Wedding photo

Photos taken by newlyweds
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A wedding photo has two meanings. It can mean either Marriage registration photograph , can also refer to Wedding photos . In fact, anything that records the couple's life status and celebrations during their marriage photograph They all fall under the category of wedding photos. [1] The wedding registration photo is used for Marriage certificate above Identification photo . Wedding photos can be made into Photo album , photo frames, posters and other finished products, there are also photos only as DVD Video, you can hang the picture frame on the wall, posters are usually used as a welcome at the wedding, and DVDS are played at the wedding. Usually the wedding photos are divided into interior And exterior two parts. The luxury of the theme and the natural beauty of the location complement each other to make a perfect wedding photo.
Chinese name
Wedding photo
Foreign name
wedding photo
Any photos that record the couple's life status and celebrations during the marriage are classified as wedding photos

Registration photo

Marriage registration photograph Is used for Posting in Marriage certificate The standard size of the double profile photo is 2 inches, the character carrying edge is generally above the chest to the shoulder, and the background is generally red.

Wedding photos

Wedding photos are artistic photos taken by the couple to commemorate their marriage. Usually the groom wears a sharp suit and the bride wears a gorgeous wedding dress. After the couple gets married, they hang wedding photos on the wall to show their happiness and sweetness. Wedding photos generally refer to going to a professional studio, wearing the wedding dresses and gowns they provide, allowing professional photographers and makeup artists to dress themselves, and then editing and designing the photos taken, and finally getting exquisite albums and other souvenirs.

Development history

Wedding features: Before the May 4th Movement in 1919, Chinese people advocated red marriage, and the new couple was absolutely not allowed to wear white clothes. With the introduction of Western culture in the early 20's, the wedding dress first appeared in our country, Mr. And Miss returned from overseas study, many people have believed in Christianity, they generally choose
A church wedding.
Wedding features: In the 1930s, the bride wore a white wedding dress, wearing a long white yarn five or six meters long, holding flowers, and the groom wore black gown White collar shirt, black tie.
Features: The couple in the church with both parents, men and women Attendant at a wedding Witnesses and other photos, this is the original wedding photos. By the 1940s, the wedding photos gradually evolved from the church group photo to the groom and bride to the photo studio before the wedding, and from then on began the veritable wedding photos.
Wedding features: New people generally put on a relatively clean Military uniform , workers' and peasants' clothing, Tidy up Hair goes straight to the photo studio, and few people wear wedding dresses and take wedding photos.
Shooting features: The wedding photos of that era are mostly half-inch black and white photos with no scenery, no light and shadow effects, two people sitting in front of the wall, side by side, looking forward.
The 1980s and 1990s
Wedding features: In the late 1980s, they began to wear wedding dresses and suits, and in the 1990s, people got married and took wedding photos.
21st century
Wedding dress Features: Today Wedding dress Compared with before, less complicated, more simple and elegant. Dresses with simple cut and clear lines, and shirts, sportswear Life-style "wedding dresses" such as couple suits are increasingly welcomed by young fashion newcomers.
Shooting characteristics: The biggest change of wedding photos is reflected in the change of the scene, from the former indoor scene to the current pure outdoor wedding photos, making the surrounding scenic spots and even famous scenery in and outside the province have become places for new people to take photos.
Shooting in Taiwan's scenic spots has become the mainstream, and even many domestic and foreign couples will choose to shoot wedding photos in Taiwan's scenic spots, so they later developed a travel wedding dress model and arrangement In-depth tourism Lead the new people to shoot in different landscapes, especially the third section of Shanxi Road in central Taiwan Travel wedding photography Services are most developed and also promoted Cultural and creative industry Leap forward again and again.

Development trend

There are hundreds of thousands of photography shops all over the country, but the vast majority of photography shops (especially wedding photography) are based in Europe and the United States The western world Culture as the background, obviously with Chinese nation After all, the culture does not match. With the rise of China in the world, with Chinese culture The revival to Chinese culture For the background and connotation of sinicism Photography "is bound to flourish all over China and even the world. At this stage, "photography technology" is "positive" Photographic art The transition, photography has long gone beyond the technical level, more pursuit Cultural level The connotation of the Chinese five thousand years Traditional culture There is an inexhaustible supply of photography Artistic theme .
"Chinese style photography" Traditional Chinese culture For the background, from the artistic concept to the creative technique, from the costume props, makeup modeling to the scene layout, from Service model To photograph Product design All rely on China's 5,000 years of culture to extract China Cultural element The essence, completely different from the current market with Western culture as the background of photography. This kind of cultural and artistic "Chinese style photography" is more in line with the future Chinese market, and will be divided into two parts with the popular "Western photography", and will lead Chinese photography with the great revival of Chinese culture Service market And around the globe School of photography And photography services market occupies an important position.
Speaking of many studios have antique photography, but in the country, there are not many good shots.
Wedding photos by period
Wedding photo of late Qing Dynasty and early Republic period
'50s,' 60s, '70s wedding photos
1930s wedding photos
'40s wedding photos

Place at home

Azimuthically, northwest represents husband, southwest represents wife. In the northwest of the hall hangs a wedding photo, representing the family, the husband still has married love for his wife.
Also put one in the southwest when the couple is getting married or on their honeymoon Convalescent flounder The photos that represent this Throne of a house People still see each other as marriage objects in their hearts.
'90s wedding photos
No wedding photos. Something else Life photo Is that OK? The effect of life, of course, is not as good as the wedding photos, because the happiest moment of a couple must be the newlywed, in addition to first love and dating, newlywed for love Peak period . A picture of life after twenty-five years of marriage, of course, is less than the love of marriage.
After 25 years of marriage, the husband only regards his wife as the mother of his children, or even his own mother, rather than the other side as a lover, which is the human nature of any couple. Be able to northwest and southwest The display of wedding photos is a highly recommended auspicious arrangement for feng shui.
If northwest and southwest represent Marital relationship There will be a situation in the southwest to put a handsome man, or a picture or doll of a dirty man, representing the wife's palace and the world, there is a handsome man or a dirty man.
If the situation in the northwest is more serious, if a pair of beautiful beauty dolls are bought and placed at home in the northwest, the male owner of the northwest There will be soon Two ladies. There was a couple who bought Bedside lamp After, lighting for beauty, the result immediately accident!
Therefore, the mirror can not be put casually, the reflection of the mirror, will make one into two, originally put a beautiful wedding photo of your own, but you have more hands, add a mirror next to it, so there is a woman or man, which will cause adverse marriage.
Wedding photo
Many people like to put the wedding photos on the bed, the bed represents the mountain, the mountain represents Ding, the mountain represents water, the wedding photos on the bed, on behalf of the husband and wife have a good emotional life. Wedding photos in the mountains, on behalf of the two people in money there are a lot of entanglement, but this also refers to the good side, on behalf of two people being affectionate.
Marriage photos in principle can not be placed on the right side of the bed, because the right side is a white tiger, placed on this side will cause adverse marriage. Wedding photos should be placed on the left side of the bed Azure Dragon Position It can make the marriage of two people be blessed and happy.
Use this set of knowledge flexibly, hope the eldest daughter to marry out early, put a poster or photo of her favorite male star in the southeast of the daughter's room, the daughter will soon meet the right person, and look a little like the male star in the poster. If you want your daughter to get married stably, put a pair of wedding dolls in the daughter's position, a man and a woman, the woman writes her daughter's name, and the man writes [future husband], which is also very effective Exerting force .
Therefore, the wedding doll is the best feng shui for unmarried men and women! This doll is placed in the place of children, and has the effect of encouraging marriage. The unmarried lady, if the eldest, was placed in the southeast, the second in the south, and the younger in the west. If you live alone, you should put it in the southwest housewife's spot.
A wedding picture, a pair of wedding dolls, is the most effective guarantee of a happy marriage, the method is so simple!
In the northwest put a Buddha, the husband really like to practice, unfortunately, crazy, actually went to a monk! Is there any way to bring him back? Remove the Buddha and put back a wedding picture, and it will work!
Wedding studio
Taking wedding photos is an important part of the wedding preparation, many MM who are about to get married because they blindly believe in business propaganda, do not carefully compare and carefully select, and the wedding photos taken as a result often do not achieve the desired effect. How to choose between photography, dress and styling? How should MMS choose what is right for them Wedding studio What do you think? Below the text hope can give you some inspiration oh!
Wedding studio and other goods also have high school low price to choose from, the same as the so-called wedding shop. The choice of wedding dress must be based on their own budget as the standard, in line with the wedding price to seek their own style, do not superstition brand-name, may not be the higher the price, the better the quality, Price economy Lost the level, price and content must be weighed through repeated comparison, do not think that the price is the first choice of their own wedding studio elements
From the bridal shop worker Service attitude Will dominate the entire transaction process to give consumers the feeling. The staff is the link between the consumer and the bridal shop, from the signing of the wedding bag to the completion of the transaction, they play a very important role. To gain the trust of consumers, the staff must be responsible and proactive, so that consumers can rest assured that they will be responsible for wedding photography matters. Therefore, more observation of the response of other MM and the wedding shop personnel and evaluation of their service quality is an important reference indicator for choosing wedding studios.
The two important elements that best reflect the style of wedding photos are photography and modeling. Consumers can refer to the actual wedding photos of friends and relatives or netizens for photography and modeling. They can also read more brides magazines on the market to find out their favorite style. The sample photos provided by wedding studios can only be referred to but not completely believed. It is best to use their own collection of wedding photos to show them, wedding photography is to show the characteristics of the new, so choose the most suitable for their own style.

Wedding dress set

Wedding dress Mantle system It is a variety of wedding dress stores based on price, photography style, dress and giveaways Commodity specification If you want to have a wedding gauze suit for yourself, there is only one secret, that is, to be next Down payment Find out all the details before, so that you really know! .
Mental preparation
Wedding dress
After selecting the wedding studio, the next step is to book the wedding suit! It is important to note that no matter how beautiful the dress is or how fantastic the wedding photos are, do not put down a deposit at the first wedding shop, and do not carry cash, debit or credit cards with you. When negotiating a wedding suit with the staff, even if you feel satisfied, do not show it on your face; If you don't like it, you leave, Stall for time It only ends up hurting you.
It is recommended to choose several wedding shops for comparison, make a table of their own needs for prices, photos, modeling, record the details of the dress shop visited, and select the wedding dress suit that most meets their ideal after finishing, remember to write all the requirements in the agreement when signing the photo agreement!
Matters needing attention
◆ Number of sets/size/wedding makeup/Includes selected porn, negatives/Price to purchase unselected porn negatives/Whether to give anniversary photos.
◆ Shoot the minimum number of groups/plus pick price (be sure to press to the lowest)/ traditional or digital/number of groups to reach a few copies can be made into two copies/unlimited number of picks.
◆ Phase material style and whether it includes art treatment/full plate Number of sheets No limits/Traditional numbers can be corrected/All photos can be retouched.
◆ Enlarge photo size, photo frame material, picture processing/other table frame/photo signature silk size.
◆ The original is full plate or film version/size of the original/number of palm film and whether it includes art processing/whether it is a gift photo disc.
Wedding dress
◆ Thank card group number/Friends and Family card/Royal Wedding card / Whether to give wedding invitations (free edition fee), Wedding candies Box / corsage / Wedding day flower bouquet/wedding gift box, gift book/car color, locomotive handlebar Flowers.
◆ The first deposit cannot be higher than 20%/ can be paid in installments, can be paid by credit card/get the wedding dress Balance payment / There is a seven-day appreciation period and you can cancel if you are not satisfied.
◆ Ask in advance not to scatter the photos when selecting the film, Homologous series Put in a piece/not satisfied with the photo results can be free re-shoot/re-shoot no additional modeling fees, dress, location can be re-selected.
◆ All the requirements should be written in the agreement, and ask the person in charge of the wedding shop to sign and seal, all the items that require additional charges please explain in advance, and record in the agreement.
About the choice of dress
Wedding dress
◆ The number of dresses in the store/take photos, whether the wedding dress is distinguished/new, VIP Is the dress price increased/Special dress such as: Hansuit , cheongsam / Bridesmaid dress And flower boy/photo shoot dress can be launched.
◆ Provide the groom's white dress, white leather shoes, dark dress whether the price is increased/can you try it on first
◆ How long can you choose the dress in advance, the number of selections is not limited/you can try on the wedding dress and then modify the size
◆ Whether the dress can be photographed for the family to choose/order Wedding dress Whether the matching jewelry accessories require a deposit
Wedding dress
◆ The designated photographer does not charge extra/take photos and wedding day required jewelry accessories borrow free/On the day of the photo whether to provide flowers bouquet/positive photography, whether to provide black and white, blue film or Infrared ray Negative plate
◆ Several groups of photo modeling / STYLIST Do you charge for external shooting/makeup and hair with the same stylist/Can you try makeup, modeling pre-shooting/The calculation method of hourly fee should be clear
◆ The same day of internal and external shooting is not limited to the region, the number of hours/whether the external shooting car is charged/no additional charge in case of rain
◆ Before taking photos, you must first communicate with the photographer and stylist



Skill profile

Personal wedding photos
How to choose in the introduction Wedding studio After analyzing the wedding set, it is necessary to take personalized wedding photos, next, I will introduce how to take personalized wedding photos.
1 Apply makeup
To ensure a delicate skin texture, you should choose redness or bronze powdery Makeup base ; With a shiny makeup effect Cream foundation Not suitable for Wedding photography Because the glossy base makeup will appear reflective effect on the film. Also note that, foundation The color should be similar to your own skin color, especially when the neck and below the neck Skin exposure If the foundation color is too light, there will be a disharmonious "mask" effect.
2. Clever Use Natural light
The light is Wedding photographer The most precious item. The soft light in the evening can add color to your photos. If the natural light is too strong, find some natural shade, such as standing in a dense Under the big tree . Shading can help you look more alert by preventing eye loss during the photo shoot. If the wedding is held in the winter, you may wish to make full use of natural light; Or in the beautiful window, or leaning out of the window, temporarily melt themselves into the cold nature, leaving a perfect picture.
Black-and-white photograph The sense of elegance conveyed is irreplaceable, and the key lies in the bride's makeup and the appropriate color of her dress. Rosy and peach Lipstick looks beautiful on any film, while bright red lipstick shows up as pure black in black and white photos, which is a bit scary. Black and white lighting Wedding photography It is also necessary to pay attention to a thin layer of foundation that is similar to the color of the skin to let the natural color of the skin bloom naturally. At the same time, pay attention to the color of the clothes Skin color To distinguish, you can wear brightly colored jewelry or put on a colorful cape.
4 formal establishment Standing posture
Some people say that "natural confidence" is a tried-and-true magic weapon for taking photos, and this is quite true. Want to Wedding photography One of the easiest ways to make a perfect appearance in front of the camera is to adopt a formal stance: Keep your body straight and your head naturally raised, and the result is basically your best. In addition, the feel of the skin is also important. To ensure your skin is healthy, firm and vibrant on the day of the photo shoot, first drink plenty of water and start staying away from salty foods 3 days before the wedding.
5 Strike the perfect pose
Remember, always keep your shoulders back and your arms in elbow Natural bending; Don't hold your arms too close to your body, and don't hold the bouquet tightly Lower jaw Because such a posture will affect the wedding dress Photographic effect . If you're confident with the line of your arms, consider wearing a organo shawl, which will draw attention to your shoulders and sexiness clavicle Up.
In addition, this posture can make you look thinner: stand with your feet apart, one foot in front of you, your front knee slightly bent, and your upper body slightly tilted back. In this state of wedding photography, you look as confident as a professional model.

External point

The shooting location is an important element of the wedding style, the new person must first decide the wedding style, and then choose the photo location, in order to take a wedding photo in line with their expectations, you can explore the scenic spots in advance and ask the photographer to arrange the route. Wedding dress style can be roughly divided into:
Personal wedding photos
◆ Romantic and beautiful - you can choose lake, coast, Ocean Park And a cafe near the lake.
◆ Natural and simple - you can choose forest grassland, flower farm or scenic park for shooting.
◆ Lively interest Type - Optional Amusement park , Theme park , universities ( Xiamen University , Wuhan University Etc.) for filming.
◆ Popular fashion type - you can choose the buildings with modern style in the city to shoot.
◆ Retro and nostalgic - you can choose historic sites, town streets or traditional ancient buildings to shoot.

Dress choice

The choice of dress here is no longer to choose what area of dress, but to choose the most suitable for yourself in the selected area Wedding dress .
For the bride, according to the personal height, personality style and color material to choose their own wedding dress. When choosing, pay attention to the style and style of the dress not too close, the shape will be more changed, pay attention to record the model of the favorite dress for reference.
shoot interior Some can choose the dark series of narrow pendulum series, the location part can choose Light colors Peng skirt series shape, preferences vary from person to person. For the groom except Western suit In addition, you can also prepare casual clothes or shirts and special clothing to change the shape to achieve the purpose of enhancing the color of wedding photos.

Photo prop

1 Basic Items
◆ Face towel, Oil blotting tissue Mineral water & straw , pasties , underwear (tape, invisible bra, vest, Strapless underwear , chest patch), High-heeled shoes & playshoes
◆ Mirror, comb, sunscreen, makeup (foundation & lipstick), Cleansing water (To remove makeup when the photo is taken)
◆ Men's suit, shirt, white socks & black socks (preferably new), casual clothes, glasses (no prescription lenses)
2 Add color to your wedding dress
◆ Romantic formula: Flowers Bouquet of flowers , garland Wrist flower, petal, balloon, bubble machine, windmill, cake, sunshade Fairy sticks, kites, angel wings, fans
◆ Souvenir: Wedding ring , Diamond ring , love letters, group photos, doll gifts, pets, Crystal glass
◆ Favorite accessories: necklace, bracelet, earrings, crown, Headwear , Hat
◆ Other: Digital camera (side shot), pet

Matters needing attention

1, do not understand the situation of wedding studio, because Service personnel The enthusiasm and the unique service of the relevant studios, followed by the relevant attractive preferential conditions, it is easy for new people to be tempted by the price when choosing.
2. Choose a dress for your photo shoot. Avoid problems due to clothing and price problems Wedding dress Price misunderstanding.
3, additional charges: shooting wedding photos will use different shooting props and decorations, resulting in related additional charges.
4. Fake wedding photography Service advertising : The price is hidden, discount advertising, preferential activities, but the service package is included and related Preferential price And giveaways are just words.


Wedding dress Divided into photography and Wedding feast Two, is also the only wedding dress consumption can see and enjoy the service. The focus of the selection of photographs is on the cut and style, and the wedding dress should pay attention to the new and new style.
The key point of choosing the dress is to pay attention to: the style of new and old, the style style, the amount, whether it is suitable for yourself, but also pay special attention to select a few sets of Chinese dress for yourself, after all, the bride wears a traditional dress at the wedding is also a cool thing.


With the increasingly fierce competition in wedding studios, in addition to price, gifts have become another means of business promotion. Although the abundance of gifts is good for consumers, pay attention to whether these gifts are lost after marriage Use value Therefore, doing your homework before taking photos and planning valuable and practical gifts for yourself is an essential step. Remember, no gift is as rich as originality Personal style The wedding photos are more meaningful.
There is never a perfect wedding studio, only suitable for their own wedding studio. New people must first recognize their most important photography, dress or styling, locked within the budget Brand objective , Dodo Collect data Compare, and finally choose the most cost-effective.

Attention, ladies

  1. 1.
    Drink less water the night before to avoid puffy eyes.
  2. 2.
    The bride avoided the sun and cut down on irritating fried food near the photo shoot.
  3. 3.
    Brides wear light colors on the day of the photo shoot Strapless underwear Or hidden underwear (silicone).
  4. 4.
    On the day of the photo shoot, the bride should bring a pair of high heels and comfortable flats for the photo shoot.
  5. 5.
    The bride should not put on her own makeup at home on the day of the photo shoot, so as not to cause trouble to the stylist.
  6. 6.
    The bride should trim her nails and shave her armpits before being photographed.
  7. 7.
    The bride washed her hair before the shoot. Trim your hair well in advance and do not use any hair products.
  8. 8.
    On the day of the shoot if you are a client with glasses it is best to bring two pairs of glasses for variety. If you wear contact lenses, try them on in advance and bring cleaning solution.
  9. 9.
    Please wear button open clothes, easy to change the dress, will not ruin the hair and makeup.
  10. 10.
    If you have different views and requirements on makeup, styling, clothing, etc. before shooting, please contact us in time Makeup artist Communicate with the photographer, as they are professional technicians who will respect your opinions and suggestions while ensuring that they do not affect the effect of the shot.
  11. 11.
    When setting the photo date, do not be late to avoid extending the shooting process time.
  12. 12.
    Finally, remind girls to be careful not to shoot on their own special days.

Men's attention

  1. 1.
    The groom should clean his face (shave, trim nose hair, etc.) and trim his nails on the day of the photo shoot.
  2. 2.
    The groom should not wear fancy underwear or dark underwear on the day of the photo shoot, and avoid wearing white Suit pants When to wear the help.
  3. 3.
    Groom should prepare one pair of white socks, one pair of black socks and one pair of black leather shoes on the day of the photo shoot.
  4. 4.
    Grooms can bring extra sets of long sleeves on photo day Shirt (Both formal and casual)
  5. 5.
    The groom has his favorite belt, jeans, sunglasses, shoes and boots to carry on the photo shoot.

Joint preparation

(01) If hair length is trimmed or permed, it should be done one week before shooting.
(02) If you want to wear glasses, do not wear colored or reflective glasses, the studio will prepare for you without lenses Picture frame Should be considered in advance to wear Contact lens . (03) The night before shooting, do a relaxing bath and full sleep, wash your hair, do not use mousse and hairspray Equisetting fluid.
(04) Do not make up when going out on the day of shooting, do basic facial maintenance in advance: wipe a little toner Or lotion will do.
(05) If you want to shoot in winter, please wear warm pants and coats to avoid cold.
(06) The night before the shoot, try to avoid staying up late, drinking alcohol or taking drugs Sleeping pill So as not to produce Black eye And eyeball congestion, affecting the shooting all day long.
(07) Avoid the sun for a certain period of time before the scheduled date and reduce the consumption of spicy/irritating foods.
(08) Do not wear valuables such as pure gold, silver and diamonds (such as necklaces, earrings, etc.).
(09) Please do not take your parents or friends with you. The presence of old people and friends will make your expression unnatural, and the thoughts of friends and old people will interfere with the normal shooting.
(10) Finally, please keep a happy mood and come to the shooting on time, so that your sweetness and happiness are fully presented.
(11) You can bring your own in summer Sunscreen lotion , drinking water, Toilet water , sunshade Wait in case sunstroke .

Location weather

What weather is the best wedding photo location? Three issues need to be addressed
Sunny days are going on Location wedding photography Good days, plenty of light, happy mood are one of the important guarantees to take a good photo. However, not in the sunny days can be casually shot good photography, there are a lot of need to pay attention to place. There are three things to look out for:
1 Sunlight in sunny days, direct sunlight is more intense, and under the strong sunlight Portrait photography It is a more difficult thing, so the general choice in time Solar position It's low, the light isn't very strong, the sun is Beam oblique When the brightness is moderate, it is not easy to produce ugly shadows under the hot sun at noon.
2 Overcast sky Because of this, compared with sunny days with strong sunlight, cloudy days are more suitable for portrait shooting weather, cloudy days can achieve relatively soft light reflection and make the subject more ideal light, and cloudy days can be shot all day without the interference of the sun's strong light.
3 Fog Of course, if there is a fog, rain or Degree of illumination Very dark and overcast days, then choose another day to shoot.


1 Travel wedding photography Travel wedding photography belongs to Location wedding photography Is far away from the local location wedding photography, due to the distance, its focus has shifted from wedding photography to tourism.
2 Studio or studio outdoor wedding photography outdoor wedding photography is a characteristic part of wedding photography, focusing on wedding photography rather than travel.
Location wedding photos The difficulty of photography: whether it is indoor wedding photo shooting or location wedding photo (location wedding photo) shooting, its success depends on the photographer. Choose a highly qualified studio or studio, the photographer's skills Can not be ignored The most important indicator of photography technology is "professional".

Recommended place

  1. 1.
    Yunnan, Lugu Lake
" South of the clouds Yunnan people's praise for their hometown, came here, as if into a boundless scroll beauty. There are harsh plateaus, tranquil Erhai Lake And magnificent glaciers, Tropical rainforest It is the most beautiful place in the world. Such picturesque scenery of rivers and mountains, ice and silver can easily break into the dreams of visitors. If the babies in love come to such an ancient and pure place, they will not only record sweet love, but also make the oldest and novel oath in the history of faith. Here, the birds also sing for your happiness, the quiet shepherd is also the witness of each other's love, cuddle together in a far away from the noisy city, unpolluted virgin lake, wash away a little impetuous mood, a deep soul call attracts each other, is the so-called two people into the painting, gentle years, warm time. In addition to smile, in addition to sigh, really can not find any words to express, it is a kind of can not tell the beauty!
  1. 1.
    Qingdao, Catholic Church, St. Michael's Cathedral
Qingdao locate Shandong Peninsula At the southern end, the island is named after "mountainous and lush forests". Qingdao, because there is a different historical experience, and the beauty presented to the world is three-dimensional and transformed. There are villas with the memory of the era and Western style texture, there is a bay of seawater holding the distant mountains such as poetic beauty, but also there are thousands of people beating the water spray flying moving. This is an old and young city, where new people come to take wedding photos, and there are so many styles to choose from. Put on the white veil and wander with your him Huiquan Bay The sea breeze blows the light and elegant skirt, and the sound of the waves one after another cheers for your sweetness; Visit the Flower Stone Building, a European castle style building that integrates a variety of Western architectural styles, dialogue with time and space, and experience the antiquity and luxury of medieval Europe; Or into the Catholic Church St. Michael's Cathedral , feel Gothic architecture Romantic atmosphere at the same time, let such a sacred place witness to belong to your happy time.
  1. 1.
    Dunhuang, Desert
Dunhuang, a mysterious place full of historical vicissitudes and legendary colors. Here not only has a splendid ancient culture, but also has a vast desert for people to yearn for. Wind, sand movement, dominate this spectacular world, wind erosion, sand accumulation, creating this mysterious desert. The top of the head is natural enough light, the foot is the endless desert, new people come here, enjoy the desert alone smoke straight at the same time, you can easily shoot a very powerful wedding photos, absolutely different. In the myriad golden waves, the sand is so delicate, bright, colorful under the sun, just like your shining love. It is fluid, like a golden ocean, flashing infinite light, singing the eternal in the rapid change. It is said that you go to the desert to fall in love with the world. Then let this poetic desolation prove your eternal vow of chastity.
  1. 1.
    Yalong Bay, Sanya, Hainan
Yalong Bay The sea is wide and the sky is blue. Oriental Hawaii "The reputation. Here the climate is pleasant, winter can be cold, summer can be summer, rolling green mountains, bay waves Langquiet The blue water is as clear as a mirror, and the soft sand is as white as silver. All of this, so that your wedding photos can not hide the thick love and sunshine beach. I believe that under the perfect combination of sun, beach and sea water, a couple of new people must be charming and brilliant. "Sanya return does not look at the sea, except Yalong is not the bay" is the visitors to have the most sincere praise of Yalong Bay. When you choose to stop the pace of the city, put down the chaos in life, and love to go to this moving sentimental sea, at this moment, the camera is not only rippling in the mouth of the sweet smile and happiness of the moment, but also harvested a relaxed and happy sweet journey.
  1. 1.
    Xiamen, Gulangyu Island
The area is only 1.78 Square kilometer the Gulangyu Island Only half Sentosa There are only 24,000 inhabitants on the island, but there are more than 5,000 pianos, the most special of which are 30 old European and America The Piano, Centralized display in Piano Museum The people of Gulangyu proudly say that it is the only piano museum in China.

Pick photos

Many new people say that shooting wedding photos is a very hard thing, in fact, after the selection of photos is still not an easy job, here to tell you some tips, hope to make this tedious things become simple and easy.
1. Tools
Magnifying glass (See if there are any flaws in the photo details)
Of all kinds Sticky note (Classify the same wedding dress style)
Original pencil, pencil, eraser (writing record)
Make a statistical table (record the number of wedding dresses)
Notebook (record notes)
2. Choose the focus of your photo
◆ The selection of photos often takes 2-3 hours or more, the number of people to pick the film is not too much, 2-3 people can, otherwise the opinions will be more difficult to choose. If you can't decide by then Class number Can consider the next time to choose, do not be forced.
◆ Choose a film first to quickly browse all the photos, do not stay or discuss for too long on a group, first understand how many photos and photos look, do know.
◆ Ask the photographer to pick a round first, filter out the wrong or flawed photos, and then start the selection yourself.
◆ If the photos are scattered and are required to be put back in place, the order of the photos must be recorded, and some staff will delete them pilium Cross, don't feel distressed.
◆ Use the first round first Method of exclusion Delete the least satisfactory works and use the retention method later, because not hating does not equal liking.
◆ Select according to strict standards, pay attention to expressions, actions, small details, and pick out the photos you are most satisfied with.
◆ Each model distribution as average as possible, while paying attention to the proportion of the group photo and the two sides alone, if you particularly like a series, to account for the artist layout when scattered placement, will not feel repeatability They're too high.
◆ After the selection, remember to sign on the back of the film so as not to cause controversy, and use in the future Cleaning oil Just erase it. You can request not to bind until all the photos are checked and correct.
Do not show a lot of love in front of the staff, if you want to pick, you can state that there is no budget, and use the excuse that the family will complain about waste to lower the price.
◆ When selecting photos, do not select the enlarged photos first. After the enlarged photos are developed, check the details of the photos, and then select and confirm the enlarged photos.
3. Proofread and pick up
◆ If you want to design the artist and copy, you must first communicate with the artist of the wedding shop Art editor Usually, the English intersperses are not arranged according to grammar English alphabet .
◆ The key point of proofreading is whether the photos are pasted, sequenced, grouped and edited correctly, whether the photos are cleaned completely (there will be pencil marks on the back of the negative), and after the comparison with the signed film is correct, then the book is bound.
◆ When taking the piece, the enlarged photo should be taken out of the packaging box for inspection, pay attention to whether there is damage, Missing corner , stain The family and the facies This volume Go through the pages and make sure all the gifts are correct before you pay the balance.
◆09 new wedding photos suitable for first use the latest, Crystal photo album Crystal album is not only good photo effect, but also easy to save and clean.
◆ There are high-grade glass books, major studios in the use of glass books, photo effect is good, there will be no dust!

Eight great styles


Fashion style

In line with the fashion style, if the bride wants to make their wedding photos personality, rich in the era, you can choose this style, such as the popular" Olympic Games Wedding photos "And" China red ". "China Red" expresses the joy of the heart, reflects the magnificence and atmosphere of the new people, and can also express the enthusiasm and festive atmosphere. Brides who like Chinese characteristics can try this style.

Romantic style

Snuggle together, Lang feeling concubine, full of tender style. The bride and groom can have more interactive scenes, such as kissing, hugging and holding hands, which can create a warm and sweet atmosphere.

Story style

There's a storyline, like a movie close-up The style of... There is a strong commemorative significance, the photos are connected, and it is a beautiful story to tell. This is The generation after 1980s The bride-to-be needs wedding photos, a plot, a story, one by one Personal wedding photos The story presented is the story of the couple's love, both bitter and sweet.

Retro style

Chinese or foreign classical or nostalgic style. Wedding photos have a feeling of old movies, very lingering and texture. sumptuous Crystal chandelier Fans of the same castle, fans of the same story, love here to display its touching charm, to retain the immortal love of lovers.

Natural style

New dress Leisure suit Very natural, real and free. The bride and groom can pose for a love portrait in matching outfits. Compared with the previous uniform "smiling face", this kind of casual wedding photos on the couple's expression is rich. Flirty, angry, sweet... Everything. In the photo content also add a lot of scenes in it, playing, fighting, proposing, snuggling, memories, etc., almost become the love record of two people.

Simple style

The color is simple, with close-up flavor, highlighting the style of the theme. The bride and groom's expressions and actions are very prominent, which can highlight their appearance and temperament.

Korean style

Korean style, including traditional and modern dress Korean style It is more elaborate, highlighting the sweetness and meekness of the bride. Beautiful Korean style Traditional clothing Exquisite Korean background design, unique Korean makeup style, with strong Korean style the Korean wedding photos Has been sought after by many young people. The beauty and elegance of the bride photography in the work is a typical style of Korean wedding photos.

Euro-american style

if Korean wedding photos It's all about simplicity and beauty, so Europe and America Wedding photos focus on solemnity and luxury. Bridal dress With luxury and grand as the keynote, outstanding layering And large train, tailored and workmanship, simple style. Bridal dress suitable for court banquets in Europe and America Men's dress Main.

Body modeling

shoot Location wedding photos Many photographers like to ask new people to pose in a set pattern, that is," Staged photography ", and finally came out of the wedding photos without any new ideas. Why not take the lead themselves, understand some outside shooting common sense, let their wedding photos and nature perfect together, put their own unique creative wedding photos pose to make their wedding photos different.
1, outdoor wedding photo pose, head and body should not be in a straight line:
When taking wedding photos outdoors, if the head and body are in a straight line, it will inevitably produce a dull feeling. Therefore, when the body is facing the front of the camera, the head should be turned slightly to the left or right, and the photo will appear elegant and vivid.
Note: With the help of some outdoor props table chairs or dolls, this will be more natural. You don't have to look at the camera to take a picture, but look at a place and your eyes must drift to that side to focus a little, so that the effect of photography is different.
2, outdoor wedding photo pose, arms and legs should not be parallel:
Whether you choose to take wedding photos in a sitting or standing position, do not let your arms or legs parallel, because this will make people feel stiff and mechanical. The appropriate approach can be one song all the way or both constitute a certain Angle. In this way, you can create both movement, posture and variety.
Note: Hands and feet are wide to play curved oh, open arms, or hug each other can be.
3, outdoor wedding photo pose, try to make the body curve clear:
For the bride in front of the camera, it is necessary to show her attractive curves.
The usual practice is to make your own A leg Actually supporting the whole body weight, with the other leg slightly elevated and resting on the standing leg, arm The chest should be turned around to show its narrowest side, and the chest should show its height and richness as much as possible through the curve of the waist. At the same time, one of the couple's hands can be placed on the hip to provide the necessary width to the picture.
Note: In fact, the most enchanting woman is the side, so try to put the shape of S in the side direction, the effect is very good and the lethality is also very great.
4, outdoor wedding photo posture, sitting posture:
When the couple sits for the shoot, do not sit the whole body into the chair as usual. Otherwise, the thigh will appear in a resting state, so that the fatty part of the upper leg will bulge, making the leg appear crude benzene.
The correct approach is to move the body forward, sit near the edge of the chair, and keep the chest out Stomach in This can avoid the phenomenon of shoulder drop and belly bulge.
2013 spring new theme - Daning Green
Note: It is best to integrate into nature to take wedding photos, can not sit, do not sit oh, if you need to take a sitting is also wide with the help of things around you to cover up, such as wedding skirts, such as flowers.
5, outdoor wedding photo pose, show good hand posture:
The proportion of the new person's hand in the picture is not large, but if placed improperly, it will destroy the overall beauty of the picture. When shooting, pay attention to the integrity of the hand, do not make it deformed, broken, incomplete feeling. If your hand is akimbo or in your pocket, expose part of your finger to avoid giving the impression of amputation.
Note: Clap your hands according to the posture Hand shape If the hand belongs to the elongated type, it is wide to shoot your own ring into it, and it is also wide to shoot close, if the hand is relatively thick and fleshy, it is recommended to hold other things to shoot the effect will be much better.