin Kuranyi , German football player.
March 3rd -- Li Haozhen , Chinese actor.
March 3rd -- Yu Kawakami , Japanese porn actress.
March 5th -- Du Li She is a Chinese female shooter, Olympic champion and world record holder in women's 10m air rifle.
March 8 -- Tang Yinuo , Chinese actor.
March 10th -- Kwame Brown , American basketball player. The first overall pick in the 2001 NBA draft, but is known as" Parallel trade number one ".
March 13 -- Lee Soo Kyung , South Korean actress.
March 13 -- Hata No Shibu , Japanese male voice actor.
March 13 -- Liang Linlin , Chinese actress.
March 14 -- phlogositis He is a Chinese taekwondo athlete and Olympic champion.
Yao Di
March 17 - Yao Di , Chinese actress.
March 17 - Kurina , Chinese Hezhen female host.
March 21 -- Guo Meimei , Singaporean female singer.
March 22 -- A surname , Chinese actor.
March 22 -- Muong Fei , Chinese female gymnast.
March 23 - Ge Fei , Chinese male music producer, keyboard player, Milk coffee One of the members.
March 24th -- Peng Yuyan , Chinese Taiwanese actor.
March 24th -- kenn , Japanese male voice actor.
March 24th -- Han Chella , South Korean actress.
March 24th -- Riko Hatsune , Japanese actress.
Zhang Liang
March 26 - Zhang Liang , Chinese actor and model.
March 26 - Mikel Arteta , Spanish football player.
March 28 - Hao Hongyan , Chinese male singer.
March 29 -- Kou Jing , Chinese female model.
March 30 - Philip Mexes , French football player.


In April -- Yu Qing , Chinese actress, singer, host and producer.
April 1st -- Han Yuqin , Chinese actress.
April 3rd -- Cobie Smulders , Canada An actress.
April 4th -- He Jingyang , Chinese Taiwanese male artist, sodagreen Wooden guitarist.
April 5th -- Hayley Attwell , British actress.
April 5th -- Thomas Hitzelspiger , German football player.
April 8th -- Guan Ling , Chinese actress and host.
April 8th -- Fuyan , Chinese female singer, Milk coffee One of the members.
April 11th -- Julian Kang He is a Korean-French actor and model with dual citizenship of Canada and France.
April 13th -- Wei LAN , British Chinese female singer.
April 13th -- Wei Shi , Chinese Hong Kong female singer, Chinese-Korean-Philippine hybrid.
April 16 -- Lee So-yeon , South Korean actress.
April 16 -- Xie Xinyi , Chinese Taiwan female artist, sodagreen The bass player.
April 16 -- Boris Diaw , French basketball player.
Lee Junki
April 17th -- Lee Junki , South Korean actor.
April 17th -- Lee Si Young , South Korean actress and boxer.
April 17th -- jingle , Chinese female singer.
April 21 -- Guan Jian , Chinese male singer and musician.
April 22 -- Kaka Ricardo Izexon DOS Santos Leite is a Brazilian footballer.
April 22 -- Under the house is the son , Japanese female voice actress.
Zhao Xin
April 24th -- Zhao Xin , Chinese male singer.
April 24th -- Kelly Clarkson American female singer.
April 25th -- Liang Jiandong , Chinese male singer.
April 26 - TAE (唐宸禹) is a Thai Chinese actor.
April 29th -- Jia Ling , Chinese actress.
Wang Baoqiang
April 29th -- Wang Baoqiang , Chinese actor.
April 30th -- Kirsten Dunst , American actress.


May 4th -- Lee So Eun , Korean female singer.
May 5th -- Vanessa Bryant She is an American dancer, model and wife of the late NBA player Kobe Bryant.
May 6 -- Cao Fang , Chinese female singer.
May 6 -- Yi Hongyuan , Chinese female singer.
May 7 -- Luo Xu He is a male anchor of National Defense Military Channel of China Central Television.
May 8 -- Buaku , Muay Thai athlete.
Gao Jin
May 11 -- Gao Jin , Chinese male singer.
Wan Qian
May 14 -- Wan Qian , Chinese actress.
May 15 -- Ryuya Fujiwara , Japanese actor.
May 16 -- Joo Ji Hoon , South Korean actor.
May 17th -- Tony Parker , French basketball player.
May 17th -- Liu Yang ( Sesame Brother ), male host of China Central Television Children's Channel.
May 18 - Lin Zhouhuan , South Korean actor and model.
May 20 -- Petr Cech , Czech football player.
May 21 -- Zigma Mongolian female singer.
May 21 -- Hu Sileng , Chinese Mongolian male singer.
May 22 -- Kim Moo-yeol , South Korean actor.
May 24 -- Bian Jiang , Chinese male voice actor.
May 26 - Tomoaki Maeno , Japanese male voice actor.
May 27 - He Yanke China Central Television news channel male anchor.


June 1st -- Justine Henin , Belgian female tennis player.
June 2nd -- Shu Yan , Chinese actress.
June 3rd -- Elena Isinbayeva Russian female pole vaulter, Olympic champion and world record holder.
June 4th -- Ouyang Jing , Chinese-American actor and rapper.
June 5th -- Du Jingying , Chinese female singer and music producer.
June 5th -- Yoo In Na , South Korean actress.
June 6 -- Pan Jieming I'm a yoga instructor.
June 7 -- Yao Yuxin , Chinese actor and director.
June 7 -- Zhang Haotian , Chinese actor.
June 7 -- Luo Qiolun , Chinese Taiwanese actress.
June 7 -- Jermaine Lukes , Argentine football player.
June 7 -- Park Hyun-sun Korean female model.
June 9 -- Wang Yusheng , Chinese Taiwan actor, singer and host.
June 11 -- Weng Ruidi , Chinese Taiwanese actor.
June 11 -- Lin Zhijie , Taiwanese basketball player.
June 11 -- Liang Youlin , Chinese Taiwan actress and host.
June 12 -- Meng Nan , Chinese female singer.
June 12 -- Che Xiao , Chinese actress.
June 12 -- Zhang Jie , Chinese Taiwanese male artist, Nan Quan Mother One of the members.
June 13 -- Qian Lei , Chinese male music producer.
Lang Lang
June 14 -- Lang Lang , Chinese male piano player.
June 19 -- Zheng Yuanchang , Chinese Taiwanese actor.
June 21 -- William Arthur Philip Louis Prince of England.
June 22 -- Jiang Yuyang , Chinese male singer.
Jung Ji-hoon
June 25th -- Jung Ji-hoon (Rain), South Korean male singer and actor.
June 27 - Lu Yong , Chinese Hong Kong male artist, Farmer One of the members.
June 28 - Jung Gyu-woon , South Korean actor.
June 28 - Ma Li , Chinese actress.
June 28 - Hitomi Hayasaka , Japanese actress.
June 28 - Zhen Zequan , Chinese Hong Kong male magician.
June 29 -- Kwon Yul , South Korean actor.
June 30th -- Gydandy (Ji Minjia), Chinese female singer.
June 30th -- Liz Capan , American actress.
June 30th -- Momoko Saito , Japanese female voice actress.


July 1st -- He Gang , Chinese actor.
July 1st -- Jiayang Quzhen , Chinese Tibetan female singer.
July 2nd -- Chen Ye , Chinese actor.
July 3rd -- Zeng Yiming , Chinese male singer.
July 3rd -- Li Shiyan , South Korean actor.
The Fourth of July -- Count (Fu Qiang), Chinese male singer.
July 5th -- Alberto Gilardino , Italian football player.
July 5th -- Benno Udrih Slovenian basketball player.
July 5th -- Liu Mingyang , Chinese actor.
July 5th -- Peng Sidao , Chinese male singer.
July 6th -- Dai Lele , Chinese actress.
Yuchi Linjia
July 7th -- Yuchi Linjia , Chinese male host.
July 8th -- Sophia Bush , American actress.
July 8th -- Hakeem Varick , American basketball player.
July 9th -- Zhang Tianqi , Chinese actor.
Hai Mingwei
July 10th -- Hai Mingwei , Chinese male singer.
July 11th -- Ryoji Morimoto , Japanese actor.
July 11th -- Yuna Inamura , Japanese female voice actress and singer.
July 12 -- Zhang Lunshuo , Chinese male singer and actor.
Jin Zhiwen
July 12 -- Jin Zhiwen , Chinese Korean male singer.
July 12 -- Antonio Cassano , Italian football player.
July 15 -- Chen Dexiu , Chinese Taiwanese male artist, Higashijo Leader and guitarist.
July 17th -- Zhang Yuti , Chinese actress.
July 18 - Priyanka Chopra , Indian actress, singer, producer, model.
July 19 -- Judd Padalic , American actor.
July 20 -- Zheng Jingwen , Chinese female artist.
July 21 -- Liu Yanqing , Chinese actor.
July 21 -- Mayo Kobayashi , Japanese actress and host. (June 22, 2017 Due Breast cancer Died of an illness)
July 23 - Gerald Wallace , American basketball player.
July 23 - Paul Wesley , American actor.
July 23 - Zhu Zhiying , Chinese Taiwanese actress.
July 24th -- Hu Yuwei , Chinese American male entertainer.
Parhati Harik
July 24th -- Parhati Harik , Chinese Uighur male singer.
July 24th -- Anna Paquin , Canadian actress.
July 24th -- Elisabeth Moss , American actress and producer.
July 25th -- Bart , Chinese Mongolian actor and singer.
July 26 - Qian Fang , Chinese actress.
July 26 - Huang Li , Chinese American actor.
July 27 - Tang Li , Chinese actress and go player.
Wang Zhi
July 29th -- Wang Zhi , Chinese actress, the new generation of kung fu actress.
July 30th -- He Shufeng , Chinese Mongolian actor.
July 30th -- Jin Minting , South Korean actress.
July 30th -- Martin Starr , American actor.


August 1st -- The east is red , Chinese female singer.
August 4th -- He Ziming , Chinese actor.
August 4th -- Hu Kai , Chinese male sprinter.
August 5th -- Ryu Seung Min South Korean male table tennis player, Olympic champion.
August 7th -- Vasris Spanoris , Greece A basketball player.
August 9th -- Joel Anthony , Canadian basketball player.
August 9th -- Tyson Gay , American male sprinter.
August 10th -- Sean Murphy , English snooker player.
August 14 -- Sook Hee , Korean female singer.
August 15 -- Wei Lai , Chinese actress.
August 15 -- Gao Yunxiang , Chinese actor.
Wang Kai
August 18th -- Wang Kai , Chinese actor and singer.
August 22 -- Li Bin , Chinese actor.
August 23 - Yuan Hong , Chinese actor.
August 24th -- encirclement , Chinese actor.
August 24th -- Jose Bosingwa , Portuguese football player.
August 25th -- Jeong Jae Sung , South Korean male badminton player. (As of March 9, 2018 Heart disease Died)
August 25th -- Matthias Steiner German male weightlifter and Olympic champion.
August 26 - Zhou Weitong , Chinese actress.
August 26 - Mayumi Yoshida , Japanese female voice actress.
August 27th -- Hou Xiangting , Chinese Taiwan female singer.
August 28 - Wang Jingzhi , Chinese male fencer.
August 28 - Gauss , Chinese actress.
August 29th -- Zhang Bo , Chinese actor.
August 29th -- Carlos Delfino , Argentine basketball player.
August 30th -- Andy Roddick , American male tennis player.
August 30th -- Wu Qingfeng , Taiwanese male singer, sodagreen The lead singer.
August 30th -- Yang Youning , Chinese Taiwanese actor.
August 30th -- Madoka Yonezawa , Japanese female voice actress.
August 30th -- Alina Alexandra Dumitru Romanian female judoka, Olympic champion.
August 31 -- Pepe Reina , Spanish football player.


September 1st - An Yang , Chinese male singer.
September 2nd -- Cao Minli , Hong Kong actress.
September 3rd -- Ayumi Fujimura , Japanese female voice actress.
Zhang Junning
September 4th -- Zhang Junning , Chinese Taiwanese actress.
Wang Xinling
September 5th -- Wang Xinling , Chinese Taiwan female singer and actress.
September 5th -- Zeng Zhaowei , Chinese female singer.
September 6th - Shi Yijie , Chinese male singer.
September 7th -- Xie Tingting , Hong Kong actress.
September 7th -- Ryoko Shiraishi , Japanese female voice actress.
September 8th -- Liang Yu , Chinese male singer.
September 8th -- Mauco , Chinese basketball player.
September 9th - Otsuka Ai , Japanese female singer.
Li Aijia
September 9th - Li Aijia , Chinese actress. (Died of sudden illness on March 6, 2018)
September 13 - Nene Hilario , Brazilian basketball player.
September 14 -- Tang Zhengdong , Chinese basketball player.
September 14 -- Hiroki Narimiya , Japanese actor.
September 15th -- cuckoo , Chinese actress and model.
September 15th -- Lyra Bonyasu (Ploy) is a Thai actress and model.
September 16 - Xiao Quan , Chinese male singer.
September 18 - Yang Xin , Chinese actress.
Hu Ge
September 20 - Hu Ge , Chinese actor and singer.
September 20 - Liu Yutong , Chinese male artist, HOPE One of the members.
September 21 - Chen Xu , Chinese male singer.
September 22 -- Flower boy , Chinese female singer.
September 22 -- Jiang Yawen , Chinese Hong Kong female artist.
September 22 -- Kosuke Kitajima , Japanese man swimmer Olympic champion.
September 22 -- Ryota Takeuchi , Japanese male voice actor.
September 22 -- Tian Zongqi China Central Television sports commentator, host, director. (Died May 9, 2024) [23]
September 23 - Han Han , Chinese male writer, director, race car driver.
September 23 - 李茏怡 , Hong Kong actress and singer.
September 23 - Lee Ha Na , South Korean actress.
September 25th - Zhang Yu , Chinese actor.
September 25th - Hyun Bin , South Korean actor.
Sun Li
September 26 - Sun Li , Chinese actress.
September 28 - Anderson Varejao , Brazilian basketball player.
September 28 - Emeka Okafor , American basketball player.
September 28 - Abhinav Bindra Indian male shooter and Olympic champion.
September 29th -- Strigulen , Chinese Mongolian male artist, The Erguna Band Horse head qin Hands.


October 1st -- Lin Yixun , Chinese Taiwanese actor.
October 2nd -- Gao Yayuan , Chinese female singer and actress.
October 2nd -- Tyson Chandler , American basketball player.
October 3rd -- Zeein Yangjin , Chinese Tibetan female singer.
October 3rd -- 毛慧 , Chinese male music producer.
October 4th -- Xue Yuyang , Chinese basketball player.
October 6 -- Fatima Yachi , Chinese Hui actress.
Li Yundi
October 7th -- Li Yundi , Chinese male piano player.
October 8th -- Gao Lu , Chinese actress.
Tan Weiwei
October 8th -- Tan Weiwei , Chinese female singer.
October 10th -- Wei Ruxuan , Chinese Taiwan female singer, radio station DJ .
October 10th -- Dan Stevens , British actor.
October 11th -- Qin Zhen , Chinese male singer. (Died of myocardial infarction on February 11, 2017)
October 13 - Ian Thorpe , Australian male swimmer.
October 13 - Jo Lunxi , South Korean actress.
October 14 -- Xiong Naijin , Chinese actress.
An Youqi
October 14 -- An Youqi , Chinese female singer and actress.
October 15 -- Yan Yidan , Chinese female singer.
October 16 - Yong Er , Singaporean female singer.
October 16 - Yu Mingjia , Chinese Hui actress.
October 16 - Kim Ajoong , South Korean actress and host.
October 21 - James White , American basketball player.
October 21 - Lee Chong Wei , Malaysia Men's badminton players.
October 21 - Hiromi Sakurai , Japanese female voice actress.
October 22 -- Wang Wenbo , Chinese male artist, Flower Band Drummer.
October 22 -- Ling Jie , Chinese female gymnast.
October 23 - Bai Xinhui , Chinese Taiwanese actress.
October 23 - Liu Yijun , Chinese actress.
Sun Yizhou
October 23 - Sun Yizhou , Chinese actor.
October 24 - Liu Liyang , Chinese female singer and actress.
October 26 - Sun Zhihong , Chinese actor.
October 26 - CAI Xiaoen , Chinese male music producer.
October 26 - Han Yanming , Chinese football player.
October 28 - Yuka Fukui , Japanese female voice actress.
Mai Kuragi
October 28 - Mai Kuragi , Japanese female singer.
Wang Ou
October 28 - Wang Ou , Chinese actress and model.
Ariel Lin
October 29th -- Ariel Lin , Chinese Taiwan actress and singer.
October 30 - Zhuang Haoquan , Chinese Taiwanese male artist, LOLLIPOP F , The Pointe Noire Dance Company One of the members.
October 31 -- Purple sea , Chinese male singer.


November 2nd -- Wang Yangming , Chinese Taiwanese actor.
November 2nd -- Kyoko Fukada , Japanese actress.
Zheng Yuan
November 2nd -- Zheng Yuan , Chinese male singer.
November 3rd -- Wu Hongjun , Malaysian female singer.
November 3rd -- Evgeny Viktorovich Plushenko Russian male figure skater and Olympic champion.
November 5th -- Han Ji-min , South Korean actress.
November 6th -- Daisuke Watanabe , Japanese actor.
November 8th -- Ruan Jingtian , Taiwanese actor and model.
November 8th -- Aisha Chida , Japanese female artist, Big mouth One of the members.
November 9th -- A Quan , Chinese male singer.
November 10th -- Leonlin , Chinese Taiwanese actor.
November 10th -- Naoya Urata , Japanese male artist, AAA One of the members.
November 12 -- Anne Hathaway , American actress.
November 12 -- Chen Yihan , Chinese Taiwanese actress.
November 15th -- Chen Zi , Chinese female singer.
November 15th -- Zhang Yaqun , Anhui TV hostess.
November 16 -- Huang Yixin , Chinese male singer and actor.
November 16 -- Amare Stoudemire , American basketball player.
November 16 -- Tang Fei , Chinese male singer.
November 18 - Akino Watanabe , Japanese female voice actress.
November 21 -- 毛俊杰 , Chinese actress.
November 21 -- John Lucas III , American basketball player.
Choi Cheuk-yan (Sa)
November 22 -- CAI Zhuoyan (Sa), Chinese Hong Kong female artist, Twins One of the members.
November 22 -- Zhang Huaiqiu , Chinese Taiwanese male artist, Big mouth One of the members.
November 22 -- Xu Yiming (Xu Zhiqiang), Chinese male singer and musician.
November 23 - Han Xiao , Chinese actress.
November 23 - Nadi ZonRavenmont , Thai actress and model.
November 23 - Shen Shenglu , South Korean actor.
November 23 - Asafa Powell , Jamaican male sprinter.
November 24th -- Fu Li , Chinese female singer. (Killed on 30 July 2012)
November 27th -- Li Dongxue , Chinese actor.
November 28th -- Liu Jin , Chinese female singer.
November 28th -- Leandro Barbosa , Brazilian basketball player.
November 28th -- Qiao Jing China Central Television agriculture and rural channel hostess.
November 29th -- Gemma Chen , British actress.
November 29th -- Xu Ziqi , Hong Kong actress.
November 30th -- Meng Haoqiang , Chinese actor.
November 30th -- Li Fengchang , Chinese male singer.
November 30th -- Wang Yi , Chinese actress.
November 30th -- Yumi Shimura , Japanese female voice actress.


December 3rd -- Jaycee Chan , Chinese Hong Kong actor.
December 3rd -- Ryoko Mitake , Japanese porn actress.
December 3rd -- Huang Zhilie , South Korean male singer and vocal music teacher.
December 3rd -- Michael Essien He is a footballer with dual citizenship of Ghana and France.
December 4th -- Ren Kenuo , Chinese actor.
December 4th -- Gan Shijia , Chinese male lyricist, writer, screenwriter.
December 4th -- Dong Hebin Dutch-born Chinese F1 driver.
December 4th -- Shao Shengyi China Central Television sports channel male host.
Nick Vujicic
December 4th -- Nick Vujicic , Australian disability speaker.
December 5th -- Eddy Curry , American basketball player.
December 8th -- Li Haohan (Shanye), Chinese male singer.
December 8th -- Nicki Minaj , American rapper and actress.
Liu Tingyu
December 9th -- Liu Tingyu , Chinese actress.
December 15th -- Niu Mengmeng , Chinese actress.
December 19th -- Mo Williams , American basketball player.
Zhang Jie
December 20th -- Zhang Jie , Chinese male singer.
December 20th -- Cao Fujia , Chinese female singer.
December 21 -- Huang Zhiwen , Hong Kong actress.
Shang Wenjie
December 22 -- Shang Wenjie , Chinese female singer.
December 24th -- Masaki Aiba , Japanese male artist, ARASHI One of the members.
December 24th -- Tetsuya Perigahara , Japanese male voice actor and singer.
December 26th -- Liu Yun , Chinese actress.
December 26th -- Shun Oguri , Japanese actor.
Wang Lei
December 29th -- Wang Lei , Chinese actor.
December 30th -- chime , Chinese actor.

Dead person

January 18 - Huang Xianfan , China ethnographer . (Born 1899)
February 18 - Yao Zi , an overseas Chinese writer from Singapore. [1]
February 25th -- Zhao Yuanren , famous in China linguist . [2]
February 26 - Zhang Boju , librarian of Central Museum of Literature and History. [19]
March 6th -- Ayn Rand , writer and philosopher. (Born 1905)
March 18 - Cui Kefu, The Soviet Union Military strategist, commander. (Born in 1900)
March 20 -- Randy Rhoads , front Ozzy Osbourne The guitarist. (born 1956)
A thousand miles away
April 26 - A thousand miles away He was vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Ma Yinchu
May 10th -- Ma Yinchu , Chinese educator, economist, demographer . (born 1882) [3]
May 18 - Ji Yufeng , Chinese chemist. (Born 1899)
June 15 -- Jiang Chuying , Chinese optical scientist. (born 1938)
June 16 -- Luo Jianfu China's outstanding intellectuals.
June 30 - Wang Wenyu, Senior Engineer, Hunan, China. (born 1914)
July 7th -- Kingsoft , Chinese film artist. [4]
July 23 - Huang Ziqing Physical chemist, chemistry educator, Member of the Faculty of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Academician). [18]
July 29th -- Of Time and Rest , China Xi 'an Mayor of the city, secretary of the Municipal Party Secretariat. [5]
August 1st -- Ryu Ryu Lieutenant General of Taiwan's "Ministry of National Defense", and later served as consultant of Taiwan's "Ministry of Communications". [6]
August 29th -- Ingrid Bergman , famous Hollywood movie star. (born 1915)
September 14 -- Grace Kelly The famous Hollywood movie star and Princess of Monaco. (born 1929)
Pei Wenzhong
September 18 - Pei Wenzhong , modern China archaeologist , paleontologist . Beijingers are the first to complete cranium fossil discoverer . [7]
October 4th -- Glenn Gould , Canada A pianist. (born 1932)
October 9 -- Shao Jinke, Laos Overseas Chinese. [8]
Artur Rubinstein
October 18 - Bess Truman First Lady of the United States. (Born 1885)
October 18 - Sigmund Warburg, London A banker. [9]
October 28 - Feng Zhongyue China is excellent Structural strength Experts, Shaanxi Yaoxian County Deputy Director and Chief Engineer of Aircraft Structural Strength Research Institute, Member of the Communist Party of China. [10]
November 10 - Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . (born 1906)
Wang Xuetao
November 24th -- Wang Xuetao , Chinese painter. [11]
December 17th -- Hogsey , has served successively as Third Field Army Special Forces column Political Commissar, East China trooper Commander and commissar, The People's Liberation Army Military Academy Head of the Armored Forces department. [12]
December 20th -- Artur Rubinstein , Jew African Poland Born American pianist and musician. (Born 28 January 1887)
December 23rd -- Yang Tingbao He is one of the important founders of modern Chinese architectural design science, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Faculty member). [17]

Nobel Prize

Physics: Kenneth G. Wilson
Chemistry: Aaron Klug
Physiology and Medicine: Sune K Bergstrom, Bengt I Samuelsson, John R Vane
Literature: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Peace: Alva Myrdal and Alfonso García Robles
Economy: George Stigler (en:George Stigler)

Academy Awards

(55th session, awarded in 1983)
Academy Award for Best Director - Richard Attunbale (Richard Attenborough) Gandhi
Academy Award for Best Actor - Ben Kingsley (Ben Kingsley) Gandhi