Chen Ailian

[chén ài lián]
Former Vice Chairman of Chinese Dancers Association
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Chen Ailian (December 24, 1939 - November 21, 2020), born in Shanghai, is a dancer, educator and one of the founders of New China's dance industry. National first-class actor , The first generation of dancers in New China, She has starred in dance dramas such as "Fish and Beauty", "Red Flag", "White-haired Girl", "Princess Wencheng" and "Dream of Red Mansions". [1] [10] Known as the "Red dancing shoes of the Republic" [12] .
Antenatal office Chinese Dancers Association Vice President, Chinese National Academy of Arts Researcher of Dance Research Institute, Director of Chinese Opera and Dance Research Institute, China Opera and Dance Theatre Dancer and director, teacher, head of Chen Ailian Art Troupe, Beijing Ailian Dance School President, Professor of Art Department of Nankai University and Hainan University, Professor of Wang Kun Art College. [14]
Sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Member, formerly China Zhigong Party Member of the Central Committee, China Association for Cultural Exchange with Foreign Countries Council Member, Chinese Population Culture Promotion Association Director, China-Indonesia Economic and Cultural Exchange Association Director, China Performance Association Director, China Tianhan Foundation Trustee. In 2007." National Top 10 social welfare stars "The candidate." "Passion Dream" art competition invited art consultant. [1-2]
At 1:59 on November 21, 2020, Chen Ailian died of illness at the age of 81. [3]
Chen Ailian
Foreign name
Ailian Chen [11]
Place of Birth
Date of birth
December 24, 1939 [10]
Date of death
November 21, 2020
Graduate School
Beijing Dance Academy
Representative works
Spring river flowers moonlight night , Snake Dance (Pas de deux)
Major achievement
It was transferred in 1963 China Opera and Dance Theatre
Ancestral land
Kwangtung Panyu (a county in Henan Province)
Chen Yu Chen Jie [8-9]
Political status
CPC member [10]


Chen Ailian was born on December 24, 1939 Shanghai , ancestral home Kwangtung Panyu (a county in Henan Province) . A young orphan. [10]
In 1952, he was admitted from Shanghai Heart Orphanage Central Academy of Drama Affiliated dance company classes,
In 1954, he was admitted to the first dance school in China Beijing Dance School He graduated with straight A's in all subjects in 1959. In the same year, she starred in China's first dance drama combining ballet and Chinese dance. The Fish Beauty He became one of the youngest dancers in China at that time.
After graduation, he stayed in school for 4 years and engaged in dance teaching.
It was transferred in 1963 China Opera and Dance Theatre . Her dance movements are light and smooth, with strong skills, and she is good at Chinese classical dance, folk dance and other styles of dance.
Since 1957, she has starred in dance dramas Zhang Yu and Qionglian, The Fish Beauty ", "The Red Flag", "The White Haired Girl", "Little Knife Club"," Princess Wencheng ", "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Peony Pavilion", "Fan Yi", "Peony Pavilion" Farewell my concubine "Etc., is China's most starring dance drama dancers.
In 1961, at the 8th World Festival of Peace and Friendship for Young Students held in Finland, she won four gold Awards for her performances of "Spring River Night" (solo dance), "Snake Dance" (double dance), "Bow Dance" (lead dance) and "Grass Hat Dance" (lead dance). She has also starred in dance dramas "Fish and Beauty", "Red Flag", "White-haired Girl", "Princess Wencheng", "Dream of Red Mansions", "Peony Pavilion" and so on.
After his comeback in 1980, he held his first personal dance party and won the first prize of the Ministry of Culture. Subsequently, he held several personal dance performances in Beijing, Shanghai and other places. He has accompanied and led the troupe to perform in dozens of countries and regions, and is one of China's most influential dance masters in the world.
In 1980, China held the first individual dance party - "Chen Ailian Dance Party", using Chinese classical dance, ballet, Chinese dance , China Folk dance , foreign folk dance, and Modern dance The performance technique of creative performance, successfully shaped the ancient, modern, Chinese and foreign ten distinct character of the female image, her performance is exquisite, beautiful, emotional dance and flourishing, by the vast audience and literary and art circles highly appraised.
In 1987, Chen Ailian held the second "Chen Ailian Dance special Party" and tried Chinese traditional dance with Modern dance The combination of dancing and success. Chen Ailian has created and directed the dance drama "Peony Pavilion" which won the first prize of Guangdong Art Festival. He also created and directed dances such as "Traffic Officer behind Enemy Lines", "Embroidered Gold Plaque", "Evening", "Oriental Song", "Happy Young People" and so on.
Since 1980, Chen Ailian has performed in Shandong Province, Shanxi Province, Northeast China, Shanghai Dance School, Guangdong Dance School, Peking University College of Foreign Languages, College of Posts and Telecommunications, College of Light Industry, Tianjin Nankai University Various provincial and municipal dance associations and universities will give lectures and demonstration performances
In 1989, the Ministry of Culture of China approved the first Chinese art troupe named after an individual, the Chen Ailian Art Troupe, with Chen Ailian as artistic director and head.
In 1991, the group visited the United States to raise funds for the Anhui flood and the New York Chinese community.
In 1992, the delegation visited Macao to raise funds and perform for the third National Games for the Disabled, which was well received by people from the United States and Macao.
In 1995, Chen Ailian Dance School was established with the approval of the Cultural Bureau and the Municipal Education Commission, with Chen Ailian as the principal.
In 1997, the large-scale national dance drama "Dream of Red Mansions" was again performed.
15 August 2006 attended" 2016 Grassland International Dance Carnival Event to award the winners. [15]
2018年6月30日参加“认真学习习近平总书记重要指示精神,做有信仰有情怀有担当的新时代文艺工作者座谈会” [16]
On December 21, 2019, participated in the Hunan TV Young Dancer Competition Show as a guest dancer. Dancestorm "Finals, at the age of 80 with the dancer Liu Jia Co-performance theme dance "Thunderstorm" [4] .
At 1:59 on November 21, 2020, Chen Ailian died of illness at the age of 81. [3] On the morning of November 27, 2020, the farewell ceremony of Chen Ailian's body was held in Beijing Babao Shandong Auditorium [5] .

Major work

Chen Ailian wrote in China's most authoritative newspaper, People's Daily "," Guangming Daily "," Beijing Daily "," Beijing Evening News ", "Dance", "Culture and Life", "Dance", etc., published on the inheritance and development of Chinese classical dance, "Silent Language", "Talk about" Snake Dance ", "Dance as emotion, emotion as dance" and other dance papers and review articles.
Since 1957, he has performed at home and abroad:
Solo dance: "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night", "Lantern Dance" ( Mongolian dance ), "Beating Drum" (Uyghur), "Fish Dance" (Dai), "Water" (Dai), "Traffic behind Enemy Lines", "Dream Return", "Sword Dance", "Ball Dance" (India), "Death of the Swan" (Soviet ballet), "Nishang Yuyi Dance", "Song of the Slave" (Tibetan);
Pas de deux: "Bow Dance", "Snake Dance", "Song of the Wanderer", "Spanish Pas de Deux", "Three Acts of Fish and Beauty", "Dusk", "Country Road", "Happy Young Man", "Straw Hat Song";
Women's dance: "Grass Hat Dance", "Picking tea and Butterfly Dance", "Grassland Women Militia", "Grassland Women Militia" Red Silk Dance ", "Embroidered Gold Dance" and so on.
Chen Ailian represented Chinese dancers at the 8th edition held in Finland World Youth Festival Performed the four dances of "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night", "Bow Dance", "Snake dance" and "Grass Li Dance", and won four gold MEDALS in one fell swoop.
The solo dance "Nishang Yuyi Dance" won the Outstanding performance award of Special dancers in the first National Dance Competition.
"Chen Ailian Dance Party" won the first prize of the Ministry of Culture, and the dance drama "Wencheng Princess" won the first prize of performance.
In 1987, she held the second "Chen Ailian Dance special Party" and tried it Chinese traditional dance Combined with modern dance, it has achieved success. [6]

Character achievement

In 1995, Chen Ailian founded" Beijing Ailian Dance School ". She put all her energy and resources into running the school. I sold my property, took out all my savings, built 20,000 square meters of school buildings, purchased a lot of teaching equipment, and made Ailian Dance School a first-class dance school in China, training more than 400 outstanding dance talents for the country.
In 1997, she invested nearly one million yuan to re-stage and perform the large-scale national dance "Dream of Red Mansions", and participated in the 1997 Chinese Dance Drama Year on behalf of China, which was praised at home and abroad, and has been staged more than 300 times.
In 2002, it hosted "50 years of Chen Ailian Art" - a series of public welfare exhibition activities, which was listed as one of the cultural activities to welcome the Party's "16th National Congress" by the Central Propaganda Department.
She has been to the front lines, troops, construction sites, hospitals and other condolent performances, and also organized students and Chen Ailian art Troupe to actively participate China Central Television , Beijing Television Station A benefit performance. More than 200 students and teachers were sent to participate in the 2008 Olympic song performance Asian Cup Football opening ceremony dance performance and other hundreds of public welfare performances.
Chen Ailian is willing to help children from poor families who are talented in dancing to learn, and always extends a warm hand to help them in their difficulties, reducing tuition fees, miscellaneous fees, board fees, accommodation fees, etc. The cost of Chen Ailian's support for poor children reached more than 1 million yuan.
2002 Central Leadership Jiang Zemin , Zhu Rongji , Hu Jintao Respectively for Chen Ailian inscription, congratulations on her artistic youth fifty years!
She is well deserved to be a milestone figure in the history of Chinese contemporary dance, with her 55 years of stage career to announce the miracle of the dance world. [1] [6]

Social activity

February 3, 2017, attended CCTV integrated channel China Youth TV Open Class program Let's begin [13] "

Honor received

Chen Ailian has won various art awards for many times, and has been awarded the titles of "March 8th Red Flag Bearer" and "Outstanding Contribution Award" by the Ministry of Culture and Beijing. The Mayor of New York awarded her the "Virtue Award" and the Duke of England awarded her the "Ultimate Achievement Award". [6]
On December 21, 2019, the China Federation of Literary and Art awarded Chen Ailian the honorary title of "Lifelong Achievement Dancer". [10]

Character evaluation

She is a famous dance performance artist, educator, the first generation of dancers in New China, one of the founders of New China's dance cause, known as the "red dance shoes of the Republic". She has starred in "Fish and beauty", "White Haired Girl", "Spring Night", "Dream of Red Mansions" and other dance dramas, each one is the classic in the history of new China's dance. On behalf of China, she participated in the World Youth and Students Peace and Friendship Festival and won four gold awards.
She is an orphan and once said she was raised by the party. She made every effort to cultivate Chinese dance talents, and spent all her savings and self-raised funds to establish the Ailian Dance School. Over the past 20 years, she has supported 100 poor children to complete their education. She is a member of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and has been calling for the development of Chinese dance, making suggestions and suggestions.
At the age of 81, she joined the Communist Party of China, which she said was the happiest and most glorious day of her life. She has been in art for more than 60 years, creating the "ageless myth" in the dance industry, interpreting "choose one thing, end one's life" with her life, she has gone, the spirit is forever, and she has left the beautiful light of art in the world. ( Net of the People's Political Consultative Conference ) [12]