Ancient Greek drama

Plays of the Ancient Greek period
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Ancient Greek drama, which flourished roughly between the end of the 6th century BC and the beginning of the 4th century BC Ancient Greek The drama of the period.
Chinese name
Ancient Greek drama
Time of occurrence
Between the end of the 6th century BC and the beginning of the 4th century BC
Representative works
Oresteia , Antigone , Oedipus the King , Medea , The Akanai
Dramatic features
Three unities The consistency of time, the consistency of place and the consistency of performance

Introduction to drama

Ancient Greek drama
Athens, the political and military center of ancient Greece at that time, was also the center of ancient Greek drama. Athenian tragedy and comedy are among the earliest forms of drama in the world. Ancient Greek theater and plays Western drama And the development of culture has had a lasting and profound impact.
View of the Ancient Greek Theatre


Ancient Greek theatre is the oldest theatre in the world, originating in the 6th century BC and reaching its peak in the 5th century BC. The earliest theatrical tradition in Athens began with the sacrificial ceremonies Dionysius Of Dionysus Religious activity . This origin has been verified to be accurate, as the earliest theatrical performances in Athens took place at the annual festival bacchanal Up. It is not known how this kind of worship for fertility developed into the earliest tragedies and comedies.
Satyr play
Aristotle wrote in his book poetics It says: Greek tragedy It predates satyr play and comedy, and tragedy has its roots in Dionysian chants lamenting the misfortunes of Dionysus (the original meaning of tragedy is "song of the goat"). . These hymns were written when people were drunk improvisation Yes. In 600 BC, the poet Alion developed the Dionysian hymn into a new style of art with narrative characteristics, sung by choruses. In 534 BC, a man named Thespis He became the first person to play a major role in this kind of narrative drama. By reciting lines and acting personally, he tries to fully inhabit the character; At the same time, he combined his performance with the chorus. In this embryonic drama, the chorus plays the role of narrator and commentator. Thespis is considered to be the earliest actor of ancient Greece. The original meaning of comedy is "carnival parade song", which originated from the carnival songs and burlesque performances in the Dionysian festival.
Ruins of the Ancient Greek Theatre (Figure 1)
It was also during this period that the influence of the theatre spread beyond Athens. Athenian Dionysius The festival remains the most important theatrical event of the year, and every ancient Greek city-states They built their own theaters. One of the best preserved is the Epidolas Theatre. Every ancient Greek theatre was associated with religious celebrations and myths. Only four dramatists of this period have written works, all of them Athenians. They were the tragic writer Aeschylus, Sophocles And Euripides, and the comedy writer Aristophanes. Their works, together with Aristotle's theoretical writings, constitute the entire understanding of ancient Greek drama.
The Peloponnesian War Since then, the power of Athens has greatly weakened, and the development of its drama seems to have gradually lost its vitality. The drama, however, was there Hellenistic age You have obtained Sustainable development Especially in the 4th century BC Alexander the Great After a series of expansionist wars. The dominant form of drama in the Hellenistic era was" New comedy ". The only influential playwright of this era was Menander . The important contribution of the new comedy to the later generations is that it has influenced the later generations Ancient Rome Comedy, especially among the important playwrights of ancient Rome Plautus And Terrence's influence.

Dramatic features

Ruins of the Ancient Greek Theatre (Figure 2)
Western scholars have summed up the characteristics of ancient Greek drama from Poetics Three unities The consistency of time, the consistency of place and the consistency of performance. The action of ancient Greek plays usually took place over the course of a single day, and the locations did not change. There is often only one main line in the plot, and other sub-plots are not allowed to exist. Aristotle The original intention of the theory of "three unities" is to describe an objective form, rather than specify one Ideal state . Not all ancient Greek plays followed the rigid "three unities," but the theory held true in most cases. Aristotle In poetics, there are six elements of theater, namely plot, character, and thought. thought ), language, music, and spectacle.
At that time, tragedy and comedy were considered to be two distinct forms of drama, and no Greek drama could contain the characteristics of both. Although the satyrs play takes the gods or aristocrats as the protagonists in the title, it satirizes the protagonists in the play through the spirit of banter and the vulgar words, which has the style of comedy.


Ancient Greek drama
Ancient Greek The theater is generally open air and consists of three parts: Orchestra pit (or main hall, dance floor), view room and auditorium. The orchestra pit, which is often located in the center of the building and usually also acts as a stage, is a circular area with a circumference of 150 meters. The orchestra pit is where actors perform and chorus The place where the chant is also held Religious ceremony The place. There's always an altar in the middle of the orchestra pit. In Athens, this altar is usually used as a memorial Dionysus Build.
Behind the orchestra pit is a rectangular building called skene, which means "tent" or "shack". The function of the view house is equivalent to Ancient Greek theatre Backstage, where actors can change costumes and masks. Usually there are three doors outside the scene leading to the orchestra pit. In some theaters, there is a performance area protruding from the ground in front of the view room, which is the prototype of the stage front in modern theaters. The earliest view houses are often like their original meaning, which is a tent-like structure for religion celebration It was built and demolished after the celebration. Later, as theater became a mainstream art style, so did theater permanence The building of... Sometimes people also painted patterns on the exterior of the scene house as a stage background. This is also the origin of the word "scenery" in English.
Around the orchestra pit Slope form The structure is the auditorium. The auditorium is usually built on the slope of a hill, and the audience watches the show from neatly arranged benches. Ancient Greek theatres were usually built only on the slopes of the hills in the right shape. Ancient Greek theaters were usually very large, seating 15,000 people. These theatres are usually open, and the audience can clearly see the other people around them, including the actors and chorus, and the scenery around the theatre.


The Complete Greek Tragedies
The sheer size of the ancient Greek theatre required actors to exaggerate their performances. They recite their lines loudly and make large gestures so that the audience can see and hear them. It is for the same reason that smaller props are often not used in dramatic performances, and actors use gestures to refer to certain objects. Ancient Greek plays usually had only two or three actors, so one actor often played several different roles at the same time. Often, a role can be played by several actors at the same time. Ancient Greek drama mostly contained elements of music and dance. The chorus and characters recite and chant rhymes with additional accompaniment.
Because of the distance between the actors and the audience, the actors had to change their costumes and masks frequently to attract the audience's attention. Actors use thick-soled They wore boots to make them appear taller, and sometimes brightly colored gloves to make their gestures recognizable to the audience.
The mask is the most Greek symbol in the drama. In a play, each actor has his or her own unique mask. These masks were usually made of linen or cork, so none of them survive to this day; But from drawings and sculptures of ancient Greek actors, we know the shape of those masks. Masks used in tragedy tend to be expressions of pain or mourning, while masks used in comedy are usually smiling expressions or have a slightly sinister connotation. Actors use masks to cover their entire faces, including their hair, while performing. The shape of these masks has been shown to facilitate the diffusion of the actors' voices, making them more vocal Penetrating power It is easier for the audience to hear clearly.



Ancient Greek tragedy

Ancient Greek drama
Ancient Greek tragedy Sacrificial origin Dionysius The celebration of Dionysus. Long in the ancient Greek world Evolution process This primitive sacrificial activity gradually developed into an artistic style accompanied by chorus songs, performed by actors, and shaped the environment by curtains, backgrounds, masks, etc., which is Western drama The prototype of... Ancient Greek drama was mostly based on mythology, Heroic legend And epic, so the subject matter is usually very serious.
Aristotle In his poem Poetics, he discussed the meaning of tragedy. He believes that the purpose of tragedy is to arouse the audience's pity for the characters and fear of the capricious fate, thus purifying the emotions. The conflicts described in tragedies are often difficult to reconcile and have a fatalistic color. The hero in the tragedy often has a strong and unyielding character and heroic spirit, but he always fails in the process of fighting with the fate.
The earliest tragic writers included the "father of drama." Thespis Corilos, who first introduced masks in the play, and so on. But the most accomplished tragedian of this period was Aeschylus , Sophocles and Euripides Three people.
Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC) is the most ancient Greek Great tragedy Writer. His greatest contribution to ancient Greek tragedy was the introduction of a second actor in the performance, changing the traditional mode of ancient Greek drama in which only one actor and chorus performed together Dramatic plot The development and dramaturgy Rich and colorful It provides possibilities and facilities. Of the 80 known works by Aeschylus, only seven have survived, including "Aeschylus." Oresteia " triplet (Agamemnon, The Wine Maker, and The Nemesis), The Beggar, The Persian, The Seven Will Attack Thebai, and Prometheus. Aeschylus was the first master of the entire ancient Greek drama and had a profound influence on the development of the entire Western dramatic art.
Sophocles (Ex 496- ex 406) Yes Athenian democracy Tragedian in his heyday. He entered his first tragedy competition at the age of 27, i.e
He defeated Aeschylus. Aristophanes He was praised as "perfect in life and without regret in death". Sophocles wrote more than 100 plays in his lifetime, but only seven have been handed down, the highest achievement is the" Antigone "And" Oedipus the King ". Among them, Oedipus the King is regarded as a model of ancient Greek tragedy. Sophocles The tragedy is often referred to as" Tragedy of fate ", that is, usually expresses the individual Volitional act The conflict with fate.
Euripides (485-406 BC) is Athens Slavery democracy A tragedian in times of national crisis. He never participated in any political activities in his life, but was absorbed in philosophical thinking. He raised many issues in his work, including divinity and humanity, war and peace, democracy, women's issues, and so on. He wrote more than 80 tragedies in his life, 18 of which have been handed down to the world. Some of the best include Medea "," Trojan women ", etc. Euripides It was a time when Athens went from apparent prosperity to turmoil. The Peloponnesian War After the outbreak, various Social contradiction Increasingly acute, the crisis of faith and moral decline appear. In the plays of Euripides, one can clearly feel the playwright's interest in Greece Political reality The skeptical attitude. Medea is considered one of the most moving tragedies of ancient Greece, and it was the first time in Western literature that women were portrayed as major characters. Because of Euripid
stevian Dramatic style Unlike the traditional style of tragedy, so he was not famous during his life, but he was famous after his death Western drama History has a great influence.

Ancient Greek comedy

The ancient Greek comedy Sacrificial origin Dionysius The carnival song and dance and folk burlesque. In 487 BC, Athens officially decided to add a comedy competition to the Spring Festival of Dionysus.
Ancient Greek comedy is mostly political satire and social satire, which was produced in the flourishing period of democracy with relatively free speech. The comedy of this period has strong criticality He is particularly good at satirizing people in power. Comedy at this time was called" Old comedy ". In the 5th century BC, Athens produced three major comic poets, namely, Cratinos, Opolis and Aristophanes, and only Aristophanes has written works.
Aristophanes (446-358 BC) lived during the Peloponnesian War, when the city-state civilization of Athens was in decline and Athenian society emerged Gap between rich and poor Political factions and other phenomena, these are called the playwright's creative material. Aristophanes wrote 44 comedy plays in his lifetime, but only 11 have survived in their entirety, the more famous ones include The Babylonians, The Clouds, The Birds, The Knights, and the Knights. The Akanai ", etc. Among them, "Bird" is the best work, and it is also the most complete allegorical comedy existing in ancient Greece, which is a utopian comedy origin . Aristophanes was the father of comedy throughout Europe, and it was he who established the tradition of comedy in Western literature to present serious subjects in a comical form.