Napoleon III

France's first democratically elected president and last monarch
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Napoleon III (French: Napoleon III, 20 April 1808-9 January 1873 [6] ), full name of Charles-Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Charles-Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte), commonly known as" Louis Bonaparte ", yes Second French Republic The only president (1848-1851) and Second French Empire The sole Emperor (1852-1870). [4] Napoleon I Nephew and heir, and grandson of his wife Empress Josephine (Napoleon III's mother was born to Josephine by her first husband).
Napoleon III in First French Empire After the collapse, long exile abroad. After the February Revolution of 1848, he returned to France and was elected President of the Republic in December. On December 2, 1851, a military coup d 'etat led to the establishment of a dictatorship, and on December 2 of the following year, he declared himself emperor and established the Second French Empire. postreign liberalism Reform, the adoption of economic development policies, promote France The first Industrial Revolution Completed; Externally, participate Crimean War He launched wars against China, Vietnam, Algeria, and Mexico. [4]
In 1870, Napoleon III was in Franco-prussian War Fail in, on Battle of Serdang He surrendered, was captured, and was deposed. He was also the first democratically elected president and the last monarch of France. [1] In March 1871, Napoleon III was released and lived in seclusion in England until his death on January 9, 1873. He was 64 years old. [6]
Full name
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon III , Louis Bonaparte
Ethnic group
French nation
Place of Birth
Date of birth
April 20, 1808
Date of death
January 9, 1873
Time in place
December 2, 1852 to September 4, 1870
Major achievement
The first democratically elected president in French history
Second French Empire Founding emperor
enunciate France complete Industrial revolution
Major work
The Thoughts of Napoleon, On the Eradication of Poverty, Political Meditations.
Foreign name
Charles-Louis- Napoleon Bonaparte
Graduate School
University of Augsburg
Have faith in
Catholicism [1]



Early experience

Napoleon III was born Charles-Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte on April 20, 1808 French empire Capital Paris [6] . Louis Napoleon's father was Napoleon I's younger brother Louis Bonaparte His mother was Napoleon's stepdaughter Otance de Beauarne . So he was Napoleon's nephew. The marriage of Louis Napoleon's parents was by Napoleon's wife Josephine Beauarne It was arranged to produce an heir for the then childless Napoleon. [1]
It has been suggested that Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's real biological father was someone else, so he inherited it legitimacy It is questionable. However, the prevailing opinion is that Louis-Napoleon was the son of Louis Bonaparte and Beauharnet. The subject is considered a hot topic by his enemies because his parents are estranged and his mother is rumored to have had multiple lovers. However, his Parents are in he Before birth He lived together for a period of nine and a half months, so the theory of his biological father is not very credible.
Louis Napoleon had three sons. The eldest son died in childhood. Later, Louis Bonaparte and his wife Otunce quarrel, but also to meet Netherlands The merchant demanded that the Emperor's brother be destroyed Napoleon Bonaparte Designed against the British Continental blockade policy . Napoleon was so unhappy with this that he removed his brother from the throne in 1810. When Louis Bonaparte was deposed, he went to France Kingdom of Italy the Florence Stay idle. Otuns refused to accompany him and stayed at the Palace in Paris. Louis-napoleon Bonaparte's childhood has been spent in the court, the palace of the rich and prosperous life, the influence of his life is quite great. [2]
Louis-napoleon's parents became king and queen of the Kingdom of Holland, a French puppet state, during Napoleon's reign. In 1815, Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, House of Bourbon Restoration, 1816, restoration Ordered the Bonaparte family exiled, The House of Bonaparte Members were forced into exile. Otuns was also forced into exile. Louis Bonaparte, who lived in Florence, according to the Procedural law I'm leaving my eldest son. Otuns had to take his youngest son Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte to wander in Germany and Switzerland.
In 1817, Louis Napoleon moved to Switzerland with his mother, where he grew up in Arenneberg, Canton of Thurgau, Switzerland University of Augsburg Prep and Arenberg Military engineering School and artillery school for education. By the time Louis Napoleon was 20, he had become a "liberal" who hated the Bourbons but was also dominated by the idea of imperial power. Louis Napoleon's liberalism Ideas were mixed with the cult of Napoleon. Louis Napoleon graduated as an artillery officer and attained the rank of captain.


Louis Napoleon, 1836.
Outbreak of France in 1830 July Revolution Louis-napoleon Bonaparte was in Italy. The revolution overthrew the Bourbons. Under the influence of the July Revolution, an uprising broke out in central Italy in February 1831, with Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, who had some liberal tendencies, joining the rebels. He supports Italy. charcoal-burner Movement and participation in the Roman region revolts, after the rule of Italy Papal states And Austrian forces subsequently suppressed the revolution, and Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was forced to flee to Paris, after London Return to Arenneberg, Switzerland. Louis-napoleon Bonaparte became a Swiss citizen in 1832, the same year as Napoleon I's son Napoleon II Die. From then on, the 24-year-old Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte became a pretender to the Bonaparte family to seize the throne. He developed a belief that fate had determined him to succeed his uncle. Being emperor became his dream.
Louis-philippe's accession to the throne was opposed by the Orthodox, Bonapartist and some independents. In October 1836, Louis-Napoleon returned to France in an attempt to follow suit The island of Elba Uncle, staged a coup d 'etat. He plans to incite Strasbourg On 30 October, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, in imitation of his uncle, dressed in grey, tried to start an army riot at Strasbourg against the July Dynasty Military uniform , wearing a Napoleonic head Tricorne hat With the "eagle flag" (after Napoleon declared himself emperor in 1804, he used the eagle as a symbol Great seal of the state On the pattern, the eagle also became Napoleon and Napoleonic empire With the assistance of several Bonaparte veterans and former officers, he went to the two artillery regiments of the garrison at Strasbourg and made a speech calling on the soldiers to overthrow Louis Philippe And made him king. This absurd and ludicrous venture was met with such a shock that the garrison not only did not turn to Louis Napoleon, but arrested him. After only a few hours, the rebels were all disarmed. Louis-napoleon Bonaparte was taken to the police station, and his mother wrote to Louis-Philippe pleading for mercy. Louis Philippe himself did not want a public trial of Louis Napoleon, so he asked the government to exile him. The French government, at the king's request, exiled him abroad. After that, Louis-Napoleon went Brazil He returned to Switzerland in August 1837 because his mother was critically ill. After the death of his mother, he, with his accomplices, published 10,000 pamphlets in France relating the events of 30 October 1836 (Relation historique des evenements du 30 octobre 1836). Louis-philippe asked Switzerland to extradite him to France to stand trial. Switzerland refused Louis Philippe's request on the grounds that Louis Napoleon was a citizen of Switzerland and a member of its armed forces, and relations between the two countries deteriorated rapidly.
1836 - Louis Napoleon's first coup d 'etat
The French government is starting to Jura Assemble the troops and reach 25,000 men. Louis Napoleon, in order to avoid the outbreak of war between the two countries, left Switzerland for England, after which he was in England Warwickshire Royal Leamington Spa Clarendon Square for a year. While in England, Louis Napoleon published The Ideas of Napoleon (1839) and other books Political essay Set, propaganda relied on the military and the Catholic Church to build strong, protective smallholder farmers Land ownership The government of... In the book, he promoted Napoleon as a "hero of the people" and "the true representative of the revolution", thereby elevating his position as Napoleon's heir. The book was published in four editions in 1839 and again in London in 1840. [2]
Louis Napoleon in captivity
On August 6, 1840, Louis-Napoleon took advantage of the popularity of Napoleonism, and he and 50 mercenary Together, dressed in French military uniforms, they chartered a small British steamer in the name of sea tourism, and they sailed to France, in Boulogne sur Mer Secretly disembark and prepare to arrive by train Lille As in the previous coup, it incited the local garrison and attempted to launch another rebellion among the local garrison. On arrival in Lille, the national gendarmerie identified him and the two sides exchanged fire. In the end, Louis-Napoleon was shot and wounded, arrested again, and sentenced Life imprisonment , imprisoned in located Somme Louis-napoleon spent nearly six years in prison as a well-treated prisoner. During his imprisonment, Louis-Napoleon wrote "On the Eradication of Poverty" in his prison, in which he claimed that he wanted to become progressivism The emperor, promoted moderate Economic policy And he will have his own Ideological system Defined as Bonapartism, dressing up as Working people Defender of interests, 1844, uncle of Louis Napoleon Joseph Bonaparte In Italy Florence Died. In May 1846, he disguised himself as a stonemason and, with a pipe in his mouth, swaggered out of the fort. For this reason, Louis-Napoleon's political opponents later nicknamed him "Badinguet" after the stonemason. Louis Napoleon escaped from prison and returned to England Southport After that, he spent more than a year in England chasing the wind and butterflies in the boring life, and just a month after Louis Napoleon returned to England, Louis Napoleon's father also died, and he became the absolute heir of the Bonaparte family. Although Louis-Napoleon's two actions were quite absurd and ridiculous, he eventually gained a small reputation for them, and coupled with the growing popularity of Bonapartism among the French people, Louis-Napoleon's reputation also rose with the tide.

Elected member

The year 1848 February Revolution After the outbreak, Louis-Philippe's July dynasty The downfall of, Second French Republic When Louis Napoleon learned of the February Revolution, he said to his cousin, "The Republic is established, and I want to control it." Although his cousin said that he was "dreaming as usual", Louis-Napoleon returned from London to Paris on 28 February with high hopes, but his return to France was met with disappointment Provisional government The rejection. The Provisional government demanded that Louis-Napoleon leave France immediately, on the grounds that he had not been asked to return and that the Republic did not need such "superfluous trouble", and Louis-Napoleon, deeply disappointed, returned to England on 2 March after publicly declaring that he had "no intention". In the meantime, he volunteered to join the special police force and participated in the repression Chartist movement . At the same time, Alphonse de lamartine In France, a bill was proposed to permanently ban former members of the royal family from returning to France, but it was ultimately rejected by parliament. In May of that year, Constituent assembly A by-election was held, and in June, Louis-Napoleon was elected to the posts of Paris, Ronne, Corsica This result caused unease in the Executive Committee and controversy within the Constituent Assembly, and Louis Napoleon, in order to demonstrate his innocence, sent a representative on June 16 "not without strong regret" resignation At the same time, a workers' uprising broke out in Paris, which was brutally suppressed by the provisional government forces. The head of the provisional government at that time, a military officer of the July dynasty Louis-eugene Cavenac His image was badly damaged. [3]
In the months after he submitted his resignation, Louis Napoleon continued to roam the theatres, parks and bookstores of London with his beloved dog in his leisure. In September, the Constituent Assembly held a by-election, and Louis Napoleon was again elected by a large number of votes. The Constituent Assembly had no right to refuse to accept the new member of parliament Universal suffrage On September 24, Louis-Napoleon entered Paris as a member of parliament. In the Parliament, Louis-Napoleon not only rarely spoke, but also tried not to take part in various votes in order to avoid getting involved in controversy. He did not devote much energy to government affairs, nor did he impress his colleagues. Louis Napoleon lived most of his life abroad French With a German accent. [2]

Prince president

On October 12, 1848, Louis-Napoleon formally announced his candidacy for the presidency, during the campaign, Louis-Napoleon promised to the people, "I guarantee with honor that in four years, I will hand over to my successor a solid regime and intact freedom." On December 10, France held a presidential election, putting forward a total of six candidates. There were Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis Cavenac, Lamartine, Rydrel Lorraine, Rathbert, and Shangarnier. In the election, Louis-Napoleon's slogan of rebuilding order, creating a strong government, establishing social security, sorting out the whole society, and rebuilding national honor won support from many aspects. Dynasty of Orleans Monarchists such as members of the Old aristocracy supported Louis-Napoleon as a "less bad" candidate, believing that he would restore order and stabilize the unstable country. Some capitalists, attracted by Louis-Napoleon's progressive economic views, supported him, as did the French peasant class, who believed that, like his uncle Napoleon Bonaparte, he could restore France's voice and stabilize the unstable situation. Louis-napoleon Bonaparte won a landslide victory in the presidential election, defeating Cavanjacques with 5600,000 votes and becoming the first elected president in the history of France. On December 20, Louis-Napoleon was sworn in. That night, to the shouts of "Long live the Republic" from the deputies, President Louis Napoleon is on his way Elysee Palace . During his presidency, Louis Napoleon proclaimed himself "President Prince."
Louis Napoleon was elected president, but once in office he faced a parliament dominated by monarchists who saw his reign as a bridge to the Restoration. His first year in office was marked by careful administration and appointments center-right the Party of Order Members are officials, avoiding conflict with the conservative-dominated parliament. Louis Napoleon won over members of the Catholic church by supporting the re-establishment of secular rule by the Pope. At the same time, he also courted secularists by pushing the Pope to introduce liberal reforms, and in 1851 Louis Napoleon passed Falou's education law, which restored the Catholic Church's influence in the educational system. Louis-napoleon drew in his cronies, won the support of the army, and dismissed General Shanganier, who had moved closer to the Party of Order, so as to seize military power.
As soon as President Louis Napoleon assumed full military and political power, he began to royalist The cabinet and Legislative assembly Operate. His constant use of political tactics kept the cabinet in a constant state of change; And by amending the constitution, the power of parliament was weakened. Louis-napoleon lobbied the Parliament to amend the constitution to allow him a second term as president, claiming that four years would not be enough time for him to complete political and economic reforms, and the monarchist dominated parliament refused. In 1850, Parliament passed a new electoral law that limited universal suffrage and shortened the presidential term from four to three years. Many of the lower classes were thus disqualified from voting. Louis-napoleon Bonaparte seized the opportunity to use the lower classes to eliminate his political opponents, touring the country with speeches denouncing parliament and claiming to be the protector of universal suffrage. [2]
1851 coup d 'etat
According to Article 45 of the Constitution of 1848, the President is elected for a term of four years and cannot be re-elected. The second Sunday in May, 1852, was approaching, and the president's powers could not be extended without the repeal of this provision. In July 1851, he proposed changes to the Constitution, which the Legislative Assembly resisted. In November, he proposed the removal of cabinet ministers and the restoration of universal suffrage, which had been revoked by the Legislative Assembly. This measure discredited the legislative Assembly in the eyes of the people and foreshadowed an impending coup. After a month of preparations, Louis-Napoleon, using funds from his mistress Harriet Howard, staged a coup d 'etat on 2 December 1851, the 47th anniversary of Napoleon's accession to the throne.
French President Louis Napoleon
On December 1, 1851, the already arranged proclamation began to be printed on the machine under the supervision of the army, and on December 2, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte finally launched a coup d 'etat, he mobilized more than 70,000 troops, occupied Paris, dissolved the Legislative Assembly, arrested all the members who opposed him, and sent troops to occupy the main parts of Paris Parliament house Paris was cut off from the provinces. At four o 'clock in the morning on December 2, the notice printed yesterday arrived at the Paris police station, and at more than six o 'clock, the capital Paris was plastered with notices announcing National assembly And the Council of State has been dissolved and universal suffrage restored by the people Vote on Whether to give the president more permanent powers and the power to change the constitution. Later, Paris proletariat Once built a fortress resistance, but also suffered a bloody crackdown by government forces, killed more than 1,000 people. Martial law was declared in 32 departments of the country, more than 26,000 people were arrested in Paris alone, socialists, democratic republicans, and all political opponents of Bonaparte were arrested deportation .
After the coup, his former supporters Victor Hugo Disappointed with him, he decided to go into exile and constantly made comments criticizing him. In order to secure his position, Louis Napoleon held a vote on December 20-21, 1851, on whether to extend the presidential term and give the president the power to write a new constitution referendum Louis-napoleon won by 7.5 million votes to 640,000 supermajority On January 14, 1852, a new constitution was adopted, which retained an elected parliament, re-established universal suffrage, and expanded the powers of the president to all Executive power With legislative powers granted to the president, which extended the presidential term to 10 years, and the power to appoint the next successor, a national referendum was held on January 20-21, 1852, which showed that 92% of voters supported the new constitution. Parliament soon became Rubber stamp The real power was entirely in the hands of Louis-Napoleon, whose personal dictatorship had been established, and on January 22, Louis-Napoleon confiscated it Dynasty of Orleans All property of members. [2]

Ascended to the throne

Shortly after the adoption of the new Constitution in 1852, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte prepared to declare himself emperor, first deliberately dropping his surname "Bonaparte" in his signature (historically only monarchies were eligible to do so), then increasing the presidential salary to 12 million francs, and the eagle emblem, a symbol of empire, began to be issued and hoisted everywhere. The President's face also began to appear on postage stamps and currency. In September, the process of restoring the monarchy began to accelerate. On the one hand, Louis Napoleon, by various means, created a century of enthusiasm for the president to declare himself emperor, and on the other hand, he tried to separate the relationship between empire building and foreign wars. In a manifesto speech at Bordeaux, Louis Napoleon said: "Some people, out of suspicion, think that empire is war. "I admit that I have as much conquest to do as the emperor [of his uncle Napoleon Bonaparte], and I have as much to assist in the reconciliation of divided parties as he did, that we have vast wilderness to exploit, roads to open, ports to dredge, rivers to be navigable, canals to be completed, our railways to be complete, These are my conquests." On November 20-21, 1852, Louis Napoleon held a national referendum on the restoration of the imperial system in France, and the result showed that 7.824 million votes were in favor, 253,000 votes were against, and 2 million abstained, and 97% of those who voted were in favor of declaring Louis Napoleon emperor. [1]
On December 2, 1852, Louis-Napoleon formally proclaimed himself emperor at the Palais Saint-Cloud, and according to the order, he was named Napoleon III after the titular Napoleon II, and the empire he established was called the French Empire, which was later also known as the French Empire. Second French Empire ". [3]
Napoleon III in military uniform
Napoleon III ruled as a dictatorship from 1852 to 1860, using censorship to prevent opposition to him, rigging local elections, and depriving parliament of real power. After Napoleon III declared himself emperor, he established a huge military bureaucracy State apparatus Half a million bureaucrats, half a million troops. On December 30, 1852, Napoleon III promulgated the Constitution of the French Empire, according to which the Emperor became the sole center of power, supreme and final in executive, legislative and judicial matters Decision-making power They were monopolized by the emperor, and in order to prevent the revolutionary movement, the Imperial government dissolved the trade unions, closed the progressive press, and prohibited all democratic and republican activities. The Catholic Church took control National education Rural priests acted as spies. Universal suffrage was retained, but elections were manipulated by the government. Police terror and whistleblowing have gripped the country, and the government will Political prisoner And the criminals were transported to various penal colonies. Opponents of Napoleon III made two unsuccessful attempts to assassinate him in April 1855 and January 1858.
After Napoleon III ascended the throne, he began to look for a wife, thinking that he had given birth to a legitimate heir. Most royal families in Europe were reluctant to marry the Bonaparte family, which was once again an upstart. He was tempted Sweden Prinsessa Carola av Sveriges and Prinzessin Adelheid zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, however, were rebuffed by each other. Napoleon had no choice but to lower his demands and finally chose to have Scotland She was married to the Spanish noblewoman Eugenie de Montijo (Empress Eugenie de Montijo). A few years later Eugenie gave birth to his crown prince, Napoleon Eugenie (Louis Napoleon the Younger or Napoleon IV). [2]
In foreign policy, Napoleon III hoped to restore France's national glory in Europe and abroad, and to support other regions Nationalist movement Such as support Serbia , Romania The Italian independence movement, seeking to expand the interests of the Catholic Church abroad, sought the friendship and cooperation of the British under Napoleon III without offending the British Colonial expansion In order not to offend Napoleon I again First French Empire The mistake he had taken against Algeria Martial law And send personnel to Africa Senegal It ruled and exploited, pushing French power deep into the interior of Africa. In 1850 Napoleon III again supported the building Suez Canal For the expansion of France to Egypt And the expansion of trade into Asia. France is also active The Far East Expansion, opening the way for missionaries and merchants, such as the pro-Japanese Tokugawa shogunate, secretly counterbalanced American and British influence in Japan, and joined forces with Britain to declare war on China in order to gain privileges in China. More united Britain declared war on Russia, causing Crimean War He succeeded in defeating Russia and presented himself as a Catholic champion, with the support of the Catholic Church Austrian Empire Became the largest defender of Catholic authority in Europe Political force . He also acted as a mediator in Paris and led the conference Balkan region The order of; Successful reconstruction of France in Mediterranean East and west Aegean Sea The forces along the coast. [2]

The color should be ashamed

In 1870, King of Prussia William I His cousin Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern, was interested in taking the Spanish throne. Napoleon III, not wanting to be attacked from both sides, asked Leopold to give up the idea. Seeing the tension, William I publicly declared that he would no longer support his cousin as king. Napoleon then demanded The Hohenzollern Dynasty The governor, William I, promised that no other Hohenzollern would ascend the Spanish throne, and was surprised by his rudeness. After a meeting with the French ambassador, William I wrote a telegram to the effect that he refused Napoleon's request. But, Bismarck In order to provoke Napoleon, the wording of the telegram was changed, which caused an uproar in French public opinion, Franco-prussian War Hence the outbreak.
Napoleon III and the French generals went into battle confident of victory. But Napoleon III made the crucial mistake of taking command of a disorganized army into his own hands. Nor did he command a large scale Military action The experience of the spirit is also often problematic.
Napoleon III and Bismarck [6]
At the end of July 1870, Napoleon III, who could hardly even ride a horse, led a group of cooks, servants, attendants, and a 14-year-old crown prince to the Rhine front. Apart from a few minor victories in early August, the French suffered a series of defeats over the following year, as the well-equipped and well-trained Prussians marched in. The officers of the front line considered the ailing Napoleon III to be a burden and asked him to return to Paris, but Eugenie, who had taken over as regent, refused. Napoleon III refused either to return to Paris or to surrender his command. The Emperor said to the people around him, "In fact, people are driving me away. People don't want me in the army. People don't want me in Paris." On September 1st, with McMahon Napoleon III, who had been besieged together at Serdon, decided to raise the white flag, and on September 2, Napoleon took over Look like a battle integument Prussian army Captive, Napoleon III signed a surrender with Prussia. And then he wrote a letter to the Queen again Personal style "I would rather die than witness such a catastrophic surrender, yet in the present circumstances it is the only way to save 60,000 people from slaughter." However, Napoleon III surrendered as an "ordinary soldier" with the Sartan garrison, and after his surrender, the Franco-Prussian War continued. On September 3rd, the emperor was Serdang surrender When the news reached Paris, a group of Republicans sprang into action. On September 4th, the Republicans were in Paris Town Hall Provisional establishment National defense government Whose nominal head is Troche But it is Gambetta who holds the real power. The Queen Regent who saw the tide turn Eugenie He escaped from Paris with the help of an American dentist and soon arrived in England. The end of the Second Empire, monarchy It has been extinct in France ever since. The war brought disaster to France, but it did Germany The region brought about a unified country. German Empire After its establishment, it quickly replaced France as a land power. [3]

Died in exile

Napoleon III after his abdication, 1872.
France had been declared a republic, and Napoleon III was no longer in power. For more than six months after the surrender in September 1870, Napoleon III was under house arrest in Kassel, western Germany, and in a more relaxed environment, he resumed his political writings, writing that in less than a year, or even six months, "terrible things will happen in France, and they will be suppressed and punished." During the period, Napoleon III also met with the German chancellor Bismarck, in March 1871, Napoleon III was released by the German Empire, after the end of his imprisonment, Napoleon III exiled to Britain and reunited with his family here. Napoleon III then spent the rest of his life at Camden Palace in Chislehurst, England, during which time Napoleon III visited a number of schools, factories, military camps, and gutter He also took a renewed interest in high technology and designed an energy-efficient stove that cut fuel consumption by half. To Napoleon III's relief, Eugenie, the empress who had hoped for his early death, and he resumed the kind of relationship that had existed in the early days of their marriage Intimate relationship Eugenie once said: "The glory is gone, the things that separated us no longer exist", "the darker the future, the more we need to support each other." [3]
On January 9, 1873, Napoleon III made two unsuccessful attempts Bladder calculus Postoperative cause septicemia He died at the age of 64 [6] . His last words still revolve around the humiliation of his surrender: "We are not here to fear the dead." [3]

Administrative measures


Political aspect

Napoleon III, 1863 [6]
In politics, Napoleon III established the people ballot The system of... He also expanded Legislative body The power. After 1860, Napoleon began to fight Opposition faction Concession. He allowed Parliament to debate and publish freely Minutes of meeting , relax Censorship system In 1869, he appointed Emile Ollivier, a liberal, as Prime Minister. Historians call this period the "Empire of Freedom." He wants to reinvigorate Parliament, to foster a political party, and to govern indirectly through this party. Both political formations saw it as an opportunity to extend their power. Napoleon embarked on large-scale projects and an ambitious foreign policy that quickly saddled the French government with huge debts. government Red ink Up to 10000000 franc Debts approaching one million million francs. Although Napoleon had real financial power, he was not able to handle financial affairs. He wants to restore business confidence, passing some of the responsibility to parliament. So Napoleon gave up Recess of parliament The right to borrow freely during the period, agreed budget It should be voted on item by item. However, he retained the power to amend the budget line by line so that the power of the purse would not be entirely in the hands of Members. The move angered many lawmakers. Various opposition groups formed a political coalition, including those dissatisfied with the Pope's policies Catholic , orthodoxy People, Orleanists, protectionists and parts republicanism Yes. The failure of his foreign policy further undermined Napoleon's position.

Economic aspect

Napoleon III
Napoleon III hoped that he would leave an image as an enlightened social engineer, and during his reign, French industry rapidly modernized. The industrialization of France during this period was very attractive to both merchants and laborers. Engineer in accordance with Baron Osman The plan, to transform Paris, to demolish slum To widen the roads and build multiple boulevards, avenue The buildings on both sides must be of the same height and similar style; well-laid sewer System, and across Paris Seine Build a lot of Bridges, Paris Gas lamp The main street is more popular at night Lighting facility Workers moved to the suburbs, selling labor in local factories, Paris from the original 12 arrondissements to 20 arrondissements, the government built on the east and west sides of Paris Forest park It also built a fashionable runway in the city for citizens to use for recreation and exercise. Saint-simonians were one of the main supporters of Napoleon, whom they called the "socialist Emperor." The Saint-Simonians set up a new style Savings institution It sold shares to the public and used the funds to invest in industries, enabling rapid economic development.
Napoleon III established two governments of France Central bank The "Land Credit Bank" and the "movable Credit Bank" were established in Paris and the provinces Land bank ; Vineyards and wheat farms were actively developed for farmers, and the number of peasant associations increased.
The period of the Second Empire was the first period in which France put "economic objectives clearly in the first place". Napoleonic promotion Free trade , reduce Loan interest , proceed infrastructure To ensure economic prosperity at home. Like Baron Haussmann and Duc de Persigny, he believed that the negative effects of the deficit would be outweighed by the subsequent benefits. Napoleon was committed to breaking Trade barrier This is rare in the history of France.
Napoleon III at the Paris Expo in 1867
These policies have created a favorable environment for industrial development. California and Australia the Gold rush Added European Money supply . The large number of people born during the Restoration who came of age boosted the early economy of the Second Empire. The money supply increased and prices rose steadily, attracting firms to make capital investments. The length of the national railway was extended from 3,000 km to 16,000 km in the 1850s, increasing the productivity of mines and factories. Fifty-five small railroads were merged into six large railroads. For sea transport, the new iron steamship It replaced the traditional wooden sailboat. Suez Canal Also there Ferdinand de Lesseib Under the auspices of the International Suez Canal Company, it was completed, beginning a new chapter in global shipping trade.

Social aspect

By support Public works To tackle unemployment and safeguard the livelihood of the elderly and the infirm
Napoleon paid special attention to wooing the working class, who also received vacation, accident, and old age benefits
Workers' organizations were given legal status
Napoleon III also emphasized the promotion of Catholicism
Strengthening the clergy towards French universities and Public school Control of
1867 Paris, France World Expo ( 1867 Paris Expo )

Colonial policy

Napoleon III is in Algeria
In the 1830s, Algeria They came under French rule. Napoleon was more sympathetic to the indigenous Algerians than previous heads of government. He stopped the tide of Europeans moving inland, confining their settlements to the coast. Napoleon freed the local rebel leader Abdullah Qadir And gave him an annual sum of 150,000 francs pension . He allowed Muslims to join the army on a theoretical equal footing, join government agencies, and immigrate to France. Muslims can even own citizenship But doing so is subject to French civil law, which does not recognize Sharia courts. Some angry Muslims interpreted his approach to mean that citizenship required renouncing faith.
Napoleon's most influential Algerian policy was change Land property right system . This practice is ostensibly well-intentioned, but in fact it undermines local traditions Land administration system Took away a lot of native land. He gave up state property rights to tribal lands in favor of the government breaking up tribal property rights into tribes within three generations Individual property rights . Most of them are classified as Public property All the land was occupied by immigrants, and the local French officials favored these immigrants, which undermined Napoleon's policies. Appointment of officials in France Tribal chief The most important thing is the degree of Francophilia, not the influence. Many tribal leaders sold tribal lands immediately after taking office.

Foreign policy

A coin bearing the portrait of Napoleon III
Napoleon in 1852 Bordeaux In his speech, he declared that "empire means peace", indicating that France would not attack other countries in order to expand its territory and dispel their suspicions. But he also said he was determined to pursue a tough foreign policy that would bring strength and honor to France. At the same time, he warned other powers that he would not tolerate them threatening France's neighbors. So was Napoleon." nationalism The promoters of the "Policy" hoped to help nationalists in other regions to merge small countries and create a unified state nation-state . But he did so without France's interests in mind. In this, he was influenced by his uncle. In the memoirs of St. Helena, Napoleon I spoke of the establishment of a united Italy, and European integration The wish. These factors led Napoleon III to adopt a highly risky diplomatic strategy. Still, there is a pragmatic element. [2]
Anglo-french relations
During the reign of Napoleon, the relationship between Britain and France was not close. From 1846 to 1865, Palmerston served as Foreign Secretary and then Prime Minister A surname Struggle to maintain European balance of power . As a result, Britain cooperated little with France. Britain Queen Victoria In 1855, he visited France and was greeted and entertained by Napoleon III.
Napoleon with Queen Victoria of England and Sultan Abdul Dajid I of the Ottoman Empire
In 1859, when Britain feared a French invasion, Lord Palmerston was absent American Civil War Among them was Napoleon, who took an aggressive stance. [1]
Crimean War
Napoleonic challenge Russia in Balkan Peninsula Which eventually led to war between the two countries. He fought with the British in the war. France's position in Europe improved after the war. Crimean War follow Napoleonic Wars Then came the first war between the great powers, marking the beginning of the breakdown of the alliance system that kept the peace after half a century. This war is over European coordination and Quad . At the Paris Peace Conference in 1856, France reached a diplomatic high point. As a result of the war, Napoleon and others supported nationalists across Europe to redraw the map of Europe.
Asia expansion
in East Asia Napoleon took the first step towards establishing a colony in Indochina. In 1858, he authorized Charles Rigor de Jean Ueli to lead a fleet on an expedition to the Great South. Vietnam The aim was to avenge the persecution of French missionaries and to force the local government to accept French influence. Napoleon believed that if France did not establish its influence in East Asia, it would eventually become a second-rate power. Moreover, the French are on a mission to spread civilization.
In 1861, French army All-out attack Annam . In 1862, at the end of the war, the Great South was forced to cede to France the three southern provinces, which the French called the region Cochin China . Great South opens three at the same time Treaty port French warships were given free access Cambodia Waters, give French missionaries freedom of movement, and compensate France Military expenditure . However, France did not intervene in the Vietnamese Christian uprising in Tokyo, allowing the local government to suppress the rebels, resulting in the murder of thousands of Christians, to the resentment of missionaries.
On the Chinese side, France is The Second Opium War Among them, he joined forces with Britain to march on Beijing. In 1860, after the French and British allied forces captured Beijing and occupied the Old Summer Palace, 3,500 French and British allied forces stormed the Old Summer Palace and set it on fire. The Old Summer Palace and the nearby Qingyi Garden, Jingming Garden, Jingyi Garden, Changchun Garden and Haidian Town were all burned into ruins. After the war, China was forced to make more concessions on trade rights, while allowing Western ships to enter Yangtse River He gave Christians equal status and surrendered them to Britain and France Huge indemnity . France's involvement in Vietnam provides a platform for France to exert influence on China. South China Eventually it became French Sphere of influence .
In 1866, Joseon dynasty The execution of French missionaries. French diplomats in China tried to punish North Korea by sending naval forces to intervene in the region without Paris' approval, but they failed, and as a result, France's influence in the region declined. In 1867, France went to The Tokugawa shogunate dispatch Military delegation To assist the shogunate in carrying out military reforms.
Relationship between law and meaning
When Napoleon was president, he sent an army on an expedition to overthrow Rome Roman Republic The restoration of papacy. This won him the support of Catholics. Congress, however, decided that his actions violated Chapter V of the Constitution and tried to impeach Napoleon. The Catholics supported his intervention in Italian affairs, but they did not support him personally, and they had always hoped that one day they would become orthodox House of Bourbon He can regain the throne, so they can weaken him Political status . Fortunately for Napoleon, the impeachment failed.
Napoleon, while satisfying the reactionary forces at home, supported the nationalist forces in Italy. He sent envoys with Giuseppe Mazzini To negotiate. "From the very beginning, the future emperor faces many difficulties; He did not want to offend the Catholics in France "but supported" the revolutionaries in Italy - two contradictory objectives." The real reason Napoleon supported the Italian nationalists was that he wanted to force Austria Surrender Lombardy and Venice. He disliked Austria, which he saw as reactionary, orthodox and an obstacle to European self-determination. Napoleon supported the Italian nationalists, satisfying both himself and liberals and leftists at home. But he's here again For a moment Within, support the Pope to maintain Old guard And the support of Catholics for themselves. So his Italian policy is riddled with contradictions.
In April 1859, Napoleon and Kingdom of Sardinia Prime Minister Count Gabour reached a secret agreement: France to get Savoy In exchange for Nice to help Sardinia drive out the Austrian forces The Apennine Peninsula To unify Italy. In the same year, he launched a war against Austria The Battle of Magenta and The Battle of Solferino The Austrians were defeated, and as a result, Austria was ceded to Sardinia The Lombardy region . It was at this point that Napoleon decided not to interfere in Italian affairs. It was too late to stop it Unification of Italy The pace of. His efforts to help Sardinia turned the Catholics in the country against him. Napoleon attempted to correct this mistake by stationing troops in Rome. This mistake was irreversible, and he no longer pursued a pro-Catholic policy, even appointing Victor Dolvet as Minister of Education in 1863 Educational system Secularization. French garrison The Franco-Prussian War broke out When, evacuate Rome.
American project
Napoleon III drew up a plan for the Americas, which had three main points, the first of which was recognition Confederate States of America And make an alliance with it. The second is intervention Latin America Affairs, established locally monarchy And increase trade with Latin America. The third is control Mexico Be established with Maximiliano the First Led by the Mexican Empire, as between Latin America and the Confederacy Buffer country .
Invasion of Mexico
Napoleon III, 1868.
The French military intervention in Mexico was initiated by Napoleon adventurism One example of foreign policy. He used Mexico's diplomatic debt as an excuse to intervene in Mexican affairs in an attempt to North America Establish a monarchy. The plan is supported by Mexican conservatives who oppose secularization. In order to Monroe doctrine The United States, for its purposes, was in the midst of a civil war, unable to care about foreign affairs. Napoleon hoped that the Confederacy would eventually win the civil war, and believed that the victorious Confederacy would accept the new Mexican government.
There are many obstacles to realizing this plan. On May 5, 1862, the French army was defeated at the Battle of Puebla by the outgunned Mexican army. It was the first defeat of the French army since the Battle of Waterloo. The world was shocked, and the Mexicans were encouraged to fight on. For the next five years, the Mexicans waged a guerrilla war.
In 1863, Napoleon, with the support of Mexican conservatives, set up a The House of Habsburg The members were brought to the throne by Maximiliano I. The republicans were forced by the French army to withdraw from the cities and continue their resistance in the countryside.
1865 The American Civil War ended with victory for the Union. United States government In addition to arming the rebels, the U.S. government sent warships to Mexican waters Blockade line In case the French garrison gets support. The continuing guerrilla warfare was taking a growing toll on the French army. The United States threatened France, demanding that France withdraw its troops or intervene militarily in Mexico. Napoleon withdrew his forces in 1866. The Republicans overthrew Maximiliano the following year and executed the emperor on 19 June of the same year. Prior to this, Napoleon had tried to persuade him to leave Mexico, but the latter refused. The military intervention failed and Maximiliano was killed, humiliating Napoleon and drawing criticism from all over Europe. However, the letters show that both Leopold and Napoleon had warned Maximiliano not to rely on European power. Queen Eugenie He was also criticized for meddling in the government.
Napoleon and Empress Eugenie meet with the Queen of Mexico at the Tuileries Belgium Charlotte de Belgique. Charlotte asked Napoleon for help, but was refused. She subsequently suffered from mental illness.
Franco-american relations
By the early 1860s, Napoleon III's plan had been largely realized and the army was defeated Waterloo (the battle of Waterloo) The shame has been removed, and France is once again Continental Europe A military power.
Napoleon in American Civil War Initial, support Confederate States of America . The Union warned him that if he recognized the Confederacy, the Union would declare war on him. Napoleon did not give in to this; on the contrary, he continued to slowly lean towards the Union, because the Union blockade of the Union had severely damaged the French Textile industry . In 1862, Napoleon met privately with Union diplomats, giving them hope. However, he did not dare to recognize the Union alone without the support of Britain. Union officials eventually realized that foreign intervention in the civil war was impossible. In 1863, the League expelled the British and French envoys for advising their nationals not to enlist.
Fabian relation
Napoleon III at the Battle of Serdang
For Napoleon, a more dangerous threat was imminent. France's position on the continent, Prussia's position Austro-prussian war After the victory over Austria, he began to falter. He joined when he was young charcoal-burner Having previously helped the Kingdom of Sardinia, he could not make an alliance with Austria in the war, and as a result, Prussia became the greatest threat to France. Before the war broke out, he tried to Otto von Bismarck The reason he promised to remain neutral was that he thought someone would mediate the war, or that Austria would win. Nor did Napoleon take the opportunity to ask Prussia to accept French territorial expansion. He only demanded that Prussia accept the annexation of Belgium and Belgium by France after the war Luxembourg . France gained nothing, but Prussia grew stronger. Some historians believe that Napoleon was in poor health and therefore unable to make decisions.
In 1867, Napoleon attempted to buy Luxembourg Correct a mistake Prussia then threatened France with force to abandon the plan. Luxembourg crisis (Crise luxembourgeoise) was eventually signed by France Treaty of London Traite de Londres, the renunciation of Luxembourg's sovereignty ends.

Historical evaluation

Napoleon III [6]
The main reason Napoleon III is famous is that he promoted Be proactive Foreign policy. He sought to remove the constraints of European coordination on France, rebuild French influence in Europe, and establish it in the world French colonial empire . Napoleon III was opposed to the state Congress of Vienna On the formulation of reactionary policies, support for nationalism, was a popular monarch. In the Near East, with Britain, he defeated Russia in the Crimean War, re-established French influence in the Levant, and earned France the title of protector of the Maronite Christians. At the same time, Napoleon III was deploying troops in Rome to guard against Italian annexation Papal states . He later defeated the Italian volunteers who had invaded the Papal states and this won him the support of the Catholics at home.
in The Far East In terms of Napoleon III in Indochina and New Caledonia Have established French colony . He fought again during the Second Opium War and Taiping Rebellion It has safeguarded France's interests in China. However, the campaign launched by Napoleon III against Korea, as well as the military delegation sent by him, was a failure. He did it in Mexico Military intervention It was also forced to end by Mexican resistance and U.S. diplomatic pressure.
In domestic affairs, Napoleon III tried to strike a balance between conservatives and liberals. But he has steadily pushed ahead with reforms. During the reign of Napoleon III, Economy of France Boom, the industry began to modernize. He ordered a major transformation of Paris Modern city Shape the outline.
Planned three times with Bismarck, step-by-step Dynastic war Napoleon III set fires everywhere in Europe and offended other powers everywhere, virtually helping to reduce the resistance of German unification; When Bismarck concentrated the power of the state on a certain state Strategic objective When Germany was unified, Napoleon III went around the world to consume France's national strength and sat idly by while Prussia occupied France eyelid The bottom from weak to strong and indifferent. The farther away from the French mainland, the more adventurous Napoleon III became, the closer he got to the French mainland, the more cautious he became.
While Napoleon III fought in Europe against Russia and Austria in the East, he also fought outside Europe, turning Vietnam into a Second Empire colony in Asia and invading Cambodia and Cambodia Siam He joined the British in the Second Opium War and invaded Syria ; in Africa Completed the total conquest of Algeria and invaded Senegal re-enter Egypt And dug the Suez Canal; There was the Mexican adventure in the Americas and the British intervention in the American Civil War.
Although Napoleon III's use of force without hesitation in many areas was not without gains, the problem was that France was not able to turn these gains into advantages on the European continent, and many of France's strategic adventures did not end up as marriage clothes for others (the Crimean War, the War against Austria, and the Second Opium War). It was a futile effort (Mexican adventure, intervention in the American Civil War), the last adventure Franco-prussian War Led to the fall of the Second Empire and Cede land and pay reparations . As General de Gaulle summed it up, "The victories achieved by France are always moments of glory, but the disasters suffered are. permanence "
Napoleon III, as a young man, joined the Italian Army. charcoal-burner He remembers the experience. As soon as he came to power, he declared that France and Italy were comrades in arms for a noble cause and took extraordinary actions to support the unification of Italy. Whether motivated by personal convictions, historical grievances or family sentiments, the move is a grave breach of France's geography Political interest This led to the emergence of a unified and powerful neighbor in France, which hindered France's traditional expansion route.
Although France and Italy were ethnically and culturally related, Napoleon III should have understood that his actions were purely romantic, and that Italy did not see much gratitude from Napoleon III and did nothing in return for France, just by looking at the long struggle between Austria and Prussia, which were born of the same roots. Bismarck pointed out that "an alliance must not be made for the sake of feelings, for the sacrifice we make will be regarded as a proper devotion to a noble cause."
Napoleon III went to war with Russia to break it Vienna system To end France's isolation and avenge the First Empire. But in fact France is The Black Sea Regional interests are almost negligible, and the Treaty of Paris forbids Russia from owning them Black Sea Fleet This was purely to serve Britain's strategic interests, and France, as a signatory to the treaty, bore a long-term, additional strategic burden. Britain pushed France to the front line against Russia and was unable to move diplomatically (Napoleon III's Anglophobia and vanity did not allow him to abandon the treaty), resulting in Russia's hostility to France and closeness to Prussia, which led to the inability of France and Russia to work together to oppose German unification.
In contrast, although Napoleon III had always pursued an anti-Austrian policy and attacked Austrian interests everywhere, Austria, as an old empire of conservatism and realism, was able to determine that the biggest threat to its country was Prussia, so it did not bother to retaliate against French diplomacy. Before the Franco-Prussian War, an alliance with France against Prussia was considered. In the end, the two countries did not form a formal alliance because the Austrians wanted to see an initial French victory followed by a successful meeting.
The Vienna system was the diplomatic framework of the conservative orthodox monarchy, opposed to both liberalism and nationalism French Revolution Unleashed subversive forces, and Napoleon III was riding the wave of both. Although he was a pioneer of The Times, Napoleon III knew that France's national strength and the balance of power among the great powers at that time were not enough to support another Napoleonic conquest on the European continent, and he also knew that he did not have the same political and military talent as Napoleon I. Thus he always pursued a method of diplomacy and military adventure of opportunism (always attached to Britain outside Europe) and grandstanding (stirring up public opinion at home), and ran away at the first difficulty he could not grasp (in Italy and Mexico).
Napoleon III, like his uncle, deeply regretted the unorthodox royal birth. Lacking the self-confidence and legitimacy inherent in hereditary royalty, he tended to cater to public opinion as the source of his legitimacy. Moreover, judging from the system of the Second Empire and the results of successive referendums, his rule was indeed based on public opinion, and he represented the style of modern politicians. But diplomacy and the military are national strategies and cannot be decided by popular support. From the final defeat of the Franco-Prussian War, Napoleon III really belongs to the kind of political figures who follow the trend but cannot control the trend, he has no higher thoughts, so he can only follow others' opinions, anger, sorrow and happiness are all manipulated by external forces.
Napoleon III and Baron Haussmann planned the construction of Paris
Before the Franco-Prussian War, Napoleon III, having lost all in the conventional diplomatic gambles, hoped to make it all back in a great military adventure, which was his greatest failure. In fact, France's advantage on the continent was diminished, but it was not irreparable, and it was not in such a critical moment of survival that it was not necessary to fight an unprepared and reckless war. Napoleon III had no politics at all before he started the war - his diplomatic efforts had all failed, and therefore no politics after he started the war - could not get through Diplomatic mediation An armistice, on the other hand, will eventually lead to victory or destruction. A good fighter is undefeated, and a good loser is not dead. He even has no chance to make a comeback and make a comeback. It can be said that he is depressed and defeated.
To sum up, Napoleon III, as a leader who came to power with a military coup, relied on military adventures, pandered to public opinion but could not control public opinion, and always lacked self-confidence, security and legitimacy, his risky policies in Europe and the world and his final failure in the issue of German reunification did have its historical inevitability. [2]
Although the history of the Second Empire begins on December 2, 1852, when Napoleon III was crowned, it still embodies the characteristics of the empire Political domination The pattern was gradually formed after the coup d 'etat of December 2, 1851, so that the Second Empire and the Second Republic were closely intertwined. What made the two periods even more difficult to separate was the fact that both the Republic and the Empire were ruled by the same person, whether he was called President Louis Napoleon Bonaparte or Emperor Napoleon III, and the style of rule was the same. If Napoleon III was famous for being "weird" before he became emperor, then it is difficult to say that this image has changed fundamentally after he became emperor, and people who have had contact with him still almost uniformly regard him as an incomprehensible and elusive "eccentric".
Queen Victoria's impression of Napoleon III was that he was "not at all like a Frenchman, and in a way that is impossible to compare." The French themselves were puzzled by the often silent emperor, earning Napoleon the nickname "Sphinx." Some of the less respectful French people have consistently painted some less respectful portraits of him: in addition to becoming fat and aging, Napoleon III as emperor is still a short man (167 cm), with short legs and broad shoulders, a fat face, a high nose, small eyes, and "a face of vulgarity." Some of his relatives are also outspoken in their opinion that Napoleon III shared with his mother Otance and grandmother Josephine the "pursuit of pleasure and love", "fickle and tender", while Napoleon III himself considered it a "small pastime". There were, of course, some who found something endearing about the emperor: he was ugly but lovable; He is kind, generous, sensitive, neither constrained by others, nor in the way of others, in short, is an amiable "good old man". Regardless of Napoleon III's personal image, one basic fact cannot be changed: he was the founder of the Second Empire, which lasted nearly 18 years, and under his rule, France experienced a rare period of relative stability (despite many curses from the past and future generations), and France's economy also took off in an unprecedented way. That is why the history of the Second Empire is so fascinating and evocative. [3]

Anecdotal allusion

Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie
Napoleon III, always a playboy, described his behavior this way: "It is usually the men who take the initiative. I, on the other hand, am generally on the defensive side, and often surrender." He had a lot of mistresses. Napoleon's social secretary often arranged trysts with the women he liked during his reign. His affairs distracted him from his state, damaged his relationship with his wife, and even damaged his image among other royal families in Europe. The women who were romantically linked to Napoleon III were: Mathilde Bonaparte, Maria Anna Schieß, Alexandrine Eleonore Vergeot, Elisa Rachel Felix Rachel Felix), Harriet Howard ( Harriet Howard, Marie-Anne Waleska and Justine Marie Le Boeuf. Eugenie On the advice of friends and relatives, Napoleon was restrained before marriage. Soon after he got married, he started having sex again. Napoleon III and Queen Eugenie He had one son, Louis Napoleon. Napoleon IV Due to Napoleon III's womanly nature, he also had many illegitimate children, including Napoleon III's illegitimate children: Eugene Bray (1843-1910), Alexander Bray (1845-1882), Charles Lebouvier (1864-1941), Arthur Hugenschmidt (1862-1929), Georges Fedu (1862-1921), Bunaventou Karl (1839) ~1921) and so on.
When Napoleon was in his 40s, he began to suffer from various ailments, including nephropathy , Bladder calculus , chronic bladder disease, prostatitis , arthritis , gout And obesity.
Napoleon III is said to be one smoking For large people, at least 50 cigarettes a day (not including cigars) should be smoked. Later, during the Third Republic, he was given the second nickname "Cigarette Man".

Posterity influence

The transformation of Paris is one of Napoleon III's important influences on later generations. Part of the plan was to ward off future rebels who would take advantage of the small, old streets of Paris and set up barricades to challenge the government, but that was not his main reason for transforming the city. He came up with this plan to modernize Paris. Napoleon hoped to improve the sanitation and quality of life in Paris by building a modern Sewage treatment system To improve health; Designing a new type of housing to accommodate more residents; Build parks throughout the city. He built three large parks in the city so that the grassroots would not have to go to pubs on Sundays. Napoleon demolished many buildings and replaced winding alleys with wide boulevards. This plan, presided over by Baron Haussmann, eventually turned Paris into a city of boulevards and green parks.
Prosper Merimee , Violet Le Duc With the support of Napoleon III, many of the famous ancient buildings destroyed during the Revolution were restored. These include: Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris , St. Michael's Hill , Carcassonne , Vezle convent .
The French of the Republican era will remember only Napoleon's dictatorship, not the scholars of today who remember him, Economy of France The rapid growth of... When he was in exile in England, there was a local Industrial revolution Impressed, so when he took office, he focused on developing the country's economy. Napoleon was the first ruler to put the economy first. [1]
Napoleon was passionate about changing the political map of the world and would take risks to achieve his goals. other-practiced Military adventurism Not only gave a fatal blow to European coordination, but also promoted the improvement of French military weapons. A revolutionary field gun designed by the French Army in 1853, nicknamed the Emperor's Gun. [2]
Napoleon III was not nearly as famous as his uncle. Victor Hugo He is portrayed as an unproductive mediocrity, the "Napoleon le Petit", in contrast to his uncle, the military and political genius "Napoleon le Grand". Hugo's comments on him made it impossible for people to assess his merits and faults fairly for a long time. Karl Marx In Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte, Napoleon III is also caricatered: "Hegel says somewhere that all the great events and figures of world history appear twice, so to speak. He forgot to add that the first time it came as a tragedy, the second time as an act farce Show up." Napoleon III is often seen as an autocratic but incompetent leader who embarked on military adventures abroad that ultimately brought disaster to France. [2]
Historians stress that he focused on grassroots people. Napoleon's book "The Eradication of Poverty" won him the support of the workers in the general election of 1848. During his time in office, he worked to improve the working environment at the grassroots level, and to do so, he violated the orthodoxy of laissez-faire and used state resources and influence to achieve his ends. In addition, Napoleon also granted workers in 1864, despite the opposition of big business Right to strike . [2]

Major work

Napoleon III had a lifelong love of writing, and dabbled in a variety of content. The decade before he became president and emperor was the most productive period of his writing career, and his works can be divided into three main categories. One is the military class in 1834, Louis Napoleon was more than 20 years old Switzerland A soldier wrote an Artillery Course; While imprisoned in Amherse, he wrote the first two volumes of A Study of the Past and Future of Artillery, which were later published in 1846 and 1851. The second is the political category: in 1839, he published a memorial and praise of his uncle Napoleon Bonaparte In a matter of months, the book was reprinted three times and translated into six languages; In 1841, Louis Napoleon wrote a book entitled Fragments of History: 1688 and 1830, in which he wrote about July dynasty Have been critical. There are two works of this kind, The Anatomy of the Sugar Problem (1842) and the Eradication of Poverty (1844), with which Louis Napoleon became a "distant relative" of socialism. In a letter to a friend in June 1842, Napoleon III made it clear that although he "felt powerless" to write those military works, "it was to gain some support from the army, and to prove that although I did not command, at least I had the knowledge needed to command." Write those Political discourse The book, "both expresses the political thought of our faction and proves that I am not just one. hussar The adventurer." In addition to this, Napoleon III also wrote a series of articles, including about electromagnetism Scientific articles, historical articles about the Stuart King of Scotland and discussions of the construction Nicaragua Canal The feasibility of academic articles, including "Political Meditations", "The Thoughts of Napoleon", "On the Eradication of Poverty" and so on. [2]
For a time, Napoleon III was too busy to write, but from 1860, he resumed his interest in academic research. In his youth he had tried and failed to study Charlemagne, but this time he settled on another giant of history, Julius Caesar, who was equally symbolically important. To accomplish this work, he set up a special support team to find information for him, polish the writing and proofread Final proof . In 1865 and 1866, the two-volume Life of Caesar was published and translated into many foreign languages, and then distributed to eminent scholars. Napoleon III used Julius Caesar as a metaphor for himself and his uncle in the book, and although the book is obviously a eulogize for Napoleon I in the name of Caesar, Western academics generally believe that the book "does not seem to be an inferior work" from an academic level. At the end of the Empire, Napoleon III also planned to write a serial story for a newspaper and had drawn up an outline for the novel, the theme of which was: a grocer went away in 1847 America There, all he heard were rumors about how bad France was; When he returned to France in 1868, he was astonished at what he found: tremendous material progress and beneficial reforms; From this, he concluded: France in the past 20 years is not standing still, France's progress is obvious to all. However, the emperor's "protest" novel against opposition criticism was never finished. In addition, Napoleon III had a certain interest in other fields, and while in Amu prison, he conducted a variety of physical and chemical experiments: before the Great Exhibition of 1867, Napoleon III himself made one Tenement house House model and received a medal from the 11-year-old Crown prince. [3]


After the death of Napoleon III, his body was buried in Chislehurst Cemetery in England, and his body was moved to England in 1887 Hampshire Farnborough is buried here. [5]