Battle of Greenwald

One of the battles of the Teutonic War
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synonymThe Battle of Tanenberg(Battle of Greenwald) generally refers to the Battle of Greenwald
The Battle of Greenwald, known in German documents as the Battle of Tannenberg and in Chinese as the Battle of Tannenberg, was the final battle of July 15, 1410, during the Teutonic War (1409-1411), in which a Polish-Lithuanian army annihilated the Teutonic Knights. The Polish-Lithuanian army, mostly infantry, and Czech and Hungarian volunteers of 39,000 under the command of Polish King Wladyslaw II Jagaivo, fought a decisive battle near Tanrenburg and Greenwald against the Teutonic Knights, mostly heavily armored cavalry, of about 27,000 men. The Teutonic knights lost all their best men in the battle, 8,000 knights were killed, 2,000 were captured, and most of their leaders, including Grand Master von Junkingen, were killed. The Teutonic Knights were devastated, and Poland gradually regained the lost territory and gained Gdansk isotown Baltic Sea Outlet to the sea. Polish authors Shenkmicro branch He wrote a novel based on the battle. Crusader knight ".
Given name
Battle of Greenwald
Occurrence time
July 15, 1410
Ground point
Near Tanrenborg and Greenwald
Bear fruit
The Polish-Lithuanian forces won
Combatant strength
The Polish-Lithuanian forces numbered 39,000
The Teutonic Knights numbered 27,000
Chief commander
Wladyslaw II · Jagiello; Von Junkingen
Battle of Tannenberg

Background of a campaign

Early Teutonic Knights
The Teutonic Knights are The three Orders of Knights ( Knights Hospitaller , the Knights Templar and The Teutonic Knights One of the most recently established, but one of the most influential. It was established in 1198 Palestine Coastal port city Ak Established, mainly by Germany The knights were composed of white coats, black anklets, and white cloaks with black swords and crosses.
These warriors, who fought the Holy war as monks, were highly sought-after professional war forces in the Middle Ages when professional armies were scarce. But as the Muslim world pushes back, the development of holy sites is shrinking. The Teutonic Knights also had to retreat to Europe after Acre was finally lost.
At the beginning of the 13th century, the General colonel Hermann von Salza Under its leadership, the regiment will center its activities from The Middle East Transfer to Eastern Europe . In 1226, at the request of Konrad, Duke of Mazovia, the Teutonic Knights went to Poland to attack the old enemy of Poland Prussian . Conrad made a treaty with the Teutonic Order: the Order was responsible for attacking Prussia, and Conrad signed to give the order a piece of territory between Torun and Heronno as a reward. Conrad's policy of inviting in the enemy and shortsighted caused great disasters to Poland in the future.
The Knights expanded their territory in East Prussia
In 1237, the Teutonic Knights, stationed on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea The Knights of the Sword After the merger, its power soared to become a powerful political force in Eastern Europe. Relations between the two sides have since deteriorated. The growing Polish kingdom sought to strengthen the central royal authority, while the Teutonic knights of Prussia wanted to establish their own state, rid themselves of and weaken the powerful Poland.
For the next 50 years, the Teutonic Knights were firmly in control of Prussia, thus creating a situation in which Polish territory was seized from both the east and the west, directly threatening Polish national security.
The late 14th and early 15th centuries were the heyday of the Teutonic Order. Not content with the invasion of Poland, he also extended his aggressive hand to Lithuania, stretching from the Baltic Sea to The Black Sea The area of... In 1346, the Teutonic Knights returned Danes Have in one's hands Estonia . Besides, the Teutonic Knights are in the south Italy , Greece , Spain , France They had their own dependencies, the largest of which was in Germany. The Teutonic dependencies in northeastern Europe blocked Poland, Lithuania, and Russia's access to the Baltic Sea, creating enemies that eventually left the Order relatively isolated diplomatically.
Knights (orange) Poland (yellow) Lithuania (brown) Romance of The Three Kingdoms
In the end, the Knights' pressure forced the primordial Lithuanians to marry the Catholic Polish royal family, forming a confederation between the two kingdoms. The Knights, who knew something was going wrong, tried to block it several times, but failed to separate Poland from the Lithuanian Commonwealth.
The forces of the Polish, Russian and Lithuanian nations then united to fight against their common enemy, the Teutonic Knights.
The united Poland and Lithuania had a considerable power advantage over the Teutonic Order, and the only hope for the Teutonic Order was a moderately superior army. To this end, the Grand Commander Jengen gathered most of the fighting forces in the territory, and hired troops from all over Europe to seek support from Allies. Poland and Lithuania are also competing to prepare separately, a decisive battle is about to start.
On 3 July, the Polish-Russophoric forces, led by Polish King Vladyslaw II Jagaiwal, marched from the Cherwinsk region to Marimburg (Marburg), where they encountered the main force of the Teutonic Order under Commander Ulrich von Junkingen through the Greenwald region. The Teutonic Order (27,000) was composed of knights and mercenaries from Germany and France. Swiss , British Etc.) Troop composition, the total strength of 51 flags. The Allied forces (32,000 troops, another 39,000) consisted of Polish, Lithuanian, Russian (among others Ukraine and Belarus ), Wallachia , Czech Republic - Moravia , Hungary and Tartar The troops were organized into 91 barracuda knights.
A Teutonic knight from the 15th century
In addition to the knight strength of the Order and the infantry attached to it, the army of the Order under Grand Master Jongjingen included many infantry forces recruited from Western Europe. Among them are the English longbow archer who has played a famous role in the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, and the Swiss phalanx infantry who have emerged in the struggle with many European countries. They both won great victories against the power of the knights. The Order was also equipped with the relatively new artillery of the time, which although mainly used for siege operations, could also provide fire support in the field.
The Teutonic Knights specially recruited the English longbowmen as their best infantry
Of course, a total of about 6,000 knights and heavy cavalry were the real backbone of this army. They were formed in groups of 120 people, forming a unique medieval cavalry formation - the flag, as their basic tactical organization. The group arranged the knights in three parts, front and back, and two lines. The first line of the right wing has 20 flags, the left wing 15 flags, and the second line of reserves 16 flags. Many infantry support forces, including the Swiss and the English, were placed in the front between the knights, and the artillery came forward.
The rigorous training of the Teutonic knights
On the opposite side of the Order, the Polish-Lithuanian army was very large. Jeska, the later famous leader of the Husi rebellion, joined the allied forces with some Bohemian infantry. He was accompanied by infantry from Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Wallachia, and Moravia. They were not as well equipped or armed as the Knights' mercenaries, and were not as well known as their opponents. Mostly crossbowmen, they drew up to 20 men in depth to meet the charge of the Teutonic knights.
Later Husi war general Jeska also participated in the battle as a mercenary
However, it was the Polish Knights of the 42nd Flag on the left wing and in reserve that were the real Allies against the Teutonic knights. Their equipment and tactics are almost identical to those of their Western counterparts. Seven flags of Russian noble cavalry and two flags of Bohemian knights also assisted them on this side.
The Lithuanian troops were organized in front and back lines, mainly on the right flank, with 40 flags of Lithuanian and Russian noble cavalry. However, they were not the chivalrous forces of Western European feudalism, but were similar in social status to knights. On their periphery, there are many more The Golden Horde The Tatar archers under his command came to help. These highly mobile steppe cavalry have always been regarded by many modern Internet enthusiasts as the bane of heavy knights.
The Polish army at the end of the 14th century was essentially a replica of the knightly armies of Western Europe

Course of a campaign

A Teutonic knight who charged during the battle
On 14 July, the allied forces assembled in the forest on the shores of Lake Luben and began to take up battle formation as soon as they spotted the enemy. The Allied battle formation consisted of three lines on a 2 km front. Vittoft, Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas Leading the Lithuania-Russia team of 40 barracuda knights on the right flank, Royal Marshal Zbigniev led the Polish team of 42 barracuda Knights, the Russian team of 7 barracuda Knights and the Czech team of 2 Barracuda Knights on the left flank. The right wing was accompanied by Tatar cavalry. On the right and rear of the allied position were marshlands and the Marsha River (present-day Maranze River), and on the left were forests, which were not easily accessible. The Crusader knights were arranged in two lines on the 2.5 km front, with Lichtenstein's 20 flags on the right; The left wing commanded 15 flags for Wallenrod; 16 flags for the reserves (second line). The Teutonic Knights were positioned on high ground, commanding a commanding position and forcing the enemy to attack uphill. Artillerists and crossbowmen from both sides took up firing positions in front of the formation.
Battle of Greenwald
The Battle of Greenwald was from the Knights mortar The salvo began, but the Order's artillery did not cause significant damage to the allied forces. The firearms of this era were not sufficient to play an important role in the complex field environment. Not only did they fail to kill their opponents in time, but a light rain did not give the gunners enough time to continue adjusting their sights.
By the beginning of the 15th century artillery had become a necessary weapon in armies
The Lithuanian cavalry who launched the attack
The Lithuanian army, overwhelmed by the gunfire, attacked from the right flank. These horsemen, trained in non-Western European knightly orthodoxy, had long been entangled with the nomadic forces of the East, and were close in tactical style. In addition to the noble cavalry charge, the agile Tartar archers also attempted to maintain support on the flank. However, they were met with severe counterattacks from the knights of the Order, and the first line of attacks quickly retreated, and the outlying Tatar cavalry was repelled by the supporting fire of the Knights' infantry. Unwilling Lithuanians and Russians launched a second line of attack, which was also routed. Their defeat also drew the left wing of the Order into a pursuit, and the infantry responsible for the cover withdrew, unable to withstand the fierce charge of the knights. Duke Semyon Lingervin Oligeldovich led Russia Smolensk Three barracuda knights saved the day. They did not leave the field, but bravely resisted and pinned down some of Wallenrod's forces.
The Teutonic knights did not pursue the battle, but adjusted and began to attack the left wing and reserves of the Poles.
At this time, the Polish horsemen launched a fierce assault on the Crusader right flank, breaking through the front of Lichtenstein's army. Warriors trained under the proper knighthood are more skilled in combat. They fought hard with the Teutonic knights in front of them, and nailed the main force of the Teutonic side.
The smooth attack of the Polish army, the bravery of the Russian soldiers, and their resourcefulness in fighting the knights of Wallenrod, helped the Lithuanian knights to stop the pursuit of the enemy, and then to attack.
It was the persistence of the Polish knights that led to the Allied victory
At the same time, the Poles sent their reserve knights to the right flank against the order's left flank, which had already outflanked them. At this time, seeing the opportunity, General Rongjingen sent the knights of the 16 flags of his reserve corps to directly insert the gap between the positions of the Polish and Lithuanian armies, hoping to defeat the Polish reserve forces. Kings of Poland Wladyslaw II Both in reserve with the royal flag, the Polish knights stormed after the capture of their own royal flag, quickly retaking this vital symbol. In this way, the true core knights of the two armies fought each other for more than an hour. The desperate resistance of the Polish knights attracted the attention of all on the Teutonic side.
The Lithuanians, who had been driven out of the field, finally overcame their previous panic and reorganized. When they returned to the battlefield, they were right behind the Polish left wing and reserve forces. The Teutonic knights, who had previously been in a favorable double-team position, were now flanked by Polish knights and Lithuanian cavalry. With the death of Grand Master Jung Kingen, the Order began to retreat. Some knights, after escaping back to the camp, built a makeshift wagons with baggage to continue the resistance. All was to no avail, however; their main strength had been severely damaged in the battle, and most of the remaining infantry had been captured by the Poles.
The painting master of the Battle of Greenwald fell in glory

Result of a campaign

Polish knight
The military style of the western Russian regions was closer to that of the European mainstream
In this battle, the allied forces fought for the independence of the peoples. It was a brilliant victory, stopping the Teutonic Knights from invading the east. The Battle of Greenwald exposed many shortcomings of the Knights: poor mobility, conformism, and low morale. The allied infantry showed the ability to fight smoothly against heavy cavalry. The Allied victory at the Battle of Greenwald was Slavs A symbol of fighting and solidarity with the peoples of the Baltic Sea. The Battle of Greenwald gave impetus to the Czech liberation movement Husse movement See also Hustic Wars ). In 1960 a memorial was erected on the site of the Battle of Greenwald. And so was the Battle of Greenwald Middle Ages The largest number of knights in the war.
Thereafter, the Teutonic Order turned to decline. In 1454, fighting resumed between Poland and the Teutonic Knights. In 1462, at the decisive Battle of Puck, the Teutonic Knights were again defeated and the Grand master was captured. In 1466, after their third defeat at the hands of Poland, the Order was forced to sign the Peace of Torun with Poland, East Prussia Although still under the rule of the Knights, it was legally attached to the Kingdom of Poland. The Teutonic Order became a vassal of the Kingdom of Poland, and half of its members were already Polish. In 1525, Albrecht, Grand Master of the Order, made East Prussia secular Duchy of Prussia The Order lost its former prominence, but it remained until 1809, when it was dissolved. It was later restored in 1834, but since then the Teutonic Order has been completely different from the original sense of the powerful Teutonic Order state.