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Take new steps Show new ground

May 25, 2024 Take new steps Show new ground ——习近平总书记在山东考察时的重要讲话激励广大干部群众抓改革促发展 习近平总书记近日在山东考察时发表重要讲话,强调以进一步全面...

The beginning of the old new step to perform the exhibitionAct as_ China National Net

January 25th, 2024 全面贯彻党的二十大精神,深入贯彻习近平总书记考察云南重要讲话和重要指示批示精神,坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,践行全过程人民民主,立足“四个机关”定位,认真...

Show new ground Take new steps

Take up the "upstream responsibility", Chongqing plans a domain from the whole situation, serves the whole situation with a domain,Show new ground,Take new steps. Play a supporting role in building a new land-sea channel cooperation mechanism in the west, 12 provinces in the west joined Chongqing Guoyuan Port to open a full load of new land-sea channel train,70 container...

Take new stepsMake new progressReveal newWeather _ China National Net

March 5, 2022 Take new stepsMake new progressReveal newRepresentative Wang Dongfeng (Secretary of Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress) leads high-quality development with new development concepts Representative Wang Dongfeng (Secretary of Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress) New ideas guide new practices, new journey...

Promote the practice of Chinese modernization in ShanxiTake new stepsNew achievements - Shanxi Province...

December 28, 2023 It is necessary to earnestly strengthen the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of firmly defending the "two establishment" and resolutely achieving the "two maintenance", and implement the implementation in accordance with the deployment requirements of the meeting and in light of the actual conditions of the region and the departmentAct asGreat political responsibility...

Achieve new promotionShow new groundNew Achievements -- Hunan Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee 20...

Over the past year, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress adhered to the leadership of the Party, took the people as the center, and achieved new promotion,Show new groundAchieve new results, and contribute to the realization of the "three highs and four new" blueprint and the promotion of high-quality development. Learning to think...

Strive to break new groundShow new actions and take new stepsShow the new responsibility to gather strength...

习近平总书记系统阐述了广西在全国发展大局中的“四个突出特点”,提出新发展阶段广西“闯出新路子、Show new ground,Take new stepsThe "four new" general requirements of "demonstrating new responsibility" emphasize that Guangxi should promote...

Take new stepsMake new progressReveal newatmosphere

March 7, 2022 围绕“建设一个什么样的首都,怎样建设首都”这一重大时代课题,北京深入贯彻落实习近平总书记对北京一系列重要讲话精神,深刻领会“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强...

We will bravely undertake a new mission on the new journey of Chinese modernizationShow new ground

April 27, 2024 We will bravely undertake a new mission on the new journey of Chinese modernizationShow new ground 4月22日至24日,习近平总书记在重庆考察,深入物流园区、城市社区、数字化城市运行和治理中心等进行调研,发表重要...

Brave the wind and waves to forge ahead on a new journeyShow new ground-- Government Work Report...

December 25th, 2023 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key year for the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and the beginning year for the integration of Huaihua International Dry Port into the construction of the "double channel". Huaihua will continue to ride the wind and waves, move forward bravely, and integrate into the "double channel".