Tibetan New Year

Tibetan traditional festival
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Traditional folk activities popular in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, one of the national intangible cultural heritage. [1]
The Tibetan Calendar Year is a traditional festival of the Tibetan people, which is roughly the same as the Chinese Lunar New Year. The Tibetan calendar year is calculated according to the Tibetan calendar. It begins on the first day of the first month of the Tibetan calendar and ends on the 15th, lasting 15 days. Because the whole people believe in Buddhism, the festival is filled with a strong religious atmosphere, is a national festival to entertain god and entertain people, celebrate and pray. [1]
On May 23, 2011, Lhasa City of Tibet Autonomous Region declared the Tibetan Calendar State Council, People's Republic of China Approval for inclusion The third batch of national intangible cultural heritage list , Heritage number: X-131. [2]
The Tibetan New Year holiday will be closed from February 10 to February 17, 2024. February 4 (Sunday), February 18 (Sunday) work. Encourage all units to implement the system of paid annual leave and arrange employees to rest on New Year's Eve (February 9). [9]
Chinese name
Tibetan New Year
Festival time
1st to 15th of the first month of the Tibetan calendar
Festival type
Traditional festival
Endemic area
Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region
Festival origin
Festival activity
Make Kasai, Saya, etc
Holiday food
Kasai, Gutu, etc
Festival meaning
Pray for good harvests in the coming year
Heritage number

Historical origin

According to legend, around BC, there appeared in Tibet, according to the moon and the rotation of the stars to calculate the four seasons of the "Pema" old woman calendar. Whenever the spring is warm, people will gather in Yalong Yasang to celebrate the New Year "Asan Festival", according to the records of the Tibetan king at that time, Budd Gongjia would also go to the nearby sacred mountain. This activity gradually formed a regular celebration and became the beginning of the Tibetan calendar. In the 13th century, during the reign of the Sakya dynasty, the first day of January was set as the beginning of the New Year, meaning the King's New Year, and since then the Tibetan calendar Year has officially become an important traditional festival in Tibet and continues to this day. [3]

Folk activity

Preparations for the New Year usually begin in early December of the previous year. In addition to the purchase of food, drink and play in the New Year, every household has to make a named "chelma" grain bucket, that is, in the painted colored pattern of the wooden box around the fried wheat grains and ghee mixed into zanba, above the barley ear and ghee plastic flowers. Also soak a bowl of highland barley seeds with water, so that it grows an inch or two of green seedlings in the New Year season. "Chima" and wheat seedlings are enshrined in the middle of the God's case, praying for a good harvest in the coming year.
Near the festival, the men are busy cleaning the courtyard, and the women are elaborately making" Casai A kind of pasta fried into ghee, divided into ear shape, butterfly shape, strip, square, round and other shapes, coated with paint, wrapped in sugar. It is not only a work of art to decorate the divine case, but also a meal to entertain guests. The variety and color of "Kasai" often become a symbol of the diligence, wisdom and enthusiasm of the hostess, which is particularly eye-catching in the festival.
On the 29th of the last month of the old year, people clean the kitchen, hang new curtains on the doors and Windows, and put new card pads in the house. They also sprinkle a lot of white powder dots with dry flour on the middle wall of the clean kitchen or on the beam of the house, which is called "Asia color", and draw the pattern of "Eight treasures and auspice". In the evening, each family wants to eat dough bumps "ancient process". In the evening, the "Gu Duo Jia" ceremony is held. On the 30th, he placed sweets and other food in front of the Buddhist niche in the main room as offerings. A swastika and other designs were also painted on the outside of the gate, and an offering such as a Kasai was also made in front of the stove to worship the kitchen god. On the first morning of the first day, after the chicken called the first time, the housewives got up and went to the nearby water source to back the first bucket of clean water. Each family sends people to the top of the mountain to simmer the trees. At the same time, mulberry smoke rose from the mulberry furnaces of each house. After the housewives returned home, they gave the cooked "Guan Dian" to the whole family who were sleeping, and they ate "wisdom soil" together after getting up. After that, the whole family put on their festive costumes and went to the "bamboo Suchema" to celebrate the New Year together.
Early on the first day of the New Year, "Zhega" will go from door to door to congratulate the New Year. In the morning, everyone took Hada and so on, went to the nearby temple to worship the Buddha, and went to the lama and guru who had a close relationship with their family to visit the New Year. When the sun comes out, two people in each family take highland barley wine and "bamboo suche ma" to each village to pay New Year greetings to each other. When they go home, the whole family gets together for lunch, drinking, singing and dancing. In the second day, I began to go out to visit or treat each other; On the third day, each family will hold a "untying" activity to renew prayer flags, and simmer trees on the nearby mountaintop; The fourth to 15th day of the Tibetan New Year is generally the entertainment time; On the afternoon of the 15th, there is a special kind of pot village, that is, "Tashi Jie", indicating the end of the New Year. In the afternoon, families unload their New Year offerings and get ready for their busy work. [1]

Cultural characteristics

Tibetan calendar festival varies from place to place, Lhasa Tibetan calendar year from the last month of the middle of the old year, people began to prepare for the New Year to eat, wear, play, use things. The Tibetan calendar year is a festival created by the Tibetan people in the process of labor and production, and is the best time of the year for family and friends to get together. It is the idle farming period at the turn of winter and spring, which reflects the joy of the autumn harvest and the confidence of the spring ploughing, and also expresses the pursuit and yearning of the hardworking and brave Tibetan people for the New Year and the New Year. Its content and form are full of strong ethnic and religious colors, and it is a microcosm of the whole Tibetan culture and customs. [4]

Inheritance and protection

Inheritance status
In recent years, with Traffic condition The change of, Xizang Is no longer far away from the horizon city, new things along Means of transportation Poured into the land. Tibetans in the celebration of the Tibetan New Year, began to incorporate more new things into the festival celebrations, for example, many Tibetans in the New Year began to stick couplets and eat dumplings, at the same time, the habit of New Year has changed, many people will use the telephone, the Internet and other ways to visit the New Year, some Tibetans also go out to travel to the mainland Chinese New Year. [3]
Protective measure
In November 2019, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Projects under Protection was published. Lhasa City Mass Art Museum Obtained the qualification of "Tibetan Calendar Year" protection unit. [5]
In February 2022, it was included in the list of "Provincial intangible Cultural heritage representative project protection units" in Sichuan. [7]
On October 31, 2023, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project protection Units was announced, and the Lhasa Mass Art Museum, the project protection unit of the Tibetan Calendar Year, passed the assessment. [8]

Social influence

Main activity
On February 27, 2017, in the high school affiliated to Shanxi University, all the Tibetan class students and Han teachers and students celebrated the arrival of the Tibetan New Year with a snow style song and dance. [6]